blob: ddf543583590441020a02b046dfd695bee2249bd [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-silgen -module-name accessors -Xllvm -sil-full-demangle -enable-sil-ownership %s | %FileCheck %s
// Hold a reference to do to magically become non-POD.
class Reference {}
// A struct with a non-mutating getter and a mutating setter.
struct OrdinarySub {
var ptr = Reference()
subscript(value: Int) -> Int {
get { return value }
set {}
class A { var array = OrdinarySub() }
func index0() -> Int { return 0 }
func index1() -> Int { return 1 }
func someValidPointer<T>() -> UnsafePointer<T> { fatalError() }
func someValidPointer<T>() -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T> { fatalError() }
// Verify that there is no unnecessary extra copy_value of ref.array.
// rdar://19002913
func test0(_ ref: A) {
ref.array[index0()] = ref.array[index1()]
// CHECK: sil hidden @$s9accessors5test0yyAA1ACF : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed A) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : @guaranteed $A):
// CHECK-NEXT: debug_value
// Formal evaluation of LHS.
// CHECK-NEXT: // function_ref accessors.index0() -> Swift.Int
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T0:%.*]] = function_ref @$s9accessors6index0SiyF
// CHECK-NEXT: [[INDEX0:%.*]] = apply [[T0]]()
// Formal evaluation of RHS.
// CHECK-NEXT: // function_ref accessors.index1() -> Swift.Int
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T0:%.*]] = function_ref @$s9accessors6index1SiyF
// CHECK-NEXT: [[INDEX1:%.*]] = apply [[T0]]()
// Formal access to RHS.
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T0:%.*]] = class_method [[ARG]] : $A, #A.array!getter.1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[OWNED_SELF:%.*]] = apply [[T0]]([[ARG]])
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELF:%.*]] = begin_borrow [[OWNED_SELF]]
// CHECK-NEXT: // function_ref accessors.OrdinarySub.subscript.getter : (Swift.Int) -> Swift.Int
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T1:%.*]] = function_ref @$s9accessors11OrdinarySubVyS2icig
// CHECK-NEXT: [[VALUE:%.*]] = apply [[T1]]([[INDEX1]], [[SELF]])
// CHECK-NEXT: end_borrow [[SELF]]
// Formal access to LHS.
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T0:%.*]] = class_method [[ARG]] : $A, #A.array!modify.1
// CHECK-NEXT: ([[T1:%.*]], [[T2:%.*]]) = begin_apply [[T0]]([[ARG]])
// CHECK-NEXT: // function_ref accessors.OrdinarySub.subscript.setter : (Swift.Int) -> Swift.Int
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SETTER:%.*]] = function_ref @$s9accessors11OrdinarySubVyS2icis
// CHECK-NEXT: apply [[SETTER]]([[VALUE]], [[INDEX0]], [[T1]])
// CHECK-NEXT: end_apply [[T2]]
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_value [[OWNED_SELF]]
// CHECK-NEXT: tuple ()
// CHECK-NEXT: return
// A struct with a mutating getter and a mutating setter.
struct MutatingSub {
var ptr = Reference()
subscript(value: Int) -> Int {
mutating get { return value }
set {}
class B { var array = MutatingSub() }
func test1(_ ref: B) {
ref.array[index0()] = ref.array[index1()]
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$s9accessors5test1yyAA1BCF : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed B) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : @guaranteed $B):
// CHECK-NEXT: debug_value
// Formal evaluation of LHS.
// CHECK-NEXT: // function_ref accessors.index0() -> Swift.Int
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T0:%.*]] = function_ref @$s9accessors6index0SiyF
// CHECK-NEXT: [[INDEX0:%.*]] = apply [[T0]]()
// Formal evaluation of RHS.
// CHECK-NEXT: // function_ref accessors.index1() -> Swift.Int
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T0:%.*]] = function_ref @$s9accessors6index1SiyF
// CHECK-NEXT: [[INDEX1:%.*]] = apply [[T0]]()
// Formal access to RHS.
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T0:%.*]] = class_method [[ARG]] : $B, #B.array!modify.1
// CHECK-NEXT: ([[T1:%.*]], [[TOKEN:%.*]]) = begin_apply [[T0]]([[ARG]])
// CHECK-NEXT: // function_ref accessors.MutatingSub.subscript.getter : (Swift.Int) -> Swift.Int
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T0:%.*]] = function_ref @$s9accessors11MutatingSubVyS2icig : $@convention(method) (Int, @inout MutatingSub) -> Int
// CHECK-NEXT: [[VALUE:%.*]] = apply [[T0]]([[INDEX1]], [[T1]])
// CHECK-NEXT: end_apply [[TOKEN]]
// Formal access to LHS.
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T0:%.*]] = class_method [[ARG]] : $B, #B.array!modify.1
// CHECK-NEXT: ([[T1:%.*]], [[TOKEN:%.*]]) = begin_apply [[T0]]([[ARG]])
// CHECK-NEXT: // function_ref accessors.MutatingSub.subscript.setter : (Swift.Int) -> Swift.Int
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SETTER:%.*]] = function_ref @$s9accessors11MutatingSubVyS2icis : $@convention(method) (Int, Int, @inout MutatingSub) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: apply [[SETTER]]([[VALUE]], [[INDEX0]], [[T1]])
// CHECK-NEXT: end_apply [[TOKEN]]
// CHECK-NEXT: tuple ()
// CHECK-NEXT: return
struct RecInner {
subscript(i: Int) -> Int {
get { return i }
struct RecOuter {
var inner : RecInner {
unsafeAddress { return someValidPointer() }
unsafeMutableAddress { return someValidPointer() }
func test_rec(_ outer: inout RecOuter) -> Int {
return outer.inner[0]
// This uses the immutable addressor.
// CHECK: sil hidden @$s9accessors8test_recySiAA8RecOuterVzF : $@convention(thin) (@inout RecOuter) -> Int {
// CHECK: function_ref @$s9accessors8RecOuterV5innerAA0B5InnerVvlu : $@convention(method) (RecOuter) -> UnsafePointer<RecInner>
struct Rec2Inner {
subscript(i: Int) -> Int {
mutating get { return i }
struct Rec2Outer {
var inner : Rec2Inner {
unsafeAddress { return someValidPointer() }
unsafeMutableAddress { return someValidPointer() }
func test_rec2(_ outer: inout Rec2Outer) -> Int {
return outer.inner[0]
// This uses the mutable addressor.
// CHECK: sil hidden @$s9accessors9test_rec2ySiAA9Rec2OuterVzF : $@convention(thin) (@inout Rec2Outer) -> Int {
// CHECK: function_ref @$s9accessors9Rec2OuterV5innerAA0B5InnerVvau : $@convention(method) (@inout Rec2Outer) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Rec2Inner>
struct Foo {
private subscript(privateSubscript x: Void) -> Void {
// CHECK-DAG: sil private @$s9accessors3FooV16privateSubscriptyyt_tc33_D7F31B09EE737C687DC580B2014D759CLlig : $@convention(method) (Foo) -> () {
get {}
private(set) subscript(withPrivateSet x: Void) -> Void {
// CHECK-DAG: sil hidden @$s9accessors3FooV14withPrivateSetyyt_tcig : $@convention(method) (Foo) -> () {
get {}
// CHECK-DAG: sil hidden @$s9accessors3FooV14withPrivateSetyyt_tcis : $@convention(method) (@inout Foo) -> () {
set {}
subscript(withNestedClass x: Void) -> Void {
// Check for initializer of NestedClass
// CHECK-DAG: sil private @$s9accessors3FooV15withNestedClassyyt_tcig0dE0L_CAFycfc : $@convention(method) (@owned NestedClass) -> @owned NestedClass {
class NestedClass {}
// CHECK-DAG: sil private @$s9accessors3FooV15privateVariable33_D7F31B09EE737C687DC580B2014D759CLLytvg : $@convention(method) (Foo) -> () {
private var privateVariable: Void {
private(set) var variableWithPrivateSet: Void {
// CHECK-DAG: sil hidden @$s9accessors3FooV22variableWithPrivateSetytvg : $@convention(method) (Foo) -> () {
get {}
// CHECK-DAG: sil hidden @$s9accessors3FooV22variableWithPrivateSetytvs : $@convention(method) (@inout Foo) -> () {
set {}
var propertyWithNestedClass: Void {
// Check for initializer of NestedClass
// CHECK-DAG: sil private @$s9accessors3FooV23propertyWithNestedClassytvg0eF0L_CAFycfc : $@convention(method) (@owned NestedClass) -> @owned NestedClass {
class NestedClass {}