blob: 7b253baa48464835f2fab410a5d9d6e97eb91a98 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Mirror.swift -----------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// RUN: rm -rf %t
// RUN: mkdir -p %t
// RUN: if [ %target-runtime == "objc" ]; \
// RUN: then \
// RUN: %target-clang %S/Inputs/Mirror/ -c -o %t/ -g && \
// RUN: %target-build-swift %s -I %S/Inputs/Mirror/ -Xlinker %t/ -o %t/Mirror; \
// RUN: else \
// RUN: %target-build-swift %s -o %t/Mirror; \
// RUN: fi
// RUN: %target-run %t/Mirror
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
var mirrors = TestSuite("Mirrors")
extension Mirror {
public var testDescription: String {
let nil_ = "nil"
return "[" +
.map { "\($0.0 ?? nil_): \(String(reflecting: $0.1))" }
.joined(separator: ", ")
+ "]"
mirrors.test("RandomAccessStructure") {
struct Eggs : CustomReflectable {
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(self, unlabeledChildren: ["aay", "bee", "cee"])
let x = Eggs().customMirror
expectEqual("[nil: \"aay\", nil: \"bee\", nil: \"cee\"]", x.testDescription)
let letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz "
func find(_ substring: String, within domain: String) -> String.Index? {
let domainCount = domain.characters.count
let substringCount = substring.characters.count
if (domainCount < substringCount) { return nil }
var sliceStart = domain.startIndex
var sliceEnd = domain.index(sliceStart, offsetBy: substringCount)
var i = 0
while true {
if domain[sliceStart..<sliceEnd] == substring {
return sliceStart
if i == domainCount - substringCount { break }
sliceStart = domain.index(after: sliceStart)
sliceEnd = domain.index(after: sliceEnd)
i += 1
return nil
mirrors.test("ForwardStructure") {
struct DoubleYou : CustomReflectable {
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(
unlabeledChildren: Set(letters.characters),
displayStyle: .`set`)
let w = DoubleYou().customMirror
expectEqual(.`set`, w.displayStyle)
expectEqual(letters.characters.count, numericCast(w.children.count))
// Because we don't control the order of a Set, we need to do a
// fancy dance in order to validate the result.
let description = w.testDescription
for c in letters.characters {
let expected = "nil: \"\(c)\""
expectNotNil(find(expected, within: description))
mirrors.test("BidirectionalStructure") {
struct Why : CustomReflectable {
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(
unlabeledChildren: letters.characters,
displayStyle: .collection)
// Test that the basics seem to work
let y = Why().customMirror
expectEqual(.`collection`, y.displayStyle)
let description = y.testDescription
"[nil: \"a\", nil: \"b\", nil: \"c\", nil: \"",
description[description.startIndex..<description.characters.index(of: "d")!])
mirrors.test("LabeledStructure") {
struct Zee : CustomReflectable, CustomStringConvertible {
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(self, children: ["bark": 1, "bite": 0])
var description: String { return "Zee" }
let z = Zee().customMirror
expectEqual("[bark: 1, bite: 0]", z.testDescription)
struct Zee2 : CustomReflectable {
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(
self, children: ["bark": 1, "bite": 0], displayStyle: .dictionary)
let z2 = Zee2().customMirror
expectEqual(.dictionary, z2.displayStyle)
expectEqual("[bark: 1, bite: 0]", z2.testDescription)
struct Heterogeny : CustomReflectable {
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(
self, children: ["bark": 1, "bite": Zee()])
let h = Heterogeny().customMirror
expectEqual("[bark: 1, bite: Zee]", h.testDescription)
mirrors.test("Legacy") {
let m = Mirror(reflecting: [1, 2, 3])
expectTrue(m.subjectType == [Int].self)
let x0: [Mirror.Child] = [
(label: nil, value: 1),
(label: nil, value: 2),
(label: nil, value: 3)
zip(x0, m.children).contains {
$0.0.value as! Int != $0.1.value as! Int
class B { let bx: Int = 0 }
class D : B { let dx: Int = 1 }
let mb = Mirror(reflecting: B())
func expectBMirror(
_ mb: Mirror, stackTrace: SourceLocStack = SourceLocStack(),
file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line
) {
expectTrue(mb.subjectType == B.self,
stackTrace: stackTrace, file: file, line: line)
stackTrace: stackTrace, file: file, line: line)
1, mb.children.count,
stackTrace: stackTrace, file: file, line: line)
"bx", mb.children.first?.label,
stackTrace: stackTrace, file: file, line: line)
0, mb.children.first?.value as? Int,
stackTrace: stackTrace, file: file, line: line)
// Ensure that the base class instance is properly filtered out of
// the child list
do {
let md = Mirror(reflecting: D())
expectTrue(md.subjectType == D.self)
expectEqual(1, md.children.count)
expectEqual("dx", md.children.first?.label)
expectEqual(1, md.children.first?.value as? Int)
if let mb2 = md.superclassMirror { expectBMirror(mb2) }
do {
// Ensure that we reflect on the dynamic type of the subject
let md = Mirror(reflecting: D() as B)
expectTrue(md.subjectType == D.self)
expectEqual(1, md.children.count)
expectEqual("dx", md.children.first?.label)
expectEqual(1, md.children.first?.value as? Int)
if let mb2 = md.superclassMirror { expectBMirror(mb2) }
//===--- Class Support ----------------------------------------------------===//
mirrors.test("Class/Root/Uncustomized") {
class A { var a: Int = 1 }
let a = Mirror(reflecting: A())
expectTrue(a.subjectType == A.self)
expectEqual(1, a.children.count)
expectEqual("a", a.children.first!.label)
//===--- Generated Superclass Mirrors -------------------------------------===//
mirrors.test("Class/Root/superclass:.generated") {
class B : CustomReflectable {
var b: String = "two"
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(
self, children: ["bee": b], ancestorRepresentation: .generated)
let b = Mirror(reflecting: B())
expectTrue(b.subjectType == B.self)
expectEqual(1, b.children.count)
expectEqual("bee", b.children.first!.label)
expectEqual("two", b.children.first!.value as? String)
mirrors.test("class/Root/superclass:<default>") {
class C : CustomReflectable {
var c: UInt = 3
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(self, children: ["sea": c + 1])
let c = Mirror(reflecting: C())
expectTrue(c.subjectType == C.self)
expectEqual(1, c.children.count)
expectEqual("sea", c.children.first!.label)
expectEqual(4, c.children.first!.value as? UInt)
mirrors.test("class/Plain/Plain") {
class A { var a: Int = 1 }
class B : A { var b: UInt = 42 }
let b = Mirror(reflecting: B())
expectTrue(b.subjectType == B.self)
if let bChild = expectNotNil(b.children.first) {
expectEqual("b", bChild.label)
expectEqual(42, bChild.value as? UInt)
if let a = expectNotNil(b.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(a.subjectType == A.self)
if let aChild = expectNotNil(a.children.first) {
expectEqual("a", aChild.label)
expectEqual(1, aChild.value as? Int)
mirrors.test("class/UncustomizedSuper/Synthesized/Implicit") {
class A { var a: Int = 1 }
class B : A, CustomReflectable {
var b: UInt = 42
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(self, children: ["bee": b])
let b = Mirror(reflecting: B())
expectTrue(b.subjectType == B.self)
if let a = expectNotNil(b.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(a.subjectType == A.self)
expectEqual("a", a.children.first?.label)
mirrors.test("class/UncustomizedSuper/Synthesized/Explicit") {
class A { var a: Int = 1 }
class B : A, CustomReflectable {
var b: UInt = 42
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(
self, children: ["bee": b], ancestorRepresentation: .generated)
let b = Mirror(reflecting: B())
expectTrue(b.subjectType == B.self)
if let a = expectNotNil(b.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(a.subjectType == A.self)
expectEqual("a", a.children.first!.label)
mirrors.test("class/CustomizedSuper/Synthesized") {
class A : CustomReflectable {
var a: Int = 1
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(self, children: ["aye": a])
class B : A {
var b: UInt = 42
// This is an unusual case: when writing override on a
// customMirror implementation you would typically want to pass
// ancestorRepresentation: .customized(super.customMirror) or, in
// rare cases, ancestorRepresentation: .Suppressed. However, it
// has an expected behavior, which we test here.
override var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(self, children: ["bee": b])
let b = Mirror(reflecting: B())
expectTrue(b.subjectType == B.self)
if let a = expectNotNil(b.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(a.subjectType == A.self)
expectEqual("a", a.children.first!.label)
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
import Foundation
//===--- ObjC Base Classes ------------------------------------------------===//
mirrors.test("class/ObjCPlain/Plain") {
class A : NSObject { var a: Int = 1 }
class B : A { var b: UInt = 42 }
let b = Mirror(reflecting: B())
expectTrue(b.subjectType == B.self)
if let bChild = expectNotNil(b.children.first) {
expectEqual("b", bChild.label)
expectEqual(42, bChild.value as? UInt)
if let a = expectNotNil(b.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(a.subjectType == A.self)
if let aChild = expectNotNil(a.children.first) {
expectEqual("a", aChild.label)
expectEqual(1, aChild.value as? Int)
if let o = expectNotNil(a.superclassMirror) {
expectEqual("NSObject", String(reflecting: o.subjectType))
mirrors.test("class/ObjCUncustomizedSuper/Synthesized/Implicit") {
class A : NSObject { var a: Int = 1 }
class B : A, CustomReflectable {
var b: UInt = 42
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(self, children: ["bee": b])
let b = Mirror(reflecting: B())
expectTrue(b.subjectType == B.self)
if let a = expectNotNil(b.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(a.subjectType == A.self)
expectEqual("a", a.children.first?.label)
if let o = expectNotNil(a.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(o.subjectType == NSObject.self)
mirrors.test("class/ObjCUncustomizedSuper/Synthesized/Explicit") {
class A : NSObject { var a: Int = 1 }
class B : A, CustomReflectable {
var b: UInt = 42
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(
self, children: ["bee": b], ancestorRepresentation: .generated)
let b = Mirror(reflecting: B())
expectTrue(b.subjectType == B.self)
if let a = expectNotNil(b.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(a.subjectType == A.self)
expectEqual("a", a.children.first!.label)
if let o = expectNotNil(a.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(o.subjectType == NSObject.self)
mirrors.test("class/ObjCCustomizedSuper/Synthesized") {
class A : DateFormatter, CustomReflectable {
var a: Int = 1
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(self, children: ["aye": a])
class B : A {
var b: UInt = 42
// This is an unusual case: when writing override on a
// customMirror implementation you would typically want to pass
// ancestorRepresentation: .customized(super.customMirror) or, in
// rare cases, ancestorRepresentation: .Suppressed. However, it
// has an expected behavior, which we test here.
override var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(self, children: ["bee": b])
let b = Mirror(reflecting: B())
expectTrue(b.subjectType == B.self)
if let a = expectNotNil(b.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(a.subjectType == A.self)
expectEqual("a", a.children.first!.label)
if let d = expectNotNil(a.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(d.subjectType == DateFormatter.self)
if let f = expectNotNil(d.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(f.subjectType == Formatter.self)
if let o = expectNotNil(f.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(o.subjectType == NSObject.self)
#endif // _runtime(_ObjC)
//===--- Suppressed Superclass Mirrors ------------------------------------===//
mirrors.test("Class/Root/NoSuperclassMirror") {
class B : CustomReflectable {
var b: String = "two"
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(
self, children: ["bee": b], ancestorRepresentation: .suppressed)
let b = Mirror(reflecting: B())
expectTrue(b.subjectType == B.self)
expectEqual(1, b.children.count)
expectEqual("bee", b.children.first!.label)
mirrors.test("class/UncustomizedSuper/NoSuperclassMirror") {
class A { var a: Int = 1 }
class B : A, CustomReflectable {
var b: UInt = 42
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(
self, children: ["bee": b], ancestorRepresentation: .suppressed)
let b = Mirror(reflecting: B())
expectTrue(b.subjectType == B.self)
mirrors.test("class/CustomizedSuper/NoSuperclassMirror") {
class A : CustomReflectable {
var a: Int = 1
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(self, children: ["aye": a])
class B : A {
var b: UInt = 42
override var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(
self, children: ["bee": b], ancestorRepresentation: .suppressed)
let b = Mirror(reflecting: B())
expectTrue(b.subjectType == B.self)
//===--- Override Superclass Mirrors --------------------------------------===//
mirrors.test("class/CustomizedSuper/SuperclassCustomMirror/Direct") {
class A : CustomReflectable {
var a: Int = 1
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(self, children: ["aye": a])
// B inherits A directly
class B : A {
var b: UInt = 42
override var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(
children: ["bee": b],
ancestorRepresentation: .customized({ super.customMirror }))
let b = Mirror(reflecting: B())
expectTrue(b.subjectType == B.self)
if let a = expectNotNil(b.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(a.subjectType == A.self)
expectEqual("aye", a.children.first!.label)
mirrors.test("class/CustomizedSuper/SuperclassCustomMirror/Indirect") {
class A : CustomReflectable {
var a: Int = 1
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(self, children: ["aye": a])
class X : A {}
class Y : X {}
// B inherits A indirectly through X and Y
class B : Y {
var b: UInt = 42
override var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(
children: ["bee": b],
ancestorRepresentation: .customized({ super.customMirror }))
let b = Mirror(reflecting: B())
expectTrue(b.subjectType == B.self)
if let y = expectNotNil(b.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(y.subjectType == Y.self)
if let x = expectNotNil(y.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(x.subjectType == X.self)
expectEqual(0, x.children.count)
if let a = expectNotNil(x.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(a.subjectType == A.self)
if let aye = expectNotNil(a.children.first) {
expectEqual("aye", aye.label)
mirrors.test("class/CustomizedSuper/SuperclassCustomMirror/Indirect2") {
class A : CustomLeafReflectable {
var a: Int = 1
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(
self, children: ["aye": a])
class X : A {}
class Y : X {}
// B inherits A indirectly through X and Y
class B : Y {
var b: UInt = 42
override var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(
children: ["bee": b],
ancestorRepresentation: .customized({ super.customMirror }))
let b = Mirror(reflecting: B())
expectTrue(b.subjectType == B.self)
if let a = expectNotNil(b.superclassMirror) {
expectTrue(a.subjectType == A.self)
if let aye = expectNotNil(a.children.first) {
expectEqual("aye", aye.label)
mirrors.test("class/Cluster") {
class A : CustomLeafReflectable {
var a: Int = 1
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(
self, children: ["aye": a])
class X : A {}
class Y : X {}
let a = Mirror(reflecting: Y())
expectTrue(a.subjectType == A.self)
if let aye = expectNotNil(a.children.first) {
expectEqual("aye", aye.label)
//===--- End Class Support ------------------------------------------------===//
mirrors.test("Addressing") {
let m0 = Mirror(reflecting: [1, 2, 3])
expectEqual(1, m0.descendant(0) as? Int)
expectEqual(2, m0.descendant(1) as? Int)
expectEqual(3, m0.descendant(2) as? Int)
let m1 = Mirror(reflecting: (a: ["one", "two", "three"], b: 4))
let ott0 = m1.descendant(0) as? [String]
let ott1 = m1.descendant(".0") as? [String]
if ott0 != nil && ott1 != nil {
expectEqualSequence(ott0!, ott1!)
expectEqual(4, m1.descendant(1) as? Int)
expectEqual(4, m1.descendant(".1") as? Int)
expectEqual("one", m1.descendant(0, 0) as? String)
expectEqual("two", m1.descendant(0, 1) as? String)
expectEqual("three", m1.descendant(0, 2) as? String)
expectEqual("one", m1.descendant(".0", 0) as? String)
struct Zee : CustomReflectable {
var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(self, children: ["bark": 1, "bite": 0])
let x = [
(a: ["one", "two", "three"], b: Zee()),
(a: ["five"], b: Zee()),
(a: [], b: Zee())]
let m = Mirror(reflecting: x)
let two = m.descendant(0, ".0", 1)
expectEqual("two", two as? String)
expectEqual(1, m.descendant(1, 1, "bark") as? Int)
expectEqual(0, m.descendant(1, 1, "bite") as? Int)
expectNil(m.descendant(1, 1, "bork"))
mirrors.test("Invalid Path Type")
{ _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
.code {
struct X : MirrorPath {}
let m = Mirror(reflecting: [1, 2, 3])
expectEqual(1, m.descendant(0) as? Int)
_ = m.descendant(X())
mirrors.test("PlaygroundQuickLook") {
// Customization works.
struct CustomQuickie : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook {
return .point(1.25, 42)
switch PlaygroundQuickLook(reflecting: CustomQuickie()) {
case .point(1.25, 42): break
default: expectTrue(false)
// PlaygroundQuickLook support from Legacy Mirrors works.
switch PlaygroundQuickLook(reflecting: true) {
case .bool(true): break
default: expectTrue(false)
// With no Legacy Mirror QuickLook support, we fall back to
// String(reflecting: ).
struct X {}
switch PlaygroundQuickLook(reflecting: X()) {
case .text(let text):
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
// FIXME: Enable if non-objc hasSuffix is implemented.
expectTrue(text.hasSuffix(".(X #1)()"), text)
struct Y : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
var debugDescription: String { return "Why?" }
switch PlaygroundQuickLook(reflecting: Y()) {
case .text("Why?"): break
default: expectTrue(false)
class Parent {}
extension Parent : _DefaultCustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
var _defaultCustomPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook {
return .text("base")
class Child : Parent { }
class FancyChild : Parent, CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook {
return .text("child")
mirrors.test("_DefaultCustomPlaygroundQuickLookable") {
// testing the workaround for custom quicklookables in subclasses
switch PlaygroundQuickLook(reflecting: Child()) {
case .text("base"): break
default: expectUnreachable("Base custom quicklookable was expected")
switch PlaygroundQuickLook(reflecting: FancyChild()) {
case .text("child"): break
default: expectUnreachable("FancyChild custom quicklookable was expected")
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
import MirrorObjC
mirrors.test("ObjC") {
// Some Foundation classes lie about their ivars, which would crash
// a mirror; make sure we are not automatically exposing ivars of
// Objective-C classes from the default mirror implementation.
expectEqual(0, Mirror(reflecting: HasIVars()).children.count)
mirrors.test("String.init") {
expectEqual("42", String(42))
expectEqual("42", String("42"))
expectEqual("42", String(reflecting: 42))
expectEqual("\"42\"", String(reflecting: "42"))