blob: a421ee7ff11a0d87230e9f61ea4cecc1b5b1ad21 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -emit-sil -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules %s -verify -verify-ignore-unknown
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
// REQUIRES: OS=macosx
// FIXME: <rdar://problem/19452886> test/ClangModules/objc_init.swift should not require REQUIRES: OS=macosx
import AppKit
import objc_ext
import TestProtocols
import ObjCParseExtras
// rdar://problem/18500201
extension NSSet {
convenience init<T>(array: Array<T>) {
// Subclassing and designated initializers
func testNSInterestingDesignated() {
NSInterestingDesignated() // expected-warning{{unused}}
NSInterestingDesignated(string:"hello") // expected-warning{{unused}}
NSInterestingDesignatedSub() // expected-warning{{unused}}
NSInterestingDesignatedSub(string:"hello") // expected-warning{{unused}}
extension URLDocument {
convenience init(string: String) {
self.init(url: string)
class MyDocument1 : URLDocument {
override init() {
func createMyDocument1() {
var md = MyDocument1()
md = MyDocument1(url: "")
// Inherited convenience init.
md = MyDocument1(string: "")
_ = md
class MyDocument2 : URLDocument {
init(url: String) {
super.init(url: url) // expected-error{{must call a designated initializer of the superclass 'URLDocument'}}
class MyDocument3 : NSAwesomeDocument {
override init() {
func createMyDocument3(_ url: NSURL) {
var md = MyDocument3()
md = try! MyDocument3(contentsOf: url as URL, ofType:"")
_ = md
class MyInterestingDesignated : NSInterestingDesignatedSub {
override init(string str: String) {
super.init(string: str)
init(int i: Int) {
super.init() // expected-error{{must call a designated initializer of the superclass 'NSInterestingDesignatedSub'}}
func createMyInterestingDesignated() {
_ = MyInterestingDesignated(url: "")
func testNoReturn(_ a : NSAwesomeDocument) -> Int {
return 17 // TODO: In principle, we should produce an unreachable code diagnostic here.
// Initializer inheritance from protocol-specified initializers.
class MyViewController : NSViewController {
class MyView : NSView {
override init() { super.init() }
} // expected-error{{'required' initializer 'init(coder:)' must be provided by subclass of 'NSView'}}
class MyMenu : NSMenu {
override init(title: String) { super.init(title: title) }
} // expected-error{{'required' initializer 'init(coder:)' must be provided by subclass of 'NSMenu'}}
class MyTableViewController : NSTableViewController {
class MyOtherTableViewController : NSTableViewController {
override init(int i: Int) {
super.init(int: i)
} // expected-error{{'required' initializer 'init(coder:)' must be provided by subclass of 'NSTableViewController'}}
class MyThirdTableViewController : NSTableViewController {
override init(int i: Int) {
super.init(int: i)
required init(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)!
func checkInitWithCoder(_ coder: NSCoder) {
NSViewController(coder: coder) // expected-warning{{unused}}
NSTableViewController(coder: coder) // expected-warning{{unused}}
MyViewController(coder: coder) // expected-warning{{unused}}
MyTableViewController(coder: coder) // expected-warning{{unused}}
MyOtherTableViewController(coder: coder) // expected-error{{incorrect argument label in call (have 'coder:', expected 'int:')}}
MyThirdTableViewController(coder: coder) // expected-warning{{unused}}
// <rdar://problem/16838409>
class MyDictionary1 : NSDictionary {}
func getMyDictionary1() {
_ = MyDictionary1()
// <rdar://problem/16838515>
class MyDictionary2 : NSDictionary {
override init() {
class MyString : NSString {
override init() { super.init() }
} // expected-error{{'required' initializer 'init(coder:)' must be provided by subclass of 'NSString'}}
// <rdar://problem/17281900>
class View: NSView {
override func addSubview(_ aView: NSView) {
_ = MyViewController.init()
// rdar://problem/19726164
class NonNullDefaultInitSubSub : NonNullDefaultInitSub {
func foo() {
_ = NonNullDefaultInitSubSub() as NonNullDefaultInitSubSub?
class DesignatedInitSub : DesignatedInitBase {
var foo: Int?
override init(int: Int) {}
class DesignedInitSubSub : DesignatedInitSub {
init(double: Double) { super.init(int: 0) } // okay
init(string: String) { super.init() } // expected-error {{must call a designated initializer of the superclass 'DesignatedInitSub'}}
// Make sure that our magic doesn't think the class property with the type name is an init
func classPropertiesAreNotInit() -> ProcessInfo {
var procInfo = NSProcessInfo.processInfo // expected-error{{'NSProcessInfo' has been renamed to 'ProcessInfo'}}
procInfo = ProcessInfo.processInfo // okay
return procInfo
// FIXME: Remove -verify-ignore-unknown.
// <unknown>:0: error: unexpected note produced: 'NSProcessInfo' was obsoleted in Swift 3