blob: 46fbc24440ab0365e8032639966bdb6205780ab7 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 4
public protocol PublicProto {
func publicReq()
// expected-note@+1 * {{type declared here}}
internal protocol InternalProto {
func internalReq()
fileprivate protocol FilePrivateProto {
func filePrivateReq()
// expected-note@+1 * {{type declared here}}
private protocol PrivateProto {
func privateReq()
public struct PublicStruct: PublicProto, InternalProto, FilePrivateProto, PrivateProto {
private func publicReq() {} // expected-error {{method 'publicReq()' must be declared public because it matches a requirement in public protocol 'PublicProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the instance method as 'public' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=public}}
private func internalReq() {} // expected-error {{method 'internalReq()' must be declared internal because it matches a requirement in internal protocol 'InternalProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the instance method as 'internal' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=internal}}
private func filePrivateReq() {} // expected-error {{method 'filePrivateReq()' must be declared fileprivate because it matches a requirement in fileprivate protocol 'FilePrivateProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the instance method as 'fileprivate' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
private func privateReq() {} // expected-error {{method 'privateReq()' must be declared fileprivate because it matches a requirement in private protocol 'PrivateProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the instance method as 'fileprivate' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
public var publicVar = 0
// expected-note@+1 * {{type declared here}}
internal struct InternalStruct: PublicProto, InternalProto, FilePrivateProto, PrivateProto {
private func publicReq() {} // expected-error {{method 'publicReq()' must be as accessible as its enclosing type because it matches a requirement in protocol 'PublicProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the instance method as 'internal' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=internal}}
private func internalReq() {} // expected-error {{method 'internalReq()' must be declared internal because it matches a requirement in internal protocol 'InternalProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the instance method as 'internal' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=internal}}
private func filePrivateReq() {} // expected-error {{method 'filePrivateReq()' must be declared fileprivate because it matches a requirement in fileprivate protocol 'FilePrivateProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the instance method as 'fileprivate' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
private func privateReq() {} // expected-error {{method 'privateReq()' must be declared fileprivate because it matches a requirement in private protocol 'PrivateProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the instance method as 'fileprivate' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
public var publicVar = 0
// expected-note@+1 * {{type declared here}}
fileprivate struct FilePrivateStruct: PublicProto, InternalProto, FilePrivateProto, PrivateProto {
private func publicReq() {} // expected-error {{method 'publicReq()' must be as accessible as its enclosing type because it matches a requirement in protocol 'PublicProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the instance method as 'fileprivate' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
private func internalReq() {} // expected-error {{method 'internalReq()' must be as accessible as its enclosing type because it matches a requirement in protocol 'InternalProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the instance method as 'fileprivate' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
private func filePrivateReq() {} // expected-error {{method 'filePrivateReq()' must be declared fileprivate because it matches a requirement in fileprivate protocol 'FilePrivateProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the instance method as 'fileprivate' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
private func privateReq() {} // expected-error {{method 'privateReq()' must be declared fileprivate because it matches a requirement in private protocol 'PrivateProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the instance method as 'fileprivate' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
public var publicVar = 0
// expected-note@+1 * {{type declared here}}
private struct PrivateStruct: PublicProto, InternalProto, FilePrivateProto, PrivateProto {
private func publicReq() {} // expected-error {{method 'publicReq()' must be as accessible as its enclosing type because it matches a requirement in protocol 'PublicProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the instance method as 'fileprivate' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
private func internalReq() {} // expected-error {{method 'internalReq()' must be as accessible as its enclosing type because it matches a requirement in protocol 'InternalProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the instance method as 'fileprivate' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
private func filePrivateReq() {} // expected-error {{method 'filePrivateReq()' must be declared fileprivate because it matches a requirement in fileprivate protocol 'FilePrivateProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the instance method as 'fileprivate' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
private func privateReq() {} // expected-error {{method 'privateReq()' must be declared fileprivate because it matches a requirement in private protocol 'PrivateProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the instance method as 'fileprivate' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
public var publicVar = 0
extension PublicStruct {
public init(x: Int) { self.init() }
extension InternalStruct {
public init(x: Int) { self.init() }
extension FilePrivateStruct {
public init(x: Int) { self.init() }
extension PrivateStruct {
public init(x: Int) { self.init() }
public extension PublicStruct {
public func extMemberPublic() {}
fileprivate func extFuncPublic() {}
private func extImplPublic() {}
internal extension PublicStruct {
public func extMemberInternal() {} // expected-warning {{declaring a public instance method in an internal extension}} {{3-9=internal}}
fileprivate func extFuncInternal() {}
private func extImplInternal() {}
fileprivate extension PublicStruct {
public func extMemberFilePrivate() {} // expected-warning {{declaring a public instance method in a fileprivate extension}} {{3-9=fileprivate}}
fileprivate func extFuncFilePrivate() {}
private func extImplFilePrivate() {}
private extension PublicStruct {
public func extMemberPrivate() {} // expected-warning {{declaring a public instance method in a private extension}} {{3-9=fileprivate}}
fileprivate func extFuncPrivate() {}
private func extImplPrivate() {}
public extension InternalStruct { // expected-error {{extension of internal struct cannot be declared public}} {{1-8=}}
public func extMemberPublic() {}
fileprivate func extFuncPublic() {}
private func extImplPublic() {}
internal extension InternalStruct {
public func extMemberInternal() {} // expected-warning {{declaring a public instance method in an internal extension}} {{3-9=internal}}
fileprivate func extFuncInternal() {}
private func extImplInternal() {}
fileprivate extension InternalStruct {
public func extMemberFilePrivate() {} // expected-warning {{declaring a public instance method in a fileprivate extension}} {{3-9=fileprivate}}
fileprivate func extFuncFilePrivate() {}
private func extImplFilePrivate() {}
private extension InternalStruct {
public func extMemberPrivate() {} // expected-warning {{declaring a public instance method in a private extension}} {{3-9=fileprivate}}
fileprivate func extFuncPrivate() {}
private func extImplPrivate() {}
public extension FilePrivateStruct { // expected-error {{extension of fileprivate struct cannot be declared public}} {{1-8=}}
public func extMemberPublic() {}
fileprivate func extFuncPublic() {}
private func extImplPublic() {}
internal extension FilePrivateStruct { // expected-error {{extension of fileprivate struct cannot be declared internal}} {{1-10=}}
public func extMemberInternal() {} // expected-warning {{declaring a public instance method in an internal extension}} {{3-9=internal}}
fileprivate func extFuncInternal() {}
private func extImplInternal() {}
fileprivate extension FilePrivateStruct {
public func extMemberFilePrivate() {} // expected-warning {{declaring a public instance method in a fileprivate extension}} {{3-9=fileprivate}}
fileprivate func extFuncFilePrivate() {}
private func extImplFilePrivate() {}
private extension FilePrivateStruct {
public func extMemberPrivate() {} // expected-warning {{declaring a public instance method in a private extension}} {{3-9=fileprivate}}
fileprivate func extFuncPrivate() {}
private func extImplPrivate() {}
public extension PrivateStruct { // expected-error {{extension of private struct cannot be declared public}} {{1-8=}}
public func extMemberPublic() {}
fileprivate func extFuncPublic() {}
private func extImplPublic() {}
internal extension PrivateStruct { // expected-error {{extension of private struct cannot be declared internal}} {{1-10=}}
public func extMemberInternal() {} // expected-warning {{declaring a public instance method in an internal extension}} {{3-9=internal}}
fileprivate func extFuncInternal() {}
private func extImplInternal() {}
fileprivate extension PrivateStruct { // expected-error {{extension of private struct cannot be declared fileprivate}} {{1-13=}}
public func extMemberFilePrivate() {} // expected-warning {{declaring a public instance method in a fileprivate extension}} {{3-9=fileprivate}}
fileprivate func extFuncFilePrivate() {}
private func extImplFilePrivate() {}
private extension PrivateStruct {
public func extMemberPrivate() {} // expected-warning {{declaring a public instance method in a private extension}} {{3-9=fileprivate}}
fileprivate func extFuncPrivate() {}
private func extImplPrivate() {}
public struct PublicStructDefaultMethods: PublicProto, InternalProto, PrivateProto {
func publicReq() {} // expected-error {{method 'publicReq()' must be declared public because it matches a requirement in public protocol 'PublicProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the instance method as 'public' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-3=public }}
func internalReq() {}
func privateReq() {}
public class Base {
required public init() {}
// expected-note@+1 * {{overridden declaration is here}}
public func foo() {}
// expected-note@+1 * {{overridden declaration is here}}
public internal(set) var bar: Int = 0
// expected-note@+1 * {{overridden declaration is here}}
public subscript () -> () { return () }
public extension Base {
open func extMemberPublic() {} // expected-warning {{declaring open instance method in public extension}}
internal extension Base {
open func extMemberInternal() {} // expected-warning {{declaring open instance method in an internal extension}}
public class PublicSub: Base {
private required init() {} // expected-error {{'required' initializer must be accessible wherever class 'PublicSub' can be subclassed}} {{3-10=internal}}
override func foo() {} // expected-error {{overriding instance method must be as accessible as the declaration it overrides}} {{12-12=public }}
override var bar: Int { // expected-error {{overriding property must be as accessible as the declaration it overrides}} {{12-12=public }}
get { return 0 }
set {}
override subscript () -> () { return () } // expected-error {{overriding subscript must be as accessible as the declaration it overrides}} {{12-12=public }}
public class PublicSubGood: Base {
required init() {} // okay
internal class InternalSub: Base {
required private init() {} // expected-error {{'required' initializer must be accessible wherever class 'InternalSub' can be subclassed}} {{12-19=internal}}
private override func foo() {} // expected-error {{overriding instance method must be as accessible as its enclosing type}} {{3-10=internal}}
private override var bar: Int { // expected-error {{overriding property must be as accessible as its enclosing type}} {{3-10=internal}}
get { return 0 }
set {}
private override subscript () -> () { return () } // expected-error {{overriding subscript must be as accessible as its enclosing type}} {{3-10=internal}}
internal class InternalSubGood: Base {
required init() {} // no-warning
override func foo() {}
override var bar: Int {
get { return 0 }
set {}
override subscript () -> () { return () }
internal class InternalSubPrivateSet: Base {
required init() {}
private(set) override var bar: Int { // expected-error {{overriding property must be as accessible as its enclosing type}} {{3-16=}}
get { return 0 }
set {}
private(set) override subscript () -> () { // okay; read-only in base class
get { return () }
set {}
fileprivate class FilePrivateSub: Base {
required private init() {} // expected-error {{'required' initializer must be accessible wherever class 'FilePrivateSub' can be subclassed}} {{12-19=fileprivate}}
private override func foo() {} // expected-error {{overriding instance method must be as accessible as its enclosing type}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
private override var bar: Int { // expected-error {{overriding property must be as accessible as its enclosing type}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
get { return 0 }
set {}
private override subscript () -> () { return () } // expected-error {{overriding subscript must be as accessible as its enclosing type}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
fileprivate class FilePrivateSubGood: Base {
required init() {} // no-warning
override func foo() {}
override var bar: Int {
get { return 0 }
set {}
override subscript () -> () { return () }
fileprivate class FilePrivateSubGood2: Base {
fileprivate required init() {} // no-warning
fileprivate override func foo() {}
fileprivate override var bar: Int {
get { return 0 }
set {}
fileprivate override subscript () -> () { return () }
fileprivate class FilePrivateSubPrivateSet: Base {
required init() {}
private(set) override var bar: Int { // expected-error {{overriding property must be as accessible as its enclosing type}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
get { return 0 }
set {}
private(set) override subscript () -> () { // okay; read-only in base class
get { return () }
set {}
private class PrivateSub: Base {
required private init() {} // expected-error {{'required' initializer must be accessible wherever class 'PrivateSub' can be subclassed}} {{12-19=fileprivate}}
private override func foo() {} // expected-error {{overriding instance method must be as accessible as its enclosing type}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
private override var bar: Int { // expected-error {{overriding property must be as accessible as its enclosing type}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
get { return 0 }
set {}
private override subscript () -> () { return () } // expected-error {{overriding subscript must be as accessible as its enclosing type}} {{3-10=fileprivate}}
private class PrivateSubGood: Base {
required fileprivate init() {}
fileprivate override func foo() {}
fileprivate override var bar: Int {
get { return 0 }
set {}
fileprivate override subscript () -> () { return () }
private class PrivateSubPrivateSet: Base {
required fileprivate init() {}
fileprivate override func foo() {}
private(set) override var bar: Int { // expected-error {{setter of overriding property must be as accessible as its enclosing type}}
get { return 0 }
set {}
private(set) override subscript () -> () { // okay; read-only in base class
get { return () }
set {}
public typealias PublicTA1 = PublicStruct
public typealias PublicTA2 = InternalStruct // expected-error {{type alias cannot be declared public because its underlying type uses an internal type}}
public typealias PublicTA3 = FilePrivateStruct // expected-error {{type alias cannot be declared public because its underlying type uses a fileprivate type}}
public typealias PublicTA4 = PrivateStruct // expected-error {{type alias cannot be declared public because its underlying type uses a private type}}
// expected-note@+1 {{type declared here}}
internal typealias InternalTA1 = PublicStruct
internal typealias InternalTA2 = InternalStruct
internal typealias InternalTA3 = FilePrivateStruct // expected-error {{type alias cannot be declared internal because its underlying type uses a fileprivate type}}
internal typealias InternalTA4 = PrivateStruct // expected-error {{type alias cannot be declared internal because its underlying type uses a private type}}
public typealias PublicFromInternal = InternalTA1 // expected-error {{type alias cannot be declared public because its underlying type uses an internal type}}
typealias FunctionType1 = (PrivateStruct) -> PublicStruct // expected-error {{type alias must be declared private or fileprivate because its underlying type uses a private type}}
typealias FunctionType2 = (PublicStruct) -> PrivateStruct // expected-error {{type alias must be declared private or fileprivate because its underlying type uses a private type}}
typealias FunctionType3 = (PrivateStruct) -> PrivateStruct // expected-error {{type alias must be declared private or fileprivate because its underlying type uses a private type}}
typealias ArrayType = [PrivateStruct] // expected-error {{type alias must be declared private or fileprivate because its underlying type uses a private type}}
typealias DictType = [String : PrivateStruct] // expected-error {{type alias must be declared private or fileprivate because its underlying type uses a private type}}
typealias GenericArgs = Optional<PrivateStruct> // expected-error {{type alias must be declared private or fileprivate because its underlying type uses a private type}}
public protocol HasAssocType {
associatedtype Inferred
func test(input: Inferred)
public struct AssocTypeImpl: HasAssocType {
public func test(input: Bool) {}
public let _: AssocTypeImpl.Inferred?
public let x: PrivateStruct = PrivateStruct() // expected-error {{constant cannot be declared public because its type uses a private type}}
public var a: PrivateStruct?, b: PrivateStruct? // expected-error 2 {{variable cannot be declared public because its type uses a private type}}
public var (c, d): (PrivateStruct?, PrivateStruct?) // expected-error {{variable cannot be declared public because its type uses a private type}}
var internalVar: PrivateStruct? // expected-error {{variable must be declared private or fileprivate because its type uses a private type}}
let internalConstant = PrivateStruct() // expected-error {{constant must be declared private or fileprivate because its type 'PrivateStruct' uses a private type}}
public let publicConstant = [InternalStruct]() // expected-error {{constant cannot be declared public because its type '[InternalStruct]' uses an internal type}}
public struct Properties {
public let x: PrivateStruct = PrivateStruct() // expected-error {{property cannot be declared public because its type uses a private type}}
public var a: PrivateStruct?, b: PrivateStruct? // expected-error 2 {{property cannot be declared public because its type uses a private type}}
public var (c, d): (PrivateStruct?, PrivateStruct?) // expected-error {{property cannot be declared public because its type uses a private type}}
let y = PrivateStruct() // expected-error {{property must be declared fileprivate because its type 'PrivateStruct' uses a private type}}
public struct Subscripts {
subscript (a: PrivateStruct) -> Int { return 0 } // expected-error {{subscript must be declared fileprivate because its index uses a private type}}
subscript (a: Int) -> PrivateStruct { return PrivateStruct() } // expected-error {{subscript must be declared fileprivate because its element type uses a private type}}
public subscript (a: PrivateStruct, b: Int) -> Int { return 0 } // expected-error {{subscript cannot be declared public because its index uses a private type}}
public subscript (a: Int, b: PrivateStruct) -> Int { return 0 } // expected-error {{subscript cannot be declared public because its index uses a private type}}
public subscript (a: InternalStruct, b: PrivateStruct) -> InternalStruct { return InternalStruct() } // expected-error {{subscript cannot be declared public because its index uses a private type}}
public subscript (a: PrivateStruct, b: InternalStruct) -> PrivateStruct { return PrivateStruct() } // expected-error {{subscript cannot be declared public because its index uses a private type}}
public subscript (a: Int, b: Int) -> InternalStruct { return InternalStruct() } // expected-error {{subscript cannot be declared public because its element type uses an internal type}}
public struct Methods {
func foo(a: PrivateStruct) -> Int { return 0 } // expected-error {{method must be declared fileprivate because its parameter uses a private type}}
func bar(a: Int) -> PrivateStruct { return PrivateStruct() } // expected-error {{method must be declared fileprivate because its result uses a private type}}
public func a(a: PrivateStruct, b: Int) -> Int { return 0 } // expected-error {{method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses a private type}}
public func b(a: Int, b: PrivateStruct) -> Int { return 0 } // expected-error {{method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses a private type}}
public func c(a: InternalStruct, b: PrivateStruct) -> InternalStruct { return InternalStruct() } // expected-error {{method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses a private type}}
public func d(a: PrivateStruct, b: InternalStruct) -> PrivateStruct { return PrivateStruct() } // expected-error {{method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses a private type}}
public func e(a: Int, b: Int) -> InternalStruct { return InternalStruct() } // expected-error {{method cannot be declared public because its result uses an internal type}}
func privateParam(a: PrivateStruct) {} // expected-error {{function must be declared private or fileprivate because its parameter uses a private type}}
public struct Initializers {
init(a: PrivateStruct) {} // expected-error {{initializer must be declared fileprivate because its parameter uses a private type}}
public init(a: PrivateStruct, b: Int) {} // expected-error {{initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses a private type}}
public init(a: Int, b: PrivateStruct) {} // expected-error {{initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses a private type}}
public init(a: InternalStruct, b: PrivateStruct) {} // expected-error {{initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses a private type}}
public init(a: PrivateStruct, b: InternalStruct) { } // expected-error {{initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses a private type}}
public class PublicClass {}
// expected-note@+2 * {{type declared here}}
// expected-note@+1 * {{superclass is declared here}}
internal class InternalClass {}
// expected-note@+1 * {{type declared here}}
private class PrivateClass {}
public protocol AssocTypes {
associatedtype Foo
associatedtype Internal: InternalClass // expected-error {{associated type in a public protocol uses an internal type in its requirement}}
associatedtype InternalConformer: InternalProto // expected-error {{associated type in a public protocol uses an internal type in its requirement}}
associatedtype PrivateConformer: PrivateProto // expected-error {{associated type in a public protocol uses a private type in its requirement}}
associatedtype PI: PrivateProto, InternalProto // expected-error {{associated type in a public protocol uses a private type in its requirement}}
associatedtype IP: InternalProto, PrivateProto // expected-error {{associated type in a public protocol uses a private type in its requirement}}
associatedtype PrivateDefault = PrivateStruct // expected-error {{associated type in a public protocol uses a private type in its default definition}}
associatedtype PublicDefault = PublicStruct
associatedtype PrivateDefaultConformer: PublicProto = PrivateStruct // expected-error {{associated type in a public protocol uses a private type in its default definition}}
associatedtype PublicDefaultConformer: PrivateProto = PublicStruct // expected-error {{associated type in a public protocol uses a private type in its requirement}}
associatedtype PrivatePrivateDefaultConformer: PrivateProto = PrivateStruct // expected-error {{associated type in a public protocol uses a private type in its requirement}}
associatedtype PublicPublicDefaultConformer: PublicProto = PublicStruct
public protocol RequirementTypes {
var x: PrivateStruct { get } // expected-error {{property cannot be declared public because its type uses a private type}}
subscript(x: Int) -> InternalStruct { get set } // expected-error {{subscript cannot be declared public because its element type uses an internal type}}
func foo() -> PrivateStruct // expected-error {{method cannot be declared public because its result uses a private type}}
init(x: PrivateStruct) // expected-error {{initializer cannot be declared public because its parameter uses a private type}}
protocol DefaultRefinesPrivate : PrivateProto {} // expected-error {{protocol must be declared private or fileprivate because it refines a private protocol}}
public protocol PublicRefinesPrivate : PrivateProto {} // expected-error {{public protocol cannot refine a private protocol}}
public protocol PublicRefinesInternal : InternalProto {} // expected-error {{public protocol cannot refine an internal protocol}}
public protocol PublicRefinesPI : PrivateProto, InternalProto {} // expected-error {{public protocol cannot refine a private protocol}}
public protocol PublicRefinesIP : InternalProto, PrivateProto {} // expected-error {{public protocol cannot refine a private protocol}}
// expected-note@+1 * {{type declared here}}
private typealias PrivateInt = Int
enum DefaultRawPrivate : PrivateInt { // expected-error {{enum must be declared private or fileprivate because its raw type uses a private type}}
case A
public enum PublicRawPrivate : PrivateInt { // expected-error {{enum cannot be declared public because its raw type uses a private type}}
case A
public enum MultipleConformance : PrivateProto, PrivateInt { // expected-error {{enum cannot be declared public because its raw type uses a private type}} expected-error {{must appear first}} {{35-35=PrivateInt, }} {{47-59=}}
case A
func privateReq() {}
open class OpenSubclassInternal : InternalClass {} // expected-error {{class cannot be declared open because its superclass is internal}} expected-error {{superclass 'InternalClass' of open class must be open}}
public class PublicSubclassPublic : PublicClass {}
public class PublicSubclassInternal : InternalClass {} // expected-error {{class cannot be declared public because its superclass is internal}}
public class PublicSubclassPrivate : PrivateClass {} // expected-error {{class cannot be declared public because its superclass is private}}
class DefaultSubclassPublic : PublicClass {}
class DefaultSubclassInternal : InternalClass {}
class DefaultSubclassPrivate : PrivateClass {} // expected-error {{class must be declared private or fileprivate because its superclass is private}}
// expected-note@+1 * {{superclass is declared here}}
public class PublicGenericClass<T> {}
// expected-note@+2 * {{type declared here}}
// expected-note@+1 * {{superclass is declared here}}
internal class InternalGenericClass<T> {}
// expected-note@+1 * {{type declared here}}
private class PrivateGenericClass<T> {}
open class OpenConcreteSubclassInternal : InternalGenericClass<Int> {} // expected-warning {{class should not be declared open because its superclass is internal}} expected-error {{superclass 'InternalGenericClass<Int>' of open class must be open}}
public class PublicConcreteSubclassPublic : PublicGenericClass<Int> {}
public class PublicConcreteSubclassInternal : InternalGenericClass<Int> {} // expected-warning {{class should not be declared public because its superclass is internal}}
public class PublicConcreteSubclassPrivate : PrivateGenericClass<Int> {} // expected-warning {{class should not be declared public because its superclass is private}}
public class PublicConcreteSubclassPublicPrivateArg : PublicGenericClass<PrivateStruct> {} // expected-warning {{class should not be declared public because its superclass uses a private type as a generic parameter}}
public class PublicConcreteSubclassPublicInternalArg : PublicGenericClass<InternalStruct> {} // expected-warning {{class should not be declared public because its superclass uses an internal type as a generic parameter}}
open class OpenConcreteSubclassPublicFilePrivateArg : PublicGenericClass<FilePrivateStruct> {} // expected-warning {{class should not be declared open because its superclass uses a fileprivate type as a generic parameter}} expected-error {{superclass 'PublicGenericClass<FilePrivateStruct>' of open class must be open}}
internal class InternalConcreteSubclassPublicFilePrivateArg : InternalGenericClass<PrivateStruct> {} // expected-warning {{class should not be declared internal because its superclass uses a private type as a generic parameter}}
open class OpenGenericSubclassInternal<T> : InternalGenericClass<T> {} // expected-warning {{class should not be declared open because its superclass is internal}} expected-error {{superclass 'InternalGenericClass<T>' of open class must be open}}
public class PublicGenericSubclassPublic<T> : PublicGenericClass<T> {}
public class PublicGenericSubclassInternal<T> : InternalGenericClass<T> {} // expected-warning {{class should not be declared public because its superclass is internal}}
public class PublicGenericSubclassPrivate<T> : PrivateGenericClass<T> {} // expected-warning {{class should not be declared public because its superclass is private}}
public enum PublicEnumPrivate {
case A(PrivateStruct) // expected-error {{enum case in a public enum uses a private type}}
enum DefaultEnumPrivate {
case A(PrivateStruct) // expected-error {{enum case in an internal enum uses a private type}}
public enum PublicEnumPI {
case A(InternalStruct) // expected-error {{enum case in a public enum uses an internal type}}
case B(PrivateStruct, InternalStruct) // expected-error {{enum case in a public enum uses a private type}} expected-error {{enum case in a public enum uses an internal type}}
case C(InternalStruct, PrivateStruct) // expected-error {{enum case in a public enum uses a private type}} expected-error {{enum case in a public enum uses an internal type}}
enum DefaultEnumPublic {
case A(PublicStruct) // no-warning
struct DefaultGeneric<T> {}
struct DefaultGenericPrivate<T: PrivateProto> {} // expected-error {{generic struct must be declared private or fileprivate because its generic parameter uses a private type}}
struct DefaultGenericPrivate2<T: PrivateClass> {} // expected-error {{generic struct must be declared private or fileprivate because its generic parameter uses a private type}}
struct DefaultGenericPrivateReq<T> where T == PrivateClass {} // expected-error {{same-type requirement makes generic parameter 'T' non-generic}}
// expected-error@-1 {{generic struct must be declared private or fileprivate because its generic requirement uses a private type}}
struct DefaultGenericPrivateReq2<T> where T: PrivateProto {} // expected-error {{generic struct must be declared private or fileprivate because its generic requirement uses a private type}}
public struct PublicGenericInternal<T: InternalProto> {} // expected-error {{generic struct cannot be declared public because its generic parameter uses an internal type}}
public struct PublicGenericPI<T: PrivateProto, U: InternalProto> {} // expected-error {{generic struct cannot be declared public because its generic parameter uses a private type}}
public struct PublicGenericIP<T: InternalProto, U: PrivateProto> {} // expected-error {{generic struct cannot be declared public because its generic parameter uses a private type}}
public struct PublicGenericPIReq<T: PrivateProto> where T: InternalProto {} // expected-error {{generic struct cannot be declared public because its generic parameter uses a private type}}
public struct PublicGenericIPReq<T: InternalProto> where T: PrivateProto {} // expected-error {{generic struct cannot be declared public because its generic requirement uses a private type}}
public func genericFunc<T: InternalProto>(_: T) {} // expected-error {{function cannot be declared public because its generic parameter uses an internal type}} {}
public class GenericClass<T: InternalProto> { // expected-error {{generic class cannot be declared public because its generic parameter uses an internal type}}
public init<T: PrivateProto>(_: T) {} // expected-error {{initializer cannot be declared public because its generic parameter uses a private type}}
public func genericMethod<T: PrivateProto>(_: T) {} // expected-error {{instance method cannot be declared public because its generic parameter uses a private type}}
public enum GenericEnum<T: InternalProto> { // expected-error {{generic enum cannot be declared public because its generic parameter uses an internal type}}
case A
public protocol PublicMutationOperations {
var size: Int { get set }
subscript (_: Int) -> Int { get set }
internal protocol InternalMutationOperations {
var size: Int { get set }
subscript (_: Int) -> Int { get set }
public struct AccessorsControl : InternalMutationOperations {
private var size = 0 // expected-error {{property 'size' must be declared internal because it matches a requirement in internal protocol 'InternalMutationOperations'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the property as 'internal' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=internal}}
private subscript (_: Int) -> Int { // expected-error {{subscript must be declared internal because it matches a requirement in internal protocol 'InternalMutationOperations'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the subscript as 'internal' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-10=internal}}
get { return 42 }
set {}
public struct PrivateSettersPublic : InternalMutationOperations {
// Please don't change the formatting here; it's a precise fix-it test.
public private(set) var size = 0 // expected-error {{setter for property 'size' must be declared internal because it matches a requirement in internal protocol 'InternalMutationOperations'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the property as 'internal' to satisfy the requirement}} {{10-17=internal}}
public private(set) subscript (_: Int) -> Int { // expected-error {{subscript setter must be declared internal because it matches a requirement in internal protocol 'InternalMutationOperations'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the subscript as 'internal' to satisfy the requirement}} {{10-17=internal}}
get { return 42 }
set {}
internal struct PrivateSettersInternal : PublicMutationOperations {
// Please don't change the formatting here; it's a precise fix-it test.
private(set)var size = 0 // expected-error {{setter for property 'size' must be as accessible as its enclosing type because it matches a requirement in protocol 'PublicMutationOperations'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the property as 'internal' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-15=}}
internal private(set)subscript (_: Int) -> Int { // expected-error {{subscript setter must be as accessible as its enclosing type because it matches a requirement in protocol 'PublicMutationOperations'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the subscript as 'internal' to satisfy the requirement}} {{12-24=}}
get { return 42 }
set {}
public protocol PublicReadOnlyOperations {
var size: Int { get }
subscript (_: Int) -> Int { get }
internal struct PrivateSettersForReadOnlyInternal : PublicReadOnlyOperations {
public private(set) var size = 0
internal private(set) subscript (_: Int) -> Int { // no-warning
get { return 42 }
set {}
public struct PrivateSettersForReadOnlyPublic : PublicReadOnlyOperations {
public private(set) var size = 0 // no-warning
internal private(set) subscript (_: Int) -> Int { // expected-error {{subscript must be declared public because it matches a requirement in public protocol 'PublicReadOnlyOperations'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the subscript as 'public' to satisfy the requirement}} {{3-11=public}}
get { return 42 }
set {}
public protocol PublicOperatorProto {
static prefix func !(_: Self) -> Self
internal protocol InternalOperatorProto {
static prefix func !(_: Self) -> Self
fileprivate protocol FilePrivateOperatorProto {
static prefix func !(_: Self) -> Self
private protocol PrivateOperatorProto {
static prefix func !(_: Self) -> Self
public struct PublicOperatorAdopter : PublicOperatorProto {
// expected-error@-1 {{method '!' must be declared public because it matches a requirement in public protocol 'PublicOperatorProto'}} {{none}}
fileprivate struct Inner : PublicOperatorProto {
private prefix func !(input: PublicOperatorAdopter) -> PublicOperatorAdopter { // expected-note {{mark the operator function as 'public' to satisfy the requirement}} {{1-8=public}}
return input
private prefix func !(input: PublicOperatorAdopter.Inner) -> PublicOperatorAdopter.Inner {
return input
public struct InternalOperatorAdopter : InternalOperatorProto {
// expected-error@-1 {{method '!' must be declared internal because it matches a requirement in internal protocol 'InternalOperatorProto'}} {{none}}
fileprivate struct Inner : InternalOperatorProto {
private prefix func !(input: InternalOperatorAdopter) -> InternalOperatorAdopter { // expected-note {{mark the operator function as 'internal' to satisfy the requirement}} {{1-8=internal}}
return input
private prefix func !(input: InternalOperatorAdopter.Inner) -> InternalOperatorAdopter.Inner {
return input
public struct FilePrivateOperatorAdopter : FilePrivateOperatorProto {
fileprivate struct Inner : FilePrivateOperatorProto {
private prefix func !(input: FilePrivateOperatorAdopter) -> FilePrivateOperatorAdopter {
return input
private prefix func !(input: FilePrivateOperatorAdopter.Inner) -> FilePrivateOperatorAdopter.Inner {
return input
public struct PrivateOperatorAdopter : PrivateOperatorProto {
fileprivate struct Inner : PrivateOperatorProto {
private prefix func !(input: PrivateOperatorAdopter) -> PrivateOperatorAdopter {
return input
private prefix func !(input: PrivateOperatorAdopter.Inner) -> PrivateOperatorAdopter.Inner {
return input
public protocol Equatablish {
static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) /* -> bool */ // expected-note {{protocol requires function '=='}}
fileprivate struct EquatablishOuter {
internal struct Inner : Equatablish {}
private func ==(lhs: EquatablishOuter.Inner, rhs: EquatablishOuter.Inner) {}
// expected-note@-1 {{candidate has non-matching type}}
fileprivate struct EquatablishOuter2 {
internal struct Inner : Equatablish {
fileprivate static func ==(lhs: Inner, rhs: Inner) {}
// expected-note@-1 {{candidate has non-matching type}}
fileprivate struct EquatablishOuterProblem {
internal struct Inner : Equatablish { // expected-error {{type 'EquatablishOuterProblem.Inner' does not conform to protocol 'Equatablish'}}
private static func ==(lhs: Inner, rhs: Inner) {}
internal struct EquatablishOuterProblem2 {
public struct Inner : Equatablish {
fileprivate static func ==(lhs: Inner, rhs: Inner) {} // expected-error {{method '==' must be as accessible as its enclosing type because it matches a requirement in protocol 'Equatablish'}} {{none}}
// expected-note@-1 {{mark the operator function as 'internal' to satisfy the requirement}} {{5-16=internal}}
// expected-note@-2 {{candidate has non-matching type}}
internal struct EquatablishOuterProblem3 {
public struct Inner : Equatablish {
// expected-error@-1 {{method '==' must be as accessible as its enclosing type because it matches a requirement in protocol 'Equatablish'}} {{none}}
private func ==(lhs: EquatablishOuterProblem3.Inner, rhs: EquatablishOuterProblem3.Inner) {}
// expected-note@-1 {{mark the operator function as 'internal' to satisfy the requirement}} {{1-8=internal}}
// expected-note@-2 {{candidate has non-matching type}}
public protocol AssocTypeProto {
associatedtype Assoc
fileprivate struct AssocTypeOuter {
internal struct Inner : AssocTypeProto {
fileprivate typealias Assoc = Int
fileprivate struct AssocTypeOuterProblem {
internal struct Inner : AssocTypeProto {
private typealias Assoc = Int // expected-error {{type alias 'Assoc' must be as accessible as its enclosing type because it matches a requirement in protocol 'AssocTypeProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the type alias as 'fileprivate' to satisfy the requirement}} {{5-12=fileprivate}}
internal struct AssocTypeOuterProblem2 {
public struct Inner : AssocTypeProto {
fileprivate typealias Assoc = Int // expected-error {{type alias 'Assoc' must be as accessible as its enclosing type because it matches a requirement in protocol 'AssocTypeProto'}} {{none}} expected-note {{mark the type alias as 'internal' to satisfy the requirement}} {{5-16=internal}}
internal typealias InternalComposition = PublicClass & PublicProto // expected-note {{declared here}}
public class DerivedFromInternalComposition : InternalComposition { // expected-error {{class cannot be declared public because its superclass is internal}}
public func publicReq() {}
internal typealias InternalGenericComposition<T> = PublicGenericClass<T> & PublicProto // expected-note {{declared here}}
public class DerivedFromInternalGenericComposition : InternalGenericComposition<Int> { // expected-warning {{class should not be declared public because its superclass is internal}}
public func publicReq() {}
internal typealias InternalConcreteGenericComposition = PublicGenericClass<Int> & PublicProto // expected-note {{declared here}}
public class DerivedFromInternalConcreteGenericComposition : InternalConcreteGenericComposition { // expected-warning {{class should not be declared public because its superclass is internal}}
public func publicReq() {}
public typealias BadPublicComposition1 = InternalClass & PublicProto // expected-error {{type alias cannot be declared public because its underlying type uses an internal type}}
public typealias BadPublicComposition2 = PublicClass & InternalProto // expected-error {{type alias cannot be declared public because its underlying type uses an internal type}}
public typealias BadPublicComposition3<T> = InternalGenericClass<T> & PublicProto // expected-error {{type alias cannot be declared public because its underlying type uses an internal type}}
public typealias BadPublicComposition4 = InternalGenericClass<Int> & PublicProto // expected-error {{type alias cannot be declared public because its underlying type uses an internal type}}
public typealias BadPublicComposition5 = PublicGenericClass<InternalStruct> & PublicProto // expected-error {{type alias cannot be declared public because its underlying type uses an internal type}}