blob: bcc26dda5fd1229f13158210b0bfc7d1531e7cf4 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %gyb %s -o %t/PersistentVector.swift
// RUN: %line-directive %t/PersistentVector.swift -- %target-build-swift -parse-stdlib %t/PersistentVector.swift -o %t/a.out
// RUN: %target-codesign %t/a.out
// RUN: %line-directive %t/PersistentVector.swift -- %target-run %t/a.out
// REQUIRES: executable_test
Persistent Vector
This is a prototype implementation of a persistent vector. It uses manual
reference counting for nodes to avoid spending extra memory on object headers
that we don't need, and to allow manual fine-tuning of retain/release
Node pointer
Node pointer is an unsafe tagged pointer. We need 2 tag bits to distinguish
three kinds of nodes:
Tag=0. Sparse vector node: mixed content
Tag=1. Array node: mixed content
Tag=2. Collision node: only data
Sparse vector
In this discussion, "sparse vector" refers to a particular in-memory
representation of a linear container of optional elements. This container
consists of a population bitmap and a contiguous chunk of memory, where the
non-nil elements are densely packed in order.
Sparse vector node
A sparse vector node is an inner node. Each element is either a data item or a
pointer to a child node.
Memory layout:
1 word reference count
<----- Address point
32 bits population bitmap for child node pointers
32 bits population bitmap for keys/values
n words sparse vector of child node pointers
? padding to alignof(Key)
m * strideof(Key) sparse vector of keys
? padding to alignof(Value) \ Absent in nodes
m * strideof(Value) sparse vector of values / for Set<Element>
Members with non-dependent sizes go first. This allows the offset to child
nodes to be a compile-time constant.
Array node
An array node is an inner node. Each element is either a data item or a
pointer to a child node.
Define `ChildNodeOrKey` to be a type that is an unsafe union of `Key` and
MemoryLayout<ChildNodeOrKey>.size = max(MemoryLayout<UnsafePointer>.size, MemoryLayout<Key>.size)
MemoryLayout<ChildNodeOrKey>.alignment = max(MemoryLayout<UnsafePointer>.alignment, MemoryLayout<Key>.alignment)
MemoryLayout<ChildNodeOrKey>.stride = max(MemoryLayout<UnsafePointer>.stride, MemoryLayout<Key>.stride)
Memory layout:
1 word reference count
<----- Address point
32 bits population bitmap for child node pointers
32 bits population bitmap for keys/values
? padding to alignof(ChildNodeOrKey)
32 * strideof(ChildNodeOrKey) array of ChildNodeOrKey
? padding to alignof(Value) \ Absent in nodes
32 * strideof(Value) array of values / for Set<Element>
Collision node
A collision node is a leaf node. Each element contains data.
In the prototype it is implemented as an array with linear search. It should
be replaced with a red-black tree to prevent algorithmic complexity attacks.
Memory layout:
1 word reference count
<----- Address point
1 word number of data items
? padding to alignof(Key)
n * strideof(Key) array of keys
? padding to alignof(Value) \ Absent in nodes
n * strideof(Value) array of values / for Set<Element>
import Swift
import SwiftShims
// This prototype is only partially implemented, and it relies on specific hash
// values. To keep it working, define an alternative hashing interface emulating
// pre-SE-0206 Hashable.
protocol LegacyHashable: Equatable {
var legacyHashValue: Int { get }
// Standard library extras
func allocBytes(count: Int, alignment: Int)
-> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return UnsafeMutableRawPointer.allocate(byteCount: count, alignment: alignment)
func deallocBytes(
_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
byteCount: Int,
alignment: Int
) {
func _swift_stdlib_atomicStoreInt(
object target: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>,
desired: Int) {
#if arch(x86_64)
return _swift_stdlib_atomicStoreUInt64(
object: unsafeBitCast(target, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt64>.self),
desired: UInt64(UInt(bitPattern: desired)))
func newDump(subject: Any, name: String? = nil) {
name: name,
depth: 0,
maxDepth: Int.max)
func _dumpRec(
_ subject: Any,
name: String?,
depth: Int,
maxDepth: Int
) {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: subject)
let count = mirror.children.count
let bullet =
count == 0
? "-"
: depth >= maxDepth ? "▹" : "▿"
print("\(bullet) ", terminator: "")
if let name = name {
print("\(name): ", terminator: "")
print(subject, terminator: "")
if depth >= maxDepth { return }
for (label, value) in mirror.children {
for _ in 0..<(depth+4) { print(" ", terminator: "") }
_dumpRec(value, name: label, depth: depth + 1, maxDepth: maxDepth)
% for (name, underlyingType) in [
% ('Int', 'UInt'), ('Int32', 'UInt32')
% ]:
/// A bitmap that has as many bits as `${name}` does.
struct _${name}Bitmap {
var _bits: ${underlyingType}
init() { self._bits = 0 }
init(_bits: ${underlyingType}) { self._bits = _bits }
var setBitCount: Int {
% if underlyingType == 'UInt':
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
return Int(Builtin.int_ctpop_Int32(_bits._value))
#elseif arch(x86_64) || arch(arm64) || arch(powerpc64) || arch(powerpc64le) || arch(s390x)
return Int(Builtin.int_ctpop_Int64(_bits._value))
% elif underlyingType == 'UInt32':
return Int(Int32(Builtin.int_ctpop_Int32(_bits._value)))
% end
var setBitIndices: _${name}SetBitSequence {
return _${name}SetBitSequence(_bits)
subscript(i: Int) -> Bool {
get {
precondition(i >= 0 && i < Int(${underlyingType}.bitWidth)) // sanity check
return _bits & (1 << ${underlyingType}(i)) != 0
set {
precondition(i >= 0 && i < Int(${underlyingType}.bitWidth)) // sanity check
% if underlyingType == 'UInt':
let iAsUnderlyingType = UInt(bitPattern: i)
% elif underlyingType == 'UInt32':
let iAsUnderlyingType = UInt32(truncatingIfNeeded: i)
% end
_bits =
(_bits & ~(1 << iAsUnderlyingType))
| ((newValue ? 1 : 0) << iAsUnderlyingType)
func countBitsSetBelow(_ i: Int) -> Int {
precondition(i >= 0 && i < Int(${underlyingType}.bitWidth)) // sanity check
% if underlyingType == 'UInt':
let iAsUnderlyingType = UInt(bitPattern: i)
% elif underlyingType == 'UInt32':
let iAsUnderlyingType = UInt32(truncatingIfNeeded: i)
% end
let lowBits = _bits & ((1 << iAsUnderlyingType) - 1)
return _${name}Bitmap(_bits: lowBits).setBitCount
struct _${name}SetBitSequence : Sequence, IteratorProtocol {
var _bits: ${underlyingType}
var _index: Int = 0
init(_ _bits: ${underlyingType}) { self._bits = _bits }
mutating func next() -> Int? {
if _bits == 0 {
return nil
while true {
if _bits & 1 == 1 {
let result = _index
_index += 1
_bits = _bits >> 1
return result
_index += 1
_bits = _bits >> 1
% end
// END OF Standard library extras
struct _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters {
var childNodeCount: Int
var keyCount: Int
struct _PVSparseVectorNodePointer<Key : LegacyHashable, Value>
: CustomReflectable {
typealias _Self = _PVSparseVectorNodePointer
static var _referenceCountSize: Int {
return MemoryLayout<Int>.size
static var _referenceCountAlignment: Int {
return MemoryLayout<Int>.alignment
static var _referenceCountOffset: Int {
return 0
static var _childNodePopulationBitmapSize: Int {
return MemoryLayout<_Int32Bitmap>.size
static var _childNodePopulationBitmapAlignment: Int {
return MemoryLayout<_Int32Bitmap>.alignment
static var _childNodePopulationBitmapOffset: Int {
let padding =
max(0, _childNodePopulationBitmapAlignment - _referenceCountAlignment)
return _referenceCountOffset + _referenceCountSize + padding
static var _keyPopulationBitmapSize: Int {
return MemoryLayout<_Int32Bitmap>.size
static var _keyPopulationBitmapAlignment: Int {
return MemoryLayout<_Int32Bitmap>.alignment
static var _keyPopulationBitmapOffset: Int {
let padding =
max(0, _keyPopulationBitmapAlignment - _childNodePopulationBitmapAlignment)
return _childNodePopulationBitmapOffset + _childNodePopulationBitmapSize
+ padding
static func _childNodeVectorSize(layout: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters) -> Int {
return MemoryLayout<UnsafePointer<UInt8>>.stride * layout.childNodeCount
static var _childNodeVectorAlignment: Int {
return MemoryLayout<UnsafePointer<UInt8>>.alignment
static var _childNodeVectorOffset: Int {
let padding =
max(0, _childNodeVectorAlignment - _keyPopulationBitmapAlignment)
return _keyPopulationBitmapOffset + _keyPopulationBitmapSize + padding
static func _keyVectorSize(layout: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters) -> Int {
return MemoryLayout<Key>.stride * layout.keyCount
static var _keyVectorAlignment: Int {
return MemoryLayout<Key>.alignment
static func _keyVectorOffset(layout: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters) -> Int {
let padding =
max(0, _keyVectorAlignment - _childNodeVectorAlignment)
return _childNodeVectorOffset + _childNodeVectorSize(layout: layout) + padding
static func _valueVectorSize(layout: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters) -> Int {
return MemoryLayout<Value>.stride * layout.keyCount
static var _valueVectorAlignment: Int {
return MemoryLayout<Value>.alignment
static func _valueVectorOffset(layout: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters) -> Int {
let padding =
max(0, _valueVectorAlignment - _keyVectorAlignment)
return _keyVectorOffset(layout: layout) + _keyVectorSize(layout: layout) + padding
static var _nodeAlignment: Int {
return _referenceCountAlignment
static func _nodeSize(layout: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters) -> Int {
return _valueVectorOffset(layout: layout) + _valueVectorSize(layout: layout)
var _nodePointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer
var _referenceCountPointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int> {
return _nodePointer.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int.self)
var layoutParameters: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters {
return _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters(
childNodeCount: childNodeCount,
keyCount: keyCount)
func retain() {
let old = _swift_stdlib_atomicFetchAddInt(
object: _referenceCountPointer,
operand: 1)
precondition(old != 0) // sanity check
func release() {
let old = _swift_stdlib_atomicFetchAddInt(
object: _referenceCountPointer,
operand: -1)
if _slowPath(old == 1) {
func dealloc() {
for child in childNodes {
let layout = layoutParameters
_keyVector(layout: layout).deinitialize(count: keyCount)
_valueVector(layout: layout).deinitialize(count: keyCount)
byteCount: _Self._nodeSize(layout: layout),
alignment: _Self._nodeAlignment)
func isUniquelyReferenced() -> Bool {
return _swift_stdlib_atomicLoadInt(object: _referenceCountPointer) == 1
var childNodePopulationBitmap: _Int32Bitmap {
unsafeAddress {
return UnsafePointer((_nodePointer + _Self._childNodePopulationBitmapOffset)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: _Int32Bitmap.self))
nonmutating unsafeMutableAddress {
return (_nodePointer + _Self._childNodePopulationBitmapOffset)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: _Int32Bitmap.self)
var keyPopulationBitmap: _Int32Bitmap {
unsafeAddress {
return UnsafePointer((_nodePointer + _Self._keyPopulationBitmapOffset)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: _Int32Bitmap.self))
nonmutating unsafeMutableAddress {
return (_nodePointer + _Self._keyPopulationBitmapOffset)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: _Int32Bitmap.self)
var childNodeCount: Int {
return childNodePopulationBitmap.setBitCount
var keyCount: Int {
return keyPopulationBitmap.setBitCount
var _childNodeVector: UnsafeMutablePointer<_PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>?> {
return (_nodePointer + _Self._childNodeVectorOffset)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: Optional<_PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>>.self)
var childNodes: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<_PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>?> {
return UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(
start: _childNodeVector,
count: childNodeCount)
func _keyVector(layout: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters)
-> UnsafeMutablePointer<Key> {
return (_nodePointer + _Self._keyVectorOffset(layout: layout))
.assumingMemoryBound(to: Key.self)
func _valueVector(layout: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters)
-> UnsafeMutablePointer<Value> {
return (_nodePointer + _Self._valueVectorOffset(layout: layout))
.assumingMemoryBound(to: Value.self)
init(_nodePointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self._nodePointer = _nodePointer
init(emptyNodeFor layout: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters) {
self = _PVSparseVectorNodePointer(
uninitializedNodeFor: layout,
childNodePopulationBitmap: _Int32Bitmap(),
keyPopulationBitmap: _Int32Bitmap())
uninitializedNodeFor layout: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters,
childNodePopulationBitmap: _Int32Bitmap,
keyPopulationBitmap: _Int32Bitmap
) {
precondition(layout.childNodeCount >= 0) // sanity check
precondition(layout.keyCount >= 0) // sanity check
self._nodePointer = allocBytes(
count: _Self._nodeSize(layout: layout),
alignment: _Self._nodeAlignment)
// Initialize members.
_swift_stdlib_atomicStoreInt(object: _referenceCountPointer, desired: 1)
self.childNodePopulationBitmap = childNodePopulationBitmap
self.keyPopulationBitmap = keyPopulationBitmap
func initializeKey(
at i: Int,
key: Key,
value: Value,
layout: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters
) {
precondition(i >= keyCount && i < 32) // sanity check
precondition(!childNodePopulationBitmap[i]) // sanity check
precondition(!keyPopulationBitmap[i]) // sanity check
(_keyVector(layout: layout) + keyCount).initialize(to: key)
(_valueVector(layout: layout) + keyCount).initialize(to: value)
keyPopulationBitmap[i] = true
/// - Parameter newChildNodes: child nodes to store, passed at +0.
func initializeChildNodes(
from newChildNodes: UnsafeMutablePointer<_PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>?>
) {
_childNodeVector.initialize(from: newChildNodes, count: childNodeCount)
for childNode in childNodes {
/// - Parameter newChildNodes: child nodes to store, passed at +0.
/// - Parameter newChildNode: child node to insert in the middle, passed
/// at +1.
func initializeChildNodes(
from newChildNodes: UnsafeMutablePointer<_PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>?>,
except bucket: Int,
replaceWith newChildNode: _PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>
) {
precondition(bucket >= 0 && bucket < 32) // sanity check
let i = childNodePopulationBitmap.countBitsSetBelow(bucket)
let childNodeVector = _childNodeVector
childNodeVector.initialize(from: newChildNodes, count: i)
for childNode in
start: childNodeVector, count: i)
childNodeVector[i] = newChildNode
let destPointer = childNodeVector + i + 1
newChildNodes + i + 1, count: childNodeCount - i - 1)
for childNode in
start: destPointer, count: childNodeCount - i - 1)
/// - Parameter newChildNodes: child nodes to store, passed at +0.
/// - Parameter newChildNode: child node to insert in the middle, passed
/// at +1.
func initializeChildNodes(
from newChildNodes: UnsafeMutablePointer<_PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>?>,
at bucket: Int,
insert newChildNode: _PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>
) {
precondition(bucket >= 0 && bucket < 32) // sanity check
let i = childNodePopulationBitmap.countBitsSetBelow(bucket)
let childNodeVector = _childNodeVector
childNodeVector.initialize(from: newChildNodes, count: i)
for childNode in
start: childNodeVector, count: i)
childNodeVector[i] = newChildNode
let destPointer = childNodeVector + i + 1
newChildNodes + i, count: childNodeCount - i - 1)
for childNode in
start: destPointer, count: childNodeCount - i - 1)
func copyKeys(
from newKeys: UnsafeMutablePointer<Key>,
layout: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters
) {
_keyVector(layout: layout).initialize(from: newKeys, count: layout.keyCount)
func copyKeys(
from newKeys: UnsafeMutablePointer<Key>,
except bucket: Int,
replaceWith newKey: Key,
layout: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters
) {
precondition(bucket >= 0 && bucket < 32) // sanity check
let keyVector = _keyVector(layout: layout)
let i = keyPopulationBitmap.countBitsSetBelow(bucket)
keyVector.initialize(from: newKeys, count: i)
keyVector[i] = newKey
let destPointer = keyVector + i + 1
newKeys + i + 1, count: layout.keyCount - i - 1)
func copyValues(
from newValues: UnsafeMutablePointer<Value>,
layout: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters
) {
_valueVector(layout: layout).initialize(from: newValues, count: layout.keyCount)
func copyValues(
from newValues: UnsafeMutablePointer<Value>,
except bucket: Int,
replaceWith newValue: Value,
layout: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters
) {
precondition(bucket >= 0 && bucket < 32) // sanity check
let valueVector = _valueVector(layout: layout)
let i = keyPopulationBitmap.countBitsSetBelow(bucket)
valueVector.initialize(from: newValues, count: i)
valueVector[i] = newValue
let destPointer = valueVector + i + 1
newValues + i + 1, count: layout.keyCount - i - 1)
func initializeKeys(
from newKeys: UnsafeMutablePointer<Key>,
values newValues: UnsafeMutablePointer<Value>,
omit bucket: Int,
layout: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters
) {
precondition(bucket >= 0 && bucket < 32) // sanity check
if layout.keyCount == 0 {
// Fast path when we are not copying anything.
let i = keyPopulationBitmap.countBitsSetBelow(bucket)
do {
let keyVector = _keyVector(layout: layout)
keyVector.initialize(from: newKeys, count: i)
let destPointer = keyVector + i
newKeys + i + 1, count: layout.keyCount - i)
do {
let valueVector = _valueVector(layout: layout)
valueVector.initialize(from: newValues, count: i)
let destPointer = valueVector + i
newValues + i + 1, count: layout.keyCount - i)
func initializeKeys(
from newKeys: UnsafeMutablePointer<Key>,
values newValues: UnsafeMutablePointer<Value>,
at bucket: Int,
insert newKey: Key,
_ newValue: Value,
layout: _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters
) {
precondition(bucket >= 0 && bucket < 32) // sanity check
let i = keyPopulationBitmap.countBitsSetBelow(bucket)
do {
let keyVector = _keyVector(layout: layout)
keyVector.initialize(from: newKeys, count: i)
keyVector[i] = newKey
let destPointer = keyVector + i + 1
newKeys + i, count: layout.keyCount - i - 1)
do {
let valueVector = _valueVector(layout: layout)
valueVector.initialize(from: newValues, count: i)
valueVector[i] = newValue
let destPointer = valueVector + i + 1
newValues + i, count: layout.keyCount - i - 1)
func unsafeMaybeGet(
key: Key,
hashValue: Int,
depth: Int8
) -> UnsafePointer<Value>? {
let bucket = hashValue & (32 - 1)
if childNodePopulationBitmap[bucket] {
// The bucket contains a subtree, recurse.
let i = childNodePopulationBitmap.countBitsSetBelow(bucket)
return _childNodeVector[i]!.unsafeMaybeGet(
key: key, hashValue: hashValue, depth: depth)
if keyPopulationBitmap[bucket] {
// The bucket contains a key.
let layout = layoutParameters
let i = keyPopulationBitmap.countBitsSetBelow(bucket)
let foundKey = _keyVector(layout: layout)[i]
if foundKey == key {
return UnsafePointer(_valueVector(layout: layout) + i)
return nil
func updateValue(
_ value: Value,
forKey key: Key,
hashValue: Int,
depth: Int8,
pathIsUnique: Bool
) -> (Value?, _PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>, Bool) {
let bucket = hashValue & (32 - 1)
if childNodePopulationBitmap[bucket] {
// The bucket contains a subtree, recurse.
let i = childNodePopulationBitmap.countBitsSetBelow(bucket)
let isUnique = isUniquelyReferenced()
let oldChildNode = _childNodeVector[i]
let (oldValue, newChildNode, wasInserted) = oldChildNode!.updateValue(
forKey: key,
hashValue: hashValue >> 5,
depth: depth + 1,
pathIsUnique: pathIsUnique && isUnique)
if _fastPath(newChildNode == oldChildNode) {
// The child node wasn't reallocated.
return (oldValue, _PVAnyNodePointer(self), wasInserted)
if _fastPath(pathIsUnique && isUnique) {
// The child node was reallocated, but the parent node is uniquely
// referenced.
if _childNodeVector[i] != newChildNode {
_childNodeVector[i] = newChildNode
return (oldValue, _PVAnyNodePointer(self), wasInserted)
} else {
// The child node was reallocated, and the parent node is not uniquely
// referenced. Create a new parent node.
let layout = layoutParameters
let newNode = _PVSparseVectorNodePointer<Key, Value>(
uninitializedNodeFor: layout,
childNodePopulationBitmap: childNodePopulationBitmap,
keyPopulationBitmap: keyPopulationBitmap)
from: _childNodeVector,
except: bucket,
replaceWith: newChildNode)
newNode.copyKeys(from: _keyVector(layout: layout), layout: layout)
newNode.copyValues(from: _valueVector(layout: layout), layout: layout)
return (oldValue, _PVAnyNodePointer(newNode), wasInserted)
if keyPopulationBitmap[bucket] {
// The bucket contains another key.
let layout = layoutParameters
let i = keyPopulationBitmap.countBitsSetBelow(bucket)
let keyVector = _keyVector(layout: layout)
let existingKey = keyVector[i]
let isUnique = isUniquelyReferenced()
if existingKey == key {
// The key already exists. Update the value.
let valueVector = _valueVector(layout: layout)
let oldValue = valueVector[i]
if _fastPath(pathIsUnique && isUnique) {
_valueVector(layout: layout)[i] = value
return (oldValue, _PVAnyNodePointer(self), false)
} else {
let newNode = _PVSparseVectorNodePointer<Key, Value>(
uninitializedNodeFor: layout,
childNodePopulationBitmap: childNodePopulationBitmap,
keyPopulationBitmap: keyPopulationBitmap)
newNode.initializeChildNodes(from: _childNodeVector)
from: keyVector,
except: bucket,
replaceWith: key,
layout: layout)
from: valueVector,
except: bucket,
replaceWith: value,
layout: layout)
return (oldValue, _PVAnyNodePointer(newNode), false)
// Create a node to hold both the old key and the new key.
let valueVector = _valueVector(layout: layout)
let existingValue = valueVector[i]
let newChildNode = _PVCollisionNodePointer(
key0: key, value0: value,
key1: existingKey, value1: existingValue)
// Create a new parent node that will reference the new child.
var newLayout = layout
newLayout.childNodeCount += 1
newLayout.keyCount -= 1
precondition(newLayout.childNodeCount <= 32)
precondition(newLayout.keyCount >= 0)
var newChildNodePopulationBitmap = childNodePopulationBitmap
newChildNodePopulationBitmap[bucket] = true
var newKeyPopulationBitmap = keyPopulationBitmap
newKeyPopulationBitmap[bucket] = false
// FIXME(performance): the node is usually large enough to
// switch it to the new layout in place.
let newNode = _PVSparseVectorNodePointer<Key, Value>(
uninitializedNodeFor: newLayout,
childNodePopulationBitmap: newChildNodePopulationBitmap,
keyPopulationBitmap: newKeyPopulationBitmap)
from: _childNodeVector,
at: bucket,
insert: _PVAnyNodePointer(newChildNode))
from: keyVector,
values: valueVector,
omit: bucket,
layout: newLayout)
return (nil, _PVAnyNodePointer(newNode), true)
// The bucket is empty. Insert the key.
FIXME(performance): if the node is uniquely referenced, it may be possible
to insert the new key in place.
if _fastPath(pathIsUnique && isUniquelyReferenced()) {
return (nil, _PVAnyNodePointer(self))
FIXME: transparently transition to the array representation.
if childNodeCount + keyCount + 1 >= 24 {}
let layout = layoutParameters
var newLayout = layout
newLayout.keyCount += 1
var newKeyPopulationBitmap = keyPopulationBitmap
newKeyPopulationBitmap[bucket] = true
let newNode = _PVSparseVectorNodePointer<Key, Value>(
uninitializedNodeFor: newLayout,
childNodePopulationBitmap: childNodePopulationBitmap,
keyPopulationBitmap: newKeyPopulationBitmap)
newNode.initializeChildNodes(from: _childNodeVector)
from: _keyVector(layout: layout),
values: _valueVector(layout: layout),
at: bucket, insert: key, value,
layout: newLayout)
return (nil, _PVAnyNodePointer(newNode), true)
func removeValue(
forKey key: Key,
hashValue: Int,
depth: Int8,
pathIsUnique: Bool
) -> (Value?, _PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>?) {
let bucket = hashValue & (32 - 1)
if childNodePopulationBitmap[bucket] {
// The bucket contains a subtree, recurse.
if keyPopulationBitmap[bucket] {
// The bucket contains a key.
let layout = layoutParameters
let i = keyPopulationBitmap.countBitsSetBelow(bucket)
let keyVector = _keyVector(layout: layout)
let existingKey = keyVector[i]
if existingKey != key {
return (nil, _PVAnyNodePointer(self))
// We found the key. Remove it.
let valueVector = _valueVector(layout: layout)
let oldValue = valueVector[i]
if layout.childNodeCount == 0 && layout.keyCount == 1 {
// This key was the last piece of data in the node. Eliminate the
// node.
return (oldValue, nil)
// The node contains other data besides this key.
var newLayout = layout
newLayout.keyCount -= 1
precondition(newLayout.keyCount >= 0)
var newKeyPopulationBitmap = keyPopulationBitmap
newKeyPopulationBitmap[bucket] = false
let newNode = _PVSparseVectorNodePointer<Key, Value>(
uninitializedNodeFor: layout,
childNodePopulationBitmap: childNodePopulationBitmap,
keyPopulationBitmap: newKeyPopulationBitmap)
newNode.initializeChildNodes(from: _childNodeVector)
from: keyVector,
values: valueVector,
omit: bucket,
layout: newLayout)
return (oldValue, _PVAnyNodePointer(newNode))
// The bucket is empty.
return (nil, _PVAnyNodePointer(self))
var customMirror: Mirror {
let layout = layoutParameters
let data =
(0..<keyCount).map { (i) -> (Key, Value) in
((_keyVector(layout: layout) + i).pointee,
(_valueVector(layout: layout) + i).pointee)
return Mirror(
children: [
"referenceCount" : _referenceCountPointer.pointee,
"childNodePopulationBitmap" :
"keyPopulationBitmap" :
"childNodes" : Array(childNodes),
"data" : data
struct _PVArrayNodePointer<Key : LegacyHashable, Value>
: CustomReflectable {
typealias _Self = _PVArrayNodePointer
static var _childNodeOrKeyStride: Int {
return max(
static var _childNodeOrKeyAlignment: Int {
return max(
static var _referenceCountSize: Int {
return MemoryLayout<Int>.size
static var _referenceCountAlignment: Int {
return MemoryLayout<Int>.alignment
static var _referenceCountOffset: Int {
return 0
static var _childNodePopulationBitmapSize: Int {
return MemoryLayout<_Int32Bitmap>.size
static var _childNodePopulationBitmapAlignment: Int {
return MemoryLayout<_Int32Bitmap>.alignment
static var _childNodePopulationBitmapOffset: Int {
let padding = max(
_childNodePopulationBitmapAlignment - _referenceCountAlignment)
return _referenceCountOffset + _referenceCountSize + padding
static var _keyPopulationBitmapSize: Int {
return MemoryLayout<_Int32Bitmap>.size
static var _keyPopulationBitmapAlignment: Int {
return MemoryLayout<_Int32Bitmap>.alignment
static var _keyPopulationBitmapOffset: Int {
let padding = max(
_keyPopulationBitmapAlignment - _childNodePopulationBitmapAlignment)
return _childNodePopulationBitmapOffset
+ _childNodePopulationBitmapSize
+ padding
static var _childNodeOrKeyArraySize: Int {
return _childNodeOrKeyStride * 32
static var _childNodeOrKeyArrayAlignment: Int {
return _childNodeOrKeyAlignment
static var _childNodeOrKeyArrayOffset: Int {
let padding =
max(0, _childNodeOrKeyArrayAlignment - _keyPopulationBitmapAlignment)
return _keyPopulationBitmapOffset + _keyPopulationBitmapSize + padding
static var _valueArraySize: Int {
return MemoryLayout<Value>.stride * 32
static var _valueArrayAlignment: Int {
return MemoryLayout<Value>.alignment
static var _valueArrayOffset: Int {
let padding =
max(0, _valueArrayAlignment - _childNodeOrKeyArrayAlignment)
return _childNodeOrKeyArrayOffset + _childNodeOrKeyArraySize + padding
static var _nodeAlignment: Int {
return _referenceCountAlignment
static var _nodeSize: Int {
return _valueArrayOffset + _valueArraySize
var _nodePointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer
var _referenceCountPointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int> {
return _nodePointer.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int.self)
func retain() {
let old = _swift_stdlib_atomicFetchAddInt(
object: _referenceCountPointer,
operand: 1)
precondition(old != 0) // sanity check
func release() {
let old = _swift_stdlib_atomicFetchAddInt(
object: _referenceCountPointer,
operand: -1)
if _slowPath(old == 1) {
func dealloc() {
for i in childNodePopulationBitmap.setBitIndices {
(_childNodeOrKeyArray + _Self._childNodeOrKeyStride * i)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: _PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>.self)
if !_isPOD(Key.self) {
for i in keyPopulationBitmap.setBitIndices {
(_childNodeOrKeyArray + _Self._childNodeOrKeyStride * i)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: Key.self)
.deinitialize(count: 1)
if !_isPOD(Value.self) {
for i in keyPopulationBitmap.setBitIndices {
(_valueArray + i).deinitialize(count: 1)
byteCount: _Self._nodeSize,
alignment: _Self._nodeAlignment)
func isUniquelyReferenced() -> Bool {
return _swift_stdlib_atomicLoadInt(object: _referenceCountPointer) == 1
var childNodePopulationBitmap: _Int32Bitmap {
unsafeAddress {
return UnsafePointer((_nodePointer + _Self._childNodePopulationBitmapOffset)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: _Int32Bitmap.self))
nonmutating unsafeMutableAddress {
return (_nodePointer + _Self._childNodePopulationBitmapOffset)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: _Int32Bitmap.self)
var keyPopulationBitmap: _Int32Bitmap {
unsafeAddress {
return UnsafePointer((_nodePointer + _Self._keyPopulationBitmapOffset)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: _Int32Bitmap.self))
nonmutating unsafeMutableAddress {
return (_nodePointer + _Self._keyPopulationBitmapOffset)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: _Int32Bitmap.self)
var childNodeCount: Int {
return childNodePopulationBitmap.setBitCount
var keyCount: Int {
return keyPopulationBitmap.setBitCount
var _childNodeOrKeyArray: UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return _nodePointer + _Self._childNodeOrKeyArrayOffset
var _valueArray: UnsafeMutablePointer<Value> {
return (_nodePointer + _Self._valueArrayOffset)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: Value.self)
init(_nodePointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self._nodePointer = _nodePointer
init() {
self._nodePointer = allocBytes(
count: _Self._nodeSize,
alignment: _Self._nodeAlignment)
// Initialize members.
_swift_stdlib_atomicStoreInt(object: _referenceCountPointer, desired: 1)
self.childNodePopulationBitmap = _Int32Bitmap()
self.keyPopulationBitmap = _Int32Bitmap()
func initializeKey(
at i: Int,
key: Key,
value: Value
) {
precondition(i >= 0 && i < 32) // sanity check
precondition(!childNodePopulationBitmap[i]) // sanity check
precondition(!keyPopulationBitmap[i]) // sanity check
(_childNodeOrKeyArray + _Self._childNodeOrKeyStride * i)
.initializeMemory(as: Key.self, repeating: key, count: 1)
(_valueArray + i).initialize(to: value)
keyPopulationBitmap[i] = true
func unsafeMaybeGet(
key: Key,
hashValue: Int,
depth: Int8
) -> UnsafePointer<Value> {
func updateValue(
_ value: Value,
forKey key: Key,
hashValue: Int,
depth: Int8,
pathIsUnique: Bool
) -> (Value?, _PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>, Bool) {
func removeValue(
forKey key: Key,
hashValue: Int,
depth: Int8,
pathIsUnique: Bool
) -> (Value?, _PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>?) {
var customMirror: Mirror {
struct _PVCollisionNodePointerLayoutParameters {
var keyCount: Int
struct _PVCollisionNodePointer<Key : LegacyHashable, Value>
: CustomReflectable {
typealias _Self = _PVCollisionNodePointer
static var _referenceCountSize: Int {
return MemoryLayout<Int>.size
static var _referenceCountAlignment: Int {
return MemoryLayout<Int>.alignment
static var _referenceCountOffset: Int {
return 0
static var _countSize: Int {
return MemoryLayout<Int>.size
static var _countAlignment: Int {
return MemoryLayout<Int>.alignment
static var _countOffset: Int {
let padding = max(
_countAlignment - _referenceCountAlignment)
return _referenceCountOffset + _referenceCountSize + padding
static func _keyArraySize(layout: _PVCollisionNodePointerLayoutParameters) -> Int {
return MemoryLayout<Key>.stride * layout.keyCount
static var _keyArrayAlignment: Int {
return MemoryLayout<Key>.alignment
static var _keyArrayOffset: Int {
let padding =
max(0, _keyArrayAlignment - _countAlignment)
return _countOffset + _countSize + padding
static func _valueArraySize(layout: _PVCollisionNodePointerLayoutParameters) -> Int {
return MemoryLayout<Value>.stride * layout.keyCount
static var _valueArrayAlignment: Int {
return MemoryLayout<Value>.alignment
static func _valueArrayOffset(layout: _PVCollisionNodePointerLayoutParameters) -> Int {
let padding =
max(0, _valueArrayAlignment - _keyArrayAlignment)
return _keyArrayOffset + _keyArraySize(layout: layout) + padding
static var _nodeAlignment: Int {
return _referenceCountAlignment
static func _nodeSize(layout: _PVCollisionNodePointerLayoutParameters) -> Int {
return _valueArrayOffset(layout: layout) + _valueArraySize(layout: layout)
var _nodePointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer
var _referenceCountPointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int> {
return _nodePointer.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int.self)
var layoutParameters: _PVCollisionNodePointerLayoutParameters {
return _PVCollisionNodePointerLayoutParameters(
keyCount: keyCount)
func retain() {
let old = _swift_stdlib_atomicFetchAddInt(
object: _referenceCountPointer,
operand: 1)
precondition(old != 0) // sanity check
func release() {
let old = _swift_stdlib_atomicFetchAddInt(
object: _referenceCountPointer,
operand: -1)
if _slowPath(old == 1) {
func dealloc() {
let layout = layoutParameters
_keyArray.deinitialize(count: keyCount)
_valueArray(layout: layout).deinitialize(count: keyCount)
byteCount: _Self._nodeSize(layout: layout),
alignment: _Self._nodeAlignment)
func isUniquelyReferenced() -> Bool {
return _swift_stdlib_atomicLoadInt(object: _referenceCountPointer) == 1
var keyCount: Int {
unsafeAddress {
return UnsafePointer((_nodePointer + _Self._countOffset)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int.self))
nonmutating unsafeMutableAddress {
return (_nodePointer + _Self._countOffset)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int.self)
var _keyArray: UnsafeMutablePointer<Key> {
return (_nodePointer + _Self._keyArrayOffset)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: Key.self)
func _valueArray(layout: _PVCollisionNodePointerLayoutParameters)
-> UnsafeMutablePointer<Value> {
return (_nodePointer + _Self._valueArrayOffset(layout: layout))
.assumingMemoryBound(to: Value.self)
init(_nodePointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self._nodePointer = _nodePointer
uninitializedNodeFor layout: _PVCollisionNodePointerLayoutParameters
) {
self._nodePointer = allocBytes(
count: _Self._nodeSize(layout: layout),
alignment: _Self._nodeAlignment)
// Initialize members.
_swift_stdlib_atomicStoreInt(object: _referenceCountPointer, desired: 1)
self.keyCount = layout.keyCount
key0: Key, value0: Value,
key1: Key, value1: Value
) {
let layout = _PVCollisionNodePointerLayoutParameters(keyCount: 2)
self = _Self(uninitializedNodeFor: layout)
let keyArray = self._keyArray
keyArray.initialize(to: key0)
(keyArray + 1).initialize(to: key1)
let valueArray = self._valueArray(layout: layout)
valueArray.initialize(to: value0)
(valueArray + 1).initialize(to: value1)
func initializeKey(
at i: Int,
key: Key,
value: Value,
layout: _PVCollisionNodePointerLayoutParameters
) {
precondition(i >= 0 && i < layout.keyCount) // sanity check
(_keyArray + i).initialize(to: key)
(_valueArray(layout: layout) + i).initialize(to: value)
func copyValues(
from newValues: UnsafeMutablePointer<Value>,
except i: Int,
replaceWith newValue: Value,
layout: _PVCollisionNodePointerLayoutParameters
) {
let valueArray = _valueArray(layout: layout)
valueArray.initialize(from: newValues, count: i)
valueArray[i] = newValue
let destPointer = valueArray + i + 1
newValues + i + 1, count: layout.keyCount - i - 1)
func initializeKeys(
from newKeys: UnsafeMutablePointer<Key>,
appendKey: Key,
values newValues: UnsafeMutablePointer<Value>,
appendValue: Value,
layout: _PVCollisionNodePointerLayoutParameters
) {
precondition(layout.keyCount >= 1)
let keyArray = _keyArray
keyArray.initialize(from: newKeys, count: layout.keyCount - 1)
(keyArray + layout.keyCount - 1).initialize(to: appendKey)
let valueArray = _valueArray(layout: layout)
valueArray.initialize(from: newValues, count: layout.keyCount - 1)
(valueArray + layout.keyCount - 1).initialize(to: appendValue)
func unsafeMaybeGet(
key: Key,
hashValue: Int,
depth: Int8
) -> UnsafePointer<Value>? {
let layout = layoutParameters
let keyArray = _keyArray
for i in 0..<layout.keyCount {
if key == keyArray[i] {
return UnsafePointer(_valueArray(layout: layout) + i)
return nil
func updateValue(
_ value: Value,
forKey key: Key,
hashValue: Int,
depth: Int8,
pathIsUnique: Bool
) -> (Value?, _PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>, Bool) {
let layout = layoutParameters
let keyArray = _keyArray
for i in 0..<layout.keyCount {
if key == keyArray[i] {
let valueArray = _valueArray(layout: layout)
let oldValue = valueArray[i]
if _fastPath(pathIsUnique && isUniquelyReferenced()) {
// Mutate in place.
valueArray[i] = value
return (oldValue, _PVAnyNodePointer(self), false)
} else {
// Create a new node.
let newNode = _PVCollisionNodePointer(uninitializedNodeFor: layout)
keyArray, count: layout.keyCount)
from: valueArray,
except: i,
replaceWith: value,
layout: layout)
return (oldValue, _PVAnyNodePointer(newNode), false)
// The key wasn't found, insert it.
FIXME(performance): mutate in place.
if _fastPath(pathIsUnique && isUniquelyReferenced()) {
let newLayout = _PVCollisionNodePointerLayoutParameters(
keyCount: layout.keyCount + 1)
// Try to mutate in place.
let newSize = _Self._nodeSize(newLayout)
if _swift_stdlib_malloc_size(_nodePointer) >= newSize {
// Size is sufficient, append the new key.
keyCount = newLayout.keyCount
at: newLayout.keyCount - 1,
key: key,
value: value,
layout: newLayout)
return (nil, _PVAnyNodePointer(self), true)
// We need to create a new node either because the node is not uniquely
// referenced, or it is too small to append in place.
let newLayout = _PVCollisionNodePointerLayoutParameters(
keyCount: layout.keyCount + 1)
let newNode = _PVCollisionNodePointer(uninitializedNodeFor: newLayout)
from: keyArray, appendKey: key,
values: _valueArray(layout: layout), appendValue: value,
layout: newLayout)
return (nil, _PVAnyNodePointer(newNode), true)
func removeValue(
forKey key: Key,
hashValue: Int,
depth: Int8,
pathIsUnique: Bool
) -> (Value?, _PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>?) {
var customMirror: Mirror {
let layout = layoutParameters
let data =
(0..<keyCount).map { (i) -> (Key, Value) in
((_keyArray + i).pointee,
(_valueArray(layout: layout) + i).pointee)
return Mirror(
children: [
"referenceCount" : _referenceCountPointer.pointee,
"keyCount" : keyCount,
"data" : data])
struct _PVAnyNodePointer<Key : LegacyHashable, Value>
: CustomReflectable, Equatable {
let taggedPointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer
init(taggedPointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.taggedPointer = taggedPointer
init(_ sparseVectorNode: _PVSparseVectorNodePointer<Key, Value>) {
Int(bitPattern: sparseVectorNode._nodePointer) & 0x3 == 0) // sanity check
self.taggedPointer = sparseVectorNode._nodePointer
init(_ arrayNode: _PVArrayNodePointer<Key, Value>) {
Int(bitPattern: arrayNode._nodePointer) & 0x3 == 0) // sanity check
self.taggedPointer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern:
Int(bitPattern: arrayNode._nodePointer) | 1)!
init(_ collisionNode: _PVCollisionNodePointer<Key, Value>) {
Int(bitPattern: collisionNode._nodePointer) & 0x3 == 0) // sanity check
self.taggedPointer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern:
Int(bitPattern: collisionNode._nodePointer) | 2)!
var tag: Int {
return Int(bitPattern: taggedPointer) & 0x3
var _untaggedPointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern:
Int(bitPattern: taggedPointer) & ~0x3)!
var _referenceCountPointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int> {
return _untaggedPointer.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int.self)
var asSparseVectorNode: _PVSparseVectorNodePointer<Key, Value> {
precondition(tag == 0) // sanity check
return _PVSparseVectorNodePointer(_nodePointer: taggedPointer)
var asArrayNode: _PVArrayNodePointer<Key, Value> {
precondition(tag == 1) // sanity check
return _PVArrayNodePointer(_nodePointer: _untaggedPointer)
var asCollisionNode: _PVCollisionNodePointer<Key, Value> {
precondition(tag == 2) // sanity check
return _PVCollisionNodePointer(_nodePointer: _untaggedPointer)
func retain() {
let old = _swift_stdlib_atomicFetchAddInt(
object: _referenceCountPointer,
operand: 1)
precondition(old != 0) // sanity check
func release() {
let old = _swift_stdlib_atomicFetchAddInt(
object: _referenceCountPointer,
operand: -1)
if _slowPath(old == 1) {
func dealloc() {
switch tag {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
preconditionFailure("unknown pointer tag") // sanity check
func isUniquelyReferenced() -> Bool {
return _swift_stdlib_atomicLoadInt(object: _referenceCountPointer) == 1
func unsafeMaybeGet(
key: Key,
hashValue: Int,
depth: Int8
) -> UnsafePointer<Value>? {
switch tag {
case 0:
return asSparseVectorNode.unsafeMaybeGet(
key: key, hashValue: hashValue, depth: depth)
case 1:
return asArrayNode.unsafeMaybeGet(
key: key, hashValue: hashValue, depth: depth)
case 2:
return asCollisionNode.unsafeMaybeGet(
key: key, hashValue: hashValue, depth: depth)
preconditionFailure("unknown pointer tag") // sanity check
/// Returns:
/// - old value that was replaced,
/// - pointer to the node that has the new value. The pointer can be the
/// same as `self`, or a different one.
/// The node pointer is returned at +0 if the mutation happened in
/// place, or at +1 if a new node was allocated.
/// - a flag indicating whether the key was newly inserted.
func updateValue(
_ value: Value,
forKey key: Key,
hashValue: Int,
depth: Int8,
pathIsUnique: Bool
) -> (Value?, _PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>, Bool) {
switch tag {
case 0:
return asSparseVectorNode.updateValue(
value, forKey: key, hashValue: hashValue, depth: depth,
pathIsUnique: pathIsUnique)
case 1:
return asArrayNode.updateValue(
value, forKey: key, hashValue: hashValue, depth: depth,
pathIsUnique: pathIsUnique)
case 2:
return asCollisionNode.updateValue(
value, forKey: key, hashValue: hashValue, depth: depth,
pathIsUnique: pathIsUnique)
preconditionFailure("unknown pointer tag") // sanity check
/// Returns:
/// - old value that was removed,
/// - pointer to the node that does not have the key. The pointer can be
/// the same as `self`, or a different one. The node pointer is
/// returned at +0 if the mutation happened in place, or at +1 if a new
/// node was allocated.
func removeValue(
forKey key: Key,
hashValue: Int,
depth: Int8,
pathIsUnique: Bool
) -> (Value?, _PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>?) {
switch tag {
case 0:
return asSparseVectorNode.removeValue(
forKey: key, hashValue: hashValue,
depth: depth, pathIsUnique: pathIsUnique)
case 1:
return asArrayNode.removeValue(
forKey: key, hashValue: hashValue,
depth: depth, pathIsUnique: pathIsUnique)
case 2:
return asCollisionNode.removeValue(
forKey: key, hashValue: hashValue,
depth: depth, pathIsUnique: pathIsUnique)
preconditionFailure("unknown pointer tag") // sanity check
var customMirror: Mirror {
switch tag {
case 0:
return Mirror(reflecting: asSparseVectorNode)
case 1:
return Mirror(reflecting: asArrayNode)
case 2:
return Mirror(reflecting: asCollisionNode)
return Mirror(self, children: ["unknown tag": tag])
func == <Key, Value> (
lhs: _PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>,
rhs: _PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>
) -> Bool {
return lhs.taggedPointer == rhs.taggedPointer
final internal
class _NativePVDictionaryStorageRef<Key : LegacyHashable, Value> {
var _rootNode: _PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>?
var _count: Int
init() {
self._rootNode = nil
self._count = 0
/// rootNode is passed at +1.
init(rootNode: _PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>?, count: Int) {
self._rootNode = rootNode
self._count = count
deinit {
struct _NativePVDictionaryStorage<Key : LegacyHashable, Value> {
var _storageRef: _NativePVDictionaryStorageRef<Key, Value>
var _rootNode: _PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>? {
get {
return _storageRef._rootNode
set {
_storageRef._rootNode = newValue
init() {
self._storageRef = _NativePVDictionaryStorageRef()
typealias Index = Int // FIXME
typealias SequenceElement = (Key, Value)
var startIndex: Index {
var endIndex: Index {
func index(forKey key: Key) -> Index? {
if _rootNode == nil {
return nil
func assertingGet(i: Index) -> SequenceElement {
precondition(_rootNode != nil)
func assertingGet(key: Key) -> Value {
let valuePointer = _rootNode!.unsafeMaybeGet(
key: key, hashValue: key.legacyHashValue, depth: 0)
return valuePointer!.pointee
func maybeGet(key: Key) -> Value? {
let valuePointer = _rootNode?.unsafeMaybeGet(
key: key, hashValue: key.legacyHashValue, depth: 0)
return { $0.pointee }
mutating func _replaceRootNode(
with newRootNode: _PVAnyNodePointer<Key, Value>?,
isUnique: Bool,
countDelta: Int
) {
if _rootNode == newRootNode {
if count != 0 {
count += countDelta
if isUnique {
_rootNode = newRootNode
count += countDelta
} else {
_storageRef = _NativePVDictionaryStorageRef(
rootNode: newRootNode,
count: count + countDelta)
mutating func updateValue(_ value: Value, forKey key: Key) -> Value? {
let hashValue = key.legacyHashValue
guard let oldRootNode = _rootNode else {
let layout = _PVSparseVectorNodeLayoutParameters(
childNodeCount: 0,
keyCount: 1)
let uninitializedNode =
_PVSparseVectorNodePointer<Key, Value>(emptyNodeFor: layout)
let bucket = hashValue & (32 - 1)
at: bucket,
key: key,
value: value,
layout: layout)
_rootNode = _PVAnyNodePointer(uninitializedNode)
count = 1
return nil
let isUnique = isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storageRef)
let (oldValue, newRootNode, wasInserted) = oldRootNode.updateValue(
forKey: key,
hashValue: hashValue,
depth: 0,
pathIsUnique: isUnique)
with: newRootNode,
isUnique: isUnique,
countDelta: wasInserted ? 1 : 0)
return oldValue
mutating func removeAt(_ index: Index) -> SequenceElement {
mutating func removeValue(forKey key: Key) -> Value? {
guard let oldRootNode = _rootNode else {
return nil
let hashValue = key.legacyHashValue
let isUnique = isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storageRef)
let (oldValue, newRootNode) = oldRootNode.removeValue(
forKey: key,
hashValue: hashValue,
depth: 0,
pathIsUnique: isUnique)
with: newRootNode,
isUnique: isUnique,
countDelta: oldValue != nil ? -1 : 0)
return oldValue
mutating func removeAll(keepCapacity: Bool) {
if _rootNode == nil {
var count: Int {
get {
return _storageRef._count
set {
_storageRef._count = newValue
static func fromArray(elements: [SequenceElement])
-> _NativePVDictionaryStorage<Key, Value> {
import StdlibUnittest
var Bitmap = TestSuite("Bitmap")
Bitmap.test("setBitCount") {
var bm = _IntBitmap()
expectEqual(0, bm.setBitCount)
bm[0] = true
expectEqual(1, bm._bits)
expectEqual(1, bm.setBitCount)
bm[31] = true
expectEqual(0x8000_0001, bm._bits)
expectEqual(2, bm.setBitCount)
bm[0] = false
expectEqual(0x8000_0000, bm._bits)
expectEqual(1, bm.setBitCount)
bm[31] = false
expectEqual(0, bm._bits)
expectEqual(0, bm.setBitCount)
Bitmap.test("setBitIndices") {
var bm = _IntBitmap()
bm[0] = true
bm[4] = true
bm[5] = true
bm[7] = true
bm[31] = true
expectEqualSequence([ 0, 4, 5, 7, 31 ], Array(bm.setBitIndices))
extension MinimalHashableValue: LegacyHashable {
var legacyHashValue: Int {
return self.value % 10000
var PersistentVectorTests = TestSuite("PersistentVector")
PersistentVectorTests.test("sizeof") {
MemoryLayout<_PVSparseVectorNodePointer<MinimalHashableValue, OpaqueValue<Int32>>>.size)
MemoryLayout<_PVArrayNodePointer<MinimalHashableValue, OpaqueValue<Int32>>>.size)
MemoryLayout<_PVAnyNodePointer<MinimalHashableValue, OpaqueValue<Int32>>>.size)
TRACE = '''_ message: @autoclosure () -> String = "",
showFrame: Bool = true,
stackTrace: SourceLocStack = SourceLocStack(),
file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line'''
# When the parameter list would start with a ${TRACE}, we use
# ${TRACE1} instead, to avoid the warning about an extraneous
# '_' on the first parameter.
TRACE1 = TRACE.replace(' _ ', ' ', 1)
stackTrace = 'stackTrace.pushIf(showFrame, file: file, line: line)'
trace = 'message(),\n stackTrace: ' + stackTrace
func expectContents(
_ contents: [(MinimalHashableValue, OpaqueValue<Int>)],
unexpectedKeys: [MinimalHashableValue] = [],
_ storage: _NativePVDictionaryStorage<MinimalHashableValue, OpaqueValue<Int>>,
) {
for (key, value) in contents {
storage.maybeGet(key: key)?.value,
for key in unexpectedKeys {
expectNil(storage.maybeGet(key: key), ${trace})
expectEqual(contents.count, storage.count, ${trace})
enum DictionaryModification {
case InsertOrUpdateWithId(id: String, key: Int, value: Int)
static func InsertOrUpdate(key: Int, value: Int)
-> DictionaryModification {
return .InsertOrUpdateWithId(id: "main", key: key, value: value)
case RemoveWithId(id: String, key: Int)
static func Remove(key: Int) -> DictionaryModification {
return .RemoveWithId(id: "main", key: key)
// FIXME: case RemoveAll(keepCapacity: Bool)
case CopyDictionary(source: String, destination: String)
case DropDictionary(id: String)
func prettyPrint(modifications: [DictionaryModification]) {
for modification in modifications {
print(" ", modification, ",", separator: "")
/// A very simple (but slow) dictionary that can be verified by code
/// inspection.
struct UnittestDictionary<Key : Equatable, Value> {
var _elements: [(Key, Value)] = []
init() {}
subscript(key: Key) -> Value? {
get {
for (existingKey, existingValue) in _elements {
if key == existingKey {
return existingValue
return nil
set {
if let newValue = newValue {
for i in _elements.indices {
if key == _elements[i].0 {
_elements[i].1 = newValue
_elements.append((key, newValue))
} else {
for i in _elements.indices {
if key == _elements[i].0 {
_elements.remove(at: i)
mutating func take(key: Key) -> Value {
let value = self[key]!
self[key] = nil
return value
var count: Int {
return _elements.count
var keys: [Key] {
return { $0.0 }
var debugDictionaryTests = false
func testDictionary(
modifications: [DictionaryModification],
) {
if debugDictionaryTests {
typealias MyDictionary = _NativePVDictionaryStorage<
MinimalHashableValue, OpaqueValue<Int>
typealias ShadowDictionary = UnittestDictionary<
MinimalHashableValue, OpaqueValue<Int>
var allKeys: [MinimalHashableValue] = []
for modification in modifications {
switch modification {
case let .InsertOrUpdateWithId(id: _, key: key, value: _):
case let .RemoveWithId(id: _, key: key):
case .CopyDictionary:
break // ignore
case .DropDictionary:
break // ignore
// Add colliding keys.
for key in allKeys {
allKeys.append(MinimalHashableValue(key.value + 990000))
var dictionaries = UnittestDictionary<String, MyDictionary>()
var shadowDictionaries = UnittestDictionary<String, ShadowDictionary>()
dictionaries["main"] = MyDictionary()
shadowDictionaries["main"] = ShadowDictionary()
for (i, modification) in modifications.enumerated() {
if debugDictionaryTests {
print(modification, "...", separator: "")
switch modification {
case let .InsertOrUpdateWithId(id: id, key: key, value: value):
let minimalHashableKey = MinimalHashableValue(key, identity: i)
let opaqueValue = OpaqueValue(value, identity: i)
var shadow = shadowDictionaries.take(key: id)
let expectedOldValue = shadow[minimalHashableKey]
shadow[minimalHashableKey] = opaqueValue
shadowDictionaries[id] = shadow
var dictionary = dictionaries.take(key: id)
if debugDictionaryTests {
// newDump(dictionary, name: "BEFORE")
let oldValue = dictionary.updateValue(
opaqueValue, forKey: minimalHashableKey)
if debugDictionaryTests {
// newDump(dictionary, name: "AFTER")
dictionaries[id] = dictionary
expectEqual(expectedOldValue?.value, oldValue?.value)
expectEqual(expectedOldValue?.identity, oldValue?.identity)
case let .RemoveWithId(id: id, key: key):
let minimalHashableKey = MinimalHashableValue(key, identity: i)
var shadow = shadowDictionaries.take(key: id)
let expectedOldValue = shadow[minimalHashableKey]
shadow[minimalHashableKey] = nil
shadowDictionaries[id] = shadow
var dictionary = dictionaries.take(key: id)
if debugDictionaryTests {
// newDump(dictionary, name: "BEFORE")
let oldValue = dictionary.removeValue(forKey: minimalHashableKey)
if debugDictionaryTests {
// newDump(dictionary, name: "AFTER")
dictionaries[id] = dictionary
expectEqual(expectedOldValue?.value, oldValue?.value)
expectEqual(expectedOldValue?.identity, oldValue?.identity)
case let .CopyDictionary(source: source, destination: destination):
let shadow = shadowDictionaries[source]
shadowDictionaries[destination] = shadow
let dictionary = dictionaries[source]
dictionaries[destination] = dictionary
case let .DropDictionary(id: id):
shadowDictionaries[id] = nil
dictionaries[id] = nil
for id in dictionaries.keys {
let dictionary = dictionaries[id]!
let shadow = shadowDictionaries[id]!
let expectedKeys = shadow.keys
let unexpectedKeys = allKeys.filter { !expectedKeys.contains($0) }
for key in unexpectedKeys {
expectNil(dictionary.maybeGet(key: key), ${trace})
unexpectedKeys: unexpectedKeys,
PersistentVectorTests.test("crash") {
func InsertOrUpdateWithId(id: String, _ key: Int, _ value: Int) -> DictionaryModification {
return .InsertOrUpdateWithId(id: id, key: key, value: value)
func CopyDictionary(source: String, _ destination: String) -> DictionaryModification {
return .CopyDictionary(source: source, destination: destination)
let modifications: [DictionaryModification] = [
testDictionary(modifications: modifications)
.skip(.custom({ true }, reason: "Fails in optimized mode. rdar://problem/27119174"))
.code {
for keyCount in 1..<33 {
var modifications: [DictionaryModification] = []
// Insert new keys.
modifications += (0..<keyCount).map {
key: $0 * 10, value: $0 * 100 + 1)
// Update values for existing keys.
modifications += (0..<keyCount).map {
key: $0 * 10, value: $0 * 100 + 2)
// Update values for existing keys when the dictionary is non-uniquely
// referenced.
modifications += (0..<keyCount).flatMap {
i -> [DictionaryModification] in
return [
source: "main", destination: "copy"),
key: i * 10, value: i * 100 + 3),
id: "copy",
key: i * 10, value: i * 100 + 4),
testDictionary(modifications: modifications)
PersistentVectorTests.test("updateValue/CollisionInRootNode/1") {
for initialKeyCount in 0..<4 {
var modifications: [DictionaryModification] = []
modifications += (0..<initialKeyCount).map {
key: $0 * 10, value: $0)
modifications += (1..<33).map {
key: $0 * 10000 + 10, value: 1000 + $0)
testDictionary(modifications: modifications)
PersistentVectorTests.test("removeValue(forKey:)/NoCollisionsInRootNode/1") {
debugDictionaryTests = true
for keyCount in 1..<33 {
var modifications: [DictionaryModification] = []
// Insert new keys.
modifications += (0..<keyCount).map {
key: $0, value: $0 * 100 + 1)
// Remove existing keys.
modifications += (0..<keyCount).map {
DictionaryModification.Remove(key: $0)
testDictionary(modifications: modifications)