blob: eef67cf478287c47f66437e00b746f3b4921311b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 4
func canonical_empty_protocol() -> Any {
return 1
protocol P1 {
func p1()
func f(_: Int) -> Int
protocol P2 : P1 {
func p2()
protocol P3 {
func p3()
protocol P4 : P3 {
func p4()
func f(_: Double) -> Double
typealias Any1 = protocol<> // expected-error {{'protocol<>' syntax has been removed; use 'Any' instead}}
typealias Any2 = protocol< > // expected-error {{'protocol<>' syntax has been removed; use 'Any' instead}}
// Okay to inherit a typealias for Any type.
protocol P5 : Any { }
protocol P6 : protocol<> { } // expected-error {{'protocol<>' syntax has been removed; use 'Any' instead}}
typealias P7 = Any & Any1
extension Int : P5 { }
typealias Bogus = P1 & Int // expected-error{{non-protocol, non-class type 'Int' cannot be used within a protocol-constrained type}}
func testEquality() {
// Remove duplicates from protocol-conformance types.
let x1 : (_ : P2 & P4) -> ()
let x2 : (_ : P3 & P4 & P2 & P1) -> ()
x1 = x2
_ = x1
// Singleton protocol-conformance types, after duplication, are the same as
// simply naming the protocol type.
let x3 : (_ : P2 & P1) -> ()
let x4 : (_ : P2) -> ()
x3 = x4
_ = x3
// Empty protocol-conformance types are empty.
let x5 : (_ : Any) -> ()
let x6 : (_ : Any2) -> ()
x5 = x6
_ = x5
let x7 : (_ : P1 & P3) -> ()
let x8 : (_ : P2) -> ()
x7 = x8 // expected-error{{cannot assign value of type '(P2) -> ()' to type '(P1 & P3) -> ()'}}
_ = x7
// Name lookup into protocol-conformance types
func testLookup() {
let x1 : P2 & P1 & P4
var _ : Int = x1.f(1)
var _ : Double = x1.f(1.0)
protocol REPLPrintable {
func replPrint()
protocol SuperREPLPrintable : REPLPrintable {
func superReplPrint()
protocol FooProtocol {
func format(_ kind: Unicode.Scalar, layout: String) -> String
struct SuperPrint : REPLPrintable, FooProtocol, SuperREPLPrintable {
func replPrint() {}
func superReplPrint() {}
func format(_ kind: Unicode.Scalar, layout: String) -> String {}
struct Struct1 {}
extension Struct1 : REPLPrintable, FooProtocol {
func replPrint() {}
func format(_ kind: Unicode.Scalar, layout: String) -> String {}
func accept_manyPrintable(_: REPLPrintable & FooProtocol) {}
func return_superPrintable() -> FooProtocol & SuperREPLPrintable {}
func testConversion() {
// Conversions for literals.
var x : REPLPrintable & FooProtocol = Struct1()
// Conversions for nominal types that conform to a number of protocols.
let sp : SuperPrint
x = sp
// Conversions among existential types.
var x2 : protocol<SuperREPLPrintable, FooProtocol> // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed; join the protocols using '&'}} {{12-53=SuperREPLPrintable & FooProtocol}}
x2 = x // expected-error{{value of type 'FooProtocol & REPLPrintable' does not conform to 'FooProtocol & SuperREPLPrintable' in assignment}}
x = x2
// Subtyping
var _ : () -> FooProtocol & SuperREPLPrintable = return_superPrintable
// FIXME: closures make ABI conversions explicit. rdar://problem/19517003
var _ : () -> protocol<FooProtocol, REPLPrintable> = { return_superPrintable() } // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed; join the protocols using '&'}} {{17-53=FooProtocol & REPLPrintable}}
// Test the parser's splitting of >= into > and =.
var x : protocol<P5>= 17 // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed and is not needed here}} {{9-22=P5=}} expected-error {{'=' must have consistent whitespace on both sides}}
var y : protocol<P5, P7>= 17 // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed; join the protocols using '&'}} {{9-26=P5 & P7=}} expected-error {{'=' must have consistent whitespace on both sides}}
var z : protocol<P5, P7>?=17 // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed; join the protocols using '&'}} {{9-27=(P5 & P7)?=}}
typealias A1 = protocol<> // expected-error {{'protocol<>' syntax has been removed; use 'Any' instead}} {{16-26=Any}}
typealias A2 = protocol<>? // expected-error {{'protocol<>' syntax has been removed; use 'Any' instead}} {{16-27=Any?}}
typealias B1 = protocol<P1,P2> // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed; join the protocols using '&'}} {{16-31=P1 & P2}}
typealias B2 = protocol<P1, P2> // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed; join the protocols using '&'}} {{16-32=P1 & P2}}
typealias B3 = protocol<P1 ,P2> // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed; join the protocols using '&'}} {{16-32=P1 & P2}}
typealias B4 = protocol<P1 , P2> // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed; join the protocols using '&'}} {{16-33=P1 & P2}}
typealias C1 = protocol<Any, P1> // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed and is not needed here}} {{16-33=P1}}
typealias C2 = protocol<P1, Any> // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed and is not needed here}} {{16-33=P1}}
typealias D = protocol<P1> // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed and is not needed here}} {{15-27=P1}}
typealias E = protocol<Any> // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed and is not needed here}} {{15-28=Any}}
typealias F = protocol<Any, Any> // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed and is not needed here}} {{15-33=Any}}
typealias G = protocol<P1>.Type // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed and is not needed here}} {{15-27=P1}}
typealias H = protocol<P1>! // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed and is not needed here}} {{15-28=P1!}}
typealias J = protocol<P1, P2>.Protocol // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed; join the protocols using '&'}} {{15-31=(P1 & P2)}}
typealias K = protocol<P1, P2>? // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed; join the protocols using '&'}} {{15-32=(P1 & P2)?}}
typealias T01 = P1.Protocol & P2 // expected-error {{non-protocol, non-class type 'P1.Protocol' cannot be used within a protocol-constrained type}}
typealias T02 = P1.Type & P2 // expected-error {{non-protocol, non-class type 'P1.Type' cannot be used within a protocol-constrained type}}
typealias T03 = P1? & P2 // expected-error {{non-protocol, non-class type 'P1?' cannot be used within a protocol-constrained type}}
typealias T04 = P1 & P2! // expected-error {{non-protocol, non-class type 'P2!' cannot be used within a protocol-constrained type}} expected-error {{implicitly unwrapped optionals}} {{24-25=?}}
typealias T05 = P1 & P2 -> P3 // expected-error {{single argument function types require parentheses}} {{17-17=(}} {{24-24=)}}
typealias T06 = P1 -> P2 & P3 // expected-error {{single argument function types require parentheses}} {{17-17=(}} {{19-19=)}}
typealias T07 = P1 & protocol<P2, P3> // expected-error {{protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed; join the protocols using '&'}} {{22-38=P2 & P3}}
func fT07(x: T07) -> P1 & P2 & P3 { return x } // OK, 'P1 & protocol<P2, P3>' is parsed as 'P1 & P2 & P3'.
let _: P1 & P2 & P3 -> P1 & P2 & P3 = fT07 // expected-error {{single argument function types require parentheses}} {{8-8=(}} {{20-20=)}}
struct S01: P5 & P6 {}
struct S02: P5? & P6 {} // expected-error {{non-protocol, non-class type 'P5?' cannot be used within a protocol-constrained type}}
struct S03: Optional<P5> & P6 {} // expected-error {{non-protocol, non-class type 'Optional<P5>' cannot be used within a protocol-constrained type}}
struct S04<T : P5 & (P6)> {}
struct S05<T> where T : P5? & P6 {} // expected-error 2{{non-protocol, non-class type 'P5?' cannot be used within a protocol-constrained type}}
// SR-3124 - Protocol Composition Often Migrated Incorrectly
struct S3124<T: protocol<P1, P3>> {} // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed; join the protocols using '&'}} {{17-34=P1 & P3>}}
func f3124_1<U where U: protocol<P1, P3>>(x: U) {} // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed; join the protocols using '&'}} {{25-42=P1 & P3>}} // expected-error {{'where' clause}}
func f3124_2<U : protocol<P1>>(x: U) {} // expected-error {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax has been removed and is not needed here}} {{18-31=P1>}}
// Make sure we correctly form compositions in expression context
func takesP1AndP2(_: [AnyObject & P1 & P2]) {}
takesP1AndP2([AnyObject & P1 & P2]())
takesP1AndP2([Swift.AnyObject & P1 & P2]())
takesP1AndP2([AnyObject & protocol_composition.P1 & P2]())
takesP1AndP2([AnyObject & P1 & protocol_composition.P2]())
takesP1AndP2([DoesNotExist & P1 & P2]()) // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'DoesNotExist'}}
takesP1AndP2([Swift.DoesNotExist & P1 & P2]()) // expected-error {{module 'Swift' has no member named 'DoesNotExist'}}