blob: 391b7b719f805c096d6d4e3467d950cfdc2de953 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
protocol EmptyProtocol { }
protocol DefinitionsInProtocols {
init() {} // expected-error {{protocol initializers may not have bodies}}
deinit {} // expected-error {{deinitializers may only be declared within a class}}
// Protocol decl.
protocol Test {
func setTitle(_: String)
func erase() -> Bool
var creator: String { get }
var major : Int { get }
var minor : Int { get }
var subminor : Int // expected-error {{property in protocol must have explicit { get } or { get set } specifier}}
static var staticProperty: Int // expected-error{{property in protocol must have explicit { get } or { get set } specifier}}
protocol Test2 {
var property: Int { get }
var title: String = "The Art of War" { get } // expected-error{{initial value is not allowed here}} expected-error {{property in protocol must have explicit { get } or { get set } specifier}}
static var title2: String = "The Art of War" // expected-error{{initial value is not allowed here}} expected-error {{property in protocol must have explicit { get } or { get set } specifier}}
associatedtype mytype
associatedtype mybadtype = Int
associatedtype V : Test = // expected-error {{expected type in associated type declaration}} {{28-28= <#type#>}}
func test1() {
var v1: Test
var s: String
v1.creator = "Me" // expected-error {{cannot assign to property: 'creator' is a get-only property}}
protocol Bogus : Int {}
// expected-error@-1{{inheritance from non-protocol type 'Int'}}
// expected-error@-2{{type 'Self' constrained to non-protocol, non-class type 'Int'}}
// Explicit conformance checks (successful).
protocol CustomStringConvertible { func print() } // expected-note{{protocol requires function 'print()' with type '() -> ()'}} expected-note{{protocol requires}} expected-note{{protocol requires}} expected-note{{protocol requires}}
struct TestFormat { }
protocol FormattedPrintable : CustomStringConvertible {
func print(format: TestFormat)
struct X0 : Any, CustomStringConvertible {
func print() {}
class X1 : Any, CustomStringConvertible {
func print() {}
enum X2 : Any { }
extension X2 : CustomStringConvertible {
func print() {}
// Explicit conformance checks (unsuccessful)
struct NotPrintableS : Any, CustomStringConvertible {} // expected-error{{type 'NotPrintableS' does not conform to protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'}}
class NotPrintableC : CustomStringConvertible, Any {} // expected-error{{type 'NotPrintableC' does not conform to protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'}}
enum NotPrintableO : Any, CustomStringConvertible {} // expected-error{{type 'NotPrintableO' does not conform to protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'}}
struct NotFormattedPrintable : FormattedPrintable { // expected-error{{type 'NotFormattedPrintable' does not conform to protocol 'CustomStringConvertible'}}
func print(format: TestFormat) {} // expected-note{{candidate has non-matching type '(TestFormat) -> ()'}}
// Protocol compositions in inheritance clauses
protocol Left {
func l() // expected-note {{protocol requires function 'l()' with type '() -> ()'; do you want to add a stub?}}
protocol Right {
func r() // expected-note {{protocol requires function 'r()' with type '() -> ()'; do you want to add a stub?}}
typealias Both = Left & Right
protocol Up : Both {
func u()
struct DoesNotConform : Up {
// expected-error@-1 {{type 'DoesNotConform' does not conform to protocol 'Left'}}
// expected-error@-2 {{type 'DoesNotConform' does not conform to protocol 'Right'}}
func u() {}
// Circular protocols
protocol CircleMiddle : CircleStart { func circle_middle() } // expected-error 2 {{circular protocol inheritance CircleMiddle}}
// expected-error@-1{{circular protocol inheritance 'CircleMiddle' -> 'CircleStart' -> 'CircleEnd' -> 'CircleMiddle'}}
// expected-error @+1 {{circular protocol inheritance CircleStart}}
protocol CircleStart : CircleEnd { func circle_start() } // expected-error 2{{circular protocol inheritance CircleStart}}
// expected-note@-1{{protocol 'CircleStart' declared here}}
protocol CircleEnd : CircleMiddle { func circle_end()} // expected-note{{protocol 'CircleEnd' declared here}}
protocol CircleEntry : CircleTrivial { }
protocol CircleTrivial : CircleTrivial { } // expected-error 2{{circular protocol inheritance CircleTrivial}}
struct Circle {
func circle_start() {}
func circle_middle() {}
func circle_end() {}
func testCircular(_ circle: Circle) {
// FIXME: It would be nice if this failure were suppressed because the protocols
// have circular definitions.
_ = circle as CircleStart // expected-error{{'Circle' is not convertible to 'CircleStart'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?}} {{14-16=as!}}
// <rdar://problem/14750346>
protocol Q : C, H { }
protocol C : E { }
protocol H : E { }
protocol E { }
// Associated types
protocol SimpleAssoc {
associatedtype Associated // expected-note{{protocol requires nested type 'Associated'}}
struct IsSimpleAssoc : SimpleAssoc {
struct Associated {}
struct IsNotSimpleAssoc : SimpleAssoc {} // expected-error{{type 'IsNotSimpleAssoc' does not conform to protocol 'SimpleAssoc'}}
protocol StreamWithAssoc {
associatedtype Element
func get() -> Element // expected-note{{protocol requires function 'get()' with type '() -> NotAStreamType.Element'}}
struct AnRange<Int> : StreamWithAssoc {
typealias Element = Int
func get() -> Int {}
// Okay: Word is a typealias for Int
struct AWordStreamType : StreamWithAssoc {
typealias Element = Int
func get() -> Int {}
struct NotAStreamType : StreamWithAssoc { // expected-error{{type 'NotAStreamType' does not conform to protocol 'StreamWithAssoc'}}
typealias Element = Float
func get() -> Int {} // expected-note{{candidate has non-matching type '() -> Int'}}
// Okay: Infers Element == Int
struct StreamTypeWithInferredAssociatedTypes : StreamWithAssoc {
func get() -> Int {}
protocol SequenceViaStream {
associatedtype SequenceStreamTypeType : IteratorProtocol // expected-note{{protocol requires nested type 'SequenceStreamTypeType'}}
func makeIterator() -> SequenceStreamTypeType
struct IntIterator : IteratorProtocol /*, Sequence, ReplPrintable*/ {
typealias Element = Int
var min : Int
var max : Int
var stride : Int
mutating func next() -> Int? {
if min >= max { return .none }
let prev = min
min += stride
return prev
typealias Generator = IntIterator
func makeIterator() -> IntIterator {
return self
extension IntIterator : SequenceViaStream {
typealias SequenceStreamTypeType = IntIterator
struct NotSequence : SequenceViaStream { // expected-error{{type 'NotSequence' does not conform to protocol 'SequenceViaStream'}}
typealias SequenceStreamTypeType = Int // expected-note{{possibly intended match 'NotSequence.SequenceStreamTypeType' (aka 'Int') does not conform to 'IteratorProtocol'}}
func makeIterator() -> Int {}
protocol GetATuple {
associatedtype Tuple
func getATuple() -> Tuple
struct IntStringGetter : GetATuple {
typealias Tuple = (i: Int, s: String)
func getATuple() -> Tuple {}
protocol ClassConstrainedAssocType {
associatedtype T : class
// expected-error@-1 {{'class' constraint can only appear on protocol declarations}}
// expected-note@-2 {{did you mean to write an 'AnyObject' constraint?}}{{22-27=AnyObject}}
// Default arguments
// FIXME: Actually make use of default arguments, check substitutions, etc.
protocol ProtoWithDefaultArg {
func increment(_ value: Int = 1) // expected-error{{default argument not permitted in a protocol method}}
struct HasNoDefaultArg : ProtoWithDefaultArg {
func increment(_: Int) {}
// Variadic function requirements
protocol IntMaxable {
func intmax(first: Int, rest: Int...) -> Int // expected-note 2{{protocol requires function 'intmax(first:rest:)' with type '(Int, Int...) -> Int'}}
struct HasIntMax : IntMaxable {
func intmax(first: Int, rest: Int...) -> Int {}
struct NotIntMax1 : IntMaxable { // expected-error{{type 'NotIntMax1' does not conform to protocol 'IntMaxable'}}
func intmax(first: Int, rest: [Int]) -> Int {} // expected-note{{candidate has non-matching type '(Int, [Int]) -> Int'}}
struct NotIntMax2 : IntMaxable { // expected-error{{type 'NotIntMax2' does not conform to protocol 'IntMaxable'}}
func intmax(first: Int, rest: Int) -> Int {} // expected-note{{candidate has non-matching type '(Int, Int) -> Int'}}
// 'Self' type
protocol IsEqualComparable {
func isEqual(other: Self) -> Bool // expected-note{{protocol requires function 'isEqual(other:)' with type '(WrongIsEqual) -> Bool'}}
struct HasIsEqual : IsEqualComparable {
func isEqual(other: HasIsEqual) -> Bool {}
struct WrongIsEqual : IsEqualComparable { // expected-error{{type 'WrongIsEqual' does not conform to protocol 'IsEqualComparable'}}
func isEqual(other: Int) -> Bool {} // expected-note{{candidate has non-matching type '(Int) -> Bool'}}
// Using values of existential type.
func existentialSequence(_ e: Sequence) { // expected-error{{has Self or associated type requirements}}
// FIXME: Weird diagnostic
var x = e.makeIterator() // expected-error{{'Sequence' is not convertible to 'Sequence.Iterator'}}
protocol HasSequenceAndStream {
associatedtype R : IteratorProtocol, Sequence
func getR() -> R
func existentialSequenceAndStreamType(_ h: HasSequenceAndStream) { // expected-error{{has Self or associated type requirements}}
// FIXME: Crummy diagnostics.
var x = h.getR() // expected-error{{member 'getR' cannot be used on value of protocol type 'HasSequenceAndStream'; use a generic constraint instead}}
// Subscripting
protocol IntIntSubscriptable {
subscript (i: Int) -> Int { get }
protocol IntSubscriptable {
associatedtype Element
subscript (i: Int) -> Element { get }
struct DictionaryIntInt {
subscript (i: Int) -> Int {
get {
return i
func testSubscripting(_ iis: IntIntSubscriptable, i_s: IntSubscriptable) { // expected-error{{has Self or associated type requirements}}
var i: Int = iis[17]
var i2 = i_s[17] // expected-error{{member 'subscript' cannot be used on value of protocol type 'IntSubscriptable'; use a generic constraint instead}}
// Static methods
protocol StaticP {
static func f()
protocol InstanceP {
func f() // expected-note{{protocol requires function 'f()' with type '() -> ()'}}
struct StaticS1 : StaticP {
static func f() {}
struct StaticS2 : InstanceP { // expected-error{{type 'StaticS2' does not conform to protocol 'InstanceP'}}
static func f() {} // expected-note{{candidate operates on a type, not an instance as required}}
struct StaticAndInstanceS : InstanceP {
static func f() {}
func f() {}
func StaticProtocolFunc() {
let a: StaticP = StaticS1()
a.f() // expected-error{{static member 'f' cannot be used on instance of type 'StaticP'}}
func StaticProtocolGenericFunc<t : StaticP>(_: t) {
// Operators
protocol Eq {
static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
extension Int : Eq { }
// Matching prefix/postfix.
prefix operator <>
postfix operator <>
protocol IndexValue {
static prefix func <> (_ max: Self) -> Int
static postfix func <> (min: Self) -> Int
prefix func <> (max: Int) -> Int { return 0 }
postfix func <> (min: Int) -> Int { return 0 }
extension Int : IndexValue {}
// Class protocols
protocol IntrusiveListNode : class {
var next : Self { get }
final class ClassNode : IntrusiveListNode {
var next : ClassNode = ClassNode()
struct StructNode : IntrusiveListNode { // expected-error{{non-class type 'StructNode' cannot conform to class protocol 'IntrusiveListNode'}}
var next : StructNode // expected-error {{value type 'StructNode' cannot have a stored property that recursively contains it}}
final class ClassNodeByExtension { }
struct StructNodeByExtension { }
extension ClassNodeByExtension : IntrusiveListNode {
var next : ClassNodeByExtension {
get {
return self
set {}
extension StructNodeByExtension : IntrusiveListNode { // expected-error{{non-class type 'StructNodeByExtension' cannot conform to class protocol 'IntrusiveListNode'}}
var next : StructNodeByExtension {
get {
return self
set {}
final class GenericClassNode<T> : IntrusiveListNode {
var next : GenericClassNode<T> = GenericClassNode()
struct GenericStructNode<T> : IntrusiveListNode { // expected-error{{non-class type 'GenericStructNode<T>' cannot conform to class protocol 'IntrusiveListNode'}}
var next : GenericStructNode<T> // expected-error {{value type 'GenericStructNode<T>' cannot have a stored property that recursively contains it}}
// Refined protocols inherit class-ness
protocol IntrusiveDListNode : IntrusiveListNode {
var prev : Self { get }
final class ClassDNode : IntrusiveDListNode {
var prev : ClassDNode = ClassDNode()
var next : ClassDNode = ClassDNode()
struct StructDNode : IntrusiveDListNode { // expected-error{{non-class type 'StructDNode' cannot conform to class protocol 'IntrusiveDListNode'}}
// expected-error@-1{{non-class type 'StructDNode' cannot conform to class protocol 'IntrusiveListNode'}}
var prev : StructDNode // expected-error {{value type 'StructDNode' cannot have a stored property that recursively contains it}}
var next : StructDNode
@objc protocol ObjCProtocol {
func foo() // expected-note{{protocol requires function 'foo()' with type '() -> ()'}}
protocol NonObjCProtocol : class { //expected-note{{protocol 'NonObjCProtocol' declared here}}
func bar()
class DoesntConformToObjCProtocol : ObjCProtocol { // expected-error{{type 'DoesntConformToObjCProtocol' does not conform to protocol 'ObjCProtocol'}}
@objc protocol ObjCProtocolRefinement : ObjCProtocol { }
@objc protocol ObjCNonObjCProtocolRefinement : NonObjCProtocol { } //expected-error{{@objc protocol 'ObjCNonObjCProtocolRefinement' cannot refine non-@objc protocol 'NonObjCProtocol'}}
// <rdar://problem/16079878>
protocol P1 {
associatedtype Assoc // expected-note 2{{protocol requires nested type 'Assoc'}}
protocol P2 {
struct X3<T : P1> where T.Assoc : P2 {}
struct X4 : P1 { // expected-error{{type 'X4' does not conform to protocol 'P1'}}
func getX1() -> X3<X4> { return X3() }
protocol ShouldntCrash {
// rdar://16109996
let fullName: String { get } // expected-error {{'let' declarations cannot be computed properties}} {{3-6=var}}
// <rdar://problem/17200672> Let in protocol causes unclear errors and crashes
let fullName2: String // expected-error {{immutable property requirement must be declared as 'var' with a '{ get }' specifier}}
// <rdar://problem/16789886> Assert on protocol property requirement without a type
var propertyWithoutType { get } // expected-error {{type annotation missing in pattern}}
// expected-error@-1 {{computed property must have an explicit type}} {{26-26=: <# Type #>}}
// rdar://problem/18168866
protocol FirstProtocol {
weak var delegate : SecondProtocol? { get } // expected-error{{'weak' may not be applied to non-class-bound 'SecondProtocol'; consider adding a protocol conformance that has a class bound}}
protocol SecondProtocol {
func aMethod(_ object : FirstProtocol)
// <rdar://problem/19495341> Can't upcast to parent types of type constraints without forcing
class C1 : P2 {}
func f<T : C1>(_ x : T) {
_ = x as P2
class C2 {}
func g<T : C2>(_ x : T) {
x as P2 // expected-error{{'T' is not convertible to 'P2'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?}} {{5-7=as!}}
class C3 : P1 {} // expected-error{{type 'C3' does not conform to protocol 'P1'}}
func h<T : C3>(_ x : T) {
_ = x as P1 // expected-error{{protocol 'P1' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements}}
protocol P4 {
associatedtype T // expected-note {{protocol requires nested type 'T'}}
class C4 : P4 { // expected-error {{type 'C4' does not conform to protocol 'P4'}}
associatedtype T = Int // expected-error {{associated types can only be defined in a protocol; define a type or introduce a 'typealias' to satisfy an associated type requirement}} {{3-17=typealias}}
// <rdar://problem/25185722> Crash with invalid 'let' property in protocol
protocol LetThereBeCrash {
let x: Int
// expected-error@-1 {{immutable property requirement must be declared as 'var' with a '{ get }' specifier}}
// expected-note@-2 {{change 'let' to 'var' to make it mutable}}
extension LetThereBeCrash {
init() { x = 1 }
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot assign to property: 'x' is a 'let' constant}}