blob: 88019318b0bf6a9ae747eb5a63f4f71fe3792eca [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- StringCharacterView.swift - String's Collection of Characters ----===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// String is-not-a Sequence or Collection, but it exposes a
// collection of characters.
// FIXME(ABI)#70 : The character string view should have a custom iterator type
// to allow performance optimizations of linear traversals.
/// CR and LF are common special cases in grapheme breaking logic
@_versioned internal var _CR: UInt8 { return 0x0d }
@_versioned internal var _LF: UInt8 { return 0x0a }
import SwiftShims
extension String {
/// A view of a string's contents as a collection of characters.
/// In Swift, every string provides a view of its contents as characters. In
/// this view, many individual characters---for example, "é", "김", and
/// "🇮🇳"---can be made up of multiple Unicode scalar values. These scalar
/// values are combined by Unicode's boundary algorithms into *extended
/// grapheme clusters*, represented by the `Character` type. Each element of
/// a `CharacterView` collection is a `Character` instance.
/// let flowers = "Flowers 💐"
/// for c in flowers.characters {
/// print(c)
/// }
/// // F
/// // l
/// // o
/// // w
/// // e
/// // r
/// // s
/// //
/// // 💐
/// You can convert a `String.CharacterView` instance back into a string
/// using the `String` type's `init(_:)` initializer.
/// let name = "Marie Curie"
/// if let firstSpace = name.characters.index(of: " ") {
/// let firstName = String(name.characters[..<firstSpace])
/// print(firstName)
/// }
/// // Prints "Marie"
@available(swift, deprecated: 3.2, message:
"Please use String or Substring directly")
public struct CharacterView {
internal var _core: _StringCore
/// The offset of this view's `_core` from an original core. This works
/// around the fact that `_StringCore` is always zero-indexed.
/// `_coreOffset` should be subtracted from `UnicodeScalarIndex.encodedOffset`
/// before that value is used as a `_core` index.
internal var _coreOffset: Int
/// Creates a view of the given string.
public init(_ text: String) {
self._core = text._core
self._coreOffset = 0
public // @testable
init(_ _core: _StringCore, coreOffset: Int = 0) {
self._core = _core
self._coreOffset = coreOffset
/// A view of the string's contents as a collection of characters.
@available(swift, deprecated: 3.2, message:
"Please use String or Substring directly")
public var characters: CharacterView {
get {
return CharacterView(self)
set {
self = String(newValue)
/// Applies the given closure to a mutable view of the string's characters.
/// Do not use the string that is the target of this method inside the
/// closure passed to `body`, as it may not have its correct value. Instead,
/// use the closure's `CharacterView` argument.
/// This example below uses the `withMutableCharacters(_:)` method to
/// truncate the string `str` at the first space and to return the remainder
/// of the string.
/// var str = "All this happened, more or less."
/// let afterSpace = str.withMutableCharacters {
/// chars -> String.CharacterView in
/// if let i = chars.index(of: " ") {
/// let result = chars[chars.index(after: i)...]
/// chars.removeSubrange(i...)
/// return result
/// }
/// return String.CharacterView()
/// }
/// print(str)
/// // Prints "All"
/// print(String(afterSpace))
/// // Prints "this happened, more or less."
/// - Parameter body: A closure that takes a character view as its argument.
/// If `body` has a return value, that value is also used as the return
/// value for the `withMutableCharacters(_:)` method. The `CharacterView`
/// argument is valid only for the duration of the closure's execution.
/// - Returns: The return value, if any, of the `body` closure parameter.
public mutating func withMutableCharacters<R>(
_ body: (inout CharacterView) -> R
) -> R {
// Naively mutating self.characters forces multiple references to
// exist at the point of mutation. Instead, temporarily move the
// core of this string into a CharacterView.
var tmp = CharacterView("")
(_core, tmp._core) = (tmp._core, _core)
let r = body(&tmp)
(_core, tmp._core) = (tmp._core, _core)
return r
/// Creates a string from the given character view.
/// Use this initializer to recover a string after performing a collection
/// slicing operation on a string's character view.
/// let poem = """
/// 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves /
/// Did gyre and gimbal in the wabe: /
/// All mimsy were the borogoves /
/// And the mome raths outgrabe.
/// """
/// let excerpt = String(poem.characters.prefix(22)) + "..."
/// print(excerpt)
/// // Prints "'Twas brillig, and the..."
/// - Parameter characters: A character view to convert to a string.
public init(_ characters: CharacterView) {
extension String.CharacterView : _SwiftStringView {
var _persistentContent : String {
// FIXME: we might want to make sure our _StringCore isn't somehow a slice
// of some larger storage before blindly wrapping/returning it as
// persistent. That said, if current benchmarks are measuring these cases,
// we might end up regressing something by copying the storage. For now,
// assume we are not a slice; we can come back and measure the effects of
// this fix later. If we make the fix we should use the line below as an
// implementation of _ephemeralContent
return String(self._core)
/// `String.CharacterView` is a collection of `Character`.
extension String.CharacterView : BidirectionalCollection {
internal typealias UnicodeScalarView = String.UnicodeScalarView
internal var unicodeScalars: UnicodeScalarView {
return UnicodeScalarView(_core, coreOffset: _coreOffset)
public typealias Index = String.Index
public typealias IndexDistance = Int
/// The position of the first character in a nonempty character view.
/// In an empty character view, `startIndex` is equal to `endIndex`.
public var startIndex: Index {
return unicodeScalars.startIndex
/// A character view's "past the end" position---that is, the position one
/// greater than the last valid subscript argument.
/// In an empty character view, `endIndex` is equal to `startIndex`.
public var endIndex: Index {
return unicodeScalars.endIndex
internal func _index(atEncodedOffset n: Int) -> Index {
let stride = _measureExtendedGraphemeClusterForward(
from: Index(encodedOffset: n))
return Index(encodedOffset: n, .character(stride: UInt16(stride)))
/// Returns the next consecutive position after `i`.
/// - Precondition: The next position is valid.
public func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
i < unicodeScalars.endIndex,
"cannot increment beyond endIndex")
i >= unicodeScalars.startIndex,
"cannot increment invalid index")
var j = i
while true {
if case .character(let oldStride) = j._cache {
return _index(atEncodedOffset: j.encodedOffset + Int(oldStride))
j = _index(atEncodedOffset: j.encodedOffset)
/// Returns the previous consecutive position before `i`.
/// - Precondition: The previous position is valid.
public func index(before i: Index) -> Index {
_precondition(i > unicodeScalars.startIndex,
"cannot decrement before startIndex")
_precondition(i <= unicodeScalars.endIndex,
"cannot decrement invalid index")
let stride = _measureExtendedGraphemeClusterBackward(
from: Index(encodedOffset: i.encodedOffset))
return Index(
encodedOffset: i.encodedOffset &- stride,
.character(stride: numericCast(stride))
/// Fast check for a (stable) grapheme break between two UInt16 code units
internal static func _quickCheckGraphemeBreakBetween(
_ lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16
) -> Bool {
// With the exception of CR-LF, there is always a grapheme break between two
// sub-0x300 code units
if lhs < 0x300 && rhs < 0x300 {
return lhs != UInt16(_CR) && rhs != UInt16(_LF)
return _internalExtraCheckGraphemeBreakBetween(lhs, rhs)
// A quick check helper to quickly perform extra grapheme-break-between
// checks that tightly integrate Unicode version-specific assumptions. Should
// never be inlined into user code, as it is version- specific.
// TODO: this is actually fine to inline into non-inlinable code
@inline(never) // @inline(resilient_only)
internal static func _internalExtraCheckGraphemeBreakBetween(
_ lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16
) -> Bool {
lhs != _CR || rhs != _LF,
"CR-LF special case handled by _quickCheckGraphemeBreakBetween")
// Whether the given scalar, when it appears paired with another scalar
// satisfying this property, has a grapheme break between it and the other
// scalar.
func hasBreakWhenPaired(_ x: UInt16) -> Bool {
// TODO: This doesn't generate optimal code, tune/re-write at a lower
// level.
// NOTE: Order of case ranges affects codegen, and thus performance. All
// things being equal, keep existing order below.
switch x {
// Unified CJK Han ideographs, common and some supplemental, amongst
// others:
// 0x3400-0xA4CF
case 0x3400...0xa4cf: return true
// Repeat sub-300 check, this is beneficial for common cases of Latin
// characters embedded within non-Latin script (e.g. newlines, spaces,
// proper nouns and/or jargon, punctuation).
// NOTE: CR-LF special case has already been checked.
case 0x0000...0x02ff: return true
// Non-combining kana:
// 0x3041-0x3096
// 0x30A1-0x30FA
case 0x3041...0x3096: return true
case 0x30a1...0x30fa: return true
// Non-combining modern (and some archaic) Cyrillic:
// 0x0400-0x0482 (first half of Cyrillic block)
case 0x0400...0x0482: return true
// Modern Arabic, excluding extenders and prependers:
// 0x061D-0x064A
case 0x061d...0x064a: return true
// Precomposed Hangul syllables:
// 0xAC00–0xD7AF
case 0xac00...0xd7af: return true
// Common general use punctuation, excluding extenders:
// 0x2010-0x2029
case 0x2010...0x2029: return true
// CJK punctuation characters, excluding extenders:
// 0x3000-0x3029
case 0x3000...0x3029: return true
default: return false
return hasBreakWhenPaired(lhs) && hasBreakWhenPaired(rhs)
// NOTE: Because this function is inlineable, it should contain only the fast
// paths of grapheme breaking that we have high confidence won't change.
/// Returns the length of the first extended grapheme cluster in UTF-16
/// code units.
internal func _measureExtendedGraphemeClusterForward(
from start: UnicodeScalarView.Index
) -> Int {
let startPosition = start.encodedOffset
let endPosition = unicodeScalars.endIndex.encodedOffset
// No more graphemes
if startPosition == endPosition {
return 0
// Last code unit means final grapheme length of 1
if startPosition == endPosition - 1 {
return 1
// Our relative offset from the _StringCore's baseAddress pointer. If our
// _core is not a substring, this is the same as start.encodedOffset. Otherwise,
// it is the code unit relative offset into the substring and not the
// absolute offset into the outer string.
let startOffset = startPosition - _coreOffset
// Grapheme breaking is much simpler if known ASCII
if _core.isASCII {
_onFastPath() // Please aggressively inline
let asciiBuffer = _core.asciiBuffer._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
_sanityCheck(startOffset+1 < asciiBuffer.endIndex,
"Already checked for last code unit")
// With the exception of CR-LF, ASCII graphemes are single-scalar. Check
// for that one exception.
if _slowPath(
asciiBuffer[startOffset] == _CR &&
asciiBuffer[startOffset+1] == _LF
) {
return 2
return 1
// Perform a quick single-code-unit grapheme check.
if _fastPath(String.CharacterView._quickCheckGraphemeBreakBetween(
) {
return 1
return _measureExtendedGraphemeClusterForwardSlow(startOffset: startOffset)
func _measureExtendedGraphemeClusterForwardSlow(
startOffset: Int
) -> Int {
let endOffset = unicodeScalars.endIndex.encodedOffset - _coreOffset
let numCodeUnits = endOffset - startOffset
_sanityCheck(numCodeUnits >= 2, "should have at least two code units")
// The vast majority of time, we can get a pointer and a length directly
if _fastPath(_core._baseAddress != nil) {
_onFastPath() // Please aggressively inline
let breakIterator = _ThreadLocalStorage.getUBreakIterator(for: _core)
let ubrkFollowingOffset = __swift_stdlib_ubrk_following(
breakIterator, Int32(startOffset)
// ubrk_following may return UBRK_DONE (-1). Treat that as the rest of the
// string.
if _slowPath(ubrkFollowingOffset == -1) {
return numCodeUnits
_sanityCheck(startOffset != Int(ubrkFollowingOffset),
"zero-sized grapheme?")
return Int(ubrkFollowingOffset) - startOffset
// We have a non-contiguous string. Pull out some code units into a fixed
// array and try to perform grapheme breaking on that. If even that's not
// sufficient (i.e. very pathological) then copy into an Array.
var codeUnitBuffer = _FixedArray16<UInt16>(allZeros:())
let maxBufferCount = codeUnitBuffer.count
let bufferCount = Swift.min(maxBufferCount, numCodeUnits)
for i in 0..<bufferCount {
codeUnitBuffer[i] = _core[startOffset+i]
return withUnsafeBytes(of: & {
(rawPtr : UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> Int in
let bufPtr = UnsafeBufferPointer(
start: rawPtr.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt16.self),
count: bufferCount)
let breakIterator = _ThreadLocalStorage.getUBreakIterator(for: bufPtr)
let ubrkFollowingOffset = __swift_stdlib_ubrk_following(
breakIterator, Int32(0))
if _fastPath(
bufferCount < maxBufferCount ||
(ubrkFollowingOffset != -1 && ubrkFollowingOffset != maxBufferCount)
) {
// The offset into our buffer *is* the distance.
_sanityCheck(ubrkFollowingOffset != 0, "zero-sized grapheme?")
return Int(ubrkFollowingOffset)
// Nuclear option: copy out the rest of the string into an array
var codeUnits = Array<UInt16>()
for i in startOffset..<endOffset {
return codeUnits.withUnsafeBufferPointer { bufPtr -> Int in
let breakIterator = _ThreadLocalStorage.getUBreakIterator(for: bufPtr)
let ubrkFollowingOffset = __swift_stdlib_ubrk_following(
breakIterator, Int32(0)
// ubrk_following may return UBRK_DONE (-1). Treat that as the rest of
// the string.
if _slowPath(ubrkFollowingOffset == -1) {
return numCodeUnits
_sanityCheck(ubrkFollowingOffset != 0, "zero-sized grapheme?")
return Int(ubrkFollowingOffset)
// NOTE: Because this function is inlineable, it should contain only the fast
// paths of grapheme breaking that we have high confidence won't change.
/// Returns the length of the previous extended grapheme cluster in UTF-16
/// code units.
internal func _measureExtendedGraphemeClusterBackward(
from end: UnicodeScalarView.Index
) -> Int {
let startPosition = unicodeScalars.startIndex.encodedOffset
let endPosition = end.encodedOffset
// No more graphemes
if startPosition == endPosition {
return 0
// Last code unit means final grapheme length of 1
if startPosition == endPosition - 1 {
return 1
// The relative offset from the _StringCore's baseAddress pointer for the
// one-past-the-end and the last code unit under consideration. If our
// _core is not a substring, these are the same as positions. Otherwise,
// these are code unit relative offsets into the substring and not the
// absolute positions into the outer string.
let lastOffset = endPosition - _coreOffset - 1
let endOffset = lastOffset + 1
// Grapheme breaking is much simpler if known ASCII
if _core.isASCII {
_onFastPath() // Please aggressively inline
let asciiBuffer = _core.asciiBuffer._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
lastOffset-1 >= asciiBuffer.startIndex,
"should of been caught in earlier trivially-sized checks")
// With the exception of CR-LF, ASCII graphemes are single-scalar. Check
// for that one exception.
if _slowPath(
asciiBuffer[lastOffset-1] == _CR &&
asciiBuffer[lastOffset] == _LF
) {
return 2
return 1
// Perform a quick single-code-unit grapheme check
if _fastPath(String.CharacterView._quickCheckGraphemeBreakBetween(
_core[lastOffset-1], _core[lastOffset])
) {
return 1
return _measureExtendedGraphemeClusterBackwardSlow(endOffset: endOffset)
func _measureExtendedGraphemeClusterBackwardSlow(
endOffset: Int
) -> Int {
let startOffset = 0
let numCodeUnits = endOffset - startOffset
_sanityCheck(unicodeScalars.startIndex.encodedOffset - _coreOffset == 0,
"position/offset mismatch in _StringCore as a substring")
_sanityCheck(numCodeUnits >= 2,
"should have at least two code units")
func measureFromUBreakOffset(_ ubrkOffset: Int32) -> Int {
// ubrk_following may return UBRK_DONE (-1). Treat that as the rest of the
// string.
if _slowPath(ubrkOffset == -1) {
return numCodeUnits
_sanityCheck(endOffset > Int(ubrkOffset), "zero-sized grapheme?")
return endOffset - Int(ubrkOffset)
// The vast majority of time, we can get a pointer and a length directly
if _fastPath(_core._baseAddress != nil) {
_onFastPath() // Please aggressively inline
let breakIterator = _ThreadLocalStorage.getUBreakIterator(for: _core)
let ubrkPrecedingOffset = __swift_stdlib_ubrk_preceding(
breakIterator, Int32(endOffset)
return measureFromUBreakOffset(ubrkPrecedingOffset)
// We have a non-contiguous string. Pull out some code units into a fixed
// array and try to perform grapheme breaking on that. If even that's not
// sufficient (i.e. very pathological) then copy into an Array.
var codeUnitBuffer = _FixedArray16<UInt16>(allZeros:())
let maxBufferCount = codeUnitBuffer.count
let coreStartIdx = Swift.max(startOffset, endOffset - maxBufferCount)
let bufferCount = Swift.min(maxBufferCount, numCodeUnits)
for i in 0..<bufferCount {
codeUnitBuffer[i] = _core[coreStartIdx+i]
return withUnsafeBytes(of: & {
(rawPtr : UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> Int in
let bufPtr = UnsafeBufferPointer(
start: rawPtr.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt16.self),
count: bufferCount)
let breakIterator = _ThreadLocalStorage.getUBreakIterator(for: bufPtr)
let ubrkPrecedingOffset = __swift_stdlib_ubrk_preceding(
breakIterator, Int32(bufferCount)
if _fastPath(numCodeUnits < maxBufferCount || ubrkPrecedingOffset > 1) {
// There was a grapheme break within our buffer.
_sanityCheck(ubrkPrecedingOffset < bufferCount, "offset mismatch")
return bufferCount - Int(ubrkPrecedingOffset)
// Nuclear option: copy out the prefix of the string into an array
var codeUnits = Array<UInt16>()
for i in startOffset..<endOffset {
return codeUnits.withUnsafeBufferPointer { bufPtr -> Int in
let breakIterator = _ThreadLocalStorage.getUBreakIterator(for: bufPtr)
let ubrkPrecedingOffset = __swift_stdlib_ubrk_preceding(
breakIterator, Int32(endOffset)
// No need to adjust ubrkPrecedingOffset as we copied the prefix: it is
// the position in the original string
return measureFromUBreakOffset(ubrkPrecedingOffset)
/// Accesses the character at the given position.
/// The following example searches a string's character view for a capital
/// letter and then prints the character at the found index:
/// let greeting = "Hello, friend!"
/// if let i = greeting.characters.index(where: { "A"..."Z" ~= $0 }) {
/// print("First capital letter: \(greeting.characters[i])")
/// }
/// // Prints "First capital letter: H"
/// - Parameter position: A valid index of the character view. `position`
/// must be less than the view's end index.
public subscript(i_: Index) -> Character {
var i = i_
while true {
if case .character(let stride) = i._cache {
if _fastPath(stride == 1) {
// For single-code-unit graphemes, we can construct a Character directly
// from a single unicode scalar (if sub-surrogate).
let relativeOffset = i.encodedOffset - _coreOffset
if _core.isASCII {
let asciiBuffer = _core.asciiBuffer._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
// Bounds checks in an UnsafeBufferPointer (asciiBuffer) are only
// performed in Debug mode, so they need to be duplicated here.
// Falling back to the non-optimal behavior in the case they don't
// pass.
if relativeOffset >= asciiBuffer.startIndex &&
relativeOffset < asciiBuffer.endIndex {
return Character(Unicode.Scalar(asciiBuffer[relativeOffset]))
} else if _core._baseAddress != nil {
let cu = _core._nthContiguous(relativeOffset)
// Only constructible if sub-surrogate
if (cu < 0xd800) {
return Character(Unicode.Scalar(cu)._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked)
let s = self[i..<Index(encodedOffset: i.encodedOffset + Int(stride))]
return Character(s._ephemeralContent)
i = _index(atEncodedOffset: i.encodedOffset)
extension String.CharacterView : RangeReplaceableCollection {
/// Creates an empty character view.
public init() {
/// Replaces the characters within the specified bounds with the given
/// characters.
/// Invalidates all indices with respect to the string.
/// - Parameters:
/// - bounds: The range of characters to replace. The bounds of the range
/// must be valid indices of the character view.
/// - newElements: The new characters to add to the view.
/// - Complexity: O(*m*), where *m* is the combined length of the character
/// view and `newElements`. If the call to `replaceSubrange(_:with:)`
/// simply removes characters at the end of the view, the complexity is
/// O(*n*), where *n* is equal to `bounds.count`.
public mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(
_ bounds: Range<Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C : Collection, C.Element == Character {
let rawSubRange: Range<Int> =
bounds.lowerBound.encodedOffset - _coreOffset
..< bounds.upperBound.encodedOffset - _coreOffset
let lazyUTF16 = newElements.lazy.flatMap { $0.utf16 }
_core.replaceSubrange(rawSubRange, with: lazyUTF16)
/// Reserves enough space in the character view's underlying storage to store
/// the specified number of ASCII characters.
/// Because each element of a character view can require more than a single
/// ASCII character's worth of storage, additional allocation may be
/// necessary when adding characters to the character view after a call to
/// `reserveCapacity(_:)`.
/// - Parameter n: The minimum number of ASCII character's worth of storage
/// to allocate.
/// - Complexity: O(*n*), where *n* is the capacity being reserved.
public mutating func reserveCapacity(_ n: Int) {
/// Appends the given character to the character view.
/// - Parameter c: The character to append to the character view.
public mutating func append(_ c: Character) {
if let c0 = c._smallUTF16 {
_core.append(contentsOf: c0)
/// Appends the characters in the given sequence to the character view.
/// - Parameter newElements: A sequence of characters.
public mutating func append<S : Sequence>(contentsOf newElements: S)
where S.Element == Character {
if _fastPath(newElements is _SwiftStringView) {
let v = newElements as! _SwiftStringView
if _fastPath(_core.count == 0) {
_core = v._persistentContent._core
reserveCapacity(_core.count + newElements.underestimatedCount)
for c in newElements { self.append(c) }
// Algorithms
extension String.CharacterView {
/// Accesses the characters in the given range.
/// The example below uses this subscript to access the characters up to, but
/// not including, the first comma (`","`) in the string.
/// let str = "All this happened, more or less."
/// let i = str.characters.index(of: ",")!
/// let substring = str.characters[str.characters.startIndex ..< i]
/// print(String(substring))
/// // Prints "All this happened"
/// - Complexity: O(*n*) if the underlying string is bridged from
/// Objective-C, where *n* is the length of the string; otherwise, O(1).
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> String.CharacterView {
return String.CharacterView(
coreOffset: bounds.lowerBound.encodedOffset)