blob: e46b8eae92de9a08b2a83befa4aa1591081eaf3f [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: not %swift -parse -target %target-triple %s -emit-fixits-path %t.remap -I %S/Inputs
// RUN: c-arcmt-test %t.remap | arcmt-test -verify-transformed-files %s.result
class Base {}
class Derived : Base {}
var b : Base
b as Derived
b as Derived
b as! Base
var opti : Int?
// Add bang.
var i : Int = opti
// But remove unnecessary bang.
var i2 : Int = i!
struct MyMask : OptionSet {
init(_ rawValue: UInt) {}
init(rawValue: UInt) {}
init(nilLiteral: ()) {}
var rawValue: UInt { return 0 }
static var allZeros: MyMask { return MyMask(0) }
static var Bingo: MyMask { return MyMask(1) }
func supported() -> MyMask {
return Int(MyMask.Bingo.rawValue)
struct MyEventMask2 : OptionSet {
init(rawValue: UInt64) {}
var rawValue: UInt64 { return 0 }
func sendIt(_: MyEventMask2) {}
func sendItOpt(_: MyEventMask2?) {}
func sendItOpt3(_: MyEventMask2???) {}
func testMask1(a: Int) {
func testMask2(a: UInt64) {
func testMask3(a: MyEventMask2) {
testMask1(a: a)
func testMask4(a: MyEventMask2) {
testMask2(a: a)
func testMask5(a: Int) {
func testMask6(a: Int) {
func testMask7(a: Int?) {
func testMask8(a: UInt64?) {
func testMask9(a: Any) {
sendItOpt(a as? Int)
func testMask10(a: Int?) {
sendIt(a) // no fix, nullability mismatch.
func testMask11(a: MyEventMask2?) {
testMask7(a: a)
func testMask12(a: MyEventMask2?) {
testMask8(a: a)
func testMask13(a: MyEventMask2?) {
testMask1(a: a) // no fix, nullability mismatch.
func testMask14() {
struct Wrapper {
typealias InnerMask = MyEventMask2
func sendItInner(_: Wrapper.InnerMask) {}
func testInnerMask(a: UInt64) {
struct SomeName : RawRepresentable {
init(_ rawValue: String) {}
init(rawValue: String) {}
var rawValue: String { return "" }
func testPassSomeName(_: SomeName) {}
func testConvertSomeName(s: String) {
class WrappedClass {}
class WrappedClassSub: WrappedClass {}
struct ClassWrapper : RawRepresentable {
var rawValue: WrappedClass
func testPassAnyObject(_: AnyObject) {}
func testPassAnyObjectOpt(_: AnyObject?) {}
func testPassWrappedSub(_: WrappedClassSub) {}
func testConvertClassWrapper(_ x: ClassWrapper, _ sub: WrappedClassSub) {
let iuo: ClassWrapper! = x
let _: ClassWrapper = sub
let _: ClassWrapper = x.rawValue
// FIXME: This one inserts 'as!', which is incorrect.
let _: ClassWrapper = sub as AnyObject
enum MyEnumType : UInt32 {
case invalid
_ = MyEnumType(MyEnumType.invalid)
func goo(var e : Error) {
func goo2(var e: Error) {}
func goo3(var e: Int) { e = 3 }
protocol A {
func bar(var s: Int)
extension A {
func bar(var s: Int) {
s += 5
func baz(var x: Int) {
x += 10
func foo(let y: String, inout x: Int) {
struct Test1 : OptionSet {
init(rawValue: Int) {}
var rawValue: Int { return 0 }
print("", false)
func ftest1() {
// Don't replace the variable name with '_'
let myvar = 0
func ftest2(x x: @escaping Int -> Int) {}
protocol SomeProt {
func protMeth(p: Int)
@objc protocol SomeObjCProt {
func objcprotMeth(p: Int)
class Test2 : SomeProt, SomeObjCProt {
func protMeth(_ p: Int) {}
func instMeth(p: Int) {}
func instMeth2(p: Int, p2: Int) {}
func objcprotMeth(_ p: Int) {}
@objc class Test3 : SomeObjCProt {
func objcprotMeth(_ p: Int) {}
class SubTest2 : Test2 {
override func instMeth(_ p: Int) {}
Test2().instMeth2(0, p2:1)
func recit(_: Int32) {}
func ftest3(_ fd: CInt) {
func ftest4(_ fd: UInt) {
func letToVar1() {
let x = 1
if x == 2 {
x += 3
let y = ""
class Node {}
class Graph<NodeType : Node> {}
var graph: Graph
class Node2 {}
class Graph2<NodeType1 : Node, NodeType2 : Node2> {}
var graph: Graph2
@objc protocol ObjCProt { }
class Graph3<NodeType : ObjCProt> {}
var graph: Graph3
class Graph4<NodeType : SomeProt> {}
var graph: Graph4
var graphAgain = Graph4()
class GraphCombo<NodeType : SomeProt & ObjCProt> {}
var graph: GraphCombo
func evilCommas(s: String) {
_ = s[s.startIndex..<<#editorplaceholder#>]
_ = true ? s[s.startIndex..<<#editorplaceholder#>] : ""
_ = [s.startIndex..<<#editorplaceholder#>]
import Empty
func testGenericSig(x: Empty<Int>) -> Empty<String> {}
class NonObjC {}
protocol NonObjCProtocol {}
@objc class IBIssues {
@IBOutlet static private var ibout1: IBIssues!
@IBOutlet private var ibout2: NonObjC!
@IBOutlet private var ibout3: NonObjCProtocol!
@IBOutlet private let ibout4: IBIssues!
@IBOutlet private var ibout5: [[IBIssues]]!
@IBOutlet private var ibout6: [String: String]!
@IBInspectable static private var ibinspect1: IBIssues!
@IBAction static func ibact() {}
@IBDesignable extension SomeProt {}
func attrNowOnType(foo: ()->()) {}
class InitDynType {
init() {}
func notInit() {
class NoSemi {
enum Bar { case bar }
var foo: .Bar = .bar
func fnWithClosure(c: @escaping ()->()) {}
func testescape(rec: ()->()) {
fnWithClosure { rec() }
@warn_unused_result func testDeprecatedAttr() -> Int { return 0 }
protocol Prot1 {}
protocol Prot2 {
associatedtype Ty = Prot1
class Cls1 : Prot1 {}
func testwhere<T: Prot2 where T.Ty == Cls1>(_: T) {}
enum E {
case abc
func testEnumRename() { _ = E.Abc }
func testAnyToAnyObject(x: Any) {
x.instMeth(p: 1)
func testProtocolCompositionSyntax() {
var _: protocol<>
var _: protocol<Prot1>
var _: protocol<Prot1, Prot2>
func disable_unnamed_param_reorder(p: Int, _: String) {}
disable_unnamed_param_reorder(0, "") // no change.
prefix operator ***** {}
class BoolFoo : BooleanType {
var boolValue: Bool {return false}
func testBoolValue(a : BoolFoo) {
if a { }
guard a {}
if a as BoolFoo {}
protocol P1 {}
protocol P2 {}
var a : protocol<P1, P2>?
var a2 : protocol<P1>= 17
class TestOptionalMethodFixit {
optional func test() {}