blob: 67f524ab99daa683d4bbef53298de3b7e2a94fcb [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// COW helpers
extension _StringGuts {
internal var nativeCapacity: Int? {
guard hasNativeStorage else { return nil }
return _object.nativeStorage.capacity
internal var nativeUnusedCapacity: Int? {
guard hasNativeStorage else { return nil }
return _object.nativeStorage.unusedCapacity
// If natively stored and uniquely referenced, return the storage's total
// capacity. Otherwise, nil.
internal var uniqueNativeCapacity: Int? {
@inline(__always) mutating get {
guard isUniqueNative else { return nil }
return _object.nativeStorage.capacity
// If natively stored and uniquely referenced, return the storage's spare
// capacity. Otherwise, nil.
internal var uniqueNativeUnusedCapacity: Int? {
@inline(__always) mutating get {
guard isUniqueNative else { return nil }
return _object.nativeStorage.unusedCapacity
@usableFromInline // @testable
internal var isUniqueNative: Bool {
@inline(__always) mutating get {
// Note: mutating so that self is `inout`.
guard hasNativeStorage else { return false }
defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
var bits: UInt = _object.largeAddressBits
return _isUnique_native(&bits)
// Range-replaceable operation support
extension _StringGuts {
internal init(_initialCapacity capacity: Int) {
if _slowPath(capacity > _SmallString.capacity) {
internal mutating func reserveCapacity(_ n: Int) {
// Check if there's nothing to do
if n <= _SmallString.capacity { return }
if let currentCap = self.uniqueNativeCapacity, currentCap >= n { return }
// Grow
// Grow to accomodate at least `n` code units
internal mutating func grow(_ n: Int) {
defer { self._invariantCheck() }
self.uniqueNativeCapacity == nil || self.uniqueNativeCapacity! < n)
let growthTarget = Swift.max(n, (self.uniqueNativeCapacity ?? 0) * 2)
if _fastPath(isFastUTF8) {
let isASCII = self.isASCII
let storage = self.withFastUTF8 {
initializingFrom: $0, capacity: growthTarget, isASCII: isASCII)
self = _StringGuts(storage)
@inline(never) // slow-path
private mutating func _foreignGrow(_ n: Int) {
// TODO(String performance): Skip intermediary array, transcode directly
// into a StringStorage space.
let selfUTF8 = Array(String(self).utf8)
selfUTF8.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
self = _StringGuts(__StringStorage.create(
initializingFrom: $0, capacity: n, isASCII: self.isASCII))
// Ensure unique native storage with sufficient capacity for the following
// append.
private mutating func prepareForAppendInPlace(
otherUTF8Count otherCount: Int
) {
defer {
_internalInvariant(self.uniqueNativeUnusedCapacity != nil,
"growth should produce uniqueness")
_internalInvariant(self.uniqueNativeUnusedCapacity! >= otherCount,
"growth should produce enough capacity")
// See if we can accomodate without growing or copying. If we have
// sufficient capacity, we do not need to grow, and we can skip the copy if
// unique. Otherwise, growth is required.
let sufficientCapacity: Bool
if let unused = self.nativeUnusedCapacity, unused >= otherCount {
sufficientCapacity = true
} else {
sufficientCapacity = false
if self.isUniqueNative && sufficientCapacity {
let totalCount = self.utf8Count + otherCount
// Non-unique storage: just make a copy of the appropriate size, otherwise
// grow like an array.
let growthTarget: Int
if sufficientCapacity {
growthTarget = totalCount
} else {
growthTarget = Swift.max(
totalCount, _growArrayCapacity(nativeCapacity ?? 0))
internal mutating func append(_ other: _StringGuts) {
if self.isSmall && other.isSmall {
if let smol = _SmallString(self.asSmall, appending: other.asSmall) {
self = _StringGuts(smol)
internal mutating func append(_ slicedOther: _StringGutsSlice) {
defer { self._invariantCheck() }
if self.isSmall && slicedOther._guts.isSmall {
// TODO: In-register slicing
let smolSelf = self.asSmall
if let smol = slicedOther.withFastUTF8({ otherUTF8 in
return _SmallString(smolSelf, appending: _SmallString(otherUTF8)!)
}) {
self = _StringGuts(smol)
prepareForAppendInPlace(otherUTF8Count: slicedOther.utf8Count)
if slicedOther.isFastUTF8 {
let otherIsASCII = slicedOther.isASCII
slicedOther.withFastUTF8 { otherUTF8 in
self.appendInPlace(otherUTF8, isASCII: otherIsASCII)
internal mutating func appendInPlace(
_ other: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>, isASCII: Bool
) {
self._object.nativeStorage.appendInPlace(other, isASCII: isASCII)
// We re-initialize from the modified storage to pick up new count, flags,
// etc.
self = _StringGuts(self._object.nativeStorage)
@inline(never) // slow-path
private mutating func _foreignAppendInPlace(_ other: _StringGutsSlice) {
_internalInvariant(self.uniqueNativeUnusedCapacity != nil)
var iter = Substring(other).utf8.makeIterator()
self._object.nativeStorage.appendInPlace(&iter, isASCII: other.isASCII)
// We re-initialize from the modified storage to pick up new count, flags,
// etc.
self = _StringGuts(self._object.nativeStorage)
internal mutating func clear() {
guard isUniqueNative else {
self = _StringGuts()
// Reset the count
self = _StringGuts(_object.nativeStorage)
internal mutating func remove(from lower: Index, to upper: Index) {
let lowerOffset = lower._encodedOffset
let upperOffset = upper._encodedOffset
_internalInvariant(lower.transcodedOffset == 0 && upper.transcodedOffset == 0)
_internalInvariant(lowerOffset <= upperOffset && upperOffset <= self.count)
if isUniqueNative {
_object.nativeStorage.remove(from: lowerOffset, to: upperOffset)
// We re-initialize from the modified storage to pick up new count, flags,
// etc.
self = _StringGuts(self._object.nativeStorage)
// TODO(cleanup): Add append on guts taking range, use that
var result = String()
// FIXME: It should be okay to get rid of excess capacity
// here. rdar://problem/45635432
nativeCapacity ?? (count &- (upperOffset &- lowerOffset)))
result.append(contentsOf: String(self)[..<lower])
result.append(contentsOf: String(self)[upper...])
self = result._guts
@inline(__always) // Always-specialize
internal mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(
_ bounds: Range<Index>,
with newElements: C
) where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == Character {
if isUniqueNative {
if let replStr = newElements as? String, replStr._guts.isFastUTF8 {
replStr._guts.withFastUTF8 {
bounds, with: $0, isASCII: replStr._guts.isASCII)
bounds, with: newElements.lazy.flatMap { $0.utf8 })
var result = String()
// FIXME: It should be okay to get rid of excess capacity
// here. rdar://problem/45635432
if let capacity = self.nativeCapacity {
let selfStr = String(self)
result.append(contentsOf: selfStr[..<bounds.lowerBound])
result.append(contentsOf: newElements)
result.append(contentsOf: selfStr[bounds.upperBound...])
self = result._guts
internal mutating func uniqueNativeReplaceSubrange(
_ bounds: Range<Index>,
with codeUnits: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>,
isASCII: Bool
) {
let neededCapacity =
+ codeUnits.count + (self.count - bounds.upperBound._encodedOffset)
_internalInvariant(bounds.lowerBound.transcodedOffset == 0)
_internalInvariant(bounds.upperBound.transcodedOffset == 0)
from: bounds.lowerBound._encodedOffset,
to: bounds.upperBound._encodedOffset,
with: codeUnits)
self = _StringGuts(_object.nativeStorage)
internal mutating func uniqueNativeReplaceSubrange<C: Collection>(
_ bounds: Range<Index>,
with codeUnits: C
) where C.Element == UInt8 {
let replCount = codeUnits.count
let neededCapacity =
+ replCount + (self.count - bounds.upperBound._encodedOffset)
_internalInvariant(bounds.lowerBound.transcodedOffset == 0)
_internalInvariant(bounds.upperBound.transcodedOffset == 0)
from: bounds.lowerBound._encodedOffset,
to: bounds.upperBound._encodedOffset,
with: codeUnits,
replacementCount: replCount)
self = _StringGuts(_object.nativeStorage)