blob: a0ab91117198e0a47b9de13c7fa98b8dfd3a346d [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ModuleFile.h - Info about a loaded serialized module ---*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "ModuleFormat.h"
#include "ModuleFileSharedCore.h"
#include "swift/AST/Identifier.h"
#include "swift/AST/LazyResolver.h"
#include "swift/AST/LinkLibrary.h"
#include "swift/AST/FileUnit.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/RawComment.h"
#include "swift/AST/SILLayout.h"
#include "swift/Serialization/Validation.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TinyPtrVector.h"
#include "llvm/Bitstream/BitstreamReader.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
namespace llvm {
class BitstreamCursor;
class BitstreamReader;
class MemoryBuffer;
template <typename Info> class OnDiskIterableChainedHashTable;
namespace swift {
class Decl;
class FileUnit;
class ModuleDecl;
class Pattern;
class ProtocolConformance;
/// A serialized module, along with the tools to access it.
class ModuleFile
: public LazyMemberLoader,
public LazyConformanceLoader {
friend class SerializedASTFile;
friend class DeclDeserializer;
friend class TypeDeserializer;
friend class SILDeserializer;
using Status = serialization::Status;
using TypeID = serialization::TypeID;
/// The core data of a serialized module file. This is accessed as immutable
/// and thread-safe.
const std::shared_ptr<const ModuleFileSharedCore> Core;
/// A reference back to the AST representation of the file.
FileUnit *FileContext = nullptr;
/// The module that this module is an overlay of, if any.
ModuleDecl *UnderlyingModule = nullptr;
/// The cursor used to lazily load things from the file.
llvm::BitstreamCursor DeclTypeCursor;
llvm::BitstreamCursor SILCursor;
llvm::BitstreamCursor SILIndexCursor;
llvm::BitstreamCursor DeclMemberTablesCursor;
friend StringRef getNameOfModule(const ModuleFile *);
/// A callback to be invoked every time a type was deserialized.
std::function<void(Type)> DeserializedTypeCallback;
static std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> getModuleName(ASTContext &Ctx,
StringRef modulePath,
std::string &Name);
/// Represents another module that has been imported as a dependency.
class Dependency {
const ModuleFileSharedCore::Dependency &Core;
llvm::Optional<ImportedModule> Import = llvm::None;
SmallVector<Identifier, 4> spiGroups;
Dependency(const ModuleFileSharedCore::Dependency &coreDependency)
: Core(coreDependency) {}
bool isLoaded() const {
return Import.hasValue() && Import->importedModule != nullptr;
bool isExported() const {
return Core.isExported();
bool isImplementationOnly() const {
return Core.isImplementationOnly();
bool isHeader() const { return Core.isHeader(); }
bool isScoped() const { return Core.isScoped(); }
/// All modules this module depends on.
SmallVector<Dependency, 8> Dependencies;
template <typename T>
class Serialized {
using RawBitOffset = uint64_t;
using ImplTy = PointerUnion<T, serialization::BitOffset>;
ImplTy Value;
/*implicit*/ Serialized(serialization::BitOffset offset) : Value(offset) {}
bool isComplete() const {
return Value.template is<T>();
T get() const {
return Value.template get<T>();
/*implicit*/ operator T() const {
return get();
/*implicit*/ operator serialization::BitOffset() const {
return Value.template get<serialization::BitOffset>();
/*implicit*/ operator RawBitOffset() const {
return Value.template get<serialization::BitOffset>();
Serialized &operator=(T deserialized) {
assert(!isComplete() || ImplTy(deserialized) == Value);
Value = deserialized;
return *this;
void uncheckedOverwrite(T t) {
Value = t;
/// A class for holding a value that can be partially deserialized.
/// This class assumes that "T()" is not a valid deserialized value.
template <typename T>
class PartiallySerialized {
using RawBitOffset = decltype(DeclTypeCursor.GetCurrentBitNo());
/// The deserialized value.
T Value;
/// The offset.
unsigned Offset : 31;
unsigned IsFullyDeserialized : 1;
/*implicit*/ PartiallySerialized(serialization::BitOffset offset)
: Value(), Offset(offset), IsFullyDeserialized(0) {}
/*implicit*/ PartiallySerialized(RawBitOffset offset)
: Value(), Offset(static_cast<unsigned>(offset)), IsFullyDeserialized(0) {
assert(Offset == offset && "offset is too large");
bool isDeserialized() const {
return Value != T();
bool isFullyDeserialized() const {
return isDeserialized() && IsFullyDeserialized;
serialization::BitOffset getOffset() const {
return Offset;
T get() const {
return Value;
void reset() {
IsFullyDeserialized = 0;
Value = T();
void set(T value, bool isFullyDeserialized) {
assert(!isDeserialized() || Value == value);
Value = value;
IsFullyDeserialized = isFullyDeserialized;
/// An allocator for buffers owned by the file.
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator Allocator;
/// Allocates a buffer using #Allocator and initializes it with the contents
/// of the container \p rawData, then stores it in \p buffer.
/// \p buffer is passed as an argument rather than returned so that the
/// element type can be inferred.
template <typename T, typename RawData>
void allocateBuffer(MutableArrayRef<T> &buffer, const RawData &rawData);
/// Allocates a buffer using #Allocator and initializes it with the contents
/// of the container \p rawData, then stores it in \p buffer.
/// \p buffer is passed as an argument rather than returned so that the
/// element type can be inferred.
template <typename T, typename RawData>
void allocateBuffer(ArrayRef<T> &buffer, const RawData &rawData) {
MutableArrayRef<T> result;
allocateBuffer(result, rawData);
buffer = result;
/// Decls referenced by this module.
MutableArrayRef<Serialized<Decl*>> Decls;
/// Local DeclContexts referenced by this module.
MutableArrayRef<Serialized<DeclContext*>> LocalDeclContexts;
/// Normal protocol conformances referenced by this module.
MutableArrayRef<Serialized<NormalProtocolConformance *>> NormalConformances;
/// SILLayouts referenced by this module.
MutableArrayRef<Serialized<SILLayout *>> SILLayouts;
/// Types referenced by this module.
MutableArrayRef<Serialized<Type>> Types;
/// Clang types referenced by this module.
MutableArrayRef<Serialized<const clang::Type *>> ClangTypes;
/// Generic signatures referenced by this module.
MutableArrayRef<Serialized<GenericSignature>> GenericSignatures;
/// Substitution maps referenced by this module.
MutableArrayRef<Serialized<SubstitutionMap>> SubstitutionMaps;
/// Represents an identifier that may or may not have been deserialized yet.
/// If \c Ident is empty, the identifier has not been loaded yet.
class SerializedIdentifier {
Identifier Ident;
unsigned Offset;
template <typename IntTy>
/*implicit*/ SerializedIdentifier(IntTy rawOffset)
: Offset(static_cast<unsigned>(rawOffset)) {
assert(Offset == rawOffset && "not enough bits");
/// Identifiers referenced by this module.
MutableArrayRef<SerializedIdentifier> Identifiers;
using SerializedDeclMembersTable =
std::unique_ptr<SerializedDeclMembersTable>> DeclMembersTables;
llvm::DenseMap<const ValueDecl *, Identifier> PrivateDiscriminatorsByValue;
llvm::DenseMap<const ValueDecl *, StringRef> FilenamesForPrivateValues;
TinyPtrVector<Decl *> ImportDecls;
/// Maps USRs to their deserialized comment object.
mutable llvm::StringMap<
struct ModuleBits {
/// Whether or not ImportDecls is valid.
unsigned ComputedImportDecls : 1;
/// Whether an error has been detected setting up this module file.
unsigned HasError : 1;
// Explicitly pad out to the next word boundary.
unsigned : 0;
} Bits = {};
static_assert(sizeof(ModuleBits) <= 8, "The bit set should be small");
bool hasError() const {
return Bits.HasError || Core->hasError();
/// Whether or not this module file comes from a context that had a main entry point.
bool hasEntryPoint() const {
return Core->Bits.HasEntryPoint;
/// The decl ID of the main class in this module file, if it has one.
unsigned getEntryPointDeclID() const {
return Core->Bits.EntryPointDeclID;
/// Creates a new AST node to represent a deserialized decl.
template <typename T, typename ...Args>
T *createDecl(Args &&... args);
/// Change the status of the current module.
Status error(Status issue) {
assert(issue != Status::Valid);
assert((issue != Status::Malformed || !FileContext) &&
"too late to complain about the well-formedness of the module");
Bits.HasError = true;
return issue;
/// Emits one last diagnostic, logs the error, and then aborts for the stack
/// trace.
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void fatal(llvm::Error error);
void fatalIfNotSuccess(llvm::Error error) {
if (error)
template <typename T> T fatalIfUnexpected(llvm::Expected<T> expected) {
if (expected)
return std::move(expected.get());
"(see \"While...\" info below)", llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode()));
ASTContext &getContext() const {
assert(FileContext && "no associated context yet");
return FileContext->getParentModule()->getASTContext();
ModuleDecl *getAssociatedModule() const {
assert(FileContext && "no associated context yet");
return FileContext->getParentModule();
FileUnit *getFile() const {
assert(FileContext && "no associated context yet");
return FileContext;
/// Recursively reads a pattern from \c DeclTypeCursor.
llvm::Expected<Pattern *> readPattern(DeclContext *owningDC);
ParameterList *readParameterList();
/// Reads a generic param list from \c DeclTypeCursor.
/// If the record at the cursor is not a generic param list, returns null
/// without moving the cursor.
GenericParamList *maybeReadGenericParams(DeclContext *DC);
/// Reads a set of requirements from \c DeclTypeCursor.
void readGenericRequirements(SmallVectorImpl<Requirement> &requirements,
llvm::BitstreamCursor &Cursor);
/// Reads a set of requirements from \c DeclTypeCursor, returns the first
/// error, if any.
readGenericRequirementsChecked(SmallVectorImpl<Requirement> &requirements,
llvm::BitstreamCursor &Cursor);
/// Populates the protocol's default witness table.
/// Returns true if there is an error.
/// Note: this destroys the cursor's position in the stream. Furthermore,
/// because it reads from the cursor, it is not possible to reset the cursor
/// after reading. Nothing should ever follow a DEFAULT_WITNESS_TABLE record.
bool readDefaultWitnessTable(ProtocolDecl *proto);
/// Resolves a cross-reference, starting from the given module.
/// Note: this destroys the cursor's position in the stream. Furthermore,
/// because it reads from the cursor, it is not possible to reset the cursor
/// after reading. Nothing should ever follow an XREF record except
/// XREF_PATH_PIECE records.
llvm::Expected<Decl *> resolveCrossReference(serialization::ModuleID MID,
uint32_t pathLen);
struct AccessorRecord {
SmallVector<serialization::DeclID, 8> IDs;
/// Sets the accessors for \p storage based on \p rawStorageKind.
void configureStorage(AbstractStorageDecl *storage,
uint8_t rawOpaqueReadOwnership,
uint8_t rawReadImpl,
uint8_t rawWriteImpl,
uint8_t rawReadWriteImpl,
AccessorRecord &accessors);
/// Constructs a new module.
explicit ModuleFile(std::shared_ptr<const ModuleFileSharedCore> core);
// Out of line to avoid instantiation OnDiskChainedHashTable here.
/// The name of the module.
StringRef getName() const {
return Core->Name;
/// The Swift compatibility version in use when this module was built.
const version::Version &getCompatibilityVersion() const {
return Core->CompatibilityVersion;
/// Whether this module is compiled with `-enable-private-imports`.
bool arePrivateImportsEnabled() const {
return Core->Bits.ArePrivateImportsEnabled;
/// Is this module file actually a .sib file? .sib files are serialized SIL at
/// arbitrary granularity and arbitrary stage; unlike serialized Swift
/// modules, which are assumed to contain canonical SIL for an entire module.
bool isSIB() const {
return Core->Bits.IsSIB;
/// Whether this module file is compiled with '-enable-testing'.
bool isTestable() const {
return Core->Bits.IsTestable;
/// Whether the module is resilient. ('-enable-library-evolution')
ResilienceStrategy getResilienceStrategy() const {
return ResilienceStrategy(Core->Bits.ResilienceStrategy);
/// Whether this module is compiled with implicit dynamic.
bool isImplicitDynamicEnabled() const {
return Core->Bits.IsImplicitDynamicEnabled;
/// Whether this module is compiled while allowing errors
/// ('-experimental-allow-module-with-compiler-errors').
bool isAllowModuleWithCompilerErrorsEnabled() const {
return Core->Bits.IsAllowModuleWithCompilerErrorsEnabled;
/// \c true if this module has incremental dependency information.
bool hasIncrementalInfo() const { return Core->hasIncrementalInfo(); }
/// Associates this module file with the AST node representing it.
/// Checks that the file is compatible with the AST module it's being loaded
/// into, loads any dependencies needed to understand the module, and updates
/// the ASTContext and ClangImporter with search paths and other information
/// from the module.
/// \param file The FileUnit that represents this file's place in the AST.
/// \param diagLoc A location used for diagnostics that occur during loading.
/// This does not include diagnostics about \e this file failing to load,
/// but rather other things that might be imported as part of bringing the
/// file into the AST.
/// \returns any error that occurred during association, such as being
/// compiled for a different OS.
Status associateWithFileContext(FileUnit *file, SourceLoc diagLoc);
/// Returns `true` if there is a buffer that might contain source code where
/// other parts of the compiler could have emitted diagnostics, to indicate
/// that the object must be kept alive as long as the diagnostics exist.
/// Should only be called when a failure has been reported from
/// ModuleFile::load or ModuleFile::associateWithFileContext.
bool mayHaveDiagnosticsPointingAtBuffer() const;
/// Returns the list of modules this module depends on.
ArrayRef<Dependency> getDependencies() const {
return Dependencies;
/// The module that this module is an overlay for, if any.
ModuleDecl *getUnderlyingModule() const { return UnderlyingModule; }
/// Searches the module's top-level decls for the given identifier.
void lookupValue(DeclName name, SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl*> &results);
/// Searches the module's local type decls for the given mangled name.
TypeDecl *lookupLocalType(StringRef MangledName);
/// Search the module's opaque return type decls for the one corresponding to
/// the given mangled name.
OpaqueTypeDecl *lookupOpaqueResultType(StringRef MangledName);
/// Searches the module's nested type decls table for the given member of
/// the given type.
TypeDecl *lookupNestedType(Identifier name, const NominalTypeDecl *parent);
/// Searches the module's operators for one with the given name and fixity.
/// If none is found, returns null.
OperatorDecl *lookupOperator(Identifier name, OperatorFixity fixity);
/// Searches the module's precedence groups for one with the given
/// name and fixity.
/// If none is found, returns null.
PrecedenceGroupDecl *lookupPrecedenceGroup(Identifier name);
/// Adds any imported modules to the given vector.
void getImportedModules(SmallVectorImpl<ImportedModule> &results,
ModuleDecl::ImportFilter filter);
void getImportDecls(SmallVectorImpl<Decl *> &Results);
/// Reports all visible top-level members in this module.
void lookupVisibleDecls(ImportPath::Access accessPath,
VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer,
NLKind lookupKind);
/// Loads extensions for the given decl.
/// Note that this may cause other decls to load as well.
void loadExtensions(NominalTypeDecl *nominal);
/// Load the methods within the given class that produce
/// Objective-C class or instance methods with the given selector.
/// \param classDecl The class in which we are searching for @objc methods.
/// The search only considers this class and its extensions; not any
/// superclasses.
/// \param selector The selector to search for.
/// \param isInstanceMethod Whether we are looking for an instance method
/// (vs. a class method).
/// \param methods The list of @objc methods in this class that have this
/// selector and are instance/class methods as requested.
void loadObjCMethods(ClassDecl *classDecl,
ObjCSelector selector,
bool isInstanceMethod,
llvm::TinyPtrVector<AbstractFunctionDecl *> &methods);
/// Loads all derivative function configurations for the given
/// AbstractFunctionDecl.
void loadDerivativeFunctionConfigurations(
AbstractFunctionDecl *originalAFD,
llvm::SetVector<AutoDiffConfig> &results);
/// Reports all class members in the module to the given consumer.
/// This is intended for use with id-style lookup and code completion.
void lookupClassMembers(ImportPath::Access accessPath,
VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer);
/// Adds class members in the module with the given name to the given vector.
/// This is intended for use with id-style lookup.
void lookupClassMember(ImportPath::Access accessPath,
DeclName name,
SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl*> &results);
/// Find all Objective-C methods with the given selector.
void lookupObjCMethods(
ObjCSelector selector,
SmallVectorImpl<AbstractFunctionDecl *> &results);
/// Find all SPI names imported from \p importedModule by this module,
/// collecting the identifiers in \p spiGroups.
void lookupImportedSPIGroups(
const ModuleDecl *importedModule,
llvm::SmallSetVector<Identifier, 4> &spiGroups) const;
/// Reports all link-time dependencies.
void collectLinkLibraries(ModuleDecl::LinkLibraryCallback callback) const;
/// Adds all top-level decls to the given vector.
/// \param Results Vector collecting the decls.
/// \param matchAttributes Optional check on the attributes of a decl to
/// filter which decls to fully deserialize. Only decls with accepted
/// attributes are deserialized and added to Results.
void getTopLevelDecls(
SmallVectorImpl<Decl*> &Results,
llvm::function_ref<bool(DeclAttributes)> matchAttributes = nullptr);
void getExportedPrespecializations(SmallVectorImpl<Decl *> &results);
/// Adds all operators to the given vector.
void getOperatorDecls(SmallVectorImpl<OperatorDecl *> &Results);
/// Adds all precedence groups to the given vector.
void getPrecedenceGroups(SmallVectorImpl<PrecedenceGroupDecl*> &Results);
/// Adds all local type decls to the given vector.
void getLocalTypeDecls(SmallVectorImpl<TypeDecl*> &Results);
/// Add all opaque return type decls in the module to the given vector.
void getOpaqueReturnTypeDecls(SmallVectorImpl<OpaqueTypeDecl*> &Results);
/// Adds all top-level decls to the given vector.
/// This includes all decls that should be displayed to clients of the module.
/// This can differ from \c getTopLevelDecls, e.g. it returns decls from a
/// shadowed clang module.
void getDisplayDecls(SmallVectorImpl<Decl*> &results);
StringRef getModuleFilename() const {
if (!Core->ModuleInterfacePath.empty())
return Core->ModuleInterfacePath;
// FIXME: This seems fragile, maybe store the filename separately ?
return Core->ModuleInputBuffer->getBufferIdentifier();
StringRef getTargetTriple() const {
return Core->TargetTriple;
/// AST-verify imported decls.
/// Has no effect in NDEBUG builds.
void verify() const;
virtual void loadAllMembers(Decl *D,
uint64_t contextData) override;
virtual TinyPtrVector<ValueDecl *>
loadNamedMembers(const IterableDeclContext *IDC, DeclBaseName N,
uint64_t contextData) override;
virtual void
loadAllConformances(const Decl *D, uint64_t contextData,
SmallVectorImpl<ProtocolConformance*> &Conforms) override;
virtual Type loadAssociatedTypeDefault(const AssociatedTypeDecl *ATD,
uint64_t contextData) override;
virtual ValueDecl *
loadDynamicallyReplacedFunctionDecl(const DynamicReplacementAttr *DRA,
uint64_t contextData) override;
virtual ValueDecl *loadTargetFunctionDecl(const SpecializeAttr *attr,
uint64_t contextData) override;
virtual AbstractFunctionDecl *
loadReferencedFunctionDecl(const DerivativeAttr *DA,
uint64_t contextData) override;
virtual Type loadTypeEraserType(const TypeEraserAttr *TRA,
uint64_t contextData) override;
virtual void finishNormalConformance(NormalProtocolConformance *conformance,
uint64_t contextData) override;
loadRequirementSignature(const ProtocolDecl *proto, uint64_t contextData,
SmallVectorImpl<Requirement> &requirements) override;
Optional<StringRef> getGroupNameById(unsigned Id) const;
Optional<StringRef> getSourceFileNameById(unsigned Id) const;
Optional<StringRef> getGroupNameForDecl(const Decl *D) const;
Optional<StringRef> getSourceFileNameForDecl(const Decl *D) const;
Optional<unsigned> getSourceOrderForDecl(const Decl *D) const;
void collectAllGroups(std::vector<StringRef> &Names) const;
Optional<CommentInfo> getCommentForDecl(const Decl *D) const;
Optional<CommentInfo> getCommentForDeclByUSR(StringRef USR) const;
Optional<StringRef> getGroupNameByUSR(StringRef USR) const;
Optional<BasicDeclLocs> getBasicDeclLocsForDecl(const Decl *D) const;
Identifier getDiscriminatorForPrivateValue(const ValueDecl *D);
Optional<Fingerprint> loadFingerprint(const IterableDeclContext *IDC) const;
// MARK: Deserialization interface
llvm::BitstreamCursor getSILCursor() const {
return SILCursor;
llvm::BitstreamCursor getSILIndexCursor() const {
return SILIndexCursor;
/// Returns the type with the given ID, deserializing it if needed.
/// \sa getTypeChecked
Type getType(serialization::TypeID TID);
/// Returns the type with the given ID, deserializing it if needed.
llvm::Expected<Type> getTypeChecked(serialization::TypeID TID);
/// Returns the Clang type with the given ID, deserializing it if needed.
llvm::Expected<const clang::Type *>
getClangType(serialization::ClangTypeID TID);
/// Returns the base name with the given ID, deserializing it if needed.
DeclBaseName getDeclBaseName(serialization::IdentifierID IID);
/// Convenience method to retrieve the identifier backing the name with
/// given ID. Asserts that the name with this ID is not special.
Identifier getIdentifier(serialization::IdentifierID IID);
/// Convenience method to retrieve the text of the name with the given ID.
/// This can be used if the result doesn't need to be uniqued in the
/// ASTContext. Asserts that the name with this ID is not special.
StringRef getIdentifierText(serialization::IdentifierID IID);
/// Returns the decl with the given ID, deserializing it if needed.
/// \param DID The ID for the decl within this module.
/// \sa getDeclChecked
Decl *getDecl(serialization::DeclID DID);
/// Returns the decl with the given ID, deserializing it if needed.
/// \param DID The ID for the decl within this module.
/// \param matchAttributes Optional check on the attributes of the decl to
/// determine if it should be fully deserialized and returned. If the
/// attributes fail the check, the decl is not deserialized and
/// \c DeclAttributesDidNotMatch is returned.
llvm::Expected<Decl *>
serialization::DeclID DID,
llvm::function_ref<bool(DeclAttributes)> matchAttributes = nullptr);
/// Returns the decl context with the given ID, deserializing it if needed.
DeclContext *getDeclContext(serialization::DeclContextID DID);
/// Returns the decl context with the given ID, deserializing it if needed,
/// or the first error.
llvm::Expected<DeclContext *>
getDeclContextChecked(serialization::DeclContextID DCID);
/// Returns the local decl context with the given ID, deserializing it if needed.
DeclContext *getLocalDeclContext(serialization::LocalDeclContextID DID);
/// Returns the appropriate module for the given ID.
ModuleDecl *getModule(serialization::ModuleID MID);
/// Returns the appropriate module for the given name.
/// If the name matches the name of the current module, a shadowed module
/// is loaded instead.
ModuleDecl *getModule(ImportPath::Module name, bool allowLoading = false);
/// Returns the generic signature for the given ID.
GenericSignature getGenericSignature(serialization::GenericSignatureID ID);
/// Returns the generic signature for the given ID or the first error.
getGenericSignatureChecked(serialization::GenericSignatureID ID);
/// Returns the substitution map for the given ID, deserializing it if
/// needed.
SubstitutionMap getSubstitutionMap(serialization::SubstitutionMapID id);
/// Returns the substitution map for the given ID, deserializing it if
/// needed, or the first error.
getSubstitutionMapChecked(serialization::SubstitutionMapID id);
/// Recursively reads a protocol conformance from the given cursor.
ProtocolConformanceRef readConformance(llvm::BitstreamCursor &Cursor,
GenericEnvironment *genericEnv =
/// Recursively reads a protocol conformance from the given cursor,
/// returns the conformance or the first error.
readConformanceChecked(llvm::BitstreamCursor &Cursor,
GenericEnvironment *genericEnv = nullptr);
/// Read a SILLayout from the given cursor.
SILLayout *readSILLayout(llvm::BitstreamCursor &Cursor);
/// Read the given normal conformance from the current module file,
/// returns the conformance or the first error.
llvm::Expected<NormalProtocolConformance *>
readNormalConformanceChecked(serialization::NormalConformanceID id);
/// Reads a foreign error conformance from \c DeclTypeCursor, if present.
Optional<ForeignErrorConvention> maybeReadForeignErrorConvention();
/// Reads inlinable body text from \c DeclTypeCursor, if present.
Optional<StringRef> maybeReadInlinableBodyText();
/// Reads pattern initializer text from \c DeclTypeCursor, if present.
Optional<StringRef> maybeReadPatternInitializerText();
template <typename T, typename RawData>
void ModuleFile::allocateBuffer(MutableArrayRef<T> &buffer,
const RawData &rawData) {
assert(buffer.empty() && "reallocating deserialized buffer");
if (rawData.empty())
void *rawBuffer = Allocator.Allocate(sizeof(T) * rawData.size(), alignof(T));
buffer = llvm::makeMutableArrayRef(static_cast<T *>(rawBuffer),
std::uninitialized_copy(rawData.begin(), rawData.end(), buffer.begin());
} // end namespace swift