blob: 326b8bba6b7008bed8243ad7384c3611b3d93e20 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
infix operator %%%
infix operator %%%%
func %%%() {} // expected-error {{operators must have one or two arguments}}
func %%%%(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) {} // expected-error {{operators must have one or two arguments}}
struct X {}
struct Y {}
func +(lhs: X, rhs: X) -> X {} // okay
func +++(lhs: X, rhs: X) -> X {} // expected-error {{operator implementation without matching operator declaration}}
infix operator ++++ : ReallyHighPrecedence
precedencegroup ReallyHighPrecedence {
higherThan: BitwiseShiftPrecedence
associativity: left
infix func fn_binary(_ lhs: Int, rhs: Int) {} // expected-error {{'infix' modifier is not required or allowed on func declarations}}
func ++++(lhs: X, rhs: X) -> X {}
func ++++(lhs: Y, rhs: Y) -> Y {} // okay
func useInt(_ x: Int) {}
func test() {
var x : Int
let y : Int = 42
// Produce a diagnostic for using the result of an assignment as a value.
// rdar://12961094
useInt(x = y) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type '()' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
_ = x
prefix operator ~~
postfix operator ~~
infix operator ~~
postfix func foo(_ x: Int) {} // expected-error {{'postfix' requires a function with an operator identifier}}
postfix func ~~(x: Int) -> Float { return Float(x) }
postfix func ~~(x: Int, y: Int) {} // expected-error {{'postfix' requires a function with one argument}}
prefix func ~~(x: Float) {}
func test_postfix(_ x: Int) {
prefix operator ~~~ // expected-note 2{{prefix operator found here}}
// Unary operators require a prefix or postfix attribute
func ~~~(x: Float) {} // expected-error{{prefix unary operator missing 'prefix' modifier}}{{1-1=prefix }}
protocol P {
static func ~~~(x: Self) // expected-error{{prefix unary operator missing 'prefix' modifier}}{{10-10=prefix }}
prefix func +// this should be a comment, not an operator
(arg: Int) -> Int { return arg }
prefix func -/* this also should be a comment, not an operator */
(arg: Int) -> Int { return arg }
func +*/ () {} // expected-error {{expected identifier in function declaration}} expected-error {{unexpected end of block comment}} expected-error {{closure expression is unused}} expected-error{{top-level statement cannot begin with a closure expression}} expected-note{{did you mean to use a 'do' statement?}} {{13-13=do }}
func errors() {
*/ // expected-error {{unexpected end of block comment}}
// rdar://12962712 - reject */ in an operator as it should end a block comment.
*/+ // expected-error {{unexpected end of block comment}}
prefix operator ...
prefix func ... (arg: Int) -> Int { return arg }
func resyncParser() {}
// Operator decl refs (<op>)
infix operator +-+
prefix operator +-+
prefix operator -+-
postfix operator -+-
infix operator +-+=
infix func +-+ (x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {} // expected-error {{'infix' modifier is not required or allowed on func declarations}} {{1-7=}}
prefix func +-+ (x: Int) -> Int {}
prefix func -+- (y: inout Int) -> Int {} // expected-note 2{{found this candidate}}
postfix func -+- (x: inout Int) -> Int {} // expected-note 2{{found this candidate}}
infix func +-+= (x: inout Int, y: Int) -> Int {} // expected-error {{'infix' modifier is not required or allowed on func declarations}} {{1-7=}}
var n = 0
// Infix by context
_ = (+-+)(1, 2)
// Prefix by context
_ = (+-+)(1)
// Ambiguous -- could be prefix or postfix
(-+-)(&n) // expected-error{{ambiguous use of operator '-+-'}}
// Assignment operator refs become inout functions
_ = (+-+=)(&n, 12)
(+-+=)(n, 12) // expected-error {{passing value of type 'Int' to an inout parameter requires explicit '&'}} {{8-8=&}}
var f1 : (Int, Int) -> Int = (+-+)
var f2 : (Int) -> Int = (+-+)
var f3 : (inout Int) -> Int = (-+-) // expected-error{{ambiguous use of operator '-+-'}}
var f4 : (inout Int, Int) -> Int = (+-+=)
var r5 : (a : (Int, Int) -> Int, b : (Int, Int) -> Int) = (+, -)
var r6 : (a : (Int, Int) -> Int, b : (Int, Int) -> Int) = (b : +, a : -)
struct f6_S {
subscript(op : (Int, Int) -> Int) -> Int {
return 42
var f6_s : f6_S
var junk = f6_s[+]
// Unicode operator names
infix operator
infix operator ☃⃠ // Operators can contain (but not start with) combining characters
func ☃(x: Int, y: Int) -> Bool { return x == y }
func ☃⃠(x: Int, y: Int) -> Bool { return x != y }
var x, y : Int
_ = xy
_ = x☃⃠y
// rdar://14705150 - crash on invalid
func test_14705150() {
let a = 4
var b! = a // expected-error {{type annotation missing in pattern}}
// expected-error @-1 {{consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{8-8=;}}
// expected-error @-2 {{expected expression}}
prefix postfix func ++(x: Int) {} // expected-error {{'postfix' contradicts previous modifier 'prefix'}} {{8-16=}}
postfix prefix func ++(x: Float) {} // expected-error {{'prefix' contradicts previous modifier 'postfix'}} {{9-16=}}
postfix prefix infix func ++(x: Double) {} // expected-error {{'prefix' contradicts previous modifier 'postfix'}} {{9-16=}} expected-error {{'infix' contradicts previous modifier 'postfix'}} {{16-22=}}
infix prefix func +-+(x: Int, y: Int) {} // expected-error {{'infix' modifier is not required or allowed on func declarations}} {{1-7=}} expected-error{{'prefix' contradicts previous modifier 'infix'}} {{7-14=}}
// Don't allow one to define a postfix '!'; it's built into the
// language. Also illegal to have any postfix operator starting with '!'.
postfix operator ! // expected-error {{cannot declare a custom postfix '!' operator}} expected-error {{expected operator name in operator declaration}}
prefix operator & // expected-error {{cannot declare a custom prefix '&' operator}}
// <rdar://problem/14607026> Restrict use of '<' and '>' as prefix/postfix operator names
postfix operator > // expected-error {{cannot declare a custom postfix '>' operator}}
prefix operator < // expected-error {{cannot declare a custom prefix '<' operator}}
postfix func !(x: Int) { } // expected-error{{cannot declare a custom postfix '!' operator}}
postfix func!(x: Int8) { } // expected-error{{cannot declare a custom postfix '!' operator}}
prefix func & (x: Int) {} // expected-error {{cannot declare a custom prefix '&' operator}}
// Only allow operators at global scope:
func operator_in_func_bad () {
prefix func + (input: String) -> String { return "+" + input } // expected-error {{operator functions can only be declared at global or in type scope}}
infix operator ? // expected-error {{expected operator name in operator declaration}}
infix operator ??=
func ??= <T>(result : inout T?, rhs : Int) { // ok
// <rdar://problem/14296004> [QoI] Poor diagnostic/recovery when two operators (e.g., == and -) are adjacted without spaces.
_ = n*-4 // expected-error {{missing whitespace between '*' and '-' operators}} {{6-6= }} {{7-7= }}
if n==-1 {} // expected-error {{missing whitespace between '==' and '-' operators}} {{5-5= }} {{7-7= }}
prefix operator ☃⃠
prefix func☃⃠(a : Int) -> Int { return a }
postfix operator ☃⃠
postfix func☃⃠(a : Int) -> Int { return a }
_ = n☃⃠ ☃⃠ n // Ok.
_ = n ☃⃠ ☃⃠n // Ok.
_ = n ☃⃠☃⃠ n // expected-error {{use of unresolved operator '☃⃠☃⃠'}}
_ = n☃⃠☃⃠n // expected-error {{ambiguous missing whitespace between unary and binary operators}}
// expected-note @-1 {{could be binary '☃⃠' and prefix '☃⃠'}} {{12-12= }} {{18-18= }}
// expected-note @-2 {{could be postfix '☃⃠' and binary '☃⃠'}} {{6-6= }} {{12-12= }}
_ = n☃⃠☃⃠ // expected-error {{unary operators may not be juxtaposed; parenthesize inner expression}}
_ = ~!n // expected-error {{unary operators may not be juxtaposed; parenthesize inner expression}}
_ = -+n // expected-error {{unary operators may not be juxtaposed; parenthesize inner expression}}
_ = -++n // expected-error {{unary operators may not be juxtaposed; parenthesize inner expression}}
// <rdar://problem/16230507> Cannot use a negative constant as the second operator of ... operator
_ = 3...-5 // expected-error {{ambiguous missing whitespace between unary and binary operators}} expected-note {{could be postfix '...' and binary '-'}} expected-note {{could be binary '...' and prefix '-'}}
protocol P0 {
static func %%%(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
protocol P1 {
func %%%(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self // expected-warning{{operator '%%%' declared in protocol must be 'static'}}{{3-3=static }}
struct S0 {
static func %%%(lhs: S0, rhs: S0) -> S0 { return lhs }
extension S0 {
static func %%%%(lhs: S0, rhs: S0) -> S0 { return lhs }
struct S1 {
func %%%(lhs: S1, rhs: S1) -> S1 { return lhs } // expected-error{{operator '%%%' declared in type 'S1' must be 'static'}}{{3-3=static }}
extension S1 {
func %%%%(lhs: S1, rhs: S1) -> S1 { return lhs } // expected-error{{operator '%%%%' declared in type 'S1' must be 'static'}}{{3-3=static }}
class C0 {
static func %%%(lhs: C0, rhs: C0) -> C0 { return lhs }
class C1 {
final func %%%(lhs: C1, rhs: C1) -> C1 { return lhs }
final class C2 {
class func %%%(lhs: C2, rhs: C2) -> C2 { return lhs }
class C3 {
class func %%%(lhs: C3, rhs: C3) -> C3 { return lhs } // expected-error{{operator '%%%' declared in non-final class 'C3' must be 'final'}}{{3-3=final }}
class C4 {
func %%%(lhs: C4, rhs: C4) -> C4 { return lhs } // expected-error{{operator '%%%' declared in type 'C4' must be 'static'}}{{3-3=static }}
struct Unrelated { }
struct S2 {
static func %%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated { }
// expected-error@-1{{member operator '%%%' must have at least one argument of type 'S2'}}
static func %%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: Unrelated) -> S2 { }
// expected-error@-1{{member operator '%%%' must have at least one argument of type 'S2'}}
static func %%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: Unrelated) -> S2.Type { }
// expected-error@-1{{member operator '%%%' must have at least one argument of type 'S2'}}
// Okay: refers to S2
static func %%%(lhs: S2, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%(lhs: inout S2, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%(lhs: S2.Type, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%(lhs: inout S2.Type, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: S2) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: inout S2) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: S2.Type) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: inout S2.Type) -> Unrelated { }
extension S2 {
static func %%%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated { }
// expected-error@-1{{member operator '%%%%' must have at least one argument of type 'S2'}}
static func %%%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: Unrelated) -> S2 { }
// expected-error@-1{{member operator '%%%%' must have at least one argument of type 'S2'}}
static func %%%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: Unrelated) -> S2.Type { }
// expected-error@-1{{member operator '%%%%' must have at least one argument of type 'S2'}}
// Okay: refers to S2
static func %%%%(lhs: S2, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%%(lhs: inout S2, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%%(lhs: S2.Type, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%%(lhs: inout S2.Type, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: S2) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: inout S2) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: S2.Type) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: inout S2.Type) -> Unrelated { }
protocol P2 {
static func %%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated
// expected-error@-1{{member operator '%%%' of protocol 'P2' must have at least one argument of type 'Self'}}
static func %%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: Unrelated) -> Self
// expected-error@-1{{member operator '%%%' of protocol 'P2' must have at least one argument of type 'Self'}}
static func %%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: Unrelated) -> Self.Type
// expected-error@-1{{member operator '%%%' of protocol 'P2' must have at least one argument of type 'Self'}}
// Okay: refers to Self
static func %%%(lhs: Self, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated
static func %%%(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated
static func %%%(lhs: Self.Type, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated
static func %%%(lhs: inout Self.Type, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated
static func %%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: Self) -> Unrelated
static func %%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: inout Self) -> Unrelated
static func %%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: Self.Type) -> Unrelated
static func %%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: inout Self.Type) -> Unrelated
extension P2 {
static func %%%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated { }
// expected-error@-1{{member operator '%%%%' of protocol 'P2' must have at least one argument of type 'Self'}}
static func %%%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: Unrelated) -> Self { }
// expected-error@-1{{member operator '%%%%' of protocol 'P2' must have at least one argument of type 'Self'}}
static func %%%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: Unrelated) -> Self.Type { }
// expected-error@-1{{member operator '%%%%' of protocol 'P2' must have at least one argument of type 'Self'}}
// Okay: refers to Self
static func %%%%(lhs: Self, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%%(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%%(lhs: Self.Type, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%%(lhs: inout Self.Type, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: Self) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: inout Self) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: Self.Type) -> Unrelated { }
static func %%%%(lhs: Unrelated, rhs: inout Self.Type) -> Unrelated { }
protocol P3 {
// Okay: refers to P3
static func %%%(lhs: P3, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated
extension P3 {
// Okay: refers to P3
static func %%%%(lhs: P3, rhs: Unrelated) -> Unrelated { }
// rdar://problem/27940842 - recovery with a non-static '=='.
class C5 {
func == (lhs: C5, rhs: C5) -> Bool { return false } // expected-error{{operator '==' declared in type 'C5' must be 'static'}}
func test1(x: C5) {
_ = x == x
class C6 {
static func == (lhs: C6, rhs: C6) -> Bool { return false }
func test1(x: C6) {
if x == x && x = x { } // expected-error{{cannot assign to value: '&&' returns immutable value}}