blob: 323a25778a164450a4ee082d39929479cad11a48 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -emit-sil -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules %s -verify
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Foundation
import ImportAsMember.A
import AppKit
func testOldTypeNames() {
var ps: NSPostingStyle? // expected-error{{'NSPostingStyle' has been renamed to 'NotificationQueue.PostingStyle'}}{{11-25=NotificationQueue.PostingStyle}}
_ = NSPostingStyle(rawValue: 1) // expected-error{{'NSPostingStyle' has been renamed to 'NotificationQueue.PostingStyle'}}{{7-21=NotificationQueue.PostingStyle}}
_ = NSOperation() // expected-error{{'NSOperation' has been renamed to 'Operation'}}{{7-18=Operation}}
func testOldMethodNames(array: NSArray) {
_ = array.indexOfObject(array) // expected-error{{'indexOfObject' has been renamed to 'index(of:)'}}{{13-26=index}}{{27-27=of: }}
func testOldPropertyNames(hive: Hive) {
_ = hive.makingHoney // expected-error{{'makingHoney' has been renamed to 'isMakingHoney'}}{{12-23=isMakingHoney}}
func testOldInitializerNames(array: NSArray) {
func testOldEnumCaseNames(i: Int) -> XMLNode.Kind {
switch i {
case 0:
// FIXME: Bad diagnostic.
return .InvalidKind // expected-error{{type 'XMLNode.Kind' has no member 'InvalidKind'}}
case 1:
// FIXME: Bad diagnostic.
return XMLNode.Kind.InvalidKind // expected-error{{type 'XMLNode.Kind' has no member 'InvalidKind'}}
return .invalid
func testOldOptionCaseNames(i: Int) -> NSRuncingOptions {
switch i {
case 0:
return .EnableQuince // expected-error{{'EnableQuince' has been renamed to 'enableQuince'}}{{13-25=enableQuince}}
case 1:
return NSRuncingOptions.EnableMince // expected-error{{'EnableMince' has been renamed to 'enableMince'}}{{29-40=enableMince}}
return .enableQuince
func testImportAsMember() {
_ = IAMStruct1GlobalVar // expected-error{{'IAMStruct1GlobalVar' has been renamed to 'Struct1.globalVar'}}{{7-26=Struct1.globalVar}}
_ = IAMStruct1CreateSimple(1.5)
// expected-error@-1{{'IAMStruct1CreateSimple' has been replaced by 'Struct1.init(value:)'}}{{7-29=Struct1}}{{30-30=value: }}
var iam1 = Struct1(value: 1.5)
_ = IAMStruct1Invert(iam1)
// expected-error@-1{{'IAMStruct1Invert' has been replaced by instance method 'Struct1.inverted()'}}{{7-23=iam1.inverted}}{{24-28=}}
// expected-error@-1{{'IAMStruct1InvertInPlace' has been replaced by instance method 'Struct1.invert()'}}{{3-26=(&iam1).invert}}{{27-32=}}
// FIXME: "&" part has to be removed for mutating methods.
_ = IAMStruct1Rotate(&iam1, 3.14159)
// expected-error@-1{{'IAMStruct1Rotate' has been replaced by instance method 'Struct1.translate(radians:)'}}{{7-23=(&iam1).translate}} {{24-31=}} {{31-31=radians: }}
// FIXME: "&" part has to be removed for mutating methods.
_ = IAMStruct1StaticMethod()
// expected-error@-1{{'IAMStruct1StaticMethod()' has been replaced by 'Struct1.staticMethod()'}}{{7-29=Struct1.staticMethod}}
_ = IAMStruct1GetRadius(&iam1)
// expected-error@-1{{'IAMStruct1GetRadius' has been replaced by property 'Struct1.radius'}}{{7-26=(&iam1).radius}} {{26-33=}}
// FIXME: &iam1 is wrong
IAMStruct1SetRadius(iam1, 3.14159)
// expected-error@-1{{'IAMStruct1SetRadius' has been replaced by property 'Struct1.radius'}}{{3-22=iam1.radius}} {{22-29= = }} {{36-37=}}
// rdar://problem/26236989
class X : NSDocument {
func test(url: URL) {
func test2() {
let url = URL(string: "ABC")
self.url = url!
func getTheURL() -> URL {
return url
func makeProgress<T: NSProgressReporting>(thing: T) {} // expected-error {{'NSProgressReporting' has been renamed to 'ProgressReporting'}} {{22-41=ProgressReporting}}
func useLowercasedEnumCase(x: NSRuncingMode) {
switch x { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive, consider adding missing cases:}}
// expected-note@-1 {{missing case: '.mince'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{missing case: '.quince'}}
case .Mince: return // expected-error {{'Mince' has been renamed to 'mince'}} {{11-16=mince}}
case .Quince: return // expected-error {{'Quince' has been renamed to 'quince'}} {{11-17=quince}}