blob: ac793880989336d575b12c72ce45c45db3424dca [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- CSDiag.cpp - Constraint Diagnostics ------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements diagnostics for the type checker.
#include "ConstraintSystem.h"
#include "MiscDiagnostics.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTWalker.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericEnvironment.h"
#include "swift/AST/Initializer.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/ProtocolConformance.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeWalker.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeMatcher.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Defer.h"
#include "swift/Basic/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SaveAndRestore.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace constraints;
static bool isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(Type ty) {
return ty->isTypeVariableOrMember() || ty->is<UnresolvedType>();
/// Given a subpath of an old locator, compute its summary flags.
static unsigned recomputeSummaryFlags(ConstraintLocator *oldLocator,
ArrayRef<LocatorPathElt> path) {
if (oldLocator->getSummaryFlags() != 0)
return ConstraintLocator::getSummaryFlagsForPath(path);
return 0;
ConstraintLocator *
constraints::simplifyLocator(ConstraintSystem &cs, ConstraintLocator *locator,
SourceRange &range,
ConstraintLocator **targetLocator) {
// Clear out the target locator result.
if (targetLocator)
*targetLocator = nullptr;
// The path to be tacked on to the target locator to identify the specific
// target.
Expr *targetAnchor;
SmallVector<LocatorPathElt, 4> targetPath;
auto path = locator->getPath();
auto anchor = locator->getAnchor();
simplifyLocator(anchor, path, targetAnchor, targetPath, range);
// If we have a target anchor, build and simplify the target locator.
if (targetLocator && targetAnchor) {
SourceRange targetRange;
unsigned targetFlags = recomputeSummaryFlags(locator, targetPath);
auto loc = cs.getConstraintLocator(targetAnchor, targetPath, targetFlags);
*targetLocator = simplifyLocator(cs, loc, targetRange);
// If we didn't simplify anything, just return the input.
if (anchor == locator->getAnchor() &&
path.size() == locator->getPath().size()) {
return locator;
// Recompute the summary flags if we had any to begin with. This is
// necessary because we might remove e.g. tuple elements from the path.
unsigned summaryFlags = recomputeSummaryFlags(locator, path);
return cs.getConstraintLocator(anchor, path, summaryFlags);
void constraints::simplifyLocator(Expr *&anchor,
ArrayRef<LocatorPathElt> &path,
Expr *&targetAnchor,
SmallVectorImpl<LocatorPathElt> &targetPath,
SourceRange &range) {
range = SourceRange();
targetAnchor = nullptr;
while (!path.empty()) {
switch (path[0].getKind()) {
case ConstraintLocator::ApplyArgument:
// Extract application argument.
if (auto applyExpr = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(anchor)) {
// The target anchor is the function being called.
targetAnchor = applyExpr->getFn();
anchor = applyExpr->getArg();
path = path.slice(1);
if (auto objectLiteralExpr = dyn_cast<ObjectLiteralExpr>(anchor)) {
targetAnchor = nullptr;
anchor = objectLiteralExpr->getArg();
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::ApplyFunction:
// Extract application function.
if (auto applyExpr = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(anchor)) {
// No additional target locator information.
targetAnchor = nullptr;
anchor = applyExpr->getFn();
path = path.slice(1);
// The unresolved member itself is the function.
if (auto unresolvedMember = dyn_cast<UnresolvedMemberExpr>(anchor)) {
if (unresolvedMember->getArgument()) {
// No additional target locator information.
targetAnchor = nullptr;
anchor = unresolvedMember;
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::Load:
case ConstraintLocator::RvalueAdjustment:
case ConstraintLocator::ScalarToTuple:
case ConstraintLocator::UnresolvedMember:
// Loads, rvalue adjustment, and scalar-to-tuple conversions are implicit.
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::NamedTupleElement:
case ConstraintLocator::TupleElement:
// Extract tuple element.
if (auto tupleExpr = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(anchor)) {
unsigned index = path[0].getValue();
if (index < tupleExpr->getNumElements()) {
// Append this extraction to the target locator path.
if (targetAnchor) {
anchor = tupleExpr->getElement(index);
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::ApplyArgToParam:
// Extract tuple element.
if (auto tupleExpr = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(anchor)) {
unsigned index = path[0].getValue();
if (index < tupleExpr->getNumElements()) {
// Append this extraction to the target locator path.
if (targetAnchor) {
anchor = tupleExpr->getElement(index);
path = path.slice(1);
// Extract subexpression in parentheses.
if (auto parenExpr = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(anchor)) {
assert(path[0].getValue() == 0);
// Append this extraction to the target locator path.
if (targetAnchor) {
anchor = parenExpr->getSubExpr();
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::ConstructorMember:
if (auto typeExpr = dyn_cast<TypeExpr>(anchor)) {
// This is really an implicit 'init' MemberRef, so point at the base,
// i.e. the TypeExpr.
targetAnchor = nullptr;
range = SourceRange();
anchor = typeExpr;
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::Member:
case ConstraintLocator::MemberRefBase:
if (auto UDE = dyn_cast<UnresolvedDotExpr>(anchor)) {
// No additional target locator information.
targetAnchor = nullptr;
range = UDE->getNameLoc().getSourceRange();
anchor = UDE->getBase();
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::SubscriptIndex:
if (auto subscript = dyn_cast<SubscriptExpr>(anchor)) {
targetAnchor = subscript->getBase();
anchor = subscript->getIndex();
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::SubscriptMember:
if (isa<SubscriptExpr>(anchor)) {
targetAnchor = nullptr;
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::ClosureResult:
if (auto CE = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(anchor)) {
if (CE->hasSingleExpressionBody()) {
targetAnchor = nullptr;
anchor = CE->getSingleExpressionBody();
path = path.slice(1);
// FIXME: Lots of other cases to handle.
// If we get here, we couldn't simplify the path further.
/// Simplify the given locator down to a specific anchor expression,
/// if possible.
/// \returns the anchor expression if it fully describes the locator, or
/// null otherwise.
static Expr *simplifyLocatorToAnchor(ConstraintSystem &cs,
ConstraintLocator *locator) {
if (!locator || !locator->getAnchor())
return nullptr;
SourceRange range;
locator = simplifyLocator(cs, locator, range);
if (!locator->getAnchor() || !locator->getPath().empty())
return nullptr;
return locator->getAnchor();
/// \brief Determine the number of distinct overload choices in the
/// provided set.
static unsigned countDistinctOverloads(ArrayRef<OverloadChoice> choices) {
llvm::SmallPtrSet<void *, 4> uniqueChoices;
unsigned result = 0;
for (auto choice : choices) {
if (uniqueChoices.insert(choice.getOpaqueChoiceSimple()).second)
return result;
/// \brief Determine the name of the overload in a set of overload choices.
static DeclName getOverloadChoiceName(ArrayRef<OverloadChoice> choices) {
DeclName name;
for (auto choice : choices) {
if (!choice.isDecl())
DeclName nextName = choice.getDecl()->getFullName();
if (!name) {
name = nextName;
if (name != nextName) {
// Assume all choices have the same base name and only differ in
// argument labels. This may not be a great assumption, but we don't
// really have a way to recover for diagnostics otherwise.
return name.getBaseName();
return name;
/// Returns true if any diagnostics were emitted.
static bool
tryDiagnoseTrailingClosureAmbiguity(TypeChecker &tc, const Expr *expr,
ArrayRef<OverloadChoice> choices) {
auto *callExpr = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(expr);
if (!callExpr)
return false;
if (!callExpr->hasTrailingClosure())
return false;
llvm::SmallMapVector<Identifier, const ValueDecl *, 8> choicesByLabel;
for (const OverloadChoice &choice : choices) {
auto *callee = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(choice.getDecl());
if (!callee)
return false;
const ParameterList *paramList = callee->getParameterLists().back();
const ParamDecl *param = paramList->getArray().back();
// Sanity-check that the trailing closure corresponds to this parameter.
if (!param->getInterfaceType()->is<AnyFunctionType>())
return false;
Identifier trailingClosureLabel = param->getArgumentName();
auto &choiceForLabel = choicesByLabel[trailingClosureLabel];
// FIXME: Cargo-culted from diagnoseAmbiguity: apparently the same decl can
// appear more than once?
if (choiceForLabel == callee)
// If just providing the trailing closure label won't solve the ambiguity,
// don't bother offering the fix-it.
if (choiceForLabel != nullptr)
return false;
choiceForLabel = callee;
// If we got here, then all of the choices have unique labels. Offer them in
// order.
for (const auto &choicePair : choicesByLabel) {
auto diag = tc.diagnose(expr->getLoc(),
swift::fixItEncloseTrailingClosure(tc, diag, callExpr, choicePair.first);
return true;
static bool diagnoseAmbiguity(ConstraintSystem &cs,
ArrayRef<Solution> solutions,
Expr *expr) {
// Produce a diff of the solutions.
SolutionDiff diff(solutions);
// Find the locators which have the largest numbers of distinct overloads.
Optional<unsigned> bestOverload;
unsigned maxDistinctOverloads = 0;
unsigned maxDepth = 0;
unsigned minIndex = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
// Get a map of expressions to their depths and post-order traversal indices.
// Heuristically, all other things being equal, we should complain about the
// ambiguous expression that (1) has the most overloads, (2) is deepest, or
// (3) comes earliest in the expression.
auto depthMap = expr->getDepthMap();
auto indexMap = expr->getPreorderIndexMap();
for (unsigned i = 0, n = diff.overloads.size(); i != n; ++i) {
auto &overload = diff.overloads[i];
// If we can't resolve the locator to an anchor expression with no path,
// we can't diagnose this well.
auto *anchor = simplifyLocatorToAnchor(cs, overload.locator);
if (!anchor)
auto it = indexMap.find(anchor);
if (it == indexMap.end())
unsigned index = it->second;
it = depthMap.find(anchor);
if (it == depthMap.end())
unsigned depth = it->second;
// If we don't have a name to hang on to, it'll be hard to diagnose this
// overload.
if (!getOverloadChoiceName(overload.choices))
unsigned distinctOverloads = countDistinctOverloads(overload.choices);
// We need at least two overloads to make this interesting.
if (distinctOverloads < 2)
// If we have more distinct overload choices for this locator than for
// prior locators, just keep this locator.
bool better = false;
if (bestOverload) {
if (distinctOverloads > maxDistinctOverloads) {
better = true;
} else if (distinctOverloads == maxDistinctOverloads) {
if (depth > maxDepth) {
better = true;
} else if (depth == maxDepth) {
if (index < minIndex) {
better = true;
if (!bestOverload || better) {
bestOverload = i;
maxDistinctOverloads = distinctOverloads;
maxDepth = depth;
minIndex = index;
// We have better results. Ignore this one.
// FIXME: Should be able to pick the best locator, e.g., based on some
// depth-first numbering of expressions.
if (bestOverload) {
auto &overload = diff.overloads[*bestOverload];
auto name = getOverloadChoiceName(overload.choices);
auto anchor = simplifyLocatorToAnchor(cs, overload.locator);
// Emit the ambiguity diagnostic.
auto &tc = cs.getTypeChecker();
name.isOperator() ? diag::ambiguous_operator_ref
: diag::ambiguous_decl_ref,
if (tryDiagnoseTrailingClosureAmbiguity(tc, expr, overload.choices))
return true;
// Emit candidates. Use a SmallPtrSet to make sure only emit a particular
// candidate once. FIXME: Why is one candidate getting into the overload
// set multiple times? (See also tryDiagnoseTrailingClosureAmbiguity.)
SmallPtrSet<Decl*, 8> EmittedDecls;
for (auto choice : overload.choices) {
switch (choice.getKind()) {
case OverloadChoiceKind::Decl:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaDynamic:
case OverloadChoiceKind::TypeDecl:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaBridge:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaUnwrappedOptional:
// FIXME: show deduced types, etc, etc.
if (EmittedDecls.insert(choice.getDecl()).second)
tc.diagnose(choice.getDecl(), diag::found_candidate);
case OverloadChoiceKind::KeyPathApplication:
// Skip key path applications, since we don't want them to noise up
// unrelated subscript diagnostics.
case OverloadChoiceKind::BaseType:
case OverloadChoiceKind::TupleIndex:
// FIXME: Actually diagnose something here.
return true;
// FIXME: If we inferred different types for literals (for example),
// could diagnose ambiguity that way as well.
return false;
static std::string getTypeListString(Type type) {
std::string result;
// Always make sure to have at least one set of parens
bool forceParens =
!type->is<TupleType>() && !isa<ParenType>(type.getPointer());
if (forceParens)
llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(result);
if (forceParens)
return result;
/// If an UnresolvedDotExpr, SubscriptMember, etc has been resolved by the
/// constraint system, return the decl that it references.
static ValueDecl *findResolvedMemberRef(ConstraintLocator *locator,
ConstraintSystem &CS) {
auto *resolvedOverloadSets = CS.getResolvedOverloadSets();
if (!resolvedOverloadSets) return nullptr;
// Search through the resolvedOverloadSets to see if we have a resolution for
// this member. This is an O(n) search, but only happens when producing an
// error diagnostic.
for (auto resolved = resolvedOverloadSets;
resolved; resolved = resolved->Previous) {
if (resolved->Locator != locator) continue;
// We only handle the simplest decl binding.
if (resolved->Choice.getKind() != OverloadChoiceKind::Decl)
return nullptr;
return resolved->Choice.getDecl();
return nullptr;
/// Given an expression that has a non-lvalue type, dig into it until we find
/// the part of the expression that prevents the entire subexpression from being
/// mutable. For example, in a sequence like "x.v.v = 42" we want to complain
/// about "x" being a let property if "v.v" are both mutable.
/// This returns the base subexpression that looks immutable (or that can't be
/// analyzed any further) along with a decl extracted from it if we could.
static std::pair<Expr*, ValueDecl*>
resolveImmutableBase(Expr *expr, ConstraintSystem &CS) {
expr = expr->getValueProvidingExpr();
// Provide specific diagnostics for assignment to subscripts whose base expr
// is known to be an rvalue.
if (auto *SE = dyn_cast<SubscriptExpr>(expr)) {
// If we found a decl for the subscript, check to see if it is a set-only
// subscript decl.
SubscriptDecl *member = nullptr;
if (SE->hasDecl())
member = dyn_cast_or_null<SubscriptDecl>(SE->getDecl().getDecl());
if (!member) {
auto loc = CS.getConstraintLocator(SE,ConstraintLocator::SubscriptMember);
member = dyn_cast_or_null<SubscriptDecl>(findResolvedMemberRef(loc, CS));
// If it isn't settable, return it.
if (member) {
if (!member->isSettable() ||
return { expr, member };
// If it is settable, then the base must be the problem, recurse.
return resolveImmutableBase(SE->getBase(), CS);
// Look through property references.
if (auto *UDE = dyn_cast<UnresolvedDotExpr>(expr)) {
// If we found a decl for the UDE, check it.
auto loc = CS.getConstraintLocator(UDE, ConstraintLocator::Member);
// If we can resolve a member, we can determine whether it is settable in
// this context.
if (auto *member = findResolvedMemberRef(loc, CS)) {
auto *memberVD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(member);
// If the member isn't a vardecl (e.g. its a funcdecl), or it isn't
// settable, then it is the problem: return it.
if (!memberVD ||
!member->isSettable(nullptr) ||
return { expr, member };
// If we weren't able to resolve a member or if it is mutable, then the
// problem must be with the base, recurse.
return resolveImmutableBase(UDE->getBase(), CS);
if (auto *MRE = dyn_cast<MemberRefExpr>(expr)) {
// If the member isn't settable, then it is the problem: return it.
if (auto member = dyn_cast<AbstractStorageDecl>(MRE->getMember().getDecl()))
if (!member->isSettable(nullptr) ||
return { expr, member };
// If we weren't able to resolve a member or if it is mutable, then the
// problem must be with the base, recurse.
return resolveImmutableBase(MRE->getBase(), CS);
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(expr))
return { expr, DRE->getDecl() };
// Look through x!
if (auto *FVE = dyn_cast<ForceValueExpr>(expr))
return resolveImmutableBase(FVE->getSubExpr(), CS);
// Look through x?
if (auto *BOE = dyn_cast<BindOptionalExpr>(expr))
return resolveImmutableBase(BOE->getSubExpr(), CS);
return { expr, nullptr };
static bool isLoadedLValue(Expr *expr) {
expr = expr->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
if (isa<LoadExpr>(expr))
return true;
if (auto ifExpr = dyn_cast<IfExpr>(expr))
return isLoadedLValue(ifExpr->getThenExpr())
&& isLoadedLValue(ifExpr->getElseExpr());
return false;
static void diagnoseSubElementFailure(Expr *destExpr,
SourceLoc loc,
ConstraintSystem &CS,
Diag<StringRef> diagID,
Diag<Type> unknownDiagID) {
auto &TC = CS.getTypeChecker();
// Walk through the destination expression, resolving what the problem is. If
// we find a node in the lvalue path that is problematic, this returns it.
auto immInfo = resolveImmutableBase(destExpr, CS);
// Otherwise, we cannot resolve this because the available setter candidates
// are all mutating and the base must be mutating. If we dug out a
// problematic decl, we can produce a nice tailored diagnostic.
if (auto *VD = dyn_cast_or_null<VarDecl>(immInfo.second)) {
std::string message = "'";
message += VD->getName().str().str();
message += "'";
if (VD->isCaptureList())
message += " is an immutable capture";
else if (VD->isImplicit())
message += " is immutable";
else if (VD->isLet())
message += " is a 'let' constant";
else if (!VD->isSettable(CS.DC))
message += " is a get-only property";
else if (!VD->isSetterAccessibleFrom(CS.DC))
message += " setter is inaccessible";
else {
message += " is immutable";
TC.diagnose(loc, diagID, message)
// If this is a simple variable marked with a 'let', emit a note to fixit
// hint it to 'var'.
// If the underlying expression was a read-only subscript, diagnose that.
if (auto *SD = dyn_cast_or_null<SubscriptDecl>(immInfo.second)) {
StringRef message;
if (!SD->isSettable())
message = "subscript is get-only";
else if (!SD->isSetterAccessibleFrom(CS.DC))
message = "subscript setter is inaccessible";
message = "subscript is immutable";
TC.diagnose(loc, diagID, message)
// If we're trying to set an unapplied method, say that.
if (auto *VD = dyn_cast_or_null<ValueDecl>(immInfo.second)) {
std::string message = "'";
message += VD->getName().str().str();
message += "'";
if (auto *AFD = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(VD))
message += AFD->getImplicitSelfDecl() ? " is a method" : " is a function";
message += " is not settable";
TC.diagnose(loc, diagID, message)
// If the expression is the result of a call, it is an rvalue, not a mutable
// lvalue.
if (auto *AE = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(immInfo.first)) {
// Handle literals, which are a call to the conversion function.
auto argsTuple =
if (isa<CallExpr>(AE) && AE->isImplicit() && argsTuple &&
argsTuple->getNumElements() == 1 &&
getSemanticsProvidingExpr())) {
TC.diagnose(loc, diagID, "literals are not mutable");
std::string name = "call";
if (isa<PrefixUnaryExpr>(AE) || isa<PostfixUnaryExpr>(AE))
name = "unary operator";
else if (isa<BinaryExpr>(AE))
name = "binary operator";
else if (isa<CallExpr>(AE))
name = "function call";
else if (isa<DotSyntaxCallExpr>(AE) || isa<DotSyntaxBaseIgnoredExpr>(AE))
name = "method call";
if (auto *DRE =
name = std::string("'") + DRE->getDecl()->getName().str().str() + "'";
TC.diagnose(loc, diagID, name + " returns immutable value")
if (auto *ICE = dyn_cast<ImplicitConversionExpr>(immInfo.first))
if (isa<LoadExpr>(ICE->getSubExpr())) {
TC.diagnose(loc, diagID, "implicit conversion from '" +
ICE->getSubExpr()->getType()->getString() + "' to '" +
ICE->getType()->getString() + "' requires a temporary")
if (auto IE = dyn_cast<IfExpr>(immInfo.first)) {
if (isLoadedLValue(IE)) {
TC.diagnose(loc, diagID,
"result of conditional operator '? :' is never mutable")
TC.diagnose(loc, unknownDiagID, destExpr->getType())
/// Helper to gather the argument labels from a tuple or paren type, for use
/// when the AST doesn't store argument-label information properly.
static void gatherArgumentLabels(Type type,
SmallVectorImpl<Identifier> &labels) {
// Handle tuple types.
if (auto tupleTy = dyn_cast<TupleType>(type.getPointer())) {
for (auto i : range(tupleTy->getNumElements()))
namespace {
/// Each match in an ApplyExpr is evaluated for how close of a match it is.
/// The result is captured in this enum value, where the earlier entries are
/// most specific.
enum CandidateCloseness {
CC_ExactMatch, ///< This is a perfect match for the arguments.
CC_Unavailable, ///< Marked unavailable with @available.
CC_Inaccessible, ///< Not accessible from the current context.
CC_NonLValueInOut, ///< First arg is inout but no lvalue present.
CC_SelfMismatch, ///< Self argument mismatches.
CC_OneArgumentNearMismatch, ///< All arguments except one match, near miss.
CC_OneArgumentMismatch, ///< All arguments except one match.
CC_OneGenericArgumentNearMismatch, ///< All arguments except one match, guessing generic binding, near miss.
CC_OneGenericArgumentMismatch, ///< All arguments except one match, guessing generic binding.
CC_ArgumentNearMismatch, ///< Argument list mismatch, near miss.
CC_ArgumentMismatch, ///< Argument list mismatch.
CC_GenericNonsubstitutableMismatch, ///< Arguments match each other, but generic binding not substitutable.
CC_ArgumentLabelMismatch, ///< Argument label mismatch.
CC_ArgumentCountMismatch, ///< This candidate has wrong # arguments.
CC_GeneralMismatch ///< Something else is wrong.
/// This is a candidate for a callee, along with an uncurry level.
/// The uncurry level specifies how far much of a curried value has already
/// been applied. For example, in a funcdecl of:
/// func f(a:Int)(b:Double) -> Int
/// Uncurry level of 0 indicates that we're looking at the "a" argument, an
/// uncurry level of 1 indicates that we're looking at the "b" argument.
/// entityType specifies a specific type to use for this decl/expr that may be
/// more resolved than the concrete type. For example, it may have generic
/// arguments substituted in.
struct UncurriedCandidate {
PointerUnion<ValueDecl *, Expr*> declOrExpr;
unsigned level;
Type entityType;
// If true, entityType is written in terms of caller archetypes,
// with any unbound generic arguments remaining as interface
// type parameters in terms of the callee generic signature.
// If false, entityType is written in terms of callee archetypes.
// FIXME: Clean this up.
bool substituted;
UncurriedCandidate(ValueDecl *decl, unsigned level)
: declOrExpr(decl), level(level), substituted(false) {
if (auto *PD = dyn_cast<ParamDecl>(decl))
entityType = PD->getType();
else {
entityType = decl->getInterfaceType();
auto *DC = decl->getInnermostDeclContext();
if (auto *GFT = entityType->getAs<GenericFunctionType>()) {
auto subs = DC->getGenericEnvironmentOfContext()
entityType = GFT->substGenericArgs(subs);
} else {
if (auto objType =
entityType = objType;
entityType = DC->mapTypeIntoContext(entityType);
// For some reason, subscripts and properties don't include their self
// type. Tack it on for consistency with other members.
if (isa<AbstractStorageDecl>(decl)) {
if (decl->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext()) {
auto instanceTy = decl->getDeclContext()->getSelfTypeInContext();
entityType = FunctionType::get(instanceTy, entityType);
UncurriedCandidate(Expr *expr)
: declOrExpr(expr), level(0), entityType(expr->getType()),
substituted(true) {
ValueDecl *getDecl() const {
return declOrExpr.dyn_cast<ValueDecl*>();
Expr *getExpr() const {
return declOrExpr.dyn_cast<Expr*>();
Type getUncurriedType() const {
// Start with the known type of the decl.
auto type = entityType;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = level; i != e; ++i) {
auto funcTy = type->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
if (!funcTy) return Type();
type = funcTy->getResult();
return type;
AnyFunctionType *getUncurriedFunctionType() const {
if (auto type = getUncurriedType())
return type->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
return nullptr;
/// Given a function candidate with an uncurry level, return the parameter
/// type at the specified uncurry level. If there is an error getting to
/// the specified input, this returns a null Type.
Type getArgumentType() const {
if (auto *funcTy = getUncurriedFunctionType())
return funcTy->getInput();
return Type();
/// Given a function candidate with an uncurry level, return the parameter
/// type at the specified uncurry level. If there is an error getting to
/// the specified input, this returns a null Type.
Type getResultType() const {
if (auto *funcTy = getUncurriedFunctionType())
return funcTy->getResult();
return Type();
/// Retrieve the argument labels that should be used to invoke this
/// candidate.
ArrayRef<Identifier> getArgumentLabels(
SmallVectorImpl<Identifier> &scratch) {
if (auto decl = getDecl()) {
if (auto func = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(decl)) {
// Retrieve the argument labels of the corresponding parameter list.
if (level < func->getNumParameterLists()) {
auto paramList = func->getParameterList(level);
for (auto param : *paramList) {
return scratch;
} else if (auto enumElt = dyn_cast<EnumElementDecl>(decl)) {
// 'self'
if (level == 0) {
return scratch;
// The associated data of the case.
if (level == 1) {
auto argTy = enumElt->getArgumentInterfaceType();
if (!argTy) return { };
gatherArgumentLabels(argTy, scratch);
return scratch;
if (auto argType = getArgumentType()) {
gatherArgumentLabels(argType, scratch);
return scratch;
return { };
void dump() const {
if (auto decl = getDecl())
llvm::errs() << "<<EXPR>>";
llvm::errs() << " - uncurry level " << level;
if (auto FT = getUncurriedFunctionType())
llvm::errs() << " - type: " << Type(FT) << "\n";
llvm::errs() << " - type <<NONFUNCTION>>: " << entityType << "\n";
/// This struct represents an analyzed function pointer to determine the
/// candidates that could be called, or the one concrete decl that will be
/// called if not ambiguous.
class CalleeCandidateInfo {
ConstraintSystem *const CS;
/// This is the name of the callee as extracted from the call expression.
/// This can be empty in cases like calls to closure exprs.
std::string declName;
/// True if the call site for this callee syntactically has a trailing
/// closure specified.
bool hasTrailingClosure;
/// This is the list of candidates identified.
SmallVector<UncurriedCandidate, 4> candidates;
/// This tracks how close the candidates are, after filtering.
CandidateCloseness closeness = CC_GeneralMismatch;
/// When we have a candidate that differs by a single argument mismatch, we
/// keep track of which argument passed to the call is failed, and what the
/// expected type is. If the candidate set disagrees, or if there is more
/// than a single argument mismatch, then this is "{ -1, Type() }".
struct FailedArgumentInfo {
int argumentNumber = -1; ///< Arg # at the call site.
Type parameterType = Type(); ///< Expected type at the decl site.
DeclContext *declContext = nullptr; ///< Context at the candidate declaration.
bool isValid() const { return argumentNumber != -1; }
bool operator!=(const FailedArgumentInfo &other) {
if (argumentNumber != other.argumentNumber) return true;
if (declContext != other.declContext) return true;
// parameterType can be null, and isEqual doesn't handle this.
if (!parameterType || !other.parameterType)
return parameterType.getPointer() != other.parameterType.getPointer();
return !parameterType->isEqual(other.parameterType);
FailedArgumentInfo failedArgument = FailedArgumentInfo();
/// Analyze a function expr and break it into a candidate set. On failure,
/// this leaves the candidate list empty.
CalleeCandidateInfo(Expr *Fn, bool hasTrailingClosure,
ConstraintSystem *CS)
: CS(CS), hasTrailingClosure(hasTrailingClosure) {
collectCalleeCandidates(Fn, /*implicitDotSyntax=*/false);
CalleeCandidateInfo(Type baseType, ArrayRef<OverloadChoice> candidates,
bool hasTrailingClosure, ConstraintSystem *CS,
bool selfAlreadyApplied = true);
typedef std::pair<CandidateCloseness, FailedArgumentInfo> ClosenessResultTy;
typedef const std::function<ClosenessResultTy(UncurriedCandidate)>
/// After the candidate list is formed, it can be filtered down to discard
/// obviously mismatching candidates and compute a "closeness" for the
/// resultant set.
evaluateCloseness(UncurriedCandidate candidate,
ArrayRef<CallArgParam> actualArgs);
void filterListArgs(ArrayRef<CallArgParam> actualArgs);
void filterList(Type actualArgsType, ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels) {
return filterListArgs(decomposeArgType(actualArgsType, argLabels));
void filterList(ClosenessPredicate predicate);
void filterContextualMemberList(Expr *argExpr);
bool empty() const { return candidates.empty(); }
unsigned size() const { return candidates.size(); }
UncurriedCandidate operator[](unsigned i) const {
return candidates[i];
/// Given a set of parameter lists from an overload group, and a list of
/// arguments, emit a diagnostic indicating any partially matching
/// overloads.
void suggestPotentialOverloads(SourceLoc loc, bool isResult = false);
/// If the candidate set has been narrowed to a single parameter or single
/// archetype that has argument type errors, diagnose that error and
/// return true.
bool diagnoseGenericParameterErrors(Expr *badArgExpr);
/// Emit a diagnostic and return true if this is an error condition we can
/// handle uniformly. This should be called after filtering the candidate
/// list.
bool diagnoseSimpleErrors(const Expr *E);
void dump() const LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_USED;
void collectCalleeCandidates(Expr *fnExpr, bool implicitDotSyntax);
} // end anonymous namespace
void CalleeCandidateInfo::dump() const {
llvm::errs() << "CalleeCandidateInfo for '" << declName << "': closeness="
<< unsigned(closeness) << "\n";
llvm::errs() << candidates.size() << " candidates:\n";
for (auto c : candidates) {
llvm::errs() << " ";
/// Given a candidate list, this computes the narrowest closeness to the match
/// we're looking for and filters out any worse matches. The predicate
/// indicates how close a given candidate is to the desired match.
void CalleeCandidateInfo::filterList(ClosenessPredicate predicate) {
closeness = CC_GeneralMismatch;
// If we couldn't find anything, give up.
if (candidates.empty())
// Now that we have the candidate list, figure out what the best matches from
// the candidate list are, and remove all the ones that aren't at that level.
SmallVector<ClosenessResultTy, 4> closenessList;
for (auto decl : candidates) {
auto declCloseness = predicate(decl);
// If we have a decl identified, refine the match.
if (auto VD = decl.getDecl()) {
// If this candidate otherwise matched but was marked unavailable, then
// treat it as unavailable, which is a very close failure.
if (declCloseness.first == CC_ExactMatch &&
VD->getAttrs().isUnavailable(CS->getASTContext()) &&
declCloseness.first = CC_Unavailable;
// Likewise, if the candidate is inaccessible from the scope it is being
// accessed from, mark it as inaccessible or a general mismatch.
if (VD->hasAccessibility() &&
!VD->isAccessibleFrom(CS->DC)) {
// If this was an exact match, downgrade it to inaccessible, so that
// accessible decls that are also an exact match will take precedence.
// Otherwise consider it to be a general mismatch so we only list it in
// an overload set as a last resort.
if (declCloseness.first == CC_ExactMatch)
declCloseness.first = CC_Inaccessible;
declCloseness.first = CC_GeneralMismatch;
closeness = std::min(closeness, closenessList.back().first);
// Now that we know the minimum closeness, remove all the elements that aren't
// as close. Keep track of argument failure information if the entire
// matching candidate set agrees.
unsigned NextElt = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = candidates.size(); i != e; ++i) {
// If this decl in the result list isn't a close match, ignore it.
if (closeness != closenessList[i].first)
// Otherwise, preserve it.
candidates[NextElt++] = candidates[i];
if (NextElt == 1)
failedArgument = closenessList[i].second;
else if (failedArgument != closenessList[i].second)
failedArgument = FailedArgumentInfo();
candidates.erase(candidates.begin()+NextElt, candidates.end());
/// Given an incompatible argument being passed to a parameter, decide whether
/// it is a "near" miss or not. We consider something to be a near miss if it
/// is due to a common sort of problem (e.g. function type passed to wrong
/// function type, or T? passed to something expecting T) where a far miss is a
/// completely incompatible type (Int where Float is expected). The notion of a
/// near miss is used to refine overload sets to a smaller candidate set that is
/// the most relevant options.
static bool argumentMismatchIsNearMiss(Type argType, Type paramType) {
// If T? was passed to something expecting T, then it is a near miss.
if (auto argOptType = argType->getOptionalObjectType())
if (argOptType->isEqual(paramType))
return true;
// If these are both function types, then they are near misses. We consider
// incompatible function types to be near so that functions and non-function
// types are considered far.
if (argType->is<AnyFunctionType>() && paramType->is<AnyFunctionType>())
return true;
// Otherwise, this is some other sort of incompatibility.
return false;
/// Given a parameter type that may contain generic type params and an actual
/// argument type, decide whether the param and actual arg have the same shape
/// and equal fixed type portions, and return by reference each archetype and
/// the matching portion of the actual arg type where that archetype appears.
static bool findGenericSubstitutions(DeclContext *dc, Type paramType,
Type actualArgType,
TypeSubstitutionMap &archetypesMap) {
// Type visitor doesn't handle unresolved types.
if (isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(paramType) ||
return false;
class GenericVisitor : public TypeMatcher<GenericVisitor> {
DeclContext *dc;
TypeSubstitutionMap &archetypesMap;
GenericVisitor(DeclContext *dc, TypeSubstitutionMap &archetypesMap)
: dc(dc), archetypesMap(archetypesMap) {}
bool mismatch(TypeBase *paramType, TypeBase *argType,
Type sugaredFirstType) {
return paramType->isEqual(argType);
bool mismatch(SubstitutableType *paramType, TypeBase *argType,
Type sugaredFirstType) {
Type type = paramType;
if (type->is<GenericTypeParamType>()) {
type = dc->mapTypeIntoContext(paramType);
if (auto archetype = type->getAs<ArchetypeType>()) {
auto existing = archetypesMap[archetype];
if (existing)
return existing->isEqual(argType);
archetypesMap[archetype] = argType;
return true;
return false;
if (paramType->hasError())
return false;
GenericVisitor visitor(dc, archetypesMap);
return visitor.match(paramType, actualArgType);
/// Determine how close an argument list is to an already decomposed argument
/// list. If the closeness is a miss by a single argument, then this returns
/// information about that failure.
CalleeCandidateInfo::evaluateCloseness(UncurriedCandidate candidate,
ArrayRef<CallArgParam> actualArgs) {
auto *dc = candidate.getDecl()
? candidate.getDecl()->getInnermostDeclContext()
: nullptr;
auto candArgs = decomposeParamType(candidate.getArgumentType(),
struct OurListener : public MatchCallArgumentListener {
CandidateCloseness result = CC_ExactMatch;
CandidateCloseness getResult() const {
return result;
void extraArgument(unsigned argIdx) override {
result = CC_ArgumentCountMismatch;
void missingArgument(unsigned paramIdx) override {
result = CC_ArgumentCountMismatch;
void missingLabel(unsigned paramIdx) override {
result = CC_ArgumentLabelMismatch;
void outOfOrderArgument(unsigned argIdx, unsigned prevArgIdx) override {
result = CC_ArgumentLabelMismatch;
bool relabelArguments(ArrayRef<Identifier> newNames) override {
result = CC_ArgumentLabelMismatch;
return true;
} listener;
// Use matchCallArguments to determine how close the argument list is (in
// shape) to the specified candidates parameters. This ignores the concrete
// types of the arguments, looking only at the argument labels etc.
SmallVector<ParamBinding, 4> paramBindings;
if (matchCallArguments(actualArgs, candArgs, hasTrailingClosure,
/*allowFixes:*/ true,
listener, paramBindings))
// On error, get our closeness from whatever problem the listener saw.
return { listener.getResult(), {}};
// If we found a mapping, check to see if the matched up arguments agree in
// their type and count the number of mismatched arguments.
unsigned mismatchingArgs = 0;
// Known mapping of archetypes in all arguments so far. An archetype may map
// to another archetype if the constraint system substituted one for another.
TypeSubstitutionMap allGenericSubstitutions;
// Number of args of one generic archetype which are mismatched because
// isSubstitutableFor() has failed. If all mismatches are of this type, we'll
// return a different closeness for better diagnoses.
Type nonSubstitutableArchetype = nullptr;
unsigned nonSubstitutableArgs = 0;
// The type of failure is that multiple occurrences of the same generic are
// being passed arguments with different concrete types.
bool genericWithDifferingConcreteTypes = false;
// We classify an argument mismatch as being a "near" miss if it is a very
// likely match due to a common sort of problem (e.g. wrong flags on a
// function type, optional where none was expected, etc). This allows us to
// heuristically filter large overload sets better.
bool mismatchesAreNearMisses = true;
CalleeCandidateInfo::FailedArgumentInfo failureInfo;
// Local function which extracts type from the parameter container.
auto getType = [](const CallArgParam &param) -> Type {
// If parameter is marked as @autoclosure, we are
// only interested in it's resulting type.
if (param.isAutoClosure()) {
if (auto fnType = param.Ty->getAs<AnyFunctionType>())
return fnType->getResult();
return param.Ty;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = paramBindings.size(); i != e; ++i) {
// Bindings specify the arguments that source the parameter. The only case
// this returns a non-singular value is when there are varargs in play.
auto &bindings = paramBindings[i];
auto paramType = getType(candArgs[i]);
for (auto argNo : bindings) {
auto argType = getType(actualArgs[argNo]);
auto rArgType = argType->getRValueType();
// If the argument has an unresolved type, then we're not actually
// matching against it.
if (rArgType->is<UnresolvedType>())
// FIXME: Right now, a "matching" overload is one with a parameter whose
// type is identical to the argument type, or substitutable via handling
// of functions with primary archetypes in one or more parameters.
// We can still do something more sophisticated with this.
// FIXME: Use TC.isConvertibleTo?
TypeSubstitutionMap archetypesMap;
bool matched;
if (paramType->hasUnresolvedType())
matched = true;
else if (rArgType->hasTypeVariable())
matched = false;
else {
auto matchType = paramType;
// If the parameter is an inout type, and we have a proper lvalue, match
// against the type contained therein.
if (paramType->is<InOutType>() && argType->is<LValueType>())
matchType = matchType->getInOutObjectType();
if (candidate.substituted) {
matchType.findIf([&](Type type) -> bool {
// If the replacement is itself an archetype, then the constraint
// system was asserting equivalencies between different levels of
// generics, rather than binding a generic to a concrete type (and we
// don't/won't have a concrete type). In which case, it is the
// replacement we are interested in, since it is the one in our current
// context. That generic type should equal itself.
if (auto archetype = type->getAs<ArchetypeType>()) {
archetypesMap[archetype] = archetype;
return false;
matched = findGenericSubstitutions(dc, matchType, rArgType,
if (matched) {
for (auto pair : archetypesMap) {
auto archetype = pair.first->castTo<ArchetypeType>();
auto substitution = pair.second;
auto existingSubstitution = allGenericSubstitutions[archetype];
if (!existingSubstitution) {
// New substitution for this callee.
allGenericSubstitutions[archetype] = substitution;
// Not yet handling nested archetypes.
if (!archetype->isPrimary())
return { CC_ArgumentMismatch, {}};
if (!CS->TC.isSubstitutableFor(substitution, archetype, CS->DC)) {
// If we have multiple non-substitutable types, this is just a mismatched mess.
if (!nonSubstitutableArchetype.isNull())
return { CC_ArgumentMismatch, {}};
if (auto argOptType = argType->getOptionalObjectType())
mismatchesAreNearMisses &= CS->TC.isSubstitutableFor(argOptType, archetype, CS->DC);
mismatchesAreNearMisses = false;
nonSubstitutableArchetype = archetype;
nonSubstitutableArgs = 1;
matched = false;
} else {
// Substitution for the same archetype as in a previous argument.
bool isNonSubstitutableArchetype = !nonSubstitutableArchetype.isNull() &&
if (substitution->isEqual(existingSubstitution)) {
if (isNonSubstitutableArchetype) {
matched = false;
} else {
// If we have only one nonSubstitutableArg so far, then this different
// type might be the one that we should be substituting for instead.
// Note that failureInfo is already set correctly for that case.
if (isNonSubstitutableArchetype && nonSubstitutableArgs == 1 &&
CS->TC.isSubstitutableFor(substitution, archetype, CS->DC)) {
mismatchesAreNearMisses = argumentMismatchIsNearMiss(existingSubstitution, substitution);
allGenericSubstitutions[archetype] = substitution;
} else {
genericWithDifferingConcreteTypes = true;
matched = false;
if (matched)
if (archetypesMap.empty())
mismatchesAreNearMisses &= argumentMismatchIsNearMiss(argType, paramType);
failureInfo.argumentNumber = argNo;
failureInfo.parameterType = paramType;
if (paramType->hasTypeParameter())
failureInfo.declContext = dc;
if (mismatchingArgs == 0)
return { CC_ExactMatch, {}};
// Check to see if the first argument expects an inout argument, but is not
// an lvalue.
Type firstArg = actualArgs[0].Ty;
if (candArgs[0].Ty->is<InOutType>() && !(firstArg->isLValueType() || firstArg->is<InOutType>()))
return { CC_NonLValueInOut, {}};
// If we have exactly one argument mismatching, classify it specially, so that
// close matches are prioritized against obviously wrong ones.
if (mismatchingArgs == 1) {
CandidateCloseness closeness;
if (allGenericSubstitutions.empty()) {
closeness = mismatchesAreNearMisses ? CC_OneArgumentNearMismatch
: CC_OneArgumentMismatch;
} else {
// If the failure is that different occurrences of the same generic have
// different concrete types, substitute in all the concrete types we've found
// into the failureInfo to improve diagnosis.
if (genericWithDifferingConcreteTypes) {
auto newType = failureInfo.parameterType.transform([&](Type type) -> Type {
if (auto archetype = type->getAs<ArchetypeType>())
if (auto replacement = allGenericSubstitutions[archetype])
return replacement;
return type;
failureInfo.parameterType = newType;
closeness = mismatchesAreNearMisses ? CC_OneGenericArgumentNearMismatch
: CC_OneGenericArgumentMismatch;
// Return information about the single failing argument.
return { closeness, failureInfo };
if (nonSubstitutableArgs == mismatchingArgs)
return { CC_GenericNonsubstitutableMismatch, failureInfo };
auto closeness = mismatchesAreNearMisses ? CC_ArgumentNearMismatch
: CC_ArgumentMismatch;
return { closeness, {}};
/// Rewrite any type parameters in the specified type with UnresolvedType.
static Type replaceTypeParametersWithUnresolved(Type ty) {
if (!ty) return ty;
if (!ty->hasTypeParameter() && !ty->hasArchetype()) return ty;
auto &ctx = ty->getASTContext();
return ty.transform([&](Type type) -> Type {
if (type->is<ArchetypeType>() ||
return ctx.TheUnresolvedType;
return type;
/// Rewrite any type variables & archetypes in the specified type with
/// UnresolvedType.
static Type replaceTypeVariablesWithUnresolved(Type ty) {
if (!ty) return ty;
if (!ty->hasTypeVariable()) return ty;
auto &ctx = ty->getASTContext();
return ty.transform([&](Type type) -> Type {
if (type->isTypeVariableOrMember())
return ctx.TheUnresolvedType;
return type;
void CalleeCandidateInfo::collectCalleeCandidates(Expr *fn,
bool implicitDotSyntax) {
fn = fn->getValueProvidingExpr();
// Treat a call to a load of a variable as a call to that variable, it is just
// the lvalue'ness being removed.
if (auto load = dyn_cast<LoadExpr>(fn)) {
if (isa<DeclRefExpr>(load->getSubExpr()))
return collectCalleeCandidates(load->getSubExpr(),
// Determine the callee level for a "bare" reference to the given
// declaration.
auto getCalleeLevel = [implicitDotSyntax](ValueDecl *decl) -> unsigned {
if (auto func = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(decl)) {
if (func->isOperator() && func->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext() &&
return 1;
return 0;
if (auto declRefExpr = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(fn)) {
auto decl = declRefExpr->getDecl();
candidates.push_back({ decl, getCalleeLevel(decl) });
declName = decl->getNameStr().str();
if (auto declRefExpr = dyn_cast<OtherConstructorDeclRefExpr>(fn)) {
auto decl = declRefExpr->getDecl();
candidates.push_back({ decl, getCalleeLevel(decl) });
if (auto fTy = decl->getInterfaceType()->getAs<AnyFunctionType>())
declName = fTy->getInput()->getRValueInstanceType()->getString()+".init";
declName = "init";
if (auto overloadedDRE = dyn_cast<OverloadedDeclRefExpr>(fn)) {
for (auto cand : overloadedDRE->getDecls()) {
candidates.push_back({ cand, getCalleeLevel(cand) });
if (!candidates.empty())
declName = candidates[0].getDecl()->getNameStr().str();
if (auto TE = dyn_cast<TypeExpr>(fn)) {
// It's always a metatype type, so use the instance type name.
auto instanceType = TE->getInstanceType();
// TODO: figure out right value for isKnownPrivate
if (instanceType->mayHaveMembers()) {
auto ctors = CS->TC.lookupConstructors(CS->DC, instanceType,
for (auto ctor : ctors)
if (ctor->hasInterfaceType())
candidates.push_back({ ctor, 1 });
declName = instanceType->getString();
if (auto *DSBI = dyn_cast<DotSyntaxBaseIgnoredExpr>(fn)) {
collectCalleeCandidates(DSBI->getRHS(), /*implicitDotSyntax=*/false);
if (auto AE = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(fn)) {
// If we found a candidate list with a recursive walk, try adjust the curry
// level for the applied subexpression in this call.
if (!candidates.empty()) {
// If this is a DotSyntaxCallExpr, then the callee is a method, and the
// argument list of this apply is the base being applied to the method.
// If we have a type for that, capture it so that we can calculate a
// substituted type, which resolves many generic arguments.
Type baseType;
if (isa<SelfApplyExpr>(AE) &&
baseType = AE->getArg()->getType()->getLValueOrInOutObjectType();
for (auto &C : candidates) {
C.level += 1;
baseType = replaceTypeVariablesWithUnresolved(baseType);
// Compute a new substituted type if we have a base type to apply.
if (baseType && C.level == 1 && C.getDecl()) {
baseType = baseType
C.entityType = baseType->getTypeOfMember(CS->DC->getParentModule(),
C.getDecl(), nullptr);
C.substituted = true;
if (auto *OVE = dyn_cast<OpenExistentialExpr>(fn)) {
collectCalleeCandidates(OVE->getSubExpr(), /*implicitDotSyntax=*/false);
if (auto *CFCE = dyn_cast<CovariantFunctionConversionExpr>(fn)) {
collectCalleeCandidates(CFCE->getSubExpr(), /*implicitDotSyntax=*/false);
// Otherwise, we couldn't tell structurally what is going on here, so try to
// dig something out of the constraint system.
unsigned uncurryLevel = 0;
// The candidate list of an unresolved_dot_expr is the candidate list of the
// base uncurried by one level, and we refer to the name of the member, not to
// the name of any base.
if (auto UDE = dyn_cast<UnresolvedDotExpr>(fn)) {
declName = UDE->getName().getBaseName().str().str();
uncurryLevel = 1;
// If we actually resolved the member to use, return it.
auto loc = CS->getConstraintLocator(UDE, ConstraintLocator::Member);
if (auto *member = findResolvedMemberRef(loc, *CS)) {
candidates.push_back({ member, uncurryLevel });
// If we resolved the constructor member, return it.
auto ctorLoc = CS->getConstraintLocator(
if (auto *member = findResolvedMemberRef(ctorLoc, *CS)) {
candidates.push_back({ member, uncurryLevel });
// If we have useful information about the type we're
// initializing, provide it.
if (UDE->getName().getBaseName() == CS->TC.Context.Id_init) {
auto selfTy = UDE->getBase()->getType()->getLValueOrInOutObjectType();
if (!selfTy->hasTypeVariable())
declName = selfTy.getString() + "." + declName;
// Otherwise, look for a disjunction constraint explaining what the set is.
if (isa<MemberRefExpr>(fn))
uncurryLevel = 1;
// Scan to see if we have a disjunction constraint for this callee.
for (auto &constraint : CS->getConstraints()) {
if (constraint.getKind() != ConstraintKind::Disjunction) continue;
auto locator = constraint.getLocator();
if (!locator || locator->getAnchor() != fn) continue;
for (auto *bindOverload : constraint.getNestedConstraints()) {
if (bindOverload->getKind() != ConstraintKind::BindOverload)
auto c = bindOverload->getOverloadChoice();
if (c.isDecl())
candidates.push_back({ c.getDecl(), uncurryLevel });
// If we found some candidates, then we're done.
if (candidates.empty()) continue;
if (declName.empty())
declName = candidates[0].getDecl()->getNameStr().str();
// Otherwise, just add the expression as a candidate.
/// After the candidate list is formed, it can be filtered down to discard
/// obviously mismatching candidates and compute a "closeness" for the
/// resultant set.
void CalleeCandidateInfo::filterListArgs(ArrayRef<CallArgParam> actualArgs) {
// Now that we have the candidate list, figure out what the best matches from
// the candidate list are, and remove all the ones that aren't at that level.
filterList([&](UncurriedCandidate candidate) -> ClosenessResultTy {
// If this isn't a function or isn't valid at this uncurry level, treat it
// as a general mismatch.
if (!candidate.getArgumentType()) return { CC_GeneralMismatch, {}};
return evaluateCloseness(candidate, actualArgs);
void CalleeCandidateInfo::filterContextualMemberList(Expr *argExpr) {
auto URT = CS->getASTContext().TheUnresolvedType;
// If the argument is not present then we expect members without arguments.
if (!argExpr) {
return filterList([&](UncurriedCandidate candidate) -> ClosenessResultTy {
auto inputType = candidate.getArgumentType();
// If this candidate has no arguments, then we're a match.
if (!inputType) return { CC_ExactMatch, {}};
// Otherwise, if this is a function candidate with an argument, we
// mismatch argument count.
return { CC_ArgumentCountMismatch, {}};
// Build an argument list type to filter against based on the expression we
// have. This really just provides us a structure to match against.
// Normally, an argument list is a TupleExpr or a ParenExpr, though sometimes
// the ParenExpr goes missing.
auto *argTuple = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(argExpr);
if (!argTuple) {
// If we have a single argument, look through the paren expr.
if (auto *PE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(argExpr))
argExpr = PE->getSubExpr();
Type argType = URT;
// If the argument has an & specified, then we expect an lvalue.
if (isa<InOutExpr>(argExpr))
argType = LValueType::get(argType);
CallArgParam param;
param.Ty = argType;
return filterListArgs(param);
// If we have a tuple expression, form a tuple type.
SmallVector<CallArgParam, 4> ArgElts;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = argTuple->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
// If the argument has an & specified, then we expect an lvalue.
Type argType = URT;
if (isa<InOutExpr>(argTuple->getElement(i)))
argType = LValueType::get(argType);
CallArgParam param;
param.Ty = argType;
param.Label = argTuple->getElementName(i);
return filterListArgs(ArgElts);
CalleeCandidateInfo::CalleeCandidateInfo(Type baseType,
ArrayRef<OverloadChoice> overloads,
bool hasTrailingClosure,
ConstraintSystem *CS,
bool selfAlreadyApplied)
: CS(CS), hasTrailingClosure(hasTrailingClosure) {
// If we have a useful base type for the candidate set, we'll want to
// substitute it into each member. If not, ignore it.
if (baseType && isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(baseType))
baseType = Type();
for (auto cand : overloads) {
if (!cand.isDecl()) continue;
auto decl = cand.getDecl();
// If this is a method or enum case member (not a var or subscript), then
// the uncurry level is 1 if self has already been applied.
unsigned uncurryLevel = 0;
if (decl->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext() &&
uncurryLevel = 1;
candidates.push_back({ decl, uncurryLevel });
// If we have a base type for this member, try to perform substitutions into
// it to get a simpler and more concrete type.
if (baseType) {
auto substType = replaceTypeVariablesWithUnresolved(baseType);
if (substType)
substType = substType
// If this is a DeclViaUnwrappingOptional, then we're actually looking
// through an optional to get the member, and baseType is an Optional or
// Metatype<Optional>.
if (cand.getKind() == OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaUnwrappedOptional) {
// Look through optional or IUO to get the underlying type the decl was
// found in.
substType = substType->getAnyOptionalObjectType();
} else if (cand.getKind() != OverloadChoiceKind::Decl) {
// Otherwise, if it is a remapping we can't handle, don't try to compute
// a substitution.
substType = Type();
if (substType && selfAlreadyApplied)
substType = substType->getTypeOfMember(CS->DC->getParentModule(),
decl, nullptr);
if (substType) {
candidates.back().entityType = substType;
candidates.back().substituted = true;
if (!candidates.empty())
declName = candidates[0].getDecl()->getNameStr().str();
/// Given a set of parameter lists from an overload group, and a list of
/// arguments, emit a diagnostic indicating any partially matching overloads.
void CalleeCandidateInfo::
suggestPotentialOverloads(SourceLoc loc, bool isResult) {
std::string suggestionText = "";
std::set<std::string> dupes;
// FIXME2: For (T,T) & (Self, Self), emit this as two candidates, one using
// the LHS and one using the RHS type for T's.
for (auto cand : candidates) {
auto type = isResult ? cand.getResultType() : cand.getArgumentType();
if (type.isNull())
// If we've already seen this (e.g. decls overridden on the result type),
// ignore this one.
auto name = isResult ? type->getString() : getTypeListString(type);
if (!dupes.insert(name).second)
if (!suggestionText.empty())
suggestionText += ", ";
suggestionText += name;
if (suggestionText.empty())
if (dupes.size() == 1) {
CS->TC.diagnose(loc, diag::suggest_expected_match, isResult,
} else {
CS->TC.diagnose(loc, diag::suggest_partial_overloads, isResult, declName,
/// If the candidate set has been narrowed to a single parameter or single
/// archetype that has argument type errors, diagnose that error and
/// return true.
bool CalleeCandidateInfo::diagnoseGenericParameterErrors(Expr *badArgExpr) {
Type argType = badArgExpr->getType();
// FIXME: For protocol argument types, could add specific error
// similar to could_not_use_member_on_existential.
if (argType->hasTypeVariable() || argType->is<ProtocolType>() ||
return false;
bool foundFailure = false;
TypeSubstitutionMap archetypesMap;
if (!findGenericSubstitutions(failedArgument.declContext,
argType, archetypesMap))
return false;
for (auto pair : archetypesMap) {
auto archetype = pair.first->castTo<ArchetypeType>();
auto substitution = pair.second;
// FIXME: Add specific error for not subclass, if the archetype has a superclass?
// Check for optional near miss.
if (auto argOptType = substitution->getOptionalObjectType()) {
if (CS->TC.isSubstitutableFor(argOptType, archetype, CS->DC)) {
CS->TC.diagnose(badArgExpr->getLoc(), diag::missing_unwrap_optional, argType);
foundFailure = true;
for (auto proto : archetype->getConformsTo()) {
if (!CS->TC.conformsToProtocol(substitution, proto, CS->DC,
ConformanceCheckFlags::InExpression)) {
if (substitution->isEqual(argType)) {
substitution, proto->getDeclaredType());
} else {
argType, substitution, proto->getDeclaredType());
foundFailure = true;
return foundFailure;
/// Emit a diagnostic and return true if this is an error condition we can
/// handle uniformly. This should be called after filtering the candidate
/// list.
bool CalleeCandidateInfo::diagnoseSimpleErrors(const Expr *E) {
SourceLoc loc = E->getLoc();
// Handle symbols marked as explicitly unavailable.
if (closeness == CC_Unavailable) {
auto decl = candidates[0].getDecl();
assert(decl && "Only decl-based candidates may be marked unavailable");
return CS->TC.diagnoseExplicitUnavailability(decl, loc, CS->DC,
// Handle symbols that are matches, but are not accessible from the current
// scope.
if (closeness == CC_Inaccessible) {
auto decl = candidates[0].getDecl();
assert(decl && "Only decl-based candidates may be marked inaccessible");
if (auto *CD = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(decl)) {
CS->TC.diagnose(loc, diag::init_candidate_inaccessible,
CD->getResultInterfaceType(), decl->getFormalAccess());
} else {
CS->TC.diagnose(loc, diag::candidate_inaccessible, decl->getName(),
for (auto cand : candidates) {
if (auto decl = cand.getDecl()) {
CS->TC.diagnose(decl, diag::decl_declared_here, decl->getFullName());
return true;
return false;
/// Flags that can be used to control name lookup.
enum TCCFlags {
/// Allow the result of the subexpression to be an lvalue. If this is not
/// specified, any lvalue will be forced to be loaded into an rvalue.
TCC_AllowLValue = 0x01,
/// Re-type-check the given subexpression even if the expression has already
/// been checked already. The client is asserting that infinite recursion is
/// not possible because it has relaxed a constraint on the system.
TCC_ForceRecheck = 0x02,
/// tell typeCheckExpression that it is ok to produce an ambiguous result,
/// it can just fill in holes with UnresolvedType and we'll deal with it.
TCC_AllowUnresolvedTypeVariables = 0x04
typedef OptionSet<TCCFlags> TCCOptions;
inline TCCOptions operator|(TCCFlags flag1, TCCFlags flag2) {
return TCCOptions(flag1) | flag2;
namespace {
/// If a constraint system fails to converge on a solution for a given
/// expression, this class can produce a reasonable diagnostic for the failure
/// by analyzing the remnants of the failed constraint system. (Specifically,
/// left-over inactive, active and failed constraints.)
/// This class does not tune its diagnostics for a specific expression kind,
/// for that, you'll want to use an instance of the FailureDiagnosis class.
class FailureDiagnosis :public ASTVisitor<FailureDiagnosis, /*exprresult*/bool>{
friend class ASTVisitor<FailureDiagnosis, /*exprresult*/bool>;
Expr *expr = nullptr;
ConstraintSystem *const CS;
FailureDiagnosis(Expr *expr, ConstraintSystem *cs) : expr(expr), CS(cs) {
assert(expr && CS);
template<typename ...ArgTypes>
InFlightDiagnostic diagnose(ArgTypes &&...Args) {
return CS->TC.diagnose(std::forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...);
/// Attempt to diagnose a failure without taking into account the specific
/// kind of expression that could not be type checked.
bool diagnoseConstraintFailure();
/// Unless we've already done this, retypecheck the specified child of the
/// current expression on its own, without including any contextual
/// constraints or the parent expr nodes. This is more likely to succeed than
/// type checking the original expression.
/// This mention may only be used on immediate children of the current expr
/// node, because ClosureExpr parameters need to be treated specially.
/// This can return a new expression (for e.g. when a UnresolvedDeclRef gets
/// resolved) and returns null when the subexpression fails to typecheck.
Expr *typeCheckChildIndependently(
Expr *subExpr, Type convertType = Type(),
ContextualTypePurpose convertTypePurpose = CTP_Unused,
TCCOptions options = TCCOptions(),
ExprTypeCheckListener *listener = nullptr,
bool allowFreeTypeVariables = true);
Expr *typeCheckChildIndependently(Expr *subExpr, TCCOptions options,
bool allowFreeTypeVariables = true) {
return typeCheckChildIndependently(subExpr, Type(), CTP_Unused, options,
nullptr, allowFreeTypeVariables);
Type getTypeOfTypeCheckedChildIndependently(Expr *subExpr,
TCCOptions options = TCCOptions()) {
auto e = typeCheckChildIndependently(subExpr, options);
return e ? e->getType() : Type();
/// This is the same as typeCheckChildIndependently, but works on an arbitrary
/// subexpression of the current node because it handles ClosureExpr parents
/// of the specified node.
Expr *typeCheckArbitrarySubExprIndependently(Expr *subExpr,
TCCOptions options = TCCOptions());
/// Special magic to handle inout exprs and tuples in argument lists.
Expr *typeCheckArgumentChildIndependently(Expr *argExpr, Type argType,
const CalleeCandidateInfo &candidates,
TCCOptions options = TCCOptions());
/// Diagnose common failures due to applications of an argument list to an
/// ApplyExpr or SubscriptExpr.
bool diagnoseParameterErrors(CalleeCandidateInfo &CCI,
Expr *fnExpr, Expr *argExpr,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels);
/// Attempt to diagnose a specific failure from the info we've collected from
/// the failed constraint system.
bool diagnoseExprFailure();
/// Emit an ambiguity diagnostic about the specified expression.
void diagnoseAmbiguity(Expr *E);
/// Attempt to produce a diagnostic for a mismatch between an expression's
/// type and its assumed contextual type.
bool diagnoseContextualConversionError();
/// For an expression being type checked with a CTP_CalleeResult contextual
/// type, try to diagnose a problem.
bool diagnoseCalleeResultContextualConversionError();
/// Validate potential contextual type for type-checking one of the
/// sub-expressions, usually correct/valid types are the ones which
/// either don't have type variables or are not generic, because
/// generic types with left-over type variables or unresolved types
/// degrade quality of diagnostics if allowed to be used as contextual.
/// \param contextualType The candidate contextual type.
/// \param CTP The contextual purpose attached to the given candidate.
/// \returns Pair of validated type and it's purpose, potentially nullified
/// if it wasn't an appropriate type to be used.
std::pair<Type, ContextualTypePurpose>
validateContextualType(Type contextualType, ContextualTypePurpose CTP);
/// Check the specified closure to see if it is a multi-statement closure with
/// an uninferred type. If so, diagnose the problem with an error and return
/// true.
bool diagnoseAmbiguousMultiStatementClosure(ClosureExpr *closure);
/// Check the associated constraint system to see if it has any archetypes
/// not properly resolved or missing. If so, diagnose the problem with
/// an error and return true.
bool diagnoseArchetypeAmbiguity();
/// Emit an error message about an unbound generic parameter existing, and
/// emit notes referring to the target of a diagnostic, e.g., the function
/// or parameter being used.
void diagnoseUnboundArchetype(ArchetypeType *archetype, Expr *anchor);
/// Produce a diagnostic for a general member-lookup failure (irrespective of
/// the exact expression kind).
bool diagnoseGeneralMemberFailure(Constraint *constraint);
/// Diagnose the lookup of a static member or enum element as instance member.
void diagnoseTypeMemberOnInstanceLookup(Type baseObjTy,
Expr *baseExpr,
DeclName memberName,
DeclNameLoc nameLoc,
ValueDecl *member,
SourceLoc loc);
/// Given a result of name lookup that had no viable results, diagnose the
/// unviable ones.
void diagnoseUnviableLookupResults(MemberLookupResult &lookupResults,
Type baseObjTy, Expr *baseExpr,
DeclName memberName, DeclNameLoc nameLoc,
SourceLoc loc);
/// Produce a diagnostic for a general overload resolution failure
/// (irrespective of the exact expression kind).
bool diagnoseGeneralOverloadFailure(Constraint *constraint);
/// Produce a diagnostic for a general conversion failure (irrespective of the
/// exact expression kind).
bool diagnoseGeneralConversionFailure(Constraint *constraint);
/// Produce a specialized diagnostic if this is an invalid conversion to Bool.
bool diagnoseConversionToBool(Expr *expr, Type exprType);
/// Produce a diagnostic for binary comparisons of the nil literal
/// to other values.
bool diagnoseNilLiteralComparison(Expr *lhsExpr, Expr *rhsExpr,
CalleeCandidateInfo &calleeInfo,
SourceLoc applyLoc);
/// Produce diagnostic for failures related to attributes associated with
/// candidate functions/methods e.g. mutability.
bool diagnoseMethodAttributeFailures(ApplyExpr *expr,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels,
bool hasTrailingClosure,
CalleeCandidateInfo &candidates);
/// Produce diagnostic for failures related to unfulfilled requirements
/// of the generic parameters used as arguments.
bool diagnoseArgumentGenericRequirements(TypeChecker &TC, Expr *fnExpr,
Expr *argExpr,
CalleeCandidateInfo &candidates,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels);
bool visitExpr(Expr *E);
bool visitIdentityExpr(IdentityExpr *E);
bool visitTryExpr(TryExpr *E);
bool visitTupleExpr(TupleExpr *E);
bool visitUnresolvedMemberExpr(UnresolvedMemberExpr *E);
bool visitArrayExpr(ArrayExpr *E);
bool visitDictionaryExpr(DictionaryExpr *E);
bool visitObjectLiteralExpr(ObjectLiteralExpr *E);
bool visitForceValueExpr(ForceValueExpr *FVE);
bool visitBindOptionalExpr(BindOptionalExpr *BOE);
bool visitSubscriptExpr(SubscriptExpr *SE);
bool visitApplyExpr(ApplyExpr *AE);
bool visitAssignExpr(AssignExpr *AE);
bool visitInOutExpr(InOutExpr *IOE);
bool visitCoerceExpr(CoerceExpr *CE);
bool visitIfExpr(IfExpr *IE);
bool visitRebindSelfInConstructorExpr(RebindSelfInConstructorExpr *E);
bool visitClosureExpr(ClosureExpr *CE);
} // end anonymous namespace
static bool isMemberConstraint(Constraint *C) {
return C->getClassification() == ConstraintClassification::Member;
static bool isOverloadConstraint(Constraint *C) {
if (C->getKind() == ConstraintKind::BindOverload)
return true;
if (C->getKind() != ConstraintKind::Disjunction)
return false;
return C->getNestedConstraints().front()->getKind() ==
/// Return true if this constraint is a conversion or requirement between two
/// types.
static bool isConversionConstraint(const Constraint *C) {
return C->getClassification() == ConstraintClassification::Relational;
/// Attempt to diagnose a failure without taking into account the specific
/// kind of expression that could not be type checked.
bool FailureDiagnosis::diagnoseConstraintFailure() {
// This is the priority order in which we handle constraints. Things earlier
// in the list are considered to have higher specificity (and thus, higher
// priority) than things lower in the list.
enum ConstraintRanking {
// Start out by classifying all the constraints.
typedef std::pair<Constraint*, ConstraintRanking> RCElt;
std::vector<RCElt> rankedConstraints;
// This is a predicate that classifies constraints according to our
// priorities.
std::function<void (Constraint*)> classifyConstraint = [&](Constraint *C) {
if (isMemberConstraint(C))
return rankedConstraints.push_back({C, CR_MemberConstraint});
if (isOverloadConstraint(C))
return rankedConstraints.push_back({C, CR_OverloadConstraint});
if (isConversionConstraint(C))
return rankedConstraints.push_back({C, CR_ConversionConstraint});
// We occasionally end up with disjunction constraints containing an
// original constraint along with one considered with a fix. If we find
// this situation, add the original one to our list for diagnosis.
if (C->getKind() == ConstraintKind::Disjunction) {
Constraint *Orig = nullptr;
bool AllOthersHaveFixes = true;
for (auto DC : C->getNestedConstraints()) {
// If this is a constraint inside of the disjunction with a fix, ignore
// it.
if (DC->getFix())
// If we already found a candidate without a fix, we can't do this.
if (Orig) {
AllOthersHaveFixes = false;
// Remember this as the exemplar to use.
Orig = DC;
if (Orig && AllOthersHaveFixes)
return classifyConstraint(Orig);
// If we got all the way down to a truly ambiguous disjunction constraint
// with a conversion in it, the problem could be that none of the options
// in the disjunction worked.
// We don't have a lot of great options here, so (if all else fails),
// we'll attempt to diagnose the issue as though the first option was the
// problem.
return rankedConstraints.push_back({C, CR_OtherConstraint});
// Look at the failed constraint and the general constraint list. Processing
// the failed constraint first slightly biases it in the ranking ahead of
// other failed constraints at the same level.
if (CS->failedConstraint)
for (auto &C : CS->getConstraints())
// Okay, now that we've classified all the constraints, sort them by their
// priority and privilege the favored constraints.
std::stable_sort(rankedConstraints.begin(), rankedConstraints.end(),
[&] (RCElt LHS, RCElt RHS) {
// Rank things by their kind as the highest priority.
if (LHS.second < RHS.second)
return true;
if (LHS.second > RHS.second)
return false;
// Next priority is favored constraints.
if (LHS.first->isFavored() != RHS.first->isFavored())
return LHS.first->isFavored();
return false;
// Now that we have a sorted precedence of constraints to diagnose, charge
// through them.
for (auto elt : rankedConstraints) {
auto C = elt.first;
if (isMemberConstraint(C) && diagnoseGeneralMemberFailure(C))
return true;
if (isConversionConstraint(C) && diagnoseGeneralConversionFailure(C))
return true;
if (isOverloadConstraint(C) && diagnoseGeneralOverloadFailure(C))
return true;
// TODO: There can be constraints that aren't handled here! When this
// happens, we end up diagnosing them as ambiguities that don't make sense.
// This isn't as bad as it seems though, because most of these will be
// diagnosed by expr diagnostics.
// Otherwise, all the constraints look ok, diagnose this as an ambiguous
// expression.
return false;
bool FailureDiagnosis::diagnoseGeneralMemberFailure(Constraint *constraint) {
auto memberName = constraint->getMember();
auto isInitializer = memberName.isSimpleName(CS->TC.Context.Id_init);
// Get the referenced base expression from the failed constraint, along with
// the SourceRange for the member ref. In "x.y", this returns the expr for x
// and the source range for y.
auto anchor = expr;
SourceRange memberRange = anchor->getSourceRange();
auto locator = constraint->getLocator();
if (locator) {
locator = simplifyLocator(*CS, locator, memberRange);
if (locator->getAnchor())
anchor = locator->getAnchor();
// Check to see if this is a locator referring to something we cannot or do
// here: in this case, we ignore paths that end on archetypes witnesses, or
// associated types of the expression.
if (locator && !locator->getPath().empty()) {
// TODO: This should only ignore *unresolved* archetypes. For resolved
// archetypes
return false;
// Retypecheck the anchor type, which is the base of the member expression.
anchor = typeCheckArbitrarySubExprIndependently(anchor, TCC_AllowLValue);
if (!anchor) return true;
auto baseTy = anchor->getType()->getLValueOrInOutObjectType();
auto baseObjTy = baseTy;
// If the base type is an IUO, look through it. Odds are, the code is not
// trying to find a member of it.
if (auto objTy = CS->lookThroughImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalType(baseObjTy))
baseTy = baseObjTy = objTy;
if (auto moduleTy = baseObjTy->getAs<ModuleType>()) {
diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::no_member_of_module,
moduleTy->getModule()->getName(), memberName)
return true;
// If the base of this property access is a function that takes an empty
// argument list, then the most likely problem is that the user wanted to
// call the function, e.g. in "a.b.c" where they had to write "a.b().c".
// Produce a specific diagnostic + fixit for this situation.
if (auto baseFTy = baseObjTy->getAs<AnyFunctionType>()) {
if (baseFTy->getInput()->isVoid() &&
(constraint->getKind() == ConstraintKind::ValueMember ||
constraint->getKind() == ConstraintKind::UnresolvedValueMember)) {
SourceLoc insertLoc = anchor->getEndLoc();
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(anchor)) {
diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::did_not_call_function,
.fixItInsertAfter(insertLoc, "()");
return true;
if (auto *DSCE = dyn_cast<DotSyntaxCallExpr>(anchor))
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(DSCE->getFn())) {
diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::did_not_call_method,
.fixItInsertAfter(insertLoc, "()");
return true;
diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::did_not_call_function_value)
.fixItInsertAfter(insertLoc, "()");
return true;
// If this is a tuple, then the index needs to be valid.
if (auto tuple = baseObjTy->getAs<TupleType>()) {
StringRef nameStr = memberName.getBaseName().str();
int fieldIdx = -1;
// Resolve a number reference into the tuple type.
unsigned Value = 0;
if (!nameStr.getAsInteger(10, Value) && Value < tuple->getNumElements()) {
fieldIdx = Value;
} else {
fieldIdx = tuple->getNamedElementId(memberName.getBaseName());
if (fieldIdx != -1)
return false; // Lookup is valid.
diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::could_not_find_tuple_member,
baseObjTy, memberName)
return true;
// If this is initializer/constructor lookup we are dealing this.
if (isInitializer) {
// Let's check what is the base type we are trying to look it up on
// because only MetatypeType is viable to find constructor on, as per
// rules in ConstraintSystem::performMemberLookup.
if (!baseTy->is<AnyMetatypeType>()) {
baseTy = MetatypeType::get(baseTy, CS->getASTContext());
// If base type has unresolved generic parameters, such might mean
// that it's initializer with erroneous argument, otherwise this would
// be a simple ambiguous archetype case, neither can be diagnosed here.
if (baseTy->hasTypeParameter() && baseTy->hasUnresolvedType())
return false;
MemberLookupResult result = CS->performMemberLookup(
constraint->getKind(), memberName, baseTy,
constraint->getFunctionRefKind(), constraint->getLocator(),
/*includeInaccessibleMembers*/ true);
switch (result.OverallResult) {
case MemberLookupResult::Unsolved:
// If we couldn't resolve a specific type for the base expression, then we
// cannot produce a specific diagnostic.
return false;
case MemberLookupResult::ErrorAlreadyDiagnosed:
// If an error was already emitted, then we're done, don't emit anything
// redundant.
return true;
case MemberLookupResult::HasResults:
// Since the lookup was allowing inaccessible members, let's check
// if it found anything of that sort, which is easy to diagnose.
bool allUnavailable = !CS->TC.getLangOpts().DisableAvailabilityChecking;
bool allInaccessible = true;
for (auto &member : result.ViableCandidates) {
if (!member.isDecl()) {
// if there is no declaration, this choice is implicitly available.
allUnavailable = false;
auto decl = member.getDecl();
// Check availability of the found choice.
if (!decl->getAttrs().isUnavailable(CS->getASTContext()))
allUnavailable = false;
if (decl->isAccessibleFrom(CS->DC))
allInaccessible = false;
// If no candidates were accessible, say so.
if (allInaccessible && !result.ViableCandidates.empty()) {
CS->TC.diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::all_candidates_inaccessible,
for (auto &candidate : result.ViableCandidates) {
if (auto decl = candidate.getDecl()) {
CS->TC.diagnose(decl, diag::note_candidate_inaccessible,
decl->getFullName(), decl->getFormalAccess());
return true;
if (result.UnviableCandidates.empty() && isInitializer &&
!baseObjTy->is<MetatypeType>()) {
if (auto ctorRef = dyn_cast<UnresolvedDotExpr>(expr)) {
// Diagnose 'super.init', which can only appear inside another
// initializer, specially.
if (isa<SuperRefExpr>(ctorRef->getBase())) {
diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::super_initializer_not_in_initializer);
return true;
// Suggest inserting a call to 'type(of:)' to construct another object
// of the same dynamic type.
SourceRange fixItRng = ctorRef->getNameLoc().getSourceRange();
// Surround the caller in `type(of:)`.
diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::init_not_instance_member)
.fixItInsert(fixItRng.Start, "type(of: ")
.fixItInsertAfter(fixItRng.End, ")");
return true;
if (result.ViableCandidates.empty()) {
// FIXME: Dig out the property DeclNameLoc.
diagnoseUnviableLookupResults(result, baseObjTy, anchor, memberName,
return true;
if (allUnavailable) {
auto firstDecl = result.ViableCandidates[0].getDecl();
// FIXME: We need the enclosing CallExpr to rewrite the argument labels.
if (CS->TC.diagnoseExplicitUnavailability(firstDecl, anchor->getLoc(),
CS->DC, /*call*/nullptr))
return true;
// Otherwise, we don't know why this failed.
return false;
void FailureDiagnosis::
diagnoseTypeMemberOnInstanceLookup(Type baseObjTy,
Expr *baseExpr,
DeclName memberName,
DeclNameLoc nameLoc,
ValueDecl *member,
SourceLoc loc) {
SourceRange baseRange = baseExpr ? baseExpr->getSourceRange() : SourceRange();
Optional<InFlightDiagnostic> Diag;
// If the base of the lookup is a protocol metatype, suggest
// to replace the metatype with 'Self'
// error saying the lookup cannot be on a protocol metatype
if (auto metatypeTy = baseObjTy->getAs<MetatypeType>()) {
// Give a customized message if we're accessing a member type
// of a protocol -- otherwise a diagnostic talking about
// static members doesn't make a whole lot of sense
if (isa<TypeAliasDecl>(member)) {
} else if (isa<AssociatedTypeDecl>(member)) {
} else {
baseObjTy, memberName));
// See through function decl context
if (auto parent = CS->DC->getInnermostTypeContext()) {
// If we are in a protocol extension of 'Proto' and we see
// 'Proto.static', suggest 'Self.static'
if (auto extensionContext = parent->getAsProtocolExtensionContext()) {
if (extensionContext->getDeclaredType()->isEqual(
metatypeTy->getInstanceType())) {
Diag->fixItReplace(baseRange, "Self");
if (isa<EnumElementDecl>(member))
Diag.emplace(diagnose(loc, diag::could_not_use_enum_element_on_instance,
Diag.emplace(diagnose(loc, diag::could_not_use_type_member_on_instance,
baseObjTy, memberName));
// No fix-it if the lookup was qualified
if (baseExpr && !baseExpr->isImplicit())
// Determine the contextual type of the expression
Type contextualType;
for (auto iterateCS = CS;
contextualType.isNull() && iterateCS;
iterateCS = iterateCS->baseCS) {
contextualType = iterateCS->getContextualType();
// Try to provide a fix-it that only contains a '.'
if (contextualType) {
if (baseObjTy->isEqual(contextualType)) {
Diag->fixItInsert(loc, ".");
// Check if the expression is the matching operator ~=, most often used in
// case statements. If so, try to provide a single dot fix-it
const Expr *contextualTypeNode = nullptr;
for (auto iterateCS = CS; iterateCS; iterateCS = iterateCS->baseCS) {
contextualTypeNode = iterateCS->getContextualTypeNode();
// The '~=' operator is an overloaded decl ref inside a binaryExpr
if (auto binaryExpr = dyn_cast<BinaryExpr>(contextualTypeNode)) {
if (auto overloadedFn
= dyn_cast<OverloadedDeclRefExpr>(binaryExpr->getFn())) {
if (overloadedFn->getDecls().size() > 0) {
// Fetch any declaration to check if the name is '~='
ValueDecl *decl0 = overloadedFn->getDecls()[0];
if (decl0->getName() == decl0->getASTContext().Id_MatchOperator) {
assert(binaryExpr->getArg()->getElements().size() == 2);
// If the rhs of '~=' is the enum type, a single dot suffixes
// since the type can be inferred
Type secondArgType = binaryExpr->getArg()->getElement(1)->getType();
if (secondArgType->isEqual(baseObjTy)) {
Diag->fixItInsert(loc, ".");
// Fall back to a fix-it with a full type qualifier
auto nominal =
SmallString<32> typeName;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream typeNameStream(typeName);
typeNameStream << nominal->getName() << ".";
Diag->fixItInsert(loc, typeNameStream.str());
/// When a user refers a enum case with a wrong member name, we try to find a enum
/// element whose name differs from the wrong name only in convention; meaning their
/// lower case counterparts are identical.
/// - DeclName is valid when such a correct case is found; invalid otherwise.
static DeclName
findCorrectEnumCaseName(Type Ty, LookupResult &Result,
DeclName memberName) {
if (!memberName.isSimpleName())
return DeclName();
if (!Ty->is<EnumType>() &&
return DeclName();
llvm::SmallVector<DeclName, 4> candidates;
for (auto &correction : Result) {
DeclName correctName = correction.Decl->getFullName();
if (!correctName.isSimpleName())
if (!isa<EnumElementDecl>(correction.Decl))
if (correctName.getBaseName().str().
if (candidates.size() == 1)
return candidates.front();
return DeclName();
/// Given a result of name lookup that had no viable results, diagnose the
/// unviable ones.
void FailureDiagnosis::
diagnoseUnviableLookupResults(MemberLookupResult &result, Type baseObjTy,
Expr *baseExpr,
DeclName memberName, DeclNameLoc nameLoc,
SourceLoc loc) {
SourceRange baseRange = baseExpr ? baseExpr->getSourceRange() : SourceRange();
// If we found no results at all, mention that fact.
if (result.UnviableCandidates.empty()) {
LookupResult correctionResults;
auto tryTypoCorrection = [&] {
CS->TC.performTypoCorrection(CS->DC, DeclRefKind::Ordinary, baseObjTy,
memberName, nameLoc.getBaseNameLoc(),
// TODO: This should handle tuple member lookups, like x.1231 as well.
if (memberName.isSimpleName("subscript")) {
diagnose(loc, diag::type_not_subscriptable, baseObjTy)
} else if (auto metatypeTy = baseObjTy->getAs<MetatypeType>()) {
auto instanceTy = metatypeTy->getInstanceType();
if (DeclName rightName = findCorrectEnumCaseName(instanceTy,
memberName)) {
diagnose(loc, diag::could_not_find_enum_case, instanceTy,
memberName, rightName).fixItReplace(nameLoc.getBaseNameLoc(),
diagnose(loc, diag::could_not_find_type_member, instanceTy, memberName)
} else {
diagnose(loc, diag::could_not_find_value_member,
baseObjTy, memberName)
// Check for a few common cases that can cause missing members.
if (baseObjTy->is<EnumType>() && memberName.isSimpleName("rawValue")) {
auto loc = baseObjTy->castTo<EnumType>()->getDecl()->getNameLoc();
if (loc.isValid()) {
diagnose(loc, diag::did_you_mean_raw_type);
return; // Always prefer this over typo corrections.
} else if (baseObjTy->isAny()) {
diagnose(loc, diag::any_as_anyobject_fixit)
.fixItInsert(baseExpr->getStartLoc(), "(")
.fixItInsertAfter(baseExpr->getEndLoc(), " as AnyObject)");
// Note all the correction candidates.
for (auto &correction : correctionResults) {
CS->TC.noteTypoCorrection(memberName, nameLoc, correction);
// TODO: recover?
// Otherwise, we have at least one (and potentially many) viable candidates
// sort them out. If all of the candidates have the same problem (commonly
// because there is exactly one candidate!) diagnose this.
bool sameProblem = true;
auto firstProblem = result.UnviableCandidates[0].second;
ValueDecl *member = nullptr;
for (auto cand : result.UnviableCandidates) {
if (member == nullptr)
member = cand.first;
sameProblem &= cand.second == firstProblem;
auto instanceTy = baseObjTy;
if (auto *MTT = instanceTy->getAs<AnyMetatypeType>())
instanceTy = MTT->getInstanceType();
if (sameProblem) {
switch (firstProblem) {
case MemberLookupResult::UR_LabelMismatch:
case MemberLookupResult::UR_UnavailableInExistential:
diagnose(loc, diag::could_not_use_member_on_existential,
instanceTy, memberName)
case MemberLookupResult::UR_InstanceMemberOnType:
// If the base is an implicit self type reference, and we're in a
// an initializer, then the user wrote something like:
// class Foo { let x = 1, y = x }
// which runs in type context, not instance context, or
// class Bar {
// let otherwise = 1 // instance member
// var x: Int
// func init(x: Int =otherwise) { // default parameter
// self.x = x
// }
// }
// in which an instance member is used as a default value for a
// parameter.
// Produce a tailored diagnostic for these cases since this
// comes up and is otherwise non-obvious what is going on.
if (baseExpr && baseExpr->isImplicit() && isa<Initializer>(CS->DC)) {
auto *TypeDC = CS->DC->getParent();
bool propertyInitializer = true;
// If the parent context is not a type context, we expect it
// to be a defaulted parameter in a function declaration.
if (!TypeDC->isTypeContext()) {
assert(TypeDC->getContextKind() ==
DeclContextKind::AbstractFunctionDecl &&
"Expected function decl context for initializer!");
TypeDC = TypeDC->getParent();
propertyInitializer = false;
assert(TypeDC->isTypeContext() && "Expected type decl context!");
if (TypeDC->getDeclaredTypeOfContext()->isEqual(instanceTy)) {
if (propertyInitializer)
CS->TC.diagnose(nameLoc, diag::instance_member_in_initializer,
CS->TC.diagnose(nameLoc, diag::instance_member_in_default_parameter,
diagnose(loc, diag::could_not_use_instance_member_on_type,
instanceTy, memberName)
case MemberLookupResult::UR_TypeMemberOnInstance:
diagnoseTypeMemberOnInstanceLookup(baseObjTy, baseExpr,
memberName, nameLoc,
member, loc);
case MemberLookupResult::UR_MutatingMemberOnRValue:
case MemberLookupResult::UR_MutatingGetterOnRValue: {
auto diagIDsubelt = diag::cannot_pass_rvalue_mutating_subelement;
auto diagIDmember = diag::cannot_pass_rvalue_mutating;
if (firstProblem == MemberLookupResult::UR_MutatingGetterOnRValue) {
diagIDsubelt = diag::cannot_pass_rvalue_mutating_getter_subelement;
diagIDmember = diag::cannot_pass_rvalue_mutating_getter;
assert(baseExpr && "Cannot have a mutation failure without a base");
diagnoseSubElementFailure(baseExpr, loc, *CS,
diagIDsubelt, diagIDmember);
case MemberLookupResult::UR_Inaccessible: {
auto decl = result.UnviableCandidates[0].first;
// FIXME: What if the unviable candidates have different levels of access?
diagnose(nameLoc, diag::candidate_inaccessible, decl->getName(),
for (auto cand : result.UnviableCandidates)
diagnose(cand.first, diag::decl_declared_here, memberName);
case MemberLookupResult::UR_DestructorInaccessible: {
diagnose(nameLoc, diag::destructor_not_accessible);
// FIXME: Emit candidate set....
// Otherwise, we don't have a specific issue to diagnose. Just say the vague
// 'cannot use' diagnostic.
if (!baseObjTy->isEqual(instanceTy))
diagnose(loc, diag::could_not_use_type_member,
instanceTy, memberName)
diagnose(loc, diag::could_not_use_value_member,
baseObjTy, memberName)
// In the absence of a better conversion constraint failure, point out the
// inability to find an appropriate overload.
bool FailureDiagnosis::diagnoseGeneralOverloadFailure(Constraint *constraint) {
Constraint *bindOverload = constraint;
if (constraint->getKind() == ConstraintKind::Disjunction)
bindOverload = constraint->getNestedConstraints().front();
auto overloadChoice = bindOverload->getOverloadChoice();
auto overloadName = overloadChoice.getName();
// Get the referenced expression from the failed constraint.
auto anchor = expr;
if (auto locator = bindOverload->getLocator()) {
anchor = simplifyLocatorToAnchor(*CS, locator);
if (!anchor)
return false;
// The anchor for the constraint is almost always an OverloadedDeclRefExpr or
// UnresolvedDotExpr. Look at the parent node in the AST to find the Apply to
// give a better diagnostic.
Expr *call = expr->getParentMap()[anchor];
// We look through some simple things that get in between the overload set
// and the apply.
while (call &&
(isa<IdentityExpr>(call) ||
isa<TryExpr>(call) || isa<ForceTryExpr>(call))) {
call = expr->getParentMap()[call];
// FIXME: This is only needed because binops don't respect contextual types.
if (call && isa<ApplyExpr>(call))
return false;
// This happens, for example, with ambiguous OverloadedDeclRefExprs. We should
// just implement visitOverloadedDeclRefExprs and nuke this.
// If we couldn't resolve an argument, then produce a generic "ambiguity"
// diagnostic.
diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::ambiguous_member_overload_set,
if (constraint->getKind() == ConstraintKind::Disjunction) {
for (auto elt : constraint->getNestedConstraints()) {
if (elt->getKind() != ConstraintKind::BindOverload) continue;
if (!elt->getOverloadChoice().isDecl()) continue;
auto candidate = elt->getOverloadChoice().getDecl();
diagnose(candidate, diag::found_candidate);
return true;
/// Produce a specialized diagnostic if this is an invalid conversion to Bool.
bool FailureDiagnosis::diagnoseConversionToBool(Expr *expr, Type exprType) {
// Check for "=" converting to Bool. The user probably meant ==.
if (auto *AE = dyn_cast<AssignExpr>(expr->getValueProvidingExpr())) {
diagnose(AE->getEqualLoc(), diag::use_of_equal_instead_of_equality)
.fixItReplace(AE->getEqualLoc(), "==")
return true;
// If we're trying to convert something from optional type to Bool, then a
// comparison against nil was probably expected.
// TODO: It would be nice to handle "!x" --> x == false, but we have no way
// to get to the parent expr at present.
if (exprType->getAnyOptionalObjectType()) {
StringRef prefix = "((";
StringRef suffix = ") != nil)";
// Check if we need the inner parentheses.
// Technically we only need them if there's something in 'expr' with
// lower precedence than '!=', but the code actually comes out nicer
// in most cases with parens on anything non-trivial.
if (expr->canAppendCallParentheses()) {
prefix = prefix.drop_back();
suffix = suffix.drop_front();
// FIXME: The outer parentheses may be superfluous too.
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::optional_used_as_boolean, exprType)
.fixItInsert(expr->getStartLoc(), prefix)
.fixItInsertAfter(expr->getEndLoc(), suffix);
return true;
return false;
bool FailureDiagnosis::diagnoseGeneralConversionFailure(Constraint *constraint){
auto anchor = expr;
bool resolvedAnchorToExpr = false;
if (auto locator = constraint->getLocator()) {
anchor = simplifyLocatorToAnchor(*CS, locator);
if (anchor)
resolvedAnchorToExpr = true;
anchor = locator->getAnchor();
Type fromType = CS->simplifyType(constraint->getFirstType())
if (fromType->hasTypeVariable() && resolvedAnchorToExpr) {
TCCOptions options;
// If we know we're removing a contextual constraint, then we can force a
// type check of the subexpr because we know we're eliminating that
// constraint.
if (CS->getContextualTypePurpose() != CTP_Unused)
options |= TCC_ForceRecheck;
auto sub = typeCheckArbitrarySubExprIndependently(anchor, options);
if (!sub) return true;
fromType = sub->getType();
fromType = fromType->getRValueType();
auto toType = CS->simplifyType(constraint->getSecondType())
// Try to simplify irrelevant details of function types. For example, if
// someone passes a "() -> Float" function to a "() throws -> Int"
// parameter, then uttering the "throws" may confuse them into thinking that
// that is the problem, even though there is a clear subtype relation.
if (auto srcFT = fromType->getAs<FunctionType>())
if (auto destFT = toType->getAs<FunctionType>()) {
auto destExtInfo = destFT->getExtInfo();
if (!srcFT->isNoEscape()) destExtInfo = destExtInfo.withNoEscape(false);
if (!srcFT->throws()) destExtInfo = destExtInfo.withThrows(false);
if (destExtInfo != destFT->getExtInfo())
toType = FunctionType::get(destFT->getInput(),
destFT->getResult(), destExtInfo);
// If this is a function conversion that discards throwability or
// noescape, emit a specific diagnostic about that.
if (srcFT->throws() && !destFT->throws()) {
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::throws_functiontype_mismatch,
fromType, toType)
return true;
if (srcFT->isNoEscape() && !destFT->isNoEscape()) {
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::noescape_functiontype_mismatch,
fromType, toType)
return true;
// If this is a callee that mismatches an expected return type, we can emit a
// very nice and specific error. In this case, what we'll generally see is
// a failed conversion constraint of "A -> B" to "_ -> C", where the error is
// that B isn't convertible to C.
if (CS->getContextualTypePurpose() == CTP_CalleeResult) {
auto destFT = toType->getAs<FunctionType>();
auto srcFT = fromType->getAs<FunctionType>();
if (destFT && srcFT && !isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(srcFT->getResult())) {
// Otherwise, the error is that the result types mismatch.
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::invalid_callee_result_type,
srcFT->getResult(), destFT->getResult())
return true;
// If simplification has turned this into the same types, then this isn't the
// broken constraint that we're looking for.
if (fromType->isEqual(toType) &&
constraint->getKind() != ConstraintKind::ConformsTo &&
constraint->getKind() != ConstraintKind::LiteralConformsTo)
return false;
// If we have two tuples with mismatching types, produce a tailored
// diagnostic.
if (auto fromTT = fromType->getAs<TupleType>())
if (auto toTT = toType->getAs<TupleType>()) {
if (fromTT->getNumElements() != toTT->getNumElements()) {
diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::tuple_types_not_convertible_nelts,
fromTT, toTT)
return true;
SmallVector<TupleTypeElt, 4> FromElts;
auto voidTy = CS->getASTContext().TheUnresolvedType;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = fromTT->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i)
FromElts.push_back({ voidTy, fromTT->getElement(i).getName() });
auto TEType = TupleType::get(FromElts, CS->getASTContext());
SmallVector<int, 4> sources;
SmallVector<unsigned, 4> variadicArgs;
// If the shuffle conversion is invalid (e.g. incorrect element labels),
// then we have a type error.
if (computeTupleShuffle(TEType->castTo<TupleType>()->getElements(),
toTT->getElements(), sources, variadicArgs)) {
diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::tuple_types_not_convertible,
fromTT, toTT)
return true;
// If the second type is a type variable, the expression itself is
// ambiguous. Bail out so the general ambiguity diagnosing logic can handle
// it.
if (fromType->hasUnresolvedType() || fromType->hasTypeVariable() ||
toType->hasUnresolvedType() || toType->hasTypeVariable() ||
// FIXME: Why reject unbound generic types here?
return false;
// Check for various issues converting to Bool.
if (toType->isBool() && diagnoseConversionToBool(anchor, fromType))
return true;
if (auto PT = toType->getAs<ProtocolType>()) {
if (isa<NilLiteralExpr>(expr->getValueProvidingExpr())) {
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::cannot_use_nil_with_this_type, toType)
return true;
// Emit a conformance error through conformsToProtocol.
if (auto conformance =
CS->TC.conformsToProtocol(fromType, PT->getDecl(), CS->DC,
expr->getLoc())) {
if (conformance->isAbstract() ||
return false;
return true;
// Due to migration reasons, types used to conform to BooleanType, which
// contain a member var 'boolValue', now does not convert to Bool. This block
// tries to add a specific diagnosis/fixit to explicitly invoke 'boolValue'.
if (toType->isBool() &&
fromType->mayHaveMembers()) {
auto LookupResult = CS->TC.lookupMember(CS->DC, fromType,
if (!LookupResult.empty()) {
if (isa<VarDecl>(LookupResult.begin()->Decl)) {
if (anchor->canAppendCallParentheses())
diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::types_not_convertible_use_bool_value,
fromType, toType).fixItInsertAfter(anchor->getEndLoc(),
diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::types_not_convertible_use_bool_value,
fromType, toType).fixItInsert(anchor->getStartLoc(), "(").
fixItInsertAfter(anchor->getEndLoc(), ").boolValue");
return true;
diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::types_not_convertible,
constraint->getKind() == ConstraintKind::Subtype,
fromType, toType)
// Check to see if this constraint came from a cast instruction. If so,
// and if this conversion constraint is different than the types being cast,
// produce a note that talks about the overall expression.
// TODO: Using parentMap would be more general, rather than requiring the
// issue to be related to the root of the expr under study.
if (auto ECE = dyn_cast<ExplicitCastExpr>(expr))
if (constraint->getLocator() &&
constraint->getLocator()->getAnchor() == ECE->getSubExpr()) {
if (!toType->isEqual(ECE->getCastTypeLoc().getType()))
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::in_cast_expr_types,
return true;
namespace {
class ExprTypeSaverAndEraser {
llvm::DenseMap<Expr*, Type> ExprTypes;
llvm::DenseMap<TypeLoc*, std::pair<Type, bool>> TypeLocTypes;
llvm::DenseMap<Pattern*, Type> PatternTypes;
llvm::DenseMap<ParamDecl*, Type> ParamDeclTypes;
llvm::DenseMap<ParamDecl*, Type> ParamDeclInterfaceTypes;
llvm::DenseMap<CollectionExpr*, Expr*> CollectionSemanticExprs;
llvm::DenseSet<ValueDecl*> PossiblyInvalidDecls;
ExprTypeSaverAndEraser(const ExprTypeSaverAndEraser&) = delete;
void operator=(const ExprTypeSaverAndEraser&) = delete;
ExprTypeSaverAndEraser(Expr *E) {
struct TypeSaver : public ASTWalker {
ExprTypeSaverAndEraser *TS;
TypeSaver(ExprTypeSaverAndEraser *TS) : TS(TS) {}
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *expr) override {
TS->ExprTypes[expr] = expr->getType();
assert((!expr->getType() || !expr->getType()->hasTypeVariable()
// FIXME: We shouldn't allow these, either.
|| isa<LiteralExpr>(expr)) &&
"Type variable didn't get erased!");
// Preserve module expr type data to prevent further lookups.
if (auto *declRef = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(expr))
if (isa<ModuleDecl>(declRef->getDecl()))
return { false, expr };
// Don't strip type info off OtherConstructorDeclRefExpr, because
// CSGen doesn't know how to reconstruct it.
if (isa<OtherConstructorDeclRefExpr>(expr))
return { false, expr };
// If a literal has a Builtin.Int or Builtin.FP type on it already,
// then sema has already expanded out a call to
// Init.init(<builtinliteral>)
// and we don't want it to make
// Init.init(Init.init(<builtinliteral>))
// preserve the type info to prevent this from happening.
if (isa<LiteralExpr>(expr) && !isa<InterpolatedStringLiteralExpr>(expr) &&
!(expr->getType() && expr->getType()->hasError()))
return { false, expr };
// If a ClosureExpr's parameter list has types on the decls, then
// remove them so that they'll get regenerated from the
// associated TypeLocs or resynthesized as fresh typevars.
if (auto *CE = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(expr))
for (auto P : *CE->getParameters()) {
if (P->hasType()) {
TS->ParamDeclTypes[P] = P->getType();
if (P->hasInterfaceType()) {
TS->ParamDeclInterfaceTypes[P] = P->getInterfaceType();
if (P->isInvalid())
// If we have a CollectionExpr with a type checked SemanticExpr,
// remove it so we can recalculate a new semantic form.
if (auto *CE = dyn_cast<CollectionExpr>(expr)) {
if (auto SE = CE->getSemanticExpr()) {
TS->CollectionSemanticExprs[CE] = SE;
return { true, expr };
// If we find a TypeLoc (e.g. in an as? expr), save and erase it.
bool walkToTypeLocPre(TypeLoc &TL) override {
if (TL.getTypeRepr() && TL.getType()) {
TS->TypeLocTypes[&TL] = { TL.getType(), TL.wasValidated() };
TL.setType(Type(), /*was validated*/false);
return true;
std::pair<bool, Pattern*> walkToPatternPre(Pattern *P) override {
if (P->hasType()) {
TS->PatternTypes[P] = P->getType();
return { true, P };
// Don't walk into statements. This handles the BraceStmt in
// non-single-expr closures, so we don't walk into their body.
std::pair<bool, Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *S) override {
return { false, S };
void restore() {
for (auto exprElt : ExprTypes)
for (auto typelocElt : TypeLocTypes)
for (auto patternElt : PatternTypes)
for (auto paramDeclElt : ParamDeclTypes)
for (auto paramDeclIfaceElt : ParamDeclInterfaceTypes)
for (auto CSE : CollectionSemanticExprs)
if (!PossiblyInvalidDecls.empty())
for (auto D : PossiblyInvalidDecls)
if (D->hasInterfaceType())
// Done, don't do redundant work on destruction.
// On destruction, if a type got wiped out, reset it from null to its
// original type. This is helpful because type checking a subexpression
// can lead to replacing the nodes in that subexpression. However, the
// failed ConstraintSystem still has locators pointing to the old nodes,
// and if expr-specific diagnostics fail to turn up anything useful to say,
// we go digging through failed constraints, and expect their locators to
// still be meaningful.
~ExprTypeSaverAndEraser() {
for (auto CSE : CollectionSemanticExprs)
if (!CSE.first->getType())
for (auto exprElt : ExprTypes)
if (!exprElt.first->getType())
for (auto typelocElt : TypeLocTypes)
if (!typelocElt.first->getType())
for (auto patternElt : PatternTypes)
if (!patternElt.first->hasType())
for (auto paramDeclElt : ParamDeclTypes)
if (!paramDeclElt.first->hasType())
for (auto paramDeclIfaceElt : ParamDeclInterfaceTypes)
if (!paramDeclIfaceElt.first->hasInterfaceType())
if (!PossiblyInvalidDecls.empty())
for (auto D : PossiblyInvalidDecls)
if (D->hasInterfaceType())
} // end anonymous namespace
/// Erase an expression tree's open existentials after a re-typecheck operation.
/// This is done in the case of a typecheck failure, after we re-typecheck
/// partially-typechecked subexpressions in a context-free manner.
static void eraseOpenedExistentials(Expr *&expr) {
class ExistentialEraser : public ASTWalker {
llvm::SmallDenseMap<OpaqueValueExpr *, Expr *, 4> OpenExistentials;
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *expr) override {
if (auto OOE = dyn_cast<OpenExistentialExpr>(expr)) {
auto archetypeVal = OOE->getOpaqueValue();
auto base = OOE->getExistentialValue();
// Walk the base expression to ensure we erase any existentials within
// it.
base = base->walk(*this);
bool inserted = OpenExistentials.insert({archetypeVal, base}).second;
assert(inserted && "OpaqueValue appears multiple times?");
return { true, OOE->getSubExpr() };
if (auto OVE = dyn_cast<OpaqueValueExpr>(expr)) {
auto value = OpenExistentials.find(OVE);
assert(value != OpenExistentials.end() &&
"didn't see this OVE in a containing OpenExistentialExpr?");
return { true, value->second };
// Handle collection upcasts specially so that we don't blow up on
// their embedded OVEs.
if (auto CDE = dyn_cast<CollectionUpcastConversionExpr>(expr)) {
if (auto result = CDE->getSubExpr()->walk(*this)) {
return { false, CDE };
} else {
return { true, CDE };
return { true, expr };
Expr *walkToExprPost(Expr *expr) override {
Type type = expr->getType();
if (!type || !type->hasOpenedExistential())
return expr;
type = type.transform([&](Type type) -> Type {
if (auto archetype = type->getAs<ArchetypeType>())
if (auto existentialType = archetype->getOpenedExistentialType())
return existentialType;
return type;
return expr;
// Don't walk into statements. This handles the BraceStmt in
// non-single-expr closures, so we don't walk into their body.
std::pair<bool, Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *S) override {
return { false, S };
expr = expr->walk(ExistentialEraser());
/// Unless we've already done this, retypecheck the specified subexpression on
/// its own, without including any contextual constraints or parent expr
/// nodes. This is more likely to succeed than type checking the original
/// expression.
/// This can return a new expression (for e.g. when a UnresolvedDeclRef gets
/// resolved) and returns null when the subexpression fails to typecheck.
Expr *FailureDiagnosis::typeCheckChildIndependently(
Expr *subExpr, Type convertType, ContextualTypePurpose convertTypePurpose,
TCCOptions options, ExprTypeCheckListener *listener,
bool allowFreeTypeVariables) {
// If this sub-expression is currently being diagnosed, refuse to recheck the
// expression (which may lead to infinite recursion). If the client is
// telling us that it knows what it is doing, then believe it.
if (!options.contains(TCC_ForceRecheck)) {
if (Expr *res = CS->TC.isExprBeingDiagnosed(subExpr))
return res;
CS->TC.addExprForDiagnosis(subExpr, subExpr);
// Validate contextual type before trying to use it.
std::tie(convertType, convertTypePurpose) =
validateContextualType(convertType, convertTypePurpose);
// If we have no contextual type information and the subexpr is obviously a
// overload set, don't recursively simplify this. The recursive solver will
// sometimes pick one based on arbitrary ranking behavior (e.g. like
// which is the most specialized) even then all the constraints are being
// fulfilled by UnresolvedType, which doesn't tell us anything.
if (convertTypePurpose == CTP_Unused &&
(isa<OverloadedDeclRefExpr>(subExpr->getValueProvidingExpr()))) {
return subExpr;
// Save any existing type data of the subexpr tree, and reset it to null in
// prep for re-type-checking the tree. If things fail, we can revert the
// types back to their original state.
ExprTypeSaverAndEraser SavedTypeData(subExpr);
// Store off the sub-expression, in case a new one is provided via the
// type check operation.
Expr *preCheckedExpr = subExpr;
// Disable structural checks, because we know that the overall expression
// has type constraint problems, and we don't want to know about any
// syntactic issues in a well-typed subexpression (which might be because
// the context is missing).
TypeCheckExprOptions TCEOptions = TypeCheckExprFlags::DisableStructuralChecks;
// Don't walk into non-single expression closure bodies, because
// ExprTypeSaver and TypeNullifier skip them too.
TCEOptions |= TypeCheckExprFlags::SkipMultiStmtClosures;
// Claim that the result is discarded to preserve the lvalue type of
// the expression.
if (options.contains(TCC_AllowLValue))
TCEOptions |= TypeCheckExprFlags::IsDiscarded;
// If there is no contextual type available, tell typeCheckExpression that it
// is ok to produce an ambiguous result, it can just fill in holes with
// UnresolvedType and we'll deal with it.
if ((!convertType || options.contains(TCC_AllowUnresolvedTypeVariables)) &&
TCEOptions |= TypeCheckExprFlags::AllowUnresolvedTypeVariables;
// If we're not passing down contextual type information this time, but the
// original failure had type info that wasn't an optional type,
// then set the flag to prefer fixits with force unwrapping.
if (!convertType) {
auto previousType = CS->getContextualType();
if (previousType && previousType->getOptionalObjectType().isNull())
TCEOptions |= TypeCheckExprFlags::PreferForceUnwrapToOptional;
// Ensure that the expression we're about to type-check doesn't have
// anything that the type-checker doesn't expect to see. This can happen
// because of repeated type-checking; the removal below, while independently
// important, isn't itself sufficient because of AST mutation.
bool hadError = CS->TC.typeCheckExpression(subExpr, CS->DC,
convertTypePurpose, TCEOptions,
listener, CS);
// This is a terrible hack to get around the fact that typeCheckExpression()
// might change subExpr to point to a new OpenExistentialExpr. In that case,
// since the caller passed subExpr by value here, they would be left
// holding on to an expression containing open existential types but
// no OpenExistentialExpr, which breaks invariants enforced by the
// ASTChecker.
// If recursive type checking failed, then an error was emitted. Return
// null to indicate this to the caller.
if (hadError)
return nullptr;
// If we type checked the result but failed to get a usable output from it,
// just pretend as though nothing happened.
if (subExpr->getType()->is<ErrorType>()) {
subExpr = preCheckedExpr;
CS->TC.addExprForDiagnosis(preCheckedExpr, subExpr);
return subExpr;
/// This is the same as typeCheckChildIndependently, but works on an arbitrary
/// subexpression of the current node because it handles ClosureExpr parents
/// of the specified node.
Expr *FailureDiagnosis::
typeCheckArbitrarySubExprIndependently(Expr *subExpr, TCCOptions options) {
if (subExpr == expr)
return typeCheckChildIndependently(subExpr, options);
// Construct a parent map for the expr tree we're investigating.
auto parentMap = expr->getParentMap();
ClosureExpr *NearestClosure = nullptr;
// Walk the parents of the specified expression, handling any ClosureExprs.
for (Expr *node = parentMap[subExpr]; node; node = parentMap[node]) {
auto *CE = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(node);
if (!CE) continue;
// Keep track of the innermost closure we see that we're jumping into.
if (!NearestClosure)
NearestClosure = CE;
// If we have a ClosureExpr parent of the specified node, check to make sure
// none of its arguments are type variables. If so, these type variables
// would be accessible to name lookup of the subexpression and may thus leak
// in. Reset them to UnresolvedTypes for safe measures.
for (auto param : *CE->getParameters()) {
auto VD = param;
if (VD->getType()->hasTypeVariable() || VD->getType()->hasError()) {
// When we're type checking a single-expression closure, we need to reset the
// DeclContext to this closure for the recursive type checking. Otherwise,
// if there is a closure in the subexpression, we can violate invariants.
auto newDC = NearestClosure ? NearestClosure : CS->DC;
llvm::SaveAndRestore<DeclContext*> SavedDC(CS->DC, newDC);
// Otherwise, we're ok to type check the subexpr.
return typeCheckChildIndependently(subExpr, options);
/// For an expression being type checked with a CTP_CalleeResult contextual
/// type, try to diagnose a problem.
bool FailureDiagnosis::diagnoseCalleeResultContextualConversionError() {
// Try to dig out the conversion constraint in question to find the contextual
// result type being specified.
Type contextualResultType;
for (auto &c : CS->getConstraints()) {
if (!isConversionConstraint(&c) || !c.getLocator() ||
c.getLocator()->getAnchor() != expr)
// If we found our contextual type, then we know we have a conversion to
// some function type, and that the result type is concrete. If not,
// ignore it.
auto toType = CS->simplifyType(c.getSecondType());
if (auto *FT = toType->getAs<AnyFunctionType>())
if (!isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(FT->getResult())) {
contextualResultType = FT->getResult();
if (!contextualResultType)
return false;
// Retypecheck the callee expression without a contextual type to resolve
// whatever we can in it.
auto callee = typeCheckChildIndependently(expr, TCC_ForceRecheck);
if (!callee)
return true;
// Based on that, compute an overload set.
CalleeCandidateInfo calleeInfo(callee, /*hasTrailingClosure*/false, CS);
switch (calleeInfo.size()) {
case 0:
// If we found no overloads, then there is something else going on here.
return false;
case 1:
// If the callee isn't of function type, then something else has gone wrong.
if (!calleeInfo[0].getResultType())
return false;
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::candidates_no_match_result_type,
calleeInfo.declName, calleeInfo[0].getResultType(),
return true;
// Check to see if all of the viable candidates produce the same result,
// this happens for things like "==" and "&&" operators.
if (auto resultTy = calleeInfo[0].getResultType()) {
for (unsigned i = 1, e = calleeInfo.size(); i != e; ++i)
if (auto ty = calleeInfo[i].getResultType())
if (!resultTy->isEqual(ty)) {
resultTy = Type();
if (resultTy) {
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::candidates_no_match_result_type,
calleeInfo.declName, calleeInfo[0].getResultType(),
return true;
// Otherwise, produce a candidate set.
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::no_candidates_match_result_type,
calleeInfo.declName, contextualResultType);
calleeInfo.suggestPotentialOverloads(expr->getLoc(), /*isResult*/true);
return true;
/// Return true if the given type conforms to a known protocol type.
static bool conformsToKnownProtocol(Type fromType,
KnownProtocolKind kind,
const ConstraintSystem *CS) {
auto proto = CS->TC.getProtocol(SourceLoc(), kind);
if (!proto)
return false;
if (CS->TC.conformsToProtocol(fromType, proto, CS->DC,
ConformanceCheckFlags::InExpression)) {
return true;
return false;
static bool isIntegerType(Type fromType, const ConstraintSystem *CS) {
return conformsToKnownProtocol(fromType,
/// Return true if the given type conforms to RawRepresentable.
static Type isRawRepresentable(Type fromType,
const ConstraintSystem *CS) {
auto rawReprType =
CS->TC.getProtocol(SourceLoc(), KnownProtocolKind::RawRepresentable);
if (!rawReprType)
return Type();
auto conformance =
CS->TC.conformsToProtocol(fromType, rawReprType, CS->DC,
if (!conformance)
return Type();
Type rawTy = ProtocolConformanceRef::getTypeWitnessByName(
return rawTy;
/// Return true if the given type conforms to RawRepresentable, with an
/// underlying type conforming to the given known protocol.
static Type isRawRepresentable(Type fromType,
KnownProtocolKind kind,
const ConstraintSystem *CS) {
Type rawTy = isRawRepresentable(fromType, CS);
if (!rawTy || !conformsToKnownProtocol(rawTy, kind, CS))
return Type();
return rawTy;
/// Return true if the conversion from fromType to toType is an invalid string
/// index operation.
static bool isIntegerToStringIndexConversion(Type fromType, Type toType,
ConstraintSystem *CS) {
auto kind = KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral;
return (conformsToKnownProtocol(fromType, kind, CS) &&
toType->getCanonicalType().getString() == "String.CharacterView.Index");
/// Attempts to add fix-its for these two mistakes:
/// - Passing an integer where a type conforming to RawRepresentable is
/// expected, by wrapping the expression in a call to the contextual
/// type's initializer
/// - Passing a type conforming to RawRepresentable where an integer is
/// expected, by wrapping the expression in a call to the rawValue
/// accessor
/// - Return true on the fixit is added, false otherwise.
/// This helps migration with SDK changes.
static bool tryRawRepresentableFixIts(InFlightDiagnostic &diag,
const ConstraintSystem *CS,
Type fromType,
Type toType,
KnownProtocolKind kind,
const Expr *expr) {
// The following fixes apply for optional destination types as well.
bool toTypeIsOptional = !toType->getAnyOptionalObjectType().isNull();
toType = toType->lookThroughAllAnyOptionalTypes();
Type fromTypeUnwrapped = fromType->getAnyOptionalObjectType();
bool fromTypeIsOptional = !fromTypeUnwrapped.isNull();
if (fromTypeIsOptional)
fromType = fromTypeUnwrapped;
auto fixIt = [&](StringRef convWrapBefore, StringRef convWrapAfter) {
SourceRange exprRange = expr->getSourceRange();
if (fromTypeIsOptional && toTypeIsOptional) {
// Use optional's map function to convert conditionally, like so:
//{ T(rawValue: $0) }
bool needsParens = !expr->canAppendCallParentheses();
std::string mapCodeFix;
if (needsParens) {
diag.fixItInsert(exprRange.Start, "(");
mapCodeFix += ")";
mapCodeFix += ".map { ";
mapCodeFix += convWrapBefore;
mapCodeFix += "$0";
mapCodeFix += convWrapAfter;
mapCodeFix += " }";
diag.fixItInsertAfter(exprRange.End, mapCodeFix);
} else if (!fromTypeIsOptional) {
diag.fixItInsert(exprRange.Start, convWrapBefore);
diag.fixItInsertAfter(exprRange.End, convWrapAfter);
if (conformsToKnownProtocol(fromType, kind, CS)) {
if (auto rawTy = isRawRepresentable(toType, kind, CS)) {
// Produce before/after strings like 'Result(rawValue: RawType(<expr>))'
// or just 'Result(rawValue: <expr>)'.
std::string convWrapBefore = toType.getString();
convWrapBefore += "(rawValue: ";
std::string convWrapAfter = ")";
if (!isa<LiteralExpr>(expr) &&
!CS->TC.isConvertibleTo(fromType, rawTy, CS->DC)) {
// Only try to insert a converting construction if the protocol is a
// literal protocol and not some other known protocol.
switch (kind) {
case KnownProtocolKind::name: break;
#define PROTOCOL_WITH_NAME(name, _) \
case KnownProtocolKind::name: return false;
#include "swift/AST/KnownProtocols.def"
convWrapBefore += rawTy->getString();
convWrapBefore += "(";
convWrapAfter += ")";
fixIt(convWrapBefore, convWrapAfter);
return true;
if (auto rawTy = isRawRepresentable(fromType, kind, CS)) {
if (conformsToKnownProtocol(toType, kind, CS)) {
std::string convWrapBefore;
std::string convWrapAfter = ".rawValue";
if (!CS->TC.isConvertibleTo(rawTy, toType, CS->DC)) {
// Only try to insert a converting construction if the protocol is a
// literal protocol and not some other known protocol.
switch (kind) {
case KnownProtocolKind::name: break;
#define PROTOCOL_WITH_NAME(name, _) \
case KnownProtocolKind::name: return false;
#include "swift/AST/KnownProtocols.def"
convWrapBefore += toType->getString();
convWrapBefore += "(";
convWrapAfter += ")";
fixIt(convWrapBefore, convWrapAfter);
return true;
return false;
/// Attempts to add fix-its for these two mistakes:
/// - Passing an integer with the right type but which is getting wrapped with a
/// different integer type unnecessarily. The fixit removes the cast.
/// - Passing an integer but expecting different integer type. The fixit adds
/// a wrapping cast.
/// - Return true on the fixit is added, false otherwise.
/// This helps migration with SDK changes.
static bool tryIntegerCastFixIts(InFlightDiagnostic &diag,
ConstraintSystem *CS,
Type fromType,
Type toType,
Expr *expr) {
if (!isIntegerType(fromType, CS) || !isIntegerType(toType, CS))
return false;
auto getInnerCastedExpr = [&]() -> Expr* {
CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(expr);
if (!CE)
return nullptr;
if (!isa<ConstructorRefCallExpr>(CE->getFn()))
return nullptr;
ParenExpr *parenE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(CE->getArg());
if (!parenE)
return nullptr;
return parenE->getSubExpr();
if (Expr *innerE = getInnerCastedExpr()) {
Type innerTy = innerE->getType();
if (CS->TC.isConvertibleTo(innerTy, toType, CS->DC)) {
// Remove the unnecessary cast.
diag.fixItRemoveChars(expr->getLoc(), innerE->getStartLoc())
return true;
// Add a wrapping integer cast.
std::string convWrapBefore = toType.getString();
convWrapBefore += "(";
std::string convWrapAfter = ")";
SourceRange exprRange = expr->getSourceRange();
diag.fixItInsert(exprRange.Start, convWrapBefore);
diag.fixItInsertAfter(exprRange.End, convWrapAfter);
return true;
static bool
addTypeCoerceFixit(InFlightDiagnostic &diag, ConstraintSystem *CS,
Type fromType, Type toType, Expr *expr) {
// Look through optional types; casts can add them, but can't remove extra
// ones.
toType = toType->lookThroughAllAnyOptionalTypes();
CheckedCastKind Kind =
CS->getTypeChecker().typeCheckCheckedCast(fromType, toType,
SourceLoc(), nullptr,
if (Kind != CheckedCastKind::Unresolved) {
SmallString<32> buffer;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(buffer);
bool canUseAs = Kind == CheckedCastKind::Coercion ||
Kind == CheckedCastKind::BridgingCoercion;
(llvm::Twine(canUseAs ? " as " : " as! ") +
return true;
return false;
/// Try to diagnose common errors involving implicitly non-escaping parameters
/// of function type, giving more specific and simpler diagnostics, attaching
/// notes on the parameter, and offering fixits to insert @escaping. Returns
/// true if it detects and issues an error, false if it does nothing.
static bool tryDiagnoseNonEscapingParameterToEscaping(Expr *expr, Type srcType,
Type dstType,
ConstraintSystem *CS) {
assert(expr && CS);
// Need to be referencing a parameter of function type
auto declRef = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(expr);
if (!declRef || !isa<ParamDecl>(declRef->getDecl()) ||
return false;
// Must be from non-escaping function to escaping function. For the
// destination type, we read through optionality to give better diagnostics in
// the event of an implicit promotion.
auto srcFT = srcType->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
auto dstFT =
if (!srcFT || !dstFT || !srcFT->isNoEscape() || dstFT->isNoEscape())
return false;
// Pick a specific diagnostic for the specific use
auto paramDecl = cast<ParamDecl>(declRef->getDecl());
switch (CS->getContextualTypePurpose()) {
case CTP_CallArgument:
CS->TC.diagnose(declRef->getLoc(), diag::passing_noescape_to_escaping,
case CTP_AssignSource:
CS->TC.diagnose(declRef->getLoc(), diag::assigning_noescape_to_escaping,
CS->TC.diagnose(declRef->getLoc(), diag::general_noescape_to_escaping,
// Give a note and fixit
InFlightDiagnostic note = CS->TC.diagnose(
paramDecl->getLoc(), srcFT->isAutoClosure() ? diag::noescape_autoclosure
: diag::noescape_parameter,
if (!srcFT->isAutoClosure()) {
"@escaping ");
} // TODO: add in a fixit for autoclosure
return true;
bool FailureDiagnosis::diagnoseContextualConversionError() {
// If the constraint system has a contextual type, then we can test to see if
// this is the problem that prevents us from solving the system.
Type contextualType = CS->getContextualType();
if (!contextualType) {
// This contextual conversion constraint doesn't install an actual type.
if (CS->getContextualTypePurpose() == CTP_CalleeResult)
return diagnoseCalleeResultContextualConversionError();
return false;
// Try re-type-checking the expression without the contextual type to see if
// it can work without it. If so, the contextual type is the problem. We
// force a recheck, because "expr" is likely in our table with the extra
// contextual constraint that we know we are relaxing.
TCCOptions options = TCC_ForceRecheck;
if (contextualType->is<InOutType>())
options |= TCC_AllowLValue;
auto recheckedExpr = typeCheckChildIndependently(expr, options);
auto exprType = recheckedExpr ? recheckedExpr->getType() : Type();
// If it failed and diagnosed something, then we're done.
if (!exprType) return true;
// If we contextually had an inout type, and got a non-lvalue result, then
// we fail with a mutability error.
if (contextualType->is<InOutType>() && !exprType->is<LValueType>()) {
diagnoseSubElementFailure(recheckedExpr, recheckedExpr->getLoc(), *CS,
return true;
// Try to find the contextual type in a variety of ways. If the constraint
// system had a contextual type specified, we use it - it will have a purpose
// indicator which allows us to give a very "to the point" diagnostic.
Diag<Type, Type> diagID;
Diag<Type, Type> diagIDProtocol;
Diag<Type> nilDiag;
std::function<void(void)> nilFollowup;
// If this is conversion failure due to a return statement with an argument
// that cannot be coerced to the result type of the function, emit a
// specific error.
switch (CS->getContextualTypePurpose()) {
case CTP_Unused:
case CTP_CannotFail:
llvm_unreachable("These contextual type purposes cannot fail with a "
"conversion type specified!");
case CTP_CalleeResult:
llvm_unreachable("CTP_CalleeResult does not actually install a "
"contextual type");
case CTP_Initialization:
diagID = diag::cannot_convert_initializer_value;
diagIDProtocol = diag::cannot_convert_initializer_value_protocol;
nilDiag = diag::cannot_convert_initializer_value_nil;
nilFollowup = [this]{
TypeRepr *patternTR = CS->getContextualTypeLoc().getTypeRepr();
if (!patternTR)
auto diag = diagnose(patternTR->getLoc(), diag::note_make_optional,
if (patternTR->isSimple()) {
diag.fixItInsertAfter(patternTR->getEndLoc(), "?");
} else {
diag.fixItInsert(patternTR->getStartLoc(), "(");
diag.fixItInsertAfter(patternTR->getEndLoc(), ")?");
case CTP_ReturnStmt:
// Special case the "conversion to void" case.
if (contextualType->isVoid()) {
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::cannot_return_value_from_void_func)
return true;
diagID = diag::cannot_convert_to_return_type;
diagIDProtocol = diag::cannot_convert_to_return_type_protocol;
nilDiag = diag::cannot_convert_to_return_type_nil;
case CTP_ThrowStmt: {
if (isa<NilLiteralExpr>(expr->getValueProvidingExpr())) {
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::cannot_throw_nil);
return true;
if (isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(exprType) ||
return false;
// If we tried to throw the error code of an error type, suggest object
// construction.
auto &TC = CS->getTypeChecker();
if (auto errorCodeProtocol =
TC.Context.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::ErrorCodeProtocol)) {
if (auto conformance =
TC.conformsToProtocol(expr->getType(), errorCodeProtocol, CS->DC,
ConformanceCheckFlags::InExpression)) {
Type errorCodeType = expr->getType();
Type errorType =
ProtocolConformanceRef::getTypeWitnessByName(errorCodeType, *conformance,
if (errorType) {
auto diag = diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::cannot_throw_error_code,
errorCodeType, errorType);
if (auto unresolvedDot = dyn_cast<UnresolvedDotExpr>(expr)) {
diag.fixItInsert(unresolvedDot->getDotLoc(), "(");
diag.fixItInsertAfter(unresolvedDot->getEndLoc(), ")");
return true;
// The conversion destination of throw is always ErrorType (at the moment)
// if this ever expands, this should be a specific form like () is for
// return.
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::cannot_convert_thrown_type, exprType)
return true;
case CTP_EnumCaseRawValue:
diagID = diag::cannot_convert_raw_initializer_value;
diagIDProtocol = diag::cannot_convert_raw_initializer_value;
nilDiag = diag::cannot_convert_raw_initializer_value_nil;
case CTP_DefaultParameter:
diagID = diag::cannot_convert_default_arg_value;
diagIDProtocol = diag::cannot_convert_default_arg_value_protocol;
nilDiag = diag::cannot_convert_default_arg_value_nil;
case CTP_CallArgument:
diagID = diag::cannot_convert_argument_value;
diagIDProtocol = diag::cannot_convert_argument_value_protocol;
nilDiag = diag::cannot_convert_argument_value_nil;
case CTP_ClosureResult:
diagID = diag::cannot_convert_closure_result;
diagIDProtocol = diag::cannot_convert_closure_result_protocol;
nilDiag = diag::cannot_convert_closure_result_nil;
case CTP_ArrayElement:
diagID = diag::cannot_convert_array_element;
diagIDProtocol = diag::cannot_convert_array_element_protocol;
nilDiag = diag::cannot_convert_array_element_nil;
case CTP_DictionaryKey:
diagID = diag::cannot_convert_dict_key;
diagIDProtocol = diag::cannot_convert_dict_key_protocol;
nilDiag = diag::cannot_convert_dict_key_nil;
case CTP_DictionaryValue:
diagID = diag::cannot_convert_dict_value;
diagIDProtocol = diag::cannot_convert_dict_value_protocol;
nilDiag = diag::cannot_convert_dict_value_nil;
case CTP_CoerceOperand:
diagID = diag::cannot_convert_coerce;
diagIDProtocol = diag::cannot_convert_coerce_protocol;
nilDiag = diag::cannot_convert_coerce_nil;
case CTP_AssignSource:
diagID = diag::cannot_convert_assign;
diagIDProtocol = diag::cannot_convert_assign_protocol;
nilDiag = diag::cannot_convert_assign_nil;
// If we're diagnostic an issue with 'nil', produce a specific diagnostic,
// instead of uttering ExpressibleByNilLiteral.
if (isa<NilLiteralExpr>(expr->getValueProvidingExpr())) {
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), nilDiag, contextualType);
if (nilFollowup)
return true;
// If we don't have a type for the expression, then we cannot use it in
// conversion constraint diagnostic generation. If the types match, then it
// must not be the contextual type that is the problem.
if (isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(exprType) ||
exprType->isEqual(contextualType)) {
return false;
// If we're trying to convert something of type "() -> T" to T, then we
// probably meant to call the value.
if (auto srcFT = exprType->getAs<AnyFunctionType>()) {
if (srcFT->getInput()->isVoid() &&
!isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(srcFT->getResult()) &&
CS->TC.isConvertibleTo(srcFT->getResult(), contextualType, CS->DC)) {
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::missing_nullary_call, srcFT->getResult())
.fixItInsertAfter(expr->getEndLoc(), "()");
return true;
// If this is a conversion from T to () in a call argument context, it is
// almost certainly an extra argument being passed in.
if (CS->getContextualTypePurpose() == CTP_CallArgument &&
contextualType->isVoid()) {
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::extra_argument_to_nullary_call)
return true;
// If we're trying to convert something to Bool, check to see if it is for
// a known reason.
if (contextualType->isBool() && diagnoseConversionToBool(expr, exprType))
return true;
exprType = exprType->getRValueType();
// Special case of some common conversions involving Swift.String
// indexes, catching cases where people attempt to index them with an integer.
if (isIntegerToStringIndexConversion(exprType, contextualType, CS)) {
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::string_index_not_integer,
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::string_index_not_integer_note);
return true;
// When converting from T to [T] or UnsafePointer<T>, we can offer fixit to wrap
// the expr with brackets.
auto *genericType = contextualType->getAs<BoundGenericType>();
if (genericType) {
auto *contextDecl = genericType->getDecl();
if (contextDecl == CS->TC.Context.getArrayDecl()) {
for (Type arg : genericType->getGenericArgs()) {
if (arg->isEqual(exprType)) {
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diagID, exprType, contextualType).
fixItInsert(expr->getStartLoc(), "[").fixItInsert(
expr->getEndLoc()), "]");
return true;
} else if (contextDecl == CS->TC.Context.getUnsafePointerDecl() ||
contextDecl == CS->TC.Context.getUnsafeMutablePointerDecl() ||
contextDecl == CS->TC.Context.getUnsafeRawPointerDecl() ||
contextDecl == CS->TC.Context.getUnsafeMutableRawPointerDecl()) {
for (Type arg : genericType->getGenericArgs()) {
if (arg->isEqual(exprType) && expr->getType()->isLValueType()) {
diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diagID, exprType, contextualType).
fixItInsert(expr->getStartLoc(), "&");
return true;
// Try for better/more specific diagnostics for non-escaping to @escaping
if (tryDiagnoseNonEscapingParameterToEscaping(expr, exprType, contextualType,
return true;
// Don't attempt fixits if we have an unsolved type variable, since
// the recovery path's recursion into the type checker via typeCheckCast()
// will confuse matters.
if (exprType->hasTypeVariable())
return false;
// When complaining about conversion to a protocol type, complain about
// conformance instead of "conversion".
if (contextualType->is<ProtocolType>() ||
diagID = diagIDProtocol;
// Try to simplify irrelevant details of function types. For example, if
// someone passes a "() -> Float" function to a "() throws -> Int"
// parameter, then uttering the "throws" may confuse them into thinking that
// that is the problem, even though there is a clear subtype relation.
if (auto srcFT = exprType->getAs<FunctionType>())
if (auto destFT = contextualType->getAs<FunctionType>()) {
auto destExtInfo = destFT->getExtInfo();
if (!srcFT->isNoEscape()) destExtInfo = destExtInfo.withNoEscape(false);
if (!srcFT->throws()) destExtInfo = destExtInfo.withThrows(false);
if (destExtInfo != destFT->getExtInfo())
contextualType = FunctionType::get(destFT->getInput(),
destFT->getResult(), destExtInfo);
// If this is a function conversion that discards throwability or
// noescape, emit a specific diagnostic about that.
if (srcFT->throws() && !destFT->throws())
diagID = diag::throws_functiontype_mismatch;
else if (srcFT->isNoEscape() && !destFT->isNoEscape())
diagID = diag::noescape_functiontype_mismatch;
InFlightDiagnostic diag = diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diagID,
exprType, contextualType);
// Attempt to add a fixit for the error.
switch (CS->getContextualTypePurpose()) {
case CTP_CallArgument:
case CTP_ArrayElement:
case CTP_DictionaryKey:
case CTP_DictionaryValue:
case CTP_AssignSource:
case CTP_Initialization:
case CTP_ReturnStmt:
tryRawRepresentableFixIts(diag, CS, exprType, contextualType,
expr) ||
tryRawRepresentableFixIts(diag, CS, exprType, contextualType,
expr) ||
tryRawRepresentableFixIts(diag, CS, exprType, contextualType,
expr) ||
tryIntegerCastFixIts(diag, CS, exprType, contextualType, expr) ||
addTypeCoerceFixit(diag, CS, exprType, contextualType, expr);
// FIXME: Other contextual conversions too?
return true;
/// When an assignment to an expression is detected and the destination is
/// invalid, emit a detailed error about the condition.
void ConstraintSystem::diagnoseAssignmentFailure(Expr *dest, Type destTy,
SourceLoc equalLoc) {
auto &TC = getTypeChecker();
// Diagnose obvious assignments to literals.
if (isa<LiteralExpr>(dest->getValueProvidingExpr())) {
TC.diagnose(equalLoc, diag::cannot_assign_to_literal);
Diag<StringRef> diagID;
if (isa<DeclRefExpr>(dest))
diagID = diag::assignment_lhs_is_immutable_variable;
else if (isa<ForceValueExpr>(dest))
diagID = diag::assignment_bang_has_immutable_subcomponent;
else if (isa<UnresolvedDotExpr>(dest) || isa<MemberRefExpr>(dest))
diagID = diag::assignment_lhs_is_immutable_property;
else if (isa<SubscriptExpr>(dest))
diagID = diag::assignment_subscript_has_immutable_base;
else {
diagID = diag::assignment_lhs_is_immutable_variable;
diagnoseSubElementFailure(dest, equalLoc, *this, diagID,
// Diagnose assigning variable to itself.
static Decl *findSimpleReferencedDecl(const Expr *E) {
if (auto *LE = dyn_cast<LoadExpr>(E))
E = LE->getSubExpr();
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(E))
return DRE->getDecl();
return nullptr;
static std::pair<Decl *, Decl *> findReferencedDecl(const Expr *E) {
E = E->getValueProvidingExpr();
if (auto *LE = dyn_cast<LoadExpr>(E))
return findReferencedDecl(LE->getSubExpr());
if (auto *AE = dyn_cast<AssignExpr>(E))
return findReferencedDecl(AE->getDest());
if (auto *D = findSimpleReferencedDecl(E))
return std::make_pair(nullptr, D);
if (auto *MRE = dyn_cast<MemberRefExpr>(E)) {
if (auto *BaseDecl = findSimpleReferencedDecl(MRE->getBase()))
return std::make_pair(BaseDecl, MRE->getMember().getDecl());
return std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);
bool TypeChecker::diagnoseSelfAssignment(const Expr *E) {
auto AE = dyn_cast<AssignExpr>(E);
if (!AE)
return false;
auto LHSDecl = findReferencedDecl(AE->getDest());
auto RHSDecl = findReferencedDecl(AE->getSrc());
if (LHSDecl.second && LHSDecl == RHSDecl) {
diagnose(AE->getLoc(), LHSDecl.first ? diag::self_assignment_prop
: diag::self_assignment_var)
return true;
return false;
static bool isSymmetricBinaryOperator(const CalleeCandidateInfo &CCI) {
// If we don't have at least one known candidate, don't trigger.
if (CCI.candidates.empty()) return false;
for (auto &candidate : CCI.candidates) {
// Each candidate must be a non-assignment operator function.
auto decl = dyn_cast_or_null<FuncDecl>(candidate.getDecl());
if (!decl) return false;
auto op = dyn_cast_or_null<InfixOperatorDecl>(decl->getOperatorDecl());
if (!op || !op->getPrecedenceGroup() ||
return false;
// It must have exactly two parameters.
auto params = decl->getParameterLists().back();
if (params->size() != 2) return false;
// Require the types to be the same.
if (!params->get(0)->getInterfaceType()->isEqual(
return false;
return true;
/// Determine whether any of the given callee candidates have a default value.
static bool candidatesHaveAnyDefaultValues(
const CalleeCandidateInfo &candidates) {
for (const auto &cand : candidates.candidates) {
auto function = dyn_cast_or_null<AbstractFunctionDecl>(cand.getDecl());
if (!function) continue;
auto paramLists = function->getParameterLists();
if (cand.level >= paramLists.size()) continue;
auto paramList = paramLists[cand.level];
for (auto param : *paramList) {
if (param->getDefaultArgumentKind() != DefaultArgumentKind::None)
return true;
return false;
/// Find the tuple element that can be initialized by a scalar.
static Optional<unsigned> getElementForScalarInitOfArg(
const TupleType *tupleTy,
const CalleeCandidateInfo &candidates) {
// Empty tuples cannot be initialized with a scalar.
if (tupleTy->getNumElements() == 0) return None;
auto getElementForScalarInitSimple =
[](const TupleType *tupleTy) -> Optional<unsigned> {
int index = tupleTy->getElementForScalarInit();
if (index < 0) return None;
return index;
// If there aren't any candidates, we're done.
if (candidates.empty()) return getElementForScalarInitSimple(tupleTy);
// Dig out the candidate.
const auto &cand = candidates[0];
auto function = dyn_cast_or_null<AbstractFunctionDecl>(cand.getDecl());
if (!function) return getElementForScalarInitSimple(tupleTy);
auto paramLists = function->getParameterLists();
if (cand.level >= paramLists.size())
return getElementForScalarInitSimple(tupleTy);
auto paramList = paramLists[cand.level];
if (tupleTy->getNumElements() != paramList->size())
return getElementForScalarInitSimple(tupleTy);
// Find a tuple element without a default.
Optional<unsigned> elementWithoutDefault;
for (unsigned i : range(tupleTy->getNumElements())) {
auto param = paramList->get(i);
// Skip parameters with default arguments.
if (param->getDefaultArgumentKind() != DefaultArgumentKind::None)
// If we already have an element without a default, check whether there are
// two fields that need initialization.
if (elementWithoutDefault) {
// Variadic fields are okay; they'll just end up being empty.
if (param->isVariadic()) continue;
// If the element we saw before was variadic, it can be empty as well.
auto priorParam = paramList->get(*elementWithoutDefault);
if (!priorParam->isVariadic()) return None;
elementWithoutDefault = i;
if (elementWithoutDefault) return elementWithoutDefault;
// All of the fields have default values; initialize the first one.
return 0;
/// Return true if the argument of a CallExpr (or related node) has a trailing
/// closure.
static bool callArgHasTrailingClosure(Expr *E) {
if (!E) return false;
if (auto *PE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(E))
return PE->hasTrailingClosure();
else if (auto *TE = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(E))
return TE->hasTrailingClosure();
return false;
/// Special magic to handle inout exprs and tuples in argument lists.
Expr *FailureDiagnosis::
typeCheckArgumentChildIndependently(Expr *argExpr, Type argType,
const CalleeCandidateInfo &candidates,
TCCOptions options) {
// Grab one of the candidates (if present) and get its input list to help
// identify operators that have implicit inout arguments.
Type exampleInputType;
if (!candidates.empty()) {
exampleInputType = candidates[0].getArgumentType();
// If we found a single candidate, and have no contextually known argument
// type information, use that one candidate as the type information for
// subexpr checking.
// TODO: If all candidates have the same type for some argument, we could
// pass down partial information.
if (candidates.size() == 1 && !argType)
argType = candidates[0].getArgumentType();
// If our candidates are instance members at curry level #0, then the argument
// being provided is the receiver type for the instance. We produce better
// diagnostics when we don't force the self type down.
if (argType && !candidates.empty())
if (auto decl = candidates[0].getDecl())
if (decl->isInstanceMember() && candidates[0].level == 0 &&
argType = Type();
// Similarly, we get better results when we don't push argument types down
// to symmetric operators.
if (argType && isSymmetricBinaryOperator(candidates))
argType = Type();
// FIXME: This should all just be a matter of getting the type of the
// sub-expression, but this doesn't work well when typeCheckChildIndependently
// is over-conservative w.r.t. TupleExprs.
auto *TE = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(argExpr);
if (!TE) {
// If the argument isn't a tuple, it is some scalar value for a
// single-argument call.
if (exampleInputType && exampleInputType->is<InOutType>())
options |= TCC_AllowLValue;
// If the argtype is a tuple type with default arguments, or a labeled tuple
// with a single element, pull the scalar element type for the subexpression
// out. If we can't do that and the tuple has default arguments, we have to
// punt on passing down the type information, since type checking the
// subexpression won't be able to find the default argument provider.
if (argType) {
if (auto argTT = argType->getAs<TupleType>()) {
if (auto scalarElt = getElementForScalarInitOfArg(argTT, candidates)) {
// If we found the single argument being initialized, use it.
auto &arg = argTT->getElement(*scalarElt);
// If the argument being specified is actually varargs, then we're
// just specifying one element of a variadic list. Use the type of
// the individual varargs argument, not the overall array type.
if (arg.isVararg())
argType = arg.getVarargBaseTy();
argType = arg.getType();
} else if (candidatesHaveAnyDefaultValues(candidates)) {
argType = Type();
} else if (candidatesHaveAnyDefaultValues(candidates)) {
argType = Type();
auto CTPurpose = argType ? CTP_CallArgument : CTP_Unused;
return typeCheckChildIndependently(argExpr, argType, CTPurpose, options);
// If we know the requested argType to use, use computeTupleShuffle to produce
// the shuffle of input arguments to destination values. It requires a
// TupleType to compute the mapping from argExpr. Conveniently, it doesn't
// care about the actual types though, so we can just use 'void' for them.
// FIXME: This doesn't need to be limited to tuple types.
if (argType && argType->is<TupleType>()) {
// Decompose the parameter type, including information about default
// arguments.
SmallVector<CallArgParam, 4> params =
candidates.empty() ? nullptr : candidates[0].getDecl(),
candidates.empty() ? 0 : candidates[0].level);
// Form a set of call arguments, using a dummy type (Void), because the
// argument/parameter matching code doesn't need it.
auto voidTy = CS->getASTContext().TheEmptyTupleType;
SmallVector<CallArgParam, 4> args;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = TE->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
CallArgParam arg;
arg.Ty = voidTy;
arg.Label = TE->getElementName(i);
/// Use a match call argument listener that allows relabeling.
struct RelabelMatchCallArgumentListener : MatchCallArgumentListener {
bool relabelArguments(ArrayRef<Identifier> newNames) override {
return false;
} listener;
SmallVector<ParamBinding, 4> paramBindings;
if (!matchCallArguments(args, params, callArgHasTrailingClosure(argExpr),
listener, paramBindings)) {
SmallVector<Expr*, 4> resultElts(TE->getNumElements(), nullptr);
SmallVector<TupleTypeElt, 4> resultEltTys(TE->getNumElements(), voidTy);
// Perform analysis of the input elements.
for (unsigned paramIdx : range(paramBindings.size())) {
// Extract the parameter.
const auto &param = params[paramIdx];
// Determine the parameter type.
auto currentParamType = param.Ty;
if (currentParamType->is<InOutType>())
options |= TCC_AllowLValue;
// Look at each of the arguments assigned to this parameter.
for (auto inArgNo : paramBindings[paramIdx]) {
// Determine the argument type.
auto currentArgType = TE->getElement(inArgNo);
auto exprResult =
typeCheckChildIndependently(currentArgType, currentParamType,
CTP_CallArgument, options);
// If there was an error type checking this argument, then we're done.
if (!exprResult)
return nullptr;
// If the caller expected something inout, but we didn't have
// something of inout type, diagnose it.
if (auto IOE =
dyn_cast<InOutExpr>(exprResult->getSemanticsProvidingExpr())) {
if (!currentParamType->is<InOutType>()) {
diagnose(exprResult->getLoc(), diag::extra_address_of,
return nullptr;
resultElts[inArgNo] = exprResult;
resultEltTys[inArgNo] = {
auto TT = TupleType::get(resultEltTys, CS->getASTContext());
return TupleExpr::create(CS->getASTContext(), TE->getLParenLoc(),
resultElts, TE->getElementNames(),
TE->getRParenLoc(), TE->hasTrailingClosure(),
TE->isImplicit(), TT);
// Get the simplified type of each element and rebuild the aggregate.
SmallVector<TupleTypeElt, 4> resultEltTys;
SmallVector<Expr*, 4> resultElts;
TupleType *exampleInputTuple = nullptr;
if (exampleInputType)
exampleInputTuple = exampleInputType->getAs<TupleType>();
for (unsigned i = 0, e = TE->getNumElements(); i != e; i++) {
if (exampleInputTuple && i < exampleInputTuple->getNumElements() &&
options |= TCC_AllowLValue;
auto elExpr = typeCheckChildIndependently(TE->getElement(i), options);
if (!elExpr) return nullptr; // already diagnosed.
resultEltTys.push_back({elExpr->getType(), TE->getElementName(i)});
auto TT = TupleType::get(resultEltTys, CS->getASTContext());
return TupleExpr::create(CS->getASTContext(), TE->getLParenLoc(),
resultElts, TE->getElementNames(),
TE->getRParenLoc(), TE->hasTrailingClosure(),
TE->isImplicit(), TT);
static bool diagnoseImplicitSelfErrors(Expr *fnExpr, Expr *argExpr,
CalleeCandidateInfo &CCI,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels,
ConstraintSystem *CS) {
// If candidate list is empty it means that problem is somewhere else,
// since we need to have candidates which might be shadowing other funcs.
if (CCI.empty() || !CCI[0].getDecl())
return false;
auto &TC = CS->TC;
// Call expression is formed as '' where 'foo' might be an
// implicit "Self" reference, such use wouldn't provide good diagnostics
// for situations where instance members have equal names to functions in
// Swift Standard Library e.g. min/max.
auto UDE = dyn_cast<UnresolvedDotExpr>(fnExpr);
if (!UDE)
return false;
auto baseExpr = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(UDE->getBase());
if (!baseExpr)
return false;
auto baseDecl = baseExpr->getDecl();
if (!baseExpr->isImplicit() || baseDecl->getName() != TC.Context.Id_self)
return false;
// Our base expression is an implicit 'self.' reference e.g.
// extension Sequence {
// func test() -> Int {
// return max(1, 2)
// }
// }
// In this example the Sequence class already has two methods named 'max'
// none of which accept two arguments, but there is a function in
// Swift Standard Library called 'max' which does accept two arguments,
// so user might have called that by mistake without realizing that
// compiler would add implicit 'self.' prefix to the call of 'max'.
ExprCleaner cleanup(argExpr);
auto argType = argExpr->getType();
// If argument wasn't properly type-checked, let's retry without changing AST.
if (!argType || argType->hasUnresolvedType() || argType->hasTypeVariable() ||
argType->hasTypeParameter()) {
// Let's type check argument expression without any contextual information.
ConcreteDeclRef ref = nullptr;
auto typeResult = TC.getTypeOfExpressionWithoutApplying(argExpr, CS->DC,
if (!typeResult.hasValue())
return false;
argType = typeResult.getValue();
auto typeKind = argType->getKind();
if (typeKind != TypeKind::Tuple && typeKind != TypeKind::Paren)
return false;
// If argument type couldn't be properly resolved or has errors,
// we can't diagnose anything in here, it points to the different problem.
if (isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(argType) || argType->hasError())
return false;
auto context = CS->DC;
using CandidateMap =
llvm::SmallDenseMap<ValueDecl *, llvm::SmallVector<OverloadChoice, 2>>;
auto getBaseKind = [](ValueDecl *base) -> DescriptiveDeclKind {
DescriptiveDeclKind kind = DescriptiveDeclKind::Module;
if (!base)
return kind;
auto context = base->getDeclContext();
do {
if (isa<ExtensionDecl>(context))
return DescriptiveDeclKind::Extension;
if (auto nominal = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(context)) {
kind = nominal->getDescriptiveKind();
context = context->getParent();
} while (context);
return kind;
auto getBaseName = [](DeclContext *context) -> DeclName {
if (auto generic =
context->getAsNominalTypeOrNominalTypeExtensionContext()) {
return generic->getName();
} else if (context->isModuleScopeContext())
return context->getParentModule()->getName();
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported base");
auto diagnoseShadowing = [&](ValueDecl *base,
ArrayRef<OverloadChoice> candidates) -> bool {
CalleeCandidateInfo calleeInfo(base ? base->getInterfaceType() : nullptr,
candidates, CCI.hasTrailingClosure, CS,
calleeInfo.filterList(argType, argLabels);
if (calleeInfo.closeness != CC_ExactMatch)
return false;
auto choice = calleeInfo.candidates[0].getDecl();
auto baseKind = getBaseKind(base);
auto baseName = getBaseName(choice->getDeclContext());
auto origCandidate = CCI[0].getDecl();
TC.diagnose(UDE->getLoc(), diag::member_shadows_global_function,
UDE->getName(), origCandidate->getDescriptiveKind(),
origCandidate->getFullName(), choice->getDescriptiveKind(),
choice->getFullName(), baseKind, baseName);
auto topLevelDiag = diag::fix_unqualified_access_top_level;
if (baseKind == DescriptiveDeclKind::Module)
topLevelDiag = diag::fix_unqualified_access_top_level_multi;
auto name = baseName.getBaseName();
SmallString<32> namePlusDot = name.str();
TC.diagnose(UDE->getLoc(), topLevelDiag, namePlusDot,
choice->getDescriptiveKind(), name)
.fixItInsert(UDE->getStartLoc(), namePlusDot);
for (auto &candidate : calleeInfo.candidates) {
if (auto decl = candidate.getDecl())
TC.diagnose(decl, diag::decl_declared_here, decl->getFullName());
return true;
// For each of the parent contexts, let's try to find any candidates
// which have the same name and the same number of arguments as callee.
while (context->getParent()) {
auto result = TC.lookupUnqualified(context, UDE->getName(), UDE->getLoc());
context = context->getParent();
if (!result || result.empty())
CandidateMap candidates;
for (const auto &candidate : result) {
auto base = candidate.Base;
if ((base && base->isInvalid()) || candidate->isInvalid())
// If base is present but it doesn't represent a valid nominal,
// we can't use current candidate as one of the choices.
if (base && !base->getInterfaceType()->getNominalOrBoundGenericNominal())
auto context = candidate->getDeclContext();
// We are only interested in static or global functions, because
// there is no way to call anything else properly.
if (!candidate->isStatic() && !context->isModuleScopeContext())
OverloadChoice choice(base ? base->getInterfaceType() : nullptr,
candidate, false, UDE->getFunctionRefKind());
if (base) { // Let's group all of the candidates have a common base.
// If there is no base, it means this is one of the global functions,
// let's try to diagnose its shadowing inline.
if (diagnoseShadowing(base, choice))
return true;
if (candidates.empty())
for (const auto &candidate : candidates) {
if (diagnoseShadowing(candidate.getFirst(), candidate.getSecond()))
return true;
return false;
/// Emit a class of diagnostics that we only know how to generate when there is
/// exactly one candidate we know about. Return true if an error is emitted.
static bool diagnoseSingleCandidateFailures(CalleeCandidateInfo &CCI,
Expr *fnExpr, Expr *argExpr,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels) {
// We only handle the situation where there is exactly one candidate here.
if (CCI.size() != 1)
return false;
auto candidate = CCI[0];
auto &TC = CCI.CS->TC;
auto argTy = candidate.getArgumentType();
if (!argTy) return false;
auto params = decomposeParamType(argTy, candidate.getDecl(), candidate.level);
auto args = decomposeArgType(argExpr->getType(), argLabels);
// It is a somewhat common error to try to access an instance method as a
// curried member on the type, instead of using an instance, e.g. the user
// wrote:
// Foo.doThing(42, b: 19)
// instead of:
// myFoo.doThing(42, b: 19)
// Check for this situation and handle it gracefully.
if (params.size() == 1 && candidate.getDecl() &&
candidate.getDecl()->isInstanceMember() &&
candidate.level == 0) {
if (auto UDE = dyn_cast<UnresolvedDotExpr>(fnExpr))
if (isa<TypeExpr>(UDE->getBase())) {
auto baseType = candidate.getArgumentType();
auto DC = CCI.CS->DC;
// If the base is an implicit self type reference, and we're in a
// an initializer, then the user wrote something like:
// class Foo { let val = initFn() }
// or
// class Bar { func something(x: Int = initFn()) }
// which runs in type context, not instance context. Produce a tailored
// diagnostic since this comes up and is otherwise non-obvious what is
// going on.
if (UDE->getBase()->isImplicit() && isa<Initializer>(DC)) {
auto *TypeDC = DC->getParent();
bool propertyInitializer = true;
// If the parent context is not a type context, we expect it
// to be a defaulted parameter in a function declaration.
if (!TypeDC->isTypeContext()) {
assert(TypeDC->getContextKind() ==
DeclContextKind::AbstractFunctionDecl &&
"Expected function decl context for initializer!");
TypeDC = TypeDC->getParent();
propertyInitializer = false;
assert(TypeDC->isTypeContext() && "Expected type decl context!");
if (TypeDC->getDeclaredTypeOfContext()->isEqual(baseType)) {
if (propertyInitializer)
TC.diagnose(UDE->getLoc(), diag::instance_member_in_initializer,
return true;
// Otherwise, complain about use of instance value on type.
TC.diagnose(UDE->getLoc(), diag::instance_member_use_on_type,
baseType, UDE->getName())
return true;
// Check the case where a raw-representable type is constructed from an
// argument with the same type:
// MyEnumType(
// This is missing 'rawValue:' label, but a better fix is to just remove the
// unnecessary constructor call:
if (params.size() == 1 && args.size() == 1 &&
candidate.getDecl() && isa<ConstructorDecl>(candidate.getDecl()) &&
candidate.level == 1) {
CallArgParam &arg = args[0];
auto resTy = candidate.getResultType()->lookThroughAllAnyOptionalTypes();
auto rawTy = isRawRepresentable(resTy, CCI.CS);
if (rawTy && arg.Ty && resTy->isEqual(arg.Ty)) {
auto getInnerExpr = [](Expr *E) -> Expr* {
ParenExpr *parenE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(E);
if (!parenE)
return nullptr;
return parenE->getSubExpr();
Expr *innerE = getInnerExpr(argExpr);
InFlightDiagnostic diag = TC.diagnose(fnExpr->getLoc(),
diag::invalid_initialization_parameter_same_type, resTy);
diag.highlight((innerE ? innerE : argExpr)->getSourceRange());
if (innerE) {
// Remove the unnecessary constructor call.
diag.fixItRemoveChars(fnExpr->getLoc(), innerE->getStartLoc())
return true;
// We only handle structural errors here.
if (CCI.closeness != CC_ArgumentLabelMismatch &&
CCI.closeness != CC_ArgumentCountMismatch)
return false;
// If we have a single candidate that failed to match the argument list,
// attempt to use matchCallArguments to diagnose the problem.
class ArgumentDiagnostic : public MatchCallArgumentListener {
TypeChecker &TC;
Expr *FnExpr;
Expr *ArgExpr;
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<CallArgParam> &Parameters;
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<CallArgParam> &Arguments;
CalleeCandidateInfo CandidateInfo;
// Indicates if problem has been found and diagnostic was emitted.
bool Diagnosed = false;
// Indicates if functions we are trying to call is a subscript.
bool IsSubscript;
// Stores parameter bindings determined by call to matchCallArguments.
SmallVector<ParamBinding, 4> Bindings;
ArgumentDiagnostic(Expr *fnExpr,
Expr *argExpr,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<CallArgParam> &params,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<CallArgParam> &args,
CalleeCandidateInfo &CCI, bool isSubscript)
: TC(CCI.CS->TC), FnExpr(fnExpr), ArgExpr(argExpr),
Parameters(params), Arguments(args),
CandidateInfo(CCI), IsSubscript(isSubscript) {}
void extraArgument(unsigned extraArgIdx) override {
auto name = Arguments[extraArgIdx].Label;
Expr *arg = ArgExpr;
auto tuple = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(ArgExpr);
if (tuple)
arg = tuple->getElement(extraArgIdx);
auto loc = arg->getLoc();
if (tuple && extraArgIdx == tuple->getNumElements() - 1 &&
TC.diagnose(loc, diag::extra_trailing_closure_in_call)
else if (Parameters.empty())
TC.diagnose(loc, diag::extra_argument_to_nullary_call)
else if (name.empty())
TC.diagnose(loc, diag::extra_argument_positional)
TC.diagnose(loc, diag::extra_argument_named, name)
Diagnosed = true;
void missingArgument(unsigned missingParamIdx) override {
auto &param = Parameters[missingParamIdx];
Identifier name = param.Label;
// Search insertion index.
unsigned argIdx = 0;
for (int Idx = missingParamIdx - 1; Idx >= 0; --Idx) {
if (Bindings[Idx].empty()) continue;
argIdx = Bindings[Idx].back() + 1;
unsigned insertableEndIdx = Arguments.size();
if (CandidateInfo.hasTrailingClosure)
insertableEndIdx -= 1;
// Build argument string for fix-it.
SmallString<32> insertBuf;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream insertText(insertBuf);
if (argIdx != 0)
insertText << ", ";
if (!name.empty())
insertText << name.str() << ": ";
Type Ty = param.Ty;
// Explode inout type.
if (auto IOT = param.Ty->getAs<InOutType>()) {
insertText << "&";
Ty = IOT->getObjectType();
// @autoclosure; the type should be the result type.
if (auto FT = param.Ty->getAs<AnyFunctionType>())
if (FT->isAutoClosure())
Ty = FT->getResult();
insertText << "<#" << Ty << "#>";
if (argIdx == 0 && insertableEndIdx != 0)
insertText << ", ";
SourceLoc insertLoc;
if (argIdx > insertableEndIdx) {
// Unreachable for now.
// FIXME: matchCallArguments() doesn't detect "missing argument after
// trailing closure". E.g.
// func fn(x: Int, y: () -> Int, z: Int) { ... }
// fn(x: 1) { return 1 }
// is diagnosed as "missing argument for 'y'" (missingParamIdx 1).
// It should be "missing argument for 'z'" (missingParamIdx 2).
} else if (auto *TE = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(ArgExpr)) {
// fn():
// fn([argMissing])
// fn(argX, argY):
// fn([argMissing, ]argX, argY)
// fn(argX[, argMissing], argY)
// fn(argX, argY[, argMissing])
// fn(argX) { closure }:
// fn([argMissing, ]argX) { closure }
// fn(argX[, argMissing]) { closure }
// fn(argX[, closureLabel: ]{closure}[, argMissing)] // Not impl.
if (insertableEndIdx == 0)
insertLoc = TE->getRParenLoc();
else if (argIdx != 0)
insertLoc = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(
TC.Context.SourceMgr, TE->getElement(argIdx - 1)->getEndLoc());
else {
insertLoc = TE->getElementNameLoc(0);
if (insertLoc.isInvalid())
insertLoc = TE->getElement(0)->getStartLoc();
} else if (auto *PE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(ArgExpr)) {
assert(argIdx <= 1);
if (PE->getRParenLoc().isValid()) {
// fn(argX):
// fn([argMissing, ]argX)
// fn(argX[, argMissing])
// fn() { closure }:
// fn([argMissing]) {closure}
// fn([closureLabel: ]{closure}[, argMissing]) // Not impl.
if (insertableEndIdx == 0)
insertLoc = PE->getRParenLoc();
else if (argIdx == 0)
insertLoc = PE->getSubExpr()->getStartLoc();
insertLoc = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(
TC.Context.SourceMgr, PE->getSubExpr()->getEndLoc());
} else {
// fn { closure }:
// fn[(argMissing)] { closure }
// fn[(closureLabel:] { closure }[, missingArg)] // Not impl.
assert(!IsSubscript && "bracket less subscript");
assert(PE->hasTrailingClosure() &&
"paren less ParenExpr without trailing closure");
insertBuf.insert(insertBuf.begin(), '(');
insertBuf.insert(insertBuf.end(), ')');
insertLoc = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(
TC.Context.SourceMgr, FnExpr->getEndLoc());
} else {
// FIXME: Due to a quirk of CSApply, we can end up without a
// ParenExpr if the argument has an '@lvalue TupleType'.
assert((isa<TupleType>(ArgExpr->getType().getPointer()) ||
isa<ParenType>(ArgExpr->getType().getPointer())) &&
"unexpected argument expression type");
insertLoc = ArgExpr->getLoc();
// Can't be TupleShuffleExpr because this argExpr is not yet resolved.
assert(insertLoc.isValid() && "missing argument after trailing closure?");
if (name.empty())
TC.diagnose(insertLoc, diag::missing_argument_positional,
missingParamIdx + 1)
.fixItInsert(insertLoc, insertText.str());
TC.diagnose(insertLoc, diag::missing_argument_named, name)
.fixItInsert(insertLoc, insertText.str());
auto candidate = CandidateInfo[0];
if (candidate.getDecl())
TC.diagnose(candidate.getDecl(), diag::decl_declared_here,
Diagnosed = true;
void missingLabel(unsigned paramIdx) override {
auto tuple = cast<TupleExpr>(ArgExpr);
diag::missing_argument_labels, false,
Parameters[paramIdx].Label.str(), IsSubscript);
Diagnosed = true;
void outOfOrderArgument(unsigned argIdx, unsigned prevArgIdx) override {
auto tuple = cast<TupleExpr>(ArgExpr);
Identifier first = tuple->getElementName(argIdx);
Identifier second = tuple->getElementName(prevArgIdx);
// Build a mapping from arguments to parameters.
SmallVector<unsigned, 4> argBindings(tuple->getNumElements());
for (unsigned paramIdx = 0; paramIdx != Bindings.size(); ++paramIdx) {
for (auto argIdx : Bindings[paramIdx])
argBindings[argIdx] = paramIdx;
auto argRange = [&](unsigned argIdx, Identifier label) -> SourceRange {
auto range = tuple->getElement(argIdx)->getSourceRange();
if (!label.empty())
range.Start = tuple->getElementNameLoc(argIdx);
unsigned paramIdx = argBindings[argIdx];
if (Bindings[paramIdx].size() > 1)
range.End = tuple->getElement(Bindings[paramIdx].back())->getEndLoc();
return range;
auto firstRange = argRange(argIdx, first);
auto secondRange = argRange(prevArgIdx, second);
SourceLoc diagLoc = firstRange.Start;
if (first.empty() && second.empty()) {
TC.diagnose(diagLoc, diag::argument_out_of_order_unnamed_unnamed,
argIdx + 1, prevArgIdx + 1)
.fixItExchange(firstRange, secondRange);
} else if (first.empty() && !second.empty()) {
TC.diagnose(diagLoc, diag::argument_out_of_order_unnamed_named,
argIdx + 1, second)
.fixItExchange(firstRange, secondRange);
} else if (!first.empty() && second.empty()) {
TC.diagnose(diagLoc, diag::argument_out_of_order_named_unnamed, first,
prevArgIdx + 1)
.fixItExchange(firstRange, secondRange);
} else {
TC.diagnose(diagLoc, diag::argument_out_of_order_named_named, first,
.fixItExchange(firstRange, secondRange);
Diagnosed = true;
bool relabelArguments(ArrayRef<Identifier> newNames) override {
assert (!newNames.empty() && "No arguments were re-labeled");
// Let's diagnose labeling problem but only related to corrected ones.
if (diagnoseArgumentLabelError(TC, ArgExpr, newNames, IsSubscript))
Diagnosed = true;
return true;
bool diagnose() {
// Use matchCallArguments to determine how close the argument list is (in
// shape) to the specified candidates parameters. This ignores the
// concrete types of the arguments, looking only at the argument labels.
matchCallArguments(Arguments, Parameters,
/*allowFixes:*/ true, *this, Bindings);
return Diagnosed;
return ArgumentDiagnostic(fnExpr, argExpr, params, args, CCI,
/// If the candidate set has been narrowed down to a specific structural
/// problem, e.g. that there are too few parameters specified or that argument
/// labels don't match up, diagnose that error and return true.
bool FailureDiagnosis::diagnoseParameterErrors(CalleeCandidateInfo &CCI,
Expr *fnExpr, Expr *argExpr,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels) {
if (auto *MTT = fnExpr->getType()->getAs<MetatypeType>()) {
auto instTy = MTT->getInstanceType();
if (instTy->getAnyNominal()) {
// If we are invoking a constructor on a nominal type and there are
// absolutely no candidates, then they must all be private.
if (CCI.size() == 0 || (CCI.size() == 1 && CCI.candidates[0].getDecl() &&
isa<ProtocolDecl>(CCI.candidates[0].getDecl()))) {
CS->TC.diagnose(fnExpr->getLoc(), diag::no_accessible_initializers,
return true;
// continue below
} else if (!instTy->is<TupleType>()) {
// If we are invoking a constructor on a non-nominal type, the expression
// is malformed.
SourceRange initExprRange(fnExpr->getSourceRange().Start,
CS->TC.diagnose(fnExpr->getLoc(), diag::non_nominal_no_initializers,
return true;
// Try to diagnose errors related to the use of implicit self reference.
if (diagnoseImplicitSelfErrors(fnExpr, argExpr, CCI, argLabels, CS))
return true;
// Do all the stuff that we only have implemented when there is a single
// candidate.
if (diagnoseSingleCandidateFailures(CCI, fnExpr, argExpr, argLabels))
return true;
// If we have a failure where the candidate set differs on exactly one
// argument, and where we have a consistent mismatch across the candidate set
// (often because there is only one candidate in the set), then diagnose this
// as a specific problem of passing something of the wrong type into a
// parameter.
// We don't generally want to use this path to diagnose calls to
// symmetrically-typed binary operators because it's likely that both
// operands contributed to the type.
if ((CCI.closeness == CC_OneArgumentMismatch ||
CCI.closeness == CC_OneArgumentNearMismatch ||
CCI.closeness == CC_OneGenericArgumentMismatch ||
CCI.closeness == CC_OneGenericArgumentNearMismatch ||
CCI.closeness == CC_GenericNonsubstitutableMismatch) &&
CCI.failedArgument.isValid() &&
!isSymmetricBinaryOperator(CCI)) {
// Map the argument number into an argument expression.
TCCOptions options = TCC_ForceRecheck;
if (CCI.failedArgument.parameterType->is<InOutType>())
options |= TCC_AllowLValue;
Expr *badArgExpr;
if (auto *TE = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(argExpr))
badArgExpr = TE->getElement(CCI.failedArgument.argumentNumber);
else if (auto *PE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(argExpr)) {
assert(CCI.failedArgument.argumentNumber == 0 &&
"Unexpected argument #");
badArgExpr = PE->getSubExpr();
} else {
assert(CCI.failedArgument.argumentNumber == 0 &&
"Unexpected argument #");
badArgExpr = argExpr;
// It could be that the argument doesn't conform to an archetype.
if (CCI.diagnoseGenericParameterErrors(badArgExpr))
return true;
// Re-type-check the argument with the expected type of the candidate set.
// This should produce a specific and tailored diagnostic saying that the
// type mismatches with expectations.
Type paramType = CCI.failedArgument.parameterType;
if (!typeCheckChildIndependently(badArgExpr, paramType,
CTP_CallArgument, options))
return true;
return false;
bool FailureDiagnosis::visitSubscriptExpr(SubscriptExpr *SE) {
auto baseExpr = typeCheckChildIndependently(SE->getBase());
if (!baseExpr) return true;
auto baseType = baseExpr->getType();
if (isa<NilLiteralExpr>(baseExpr)) {
diagnose(baseExpr->getLoc(), diag::cannot_subscript_nil_literal)
return true;
auto locator =
CS->getConstraintLocator(SE, ConstraintLocator::SubscriptMember);
auto subscriptName = CS->getASTContext().Id_subscript;
MemberLookupResult result =
CS->performMemberLookup(ConstraintKind::ValueMember, subscriptName,
baseType, FunctionRefKind::DoubleApply, locator,
switch (result.OverallResult) {
case MemberLookupResult::Unsolved:
return false;
case MemberLookupResult::ErrorAlreadyDiagnosed:
// If an error was already emitted, then we're done, don't emit anything
// redundant.
return true;
case MemberLookupResult::HasResults:
break; // Interesting case. :-)
// Don't noise up diagnostics with key path application candidates, since they
// appear on every type.
SmallVector<OverloadChoice, 4> viableCandidatesToReport;
for (auto candidate : result.ViableCandidates)
if (candidate.getKind() != OverloadChoiceKind::KeyPathApplication)
// If we have unviable candidates (e.g. because of access control or some
// other problem) we should diagnose the problem.
if (viableCandidatesToReport.empty()) {
diagnoseUnviableLookupResults(result, baseType, baseExpr, subscriptName,
DeclNameLoc(SE->getLoc()), SE->getLoc());
return true;
CalleeCandidateInfo calleeInfo(Type(), viableCandidatesToReport,
SE->hasTrailingClosure(), CS,
// We're about to typecheck the index list, which needs to be processed with
// self already applied.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = calleeInfo.size(); i != e; ++i)
auto indexExpr = typeCheckArgumentChildIndependently(SE->getIndex(),
Type(), calleeInfo);
if (!indexExpr) return true;
// Back to analyzing the candidate list with self applied.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = calleeInfo.size(); i != e; ++i)
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels = SE->getArgumentLabels();
if (diagnoseParameterErrors(calleeInfo, SE, indexExpr, argLabels))
return true;
auto indexType = indexExpr->getType();
auto decomposedBaseType = decomposeArgType(baseType, { Identifier() });
auto decomposedIndexType = decomposeArgType(indexType, argLabels);
calleeInfo.filterList([&](UncurriedCandidate cand) ->
// Classify how close this match is. Non-subscript decls don't match.
if (!dyn_cast_or_null<SubscriptDecl>(cand.getDecl()))
return { CC_GeneralMismatch, {}};
// Check whether the self type matches.
auto selfConstraint = CC_ExactMatch;
if (calleeInfo.evaluateCloseness(cand, decomposedBaseType)
.first != CC_ExactMatch)
selfConstraint = CC_SelfMismatch;
// Increase the uncurry level to look past the self argument to the indices.
// Explode out multi-index subscripts to find the best match.
auto indexResult =
calleeInfo.evaluateCloseness(cand, decomposedIndexType);
if (selfConstraint > indexResult.first)
return {selfConstraint, {}};
return indexResult;
// If the closest matches all mismatch on self, we either have something that
// cannot be subscripted, or an ambiguity.
if (calleeInfo.closeness == CC_SelfMismatch) {
diagnose(SE->getLoc(), diag::cannot_subscript_base, baseType)
// FIXME: Should suggest overload set, but we're not ready for that until
// it points to candidates and identifies the self type in the diagnostic.
return true;
// Any other failures relate to the index list.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = calleeInfo.size(); i != e; ++i)
// TODO: Is there any reason to check for CC_NonLValueInOut here?
if (calleeInfo.closeness == CC_ExactMatch) {
// Otherwise, whatever the result type of the call happened to be must not
// have been what we were looking for. Lets diagnose it as a conversion
// or ambiguity failure.
if (calleeInfo.size() == 1)
return false;
diagnose(SE->getLoc(), diag::ambiguous_subscript, baseType, indexType)
// FIXME: suggestPotentialOverloads should do this.
for (auto candidate : calleeInfo.candidates)
if (auto decl = candidate.getDecl())
diagnose(decl, diag::found_candidate);
diagnose(candidate.getExpr()->getLoc(), diag::found_candidate);
return true;
if (diagnoseParameterErrors(calleeInfo, SE, indexExpr, argLabels))
return true;
// Diagnose some simple and common errors.
if (calleeInfo.diagnoseSimpleErrors(SE))
return true;
diagnose(SE->getLoc(), diag::cannot_subscript_with_index,
baseType, indexType);
return true;
namespace {
/// Type checking listener for pattern binding initializers.
class CalleeListener : public ExprTypeCheckListener {
Type contextualType;
explicit CalleeListener(Type contextualType)
: contextualType(contextualType) { }
bool builtConstraints(ConstraintSystem &cs, Expr *expr) override {
// If we have no contextual type, there is nothing to do.
if (!contextualType) return false;
// If the expression is obviously something that produces a metatype,
// then don't put a constraint on it.
auto semExpr = expr->getValueProvidingExpr();
if (isa<TypeExpr>(semExpr))
return false;
// We're making the expr have a function type, whose result is the same
// as our contextual type.
auto inputLocator =
cs.getConstraintLocator(expr, ConstraintLocator::FunctionResult);
auto tv = cs.createTypeVariable(inputLocator,
// In order to make this work, we pick the most general function type and
// use a conversion constraint. This gives us:
// "$T0 throws -> contextualType"
// this allows things that are throws and not throws, and allows escape
// and noescape functions.
auto extInfo = FunctionType::ExtInfo().withThrows();
auto fTy = FunctionType::get(tv, contextualType, extInfo);
auto locator = cs.getConstraintLocator(expr);
// Add a conversion constraint between the types.
cs.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Conversion, expr->getType(),
fTy, locator, /*isFavored*/true);
return false;
} // end anonymous namespace
/// Return true if this function name is a comparison operator. This is a
/// simple heuristic used to guide comparison related diagnostics.
static bool isNameOfStandardComparisonOperator(StringRef opName) {
return opName == "==" || opName == "!=" ||
opName == "===" || opName == "!==" ||
opName == "<" || opName == ">" ||
opName == "<=" || opName == ">=";
bool FailureDiagnosis::diagnoseNilLiteralComparison(
Expr *lhsExpr, Expr *rhsExpr, CalleeCandidateInfo &calleeInfo,
SourceLoc applyLoc) {
auto overloadName = calleeInfo.declName;
// Only diagnose for comparison operators.
if (!isNameOfStandardComparisonOperator(overloadName))
return false;
Expr *otherExpr = lhsExpr;
Expr *nilExpr = rhsExpr;
// Swap if we picked the wrong side as the nil literal.
if (!isa<NilLiteralExpr>(nilExpr->getValueProvidingExpr()))
std::swap(otherExpr, nilExpr);
// Bail if neither side is a nil literal.
if (!isa<NilLiteralExpr>(nilExpr->getValueProvidingExpr()))
return false;
// Bail if both sides are a nil literal.
if (isa<NilLiteralExpr>(otherExpr->getValueProvidingExpr()))
return false;
auto otherType = otherExpr->getType()->getRValueType();
// Bail if we were unable to determine the other type.
if (isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(otherType))
return false;
// Regardless of whether the type has reference or value semantics,
// comparison with nil is illegal, albeit for different reasons spelled
// out by the diagnosis.
if (otherType->getAnyOptionalObjectType() &&
(overloadName == "!==" || overloadName == "===")) {
auto revisedName = overloadName;
// If we made it here, then we're trying to perform a comparison with
// reference semantics rather than value semantics. The fixit will
// lop off the extra '=' in the operator.
.fixItReplace(applyLoc, revisedName);
} else {
diagnose(applyLoc, diag::value_type_comparison_with_nil_illegal, otherType)
return true;
bool FailureDiagnosis::diagnoseMethodAttributeFailures(
swift::ApplyExpr *callExpr, ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels,
bool hasTrailingClosure, CalleeCandidateInfo &candidates) {
auto UDE = dyn_cast<UnresolvedDotExpr>(callExpr->getFn());
if (!UDE)
return false;
auto argExpr = callExpr->getArg();
auto argType = argExpr->getType();
// If type of the argument hasn't been established yet, we can't diagnose.
if (!argType || isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(argType))
return false;
// Let's filter our candidate list based on that type.
candidates.filterList(argType, argLabels);
if (candidates.closeness == CC_ExactMatch)
return false;
// And if filtering didn't give an exact match, such means that problem
// might be related to function attributes which is best diagnosed by
// unviable member candidates, if any.
auto base = UDE->getBase();
auto baseType = base->getType();
// This handles following situation:
// struct S {
// mutating func f(_ i: Int) {}
// func f(_ f: Float) {}
// }
// Given struct has an overloaded method "f" with a single argument of
// multiple different types, one of the overloads is marked as
// "mutating", which means it can only be applied on LValue base type.
// So when struct is used like this:
// let answer: Int = 42
// S().f(answer)
// Constraint system generator is going to pick `f(_ f: Float)` as
// only possible overload candidate because "base" of the call is immutable
// and contextual information about argument type is not available yet.
// Such leads to incorrect contextual conversion failure diagnostic because
// type of the argument is going to resolved as (Int) no matter what.
// To workaround that fact and improve diagnostic of such cases we are going
// to try and collect all unviable candidates for a given call and check if
// at least one of them matches established argument type before even trying
// to re-check argument expression.
auto results = CS->performMemberLookup(
ConstraintKind::ValueMember, UDE->getName(), baseType,
UDE->getFunctionRefKind(), CS->getConstraintLocator(UDE),
if (results.UnviableCandidates.empty())
return false;
SmallVector<OverloadChoice, 2> choices;
for (auto &unviable : results.UnviableCandidates)
choices.push_back(OverloadChoice(baseType, unviable.first,
CalleeCandidateInfo unviableCandidates(baseType, choices, hasTrailingClosure,
// Filter list of the unviable candidates based on the
// already established type of the argument expression.
unviableCandidates.filterList(argType, argLabels);
// If one of the unviable candidates matches arguments exactly,
// that means that actual problem is related to function attributes.
if (unviableCandidates.closeness == CC_ExactMatch) {
diagnoseUnviableLookupResults(results, baseType, base, UDE->getName(),
UDE->getNameLoc(), UDE->getLoc());
return true;
return false;
bool FailureDiagnosis::diagnoseArgumentGenericRequirements(
TypeChecker &TC, Expr *fnExpr, Expr *argExpr,
CalleeCandidateInfo &candidates, ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels) {
if (candidates.closeness != CC_ExactMatch || candidates.size() != 1)
return false;
auto DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(fnExpr);
if (!DRE)
return false;
auto AFD = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(DRE->getDecl());
if (!AFD || !AFD->isGeneric() || !AFD->hasInterfaceType())
return false;
auto env = AFD->getGenericEnvironment();
if (!env)
return false;
auto const &candidate = candidates.candidates[0];
auto params = decomposeParamType(candidate.getArgumentType(),
candidate.getDecl(), candidate.level);
auto args = decomposeArgType(argExpr->getType(), argLabels);
SmallVector<ParamBinding, 4> bindings;
MatchCallArgumentListener listener;
if (matchCallArguments(args, params, candidates.hasTrailingClosure,
/*allowFixes=*/false, listener, bindings))
return false;
TypeSubstitutionMap substitutions;
// First, let's collect all of the archetypes and their substitutions,
// that's going to help later on if there are cross-archetype
// requirements e.g. <A, B where A.Element == B.Element>.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = bindings.size(); i != e; ++i) {
auto param = params[i];
auto archetype = param.Ty->getAs<ArchetypeType>();
if (!archetype)
// Bindings specify the arguments that source the parameter. The only case
// this returns a non-singular value is when there are varargs in play.
for (auto argNo : bindings[i]) {
auto argType = args[argNo].Ty->getLValueOrInOutObjectType();
if (argType->is<ArchetypeType>()) {
diagnoseUnboundArchetype(archetype, fnExpr);
return true;
if (isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(argType) || argType->hasError())
return false;
// Record substitution from generic parameter to the argument type.
->castTo<SubstitutableType>()] = argType;
if (substitutions.empty())
return false;
class RequirementsListener : public GenericRequirementsCheckListener {
bool shouldCheck(RequirementKind kind, Type first, Type second) override {
// This means that we have encountered requirement which references
// generic parameter not used in the arguments, we can't diagnose it here.
return !(first->hasTypeParameter() || first->isTypeVariableOrMember());
auto dc = env->getOwningDeclContext();
RequirementsListener genericReqListener;
auto result = TC.checkGenericArguments(
dc, argExpr->getLoc(), AFD->getLoc(), AFD->getInterfaceType(),
env->getGenericSignature(), QueryTypeSubstitutionMap{substitutions},
LookUpConformanceInModule{dc->getParentModule()}, nullptr,
ConformanceCheckFlags::SuppressDependencyTracking, &genericReqListener);
return result != RequirementCheckResult::Success;
/// When initializing Unsafe[Mutable]Pointer<T> from Unsafe[Mutable]RawPointer,
/// issue a diagnostic that refers to the API for binding memory to a type.
static bool isCastToTypedPointer(ASTContext &Ctx, const Expr *Fn,
const Expr* Arg) {
auto *TypeExp = dyn_cast<TypeExpr>(Fn);
auto *ParenExp = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(Arg);
if (!TypeExp || !ParenExp)
return false;
auto InitType = TypeExp->getInstanceType();
auto ArgType = ParenExp->getSubExpr()->getType();
if (InitType.isNull() || ArgType.isNull())
return false;
// unwrap one level of Optional
if (auto ArgOptType = ArgType->getOptionalObjectType())
ArgType = ArgOptType;
auto *InitNom = InitType->getAnyNominal();
if (!InitNom)
return false;
if (InitNom != Ctx.getUnsafeMutablePointerDecl()
&& InitNom != Ctx.getUnsafePointerDecl()) {
return false;
auto *ArgNom = ArgType->getAnyNominal();
if (!ArgNom)
return false;
if (ArgNom != Ctx.getUnsafeMutableRawPointerDecl()
&& ArgNom != Ctx.getUnsafeRawPointerDecl()) {
return false;
return true;
bool FailureDiagnosis::visitApplyExpr(ApplyExpr *callExpr) {
// Type check the function subexpression to resolve a type for it if possible.
auto fnExpr = typeCheckChildIndependently(callExpr->getFn());
if (!fnExpr) return true;
if (!fnExpr) return;
// If it's a member operator reference, put the operator back.
if (auto operatorRef = fnExpr->getMemberOperatorRef())
auto getFuncType = [](Type type) -> Type {
auto fnType = type->getRValueType();
if (auto objectType = fnType->getImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalObjectType())
return objectType;
return fnType;
auto fnType = getFuncType(fnExpr->getType());
// If we have a contextual type, and if we have an ambiguously typed function
// result from our previous check, we re-type-check it using this contextual
// type to inform the result type of the callee.
// We only do this as a second pass because the first pass we just did may
// return something of obviously non-function-type. If this happens, we
// produce better diagnostics below by diagnosing this here rather than trying
// to peel apart the failed conversion to function type.
if (CS->getContextualType() &&
(isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(fnType) ||
(fnType->is<AnyFunctionType>() && fnType->hasUnresolvedType()))) {
// FIXME: Prevent typeCheckChildIndependently from transforming expressions,
// because if we try to typecheck OSR expression with contextual type,
// it'll end up converting it into DeclRefExpr based on contextual info,
// instead let's try to get a type without applying and filter callee
// candidates later on.
CalleeListener listener(CS->getContextualType());
if (isa<OverloadSetRefExpr>(fnExpr)) {
assert(!cast<OverloadSetRefExpr>(fnExpr)->getReferencedDecl() &&
"unexpected declaration reference");
ConcreteDeclRef decl = nullptr;
Optional<Type> type = CS->TC.getTypeOfExpressionWithoutApplying(
fnExpr, CS->DC, decl, FreeTypeVariableBinding::UnresolvedType,
if (type.hasValue())
fnType = getFuncType(type.getValue());
} else {
fnExpr = typeCheckChildIndependently(callExpr->getFn(), Type(),
CTP_CalleeResult, TCC_ForceRecheck,
if (!fnExpr)
return true;
fnType = getFuncType(fnExpr->getType());
// If we resolved a concrete expression for the callee, and it has
// non-function/non-metatype type, then we cannot call it!
if (!isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(fnType) &&
!fnType->is<AnyFunctionType>() && !fnType->is<MetatypeType>()) {
auto arg = callExpr->getArg();
auto diag = diagnose(arg->getStartLoc(),
// If the argument is an empty tuple, then offer a
// fix-it to remove the empty tuple and use the value
// directly.
if (auto tuple = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(arg)) {
if (tuple->getNumElements() == 0) {
// If the argument is a trailing ClosureExpr (i.e. {....}) and it is on
// the line after the callee, then it's likely the user forgot to
// write "do" before their brace stmt.
// Note that line differences of more than 1 are diagnosed during parsing.
if (auto *PE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(arg))
if (PE->hasTrailingClosure() && isa<ClosureExpr>(PE->getSubExpr())) {
auto *closure = cast<ClosureExpr>(PE->getSubExpr());
auto &SM = CS->getASTContext().SourceMgr;
if (closure->hasAnonymousClosureVars() &&
closure->getParameters()->size() == 0 &&
1 + SM.getLineNumber(callExpr->getFn()->getEndLoc()) ==
SM.getLineNumber(closure->getStartLoc())) {
diagnose(closure->getStartLoc(), diag::brace_stmt_suggest_do)
.fixItInsert(closure->getStartLoc(), "do ");
return true;
bool hasTrailingClosure = callArgHasTrailingClosure(callExpr->getArg());
// Collect a full candidate list of callees based on the partially type
// checked function.
CalleeCandidateInfo calleeInfo(fnExpr, hasTrailingClosure, CS);
// Filter list of the candidates based on the known function type.
if (auto fn = fnType->getAs<AnyFunctionType>()) {
using Closeness = CalleeCandidateInfo::ClosenessResultTy;
calleeInfo.filterList([&](UncurriedCandidate candidate) -> Closeness {
auto resultType = candidate.getResultType();
if (!resultType)
return {CC_GeneralMismatch, {}};
// FIXME: Handle matching of the generic types properly.
// Currently we don't filter result types containing generic parameters
// because there is no easy way to do that, and candidate set is going
// to be pruned by matching of the argument types later on anyway, so
// it's better to over report than to be too conservative.
if (resultType->isEqual(fn->getResult()))
return {CC_ExactMatch, {}};
return {CC_GeneralMismatch, {}};
// Filter the candidate list based on the argument we may or may not have.
SmallVector<Identifier, 2> argLabelsScratch;
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels =
if (diagnoseParameterErrors(calleeInfo, callExpr->getFn(),
callExpr->getArg(), argLabels))
return true;
// There might be a candidate with correct argument types but it's not
// used by constraint solver because it doesn't have correct attributes,
// let's try to diagnose such situation there right before type checking
// argument expression, because that would overwrite original argument types.
if (diagnoseMethodAttributeFailures(callExpr, argLabels, hasTrailingClosure,
return true;
Type argType; // Type of the argument list, if knowable.
if (auto FTy = fnType->getAs<AnyFunctionType>())
argType = FTy->getInput();
else if (auto MTT = fnType->getAs<AnyMetatypeType>()) {
// If we are constructing a tuple with initializer syntax, the expected
// argument list is the tuple type itself - and there is no initdecl.
auto instanceTy = MTT->getInstanceType();
if (auto tupleTy = instanceTy->getAs<TupleType>()) {
argType = tupleTy;
// Get the expression result of type checking the arguments to the call
// independently, so we have some idea of what we're working with.
auto argExpr = typeCheckArgumentChildIndependently(callExpr->getArg(),
argType, calleeInfo,
if (!argExpr)
return true; // already diagnosed.
calleeInfo.filterList(argExpr->getType(), argLabels);
if (diagnoseParameterErrors(calleeInfo, callExpr->getFn(), argExpr,
return true;
// Diagnose some simple and common errors.
if (calleeInfo.diagnoseSimpleErrors(callExpr))
return true;
// Force recheck of the arg expression because we allowed unresolved types
// before, and that turned out not to help, and now we want any diagnoses
// from disallowing them.
argExpr = typeCheckArgumentChildIndependently(callExpr->getArg(), argType,
calleeInfo, TCC_ForceRecheck);
if (!argExpr)
return true; // already diagnosed.
// A common error is to apply an operator that only has inout forms (e.g. +=)
// to non-lvalues (e.g. a local let). Produce a nice diagnostic for this
// case.
if (calleeInfo.closeness == CC_NonLValueInOut) {
Diag<StringRef> subElementDiagID;
Diag<Type> rvalueDiagID;
Expr *diagExpr = nullptr;
if (isa<PrefixUnaryExpr>(callExpr) || isa<PostfixUnaryExpr>(callExpr)) {
subElementDiagID = diag::cannot_apply_lvalue_unop_to_subelement;
rvalueDiagID = diag::cannot_apply_lvalue_unop_to_rvalue;
diagExpr = argExpr;
} else if (isa<BinaryExpr>(callExpr)) {
subElementDiagID = diag::cannot_apply_lvalue_binop_to_subelement;
rvalueDiagID = diag::cannot_apply_lvalue_binop_to_rvalue;
if (auto argTuple = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(argExpr))
diagExpr = argTuple->getElement(0);
if (diagExpr) {
diagnoseSubElementFailure(diagExpr, callExpr->getFn()->getLoc(), *CS,
subElementDiagID, rvalueDiagID);
return true;
// Handle argument label mismatches when we have multiple candidates.
if (calleeInfo.closeness == CC_ArgumentLabelMismatch) {
auto args = decomposeArgType(argExpr->getType(), argLabels);
// If we have multiple candidates that we fail to match, just say we have
// the wrong labels and list the candidates out.
// TODO: It would be nice to use an analog of getTypeListString that
// doesn't include the argument types.
diagnose(callExpr->getLoc(), diag::wrong_argument_labels_overload,
// Did the user intend on invoking a different overload?
return true;
auto overloadName = calleeInfo.declName;
// Local function to check if the error with argument type is
// related to contextual type information of the enclosing expression
// rather than resolution of argument expression itself.
auto isContextualConversionFailure = [&](Expr *argExpr) -> bool {
// If we found an exact match, this must be a problem with a conversion from
// the result of the call to the expected type. Diagnose this as a
// conversion failure.
if (calleeInfo.closeness == CC_ExactMatch)
return true;
if (!CS->getContextualType() ||
(calleeInfo.closeness != CC_ArgumentMismatch &&
calleeInfo.closeness != CC_OneGenericArgumentMismatch))
return false;
CalleeCandidateInfo candidates(fnExpr, hasTrailingClosure, CS);
// Filter original list of choices based on the deduced type of
// argument expression after force re-check.
// One of the candidates matches exactly, which means that
// this is a contextual type conversion failure, we can't diagnose here.
return candidates.closeness == CC_ExactMatch;
// Otherwise, we have a generic failure. Diagnose it with a generic error
// message now.
if (isa<BinaryExpr>(callExpr) && isa<TupleExpr>(argExpr)) {
auto argTuple = cast<TupleExpr>(argExpr);
auto lhsExpr = argTuple->getElement(0), rhsExpr = argTuple->getElement(1);
auto lhsType = lhsExpr->getType()->getRValueType();
auto rhsType = rhsExpr->getType()->getRValueType();
// Diagnose any comparisons with the nil literal.
if (diagnoseNilLiteralComparison(lhsExpr, rhsExpr, calleeInfo,
return true;
if (callExpr->isImplicit() && overloadName == "~=") {
// This binop was synthesized when typechecking an expression pattern.
auto diag = lhsType->is<UnresolvedType>()
? diagnose(lhsExpr->getLoc(),
: diagnose(lhsExpr->getLoc(),
lhsType, rhsType);
if (auto optUnwrappedType = rhsType->getOptionalObjectType()) {
if (lhsType->isEqual(optUnwrappedType)) {
diag.fixItInsert(lhsExpr->getEndLoc(), "?");
return true;
// Diagnose attempts to compare reference equality of certain types.
if (overloadName == "===" || overloadName == "!==") {
// Functions.
if (lhsType->is<AnyFunctionType>() || rhsType->is<AnyFunctionType>()) {
diagnose(callExpr->getLoc(), diag::cannot_reference_compare_types,
overloadName, lhsType, rhsType)
return true;
if (isContextualConversionFailure(argTuple))
return false;
if (!lhsType->isEqual(rhsType)) {
diagnose(callExpr->getLoc(), diag::cannot_apply_binop_to_args,
overloadName, lhsType, rhsType)
} else {
diagnose(callExpr->getLoc(), diag::cannot_apply_binop_to_same_args,
overloadName, lhsType)
if (lhsType->isEqual(rhsType) &&
isNameOfStandardComparisonOperator(overloadName) &&
lhsType->is<EnumType>() &&
->hasOnlyCasesWithoutAssociatedValues()) {
} else {
return true;
// If all of the arguments are a perfect match, so let's check if there
// are problems with requirements placed on generic parameters, because
// CalleeCandidateInfo validates only conformance of the parameters
// to their protocol types (if any) but it doesn't check additional
// requirements placed on e.g. nested types or between parameters.
if (diagnoseArgumentGenericRequirements(CS->TC, fnExpr, argExpr, calleeInfo,
return true;
if (isContextualConversionFailure(argExpr))
return false;
// Generate specific error messages for unary operators.
if (isa<PrefixUnaryExpr>(callExpr) || isa<PostfixUnaryExpr>(callExpr)) {
diagnose(argExpr->getLoc(), diag::cannot_apply_unop_to_arg, overloadName,
return true;
if (argExpr->getType()->hasUnresolvedType())
return false;
std::string argString = getTypeListString(argExpr->getType());
// If we couldn't get the name of the callee, then it must be something of a
// more complex "value of function type".
if (overloadName.empty()) {
// If we couldn't infer the result type of the closure expr, then we have
// some sort of ambiguity, let the ambiguity diagnostic stuff handle this.
if (auto ffty = fnType->getAs<AnyFunctionType>())
if (ffty->getResult()->hasTypeVariable()) {
return true;
// The most common unnamed value of closure type is a ClosureExpr, so
// special case it.
if (isa<ClosureExpr>(fnExpr->getValueProvidingExpr())) {
if (fnType->hasTypeVariable())
diagnose(argExpr->getStartLoc(), diag::cannot_invoke_closure, argString)
diagnose(argExpr->getStartLoc(), diag::cannot_invoke_closure_type,
fnType, argString)
} else if (fnType->hasTypeVariable()) {
diagnose(argExpr->getStartLoc(), diag::cannot_call_function_value,
} else {
diagnose(argExpr->getStartLoc(), diag::cannot_call_value_of_function_type,
fnType, argString)
return true;
// If we have an argument list (i.e., a scalar, or a non-zero-element tuple)
// then diagnose with some specificity about the arguments.
bool isInitializer = isa<TypeExpr>(fnExpr);
if (isa<TupleExpr>(argExpr) &&
cast<TupleExpr>(argExpr)->getNumElements() == 0) {
// Emit diagnostics that say "no arguments".
diagnose(fnExpr->getLoc(), diag::cannot_call_with_no_params,
overloadName, isInitializer);
} else {
diagnose(fnExpr->getLoc(), diag::cannot_call_with_params,
overloadName, argString, isInitializer);
if (isCastToTypedPointer(CS->DC->getASTContext(), fnExpr, argExpr)) {
diagnose(fnExpr->getLoc(), diag::pointer_init_to_type)
// Did the user intend on invoking a different overload?
return true;
bool FailureDiagnosis::visitAssignExpr(AssignExpr *assignExpr) {
// Diagnose obvious assignments to literals.
if (isa<LiteralExpr>(assignExpr->getDest()->getValueProvidingExpr())) {
diagnose(assignExpr->getLoc(), diag::cannot_assign_to_literal);
return true;
if (CS->TC.diagnoseSelfAssignment(assignExpr))
return true;
// Type check the destination first, so we can coerce the source to it.
auto destExpr = typeCheckChildIndependently(assignExpr->getDest(),
if (!destExpr) return true;
auto destType = destExpr->getType();
if (destType->is<UnresolvedType>() || destType->hasTypeVariable()) {
// Look closer into why destination has unresolved types since such
// means that destination has diagnosable structural problems, and it's
// better to diagnose destination (if possible) before moving on to
// the source of the assignment.
destExpr = typeCheckChildIndependently(
destExpr, TCC_AllowLValue | TCC_ForceRecheck, false);
if (!destExpr)
return true;
// If re-checking destination didn't produce diagnostic, let's just type
// check the source without contextual information. If it succeeds, then we
// win, but if it fails, we'll have to diagnose this another way.
return !typeCheckChildIndependently(assignExpr->getSrc());
// If the result type is a non-lvalue, then we are failing because it is
// immutable and that's not a great thing to assign to.
if (!destType->isLValueType()) {
CS->diagnoseAssignmentFailure(destExpr, destType, assignExpr->getLoc());
return true;
// If the source type is already an error type, we've already posted an error.
auto srcExpr = typeCheckChildIndependently(assignExpr->getSrc(),
if (!srcExpr) return true;
// If we are assigning to _ and have unresolved types on the RHS, then we have
// an ambiguity problem.
if (isa<DiscardAssignmentExpr>(destExpr->getSemanticsProvidingExpr()) &&
srcExpr->getType()->hasUnresolvedType()) {
return true;
return false;
/// Return true if this type is known to be an ArrayType.
static bool isKnownToBeArrayType(Type ty) {
if (!ty) return false;
auto bgt = ty->getAs<BoundGenericType>();
if (!bgt) return false;
auto &ctx = bgt->getASTContext();
return bgt->getDecl() == ctx.getArrayDecl();
bool FailureDiagnosis::visitInOutExpr(InOutExpr *IOE) {
// If we have a contextual type, it must be an inout type.
auto contextualType = CS->getContextualType();
if (contextualType) {
// If the contextual type is one of the UnsafePointer<T> types, then the
// contextual type of the subexpression must be T.
Type unwrappedType = contextualType;
if (auto unwrapped = contextualType->getAnyOptionalObjectType())
unwrappedType = unwrapped;
PointerTypeKind pointerKind;
if (auto pointerEltType =
unwrappedType->getAnyPointerElementType(pointerKind)) {
// If the element type is Void, then we allow any input type, since
// everything is convertible to UnsafeRawPointer
if (pointerEltType->isVoid())
contextualType = Type();
contextualType = pointerEltType;
// Furthermore, if the subexpr type is already known to be an array type,
// then we must have an attempt at an array to pointer conversion.
if (isKnownToBeArrayType(IOE->getSubExpr()->getType())) {
// If we're converting to an UnsafeMutablePointer, then the pointer to
// the first element is being passed in. The array is ok, so long as
// it is mutable.
if (pointerKind == PTK_UnsafeMutablePointer) {
contextualType = ArraySliceType::get(contextualType);
} else if (pointerKind == PTK_UnsafePointer || pointerKind == PTK_UnsafeRawPointer) {
// If we're converting to an UnsafePointer, then the programmer
// specified an & unnecessarily. Produce a fixit hint to remove it.
diagnose(IOE->getLoc(), diag::extra_address_of_unsafepointer,
return true;
} else if (contextualType->is<InOutType>()) {
contextualType = contextualType->getInOutObjectType();
} else {
// If the caller expected something inout, but we didn't have
// something of inout type, diagnose it.
diagnose(IOE->getLoc(), diag::extra_address_of, contextualType)
return true;
auto subExpr = typeCheckChildIndependently(IOE->getSubExpr(), contextualType,
if (!subExpr) return true;
auto subExprType = subExpr->getType();
// The common cause is that the operand is not an lvalue.
if (!subExprType->isLValueType()) {
diagnoseSubElementFailure(subExpr, IOE->getLoc(), *CS,
return true;
return false;
bool FailureDiagnosis::visitCoerceExpr(CoerceExpr *CE) {
// Coerce the input to whatever type is specified by the CoerceExpr.
if (!typeCheckChildIndependently(CE->getSubExpr(),
return true;
return false;
bool FailureDiagnosis::visitForceValueExpr(ForceValueExpr *FVE) {
auto argExpr = typeCheckChildIndependently(FVE->getSubExpr());
if (!argExpr) return true;
auto argType = argExpr->getType();
// If the subexpression type checks as a non-optional type, then that is the
// error. Produce a specific diagnostic about this.
if (!isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(argType) &&
argType->getAnyOptionalObjectType().isNull()) {
diagnose(FVE->getLoc(), diag::invalid_force_unwrap, argType)
return true;
return false;
bool FailureDiagnosis::visitBindOptionalExpr(BindOptionalExpr *BOE) {
auto argExpr = typeCheckChildIndependently(BOE->getSubExpr());
if (!argExpr) return true;
auto argType = argExpr->getType();
// If the subexpression type checks as a non-optional type, then that is the
// error. Produce a specific diagnostic about this.
if (!isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(argType) &&
argType->getAnyOptionalObjectType().isNull()) {
diagnose(BOE->getQuestionLoc(), diag::invalid_optional_chain, argType)
return true;
return false;
bool FailureDiagnosis::visitIfExpr(IfExpr *IE) {
// Check all of the subexpressions independently.
auto condExpr = typeCheckChildIndependently(IE->getCondExpr());
if (!condExpr) return true;
auto trueExpr = typeCheckChildIndependently(IE->getThenExpr());
if (!trueExpr) return true;
auto falseExpr = typeCheckChildIndependently(IE->getElseExpr());
if (!falseExpr) return true;
// If the true/false values already match, it must be a contextual problem.
if (trueExpr->getType()->isEqual(falseExpr->getType()))
return false;
// Otherwise, the true/false result types must not be matching.
diagnose(IE->getColonLoc(), diag::if_expr_cases_mismatch,
trueExpr->getType(), falseExpr->getType())
return true;
bool FailureDiagnosis::
visitRebindSelfInConstructorExpr(RebindSelfInConstructorExpr *E) {
// Don't walk the children for this node, it leads to multiple diagnostics
// because of how sema injects this node into the type checker.
return false;
bool FailureDiagnosis::visitClosureExpr(ClosureExpr *CE) {
auto contextualType = CS->getContextualType();
Type expectedResultType;
// If we have a contextual type available for this closure, apply it to the
// ParamDecls in our parameter list. This ensures that any uses of them get
// appropriate types.
if (contextualType && contextualType->is<AnyFunctionType>()) {
auto fnType = contextualType->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
auto *params = CE->getParameters();
Type inferredArgType = fnType->getInput();
// It is very common for a contextual type to disagree with the argument
// list built into the closure expr. This can be because the closure expr
// had an explicitly specified pattern, a la:
// { a,b in ... }
// or could be because the closure has an implicitly generated one:
// { $0 + $1 }
// in either case, we want to produce nice and clear diagnostics.
unsigned actualArgCount = params->size();
unsigned inferredArgCount = 1;
if (auto *argTupleTy = inferredArgType->getAs<TupleType>())
inferredArgCount = argTupleTy->getNumElements();
// If the actual argument count is 1, it can match a tuple as a whole.
if (actualArgCount != 1 && actualArgCount != inferredArgCount) {
// If the closure didn't specify any arguments and it is in a context that
// needs some, produce a fixit to turn "{...}" into "{ _,_ in ...}".
if (actualArgCount == 0 && CE->getInLoc().isInvalid()) {
auto diag =
diagnose(CE->getStartLoc(), diag::closure_argument_list_missing,
StringRef fixText; // We only handle the most common cases.
if (inferredArgCount == 1)
fixText = " _ in ";
else if (inferredArgCount == 2)
fixText = " _,_ in ";
else if (inferredArgCount == 3)
fixText = " _,_,_ in ";
if (!fixText.empty()) {
// Determine if there is already a space after the { in the closure to
// make sure we introduce the right whitespace.
auto afterBrace = CE->getStartLoc().getAdvancedLoc(1);
auto text = CS->TC.Context.SourceMgr.extractText({afterBrace, 1});
if (text.size() == 1 && text == " ")
fixText = fixText.drop_back();
fixText = fixText.drop_front();
diag.fixItInsertAfter(CE->getStartLoc(), fixText);
return true;
// Okay, the wrong number of arguments was used, complain about that.
// Before doing so, strip attributes off the function type so that they
// don't confuse the issue.
fnType = FunctionType::get(fnType->getInput(), fnType->getResult());
diagnose(params->getStartLoc(), diag::closure_argument_list_tuple,
fnType, inferredArgCount, actualArgCount, (actualArgCount == 1));
return true;
// Coerce parameter types here only if there are no unresolved
if (CS->TC.coerceParameterListToType(params, CE, fnType))
return true;
for (auto param : *params) {
auto paramType = param->getType();
// If this is unresolved 'inout' parameter, it's better to drop
// 'inout' from type but keep 'mutability' classifier because that
// might help to diagnose actual problem e.g. type inference and
// doesn't give us much information anyway.
if (paramType->is<InOutType>() && paramType->hasUnresolvedType()) {
expectedResultType = fnType->getResult();
} else {
// Defend against type variables from our constraint system leaking into
// recursive constraints systems formed when checking the body of the
// closure. These typevars come into them when the body does name
// lookups against the parameter decls.
// Handle this by rewriting the arguments to UnresolvedType().
for (auto VD : *CE->getParameters()) {
if (VD->getType()->hasTypeVariable() || VD->getType()->hasError()) {
// If this is a complex leaf closure, there is nothing more we can do.
if (!CE->hasSingleExpressionBody())
return false;
// When we're type checking a single-expression closure, we need to reset the
// DeclContext to this closure for the recursive type checking. Otherwise,
// if there is a closure in the subexpression, we can violate invariants.
llvm::SaveAndRestore<DeclContext*> SavedDC(CS->DC, CE);
// Explicitly disallow to produce solutions with unresolved type variables,
// because there is no auxiliary logic which would handle that and it's
// better to allow failure diagnosis to run directly on the closure body.
// Note that presence of contextual type implicitly forbids such solutions,
// but it's not always reset.
if (expectedResultType && !CE->hasExplicitResultType()) {
ExprCleaner cleaner(CE);
auto closure = CE->getSingleExpressionBody();
ConcreteDeclRef decl = nullptr;
// Let's try to compute result type without mutating AST and
// using expected (contextual) result type, that's going to help
// diagnose situations where contextual type expected one result
// type but actual closure produces a different one without explicitly
// declaring it (e.g. by using anonymous parameters).
auto type = CS->TC.getTypeOfExpressionWithoutApplying(
closure, CS->DC, decl, FreeTypeVariableBinding::Disallow);
Type resultType = type.hasValue() ? *type : Type();
// Following situations are possible:
// * No result type - possible structurable problem in the body;
// * Function result type - possible use of function without calling it,
// which is properly diagnosed by actual type-check call.
if (resultType && !resultType->getRValueType()->is<AnyFunctionType>()) {
if (!resultType->isEqual(expectedResultType)) {
diagnose(closure->getEndLoc(), diag::cannot_convert_closure_result,
resultType, expectedResultType);
return true;
// If the closure had an expected result type, use it.
if (CE->hasExplicitResultType())
expectedResultType = CE->getExplicitResultTypeLoc().getType();
// If we couldn't diagnose anything related to the contextual result type
// let's run proper type-check with expected type and try to verify it.
auto CTP = expectedResultType ? CTP_ClosureResult : CTP_Unused;
if (!typeCheckChildIndependently(CE->getSingleExpressionBody(),
expectedResultType, CTP, TCCOptions(),
nullptr, false))
return true;
// If the body of the closure looked ok, then look for a contextual type
// error. This is necessary because FailureDiagnosis::diagnoseExprFailure
// doesn't do this for closures.
if (contextualType) {
auto fnType = contextualType->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
if (!fnType || fnType->isEqual(CE->getType()))
return false;
// If the closure had an explicitly written return type incompatible with
// the contextual type, diagnose that.
if (CE->hasExplicitResultType() &&
CE->getExplicitResultTypeLoc().getTypeRepr()) {
auto explicitResultTy = CE->getExplicitResultTypeLoc().getType();
if (fnType && !explicitResultTy->isEqual(fnType->getResult())) {
auto repr = CE->getExplicitResultTypeLoc().getTypeRepr();
diagnose(repr->getStartLoc(), diag::incorrect_explicit_closure_result,
explicitResultTy, fnType->getResult())
return true;
// Otherwise, we can't produce a specific diagnostic.
return false;
static bool isDictionaryLiteralCompatible(Type ty, ConstraintSystem *CS,
SourceLoc loc) {
auto DLC = CS->TC.getProtocol(loc,
if (!DLC) return false;
return CS->TC.conformsToProtocol(ty, DLC, CS->DC,
bool FailureDiagnosis::visitArrayExpr(ArrayExpr *E) {
Type contextualElementType;
auto elementTypePurpose = CTP_Unused;
// If we had a contextual type, then it either conforms to
// ExpressibleByArrayLiteral or it is an invalid contextual type.
if (auto contextualType = CS->getContextualType()) {
// If our contextual type is an optional, look through them, because we're
// surely initializing whatever is inside.
contextualType = contextualType->lookThroughAllAnyOptionalTypes();
// Validate that the contextual type conforms to ExpressibleByArrayLiteral and
// figure out what the contextual element type is in place.
auto ALC = CS->TC.getProtocol(E->getLoc(),
if (!ALC)
return visitExpr(E);
// Check to see if the contextual type conforms.
auto Conformance =
CS->TC.conformsToProtocol(contextualType, ALC, CS->DC,
// If not, we may have an implicit conversion going on. If the contextual
// type is an UnsafePointer or UnsafeMutablePointer, then that is probably
// what is happening.
if (!Conformance) {
// TODO: Not handling various string conversions or void conversions.
Type unwrappedTy = contextualType;
if (Type unwrapped = contextualType->getAnyOptionalObjectType())
unwrappedTy = unwrapped;
PointerTypeKind pointerKind;
if (Type pointeeTy = unwrappedTy->getAnyPointerElementType(pointerKind)) {
if (pointerKind == PTK_UnsafePointer) {
auto arrayTy = ArraySliceType::get(pointeeTy);
Conformance =
CS->TC.conformsToProtocol(arrayTy, ALC, CS->DC,
if (Conformance)
contextualType = arrayTy;
if (!Conformance) {
// If the contextual type conforms to ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral and
// this is an empty array, then they meant "[:]".
if (E->getNumElements() == 0 &&
isDictionaryLiteralCompatible(contextualType, CS, E->getLoc())) {
diagnose(E->getStartLoc(), diag::should_use_empty_dictionary_literal)
.fixItInsert(E->getEndLoc(), ":");
return true;
diagnose(E->getStartLoc(), diag::type_is_not_array, contextualType)
// If the contextual type conforms to ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral, then
// they wrote "x = [1,2]" but probably meant "x = [1:2]".
if ((E->getElements().size() & 1) == 0 && !E->getElements().empty() &&
isDictionaryLiteralCompatible(contextualType, CS, E->getLoc())) {
auto diag = diagnose(E->getStartLoc(), diag::meant_dictionary_lit);
// Change every other comma into a colon.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = E->getElements().size()/2; i != e; ++i)
diag.fixItReplace(E->getCommaLocs()[i*2], ":");
return true;
contextualElementType = ProtocolConformanceRef::getTypeWitnessByName(
elementTypePurpose = CTP_ArrayElement;
// Type check each of the subexpressions in place, passing down the contextual
// type information if we have it.
for (auto elt : E->getElements()) {
if (typeCheckChildIndependently(elt, contextualElementType,
elementTypePurpose) == nullptr)
return true;
// If that didn't turn up an issue, then we don't know what to do.
// TODO: When a contextual type is missing, we could try to diagnose cases
// where the element types mismatch... but theoretically they should type
// unify to Any, so that could never happen?
return false;
bool FailureDiagnosis::visitDictionaryExpr(DictionaryExpr *E) {
Type contextualKeyType, contextualValueType;
auto keyTypePurpose = CTP_Unused, valueTypePurpose = CTP_Unused;
// If we had a contextual type, then it either conforms to
// ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral or it is an invalid contextual type.
if (auto contextualType = CS->getContextualType()) {
// If our contextual type is an optional, look through them, because we're
// surely initializing whatever is inside.
contextualType = contextualType->lookThroughAllAnyOptionalTypes();
auto DLC = CS->TC.getProtocol(E->getLoc(),
if (!DLC) return visitExpr(E);
// Validate the contextual type conforms to ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral
// and figure out what the contextual Key/Value types are in place.
auto Conformance =
CS->TC.conformsToProtocol(contextualType, DLC, CS->DC,
if (!Conformance) {
diagnose(E->getStartLoc(), diag::type_is_not_dictionary, contextualType)
return true;
contextualKeyType =
contextualValueType =
assert(contextualKeyType && contextualValueType &&
"Could not find Key/Value DictionaryLiteral associated types from"
" contextual type conformance");
keyTypePurpose = CTP_DictionaryKey;
valueTypePurpose = CTP_DictionaryValue;
// Type check each of the subexpressions in place, passing down the contextual
// type information if we have it.
for (auto elt : E->getElements()) {
auto TE = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(elt);
if (!TE || TE->getNumElements() != 2) continue;
if (!typeCheckChildIndependently(TE->getElement(0),
contextualKeyType, keyTypePurpose))
return true;
if (!typeCheckChildIndependently(TE->getElement(1),
contextualValueType, valueTypePurpose))
return true;
// If that didn't turn up an issue, then we don't know what to do.
// TODO: When a contextual type is missing, we could try to diagnose cases
// where the element types mismatch. There is no Any equivalent since they
// keys need to be hashable.
return false;
/// When an object literal fails to typecheck because its protocol's
/// corresponding default type has not been set in the global namespace (e.g.
/// _ColorLiteralType), suggest that the user import the appropriate module for
/// the target.
bool FailureDiagnosis::visitObjectLiteralExpr(ObjectLiteralExpr *E) {
auto &TC = CS->getTypeChecker();
// Type check the argument first.
auto protocol = TC.getLiteralProtocol(E);
if (!protocol)
return false;
DeclName constrName = TC.getObjectLiteralConstructorName(E);
ArrayRef<ValueDecl *> constrs = protocol->lookupDirect(constrName);
if (constrs.size() != 1 || !isa<ConstructorDecl>(constrs.front()))
return false;
auto *constr = cast<ConstructorDecl>(constrs.front());
auto paramType = TC.getObjectLiteralParameterType(E, constr);
if (!typeCheckChildIndependently(
E->getArg(), paramType, CTP_CallArgument))
return true;
// Conditions for showing this diagnostic:
// * The object literal protocol's default type is unimplemented
if (TC.getDefaultType(protocol, CS->DC))
return false;
// * The object literal has no contextual type
if (CS->getContextualType())
return false;
// Figure out what import to suggest.
auto &Ctx = CS->getASTContext();
const auto &target = Ctx.LangOpts.Target;
StringRef importModule;
StringRef importDefaultTypeName;
if (protocol == Ctx.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByColorLiteral)) {
if (target.isMacOSX()) {
importModule = "AppKit";
importDefaultTypeName = "NSColor";
} else if (target.isiOS() || target.isTvOS()) {
importModule = "UIKit";
importDefaultTypeName = "UIColor";
} else if (protocol == Ctx.getProtocol(
KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByImageLiteral)) {
if (target.isMacOSX()) {
importModule = "AppKit";
importDefaultTypeName = "NSImage";
} else if (target.isiOS() || target.isTvOS()) {
importModule = "UIKit";
importDefaultTypeName = "UIImage";
} else if (protocol == Ctx.getProtocol(
KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByFileReferenceLiteral)) {
importModule = "Foundation";
importDefaultTypeName = "URL";
// Emit the diagnostic.
const auto plainName = E->getLiteralKindPlainName();
TC.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::object_literal_default_type_missing,
if (!importModule.empty()) {
TC.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::object_literal_resolve_import,
importModule, importDefaultTypeName, plainName);
return true;
bool FailureDiagnosis::visitUnresolvedMemberExpr(UnresolvedMemberExpr *E) {
// If we have no contextual type, there is no way to resolve this. Just
// diagnose this as an ambiguity.
if (!CS->getContextualType())
return false;
// OTOH, if we do have a contextual type, we can provide a more specific
// error. Dig out the UnresolvedValueMember constraint for this expr node.
Constraint *memberConstraint = nullptr;
auto checkConstraint = [&](Constraint *C) {
if (C->getKind() == ConstraintKind::UnresolvedValueMember &&
simplifyLocatorToAnchor(*CS, C->getLocator()) == E)
memberConstraint = C;
if (CS->failedConstraint)
for (auto &C : CS->getConstraints()) {
if (memberConstraint) break;
// If we can't find the member constraint in question, then we failed.
if (!memberConstraint)
return false;
// If we succeeded, get ready to do the member lookup.
auto baseObjTy = CS->getContextualType()->getRValueType();
// If the base object is already a metatype type, then something weird is
// going on. For now, just generate a generic error.
if (baseObjTy->is<MetatypeType>())
return false;
// Otherwise, we'll perform a lookup against the metatype of our contextual
// type.
baseObjTy = MetatypeType::get(baseObjTy);
MemberLookupResult result =
switch (result.OverallResult) {
case MemberLookupResult::Unsolved:
llvm_unreachable("base expr type should be resolved at this point");
case MemberLookupResult::ErrorAlreadyDiagnosed:
// If an error was already emitted, then we're done, don't emit anything
// redundant.
return true;
case MemberLookupResult::HasResults:
break; // Interesting case. :-)
// If we have unviable candidates (e.g. because of access control or some
// other problem) we should diagnose the problem. Note that we diagnose this
// here instead of letting diagnoseGeneralMemberFailure handle it, because it
// doesn't know how to handle lookup into a contextual type for an URME.
if (result.ViableCandidates.empty()) {
diagnoseUnviableLookupResults(result, baseObjTy, /*no base expr*/nullptr,
E->getName(), E->getNameLoc(),
return true;
bool hasTrailingClosure = callArgHasTrailingClosure(E->getArgument());
// Dump all of our viable candidates into a CalleeCandidateInfo & sort it out.
CalleeCandidateInfo candidateInfo(Type(), result.ViableCandidates,
hasTrailingClosure, CS);
// Filter the candidate list based on the argument we may or may not have.
// If we have multiple candidates, then we have an ambiguity.
if (candidateInfo.size() != 1) {
SourceRange argRange;
if (auto arg = E->getArgument()) argRange = arg->getSourceRange();
diagnose(E->getNameLoc(), diag::ambiguous_member_overload_set,
return true;
auto candidateArgTy = candidateInfo[0].getArgumentType();
// Depending on how we matched, produce tailored diagnostics.
switch (candidateInfo.closeness) {
case CC_NonLValueInOut: // First argument is inout but no lvalue present.
case CC_OneArgumentMismatch: // All arguments except one match.
case CC_OneArgumentNearMismatch:
case CC_OneGenericArgumentMismatch:
case CC_OneGenericArgumentNearMismatch:
case CC_GenericNonsubstitutableMismatch:
case CC_SelfMismatch: // Self argument mismatches.
case CC_ArgumentNearMismatch:// Argument list mismatch.
case CC_ArgumentMismatch: // Argument list mismatch.
assert(0 && "These aren't produced by filterContextualMemberList");
return false;
case CC_ExactMatch: { // This is a perfect match for the arguments.
// If we have an exact match, then we must have an argument list, check it.
if (candidateArgTy) {
assert(E->getArgument() && "Exact match without argument?");
if (!typeCheckArgumentChildIndependently(E->getArgument(), candidateArgTy,
return true;
// If the argument is a match, then check the result type. We might have
// looked up a contextual member whose result type disagrees with the
// expected result type.
auto resultTy = candidateInfo[0].getResultType();
if (!resultTy)
resultTy = candidateInfo[0].getUncurriedType();
if (resultTy && !CS->getContextualType()->is<UnboundGenericType>() &&
!CS->TC.isConvertibleTo(resultTy, CS->getContextualType(), CS->DC)) {
diagnose(E->getNameLoc(), diag::expected_result_in_contextual_member,
E->getName(), resultTy, CS->getContextualType());
return true;
// Otherwise, this is an exact match, return false to diagnose this as an
// ambiguity. It must be some other problem, such as failing to infer a
// generic argument on the enum type.
return false;
case CC_Unavailable:
case CC_Inaccessible:
// Diagnose some simple and common errors.
return candidateInfo.diagnoseSimpleErrors(E);
case CC_ArgumentLabelMismatch: { // Argument labels are not correct.
auto argExpr = typeCheckArgumentChildIndependently(E->getArgument(),
if (!argExpr) return true;
// Construct the actual expected argument labels that our candidate
// expected.
assert(candidateArgTy &&
"Candidate must expect an argument to have a label mismatch");
SmallVector<Identifier, 2> argLabelsScratch;
auto arguments = decomposeArgType(candidateArgTy,
// TODO: This is probably wrong for varargs, e.g. calling "print" with the
// wrong label.
SmallVector<Identifier, 4> expectedNames;
for (auto &arg : arguments)
return diagnoseArgumentLabelError(CS->TC, argExpr, expectedNames,
case CC_GeneralMismatch: // Something else is wrong.
case CC_ArgumentCountMismatch: // This candidate has wrong # arguments.
// If we have no argument, the candidates must have expected one.
if (!E->getArgument()) {
if (!candidateArgTy)
return false; // Candidate must be incorrect for some other reason.
// Pick one of the arguments that are expected as an exemplar.
if (candidateArgTy->isVoid()) {
// If this member is () -> T, suggest adding parentheses.
diagnose(E->getNameLoc(), diag::expected_parens_in_contextual_member,
.fixItInsertAfter(E->getEndLoc(), "()");
} else {
diagnose(E->getNameLoc(), diag::expected_argument_in_contextual_member,
E->getName(), candidateArgTy);
return true;
// If an argument value was specified, but this member expects no arguments,
// then we fail with a nice error message.
if (!candidateArgTy) {
if (E->getArgument()->getType()->isVoid()) {
diagnose(E->getNameLoc(), diag::unexpected_parens_in_contextual_member,
} else {
diagnose(E->getNameLoc(), diag::unexpected_argument_in_contextual_member,
return true;
assert(E->getArgument() && candidateArgTy &&
"Exact match without an argument?");
return !typeCheckArgumentChildIndependently(E->getArgument(), candidateArgTy,
llvm_unreachable("all cases should be handled");
/// A TupleExpr propagate contextual type information down to its children and
/// can be erroneous when there is a label mismatch etc.
bool FailureDiagnosis::visitTupleExpr(TupleExpr *TE) {
// If we know the requested argType to use, use computeTupleShuffle to produce
// the shuffle of input arguments to destination values. It requires a
// TupleType to compute the mapping from argExpr. Conveniently, it doesn't
// care about the actual types though, so we can just use 'void' for them.
if (!CS->getContextualType() || !CS->getContextualType()->is<TupleType>())
return visitExpr(TE);
auto contextualTT = CS->getContextualType()->castTo<TupleType>();
SmallVector<TupleTypeElt, 4> ArgElts;
auto voidTy = CS->getASTContext().TheEmptyTupleType;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = TE->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i)
ArgElts.push_back({ voidTy, TE->getElementName(i) });
auto TEType = TupleType::get(ArgElts, CS->getASTContext());
if (!TEType->is<TupleType>())
return visitExpr(TE);
SmallVector<int, 4> sources;
SmallVector<unsigned, 4> variadicArgs;
// If the shuffle is invalid, then there is a type error. We could diagnose
// it specifically here, but the general logic does a fine job so we let it
// do it.
if (computeTupleShuffle(TEType->castTo<TupleType>()->getElements(),
contextualTT->getElements(), sources, variadicArgs))
return visitExpr(TE);
// If we got a correct shuffle, we can perform the analysis of all of
// the input elements, with their expected types.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = sources.size(); i != e; ++i) {
// If the value is taken from a default argument, ignore it.
if (sources[i] == TupleShuffleExpr::DefaultInitialize ||
sources[i] == TupleShuffleExpr::Variadic ||
sources[i] == TupleShuffleExpr::CallerDefaultInitialize)
assert(sources[i] >= 0 && "Unknown sources index");
// Otherwise, it must match the corresponding expected argument type.
unsigned inArgNo = sources[i];
auto actualType = contextualTT->getElementType(i);
TCCOptions options;
if (actualType->is<InOutType>())
options |= TCC_AllowLValue;
auto exprResult =
typeCheckChildIndependently(TE->getElement(inArgNo), actualType,
CS->getContextualTypePurpose(), options);
// If there was an error type checking this argument, then we're done.
if (!exprResult) return true;
// If the caller expected something inout, but we didn't have
// something of inout type, diagnose it.
if (auto IOE =
dyn_cast<InOutExpr>(exprResult->getSemanticsProvidingExpr())) {
if (!actualType->is<InOutType>()) {
diagnose(exprResult->getLoc(), diag::extra_address_of,
return true;
if (!variadicArgs.empty()) {
auto varargsTy = contextualTT->getVarArgsBaseType();
for (unsigned i = 0, e = variadicArgs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
unsigned inArgNo = variadicArgs[i];
auto expr =
typeCheckChildIndependently(TE->getElement(inArgNo), varargsTy,
// If there was an error type checking this argument, then we're done.
if (!expr) return true;
return false;
/// An IdentityExpr doesn't change its argument, but it *can* propagate its
/// contextual type information down.
bool FailureDiagnosis::visitIdentityExpr(IdentityExpr *E) {
auto contextualType = CS->getContextualType();
// If we have a paren expr and our contextual type is a ParenType, remove the
// paren expr sugar.
if (contextualType)
contextualType = contextualType->getWithoutParens();
if (!typeCheckChildIndependently(E->getSubExpr(), contextualType,
return true;
return false;
/// A TryExpr doesn't change it's argument, nor does it change the contextual
/// type.
bool FailureDiagnosis::visitTryExpr(TryExpr *E) {
return visit(E->getSubExpr());
bool FailureDiagnosis::visitExpr(Expr *E) {
// Check each of our immediate children to see if any of them are
// independently invalid.
bool errorInSubExpr = false;
E->forEachImmediateChildExpr([&](Expr *Child) -> Expr* {
// If we already found an error, stop checking.
if (errorInSubExpr) return Child;
// Otherwise just type check the subexpression independently. If that
// succeeds, then we stitch the result back into our expression.
if (typeCheckChildIndependently(Child, TCC_AllowLValue))
return Child;
// Otherwise, it failed, which emitted a diagnostic. Keep track of this
// so that we don't emit multiple diagnostics.
errorInSubExpr = true;
return Child;
// If any of the children were errors, we're done.
if (errorInSubExpr)
return true;
// Otherwise, produce a more generic error.
return false;
bool FailureDiagnosis::diagnoseExprFailure() {
assert(CS && expr);
// Our general approach is to do a depth first traversal of the broken
// expression tree, type checking as we go. If we find a subtree that cannot
// be type checked on its own (even to an incomplete type) then that is where
// we focus our attention. If we do find a type, we use it to check for
// contextual type mismatches.
return visit(expr);
/// Given a specific expression and the remnants of the failed constraint
/// system, produce a specific diagnostic.
/// This is guaranteed to always emit an error message.
void ConstraintSystem::diagnoseFailureForExpr(Expr *expr) {
// Continue simplifying any active constraints left in the system. We can end
// up with them because the solver bails out as soon as it sees a Failure. We
// don't want to leave them around in the system because later diagnostics
// will assume they are unsolvable and may otherwise leave the system in an
// inconsistent state.
// Look through RebindSelfInConstructorExpr to avoid weird Sema issues.
if (auto *RB = dyn_cast<RebindSelfInConstructorExpr>(expr))
expr = RB->getSubExpr();
FailureDiagnosis diagnosis(expr, this);
// Now, attempt to diagnose the failure from the info we've collected.
if (diagnosis.diagnoseExprFailure())
// If this is a contextual conversion problem, dig out some information.
if (diagnosis.diagnoseContextualConversionError())
// If we can diagnose a problem based on the constraints left laying around in
// the system, do so now.
if (diagnosis.diagnoseConstraintFailure())
// If no one could find a problem with this expression or constraint system,
// then it must be well-formed... but is ambiguous. Handle this by diagnostic
// various cases that come up.
// FIXME: Instead of doing this, we should store the decl in the type
// variable, or in the locator.
static bool hasArchetype(const GenericTypeDecl *generic,
ArchetypeType *archetype) {
assert(!archetype->getOpenedExistentialType() &&
auto genericEnv = generic->getGenericEnvironment();
if (!genericEnv)
return false;
return genericEnv->containsPrimaryArchetype(archetype);
static void noteArchetypeSource(const TypeLoc &loc, ArchetypeType *archetype,
ConstraintSystem &cs) {
const GenericTypeDecl *FoundDecl = nullptr;
const ComponentIdentTypeRepr *FoundGenericTypeBase = nullptr;
// Walk the TypeRepr to find the type in question.
if (auto typerepr = loc.getTypeRepr()) {
struct FindGenericTypeDecl : public ASTWalker {
const GenericTypeDecl *FoundDecl = nullptr;
const ComponentIdentTypeRepr *FoundGenericTypeBase = nullptr;
ArchetypeType *Archetype;
FindGenericTypeDecl(ArchetypeType *Archetype)
: Archetype(Archetype) {}
bool walkToTypeReprPre(TypeRepr *T) override {
// If we already emitted the note, we're done.
if (FoundDecl) return false;
if (auto ident = dyn_cast<ComponentIdentTypeRepr>(T)) {
auto *generic =
if (generic && hasArchetype(generic, Archetype)) {
FoundDecl = generic;
FoundGenericTypeBase = ident;
return false;
// Keep walking.
return true;
} findGenericTypeDecl(archetype);
FoundDecl = findGenericTypeDecl.FoundDecl;
FoundGenericTypeBase = findGenericTypeDecl.FoundGenericTypeBase;
// If we didn't find the type in the TypeRepr, fall back to the type in the
// type checked expression.
if (!FoundDecl) {
if (const GenericTypeDecl *generic = loc.getType()->getAnyGeneric())
if (hasArchetype(generic, archetype))
FoundDecl = generic;
auto &tc = cs.getTypeChecker();
if (FoundDecl) {
Type type;
if (auto *nominal = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(FoundDecl))
type = nominal->getDeclaredType();
else if (auto *typeAlias = dyn_cast<TypeAliasDecl>(FoundDecl))
type = typeAlias->getUnboundGenericType();
type = FoundDecl->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
tc.diagnose(FoundDecl, diag::archetype_declared_in_type, archetype, type);
if (FoundGenericTypeBase && !isa<GenericIdentTypeRepr>(FoundGenericTypeBase)){
// If we can, prefer using any types already fixed by the constraint system.
// This lets us produce fixes like `Pair<Int, Any>` instead of defaulting to
// `Pair<Any, Any>`.
// Right now we only handle this when the type that's at fault is the
// top-level type passed to this function.
ArrayRef<Type> genericArgs;
if (auto *boundGenericTy = loc.getType()->getAs<BoundGenericType>()) {
if (boundGenericTy->getDecl() == FoundDecl)
genericArgs = boundGenericTy->getGenericArgs();
auto getPreferredType =
[&](const GenericTypeParamDecl *genericParam) -> Type {
// If we were able to get the generic arguments (i.e. the types used at
// FoundDecl's use site), we can prefer those...
if (genericArgs.empty())
return Type();
Type preferred = genericArgs[genericParam->getIndex()];
if (!preferred || preferred->hasError())
return Type();
// ...but only if they were actually resolved by the constraint system
// despite the failure.
Type maybeFixedType = cs.getFixedTypeRecursive(preferred,
if (maybeFixedType->hasTypeVariable() ||
maybeFixedType->hasUnresolvedType()) {
return Type();
return maybeFixedType;
SmallString<64> genericParamBuf;
if (tc.getDefaultGenericArgumentsString(genericParamBuf, FoundDecl,
getPreferredType)) {
.fixItInsertAfter(FoundGenericTypeBase->getEndLoc(), genericParamBuf);
std::pair<Type, ContextualTypePurpose>
FailureDiagnosis::validateContextualType(Type contextualType,
ContextualTypePurpose CTP) {
if (!contextualType)
return {contextualType, CTP};
// If we're asked to convert to an autoclosure, then we really want to
// convert to the result of it.
if (auto *FT = contextualType->getAs<AnyFunctionType>())
if (FT->isAutoClosure())
contextualType = FT->getResult();
bool shouldNullify = false;
if (auto objectType = contextualType->getLValueOrInOutObjectType()) {
// Note that simply checking for `objectType->hasUnresolvedType()` is not
// appropriate in this case standalone, because if it's in a function,
// for example, or inout type, we still want to preserve it's skeleton
/// because that helps to diagnose inout argument issues. Complete
// nullification is only appropriate for generic types with unresolved
// types or standalone archetypes because that's going to give
// sub-expression solver a chance to try and compute type as it sees fit
// and higher level code would have a chance to check it, which avoids
// diagnostic messages like `cannot convert (_) -> _ to (Int) -> Void`.
switch (objectType->getDesugaredType()->getKind()) {
case TypeKind::Archetype:
case TypeKind::Unresolved:
shouldNullify = true;
case TypeKind::BoundGenericEnum:
case TypeKind::BoundGenericClass:
case TypeKind::BoundGenericStruct:
case TypeKind::UnboundGeneric:
case TypeKind::GenericFunction:
case TypeKind::Metatype:
shouldNullify = objectType->hasUnresolvedType();
shouldNullify = false;
// If the conversion type contains no info, drop it.
if (shouldNullify)
return {Type(), CTP_Unused};
// Remove all of the potentially leftover type variables or type parameters
// from the contextual type to be used by new solver.
contextualType = replaceTypeParametersWithUnresolved(contextualType);
contextualType = replaceTypeVariablesWithUnresolved(contextualType);
return {contextualType, CTP};
/// Check the specified closure to see if it is a multi-statement closure with
/// an uninferred type. If so, diagnose the problem with an error and return
/// true.
bool FailureDiagnosis::
diagnoseAmbiguousMultiStatementClosure(ClosureExpr *closure) {
if (closure->hasSingleExpressionBody() ||
return false;
auto closureType = closure->getType()->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
if (!closureType ||
!(closureType->getResult()->hasUnresolvedType() ||
return false;
// Okay, we have a multi-statement closure expr that has no inferred result,
// type, in the context of a larger expression. The user probably expected
// the compiler to infer the result type of the closure from the body of the
// closure, which Swift doesn't do for multi-statement closures. Try to be
// helpful by digging into the body of the closure, looking for a return
// statement, and inferring the result type from it. If we can figure that
// out, we can produce a fixit hint.
class ReturnStmtFinder : public ASTWalker {
SmallVectorImpl<ReturnStmt*> &returnStmts;
ReturnStmtFinder(SmallVectorImpl<ReturnStmt*> &returnStmts)
: returnStmts(returnStmts) {}
// Walk through statements, so we find returns hiding in if/else blocks etc.
std::pair<bool, Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *S) override {
// Keep track of any return statements we find.
if (auto RS = dyn_cast<ReturnStmt>(S))
return { true, S };
// Don't walk into anything else, since they cannot contain statements
// that can return from the current closure.
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
return { false, E };
std::pair<bool, Pattern*> walkToPatternPre(Pattern *P) override {
return { false, P };
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *D) override { return false; }
bool walkToTypeLocPre(TypeLoc &TL) override { return false; }
bool walkToTypeReprPre(TypeRepr *T) override { return false; }
bool walkToParameterListPre(ParameterList *PL) override { return false; }
SmallVector<ReturnStmt*, 4> Returns;
// If we found a return statement inside of the closure expression, then go
// ahead and type check the body to see if we can determine a type.
for (auto RS : Returns) {
llvm::SaveAndRestore<DeclContext*> SavedDC(CS->DC, closure);
// Otherwise, we're ok to type check the subexpr.
Type resultType;
if (RS->hasResult()) {
auto resultExpr = RS->getResult();
ConcreteDeclRef decl = nullptr;
// If return expression uses closure parameters, which have/are
// type variables, such means that we won't be able to
// type-check result correctly and, unfortunately,
// we are going to leak type variables from the parent
// constraint system through declaration types.
bool hasUnresolvedParams = false;
resultExpr->forEachChildExpr([&](Expr *childExpr) -> Expr *{
if (auto DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(resultExpr)) {
if (auto param = dyn_cast<ParamDecl>(DRE->getDecl())) {
auto paramType = param->getType();
if (!paramType || paramType->hasTypeVariable()) {
hasUnresolvedParams = true;
return nullptr;
return childExpr;
if (hasUnresolvedParams)
// Obtain type of the result expression without applying solutions,
// because otherwise this might result in leaking of type variables,
// since we are not resetting result statement and if expression is
// successfully type-checked its type cleanup is going to be disabled
// (we are allowing unresolved types), and as a side-effect it might
// also be transformed e.g. OverloadedDeclRefExpr -> DeclRefExpr.
auto type = CS->TC.getTypeOfExpressionWithoutApplying(resultExpr,
CS->DC, decl, FreeTypeVariableBinding::UnresolvedType);
if (type)
resultType = type.getValue();
// If we found a type, presuppose it was the intended result and insert a
// fixit hint.
if (resultType && !isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(resultType)) {
std::string resultTypeStr = resultType->getString();
// If there is a location for an 'in' token, then the argument list was
// specified somehow but no return type was. Insert a "-> ReturnType "
// before the in token.
if (closure->getInLoc().isValid()) {
diagnose(closure->getLoc(), diag::cannot_infer_closure_result_type)
.fixItInsert(closure->getInLoc(), "-> " + resultTypeStr + " ");
return true;
// Otherwise, the closure must take zero arguments. We know this
// because the if one or more argument is specified, a multi-statement
// closure *must* name them, or explicitly ignore them with "_ in".
// As such, we insert " () -> ReturnType in " right after the '{' that
// starts the closure body.
auto insertString = " () -> " + resultTypeStr + " " + "in ";
diagnose(closure->getLoc(), diag::cannot_infer_closure_result_type)
.fixItInsertAfter(closure->getBody()->getLBraceLoc(), insertString);
return true;
diagnose(closure->getLoc(), diag::cannot_infer_closure_result_type);
return true;
/// Check the associated constraint system to see if it has any archetypes
/// not properly resolved or missing. If so, diagnose the problem with
/// an error and return true.
bool FailureDiagnosis::diagnoseArchetypeAmbiguity() {
using Archetype = std::tuple<ArchetypeType *, ConstraintLocator *, unsigned>;
llvm::SmallVector<Archetype, 2> unboundParams;
// Check out all of the type variables lurking in the system. If any are
// unbound archetypes, then the problem is that it couldn't be resolved.
for (auto tv : CS->getTypeVariables()) {
auto &impl = tv->getImpl();
if (impl.hasRepresentativeOrFixed())
// If this is a conversion to a type variable used to form an archetype,
// Then diagnose this as a generic parameter that could not be resolved.
auto archetype = impl.getArchetype();
// Only diagnose archetypes that don't have a parent, i.e., ones
// that correspond to generic parameters.
if (!archetype || archetype->getParent())
// Number of constraints related to particular unbound parameter
// is significant indicator of the problem, because if there are
// no constraints associated with it, that means it can't ever be resolved,
// such helps to diagnose situations like: struct S<A, B> { init(_ a: A) {}}
// because type B would have no constraints associated with it.
unsigned numConstraints = 0;
llvm::SmallVector<Constraint *, 2> constraints;
tv, constraints,
for (auto constraint : constraints) {
// We are not interested in ConformsTo constraints because
// such constraints specify restrictions on the archetypes themselves.
if (constraint->getKind() == ConstraintKind::ConformsTo)
// Some of the bind constraints specify relations between
// parent type and it's member fields/types, we are not
// interested in that, since it's not related to archetype resolution.
if (constraint->getKind() == ConstraintKind::Bind) {
if (auto locator = constraint->getLocator()) {
auto anchor = locator->getAnchor();
if (anchor && isa<UnresolvedDotExpr>(anchor))
auto locator = impl.getLocator();
std::make_tuple(archetype, locator, numConstraints));
// We've found unbound generic parameters, let's diagnose
// based on the number of constraints each one is related to.
if (!unboundParams.empty()) {
// Let's prioritize archetypes that don't have any constraints associated.
std::stable_sort(unboundParams.begin(), unboundParams.end(),
[](Archetype a, Archetype b) {
return std::get<2>(a) < std::get<2>(b);
auto param = unboundParams.front();
return true;
return false;
/// Emit an error message about an unbound generic parameter existing, and
/// emit notes referring to the target of a diagnostic, e.g., the function
/// or parameter being used.
void FailureDiagnosis::diagnoseUnboundArchetype(ArchetypeType *archetype,
Expr *anchor) {
auto &tc = CS->getTypeChecker();
// The archetype may come from the explicit type in a cast expression.
if (auto *ECE = dyn_cast_or_null<ExplicitCastExpr>(anchor)) {
tc.diagnose(ECE->getLoc(), diag::unbound_generic_parameter_cast,
archetype, ECE->getCastTypeLoc().getType())
// Emit a note specifying where this came from, if we can find it.
noteArchetypeSource(ECE->getCastTypeLoc(), archetype, *CS);
// A very common cause of this diagnostic is a situation where a closure expr
// has no inferred type, due to being a multiline closure. Check to see if
// this is the case and (if so), speculatively diagnose that as the problem.
bool didDiagnose = false;
expr->forEachChildExpr([&](Expr *subExpr) -> Expr*{
auto closure = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(subExpr);
if (!didDiagnose && closure)
didDiagnose = diagnoseAmbiguousMultiStatementClosure(closure);
return subExpr;
if (didDiagnose) return;
// Otherwise, emit an error message on the expr we have, and emit a note
// about where the archetype came from.
tc.diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::unbound_generic_parameter, archetype);
// If we have an anchor, drill into it to emit a
// "note: archetype declared here".
if (!anchor) return;
if (auto TE = dyn_cast<TypeExpr>(anchor)) {
// Emit a note specifying where this came from, if we can find it.
noteArchetypeSource(TE->getTypeLoc(), archetype, *CS);
ConcreteDeclRef resolved;
// Simple case: direct reference to a declaration.
if (auto dre = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(anchor))
resolved = dre->getDeclRef();
// Simple case: direct reference to a declaration.
if (auto MRE = dyn_cast<MemberRefExpr>(anchor))
resolved = MRE->getMember();
if (auto OCDRE = dyn_cast<OtherConstructorDeclRefExpr>(anchor))
resolved = OCDRE->getDeclRef();
// We couldn't resolve the locator to a declaration, so we're done.
if (!resolved)
auto decl = resolved.getDecl();
if (isa<FuncDecl>(decl)) {
auto name = decl->getName();
auto diagID = name.isOperator() ? diag::note_call_to_operator
: diag::note_call_to_func;
tc.diagnose(decl, diagID, name);
// FIXME: Specialize for implicitly-generated constructors.
if (isa<ConstructorDecl>(decl)) {
tc.diagnose(decl, diag::note_call_to_initializer);
if (isa<ParamDecl>(decl)) {
tc.diagnose(decl, diag::note_init_parameter, decl->getName());
// FIXME: Other decl types too.
/// Emit an ambiguity diagnostic about the specified expression.
void FailureDiagnosis::diagnoseAmbiguity(Expr *E) {
// First, let's try to diagnose any problems related to ambiguous
// archetypes (generic parameters) present in the constraint system.
if (diagnoseArchetypeAmbiguity())
// Unresolved/Anonymous ClosureExprs are common enough that we should give
// them tailored diagnostics.
if (auto CE = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(E->getValueProvidingExpr())) {
// If this is a multi-statement closure with no explicit result type, emit
// a note to clue the developer in.
if (diagnoseAmbiguousMultiStatementClosure(CE))
diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::cannot_infer_closure_type)
// A DiscardAssignmentExpr (spelled "_") needs contextual type information to
// infer its type. If we see one at top level, diagnose that it must be part
// of an assignment so we don't get a generic "expression is ambiguous" error.
if (isa<DiscardAssignmentExpr>(E)) {
diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::discard_expr_outside_of_assignment)
// Diagnose ".foo" expressions that lack context specifically.
if (auto UME =
dyn_cast<UnresolvedMemberExpr>(E->getSemanticsProvidingExpr())) {
if (!CS->getContextualType()) {
diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::unresolved_member_no_inference,UME->getName())
// Diagnose empty collection literals that lack context specifically.
if (auto CE = dyn_cast<CollectionExpr>(E->getSemanticsProvidingExpr())) {
if (CE->getNumElements() == 0) {
diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::unresolved_collection_literal)
// Diagnose 'nil' without a contextual type.
if (isa<NilLiteralExpr>(E->getSemanticsProvidingExpr())) {
diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::unresolved_nil_literal)
// A very common cause of this diagnostic is a situation where a closure expr
// has no inferred type, due to being a multiline closure. Check to see if
// this is the case and (if so), speculatively diagnose that as the problem.
bool didDiagnose = false;
E->forEachChildExpr([&](Expr *subExpr) -> Expr*{
auto closure = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(subExpr);
if (!didDiagnose && closure)
didDiagnose = diagnoseAmbiguousMultiStatementClosure(closure);
return subExpr;
if (didDiagnose) return;
// Attempt to re-type-check the entire expression, allowing ambiguity, but
// ignoring a contextual type.
if (expr == E) {
auto exprType = getTypeOfTypeCheckedChildIndependently(expr);
// If it failed and diagnosed something, then we're done.
if (!exprType) return;
// If we were able to find something more specific than "unknown" (perhaps
// something like "[_:_]" for a dictionary literal), include it in the
// diagnostic.
if (!isUnresolvedOrTypeVarType(exprType)) {
diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::specific_type_of_expression_is_ambiguous,
// If there are no posted constraints or failures, then there was
// not enough contextual information available to infer a type for the
// expression.
diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::type_of_expression_is_ambiguous)
bool ConstraintSystem::salvage(SmallVectorImpl<Solution> &viable, Expr *expr) {
// Attempt to solve again, capturing all states that come from our attempts to
// select overloads or bind type variables.
// FIXME: can this be removed? We need to arrange for recordFixes to be
// eliminated.
// Set up solver state.
SolverState state(*this);
state.recordFixes = true;
// Solve the system.
solveRec(viable, FreeTypeVariableBinding::Disallow);
// Check whether we have a best solution; this can happen if we found
// a series of fixes that worked.
if (auto best = findBestSolution(viable, /*minimize=*/true)) {
if (*best != 0)
viable[0] = std::move(viable[*best]);
viable.erase(viable.begin() + 1, viable.end());
return false;
// FIXME: If we were able to actually fix things along the way,
// we may have to hunt for the best solution. For now, we don't care.
// Remove solutions that require fixes; the fixes in those systems should
// be diagnosed rather than any ambiguity.
auto hasFixes = [](const Solution &sol) { return !sol.Fixes.empty(); };
auto newEnd = std::remove_if(viable.begin(), viable.end(), hasFixes);
viable.erase(newEnd, viable.end());
// If there are multiple solutions, try to diagnose an ambiguity.
if (viable.size() > 1) {
if (getASTContext().LangOpts.DebugConstraintSolver) {
auto &log = getASTContext().TypeCheckerDebug->getStream();
log << "---Ambiguity error: "
<< viable.size() << " solutions found---\n";
int i = 0;
for (auto &solution : viable) {
log << "---Ambiguous solution #" << i++ << "---\n";
log << "\n";
if (diagnoseAmbiguity(*this, viable, expr)) {
return true;
// Fall through to produce diagnostics.
if (getExpressionTooComplex(viable)) {
TC.diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::expression_too_complex).
return true;
// If all else fails, diagnose the failure by looking through the system's
// constraints.
return true;