blob: 7241472f8da82cb7f42cc5afb073a9228af90f4d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend %s -emit-ir -O | %FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=CHECK-%target-ptrsize -DINT=i%target-ptrsize
// Test to make sure that methods removed by dead code elimination still appear
// in the vtable in both the nominal type descriptor and class metadata.
// We should be dropping the implementation, not the actual entry -- it is still
// there but filled in with a placeholder.
public class Class {
public init() {}
public func live() {}
private func dead() {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @"$S11dead_method5ClassCMn" ={{( protected)?}} constant <{{.*}}> <{
// -- metadata accessor
// CHECK-SAME: "$S11dead_method5ClassCMa"
// -- vtable
// CHECK-SAME: %swift.method_descriptor {
// CHECK-SAME: i32 1,
// CHECK-SAME: @"$S11dead_method5ClassCACycfc"
// CHECK-SAME: %swift.method_descriptor {
// CHECK-SAME: i32 16,
// CHECK-SAME: @"$S11dead_method5ClassC4liveyyF"
// CHECK-SAME: %swift.method_descriptor { i32 16, i32 0 }
// CHECK-LABEL: @"$S11dead_method5ClassCMf" = internal global <{{.*}}> <{
// -- destructor
// CHECK-SAME: void (%T11dead_method5ClassC*)* @"$S11dead_method5ClassCfD",
// -- value witness table
// CHECK-SAME: i8** @"$SBoWV",
// -- nominal type descriptor
// CHECK-SAME: @"$S11dead_method5ClassCMn",
// -- ivar destroyer
// CHECK-SAME: i8* null,
// -- vtable
// CHECK-SAME: %T11dead_method5ClassC* (%T11dead_method5ClassC*)* @"$S11dead_method5ClassCACycfc",
// CHECK-SAME: void (%T11dead_method5ClassC*)* @"$S11dead_method5ClassC4liveyyF",
// CHECK-SAME: i8* bitcast (void ()* @swift_deletedMethodError to i8*)