blob: 757528bfa7bf0a1bb467efabf8126a6f2c73cd11 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SideEffectAnalysis.h - SIL Side Effect Analysis --------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/SIL/ApplySite.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILFunction.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/BottomUpIPAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ArraySemantic.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
namespace swift {
class BasicCalleeAnalysis;
/// An enum to represent the kind of scan we perform when we calculate
/// side effects.
enum class RetainObserveKind {
/// Generic base class for any bottom up analysis that summarizes per-function
/// "effects" by first computing local effects, then propagating those effects
/// bottom-up through the call graph.
/// FunctionEffects constraints:
/// - void clear()
/// - void setWorstEffects()
/// - bool summarizeFunction(SILFunction *)
/// - bool summarizeCall(FullApplySite)
/// - bool mergeFrom(const FunctionSideEffects &)
/// - bool mergeFromApply(const FunctionEffects &, FullApplySite)
/// - void analyzeInstruction(SILInstruction *)
template <typename FunctionEffects>
class GenericFunctionEffectAnalysis : public BottomUpIPAnalysis {
/// Stores the analysis data, e.g. side-effects, for a function.
struct FunctionInfo : public FunctionInfoBase<FunctionInfo> {
/// The function effects.
FunctionEffects functionEffects;
/// Back-link to the function.
SILFunction *F;
/// Used during recomputation to indicate if the side-effects of a caller
/// must be updated.
bool needUpdateCallers = false;
FunctionInfo(SILFunction *F) : F(F) {}
/// Clears the analysis data on invalidation.
void clear() { functionEffects.clear(); }
typedef BottomUpFunctionOrder<FunctionInfo> FunctionOrder;
enum {
/// The maximum call-graph recursion depth for recomputing the analysis.
/// This is a relatively small number to reduce compile time in case of
/// large cycles in the call-graph.
/// In case of no cycles, we should not hit this limit at all because the
/// pass manager processes functions in bottom-up order.
MaxRecursionDepth = 5
/// All the function effect information for the whole module.
llvm::DenseMap<SILFunction *, FunctionInfo *> functionInfoMap;
/// The allocator for the map of values in FunctionInfoMap.
llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<FunctionInfo> allocator;
/// Callee analysis, used for determining the callees at call sites.
BasicCalleeAnalysis *BCA;
GenericFunctionEffectAnalysis(SILAnalysisKind kind)
: BottomUpIPAnalysis(kind) {}
const FunctionEffects &getEffects(SILFunction *F) {
FunctionInfo *functionInfo = getFunctionInfo(F);
if (!functionInfo->isValid())
return functionInfo->functionEffects;
/// Get the merged effects of all callees at the given call site from the
/// callee's perspective (don't transform parameter effects).
void getCalleeEffects(FunctionEffects &calleeEffects,
FullApplySite fullApply);
/// Get the merge effects of all callees at the given call site from the
/// caller's perspective. Parameter effects are translated into information
/// for the caller's arguments, and local effects are dropped.
void getCallSiteEffects(FunctionEffects &callEffects,
FullApplySite fullApply) {
FunctionEffects calleeEffects;
getCalleeEffects(calleeEffects, fullApply);
callEffects.mergeFromApply(calleeEffects, fullApply);
virtual void initialize(SILPassManager *PM) override;
/// Invalidate all information in this analysis.
virtual void invalidate() override;
/// Invalidate all of the information for a specific function.
virtual void invalidate(SILFunction *F, InvalidationKind K) override;
/// Notify the analysis about a newly created function.
virtual void notifyAddedOrModifiedFunction(SILFunction *F) override {}
/// Notify the analysis about a function which will be deleted from the
/// module.
virtual void notifyWillDeleteFunction(SILFunction *F) override {
invalidate(F, InvalidationKind::Nothing);
/// Notify the analysis about changed witness or vtables.
virtual void invalidateFunctionTables() override {}
/// Gets or creates FunctionEffects for \p F.
FunctionInfo *getFunctionInfo(SILFunction *F) {
FunctionInfo *&functionInfo = functionInfoMap[F];
if (!functionInfo) {
functionInfo = new (allocator.Allocate()) FunctionInfo(F);
return functionInfo;
/// Analyze the side-effects of a function, including called functions.
/// Visited callees are added to \p BottomUpOrder until \p RecursionDepth
/// reaches MaxRecursionDepth.
void analyzeFunction(FunctionInfo *functionInfo, FunctionOrder &bottomUpOrder,
int recursionDepth);
void analyzeCall(FunctionInfo *functionInfo, FullApplySite fullApply,
FunctionOrder &bottomUpOrder, int recursionDepth);
/// Recomputes the side-effect information for the function \p Initial and
/// all called functions, up to a recursion depth of MaxRecursionDepth.
void recompute(FunctionInfo *initialInfo);
/// Set \p dest if \p src is set and return true if \p dest was not set
/// before.
static bool changedFlagByInPlaceOr(bool &dest, bool src) {
if (src && !dest) {
dest = src;
return true;
return false;
/// Side-effect information for the function (global effects) or a specific
/// parameter of the function. See FunctionSideEffects.
class FunctionSideEffectFlags {
friend class FunctionSideEffects;
using MemoryBehavior = SILInstruction::MemoryBehavior;
bool Reads = false;
bool Writes = false;
bool Retains = false;
bool Releases = false;
/// Sets the most conservative effects.
void setWorstEffects() {
Reads = true;
Writes = true;
Retains = true;
Releases = true;
/// Clears all effects.
void clear() {
Reads = false;
Writes = false;
Retains = false;
Releases = false;
/// Does the function read from memory (excluding reads from locally
/// allocated memory)?
bool mayRead() const { return Reads; }
/// Does the function write to memory (excluding writes to locally
/// allocated memory)?
bool mayWrite() const { return Writes; }
/// Does the function retain objects (excluding retains of locally
/// allocated objects)?
bool mayRetain() const { return Retains; }
/// Does the function release objects (excluding releases of locally
/// allocated objects)?
bool mayRelease() const { return Releases; }
/// Gets the memory behavior considering the global effects and
/// all parameter effects. If \p ScanKind equals ignoreRetains then retain
/// instructions are considered as side effects.
MemoryBehavior getMemBehavior(RetainObserveKind ScanKind) const {
if (mayRelease())
return MemoryBehavior::MayHaveSideEffects;
if (ScanKind == RetainObserveKind::ObserveRetains && mayRetain())
return MemoryBehavior::MayHaveSideEffects;
if (mayWrite())
return mayRead() ? MemoryBehavior::MayReadWrite
: MemoryBehavior::MayWrite;
if (mayRead())
return MemoryBehavior::MayRead;
return MemoryBehavior::None;
/// Merge effects from \p RHS.
bool mergeFrom(const FunctionSideEffectFlags &RHS) {
bool Changed = false;
Changed |= changedFlagByInPlaceOr(Reads, RHS.Reads);
Changed |= changedFlagByInPlaceOr(Writes, RHS.Writes);
Changed |= changedFlagByInPlaceOr(Retains, RHS.Retains);
Changed |= changedFlagByInPlaceOr(Releases, RHS.Releases);
return Changed;
friend raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os,
const FunctionSideEffectFlags &Effects) {
if (Effects.mayRead())
os << 'r';
if (Effects.mayWrite())
os << 'w';
if (Effects.mayRetain())
os << '+';
if (Effects.mayRelease())
os << '-';
return os;
/// Summarizes the side-effects of a function. The side-effect information
/// is divided into global effects and effects for specific function
/// parameters.
/// If a side-effect can be associated to a specific function parameter, it is
/// not added to the global effects of the function. E.g. if a memory write is
/// only done through an @inout parameter, the mayWrite side-effect is only
/// accounted for this parameter.
/// Effects for a parameter make only sense if the parameter is implemented as
/// a pointer or contains a pointer:
/// *) The parameter is an address parameter, e.g. @out, @inout, etc.
/// *) The parameter is a reference
/// *) The parameter is a value type (e.g. struct) and contains a reference.
/// In this case the effects refer to all references in the value type.
/// E.g. if a struct contains 2 references, a mayWrite effect means that
/// memory is written to one of the referenced objects (or to both).
class FunctionSideEffects {
using MemoryBehavior = SILInstruction::MemoryBehavior;
/// Side-effects which can be associated to a parameter.
llvm::SmallVector<FunctionSideEffectFlags, 6> ParamEffects;
/// All other side-effects which cannot be associated to a parameter.
FunctionSideEffectFlags GlobalEffects;
/// Side-effects on locally allocated storage. Such side-effects are not
/// relevant to optimizations. The LocalEffects are only used to return
/// "something" for local storage in getEffectsOn().
FunctionSideEffectFlags LocalEffects;
/// Does the function allocate objects, boxes, etc., i.e. everything which
/// has a reference count.
bool AllocsObjects = false;
/// Can this function trap or exit the program in any way?
bool Traps = false;
/// Does this function read a reference count other than with retain or
/// release instructions, e.g. isUnique?
bool ReadsRC = false;
/// Returns the effects for an address or reference. This might be a
/// parameter, the LocalEffects or, if the value cannot be associated to one
/// of them, the GlobalEffects.
FunctionSideEffectFlags *getEffectsOn(SILValue Addr);
/// Constructs "empty" function effects. This effects object can later be
/// populated by summarizeFunction or summarizeCall.
FunctionSideEffects() {}
/// Sets the most conservative effects, if we don't know anything about the
/// function.
void setWorstEffects() {
AllocsObjects = true;
Traps = true;
ReadsRC = true;
/// Clears all effects.
void clear() {
AllocsObjects = false;
Traps = false;
ReadsRC = false;
/// Merge the flags from \p RHS.
bool mergeFlags(const FunctionSideEffects &RHS) {
bool Changed = false;
Changed |= changedFlagByInPlaceOr(Traps, RHS.Traps);
Changed |= changedFlagByInPlaceOr(AllocsObjects, RHS.AllocsObjects);
Changed |= changedFlagByInPlaceOr(ReadsRC, RHS.ReadsRC);
return Changed;
// Summarize the given function's effects using this FunctionSideEffects
// object.
// Return true if the function's' effects have been fully summarized without
// visiting it's body.
bool summarizeFunction(SILFunction *F);
/// Summarize the callee side effects of a call instruction using this
/// FunctionSideEffects object without analyzing the callee function bodies or
/// scheduling the callees for bottom-up propagation.
/// The side effects are represented from the callee's perspective. Parameter
/// effects are not translated into information on the caller's argument, and
/// local effects are not dropped.
/// Return true if this call-site's effects are summarized without visiting
/// the callee.
bool summarizeCall(FullApplySite fullApply);
/// Merge effects directly from \p RHS.
bool mergeFrom(const FunctionSideEffects &RHS);
/// Merge the effects represented in CalleeEffects into this
/// FunctionSideEffects object. CalleeEffects must correspond to at least one
/// callee at the apply site `FAS`. Merging drops any local effects, and
/// translates parameter effects into effects on the caller-side arguments.
/// The full caller-side effects at a call site can be obtained with
/// SideEffectsAnalysis::getCallSiteEffects().
bool mergeFromApply(const FunctionSideEffects &CalleeEffects,
FullApplySite FAS);
/// Analyze the side-effects of a single SIL instruction \p I.
/// Visited callees are added to \p BottomUpOrder until \p RecursionDepth
/// reaches MaxRecursionDepth.
void analyzeInstruction(SILInstruction *I);
/// Print the function effects.
void dump() const;
/// Does the function allocate objects, boxes, etc., i.e. everything which
/// has a reference count.
bool mayAllocObjects() const { return AllocsObjects; }
/// Can this function trap or exit the program in any way?
bool mayTrap() const { return Traps; }
/// Does this function read a reference count other than with retain or
/// release instructions, e.g. isUnique?
bool mayReadRC() const { return ReadsRC; }
/// Gets the memory behavior considering the global effects and
/// all parameter effects. If \p ScanKind equals ignoreRetains then retain
/// instructions are considered as side effects.
MemoryBehavior getMemBehavior(RetainObserveKind ScanKind) const;
/// Get the global effects for the function. These are effects which cannot
/// be associated to a specific parameter, e.g. writes to global variables
/// or writes to unknown pointers.
const FunctionSideEffectFlags &getGlobalEffects() const {
return GlobalEffects;
/// Get the array of parameter effects. If a side-effect can be associated
/// to a specific parameter, it is contained here instead of the global
/// effects.
/// Note that if a parameter effect is mayRelease(), it means that the
/// global function effects can be anything, because the destructor of an
/// object can have arbitrary side effects.
ArrayRef<FunctionSideEffectFlags> getParameterEffects() const {
return ParamEffects;
/// Set the side-effects of a function, which has an @_effects attribute.
/// Returns true if \a F has an @_effects attribute which could be handled.
bool setDefinedEffects(SILFunction *F);
/// Set the side-effects of a semantic call.
/// Return true if \p ASC could be handled.
bool setSemanticEffects(ArraySemanticsCall ASC);
friend raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os,
const FunctionSideEffects &Effects) {
os << "func=" << Effects.getGlobalEffects();
int ParamIdx = 0;
for (auto &E : Effects.getParameterEffects()) {
os << ",param" << ParamIdx++ << "=" << E;
if (Effects.mayAllocObjects())
os << ";alloc";
if (Effects.mayTrap())
os << ";trap";
if (Effects.mayReadRC())
os << ";readrc";
return os;
/// The SideEffectAnalysis provides information about side-effects of SIL
/// functions. Side-effect information is provided per function and includes:
/// Does the function read or write memory? Does the function retain or release
/// objects? etc.
/// For details see FunctionSideEffects.
class SideEffectAnalysis
: public GenericFunctionEffectAnalysis<FunctionSideEffects> {
: GenericFunctionEffectAnalysis<FunctionSideEffects>(
SILAnalysisKind::SideEffect) {}
static bool classof(const SILAnalysis *S) {
return S->getKind() == SILAnalysisKind::SideEffect;
} // end namespace swift