blob: b7855799136bf8b718064e8edee0afca2e946c20 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ClosureScope.h - Determines closure's defining scope ---*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// Map each non-escaping closure SILFunction to a set of SILFunctions
/// corresponding to its parent scopes.
/// This is a lightweight analysis specific to non-escaping closures. Unlike
/// CallerAnalysis, this does not reflect the call tree. A closure's scope is a
/// function that directly references the closure. It may directly invoke the
/// closure (as a caller) or may simply pass it off as an argument.
/// Like CallerAnalysis, ClosureScope is top-down, but unlike CallerAnalysis, it
/// does not require complex invalidation and recomputation. The underlying
/// assumption is that no trasformation will add new references to existing
/// non-escaping closures, with some exceptions like SILCloner.
/// TODO: When this analysis is used across passes, fix SILCloner to update or
/// invalidate. In SILVerifier, if this analysis is marked valid, check that no
/// new unseen closure references have been added.
/// We do not currently mark SILFunctions as non-escaping. However, only
/// closures that are not assigned to an lvalue and are never passed as escaping
/// closures can use the @inout_aliasable convention. For now, we simply limit
/// this analysis to such closures. This covers the set of closures that
/// SILOptimizer must view as non-escaping, which must in turn be a subset of
/// Sema's non-escaping closures.
/// NOTE: a non-escaping function can be passed as an escaping function via
/// withoutActuallyEscaping. However, using that API to introduce recursion is
/// disallowed according to exclusivity semantics. That is, non-escaping
/// function types cannot be reentrant (SE-0176). In this analysis, we assert
/// that closure scopes are acyclic. Although the language does not currently
/// enforce non-reentrant, non-escaping closures, the scope graph cannot be
/// cyclic because there's no way to name a non-escaping closure. So, in the
/// long term the acyclic assumption made by this analysis is protected by
/// non-reentrant semantics, and in the short-term it's safe because of the
/// lanuguage's practical limitations.
#include "swift/Basic/BlotSetVector.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILFunction.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/Analysis.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator.h"
namespace swift {
/// Return true if this function is known to be non-escaping.
/// This must only return true if the closure was also deemed non-escaping in
/// Sema. Sema will eventually guarantee non-reentrance.
/// This must always return true for any closure with @inout_aliasable parameter
/// conventions, because passes like AccessEnforcementSelection assume that
/// convention only applies to non-escaping closures.
/// (Hence, SILGen may only use @inout_aliasable for closures that Sema deems
/// non-escaping.)
/// This may conservatively return false for any non-escaping closures that
/// don't happen to use @inout_aliasable.
inline bool isNonEscapingClosure(CanSILFunctionType funcTy) {
auto isInoutAliasable = [](SILParameterInfo paramInfo) {
return paramInfo.getConvention()
== ParameterConvention::Indirect_InoutAliasable;
return llvm::any_of(funcTy->getParameters(), isInoutAliasable);
class ClosureScopeData;
class ClosureScopeAnalysis : public SILAnalysis {
friend class ClosureScopeData;
// Get a closure's scope function from its index. This functor is compatible
// with OptionalTransformRange. Unfortunately it exposes the internals of the
// analysis data.
struct IndexLookupFunc {
// A reference to all closure parent scopes ordered by their index.
const std::vector<SILFunction *> &indexedScopes;
IndexLookupFunc(const std::vector<SILFunction *> &indexedScopes)
: indexedScopes(indexedScopes) {}
Optional<SILFunction *> operator()(int idx) const {
if (auto funcPtr = indexedScopes[idx]) {
return funcPtr;
return None;
using IndexRange = IteratorRange<int *>;
// A range of SILFunction scopes converted from their scope indices and
// filtered to remove any erased functions.
using ScopeRange = OptionalTransformRange<IndexRange, IndexLookupFunc, int *>;
SILModule *M;
// The analysis data. nullptr if it has never been computed.
std::unique_ptr<ClosureScopeData> scopeData;
ClosureScopeAnalysis(SILModule *M);
static bool classof(const SILAnalysis *S) {
return S->getKind() == SILAnalysisKind::ClosureScope;
SILModule *getModule() const { return M; }
// Return true if the given function is the parent scope for any closures.
bool isClosureScope(SILFunction *scopeFunc);
// Return a range of scopes for the given closure. The elements of the
// returned range have type `SILFunction *` and are non-null. Returns an
// empty range for a SILFunction that is not a closure or is a dead closure.
ScopeRange getClosureScopes(SILFunction *closureFunc);
/// Invalidate all information in this analysis.
virtual void invalidate() override;
/// Invalidate all of the information for a specific function.
virtual void invalidate(SILFunction *F, InvalidationKind K) override {
// No invalidation needed because the analysis does not cache anything
// per call-site in functions, and we assume that references to closures
// cannot be added to functions, aside from cloning.
/// Notify the analysis about a newly created function.
virtual void notifyAddedOrModifiedFunction(SILFunction *F) override {
// Nothing to be done because the analysis does not cache anything
// per call-site in functions.
/// Notify the analysis about a function which will be deleted from the
/// module.
virtual void notifyWillDeleteFunction(SILFunction *F) override;
/// Notify the analysis about changed witness or vtables.
virtual void invalidateFunctionTables() override {
// witness tables have no effect on closure scopes.
ClosureScopeData *getOrComputeScopeData();
// ClosureScopeAnalysis utility for visiting functions top down in closure scope
// order.
class TopDownClosureFunctionOrder {
ClosureScopeAnalysis *CSA;
llvm::SmallSet<SILFunction *, 16> visited;
BlotSetVector<SILFunction *> closureWorklist;
TopDownClosureFunctionOrder(ClosureScopeAnalysis *CSA) : CSA(CSA) {}
// Visit all functions in a module, visiting each closure scope function
// before
// the closure function itself.
void visitFunctions(llvm::function_ref<void(SILFunction *)> visitor);
} // end namespace swift