blob: 187b2d04504c9c9fb302a3c2cb12db91b89fc6d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
protocol P0 {
associatedtype Assoc1 : PSimple // expected-note{{ambiguous inference of associated type 'Assoc1': 'Double' vs. 'Int'}}
// expected-note@-1{{ambiguous inference of associated type 'Assoc1': 'Double' vs. 'Int'}}
// expected-note@-2{{unable to infer associated type 'Assoc1' for protocol 'P0'}}
// expected-note@-3{{unable to infer associated type 'Assoc1' for protocol 'P0'}}
func f0(_: Assoc1)
func g0(_: Assoc1)
protocol PSimple { }
extension Int : PSimple { }
extension Double : PSimple { }
struct X0a : P0 { // okay: Assoc1 == Int
func f0(_: Int) { }
func g0(_: Int) { }
struct X0b : P0 { // expected-error{{type 'X0b' does not conform to protocol 'P0'}}
func f0(_: Int) { } // expected-note{{matching requirement 'f0' to this declaration inferred associated type to 'Int'}}
func g0(_: Double) { } // expected-note{{matching requirement 'g0' to this declaration inferred associated type to 'Double'}}
struct X0c : P0 { // okay: Assoc1 == Int
func f0(_: Int) { }
func g0(_: Float) { }
func g0(_: Int) { }
struct X0d : P0 { // okay: Assoc1 == Int
func f0(_: Int) { }
func g0(_: Double) { } // viable, but no corresponding f0
func g0(_: Int) { }
struct X0e : P0 { // expected-error{{type 'X0e' does not conform to protocol 'P0'}}
func f0(_: Double) { } // expected-note{{matching requirement 'f0' to this declaration inferred associated type to 'Double}}
func f0(_: Int) { } // expected-note{{matching requirement 'f0' to this declaration inferred associated type to 'Int'}}
func g0(_: Double) { }
func g0(_: Int) { }
struct X0f : P0 { // okay: Assoc1 = Int because Float doesn't conform to PSimple
func f0(_: Float) { }
func f0(_: Int) { }
func g0(_: Float) { }
func g0(_: Int) { }
struct X0g : P0 { // expected-error{{type 'X0g' does not conform to protocol 'P0'}}
func f0(_: Float) { } // expected-note{{inferred type 'Float' (by matching requirement 'f0') is invalid: does not conform to 'PSimple'}}
func g0(_: Float) { } // expected-note{{inferred type 'Float' (by matching requirement 'g0') is invalid: does not conform to 'PSimple'}}
struct X0h<T : PSimple> : P0 {
func f0(_: T) { }
extension X0h {
func g0(_: T) { }
struct X0i<T : PSimple> {
extension X0i {
func g0(_: T) { }
extension X0i : P0 { }
extension X0i {
func f0(_: T) { }
// Protocol extension used to infer requirements
protocol P1 {
extension P1 {
func f0(_ x: Int) { }
func g0(_ x: Int) { }
struct X0j : P0, P1 { }
protocol P2 {
associatedtype P2Assoc
func h0(_ x: P2Assoc)
extension P2 where Self.P2Assoc : PSimple {
func f0(_ x: P2Assoc) { } // expected-note{{inferred type 'Float' (by matching requirement 'f0') is invalid: does not conform to 'PSimple'}}
func g0(_ x: P2Assoc) { } // expected-note{{inferred type 'Float' (by matching requirement 'g0') is invalid: does not conform to 'PSimple'}}
struct X0k : P0, P2 {
func h0(_ x: Int) { }
struct X0l : P0, P2 { // expected-error{{type 'X0l' does not conform to protocol 'P0'}}
func h0(_ x: Float) { }
// Prefer declarations in the type to those in protocol extensions
struct X0m : P0, P2 {
func f0(_ x: Double) { }
func g0(_ x: Double) { }
func h0(_ x: Double) { }
// Inference from properties.
protocol PropertyP0 {
associatedtype Prop : PSimple // expected-note{{unable to infer associated type 'Prop' for protocol 'PropertyP0'}}
var property: Prop { get }
struct XProp0a : PropertyP0 { // okay PropType = Int
var property: Int
struct XProp0b : PropertyP0 { // expected-error{{type 'XProp0b' does not conform to protocol 'PropertyP0'}}
var property: Float // expected-note{{inferred type 'Float' (by matching requirement 'property') is invalid: does not conform to 'PSimple'}}
// Inference from subscripts
protocol SubscriptP0 {
associatedtype Index
// expected-note@-1 2 {{protocol requires nested type 'Index'; do you want to add it?}}
associatedtype Element : PSimple
// expected-note@-1 {{unable to infer associated type 'Element' for protocol 'SubscriptP0'}}
// expected-note@-2 2 {{protocol requires nested type 'Element'; do you want to add it?}}
subscript (i: Index) -> Element { get }
struct XSubP0a : SubscriptP0 {
subscript (i: Int) -> Int { get { return i } }
struct XSubP0b : SubscriptP0 {
// expected-error@-1{{type 'XSubP0b' does not conform to protocol 'SubscriptP0'}}
subscript (i: Int) -> Float { get { return Float(i) } } // expected-note{{inferred type 'Float' (by matching requirement 'subscript') is invalid: does not conform to 'PSimple'}}
struct XSubP0c : SubscriptP0 {
// expected-error@-1 {{type 'XSubP0c' does not conform to protocol 'SubscriptP0'}}
subscript (i: Index) -> Element { get { } } // expected-error{{reference to invalid associated type 'Element' of type 'XSubP0c'}}
struct XSubP0d : SubscriptP0 {
// expected-error@-1 {{type 'XSubP0d' does not conform to protocol 'SubscriptP0'}}
subscript (i: XSubP0d.Index) -> XSubP0d.Element { get { } }
// Inference from properties and subscripts
protocol CollectionLikeP0 {
associatedtype Index
// expected-note@-1 {{protocol requires nested type 'Index'; do you want to add it?}}
associatedtype Element
// expected-note@-1 {{protocol requires nested type 'Element'; do you want to add it?}}
var startIndex: Index { get }
var endIndex: Index { get }
subscript (i: Index) -> Element { get }
struct SomeSlice<T> { }
struct XCollectionLikeP0a<T> : CollectionLikeP0 {
var startIndex: Int
var endIndex: Int
subscript (i: Int) -> T { get { fatalError("blah") } }
subscript (r: Range<Int>) -> SomeSlice<T> { get { return SomeSlice() } }
struct XCollectionLikeP0b : CollectionLikeP0 {
// expected-error@-1 {{type 'XCollectionLikeP0b' does not conform to protocol 'CollectionLikeP0'}}
var startIndex: XCollectionLikeP0b.Index
// There was an error @-1 ("'startIndex' used within its own type"),
// but it disappeared and doesn't seem like much of a loss.
var startElement: XCollectionLikeP0b.Element
// rdar://problem/21304164
public protocol Thenable {
associatedtype T // expected-note{{protocol requires nested type 'T'}}
func then(_ success: (_: T) -> T) -> Self
public class CorePromise<U> : Thenable { // expected-error{{type 'CorePromise<U>' does not conform to protocol 'Thenable'}}
public func then(_ success: @escaping (_ t: U, _: CorePromise<U>) -> U) -> Self {
return self.then() { (t: U) -> U in // expected-error{{contextual closure type '(U, CorePromise<U>) -> U' expects 2 arguments, but 1 was used in closure body}}
return success(t: t, self)
// rdar://problem/21559670
protocol P3 {
associatedtype Assoc = Int
associatedtype Assoc2
func foo(_ x: Assoc2) -> Assoc?
protocol P4 : P3 { }
extension P4 {
func foo(_ x: Int) -> Float? { return 0 }
extension P3 where Assoc == Int {
func foo(_ x: Int) -> Assoc? { return nil }
struct X4 : P4 { }
// rdar://problem/21738889
protocol P5 {
associatedtype A = Int
struct X5<T : P5> : P5 {
typealias A = T.A
protocol P6 : P5 {
associatedtype A : P5 = X5<Self>
extension P6 where A == X5<Self> { }
// rdar://problem/21774092
protocol P7 {
associatedtype A
associatedtype B
func f() -> A
func g() -> B
struct X7<T> { }
extension P7 {
func g() -> X7<A> { return X7() }
struct Y7<T> : P7 {
func f() -> Int { return 0 }
struct MyAnySequence<Element> : MySequence {
typealias SubSequence = MyAnySequence<Element>
func makeIterator() -> MyAnyIterator<Element> {
return MyAnyIterator<Element>()
struct MyAnyIterator<T> : MyIteratorType {
typealias Element = T
protocol MyIteratorType {
associatedtype Element
protocol MySequence {
associatedtype Iterator : MyIteratorType
associatedtype SubSequence
func foo() -> SubSequence
func makeIterator() -> Iterator
extension MySequence {
func foo() -> MyAnySequence<Iterator.Element> {
return MyAnySequence()
struct SomeStruct<Element> : MySequence {
let element: Element
init(_ element: Element) {
self.element = element
func makeIterator() -> MyAnyIterator<Element> {
return MyAnyIterator<Element>()
// rdar://problem/21883828 - ranking of solutions
protocol P8 {
protocol P9 : P8 {
protocol P10 {
associatedtype A
func foo() -> A
struct P8A { }
struct P9A { }
extension P8 {
func foo() -> P8A { return P8A() }
extension P9 {
func foo() -> P9A { return P9A() }
struct Z10 : P9, P10 {
func testZ10() -> Z10.A {
var zA: Z10.A
zA = P9A()
return zA
// rdar://problem/21926788
protocol P11 {
associatedtype A
associatedtype B
func foo() -> B
extension P11 where A == Int {
func foo() -> Int { return 0 }
protocol P12 : P11 {
extension P12 {
func foo() -> String { return "" }
struct X12 : P12 {
typealias A = String
// Infinite recursion -- we would try to use the extension
// initializer's argument type of 'Dough' as a candidate for
// the associated type
protocol Cookie {
associatedtype Dough
// expected-note@-1 {{protocol requires nested type 'Dough'; do you want to add it?}}
init(t: Dough)
extension Cookie {
init(t: Dough?) {}
struct Thumbprint : Cookie {}
// expected-error@-1 {{type 'Thumbprint' does not conform to protocol 'Cookie'}}
// Looking through typealiases
protocol Vector {
associatedtype Element
typealias Elements = [Element]
func process(elements: Elements)
struct Int8Vector : Vector {
func process(elements: [Int8]) { }
// SR-4486
protocol P13 {
associatedtype Arg // expected-note{{protocol requires nested type 'Arg'; do you want to add it?}}
func foo(arg: Arg)
struct S13 : P13 { // expected-error{{type 'S13' does not conform to protocol 'P13'}}
func foo(arg: inout Int) {}
// "Infer" associated type from generic parameter.
protocol P14 {
associatedtype Value
struct P14a<Value>: P14 { }
struct P14b<Value> { }
extension P14b: P14 { }
// Associated type defaults in overridden associated types.
struct X15 { }
struct OtherX15 { }
protocol P15a {
associatedtype A = X15
protocol P15b : P15a {
associatedtype A
protocol P15c : P15b {
associatedtype A
protocol P15d {
associatedtype A = X15
protocol P15e : P15b, P15d {
associatedtype A
protocol P15f {
associatedtype A = OtherX15
protocol P15g: P15c, P15f {
associatedtype A // expected-note{{protocol requires nested type 'A'; do you want to add it?}}
struct X15a : P15a { }
struct X15b : P15b { }
struct X15c : P15c { }
struct X15d : P15d { }
// Ambiguity.
// FIXME: Better diagnostic here?
struct X15g : P15g { } // expected-error{{type 'X15g' does not conform to protocol 'P15g'}}
// Associated type defaults in overidden associated types that require
// substitution.
struct X16<T> { }
protocol P16 {
associatedtype A = X16<Self>
protocol P16a : P16 {
associatedtype A
protocol P16b : P16a {
associatedtype A
struct X16b : P16b { }
// Refined protocols that tie associated types to a fixed type.
protocol P17 {
associatedtype T
protocol Q17 : P17 where T == Int { }
struct S17 : Q17 { }
// Typealiases from protocol extensions should not inhibit associated type
// inference.
protocol P18 {
associatedtype A
protocol P19 : P18 {
associatedtype B
extension P18 where Self: P19 {
typealias A = B
struct X18<A> : P18 { }
// rdar://problem/16316115
protocol HasAssoc {
associatedtype Assoc
struct DefaultAssoc {}
protocol RefinesAssocWithDefault: HasAssoc {
associatedtype Assoc = DefaultAssoc
struct Foo: RefinesAssocWithDefault {