blob: 929fa03867aad3cc5fd1f116855d579000402d78 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// REQUIRES: OS=macosx
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Foundation
import StdlibUnittest
import SwiftSyntax
func loc(_ file: String = #file, line: Int = #line,
column: Int = #line) -> SourceLocation {
return SourceLocation(line: line, column: column, offset: 0, file: file)
/// Adds static constants to Diagnostic.Message.
extension Diagnostic.Message {
/// Error thrown when a conversion between two types is impossible.
static func cannotConvert(fromType: String,
toType: String) -> Diagnostic.Message {
return .init(.error,
"cannot convert value of type '\(fromType)' to '\(toType)'")
/// Suggestion for the user to explicitly check a value does not equal zero.
static let checkEqualToZero =
Diagnostic.Message(.note, "check for explicit equality to '0'")
var Diagnostics = TestSuite("Diagnostics")
Diagnostics.test("DiagnosticEmission") {
let startLoc = loc()
let fixLoc = loc()
let engine = DiagnosticEngine()
engine.diagnose(.cannotConvert(fromType: "Int", toType: "Bool"),
location: startLoc) {
$0.note(.checkEqualToZero, location: fixLoc,
fixIts: [.insert(fixLoc, " != 0")])
expectEqual(engine.diagnostics.count, 1)
guard let diag = engine.diagnostics.first else { return }
"cannot convert value of type 'Int' to 'Bool'")
expectEqual(diag.message.severity, .error)
expectEqual(diag.notes.count, 1)
guard let note = diag.notes.first else { return }
expectEqual(note.message.text, "check for explicit equality to '0'")
expectEqual(note.message.severity, .note)
expectEqual(note.fixIts.count, 1)
guard let fixIt = note.fixIts.first else { return }
expectEqual(fixIt.text, " != 0")