blob: 1a18abed348ac2dd44badbc14c775fad91f286bc [file] [log] [blame]
//===----------------------------------------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// simd.h overlays for Swift
import Swift
import Darwin
@_exported import simd
component = ['x','y','z','w']
scalar_types = ['Float','Double','Int32','UInt32']
ctype = { 'Float':'float', 'Double':'double', 'Int32':'int', 'UInt32':'uint'}
llvm_type = { 'Float':'FPIEEE32', 'Double':'FPIEEE64', 'Int32':'Int32', 'UInt32':'Int32' }
floating_types = ['Float','Double']
cardinal = { 2:'two', 3:'three', 4:'four'}
%for scalar in scalar_types:
% for count in [2, 3, 4]:
% vectype = ctype[scalar] + str(count)
% llvm_vectype = "Vec" + str(count) + "x" + llvm_type[scalar]
% vecsize = (8 if scalar == 'Double' else 4) * (4 if count == 3 else count)
% extractelement = "extractelement_" + llvm_vectype + "_Int32"
% insertelement = "insertelement_" + llvm_vectype + "_" + llvm_type[scalar] + "_Int32"
% is_floating = scalar in floating_types
% is_signed = scalar[0] != 'U'
% wrap = "" if is_floating else "&"
/// A vector of ${cardinal[count]} `${scalar}`. This corresponds to the C and
/// Obj-C type `vector_${vectype}` and the C++ type `simd::${vectype}`.
public struct ${vectype} {
public var _vector: Builtin.${llvm_vectype}
% for i in xrange(count):
public var ${component[i]} : ${scalar} {
get {
let elt = Builtin.${extractelement}(_vector,
(${i} as Int32)._value)
return ${scalar}(_bits: elt)
set {
_vector = Builtin.${insertelement}(_vector,
(${i} as Int32)._value)
% end
/// Initialize to the zero vector.
public init() { self.init(0) }
public init(_bits: Builtin.${llvm_vectype}) {
_vector = _bits
/// Initialize a vector with the specified elements.
public init(${', '.join(['_ ' + c + ': ' + scalar for c in component[:count]])}) {
var v: Builtin.${llvm_vectype} = Builtin.zeroInitializer()
% for i in xrange(count):
v = Builtin.${insertelement}(v,
(${i} as Int32)._value)
% end
_vector = v
/// Initialize a vector with the specified elements.
public init(${', '.join([c + ': ' + scalar for c in component[:count]])}) {
self.init(${', '.join(component[:count])})
/// Initialize to a vector with all elements equal to `scalar`.
public init(_ scalar: ${scalar}) {
self.init(${', '.join(['scalar']*count)})
/// Initialize to a vector with elements taken from `array`.
/// - Precondition: `array` must have exactly ${cardinal[count]} elements.
public init(_ array: [${scalar}]) {
_precondition(array.count == ${count},
"${vectype} requires a ${cardinal[count]}-element array")
self.init(${', '.join(map(lambda i:
'array[' + str(i) + ']',
/// Access individual elements of the vector via subscript.
public subscript(index: Int) -> ${scalar} {
get {
_precondition(index >= 0, "Vector index out of range")
_precondition(index < ${count}, "Vector index out of range")
let elt = Builtin.${extractelement}(_vector,
return ${scalar}(_bits: elt)
set(value) {
_precondition(index >= 0, "Vector index out of range")
_precondition(index < ${count}, "Vector index out of range")
_vector = Builtin.${insertelement}(_vector,
extension ${vectype} : Equatable {
/// True iff every element of lhs is equal to the corresponding element of
/// rhs.
public static func ==(_ lhs: ${vectype}, _ rhs: ${vectype}) -> Bool {
return simd_equal(lhs, rhs)
extension ${vectype} : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// Debug string representation
public var debugDescription: String {
return "${vectype}(${', '.join(map(lambda c:
'\\(self['+ str(c) + '])',
% if count <= 4:
/// Helper for matrix debug representations
internal var _descriptionAsArray: String {
get {
return "[${', '.join(map(lambda c:
'\\(self['+ str(c) + '])',
% end
extension ${vectype} : ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
/// Initialize using `arrayLiteral`.
/// - Precondition: the array literal must exactly ${cardinal[count]}
/// elements.
public init(arrayLiteral elements: ${scalar}...) { self.init(elements) }
extension ${vectype} : Collection {
public var startIndex: Int { return 0 }
public var endIndex: Int { return ${count} }
public func index(after i: Int) -> Int { return i + 1 }
extension ${vectype} {
% wrap = "" if is_floating else "&"
% prefix = "f" if is_floating else ""
% divide = ("f" if is_floating else ("s" if is_signed else "u")) + "div"
/// Vector (elementwise) sum of `lhs` and `rhs`.
public static func ${wrap}+(lhs: ${vectype}, rhs: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return ${vectype}(_bits:
Builtin.${prefix}add_${llvm_vectype}(lhs._vector, rhs._vector))
/// Vector (elementwise) difference of `lhs` and `rhs`.
public static func ${wrap}-(lhs: ${vectype}, rhs: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return ${vectype}(_bits:
Builtin.${prefix}sub_${llvm_vectype}(lhs._vector, rhs._vector))
/// Negation of `rhs`.
public static prefix func -(rhs: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return ${vectype}() ${wrap}- rhs
/// Elementwise product of `lhs` and `rhs` (A.k.a. the Hadamard or Schur
/// vector product).
public static func ${wrap}*(lhs: ${vectype}, rhs: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return ${vectype}(_bits:
Builtin.${prefix}mul_${llvm_vectype}(lhs._vector, rhs._vector))
/// Scalar-Vector product.
public static func ${wrap}*(lhs: ${scalar}, rhs: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return ${vectype}(lhs) ${wrap}* rhs
/// Scalar-Vector product.
public static func ${wrap}*(lhs: ${vectype}, rhs: ${scalar}) -> ${vectype} {
return lhs ${wrap}* ${vectype}(rhs)
/// Elementwise quotient of `lhs` and `rhs`.
public static func /(lhs: ${vectype}, rhs: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return ${vectype}(_bits:
Builtin.${divide}_${llvm_vectype}(lhs._vector, rhs._vector))
/// Divide vector by scalar.
public static func /(lhs: ${vectype}, rhs: ${scalar}) -> ${vectype} {
return lhs / ${vectype}(rhs)
/// Add `rhs` to `lhs`.
% if is_floating:
public static func +=(lhs: inout ${vectype}, rhs: ${vectype}) -> Void {
lhs = lhs + rhs
/// Subtract `rhs` from `lhs`.
public static func -=(lhs: inout ${vectype}, rhs: ${vectype}) -> Void {
lhs = lhs - rhs
/// Multiply `lhs` by `rhs` (elementwise).
public static func *=(lhs: inout ${vectype}, rhs: ${vectype}) -> Void {
lhs = lhs * rhs
% end
/// Divide `lhs` by `rhs` (elementwise).
public static func /=(lhs: inout ${vectype}, rhs: ${vectype}) -> Void {
lhs = lhs / rhs
% if is_floating:
/// Scales `lhs` by `rhs`.
public static func *=(lhs: inout ${vectype}, rhs: ${scalar}) -> Void {
lhs = lhs * rhs
/// Scales `lhs` by `1/rhs`.
public static func /=(lhs: inout ${vectype}, rhs: ${scalar}) -> Void {
lhs = lhs / rhs
% else:
// Integer vector types only support wrapping arithmetic. Make the non-
// wrapping operators unavailable so that fixits guide users to the
// unchecked operations.
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "&+",
message: "integer vector types do not support checked arithmetic; use the wrapping operations instead")
public static func +(x: ${vectype}, y: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
fatalError("Unavailable function cannot be called")
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "&-",
message: "integer vector types do not support checked arithmetic; use the wrapping operations instead")
public static func -(x: ${vectype}, y: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
fatalError("Unavailable function cannot be called")
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "&*",
message: "integer vector types do not support checked arithmetic; use the wrapping operations instead")
public static func *(x: ${vectype}, y: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
fatalError("Unavailable function cannot be called")
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "&*",
message: "integer vector types do not support checked arithmetic; use the wrapping operations instead")
public static func *(x: ${vectype}, y: ${scalar}) -> ${vectype} {
fatalError("Unavailable function cannot be called")
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "&*",
message: "integer vector types do not support checked arithmetic; use the wrapping operations instead")
public static func *(x: ${scalar}, y: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
fatalError("Unavailable function cannot be called")
@available(*, unavailable,
message: "integer vector types do not support checked arithmetic; use the wrapping operation 'x = x &+ y' instead")
public static func +=(x: inout ${vectype}, y: ${vectype}) {
fatalError("Unavailable function cannot be called")
@available(*, unavailable,
message: "integer vector types do not support checked arithmetic; use the wrapping operation 'x = x &- y' instead")
public static func -=(x: inout ${vectype}, y: ${vectype}) {
fatalError("Unavailable function cannot be called")
@available(*, unavailable,
message: "integer vector types do not support checked arithmetic; use the wrapping operation 'x = x &* y' instead")
public static func *=(x: inout ${vectype}, y: ${vectype}) {
fatalError("Unavailable function cannot be called")
@available(*, unavailable,
message: "integer vector types do not support checked arithmetic; use the wrapping operation 'x = x &* y' instead")
public static func *=(x: inout ${vectype}, y: ${scalar}) {
fatalError("Unavailable function cannot be called")
% end
% if is_signed:
/// Elementwise absolute value of a vector. The result is a vector of the same
/// length with all elements positive.
public func abs(_ x: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return simd_abs(x)
% end
/// Elementwise minimum of two vectors. Each component of the result is the
/// smaller of the corresponding component of the inputs.
public func min(_ x: ${vectype}, _ y: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return simd_min(x, y)
/// Elementwise maximum of two vectors. Each component of the result is the
/// larger of the corresponding component of the inputs.
public func max(_ x: ${vectype}, _ y: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return simd_max(x, y)
/// Vector-scalar minimum. Each component of the result is the minimum of the
/// corresponding element of the input vector and the scalar.
public func min(_ vector: ${vectype}, _ scalar: ${scalar}) -> ${vectype} {
return min(vector, ${vectype}(scalar))
/// Vector-scalar maximum. Each component of the result is the maximum of the
/// corresponding element of the input vector and the scalar.
public func max(_ vector: ${vectype}, _ scalar: ${scalar}) -> ${vectype} {
return max(vector, ${vectype}(scalar))
/// Each component of the result is the corresponding element of `x` clamped to
/// the range formed by the corresponding elements of `min` and `max`. Any
/// lanes of `x` that contain NaN will end up with the `min` value.
public func clamp(_ x: ${vectype}, min: ${vectype}, max: ${vectype})
-> ${vectype} {
return simd.min(simd.max(x, min), max)
/// Clamp each element of `x` to the range [`min`, max]. If any lane of `x` is
/// NaN, the corresponding lane of the result is `min`.
public func clamp(_ x: ${vectype}, min: ${scalar}, max: ${scalar})
-> ${vectype} {
return simd.min(simd.max(x, min), max)
/// Sum of the elements of the vector.
public func reduce_add(_ x: ${vectype}) -> ${scalar} {
return simd_reduce_add(x)
/// Minimum element of the vector.
public func reduce_min(_ x: ${vectype}) -> ${scalar} {
return simd_reduce_min(x)
/// Maximum element of the vector.
public func reduce_max(_ x: ${vectype}) -> ${scalar} {
return simd_reduce_max(x)
% if is_floating:
/// Sign of a vector. Each lane contains -1 if the corresponding lane of `x`
/// is less than zero, +1 if the corresponding lane of `x` is greater than
/// zero, and 0 otherwise.
public func sign(_ x: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return simd_sign(x)
/// Linear interpolation between `x` (at `t=0`) and `y` (at `t=1`). May be
/// used with `t` outside of [0, 1] as well.
public func mix(_ x: ${vectype}, _ y: ${vectype}, t: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return x + t*(y-x)
/// Linear interpolation between `x` (at `t=0`) and `y` (at `t=1`). May be
/// used with `t` outside of [0, 1] as well.
public func mix(_ x: ${vectype}, _ y: ${vectype}, t: ${scalar}) -> ${vectype} {
return x + t*(y-x)
/// Elementwise reciprocal.
public func recip(_ x: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return simd_recip(x)
/// Elementwise reciprocal square root.
public func rsqrt(_ x: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return simd_rsqrt(x)
/// Alternate name for minimum of two floating-point vectors.
public func fmin(_ x: ${vectype}, _ y: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return min(x, y)
/// Alternate name for maximum of two floating-point vectors.
public func fmax(_ x: ${vectype}, _ y: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return max(x, y)
/// Each element of the result is the smallest integral value greater than or
/// equal to the corresponding element of the input.
public func ceil(_ x: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return __tg_ceil(x)
/// Each element of the result is the largest integral value less than or equal
/// to the corresponding element of the input.
public func floor(_ x: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return __tg_floor(x)
/// Each element of the result is the closest integral value with magnitude
/// less than or equal to that of the corresponding element of the input.
public func trunc(_ x: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return __tg_trunc(x)
/// `x - floor(x)`, clamped to lie in the range [0,1). Without this clamp step,
/// the result would be 1.0 when `x` is a very small negative number, which may
/// result in out-of-bounds table accesses in common usage.
public func fract(_ x: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return simd_fract(x)
/// 0.0 if `x < edge`, and 1.0 otherwise.
public func step(_ x: ${vectype}, edge: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return simd_step(edge, x)
/// 0.0 if `x < edge0`, 1.0 if `x > edge1`, and cubic interpolation between
/// 0 and 1 in the interval [edge0, edge1].
public func smoothstep(_ x: ${vectype}, edge0: ${vectype}, edge1: ${vectype})
-> ${vectype} {
return simd_smoothstep(edge0, edge1, x)
/// Dot product of `x` and `y`.
public func dot(_ x: ${vectype}, _ y: ${vectype}) -> ${scalar} {
return reduce_add(x * y)
/// Projection of `x` onto `y`.
public func project(_ x: ${vectype}, _ y: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return simd_project(x, y)
/// Length of `x`, squared. This is more efficient to compute than the length,
/// so you should use it if you only need to compare lengths to each other.
/// I.e. instead of writing:
/// if (length(x) < length(y)) { ... }
/// use:
/// if (length_squared(x) < length_squared(y)) { ... }
/// Doing it this way avoids one or two square roots, which is a fairly costly
/// operation.
public func length_squared(_ x: ${vectype}) -> ${scalar} {
return dot(x, x)
/// Length (two-norm or "Euclidean norm") of `x`.
public func length(_ x: ${vectype}) -> ${scalar} {
return sqrt(length_squared(x))
/// The one-norm (or "taxicab norm") of `x`.
public func norm_one(_ x: ${vectype}) -> ${scalar} {
return reduce_add(abs(x))
/// The infinity-norm (or "sup norm") of `x`.
public func norm_inf(_ x: ${vectype}) -> ${scalar} {
return reduce_max(abs(x))
/// Distance between `x` and `y`, squared.
public func distance_squared(_ x: ${vectype}, _ y: ${vectype}) -> ${scalar} {
return length_squared(x - y)
/// Distance between `x` and `y`.
public func distance(_ x: ${vectype}, _ y: ${vectype}) -> ${scalar} {
return length(x - y)
/// Unit vector pointing in the same direction as `x`.
public func normalize(_ x: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return simd_normalize(x)
/// `x` reflected through the hyperplane with unit normal vector `n`, passing
/// through the origin. E.g. if `x` is [1,2,3] and `n` is [0,0,1], the result
/// is [1,2,-3].
public func reflect(_ x: ${vectype}, n: ${vectype}) -> ${vectype} {
return simd_reflect(x, n)
/// The refraction direction given unit incident vector `x`, unit surface
/// normal `n`, and index of refraction `eta`. If the angle between the
/// incident vector and the surface is so small that total internal reflection
/// occurs, zero is returned.
public func refract(_ x: ${vectype}, n: ${vectype}, eta: ${scalar})
-> ${vectype} {
return simd_refract(x, n, eta)
% end # if is_floating
% end # for count in [2, 3, 4]
% if is_floating:
// Scalar versions of common operations:
/// Returns -1 if `x < 0`, +1 if `x > 0`, and 0 otherwise (`sign(NaN)` is 0).
public func sign(_ x: ${scalar}) -> ${scalar} {
return simd_sign(x)
/// Reciprocal.
public func recip(_ x: ${scalar}) -> ${scalar} {
return simd_recip(x)
/// Reciprocal square root.
public func rsqrt(_ x: ${scalar}) -> ${scalar} {
return simd_rsqrt(x)
/// Returns 0.0 if `x < edge`, and 1.0 otherwise.
public func step(_ x: ${scalar}, edge: ${scalar}) -> ${scalar} {
return simd_step(edge, x)
/// Interprets two two-dimensional vectors as three-dimensional vectors in the
/// xy-plane and computes their cross product, which lies along the z-axis.
public func cross(_ x: ${ctype[scalar]}2, _ y: ${ctype[scalar]}2)
-> ${ctype[scalar]}3 {
return simd_cross(x,y)
/// Cross-product of two three-dimensional vectors. The resulting vector is
/// perpendicular to the plane determined by `x` and `y`, with length equal to
/// the oriented area of the parallelogram they determine.
public func cross(_ x: ${ctype[scalar]}3, _ y: ${ctype[scalar]}3)
-> ${ctype[scalar]}3 {
return simd_cross(x,y)
% end # is_floating
%end # for scalar in scalar_types
%for type in floating_types:
% for rows in [2,3,4]:
% for cols in [2,3,4]:
% mattype = 'simd_' + ctype[type] + str(cols) + 'x' + str(rows)
% diagsize = rows if rows < cols else cols
% coltype = ctype[type] + str(rows)
% rowtype = ctype[type] + str(cols)
% diagtype = ctype[type] + str(diagsize)
% transtype = ctype[type] + str(rows) + 'x' + str(cols)
public typealias ${ctype[type]}${cols}x${rows} = ${mattype}
extension ${mattype} {
/// Initialize matrix to have `scalar` on main diagonal, zeros elsewhere.
public init(_ scalar: ${type}) {
self.init(diagonal: ${diagtype}(scalar))
/// Initialize matrix to have specified `diagonal`, and zeros elsewhere.
public init(diagonal: ${diagtype}) {
% for i in range(diagsize):
self.columns.${i}.${component[i]} = diagonal.${component[i]}
% end
/// Initialize matrix to have specified `columns`.
public init(_ columns: [${coltype}]) {
_precondition(columns.count == ${cols}, "Requires array of ${cols} vectors")
% for i in range(cols):
self.columns.${i} = columns[${i}]
% end
/// Initialize matrix to have specified `rows`.
public init(rows: [${rowtype}]) {
_precondition(rows.count == ${rows}, "Requires array of ${rows} vectors")
self = ${transtype}(rows).transpose
/// Initialize matrix to have specified `columns`.
public init(${', '.join(['_ col' + str(i) + ': ' + coltype
for i in range(cols)])}) {
% for i in range(cols):
self.columns.${i} = col${i}
% end
/// Initialize matrix from corresponding C matrix type.
@available(swift, deprecated: 4, message: "This conversion is no longer necessary; use `cmatrix` directly.")
public init(_ cmatrix: ${mattype}) {
self = cmatrix
/// Get the matrix as the corresponding C matrix type.
@available(swift, deprecated: 4, message: "This property is no longer needed; use the matrix itself.")
public var cmatrix: ${mattype} {
return self
/// Access to individual columns.
public subscript(column: Int) -> ${coltype} {
get {
switch(column) {
% for i in range(cols):
case ${i}: return columns.${i}
% end
default: _preconditionFailure("Column index out of range")
set (value) {
switch(column) {
% for i in range(cols):
case ${i}: columns.${i} = value
% end
default: _preconditionFailure("Column index out of range")
/// Access to individual elements.
public subscript(column: Int, row: Int) -> ${type} {
get { return self[column][row] }
set (value) { self[column][row] = value }
extension ${mattype} : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var debugDescription: String {
return "${mattype}([${', '.join(map(lambda i: \
'\(columns.' + str(i) + '._descriptionAsArray)',
extension ${mattype} : Equatable {
public static func ==(lhs: ${mattype}, rhs: ${mattype}) -> Bool {
return simd_equal(lhs, rhs)
extension ${mattype} {
/// Transpose of the matrix.
public var transpose: ${transtype} {
return simd_transpose(self)
% if rows == cols:
/// Inverse of the matrix if it exists, otherwise the contents of the
/// resulting matrix are undefined.
@available(OSX 10.10, iOS 8.0, tvOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, *)
public var inverse: ${mattype} {
return simd_inverse(self)
/// Determinant of the matrix.
public var determinant: ${type} {
return simd_determinant(self)
% end
/// Sum of two matrices.
public static func +(lhs: ${mattype}, rhs: ${mattype}) -> ${mattype} {
return simd_add(lhs, rhs)
/// Negation of a matrix.
public static prefix func -(rhs: ${mattype}) -> ${mattype} {
return ${mattype}() - rhs
/// Difference of two matrices.
public static func -(lhs: ${mattype}, rhs: ${mattype}) -> ${mattype} {
return simd_sub(lhs, rhs)
public static func +=(lhs: inout ${mattype}, rhs: ${mattype}) -> Void {
lhs = lhs + rhs
public static func -=(lhs: inout ${mattype}, rhs: ${mattype}) -> Void {
lhs = lhs - rhs
/// Scalar-Matrix multiplication.
public static func *(lhs: ${type}, rhs: ${mattype}) -> ${mattype} {
return simd_mul(lhs, rhs)
/// Matrix-Scalar multiplication.
public static func *(lhs: ${mattype}, rhs: ${type}) -> ${mattype} {
return rhs*lhs
public static func *=(lhs: inout ${mattype}, rhs: ${type}) -> Void {
lhs = lhs*rhs
/// Matrix-Vector multiplication. Keep in mind that matrix types are named
/// `${type}NxM` where `N` is the number of *columns* and `M` is the number of
/// *rows*, so we multiply a `${type}3x2 * ${type}3` to get a `${type}2`, for
/// example.
public static func *(lhs: ${mattype}, rhs: ${rowtype}) -> ${coltype} {
return simd_mul(lhs, rhs)
/// Vector-Matrix multiplication.
public static func *(lhs: ${coltype}, rhs: ${mattype}) -> ${rowtype} {
return simd_mul(lhs, rhs)
% for k in [2,3,4]:
/// Matrix multiplication (the "usual" matrix product, not the elementwise
/// product).
% restype = ctype[type] + str(k) + 'x' + str(rows)
% rhstype = ctype[type] + str(k) + 'x' + str(cols)
public static func *(lhs: ${mattype}, rhs: ${rhstype}) -> ${restype} {
return simd_mul(lhs, rhs)
% end # for k in [2,3,4]
% rhstype = ctype[type] + str(cols) + 'x' + str(cols)
/// Matrix multiplication (the "usual" matrix product, not the elementwise
/// product).
public static func *=(lhs: inout ${mattype}, rhs: ${rhstype}) -> Void {
lhs = lhs*rhs
// Make old-style C free functions with the `matrix_` prefix available but
// deprecated in Swift 4.
% if rows == cols:
@available(swift, deprecated: 4, renamed: "${mattype}(diagonal:)")
public func matrix_from_diagonal(_ d: ${diagtype}) -> ${mattype} {
return ${mattype}(diagonal: d)
@available(swift, deprecated: 4, message: "Use the .inverse property instead.")
@available(OSX 10.10, iOS 8.0, tvOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, *)
public func matrix_invert(_ x: ${mattype}) -> ${mattype} {
return x.inverse
@available(swift, deprecated: 4, message: "Use the .determinant property instead.")
public func matrix_determinant(_ x: ${mattype}) -> ${type} {
return x.determinant
% end # rows == cols
@available(swift, deprecated: 4, renamed: "${mattype}")
public func matrix_from_columns(${', '.join(['_ col' + str(i) + ': ' + coltype
for i in range(cols)])}) -> ${mattype} {
return ${mattype}(${', '.join(['col' + str(i) for i in range(cols)])})
public func matrix_from_rows(${', '.join(['_ row' + str(i) + ': ' + rowtype
for i in range(rows)])}) -> ${mattype} {
return ${transtype}(${', '.join(['row' + str(i) for i in range(rows)])}).transpose
@available(swift, deprecated: 4, message: "Use the .transpose property instead.")
public func matrix_transpose(_ x: ${mattype}) -> ${transtype} {
return x.transpose
@available(swift, deprecated: 4, renamed: "==")
public func matrix_equal(_ lhs: ${mattype}, _ rhs: ${mattype}) -> Bool {
return lhs == rhs
% end # for cols in [2,3,4]
% end # for rows in [2,3,4]
%end # for type in floating_types