blob: 6e776547f7c8117423ed58f69cc526015ee990ff [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
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@_exported import ARKit
@available(iOS, introduced: 11.0)
extension ARCamera {
A value describing the camera's tracking state.
public enum TrackingState {
public enum Reason {
/** Tracking is limited due to initialization in progress. */
case initializing
/** Tracking is limited due to a excessive motion of the camera. */
case excessiveMotion
/** Tracking is limited due to a lack of features visible to the camera. */
case insufficientFeatures
/** Tracking is limited due to a relocalization in progress. */
@available(iOS, introduced: 11.3)
case relocalizing
/** Tracking is not available. */
case notAvailable
/** Tracking is limited. See tracking reason for details. */
case limited(Reason)
/** Tracking is normal. */
case normal
The tracking state of the camera.
public var trackingState: TrackingState {
switch __trackingState {
case .notAvailable: return .notAvailable
case .normal: return .normal
case .limited:
let reason: TrackingState.Reason
if #available(iOS 11.3, *) {
switch __trackingStateReason {
case .initializing: reason = .initializing
case .relocalizing: reason = .relocalizing
case .excessiveMotion: reason = .excessiveMotion
default: reason = .insufficientFeatures
else {
switch __trackingStateReason {
case .initializing: reason = .initializing
case .excessiveMotion: reason = .excessiveMotion
default: reason = .insufficientFeatures
return .limited(reason)
@available(iOS, introduced: 11.0)
extension ARPointCloud {
The 3D points comprising the point cloud.
@nonobjc public var points: [vector_float3] {
let buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: __points, count: Int(__count))
return Array(buffer)
The 3D point identifiers comprising the point cloud.
@nonobjc public var identifiers: [UInt64] {
let buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: __identifiers, count: Int(__count))
return Array(buffer)
@available(iOS, introduced: 11.0)
extension ARFaceGeometry {
The mesh vertices of the geometry.
@nonobjc public var vertices: [vector_float3] {
let buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: __vertices, count: Int(__vertexCount))
return Array(buffer)
The texture coordinates of the geometry.
@nonobjc public var textureCoordinates: [vector_float2] {
let buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: __textureCoordinates, count: Int(__textureCoordinateCount))
return Array(buffer)
The triangle indices of the geometry.
@nonobjc public var triangleIndices: [Int16] {
let buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: __triangleIndices, count: Int(triangleCount * 3))
return Array(buffer)
@available(iOS, introduced: 11.3)
extension ARPlaneGeometry {
The mesh vertices of the geometry.
@nonobjc public var vertices: [vector_float3] {
let buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: __vertices, count: Int(__vertexCount))
return Array(buffer)
The texture coordinates of the geometry.
@nonobjc public var textureCoordinates: [vector_float2] {
let buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: __textureCoordinates, count: Int(__textureCoordinateCount))
return Array(buffer)
The triangle indices of the geometry.
@nonobjc public var triangleIndices: [Int16] {
let buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: __triangleIndices, count: Int(triangleCount * 3))
return Array(buffer)
The vertices of the geometry's outermost boundary.
@nonobjc public var boundaryVertices: [vector_float3] {
let buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: __boundaryVertices, count: Int(__boundaryVertexCount))
return Array(buffer)