blob: 11c10ebfdc81d54784243a0982d8e658bef8c5fe [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- PerformanceInlinerUtils.h - Common performance inliner utils. ---===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/Projection.h"
#include "swift/SIL/InstructionUtils.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ColdBlockInfo.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/DominanceAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/FunctionOrder.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/LoopAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/ConstantFolding.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/SILInliner.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
using namespace swift;
extern llvm::cl::opt<bool> EnableSILInliningOfGenerics;
namespace swift {
class SideEffectAnalysis;
// Controls the decision to inline functions with @_semantics, @effect and
// global_init attributes.
enum class InlineSelection {
NoGlobalInit, // and no availability semantics calls
// Returns the callee of an apply_inst if it is basically inlineable.
SILFunction *getEligibleFunction(FullApplySite AI,
InlineSelection WhatToInline);
// Returns true if this is a pure call, i.e. the callee has no side-effects
// and all arguments are constants.
bool isPureCall(FullApplySite AI, SideEffectAnalysis *SEA);
} // end swift namespace
// ConstantTracker
// Tracks constants in the caller and callee to get an estimation of what
// values get constant if the callee is inlined.
// This can be seen as a "simulation" of several optimizations: SROA, mem2reg
// and constant propagation.
// Note that this is only a simplified model and not correct in all cases.
// For example aliasing information is not taken into account.
class ConstantTracker {
// Represents a value in integer constant evaluation.
struct IntConst {
IntConst() : isValid(false), isFromCaller(false) { }
IntConst(const APInt &value, bool isFromCaller) :
value(value), isValid(true), isFromCaller(isFromCaller) { }
// The actual value.
APInt value;
// True if the value is valid, i.e. could be evaluated to a constant.
bool isValid;
// True if the value is only valid, because a constant is passed to the
// callee. False if constant propagation could do the same job inside the
// callee without inlining it.
bool isFromCaller;
// Links between loaded and stored values.
// The key is a load instruction, the value is the corresponding store
// instruction which stores the loaded value. Both, key and value can also
// be copy_addr instructions.
llvm::DenseMap<SILInstruction *, SILInstruction *> links;
// The current stored values at memory addresses.
// The key is the base address of the memory (after skipping address
// projections). The value are store (or copy_addr) instructions, which
// store the current value.
// This is only an estimation, because e.g. it does not consider potential
// aliasing.
llvm::DenseMap<SILValue, SILInstruction *> memoryContent;
// Cache for evaluated constants.
llvm::SmallDenseMap<BuiltinInst *, IntConst> constCache;
// The caller/callee function which is tracked.
SILFunction *F;
// The constant tracker of the caller function (null if this is the
// tracker of the callee).
ConstantTracker *callerTracker;
// The apply instruction in the caller (null if this is the tracker of the
// callee).
FullApplySite AI;
// Walks through address projections and (optionally) collects them.
// Returns the base address, i.e. the first address which is not a
// projection.
SILValue scanProjections(SILValue addr,
SmallVectorImpl<Projection> *Result = nullptr);
// Get the stored value for a load. The loadInst can be either a real load
// or a copy_addr.
SILValue getStoredValue(SILInstruction *loadInst,
ProjectionPath &projStack);
// Gets the parameter in the caller for a function argument.
SILValue getParam(SILValue value) {
if (auto *Arg = dyn_cast<SILFunctionArgument>(value)) {
if (AI && Arg->getFunction() == F) {
// Continue at the caller.
return AI.getArgument(Arg->getIndex());
return SILValue();
SILInstruction *getMemoryContent(SILValue addr) {
// The memory content can be stored in this ConstantTracker or in the
// caller's ConstantTracker.
SILInstruction *storeInst = memoryContent[addr];
if (storeInst)
return storeInst;
if (callerTracker)
return callerTracker->getMemoryContent(addr);
return nullptr;
// Gets the estimated definition of a value.
SILInstruction *getDef(SILValue val, ProjectionPath &projStack);
// Gets the estimated integer constant result of a builtin.
IntConst getBuiltinConst(BuiltinInst *BI, int depth);
// Constructor for the caller function.
ConstantTracker(SILFunction *function) :
F(function), callerTracker(nullptr), AI()
{ }
// Constructor for the callee function.
ConstantTracker(SILFunction *function, ConstantTracker *caller,
FullApplySite callerApply) :
F(function), callerTracker(caller), AI(callerApply)
{ }
void beginBlock() {
// Currently we don't do any sophisticated dataflow analysis, so we keep
// the memoryContent alive only for a single block.
// Must be called for each instruction visited in dominance order.
void trackInst(SILInstruction *inst);
// Gets the estimated definition of a value.
SILInstruction *getDef(SILValue val) {
ProjectionPath projStack(val->getType());
return getDef(val, projStack);
// Gets the estimated definition of a value if it is in the caller.
SILInstruction *getDefInCaller(SILValue val) {
SILInstruction *def = getDef(val);
if (def && def->getFunction() != F)
return def;
return nullptr;
bool isStackAddrInCaller(SILValue val) {
if (SILValue Param = getParam(stripAddressProjections(val))) {
return isa<AllocStackInst>(stripAddressProjections(Param));
return false;
// Gets the estimated integer constant of a value.
IntConst getIntConst(SILValue val, int depth = 0);
SILBasicBlock *getTakenBlock(TermInst *term);
// Shortest path analysis
/// Computes the length of the shortest path through a block in a scope.
/// A scope is either a loop or the whole function. The "length" is an
/// estimation of the execution time. For example if the shortest path of a
/// block B is N, it means that the execution time of the scope (either
/// function or a single loop iteration), when execution includes the block, is
/// at least N, regardless of what branches are taken.
/// The shortest path of a block is the sum of the shortest path from the scope
/// entry and the shortest path to the scope exit.
class ShortestPathAnalysis {
enum {
/// We assume that cold block take very long to execute.
ColdBlockLength = 1000,
/// Our assumption on how many times a loop is executed.
LoopCount = 10,
/// To keep things simple we only analyze up to this number of nested loops.
MaxNumLoopLevels = 4,
/// The "weight" for the benefit which a single loop nest gives.
SingleLoopWeight = 4,
/// Pretty large but small enough to add something without overflowing.
InitialDist = (1 << 29)
/// A weight for an inlining benefit.
class Weight {
/// How long does it take to execute the scope (either loop or the whole
/// function) of the call to inline? The larger it is the less important it
/// is to inline.
int ScopeLength;
/// Represents the loop nest. The larger it is the more important it is to
/// inline
int LoopWeight;
friend class ShortestPathAnalysis;
Weight(int ScopeLength, int LoopWeight) : ScopeLength(ScopeLength),
LoopWeight(LoopWeight) { }
Weight(const Weight &RHS, int AdditionalLoopWeight) :
Weight(RHS.ScopeLength, RHS.LoopWeight + AdditionalLoopWeight) { }
Weight() : ScopeLength(-1), LoopWeight(0) {
bool isValid() const { return ScopeLength >= 0; }
/// Updates the \p Benefit by weighting the \p Importance.
void updateBenefit(int &Benefit, int Importance) const;
#ifndef NDEBUG
friend raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, const Weight &W) {
os << W.LoopWeight << '/' << W.ScopeLength;
return os;
/// The distances for a block in it's scope (either loop or function).
struct Distances {
/// The shortest distance from the scope entry to the block entry.
int DistFromEntry = InitialDist;
/// The shortest distance from the block entry to the scope exit.
int DistToExit = InitialDist;
/// Additional length to account for loop iterations. It's != 0 for loop
/// headers (or loop predecessors).
int LoopHeaderLength = 0;
/// Holds the distance information for a block in all it's scopes, i.e. in all
/// its containing loops and the function itself.
struct BlockInfo {
/// Distances for all scopes. Element 0 refers to the function, elements
/// > 0 to loops.
Distances Dists[MaxNumLoopLevels];
/// The length of the block itself.
int Length = 0;
/// Returns the distances for the loop with nesting level \p LoopDepth.
Distances &getDistances(int LoopDepth) {
assert(LoopDepth >= 0 && LoopDepth < MaxNumLoopLevels);
return Dists[LoopDepth];
/// Returns the length including the LoopHeaderLength for a given
/// \p LoopDepth.
int getLength(int LoopDepth) {
return Length + getDistances(LoopDepth).LoopHeaderLength;
/// Returns the length of the shortest path of this block in the loop with
/// nesting level \p LoopDepth.
int getScopeLength(int LoopDepth) {
const Distances &D = getDistances(LoopDepth);
return D.DistFromEntry + D.DistToExit;
SILFunction *F;
SILLoopInfo *LI;
llvm::DenseMap<const SILBasicBlock *, BlockInfo *> BlockInfos;
std::vector<BlockInfo> BlockInfoStorage;
BlockInfo *getBlockInfo(const SILBasicBlock *BB) {
BlockInfo *BI = BlockInfos[BB];
return BI;
// Utility functions to make the template solveDataFlow compilable for a block
// list containing references _and_ a list containing pointers.
const SILBasicBlock *getBlock(const SILBasicBlock *BB) { return BB; }
const SILBasicBlock *getBlock(const SILBasicBlock &BB) { return &BB; }
/// Returns the minimum distance from all predecessor blocks of \p BB.
int getEntryDistFromPreds(const SILBasicBlock *BB, int LoopDepth);
/// Returns the minimum distance from all successor blocks of \p BB.
int getExitDistFromSuccs(const SILBasicBlock *BB, int LoopDepth);
/// Computes the distances by solving the dataflow problem for all \p Blocks
/// in a scope.
template <typename BlockList>
void solveDataFlow(const BlockList &Blocks, int LoopDepth) {
bool Changed = false;
// Compute the distances from the entry block.
do {
Changed = false;
for (auto &Block : Blocks) {
const SILBasicBlock *BB = getBlock(Block);
BlockInfo *BBInfo = getBlockInfo(BB);
int DistFromEntry = getEntryDistFromPreds(BB, LoopDepth);
Distances &BBDists = BBInfo->getDistances(LoopDepth);
if (DistFromEntry < BBDists.DistFromEntry) {
BBDists.DistFromEntry = DistFromEntry;
Changed = true;
} while (Changed);
// Compute the distances to the exit block.
do {
Changed = false;
for (auto &Block : reverse(Blocks)) {
const SILBasicBlock *BB = getBlock(Block);
BlockInfo *BBInfo = getBlockInfo(BB);
int DistToExit =
getExitDistFromSuccs(BB, LoopDepth) + BBInfo->getLength(LoopDepth);
Distances &BBDists = BBInfo->getDistances(LoopDepth);
if (DistToExit < BBDists.DistToExit) {
BBDists.DistToExit = DistToExit;
Changed = true;
} while (Changed);
/// Analyze \p Loop and all its inner loops.
void analyzeLoopsRecursively(SILLoop *Loop, int LoopDepth);
void printFunction(llvm::raw_ostream &OS);
void printLoop(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, SILLoop *Loop, int LoopDepth);
void printBlockInfo(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, SILBasicBlock *BB, int LoopDepth);
ShortestPathAnalysis(SILFunction *F, SILLoopInfo *LI) : F(F), LI(LI) { }
bool isValid() const { return !BlockInfos.empty(); }
/// Compute the distances. The function \p getApplyLength returns the length
/// of a function call.
template <typename Func>
void analyze(ColdBlockInfo &CBI, Func getApplyLength) {
// First step: compute the length of the blocks.
unsigned BlockIdx = 0;
for (SILBasicBlock &BB : *F) {
int Length = 0;
if (CBI.isCold(&BB)) {
Length = ColdBlockLength;
} else {
for (SILInstruction &I : BB) {
if (auto FAS = FullApplySite::isa(&I)) {
Length += getApplyLength(FAS);
} else {
Length += (int)instructionInlineCost(I);
BlockInfo *BBInfo = &BlockInfoStorage[BlockIdx++];
BlockInfos[&BB] = BBInfo;
BBInfo->Length = Length;
// Initialize the distances for the entry and exit blocks, used when
// computing the distances for the function itself.
if (&BB == &F->front())
BBInfo->getDistances(0).DistFromEntry = 0;
if (isa<ReturnInst>(BB.getTerminator()))
BBInfo->getDistances(0).DistToExit = Length;
else if (isa<ThrowInst>(BB.getTerminator()))
BBInfo->getDistances(0).DistToExit = Length + ColdBlockLength;
// Compute the distances for all loops in the function.
for (SILLoop *Loop : *LI) {
analyzeLoopsRecursively(Loop, 1);
// Compute the distances for the function itself.
solveDataFlow(F->getBlocks(), 0);
/// Returns the length of the shortest path of the block \p BB in the loop
/// with nesting level \p LoopDepth. If \p LoopDepth is 0 ir returns the
/// shortest path in the function.
int getScopeLength(SILBasicBlock *BB, int LoopDepth) {
assert(BB->getParent() == F);
if (LoopDepth >= MaxNumLoopLevels)
LoopDepth = MaxNumLoopLevels - 1;
return getBlockInfo(BB)->getScopeLength(LoopDepth);
/// Returns the weight of block \p BB also considering the \p CallerWeight
/// which is the weight of the call site's block in the caller.
Weight getWeight(SILBasicBlock *BB, Weight CallerWeight);
void dump();