blob: a6d7e5afadad068cb7a678bcf06571f9037d0ce9 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Declaring optional requirements
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@objc class ObjCClass { }
@objc protocol P1 {
@objc optional func method(_ x: Int) // expected-note {{requirement 'method' declared here}}
@objc optional var prop: Int { get }
@objc optional subscript (i: Int) -> ObjCClass? { get }
@objc protocol P2 {
optional func method(y: Int) // expected-note 1{{requirement 'method(y:)' declared here}}
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Providing witnesses for optional requirements
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// One does not have provide a witness for an optional requirement
class C1 : P1 { }
// ... but it's okay to do so.
class C2 : P1 {
@objc func method(_ x: Int) { }
@objc var prop: Int = 0
@objc subscript (i: Int) -> ObjCClass? {
get {
return nil
set {}
class C3 : P1 {
func method(_ x: Int) { }
var prop: Int = 0
subscript (i: Int) -> ObjCClass? {
get {
return nil
set {}
class C4 { }
extension C4 : P1 {
func method(_ x: Int) { }
var prop: Int { return 5 }
subscript (i: Int) -> ObjCClass? {
get {
return nil
set {}
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Okay to match via extensions.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class C5 : P1 { }
extension C5 {
func method(_ x: Int) { }
var prop: Int { return 5 }
subscript (i: Int) -> ObjCClass? {
get {
return nil
set {}
// Note: @nonobjc suppresses witness match.
class C6 { }
extension C6 : P1 {
@nonobjc func method(_ x: Int) { }
@nonobjc var prop: Int { return 5 }
@nonobjc subscript (i: Int) -> ObjCClass? {
get {
return nil
set {}
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// "Near" matches.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Note: warn about selector matches where the Swift names didn't match.
@objc class C7 : P1 { // expected-note{{class 'C7' declares conformance to protocol 'P1' here}}
@objc(method:) func otherMethod(x: Int) { } // expected-error{{Objective-C method 'method:' provided by method 'otherMethod(x:)' conflicts with optional requirement method 'method' in protocol 'P1'}}
// expected-note@-1{{rename method to match requirement 'method'}}{{23-34=method}}{{35-35=_ }}
@objc class C8 : P2 { // expected-note{{class 'C8' declares conformance to protocol 'P2' here}}
func objcMethod(int x: Int) { } // expected-error{{Objective-C method 'objcMethodWithInt:' provided by method 'objcMethod(int:)' conflicts with optional requirement method 'method(y:)' in protocol 'P2'}}
// expected-note@-1{{add '@nonobjc' to silence this error}}{{3-3=@nonobjc }}
// expected-note@-2{{rename method to match requirement 'method(y:)'}}{{8-18=method}}{{19-22=y}}{{none}}
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Using optional requirements
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Optional method references in generics.
func optionalMethodGeneric<T : P1>(_ t: T) {
// Infers a value of optional type.
var methodRef = t.method
// Make sure it's an optional
methodRef = .none
// ... and that we can call it.
// Optional property references in generics.
func optionalPropertyGeneric<T : P1>(_ t: T) {
// Infers a value of optional type.
var propertyRef = t.prop
// Make sure it's an optional
propertyRef = .none
// ... and that we can use it
let i = propertyRef!
_ = i as Int
// Optional subscript references in generics.
func optionalSubscriptGeneric<T : P1>(_ t: T) {
// Infers a value of optional type.
var subscriptRef = t[5]
// Make sure it's an optional
subscriptRef = .none
// ... and that we can use it
let i = subscriptRef!
_ = i as ObjCClass?
// Optional method references in existentials.
func optionalMethodExistential(_ t: P1) {
// Infers a value of optional type.
var methodRef = t.method
// Make sure it's an optional
methodRef = .none
// ... and that we can call it.
// Optional property references in existentials.
func optionalPropertyExistential(_ t: P1) {
// Infers a value of optional type.
var propertyRef = t.prop
// Make sure it's an optional
propertyRef = .none
// ... and that we can use it
let i = propertyRef!
_ = i as Int
// Optional subscript references in existentials.
func optionalSubscriptExistential(_ t: P1) {
// Infers a value of optional type.
var subscriptRef = t[5]
// Make sure it's an optional
subscriptRef = .none
// ... and that we can use it
let i = subscriptRef!
_ = i as ObjCClass?
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Restrictions on the application of optional
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// optional cannot be used on non-protocol declarations
optional var optError: Int = 10 // expected-error{{'optional' can only be applied to protocol members}} {{1-10=}}
optional struct optErrorStruct { // expected-error{{'optional' modifier cannot be applied to this declaration}} {{1-10=}}
optional var ivar: Int // expected-error{{'optional' can only be applied to protocol members}} {{3-12=}}
optional func foo() { } // expected-error{{'optional' can only be applied to protocol members}} {{3-12=}}
optional class optErrorClass { // expected-error{{'optional' modifier cannot be applied to this declaration}} {{1-10=}}
optional var ivar: Int = 0 // expected-error{{'optional' can only be applied to protocol members}} {{3-12=}}
optional func foo() { } // expected-error{{'optional' can only be applied to protocol members}} {{3-12=}}
protocol optErrorProtocol {
optional func foo(_ x: Int) // expected-error{{'optional' can only be applied to members of an @objc protocol}}
@objc protocol optObjcAttributeProtocol {
optional func foo(_ x: Int) // expected-error{{'optional' requirements are an Objective-C compatibility feature; add '@objc'}}{{3-3=@objc }}
optional var bar: Int { get } // expected-error{{'optional' requirements are an Objective-C compatibility feature; add '@objc'}}{{3-3=@objc }}
optional associatedtype Assoc // expected-error{{'optional' modifier cannot be applied to this declaration}} {{3-12=}}
// expected-error@-1 {{associated type 'Assoc' cannot be declared inside '@objc' protocol 'optObjcAttributeProtocol'}}
@objc protocol optionalInitProto {
@objc optional init() // expected-error{{'optional' cannot be applied to an initializer}}