blob: 7271c6e6e447a023b3151f2c244afd7cd9ef177e [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- UTF16.swift ------------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
extension Unicode {
public enum UTF16 {
case _swift3Buffer(Unicode.UTF16.ForwardParser)
extension Unicode.UTF16 : Unicode.Encoding {
public typealias CodeUnit = UInt16
public typealias EncodedScalar = _UIntBuffer<UInt32, UInt16>
public static var encodedReplacementCharacter : EncodedScalar {
return EncodedScalar(_storage: 0xFFFD, _bitCount: 16)
public static func _isScalar(_ x: CodeUnit) -> Bool {
return x & 0xf800 != 0xd800
public static func decode(_ source: EncodedScalar) -> Unicode.Scalar {
let bits = source._storage
if _fastPath(source._bitCount == 16) {
return Unicode.Scalar(_unchecked: bits & 0xffff)
_sanityCheck(source._bitCount == 32)
let value = 0x10000 + (bits >> 16 & 0x03ff | (bits & 0x03ff) << 10)
return Unicode.Scalar(_unchecked: value)
public static func encode(
_ source: Unicode.Scalar
) -> EncodedScalar? {
let x = source.value
if _fastPath(x < ((1 as UInt32) << 16)) {
return EncodedScalar(_storage: x, _bitCount: 16)
let x1 = x - ((1 as UInt32) << 16)
var r = (0xdc00 + (x1 & 0x3ff))
r &<<= 16
r |= (0xd800 + (x1 &>> 10 & 0x3ff))
return EncodedScalar(_storage: r, _bitCount: 32)
public static func transcode<FromEncoding : Unicode.Encoding>(
_ content: FromEncoding.EncodedScalar, from _: FromEncoding.Type
) -> EncodedScalar? {
if _fastPath(FromEncoding.self == UTF8.self) {
let c = _identityCast(content, to: UTF8.EncodedScalar.self)
var b = c.count
b = b &- 1
if _fastPath(b == 0) {
return EncodedScalar(
_storage: (c._biasedBits &- 0x1) & 0b0__111_1111, _bitCount: 16)
var s = c._biasedBits &- 0x01010101
var r = s
r &<<= 6
s &>>= 8
r |= s & 0b0__11_1111
b = b &- 1
if _fastPath(b == 0) {
return EncodedScalar(_storage: r & 0b0__111_1111_1111, _bitCount: 16)
r &<<= 6
s &>>= 8
r |= s & 0b0__11_1111
b = b &- 1
if _fastPath(b == 0) {
return EncodedScalar(_storage: r & 0xFFFF, _bitCount: 16)
r &<<= 6
s &>>= 8
r |= s & 0b0__11_1111
r &= (1 &<< 21) - 1
return encode(Unicode.Scalar(_unchecked: r))
else if _fastPath(FromEncoding.self == UTF16.self) {
return unsafeBitCast(content, to: UTF16.EncodedScalar.self)
return encode(FromEncoding.decode(content))
public struct ForwardParser {
public typealias _Buffer = _UIntBuffer<UInt32, UInt16>
public init() { _buffer = _Buffer() }
public var _buffer: _Buffer
public struct ReverseParser {
public typealias _Buffer = _UIntBuffer<UInt32, UInt16>
public init() { _buffer = _Buffer() }
public var _buffer: _Buffer
extension UTF16.ReverseParser : Unicode.Parser, _UTFParser {
public typealias Encoding = Unicode.UTF16
public func _parseMultipleCodeUnits() -> (isValid: Bool, bitCount: UInt8) {
_sanityCheck( // this case handled elsewhere
!Encoding._isScalar(UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: _buffer._storage)))
if _fastPath(_buffer._storage & 0xFC00_FC00 == 0xD800_DC00) {
return (true, 2*16)
return (false, 1*16)
public func _bufferedScalar(bitCount: UInt8) -> Encoding.EncodedScalar {
return Encoding.EncodedScalar(
(_buffer._storage &<< 16 | _buffer._storage &>> 16) &>> (32 - bitCount),
_bitCount: bitCount
extension Unicode.UTF16.ForwardParser : Unicode.Parser, _UTFParser {
public typealias Encoding = Unicode.UTF16
public func _parseMultipleCodeUnits() -> (isValid: Bool, bitCount: UInt8) {
_sanityCheck( // this case handled elsewhere
!Encoding._isScalar(UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: _buffer._storage)))
if _fastPath(_buffer._storage & 0xFC00_FC00 == 0xDC00_D800) {
return (true, 2*16)
return (false, 1*16)
public func _bufferedScalar(bitCount: UInt8) -> Encoding.EncodedScalar {
var r = _buffer
r._bitCount = bitCount
return r