blob: bfe23d498dcb322721110abf23b5b34a62e3fe01 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SILVTable.h - Defines the SILVTable class --------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the SILVTable class, which is used to map dynamically
// dispatchable class methods and properties to their concrete implementations
// for a dynamic type. This information is (FIXME will be) used by IRGen to lay
// out class vtables, and can be used by devirtualization passes to promote
// class_method instructions to static function_refs.
#include "swift/SIL/SILAllocated.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILDeclRef.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILFunction.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ilist_node.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ilist.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace swift {
class ClassDecl;
class SILFunction;
class SILModule;
/// A mapping from each dynamically-dispatchable method of a class to the
/// SILFunction that implements the method for that class.
/// Note that dead methods are completely removed from the vtable.
class SILVTable : public llvm::ilist_node<SILVTable>,
public SILAllocated<SILVTable> {
// TODO: Entry should include substitutions needed to invoke an overridden
// generic base class method.
struct Entry {
enum Kind : uint8_t {
/// The vtable entry is for a method defined directly in this class.
/// The vtable entry is inherited from the superclass.
/// The vtable entry is inherited from the superclass, and overridden
/// in this class.
: Implementation(nullptr),
Linkage(SILLinkage::Private) { }
Entry(SILDeclRef Method, SILFunction *Implementation,
Kind TheKind, SILLinkage Linkage)
: Method(Method),
Linkage(Linkage) { }
/// The declaration reference to the least-derived method visible through
/// the class.
SILDeclRef Method;
/// The function which implements the method for the class.
SILFunction *Implementation;
/// The entry kind.
Kind TheKind;
/// The linkage of the implementing function.
/// This is usually the same as
/// stripExternalFromLinkage(Implementation->getLinkage())
/// except if Implementation is a thunk (which has private or shared
/// linkage).
SILLinkage Linkage;
// Disallow copying into temporary objects.
SILVTable(const SILVTable &other) = delete;
SILVTable &operator=(const SILVTable &) = delete;
/// The ClassDecl mapped to this VTable.
ClassDecl *Class;
/// The number of SILVTables entries.
unsigned NumEntries;
/// Tail-allocated SILVTable entries.
Entry Entries[1];
/// Private constructor. Create SILVTables by calling SILVTable::create.
SILVTable(ClassDecl *c, ArrayRef<Entry> entries);
/// Create a new SILVTable with the given method-to-implementation mapping.
/// The SILDeclRef keys should reference the most-overridden members available
/// through the class.
static SILVTable *create(SILModule &M, ClassDecl *Class,
ArrayRef<Entry> Entries);
/// Return the class that the vtable represents.
ClassDecl *getClass() const { return Class; }
/// Return all of the method entries.
ArrayRef<Entry> getEntries() const { return {Entries, NumEntries}; }
/// Look up the implementation function for the given method.
Optional<Entry> getEntry(SILModule &M, SILDeclRef method) const;
/// Removes entries from the vtable.
/// \p predicate Returns true if the passed entry should be removed.
template <typename Predicate> void removeEntries_if(Predicate predicate) {
Entry *end = std::remove_if(Entries, Entries + NumEntries,
[&](Entry &entry) -> bool {
if (predicate(entry)) {
return true;
return false;
NumEntries = end - Entries;
/// Verify that the vtable is well-formed for the given class.
void verify(const SILModule &M) const;
/// Print the vtable.
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, bool Verbose = false) const;
void dump() const;
void removeFromVTableCache(Entry &entry);
} // end swift namespace
// ilist_traits for SILVTable
namespace llvm {
template <>
struct ilist_traits<::swift::SILVTable> :
public ilist_default_traits<::swift::SILVTable> {
typedef ::swift::SILVTable SILVTable;
static void deleteNode(SILVTable *VT) { VT->~SILVTable(); }
void createNode(const SILVTable &);
} // end llvm namespace