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//===--- SILNode.h - Node base class for SIL --------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the SILNode class.
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfo.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include <type_traits>
namespace swift {
class SILBasicBlock;
class SILFunction;
class SILInstruction;
class SILModule;
class SingleValueInstruction;
class ValueBase;
/// An enumeration which contains values for all the nodes in SILNodes.def.
/// Other enumerators, like ValueKind and SILInstructionind, ultimately
/// take their values from this enumerator.
enum class SILNodeKind {
#define NODE(ID, PARENT) \
First_##ID = FIRST, \
Last_##ID = LAST,
#include "swift/SIL/SILNodes.def"
enum {
NumSILNodeKindBits = 8
static_assert(unsigned(SILNodeKind::Last_SILNode) < (1 << NumSILNodeKindBits),
"SILNodeKind fits in NumSILNodeKindBits bits");
/// A SILNode is a node in the use-def graph of a SILFunction. It is
/// either an instruction or a defined value which can be used by an
/// instruction. A defined value may be an instruction result, a basic
/// block argument, or the special 'undef' value.
/// The 'node' intuition is slightly imprecise because a single instruction
/// may be composed of multiple SILNodes: one for the instruction itself
/// and one for each value it produces. When an instruction kind always
/// produces exactly one value, the cast machinery (isa, cast, and dyn_cast)
/// works to make both nodes appear to be the same object: there is a value
/// kind exactly equal to the instruction kind and the value node can be
/// directly cast to the instruction's class. When an instruction kind
/// never produces values, it has no corresponding value kind, and it is
/// a compile-time error to attempt to cast a value node to the instruction
/// class. When an instruction kind can have multiple values (not yet
/// implemented), its value nodes have a different kind from the
/// instruction kind and it is a static error to attempt to cast a value
/// node to the instruction kind.
/// Another way of interpreting SILNode is that there is a SILNode for
/// everything that can be numbered in SIL assembly (plus 'undef', which
/// is not conventionally numbered). Instructions without results are
/// still numbered in SIL in order to describe the users lists of an
/// instruction or argument. Instructions with multiple results are
/// numbered using their first result.
/// SILNode is a base class of both SILInstruction and ValueBase.
/// Because there can be multiple SILNodes within a single instruction
/// object, some care must be taken when working with SILNode pointers.
/// These precautions only apply to SILNode* and not its subclasses.
/// - There may have multiple SILNode* values that refer to the same
/// instruction. Data structures and algorithms that rely on
/// uniqueness of a SILNode* should generally make sure that they're
/// working with the canonical SILNode*; see getCanonicalSILNodeInObject().
/// - Do not use builtin C++ casts to downcast a SILNode*. A static_cast
/// from SILNode* to SILInstruction* only works if the referenced
/// SILNode is the base subobject of the object's SILInstruction
/// subobject. If the SILNode is actually the base subobject of a
/// ValueBase subobject, the cast will yield a corrupted value.
/// Always use the LLVM casts (cast<>, dyn_cast<>, etc.) instead.
class alignas(8) SILNode {
enum class SILNodeStorageLocation {
const unsigned Kind : NumSILNodeKindBits;
const unsigned StorageLoc : 1;
const unsigned IsCanonical : 1;
// TODO: Pack other things in here.
SILNodeStorageLocation getStorageLoc() const {
return SILNodeStorageLocation(StorageLoc);
const SILNode *getCanonicalSILNodeSlowPath() const;
SILNode(SILNodeKind kind, SILNodeStorageLocation storageLoc)
: Kind(unsigned(kind)),
IsCanonical(storageLoc == SILNodeStorageLocation::Instruction ||
!hasMultipleSILNodes(kind)) {}
/// Does the given kind of node have multiple SILNode bases?
static bool hasMultipleSILNodes(SILNodeKind kind) {
// Currently only SingleValueInstructions. Note that multi-result
// instructions shouldn't return true for this.
return kind >= SILNodeKind::First_SingleValueInstruction &&
kind <= SILNodeKind::Last_SingleValueInstruction;
/// Is this SILNode the canonical SILNode subobject in this object?
bool isCanonicalSILNodeInObject() const {
return IsCanonical;
/// Return a pointer to the canonical SILNode subobject in this object.
SILNode *getCanonicalSILNodeInObject() {
if (IsCanonical) return this;
return const_cast<SILNode*>(getCanonicalSILNodeSlowPath());
const SILNode *getCanonicalSILNodeInObject() const {
if (IsCanonical) return this;
return getCanonicalSILNodeSlowPath();
SILNodeKind getKind() const {
return SILNodeKind(Kind);
/// If this is a SILArgument or a SILInstruction get its parent basic block,
/// otherwise return null.
SILBasicBlock *getParentBlock() const;
/// If this is a SILArgument or a SILInstruction get its parent function,
/// otherwise return null.
SILFunction *getFunction() const;
/// If this is a SILArgument or a SILInstruction get its parent module,
/// otherwise return null.
SILModule *getModule() const;
/// Pretty-print the node. If the node is an instruction, the output
/// will be valid SIL assembly; otherwise, it will be an arbitrary
/// format suitable for debugging.
void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;
void dump() const;
/// Pretty-print the node in context, preceded by its operands (if the
/// value represents the result of an instruction) and followed by its
/// users.
void printInContext(raw_ostream &OS) const;
void dumpInContext() const;
// Cast to SingleValueInstruction. This is an implementation detail
// of the cast machinery. At a high level, all you need to know is to
// never use static_cast to downcast a SILNode.
SingleValueInstruction *castToSingleValueInstruction();
const SingleValueInstruction *castToSingleValueInstruction() const {
return const_cast<SILNode*>(this)->castToSingleValueInstruction();
static bool classof(const SILNode *node) {
return true;
inline llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
const SILNode &node) {
return OS;
template <class To> struct cast_sil_node_is_unambiguous {
// The only ambiguity right now is between the value and instruction
// nodes on a SingleValueInstruction.
static constexpr bool value =
// If the destination type isn't a subclass of ValueBase or
// SILInstruction, there's no ambiguity.
(!std::is_base_of<SILInstruction, To>::value &&
!std::is_base_of<ValueBase, To>::value)
// If the destination type is a proper subclass of ValueBase
// that isn't a subclass of SILInstruction, there's no ambiguity.
|| (std::is_base_of<ValueBase, To>::value &&
!std::is_same<ValueBase, To>::value &&
!std::is_base_of<SILInstruction, To>::value)
// If the destination type is a proper subclass of SILInstruction
// that isn't a subclass of ValueBase, there's no ambiguity.
|| (std::is_base_of<SILInstruction, To>::value &&
!std::is_same<SILInstruction, To>::value &&
!std::is_base_of<ValueBase, To>::value);
template <class To,
bool IsSingleValueInstruction =
std::is_base_of<SingleValueInstruction, To>::value,
bool IsKnownUnambiguous =
struct cast_sil_node;
// If all complete objects of the destination type are known to only
// contain a single node, we can just use a static_cast.
template <class To>
struct cast_sil_node<To, /*single value*/ false, /*unambiguous*/ true> {
static To *doit(SILNode *node) {
return &static_cast<To&>(*node);
// If we're casting to a subclass of SingleValueInstruction, we don't
// need to dynamically check whether the node is an SVI. In fact,
// we can't, because the static_cast will be ambiguous.
template <class To>
struct cast_sil_node<To, /*single value*/ true, /*unambiguous*/ false> {
static To *doit(SILNode *node) {
auto svi = node->castToSingleValueInstruction();
return &static_cast<To&>(*svi);
// Otherwise, we need to dynamically check which case we're in.
template <class To>
struct cast_sil_node<To, /*single value*/ false, /*unambiguous*/ false> {
static To *doit(SILNode *node) {
// If the node isn't dynamically a SingleValueInstruction, then this
// is indeed the SILNode subobject that's statically observable in To.
if (!SILNode::hasMultipleSILNodes(node->getKind())) {
return &static_cast<To&>(*node);
auto svi = node->castToSingleValueInstruction();
return &static_cast<To&>(*svi);
} // end namespace swift
namespace llvm {
/// Completely take over cast<>'ing from SILNode*. A static_cast to
/// ValueBase* or SILInstruction* can be quite wrong.
template <class To>
struct cast_convert_val<To, swift::SILNode*, swift::SILNode*> {
using ret_type = typename cast_retty<To, swift::SILNode*>::ret_type;
static ret_type doit(swift::SILNode *node) {
return swift::cast_sil_node<To>::doit(node);
template <class To>
struct cast_convert_val<To, const swift::SILNode *, const swift::SILNode *> {
using ret_type = typename cast_retty<To, const swift::SILNode*>::ret_type;
static ret_type doit(const swift::SILNode *node) {
return swift::cast_sil_node<To>::doit(const_cast<swift::SILNode*>(node));
// We don't support casting from SILNode references yet.
template <class To, class From>
struct cast_convert_val<To, swift::SILNode, From>;
template <class To, class From>
struct cast_convert_val<To, const swift::SILNode, From>;
/// ValueBase * is always at least eight-byte aligned; make the three tag bits
/// available through PointerLikeTypeTraits.
class PointerLikeTypeTraits<swift::SILNode *> {
static inline void *getAsVoidPointer(swift::SILNode *I) {
return (void*)I;
static inline swift::SILNode *getFromVoidPointer(void *P) {
return (swift::SILNode *)P;
enum { NumLowBitsAvailable = 3 };
} // end namespace llvm