blob: 2371cb70a4abe133eade6a467f4cad91beb44c7e [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Projection.h - Utilities for working with Projections --*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// \file
/// This file defines the class Projection and related utilities. A projection
/// is a representation of type projections that is nominal, tuple
/// agnostic. These utilities are useful for working with aggregate type trees
/// at a high level.
#include "swift/Basic/NullablePtr.h"
#include "swift/Basic/PointerIntEnum.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeAlignments.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILValue.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ARCAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/RCIdentityAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
namespace swift {
class SILBuilder;
class ProjectionPath;
using ProjectionPathSet = llvm::DenseSet<ProjectionPath>;
using ProjectionPathList = llvm::SmallVector<Optional<ProjectionPath>, 8>;
enum class SubSeqRelation_t : uint8_t {
/// Returns true if Seq is either LHSStrictSubSeqOfRHS or
/// RHSStrictSubSeqOfLHS. Returns false if Seq is one of either Equal or
/// Unrelated.
inline bool isStrictSubSeqRelation(SubSeqRelation_t Seq) {
switch (Seq) {
case SubSeqRelation_t::Unknown:
case SubSeqRelation_t::Equal:
return false;
case SubSeqRelation_t::LHSStrictSubSeqOfRHS:
case SubSeqRelation_t::RHSStrictSubSeqOfLHS:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled SubSeqRelation_t in switch.");
/// Extract an integer index from a SILValue.
/// Return true if IndexVal is a constant index representable as unsigned
/// int. We do not support symbolic projections yet.
bool getIntegerIndex(SILValue IndexVal, unsigned &IndexConst);
/// The kind of projection that we are representing.
/// We represent types that need to have a type pointer (i.e. casts) using only
/// up to 3 bits. This is because types are only aligned up to 8 bits. See
/// TypeAlignments.h.
/// Projection Kinds which can be represented via indices can use as many bits
/// as they want to represent the kind. When the index value is uses at most 11
/// bits, we represent it inline in the data structure. This is taking advantage
/// of the fact that on most modern OSes (including Darwin), the zero page is
/// not allocated. In the case where we have more than 11 bits of value
/// (i.e. the index is >= 2048), we malloc memory to represent the index. In
/// most cases this will not happen. For simplicity, we limit such kinds to use
/// no more than 4 bits.
/// The Projection class contains the logic to use ProjectionKind in this
/// manner.
enum class ProjectionKind : unsigned {
// PointerProjectionKinds
Upcast = 0,
RefCast = 1,
BitwiseCast = 2,
TailElems = 3,
FirstPointerKind = Upcast,
LastPointerKind = TailElems,
// Index Projection Kinds
FirstIndexKind = 7,
Struct = PointerIntEnumIndexKindValue<0, ProjectionKind>::value,
Tuple = PointerIntEnumIndexKindValue<1, ProjectionKind>::value,
Index = PointerIntEnumIndexKindValue<2, ProjectionKind>::value,
Class = PointerIntEnumIndexKindValue<3, ProjectionKind>::value,
Enum = PointerIntEnumIndexKindValue<4, ProjectionKind>::value,
Box = PointerIntEnumIndexKindValue<5, ProjectionKind>::value,
LastIndexKind = Enum,
constexpr unsigned MaxPointerProjectionKind = ((1 << TypeAlignInBits) - 1);
/// Make sure that our tagged pointer assumptions are true. See comment above
/// the declaration of ProjectionKind.
static_assert(unsigned(ProjectionKind::LastPointerKind) <=
"Too many projection kinds to fit in Projection");
static inline bool isCastProjectionKind(ProjectionKind Kind) {
switch (Kind) {
case ProjectionKind::Upcast:
case ProjectionKind::RefCast:
case ProjectionKind::BitwiseCast:
return true;
case ProjectionKind::Struct:
case ProjectionKind::Tuple:
case ProjectionKind::Index:
case ProjectionKind::Class:
case ProjectionKind::Enum:
case ProjectionKind::Box:
case ProjectionKind::TailElems:
return false;
/// Given a SIL value, capture its element index and the value of the aggregate
/// that immediately contains it.
/// This lightweight utility maps a SIL address projection to an index.
struct ProjectionIndex {
SILValue Aggregate;
unsigned Index;
explicit ProjectionIndex(SILValue V) : Index(~0U) {
switch (V->getKind()) {
case ValueKind::IndexAddrInst: {
IndexAddrInst *IA = cast<IndexAddrInst>(V);
if (getIntegerIndex(IA->getIndex(), Index))
Aggregate = IA->getBase();
case ValueKind::StructElementAddrInst: {
StructElementAddrInst *SEA = cast<StructElementAddrInst>(V);
Index = SEA->getFieldNo();
Aggregate = SEA->getOperand();
case ValueKind::RefElementAddrInst: {
RefElementAddrInst *REA = cast<RefElementAddrInst>(V);
Index = REA->getFieldNo();
Aggregate = REA->getOperand();
case ValueKind::RefTailAddrInst: {
RefTailAddrInst *REA = cast<RefTailAddrInst>(V);
Index = 0;
Aggregate = REA->getOperand();
case ValueKind::ProjectBoxInst: {
ProjectBoxInst *PBI = cast<ProjectBoxInst>(V);
// A box has only a single payload.
Index = 0;
Aggregate = PBI->getOperand();
case ValueKind::TupleElementAddrInst: {
TupleElementAddrInst *TEA = cast<TupleElementAddrInst>(V);
Index = TEA->getFieldNo();
Aggregate = TEA->getOperand();
case ValueKind::StructExtractInst: {
StructExtractInst *SEA = cast<StructExtractInst>(V);
Index = SEA->getFieldNo();
Aggregate = SEA->getOperand();
case ValueKind::TupleExtractInst: {
TupleExtractInst *TEA = cast<TupleExtractInst>(V);
Index = TEA->getFieldNo();
Aggregate = TEA->getOperand();
bool isValid() const { return (bool)Aggregate; }
/// An abstract representation of the index of a subtype of an aggregate
/// type. This is a value type.
/// The intention is it to be paired with a base SILValue in order to provide a
/// lightweight manner of working at a high level with object and address
/// projections.
/// It is intended to be pointer sized and trivially copyable so that memcpy can
/// be used to copy a Projection.
class Projection {
friend ProjectionPath;
static constexpr unsigned NumPointerKindBits = TypeAlignInBits;
/// This is the number of bits that we currently use to represent indices at
/// the top of our word.
static constexpr unsigned NumIndexKindBits = 4;
using ValueTy = PointerIntEnum<ProjectionKind, TypeBase *,
NumPointerKindBits, NumIndexKindBits>;
/// A pointer sized type that is used to store the kind of projection that is
/// being represented and also all of the necessary information to convert a
/// base SILType to a derived field SILType.
ValueTy Value;
Projection() = delete;
explicit Projection(SILValue V)
: Projection(dyn_cast<SingleValueInstruction>(V)) {}
explicit Projection(SILInstruction *I)
: Projection(dyn_cast<SingleValueInstruction>(I)) {}
explicit Projection(SingleValueInstruction *I);
Projection(ProjectionKind Kind, unsigned NewIndex)
: Value(Kind, NewIndex) {}
Projection(ProjectionKind Kind, TypeBase *Ptr)
: Value(Kind, Ptr) {}
Projection(Projection &&P) = default;
Projection(const Projection &P) = default;
~Projection() = default;
Projection &operator=(const Projection &P) = default;
Projection &operator=(Projection &&P) = default;
bool isValid() const { return Value.isValid(); }
/// Convenience method for getting the underlying index. Assumes that this
/// projection is valid. Otherwise it asserts.
unsigned getIndex() const {
return Value.getIndex();
/// Determine if I is a value projection instruction whose corresponding
/// projection equals this projection.
bool matchesObjectProjection(SingleValueInstruction *I) const {
Projection P(I);
return P.isValid() && P == *this;
/// If Base's type matches this Projections type ignoring Address vs Object
/// type differences and this Projection is representable as a value
/// projection, create the relevant value projection and return it. Otherwise,
/// return nullptr.
createObjectProjection(SILBuilder &B, SILLocation Loc, SILValue Base) const;
/// If Base's type matches this Projections type ignoring Address vs Object
/// type differences and this projection is representable as an address
/// projection, create the relevant address projection and return
/// it. Otherwise, return nullptr.
createAddressProjection(SILBuilder &B, SILLocation Loc, SILValue Base) const;
createProjection(SILBuilder &B, SILLocation Loc, SILValue Base) const {
if (Base->getType().isAddress()) {
return createAddressProjection(B, Loc, Base);
} else if (Base->getType().isObject()) {
return createObjectProjection(B, Loc, Base);
} else {
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported SILValueCategory");
/// Apply this projection to \p BaseType and return the relevant subfield's
/// SILType if BaseField has less subtypes than projection's offset.
SILType getType(SILType BaseType, SILModule &M) const {
switch (getKind()) {
case ProjectionKind::Struct:
case ProjectionKind::Class:
return BaseType.getFieldType(getVarDecl(BaseType), M);
case ProjectionKind::Enum:
return BaseType.getEnumElementType(getEnumElementDecl(BaseType), M);
case ProjectionKind::Box:
return BaseType.castTo<SILBoxType>()->getFieldType(M, getIndex());
case ProjectionKind::Tuple:
return BaseType.getTupleElementType(getIndex());
case ProjectionKind::Upcast:
case ProjectionKind::RefCast:
case ProjectionKind::BitwiseCast:
case ProjectionKind::TailElems:
return getCastType(BaseType);
case ProjectionKind::Index:
// Index types do not change the underlying type.
return BaseType;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled ProjectionKind in switch.");
VarDecl *getVarDecl(SILType BaseType) const {
assert((getKind() == ProjectionKind::Struct ||
getKind() == ProjectionKind::Class));
assert(BaseType.getNominalOrBoundGenericNominal() &&
"This should only be called with a nominal type");
auto *NDecl = BaseType.getNominalOrBoundGenericNominal();
auto Iter = NDecl->getStoredProperties().begin();
std::advance(Iter, getIndex());
return *Iter;
EnumElementDecl *getEnumElementDecl(SILType BaseType) const {
assert(getKind() == ProjectionKind::Enum);
assert(BaseType.getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum() && "Expected enum type");
auto Iter = BaseType.getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum()->getAllElements().begin();
std::advance(Iter, getIndex());
return *Iter;
SILType getCastType(SILType BaseType) const {
auto *Ty = getPointer();
switch (getKind()) {
case ProjectionKind::Upcast:
case ProjectionKind::RefCast:
case ProjectionKind::BitwiseCast:
return SILType::getPrimitiveType(Ty->getCanonicalType(),
case ProjectionKind::TailElems:
return SILType::getPrimitiveAddressType(Ty->getCanonicalType());
llvm_unreachable("unknown cast projection type");
bool operator<(const Projection &Other) const;
bool operator==(const Projection &Other) const {
return Value == Other.Value;
bool operator!=(const Projection &Other) const {
return !(*this == Other);
/// Returns the operand of a struct, tuple or enum instruction which is
/// associated with this projection. Returns an invalid SILValue if \p I is
/// not a matching aggregate instruction.
SILValue getOperandForAggregate(SILInstruction *I) const;
/// Convenience method for getting the raw underlying kind.
ProjectionKind getKind() const { return *Value.getKind(); }
/// Returns true if this instruction projects from an address type to an
/// address subtype.
static SingleValueInstruction *isAddressProjection(SILValue V) {
switch (V->getKind()) {
return nullptr;
case ValueKind::IndexAddrInst: {
auto I = cast<IndexAddrInst>(V);
unsigned Scalar;
if (getIntegerIndex(I->getIndex(), Scalar))
return I;
return nullptr;
case ValueKind::StructElementAddrInst:
case ValueKind::RefElementAddrInst:
case ValueKind::RefTailAddrInst:
case ValueKind::ProjectBoxInst:
case ValueKind::TupleElementAddrInst:
case ValueKind::UncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst:
return cast<SingleValueInstruction>(V);
/// Returns true if this instruction projects from an object type to an object
/// subtype.
static SingleValueInstruction *isObjectProjection(SILValue V) {
switch (V->getKind()) {
return nullptr;
case ValueKind::StructExtractInst:
case ValueKind::TupleExtractInst:
case ValueKind::UncheckedEnumDataInst:
return cast<SingleValueInstruction>(V);
/// Returns true if this instruction projects from an object type into an
/// address subtype.
static bool isObjectToAddressProjection(SILValue V) {
return isa<RefElementAddrInst>(V) || isa<RefTailAddrInst>(V) ||
/// Given a specific SILType, return all first level projections if it is an
/// aggregate.
static void getFirstLevelProjections(SILType V, SILModule &Mod,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<Projection> &Out);
/// Is this cast which only allows for equality?
/// If we enforce strict type based aliasing when computing access paths this
/// will not be necessary. For now we are conservative since I don't have time
/// to track down potential miscompiles. If we introduce such a thing, we will
/// need a new instruction that a frontend can use to introduce aliasing
/// relationships when TBAA would say that aliasing can not occur.
bool isAliasingCast() const {
switch (getKind()) {
case ProjectionKind::RefCast:
case ProjectionKind::BitwiseCast:
return true;
case ProjectionKind::Upcast:
case ProjectionKind::Struct:
case ProjectionKind::Tuple:
case ProjectionKind::Index:
case ProjectionKind::Class:
case ProjectionKind::TailElems:
case ProjectionKind::Enum:
case ProjectionKind::Box:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled ProjectionKind in switch.");
bool isNominalKind() const {
switch (getKind()) {
case ProjectionKind::Class:
case ProjectionKind::Enum:
case ProjectionKind::Struct:
return true;
case ProjectionKind::BitwiseCast:
case ProjectionKind::Index:
case ProjectionKind::RefCast:
case ProjectionKind::Tuple:
case ProjectionKind::Upcast:
case ProjectionKind::Box:
case ProjectionKind::TailElems:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled ProjectionKind in switch.");
/// Form an aggregate of type BaseType using the SILValue Values. Returns the
/// aggregate on success if this is a case we handle or an empty SILValue
/// otherwise.
/// This can be used with getFirstLevelProjections to project out/reform
/// values. We do not need to use the original projections here since to build
/// aggregate instructions the order is the only important thing.
static NullablePtr<SingleValueInstruction>
createAggFromFirstLevelProjections(SILBuilder &B, SILLocation Loc,
SILType BaseType,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &Values);
/// Convenience method for getting the raw underlying index as a pointer.
TypeBase *getPointer() const {
return Value.getPointer();
/// This is to make sure that new projection is never bigger than a
/// pointer. This is just for performance.
static_assert(sizeof(Projection) == sizeof(uintptr_t),
"IndexType should be pointer sized");
/// A "path" of projections abstracting either value or aggregate projections
/// upon a value.
/// The main purpose of this class is to enable one to reason about iterated
/// chains of projections. Some example usages are:
/// 1. Converting value projections to aggregate projections or vis-a-versa.
/// 2. Performing tuple operations on two paths (using the mathematical
/// definition of tuples as ordered sets).
class ProjectionPath {
using PathTy = llvm::SmallVector<Projection, 4>;
SILType BaseType;
SILType MostDerivedType;
/// A path from base to most-derived.
PathTy Path;
/// Create an empty path which serves as a stack. Use push_back() to populate
/// the stack with members.
ProjectionPath(SILType Base)
: BaseType(Base), MostDerivedType(SILType()), Path() {}
ProjectionPath(SILType Base, SILType End)
: BaseType(Base), MostDerivedType(End), Path() {}
~ProjectionPath() = default;
/// Do not allow copy construction. The only way to get one of these is from
/// getProjectionPath.
ProjectionPath(const ProjectionPath &Other) {
BaseType = Other.BaseType;
MostDerivedType = Other.MostDerivedType;
Path = Other.Path;
ProjectionPath &operator=(const ProjectionPath &O) {
BaseType = O.BaseType;
MostDerivedType = O.MostDerivedType;
Path = O.Path;
return *this;
/// We only allow for moves of ProjectionPath since we only want them to be
/// able to be constructed by calling our factory method.
ProjectionPath(ProjectionPath &&O) {
BaseType = O.BaseType;
MostDerivedType = O.MostDerivedType;
Path = O.Path;
O.BaseType = SILType();
O.MostDerivedType = SILType();
ProjectionPath &operator=(ProjectionPath &&O) {
BaseType = O.BaseType;
MostDerivedType = O.MostDerivedType;
Path = O.Path;
O.BaseType = SILType();
O.MostDerivedType = SILType();
return *this;
/// Append the projection \p P onto this.
ProjectionPath &append(const Projection &P) {
// Invalidate most derived type.
MostDerivedType = SILType();
return *this;
/// Append the projections in \p Other onto this.
ProjectionPath &append(const ProjectionPath &Other) {
for (auto &X : Other.Path) {
// Invalidate most derived type.
MostDerivedType = SILType();
return *this;
/// Create a path of AddrProjection or ValueProjection with the given VA
/// and Path.
SILValue createExtract(SILValue VA, SILInstruction *Inst, bool IsVal) const;
/// Create a new projection path from the SILValue Start to End. Returns
/// Nothing::None if there is no such path.
/// *NOTE* This method allows for transitions from object types to address
/// types via ref_element_addr. If Start is an address type though, End will
/// always also be an address type.
static Optional<ProjectionPath> getProjectionPath(SILValue Start,
SILValue End);
/// Treating a projection path as an ordered set, if RHS is a prefix of LHS,
/// return the projection path with that prefix removed.
/// An example of this transformation would be:
/// LHS = [A, B, C, D, E], RHS = [A, B, C] => Result = [D, E]
static Optional<ProjectionPath>
removePrefix(const ProjectionPath &Path, const ProjectionPath &Prefix);
/// Given the SILType Base, expand every leaf nodes in the type tree.
/// NOTE: this function returns a single empty projection path if the BaseType
/// is a leaf node in the type tree.
static void expandTypeIntoLeafProjectionPaths(SILType BaseType,
SILModule *Mod,
ProjectionPathList &P);
/// Return true if the given projection paths in \p CPaths does not cover
/// all the fields with non-trivial semantics, false otherwise.
static bool hasUncoveredNonTrivials(SILType B, SILModule *Mod,
ProjectionPathSet &CPaths);
/// Returns true if the two paths have a non-empty symmetric
/// difference.
/// This means that the two objects have the same base but access different
/// fields of the base object.
bool hasNonEmptySymmetricDifference(const ProjectionPath &RHS) const;
/// Compute the subsequence relation in between LHS and RHS which tells the
/// user whether or not the two sequences are unrelated, equal, or if one is a
/// subsequence of the other.
SubSeqRelation_t computeSubSeqRelation(const ProjectionPath &RHS) const;
/// Pushes an element to the path.
void push_back(const Projection &Proj) { Path.push_back(Proj); }
/// Removes the last element from the path.
void pop_back() { Path.pop_back(); }
/// Returns the last element of the path.
const Projection &back() const { return Path.back(); }
/// Returns true if LHS and RHS have all the same projections in the same
/// order.
bool operator==(const ProjectionPath &RHS) const {
return computeSubSeqRelation(RHS) == SubSeqRelation_t::Equal;
bool operator!=(const ProjectionPath &RHS) const {
return !(*this == RHS);
/// Returns the base type of the ProjectionPath.
SILType getBaseType() const { return BaseType; }
/// Returns the most derived type of the projection path.
SILType getMostDerivedType(SILModule &M) {
if (Path.empty())
return getBaseType();
if (MostDerivedType)
return MostDerivedType;
MostDerivedType = getDerivedType(Path.size(), M);
return MostDerivedType;
/// Returns the ith derived type of the path. This is zero indexed with 0
/// being the base type and n consisting of applying the up to n projections
/// to the base type.
SILType getDerivedType(unsigned i, SILModule &M) const {
assert(i <= Path.size());
SILType IterTy = getBaseType();
if (i == 0)
return IterTy;
for (unsigned j : range(i)) {
auto &Proj = Path[j];
IterTy = Proj.getType(IterTy, M);
return IterTy;
/// Returns true if the contained projection path is empty.
bool empty() const { return Path.empty(); }
/// Returns the number of path elements in the given projection path.
unsigned size() const { return Path.size(); }
using iterator = PathTy::iterator;
using const_iterator = PathTy::const_iterator;
using reverse_iterator = PathTy::reverse_iterator;
using const_reverse_iterator = PathTy::const_reverse_iterator;
iterator begin() { return Path.begin(); }
iterator end() { return Path.end(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return Path.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return Path.end(); }
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return Path.rbegin(); }
reverse_iterator rend() { return Path.rend(); }
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return Path.rbegin(); }
const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return Path.rend(); }
void verify(SILModule &M);
raw_ostream &print(raw_ostream &OS, SILModule &M);
void dump(SILModule &M);
/// Returns the hashcode for the new projection path.
static inline llvm::hash_code hash_value(const ProjectionPath &P) {
return llvm::hash_combine_range(P.begin(), P.end());
/// Returns the hashcode for the projection path.
static inline llvm::hash_code hash_value(const Projection &P) {
return llvm::hash_combine(static_cast<unsigned>(P.getKind()));
class ProjectionTree;
class ProjectionTreeNode {
friend class ProjectionTree;
/// The index of the current node in the tree. Can be used to lookup this node
/// from the ProjectionTree. The reason why we use an Index instead of a
/// pointer is that the SmallVector that we use to store these can reallocate
/// invalidating our pointers.
unsigned Index;
/// The type this projection tree node represents.
SILType NodeType;
/// The projection that this node represents. None in the root.
llvm::Optional<Projection> Proj;
/// The index of the parent of this projection tree node in the projection
/// tree. None in the root.
llvm::Optional<unsigned> Parent;
/// The list of 'non-projection' users of this projection.
/// *NOTE* This also includes projections like enums we do not handle.
llvm::SmallVector<Operand *, 4> NonProjUsers;
/// The indices of the child projections of this node. Each one of these
/// projections is associated with a field type from BaseType and will contain
/// references to
llvm::SmallVector<unsigned, 4> ChildProjections;
/// Flag to see if ChildProjections have been initialized.
bool Initialized;
/// The index to the first ancestor of this node in the projection tree with a
/// non-projection user.
/// The reason that we track this information is that all nodes below such an
/// ancestor must necessarily be alive. This makes it easy to fold together
/// "levels" of leaf nodes recursively to create aggregate structures until we
/// get to this ancestor.
bool IsLive;
enum {
RootIndex = 0
/// Constructor for the root of the tree.
ProjectionTreeNode(SILType NodeTy)
: Index(0), NodeType(NodeTy), Proj(), Parent(), NonProjUsers(),
ChildProjections(), Initialized(false), IsLive(false) {}
// Normal constructor for non-root nodes.
ProjectionTreeNode(ProjectionTreeNode *Parent, unsigned Index, SILType NodeTy,
Projection P)
: Index(Index), NodeType(NodeTy), Proj(P),
Parent(Parent->getIndex()), NonProjUsers(), ChildProjections(),
Initialized(false), IsLive(false) {}
class NewAggregateBuilder;
~ProjectionTreeNode() = default;
ProjectionTreeNode(const ProjectionTreeNode &) = default;
llvm::ArrayRef<unsigned> getChildProjections() {
return llvm::makeArrayRef(ChildProjections);
llvm::Optional<Projection> &getProjection() { return Proj; }
llvm::SmallVector<Operand *, 4> getNonProjUsers() const {
return NonProjUsers;
SILType getType() const { return NodeType; }
bool isRoot() const {
// Root does not have a parent. So if we have a parent, we cannot be root.
if (Parent.hasValue()) {
assert(Proj.hasValue() && "If parent is not none, then P should be not "
assert(Index != RootIndex && "If parent is not none, we cannot be root");
return false;
} else {
assert(!Proj.hasValue() && "If parent is none, then P should be none");
assert(Index == RootIndex && "Index must be root index");
return true;
ProjectionTreeNode *getChildForProjection(ProjectionTree &Tree,
const Projection &P);
createProjection(SILBuilder &B, SILLocation Loc, SILValue Arg) const;
SingleValueInstruction *
createAggregate(SILBuilder &B, SILLocation Loc,
ArrayRef<SILValue> Args) const;
unsigned getIndex() const { return Index; }
ProjectionTreeNode *getParent(ProjectionTree &Tree);
const ProjectionTreeNode *getParent(const ProjectionTree &Tree) const;
ProjectionTreeNode *getParentOrNull(ProjectionTree &Tree) {
if (!Parent.hasValue())
return nullptr;
return getParent(Tree);
void addNonProjectionUser(Operand *Op) {
IsLive = true;
using ValueNodePair = std::pair<SILValue, ProjectionTreeNode *>;
void processUsersOfValue(ProjectionTree &Tree,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<ValueNodePair> &Worklist,
SILValue Value);
void createNextLevelChildren(ProjectionTree &Tree);
void createNextLevelChildrenForStruct(ProjectionTree &Tree, StructDecl *SD);
void createNextLevelChildrenForTuple(ProjectionTree &Tree, TupleType *TT);
class ProjectionTree {
friend class ProjectionTreeNode;
SILModule &Mod;
/// The allocator we use to allocate ProjectionTreeNodes in the tree.
llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<ProjectionTreeNode> Allocator;
// A common pattern is a 3 field struct.
llvm::SmallVector<ProjectionTreeNode *, 4> ProjectionTreeNodes;
llvm::SmallVector<unsigned, 3> LiveLeafIndices;
using LeafValueMapTy = llvm::DenseMap<unsigned, SILValue>;
/// Construct a projection tree from BaseTy.
ProjectionTree(SILModule &Mod, SILType BaseTy);
/// Construct an uninitialized projection tree, which can then be
/// initialized by initializeWithExistingTree.
ProjectionTree(SILModule &Mod) : Mod(Mod) {}
ProjectionTree(const ProjectionTree &) = delete;
ProjectionTree(ProjectionTree &&) = default;
ProjectionTree &operator=(const ProjectionTree &) = delete;
ProjectionTree &operator=(ProjectionTree &&) = default;
/// Compute liveness and use information in this projection tree using Base.
/// All debug instructions (debug_value, debug_value_addr) are ignored.
void computeUsesAndLiveness(SILValue Base);
/// Create a root SILValue iout of the given leaf node values by walking on
/// the projection tree.
SILValue computeExplodedArgumentValue(SILBuilder &Builder,
SILLocation Loc,
llvm::SmallVector<SILValue, 8> &LVs);
SILValue computeExplodedArgumentValueInner(SILBuilder &Builder,
SILLocation Loc,
ProjectionTreeNode *Node,
LeafValueMapTy &LeafValues);
/// Return the module associated with this tree.
SILModule &getModule() const { return Mod; }
llvm::ArrayRef<ProjectionTreeNode *> getProjectionTreeNodes() {
return llvm::makeArrayRef(ProjectionTreeNodes);
/// Iterate over all values in the tree. The function should return false if
/// it wants the iteration to end and true if it wants to continue.
void visitProjectionTreeNodes(std::function<bool (ProjectionTreeNode &)> F);
ProjectionTreeNode *getRoot() {
return getNode(ProjectionTreeNode::RootIndex);
const ProjectionTreeNode *getRoot() const {
return getNode(ProjectionTreeNode::RootIndex);
ProjectionTreeNode *getNode(unsigned i) {
return ProjectionTreeNodes[i];
const ProjectionTreeNode *getNode(unsigned i) const {
return ProjectionTreeNodes[i];
bool isSingleton() const {
// If we only have one root node, there is no interesting explosion
// here. Exit early.
// NOTE: In case of a type unable to be exploded, e.g. enum, we treated it
// as a singleton.
if (ProjectionTreeNodes.size() == 1)
return true;
// Now we know that we have multiple level node hierarchy. See if we have a
// linear list of nodes down to a singular leaf node.
auto *Node = getRoot();
while (Node->ChildProjections.size() <= 1) {
// If this node does not have any child projections, then it is a leaf
// node. If we have not existed at this point then all of our parents must
// have only had one child as well. So return true.
if (Node->ChildProjections.empty())
return true;
// Otherwise, Node only has one Child. Set Node to that child and continue
// searching.
Node = getNode(Node->ChildProjections[0]);
// Otherwise this Node has multiple children, return false.
return false;
void getLeafTypes(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<SILType> &OutArray) const {
for (unsigned LeafIndex : LiveLeafIndices) {
const ProjectionTreeNode *Node = getNode(LeafIndex);
assert(Node->IsLive && "We are only interested in leafs that are live");
getLeafNodes(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<const ProjectionTreeNode *> &Out) const {
for (unsigned LeafIndex : LiveLeafIndices) {
const ProjectionTreeNode *Node = getNode(LeafIndex);
assert(Node->IsLive && "We are only interested in leafs that are live");
/// Return the number of live leafs in the projection.
size_t liveLeafCount() const {
return LiveLeafIndices.size();
void createTreeFromValue(SILBuilder &B, SILLocation Loc, SILValue NewBase,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &Leafs) const;
replaceValueUsesWithLeafUses(SILBuilder &B, SILLocation Loc,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &Leafs);
void createRoot(SILType BaseTy) {
assert(ProjectionTreeNodes.empty() &&
"Should only create root when ProjectionTreeNodes is empty");
auto *Node = new (Allocator.Allocate()) ProjectionTreeNode(BaseTy);
ProjectionTreeNode *createChild(ProjectionTreeNode *Parent,
SILType BaseTy,
const Projection &P) {
unsigned Index = ProjectionTreeNodes.size();
auto *Node = new (Allocator.Allocate()) ProjectionTreeNode(Parent, Index,
BaseTy, P);
return ProjectionTreeNodes[Index];
ProjectionTreeNode *
createChildForStruct(ProjectionTreeNode *Parent, SILType Ty, ValueDecl *VD,
unsigned Index) {
Projection P = Projection(ProjectionKind::Struct, Index);
ProjectionTreeNode *N = createChild(Parent, Ty, P);
return N;
ProjectionTreeNode *
createChildForClass(ProjectionTreeNode *Parent, SILType Ty, ValueDecl *VD,
unsigned Index) {
Projection P = Projection(ProjectionKind::Class, Index);
ProjectionTreeNode *N = createChild(Parent, Ty, P);
return N;
ProjectionTreeNode *
createChildForTuple(ProjectionTreeNode *Parent, SILType Ty, unsigned Index) {
Projection P = Projection(ProjectionKind::Tuple, Index);
ProjectionTreeNode *N = createChild(Parent, Ty, P);
return N;
} // end swift namespace
namespace llvm {
using swift::ProjectionPath;
/// Allow ProjectionPath to be used in DenseMap.
template <> struct DenseMapInfo<ProjectionPath> {
static inline ProjectionPath getEmptyKey() {
return ProjectionPath(DenseMapInfo<swift::SILType>::getEmptyKey(),
static inline ProjectionPath getTombstoneKey() {
return ProjectionPath(DenseMapInfo<swift::SILType>::getTombstoneKey(),
static inline unsigned getHashValue(const ProjectionPath &Val) {
return hash_value(Val);
static bool isEqual(const ProjectionPath &LHS, const ProjectionPath &RHS) {
return LHS == RHS;
} // namespace llvm