blob: 4d81dad003b4ca643080f53b3bd2617deb431093 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// Test constraint simplification of chains of binary operators.
// <>
do {
let a: String? = "a"
let b: String? = "b"
let c: String? = "c"
let d: String? = a! + b! + c!
let x: Double = 1
_ = x + x + x
let sr3483: Double? = 1
_ = sr3483! + sr3483! + sr3483!
let sr2636: [String: Double] = ["pizza": 10.99, "ice cream": 4.99, "salad": 7.99]
_ = sr2636["pizza"]!
_ = sr2636["pizza"]! + sr2636["salad"]!
_ = sr2636["pizza"]! + sr2636["salad"]! + sr2636["ice cream"]!
// Use operators defined within a type.
struct S0 {
static func +(lhs: S0, rhs: S0) -> S0 { return lhs }
func useS0(lhs: S0, rhs: S0) {
_ = lhs + rhs
// Use operators defined within a generic type.
struct S0b<T> {
static func + <U>(lhs: S0b<T>, rhs: U) -> S0b<U> { return S0b<U>() }
func useS0b(s1i: S0b<Int>, s: String) {
var s1s = s1i + s
s1s = S0b<String>()
_ = s1s
// Use operators defined within a protocol extension.
infix operator %%%
infix operator %%%%
protocol P1 {
static func %%%(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
extension P1 {
static func %%%%(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return !(lhs %%% rhs)
func useP1Directly<T : P1>(lhs: T, rhs: T) {
_ = lhs %%% rhs
_ = lhs %%%% rhs
struct S1 : P1 {
static func %%%(lhs: S1, rhs: S1) -> Bool { return false }
func useP1Model(lhs: S1, rhs: S1) {
_ = lhs %%% rhs
_ = lhs %%%% rhs
struct S1b<T> : P1 {
static func %%%(lhs: S1b<T>, rhs: S1b<T>) -> Bool { return false }
func useP1ModelB(lhs: S1b<Int>, rhs: S1b<Int>) {
_ = lhs %%% rhs
_ = lhs %%%% rhs
func useP1ModelBGeneric<T>(lhs: S1b<T>, rhs: S1b<T>) {
_ = lhs %%% rhs
_ = lhs %%%% rhs
// Use operators defined within a protocol extension to satisfy a requirement.
protocol P2 {
static func %%%(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
static func %%%%(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
extension P2 {
static func %%%%(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return !(lhs %%% rhs)
func useP2Directly<T : P2>(lhs: T, rhs: T) {
_ = lhs %%% rhs
_ = lhs %%%% rhs
struct S2 : P2 {
static func %%%(lhs: S2, rhs: S2) -> Bool { return false }
func useP2Model(lhs: S2, rhs: S2) {
_ = lhs %%% rhs
_ = lhs %%%% rhs
struct S2b<T> : P2 {
static func %%%(lhs: S2b<T>, rhs: S2b<T>) -> Bool { return false }
func useP2Model2(lhs: S2b<Int>, rhs: S2b<Int>) {
_ = lhs %%% rhs
_ = lhs %%%% rhs
func useP2Model2Generic<T>(lhs: S2b<T>, rhs: S2b<T>) {
_ = lhs %%% rhs
_ = lhs %%%% rhs
// Using an extension of one protocol to satisfy another conformance.
protocol P3 { }
extension P3 {
static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return true
struct S3 : P3, Equatable { }