blob: 5b79e5fd226ac8d2008b3c7afad5cefc4c34305a [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Range.swift.gyb --------------------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// A type that can be used to slice a collection.
/// A type that conforms to `RangeExpression` can convert itself to a
/// `Range<Bound>` of indices within a given collection.
public protocol RangeExpression {
/// The type for which the expression describes a range.
associatedtype Bound: Comparable
/// Returns the range of indices described by this range expression within
/// the given collection.
/// You can use the `relative(to:)` method to convert a range expression,
/// which could be missing one or both of its endpoints, into a concrete
/// range that is bounded on both sides. The following example uses this
/// method to convert a partial range up to `4` into a half-open range,
/// using an array instance to add the range's lower bound.
/// let numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
/// let upToFour = ..<4
/// let r1 = upToFour.relative(to: numbers)
/// // r1 == 0..<4
/// The `r1` range is bounded on the lower end by `0` because that is the
/// starting index of the `numbers` array. When the collection passed to
/// `relative(to:)` starts with a different index, that index is used as the
/// lower bound instead. The next example creates a slice of `numbers`
/// starting at index `2`, and then uses the slice with `relative(to:)` to
/// convert `upToFour` to a concrete range.
/// let numbersSuffix = numbers[2...]
/// // numbersSuffix == [30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
/// let r2 = upToFour.relative(to: numbersSuffix)
/// // r2 == 2..<4
/// Use this method only if you need the concrete range it produces. To
/// access a slice of a collection using a range expression, use the
/// collection's generic subscript that uses a range expression as its
/// parameter.
/// let numbersPrefix = numbers[upToFour]
/// // numbersPrefix == [10, 20, 30, 40]
/// - Parameter collection: The collection to evaluate this range expression
/// in relation to.
/// - Returns: A range suitable for slicing `collection`. The returned range
/// is *not* guaranteed to be inside the bounds of `collection`. Callers
/// should apply the same preconditions to the return value as they would
/// to a range provided directly by the user.
func relative<C: Collection>(
to collection: C
) -> Range<Bound> where C.Index == Bound
/// Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the given element is contained
/// within the range expression.
/// - Parameter element: The element to check for containment.
/// - Returns: `true` if `element` is contained in the range expression;
/// otherwise, `false`.
func contains(_ element: Bound) -> Bool
extension RangeExpression {
public static func ~= (pattern: Self, value: Bound) -> Bool {
return pattern.contains(value)
/// A half-open range that forms a collection of consecutive values.
/// You create a `CountableRange` instance by using the half-open range
/// operator (`..<`).
/// let upToFive = 0..<5
/// The associated `Bound` type is both the element and index type of
/// `CountableRange`. Each element of the range is its own corresponding
/// index. The lower bound of a `CountableRange` instance is its start index,
/// and the upper bound is its end index.
/// print(upToFive.contains(3)) // Prints "true"
/// print(upToFive.contains(10)) // Prints "false"
/// print(upToFive.contains(5)) // Prints "false"
/// If the `Bound` type has a maximal value, it can serve as an upper bound but
/// can never be contained in a `CountableRange<Bound>` instance. For example,
/// a `CountableRange<Int8>` instance can use `Int8.max` as its upper bound,
/// but it can't represent a range that includes `Int8.max`.
/// let maximumRange = Int8.min..<Int8.max
/// print(maximumRange.contains(Int8.max))
/// // Prints "false"
/// If you need to create a range that includes the maximal value of its
/// `Bound` type, see the `CountableClosedRange` type.
/// You can create a countable range over any type that conforms to the
/// `Strideable` protocol and uses an integer as its associated `Stride` type.
/// By default, Swift's integer and pointer types are usable as the bounds of
/// a countable range.
/// Because floating-point types such as `Float` and `Double` are their own
/// `Stride` types, they cannot be used as the bounds of a countable range. If
/// you need to test whether values are contained within an interval bound by
/// floating-point values, see the `Range` type. If you need to iterate over
/// consecutive floating-point values, see the `stride(from:to:by:)` function.
/// Integer Index Ambiguity
/// -----------------------
/// Because each element of a `CountableRange` instance is its own index, for
/// the range `(-99..<100)` the element at index `0` is `0`. This is an
/// unexpected result for those accustomed to zero-based collection indices,
/// who might expect the result to be `-99`. To prevent this confusion, in a
/// context where `Bound` is known to be an integer type, subscripting
/// directly is a compile-time error:
/// // error: ambiguous use of 'subscript'
/// print((-99..<100)[0])
/// However, subscripting that range still works in a generic context:
/// func brackets<T>(_ x: CountableRange<T>, _ i: T) -> T {
/// return x[i] // Just forward to subscript
/// }
/// print(brackets(-99..<100, 0))
/// // Prints "0"
public struct CountableRange<Bound>
where Bound : Strideable, Bound.Stride : SignedInteger {
/// The range's lower bound.
/// In an empty range, `lowerBound` is equal to `upperBound`.
public let lowerBound: Bound
/// The range's upper bound.
/// `upperBound` is not a valid subscript argument and is always
/// reachable from `lowerBound` by zero or more applications of
/// `index(after:)`.
/// In an empty range, `upperBound` is equal to `lowerBound`.
public let upperBound: Bound
/// Creates an instance with the given bounds.
/// Because this initializer does not perform any checks, it should be used
/// as an optimization only when you are absolutely certain that `lower` is
/// less than or equal to `upper`. Using the half-open range operator
/// (`..<`) to form `CountableRange` instances is preferred.
/// - Parameter bounds: A tuple of the lower and upper bounds of the range.
public init(uncheckedBounds bounds: (lower: Bound, upper: Bound)) {
self.lowerBound = bounds.lower
self.upperBound = bounds.upper
extension CountableRange: RandomAccessCollection {
/// The bound type of the range.
public typealias Element = Bound
/// A type that represents a position in the range.
public typealias Index = Element
public typealias Indices = CountableRange<Bound>
public typealias SubSequence = CountableRange<Bound>
public var startIndex: Index {
return lowerBound
public var endIndex: Index {
return upperBound
public func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
_failEarlyRangeCheck(i, bounds: startIndex..<endIndex)
return i.advanced(by: 1)
public func index(before i: Index) -> Index {
_precondition(i > lowerBound)
_precondition(i <= upperBound)
return i.advanced(by: -1)
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
let r = i.advanced(by: numericCast(n))
_precondition(r >= lowerBound)
_precondition(r <= upperBound)
return r
public func distance(from start: Index, to end: Index) -> Int {
return numericCast(start.distance(to: end))
/// Accesses the subsequence bounded by the given range.
/// - Parameter bounds: A range of the range's indices. The upper and lower
/// bounds of the `bounds` range must be valid indices of the collection.
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> SubSequence {
return CountableRange(bounds)
/// Accesses the subsequence bounded by the given range.
/// - Parameter bounds: A range of the range's indices. The upper and lower
/// bounds of the `bounds` range must be valid indices of the collection.
public subscript(bounds: CountableRange<Bound>) -> CountableRange<Bound> {
return self[Range(bounds)]
/// The indices that are valid for subscripting the range, in ascending
/// order.
public var indices: Indices {
return self
public func _customContainsEquatableElement(_ element: Element) -> Bool? {
return lowerBound <= element && element < upperBound
/// A Boolean value indicating whether the range contains no elements.
/// An empty range has equal lower and upper bounds.
/// let empty = 10..<10
/// print(empty.isEmpty)
/// // Prints "true"
public var isEmpty: Bool {
return lowerBound == upperBound
/// Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the given element is contained
/// within the range.
/// Because `CountableRange` represents a half-open range, a `CountableRange`
/// instance does not contain its upper bound. `element` is contained in the
/// range if it is greater than or equal to the lower bound and less than
/// the upper bound.
/// - Parameter element: The element to check for containment.
/// - Returns: `true` if `element` is contained in the range; otherwise,
/// `false`.
public func contains(_ element: Bound) -> Bool {
return lowerBound <= element && element < upperBound
//===--- Protection against 0-based indexing assumption -------------------===//
// The following two extensions provide subscript overloads that
// create *intentional* ambiguities to prevent the use of integers as
// indices for ranges, outside a generic context. This prevents mistakes
// such as x = r[0], which will trap unless 0 happens to be contained in the
// range r.
// FIXME(ABI)#56 (Statically Unavailable/Dynamically Available): remove this
// code, it creates an ABI burden on the library.
extension CountableRange {
/// Accesses the element at specified position.
/// You can subscript a collection with any valid index other than the
/// collection's end index. The end index refers to the position one past
/// the last element of a collection, so it doesn't correspond with an
/// element.
/// - Parameter position: The position of the element to access. `position`
/// must be a valid index of the range, and must not equal the range's end
/// index.
public subscript(position: Index) -> Element {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: tests for the range check.
_debugPrecondition(self.contains(position), "Index out of range")
return position
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public subscript(_position: Bound._DisabledRangeIndex) -> Element {
extension CountableRange
Bound._DisabledRangeIndex : Strideable,
Bound._DisabledRangeIndex.Stride : SignedInteger {
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public subscript(
_bounds: Range<Bound._DisabledRangeIndex>
) -> CountableRange<Bound> {
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public subscript(
_bounds: CountableRange<Bound._DisabledRangeIndex>
) -> CountableRange<Bound> {
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public subscript(
_bounds: ClosedRange<Bound._DisabledRangeIndex>
) -> CountableRange<Bound> {
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public subscript(
_bounds: CountableClosedRange<Bound._DisabledRangeIndex>
) -> CountableRange<Bound> {
/// Accesses the subsequence bounded by the given range.
/// - Parameter bounds: A range of the collection's indices. The upper and
/// lower bounds of the `bounds` range must be valid indices of the
/// collection and `bounds.upperBound` must be less than the collection's
/// end index.
public subscript(bounds: ClosedRange<Bound>) -> CountableRange<Bound> {
return self[bounds.lowerBound..<(bounds.upperBound.advanced(by: 1))]
/// Accesses the subsequence bounded by the given range.
/// - Parameter bounds: A range of the collection's indices. The upper and
/// lower bounds of the `bounds` range must be valid indices of the
/// collection and `bounds.upperBound` must be less than the collection's
/// end index.
public subscript(
bounds: CountableClosedRange<Bound>
) -> CountableRange<Bound> {
return self[ClosedRange(bounds)]
//===--- End 0-based indexing protection ----------------------------------===//
/// A half-open interval over a comparable type, from a lower bound up to, but
/// not including, an upper bound.
/// You create `Range` instances by using the half-open range operator (`..<`).
/// let underFive = 0.0..<5.0
/// You can use a `Range` instance to quickly check if a value is contained in
/// a particular range of values. For example:
/// print(underFive.contains(3.14)) // Prints "true"
/// print(underFive.contains(6.28)) // Prints "false"
/// print(underFive.contains(5.0)) // Prints "false"
/// `Range` instances can represent an empty interval, unlike `ClosedRange`.
/// let empty = 0.0..<0.0
/// print(empty.contains(0.0)) // Prints "false"
/// print(empty.isEmpty) // Prints "true"
public struct Range<Bound : Comparable> {
/// The range's lower bound.
/// In an empty range, `lowerBound` is equal to `upperBound`.
public let lowerBound: Bound
/// The range's upper bound.
/// In an empty range, `upperBound` is equal to `lowerBound`. A `Range`
/// instance does not contain its upper bound.
public let upperBound: Bound
/// Creates an instance with the given bounds.
/// Because this initializer does not perform any checks, it should be used
/// as an optimization only when you are absolutely certain that `lower` is
/// less than or equal to `upper`. Using the half-open range operator
/// (`..<`) to form `Range` instances is preferred.
/// - Parameter bounds: A tuple of the lower and upper bounds of the range.
public init(uncheckedBounds bounds: (lower: Bound, upper: Bound)) {
self.lowerBound = bounds.lower
self.upperBound = bounds.upper
/// Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the given element is contained
/// within the range.
/// Because `Range` represents a half-open range, a `Range` instance does not
/// contain its upper bound. `element` is contained in the range if it is
/// greater than or equal to the lower bound and less than the upper bound.
/// - Parameter element: The element to check for containment.
/// - Returns: `true` if `element` is contained in the range; otherwise,
/// `false`.
public func contains(_ element: Bound) -> Bool {
return lowerBound <= element && element < upperBound
/// A Boolean value indicating whether the range contains no elements.
/// An empty `Range` instance has equal lower and upper bounds.
/// let empty: Range = 10..<10
/// print(empty.isEmpty)
/// // Prints "true"
public var isEmpty: Bool {
return lowerBound == upperBound
all_range_types = [
('Range', '..<'),
('CountableRange', '..<'),
('ClosedRange', '...'),
('CountableClosedRange', '...')
def get_init_warning(Self, OtherSelf):
if 'Closed' in Self and 'Closed' not in OtherSelf:
return """\
/// An equivalent range must be representable as an instance of `%s`.
/// For example, passing an empty range as `other` triggers a runtime error,
/// because an empty range cannot be represented by a `%s` instance.\
""" % (Self, Self)
elif 'Closed' not in Self and 'Closed' in OtherSelf:
return """\
/// An equivalent range must be representable as an instance of `%s`.
/// For example, passing a closed range with an upper bound of `Int.max`
/// triggers a runtime error, because the resulting half-open range would
/// require an upper bound of `Int.max + 1`, which is not representable as
/// an `Int`.\
""" % Self
return ""
% for (Self, op) in all_range_types:
% for (OtherSelf, other_op) in all_range_types:
extension ${Self}
% if ('Countable' in OtherSelf or 'Closed' in OtherSelf or 'Closed' in Self) \
% and not 'Countable' in Self:
Bound : Strideable, Bound.Stride : SignedInteger
% end
/// Creates an instance equivalent to the given range.
${get_init_warning(Self, OtherSelf)}
/// - Parameter other: A range to convert to a `${Self}` instance.
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public init(_ other: ${OtherSelf}<Bound>) {
% if 'Closed' not in Self and 'Closed' in OtherSelf:
let upperBound = other.upperBound.advanced(by: 1)
% elif 'Closed' in Self and 'Closed' not in OtherSelf:
_precondition(!other.isEmpty, "Can't form an empty closed range")
let upperBound = other.upperBound.advanced(by: -1)
% else:
let upperBound = other.upperBound
% end
uncheckedBounds: (lower: other.lowerBound, upper: upperBound)
extension ${Self}
% if 'Countable' in OtherSelf and not 'Countable' in Self:
Bound : Strideable, Bound.Stride : SignedInteger
% end
/// Returns a Boolean value indicating whether this range and the given range
/// contain an element in common.
/// This example shows two overlapping ranges:
/// let x: ${Self} = 0${op}20
/// print(x.overlaps(10${other_op}1000 as ${OtherSelf}))
/// // Prints "true"
% if 'Closed' in Self:
/// Because a closed range includes its upper bound, the ranges in the
/// following example also overlap:
/// let y: ${OtherSelf} = 20${op}30
/// print(x.overlaps(y))
/// // Prints "true"
% else:
/// Because a half-open range does not include its upper bound, the ranges
/// in the following example do not overlap:
/// let y: ${OtherSelf} = 20${op}30
/// print(x.overlaps(y))
/// // Prints "false"
% end
/// - Parameter other: A range to check for elements in common.
/// - Returns: `true` if this range and `other` have at least one element in
/// common; otherwise, `false`.
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public func overlaps(_ other: ${OtherSelf}<Bound>) -> Bool {
return (!other.isEmpty && self.contains(other.lowerBound))
|| (!self.isEmpty && other.contains(lowerBound))
% end
extension ${Self} {
/// Returns a copy of this range clamped to the given limiting range.
/// The bounds of the result are always limited to the bounds of `limits`.
/// For example:
/// let x: ${Self} = 0${op}20
/// print(x.clamped(to: 10${op}1000))
/// // Prints "10${op}20"
% if 'Closed' in Self:
/// If the two ranges do not overlap, the result is a single-element range at
/// the upper or lower bound of `limits`.
% else:
/// If the two ranges do not overlap, the result is an empty range within the
/// bounds of `limits`.
% end
/// let y: ${Self} = 0${op}5
/// print(y.clamped(to: 10${op}1000))
/// // Prints "10${op}10"
/// - Parameter limits: The range to clamp the bounds of this range.
/// - Returns: A new range clamped to the bounds of `limits`.
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public func clamped(to limits: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
return ${Self}(
uncheckedBounds: (
limits.lowerBound > self.lowerBound ? limits.lowerBound
: limits.upperBound < self.lowerBound ? limits.upperBound
: self.lowerBound,
limits.upperBound < self.upperBound ? limits.upperBound
: limits.lowerBound > self.upperBound ? limits.lowerBound
: self.upperBound
extension ${Self}: RangeExpression {
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public func relative<C: Collection>(to collection: C) -> Range<Bound>
where C.Index == Bound {
% if 'Closed' in Self:
return Range(
uncheckedBounds: (
lower: lowerBound, upper: collection.index(after: self.upperBound)))
% else:
return Range(uncheckedBounds: (lower: lowerBound, upper: upperBound))
% end
extension ${Self} : CustomStringConvertible {
/// A textual representation of the range.
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public var description: String {
return "\(lowerBound)${op}\(upperBound)"
extension ${Self} : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// A textual representation of the range, suitable for debugging.
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public var debugDescription: String {
return "${Self}(\(String(reflecting: lowerBound))"
+ "${op}\(String(reflecting: upperBound)))"
extension ${Self} : CustomReflectable {
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(
self, children: ["lowerBound": lowerBound, "upperBound": upperBound])
extension ${Self} : Equatable {
/// Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two ranges are equal.
/// Two ranges are equal when they have the same lower and upper bounds.
% if 'Closed' in Self:
/// let x: ${Self} = 5...15
/// print(x == 5...15)
/// // Prints "true"
/// print(x == 10...20)
/// // Prints "false"
% else:
/// That requirement holds even for empty ranges.
/// let x: ${Self} = 5..<15
/// print(x == 5..<15)
/// // Prints "true"
/// let y: ${Self} = 5..<5
/// print(y == 15..<15)
/// // Prints "false"
% end
/// - Parameters:
/// - lhs: A range to compare.
/// - rhs: Another range to compare.
public static func == (lhs: ${Self}<Bound>, rhs: ${Self}<Bound>) -> Bool {
lhs.lowerBound == rhs.lowerBound &&
lhs.upperBound == rhs.upperBound
/// Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a value is included in a
/// range.
/// You can use this pattern matching operator (`~=`) to test whether a value
/// is included in a range. The following example uses the `~=` operator to
/// test whether an integer is included in a range of single-digit numbers.
/// let chosenNumber = 3
% if 'Closed' in Self:
/// if 0...9 ~= chosenNumber {
% else:
/// if 0..<10 ~= chosenNumber {
% end
/// print("\(chosenNumber) is a single digit.")
/// }
/// // Prints "3 is a single digit."
/// The `~=` operator is used internally in `case` statements for pattern
/// matching. When you match against a range in a `case` statement, this
/// operator is called behind the scenes.
/// switch chosenNumber {
% if 'Closed' in Self:
/// case 0...9:
% else:
/// case 0..<10:
% end
/// print("\(chosenNumber) is a single digit.")
/// case Int.min..<0:
/// print("\(chosenNumber) is negative.")
/// default:
/// print("\(chosenNumber) is positive.")
/// }
/// // Prints "3 is a single digit."
/// - Parameters:
/// - lhs: A range.
/// - rhs: A value to match against `lhs`.
public static func ~= (pattern: ${Self}<Bound>, value: Bound) -> Bool {
return pattern.contains(value)
% end
% for Self in [
% 'Range',
% 'ClosedRange',
% ]:
// FIXME(ABI)#57 (Conditional Conformance): replace this extension with a
// conditional conformance.
// rdar://problem/17144340
/// Ranges whose `Bound` is `Strideable` with `Integer` `Stride` have all
/// the capabilities of `RandomAccessCollection`s, just like
/// `CountableRange` and `CountableClosedRange`.
/// Unfortunately, we can't forward the full collection API, so we are
/// forwarding a few select APIs.
extension ${Self} where Bound : Strideable, Bound.Stride : SignedInteger {
/// The number of values contained in the range.
public var count: Bound.Stride {
let distance = lowerBound.distance(to: upperBound)
% if 'Closed' in Self:
return distance + 1
% else:
return distance
% end
% end
/// A partial half-open interval up to, but not including, an upper bound.
/// You create `PartialRangeUpTo` instances by using the prefix half-open range
/// operator (prefix `..<`).
/// let upToFive = ..<5.0
/// You can use a `PartialRangeUpTo` instance to quickly check if a value is
/// contained in a particular range of values. For example:
/// upToFive.contains(3.14) // true
/// upToFive.contains(6.28) // false
/// upToFive.contains(5.0) // false
/// You can use a `PartialRangeUpTo` instance of a collection's indices to
/// represent the range from the start of the collection up to, but not
/// including, the partial range's upper bound.
/// let numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
/// print(numbers[..<3])
/// // Prints "[10, 20, 30]"
public struct PartialRangeUpTo<Bound: Comparable> {
public let upperBound: Bound
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public init(_ upperBound: Bound) { self.upperBound = upperBound }
extension PartialRangeUpTo: RangeExpression {
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public func relative<C: Collection>(to collection: C) -> Range<Bound>
where C.Index == Bound {
return collection.startIndex..<self.upperBound
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public func contains(_ element: Bound) -> Bool {
return element < upperBound
/// A partial interval up to, and including, an upper bound.
/// You create `PartialRangeThrough` instances by using the prefix closed range
/// operator (prefix `...`).
/// let throughFive = ...5.0
/// You can use a `PartialRangeThrough` instance to quickly check if a value is
/// contained in a particular range of values. For example:
/// throughFive.contains(4.0) // true
/// throughFive.contains(5.0) // true
/// throughFive.contains(6.0) // false
/// You can use a `PartialRangeThrough` instance of a collection's indices to
/// represent the range from the start of the collection up to, and including,
/// the partial range's upper bound.
/// let numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
/// print(numbers[...3])
/// // Prints "[10, 20, 30, 40]"
public struct PartialRangeThrough<Bound: Comparable> {
public let upperBound: Bound
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public init(_ upperBound: Bound) { self.upperBound = upperBound }
extension PartialRangeThrough: RangeExpression {
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public func relative<C: Collection>(to collection: C) -> Range<Bound>
where C.Index == Bound {
return collection.startIndex..<collection.index(after: self.upperBound)
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public func contains(_ element: Bound) -> Bool {
return element <= upperBound
/// A partial interval extending upward from a lower bound.
/// You create `PartialRangeFrom` instances by using the postfix range
/// operator (postfix `...`).
/// let atLeastFive = 5.0...
/// You can use a `PartialRangeFrom` instance to quickly check if a value is
/// contained in a particular range of values. For example:
/// atLeastFive.contains(4.0) // false
/// atLeastFive.contains(5.0) // true
/// atLeastFive.contains(6.0) // true
/// You can use a `PartialRangeFrom` instance of a collection's indices to
/// represent the range from the partial range's lower bound up to the end
/// of the collection.
/// let numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
/// print(numbers[3...])
/// // Prints "[40, 50, 60, 70]"
public struct PartialRangeFrom<Bound: Comparable> {
public let lowerBound: Bound
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public init(_ lowerBound: Bound) { self.lowerBound = lowerBound }
extension PartialRangeFrom: RangeExpression {
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public func relative<C: Collection>(to collection: C) -> Range<Bound>
where C.Index == Bound {
return self.lowerBound..<collection.endIndex
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public func contains(_ element: Bound) -> Bool {
return lowerBound <= element
/// A partial interval extending upward from a lower bound that forms a
/// sequence of increasing values.
/// You create `CountablePartialRangeFrom` instances by using the postfix range
/// operator (postfix `...`).
/// let atLeastFive = 5...
/// You can use a countable partial range to quickly check if a value is
/// contained in a particular range of values. For example:
/// atLeastFive.contains(4)
/// // false
/// atLeastFive.contains(5)
/// // true
/// atLeastFive.contains(6)
/// // true
/// You can use a countable partial range of a collection's indices to
/// represent the range from the partial range's lower bound up to the end of
/// the collection.
/// let numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
/// print(numbers[3...])
/// // Prints "[40, 50, 60, 70]"
/// You can create a countable partial range over any type that conforms to the
/// `Strideable` protocol and uses an integer as its associated `Stride` type.
/// By default, Swift's integer and pointer types are usable as the bounds of
/// a countable range.
/// Using a Partial Range as a Sequence
/// -----------------------------------
/// You can iterate over a countable partial range using a `for`-`in` loop, or
/// call any sequence method that doesn't require that the sequence is finite.
/// func isTheMagicNumber(_ x: Int) -> Bool {
/// return x == 3
/// }
/// for x in 1... {
/// if isTheMagicNumber(x) {
/// print("\(x) is the magic number!")
/// break
/// } else {
/// print("\(x) wasn't it...")
/// }
/// }
/// // "1 wasn't it..."
/// // "2 wasn't it..."
/// // "3 is the magic number!"
/// Because a `CountablePartialRangeFrom` sequence counts upward indefinitely,
/// do not use one with methods that read the entire sequence before
/// returning, such as `map(_:)`, `filter(_:)`, or `suffix(_:)`. It is safe to
/// use operations that put an upper limit on the number of elements they
/// access, such as `prefix(_:)` or `dropFirst(_:)`, and operations that you
/// can guarantee will terminate, such as passing a closure you know will
/// eventually return `true` to `first(where:)`.
/// In the following example, the `asciiTable` sequence is made by zipping
/// together the characters in the `alphabet` string with a partial range
/// starting at 65, the ASCII value of the capital letter A. Iterating over
/// two zipped sequences continues only as long as the shorter of the two
/// sequences, so the iteration stops at the end of `alphabet`.
/// let asciiTable = zip(65..., alphabet)
/// for (code, letter) in asciiTable {
/// print(code, letter)
/// }
/// // "65 A"
/// // "66 B"
/// // "67 C"
/// // ...
/// // "89 Y"
/// // "90 Z"
/// The behavior of incrementing indefinitely is determined by the type of
/// `Bound`. For example, iterating over an instance of
/// `CountablePartialRangeFrom<Int>` traps when the sequence's next value
/// would be above `Int.max`.
public struct CountablePartialRangeFrom<Bound: Strideable>
where Bound.Stride : SignedInteger {
public let lowerBound: Bound
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public init(_ lowerBound: Bound) { self.lowerBound = lowerBound }
extension CountablePartialRangeFrom: RangeExpression {
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public func relative<C: Collection>(
to collection: C
) -> Range<Bound> where C.Index == Bound {
return self.lowerBound..<collection.endIndex
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public func contains(_ element: Bound) -> Bool {
return lowerBound <= element
extension CountablePartialRangeFrom: Sequence {
public struct Iterator: IteratorProtocol {
internal var _current: Bound
public init(_current: Bound) { self._current = _current }
public mutating func next() -> Bound? {
defer { _current = _current.advanced(by: 1) }
return _current
public func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
return Iterator(_current: lowerBound)
extension Comparable {
/// Returns a half-open range that contains its lower bound but not its upper
/// bound.
/// Use the half-open range operator (`..<`) to create a range of any type
/// that conforms to the `Comparable` protocol. This example creates a
/// `Range<Double>` from zero up to, but not including, 5.0.
/// let lessThanFive = 0.0..<5.0
/// print(lessThanFive.contains(3.14)) // Prints "true"
/// print(lessThanFive.contains(5.0)) // Prints "false"
/// - Parameters:
/// - minimum: The lower bound for the range.
/// - maximum: The upper bound for the range.
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public static func ..< (minimum: Self, maximum: Self) -> Range<Self> {
_precondition(minimum <= maximum,
"Can't form Range with upperBound < lowerBound")
return Range(uncheckedBounds: (lower: minimum, upper: maximum))
/// Returns a partial range up to, but not including, its upper bound.
/// Use the prefix half-open range operator (prefix `..<`) to create a
/// partial range of any type that conforms to the `Comparable` protocol.
/// This example creates a `PartialRangeUpTo<Double>` instance that includes
/// any value less than `5.0`.
/// let upToFive = ..<5.0
/// upToFive.contains(3.14) // true
/// upToFive.contains(6.28) // false
/// upToFive.contains(5.0) // false
/// You can use this type of partial range of a collection's indices to
/// represent the range from the start of the collection up to, but not
/// including, the partial range's upper bound.
/// let numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
/// print(numbers[..<3])
/// // Prints "[10, 20, 30]"
/// - Parameter maximum: The upper bound for the range.
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public static prefix func ..< (maximum: Self) -> PartialRangeUpTo<Self> {
return PartialRangeUpTo(maximum)
/// Returns a partial range up to, and including, its upper bound.
/// Use the prefix closed range operator (prefix `...`) to create a partial
/// range of any type that conforms to the `Comparable` protocol. This
/// example creates a `PartialRangeThrough<Double>` instance that includes
/// any value less than or equal to `5.0`.
/// let throughFive = ...5.0
/// throughFive.contains(4.0) // true
/// throughFive.contains(5.0) // true
/// throughFive.contains(6.0) // false
/// You can use this type of partial range of a collection's indices to
/// represent the range from the start of the collection up to, and
/// including, the partial range's upper bound.
/// let numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
/// print(numbers[...3])
/// // Prints "[10, 20, 30, 40]"
/// - Parameter maximum: The upper bound for the range.
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public static prefix func ... (maximum: Self) -> PartialRangeThrough<Self> {
return PartialRangeThrough(maximum)
/// Returns a partial range extending upward from a lower bound.
/// Use the postfix range operator (postfix `...`) to create a partial range
/// of any type that conforms to the `Comparable` protocol. This example
/// creates a `PartialRangeFrom<Double>` instance that includes any value
/// greater than or equal to `5.0`.
/// let atLeastFive = 5.0...
/// atLeastFive.contains(4.0) // false
/// atLeastFive.contains(5.0) // true
/// atLeastFive.contains(6.0) // true
/// You can use this type of partial range of a collection's indices to
/// represent the range from the partial range's lower bound up to the end
/// of the collection.
/// let numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
/// print(numbers[3...])
/// // Prints "[40, 50, 60, 70]"
/// - Parameter minimum: The lower bound for the range.
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public static postfix func ... (minimum: Self) -> PartialRangeFrom<Self> {
return PartialRangeFrom(minimum)
extension Strideable where Stride: SignedInteger {
/// Returns a countable half-open range that contains its lower bound but not
/// its upper bound.
/// Use the half-open range operator (`..<`) to create a range of any type that
/// conforms to the `Strideable` protocol with an associated integer `Stride`
/// type, such as any of the standard library's integer types. This example
/// creates a `CountableRange<Int>` from zero up to, but not including, 5.
/// let upToFive = 0..<5
/// print(upToFive.contains(3)) // Prints "true"
/// print(upToFive.contains(5)) // Prints "false"
/// You can use sequence or collection methods on the `upToFive` countable
/// range.
/// print(upToFive.count) // Prints "5"
/// print(upToFive.last) // Prints "4"
/// - Parameters:
/// - minimum: The lower bound for the range.
/// - maximum: The upper bound for the range.
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public static func ..< (minimum: Self, maximum: Self) -> CountableRange<Self> {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: tests for traps.
_precondition(minimum <= maximum,
"Can't form Range with upperBound < lowerBound")
return CountableRange(uncheckedBounds: (lower: minimum, upper: maximum))
/// Returns a countable partial range extending upward from a lower bound.
/// Use the postfix range operator (postfix `...`) to create a partial range
/// of any type that conforms to the `Strideable` protocol with an
/// associated integer `Stride` type, such as any of the standard library's
/// integer types. This example creates a `CountablePartialRangeFrom<Int>`
/// instance that includes any value greater than or equal to `5`.
/// let atLeastFive = 5...
/// atLeastFive.contains(4) // false
/// atLeastFive.contains(5) // true
/// atLeastFive.contains(6) // true
/// You can use this type of partial range of a collection's indices to
/// represent the range from the partial range's lower bound up to the end
/// of the collection.
/// let numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
/// print(numbers[3...])
/// // Prints "[40, 50, 60, 70]"
/// You can also iterate over this type of partial range using a `for`-`in`
/// loop, or call any sequence method that doesn't require that the sequence
/// is finite.
/// func isTheMagicNumber(_ x: Int) -> Bool {
/// return x == 3
/// }
/// for x in 1... {
/// if isTheMagicNumber(x) {
/// print("\(x) is the magic number!")
/// break
/// } else {
/// print("\(x) wasn't it...")
/// }
/// }
/// // "1 wasn't it..."
/// // "2 wasn't it..."
/// // "3 is the magic number!"
/// Because a sequence created with the postfix range operator counts upward
/// indefinitely, do not use one with methods such as `map(_:)`,
/// `filter(_:)`, or `suffix(_:)` that read the entire sequence before
/// returning. It is safe to use operations that put an upper limit on the
/// number of elements they access, such as `prefix(_:)` or `dropFirst(_:)`,
/// and operations that you can guarantee will terminate, such as passing a
/// closure you know will eventually return `true` to `first(where:)`.
/// In the following example, the `asciiTable` sequence is made by zipping
/// together the characters in the `alphabet` string with a partial range
/// starting at 65, the ASCII value of the capital letter A.
/// Iterating over two zipped sequence continues only as long as the shorter
/// of the two sequences, so the iteration stops at the end of `alphabet`.
/// let asciiTable = zip(65..., alphabet)
/// for (code, letter) in asciiTable {
/// print(code, letter)
/// }
/// // "65 A"
/// // "66 B"
/// // "67 C"
/// // ...
/// // "89 Y"
/// // "90 Z"
/// The behavior of incrementing indefinitely is determined by the type of
/// `Bound`. For example, iterating over an instance of
/// `CountablePartialRangeFrom<Int>` traps when the sequence's next
/// value would be above `Int.max`.
/// - Parameter minimum: The lower bound for the range.
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public static postfix func ... (minimum: Self)
-> CountablePartialRangeFrom<Self> {
return CountablePartialRangeFrom(minimum)
/// A range expression that represents the entire range of a collection.
/// You can use the unbounded range operator (`...`) to create a slice of a
/// collection that contains all of the collection's elements. Slicing with an
/// unbounded range is essentially a conversion of a collection instance into
/// its slice type.
/// For example, the following code declares `levenshteinDistance(_:_:)`, a
/// function that calculates the number of changes required to convert one
/// string into another. `levenshteinDistance(_:_:)` uses `Substring`, a
/// string's slice type, for its parameters.
/// func levenshteinDistance(_ s1: Substring, _ s2: Substring) -> Int {
/// if s1.isEmpty { return s2.count }
/// if s2.isEmpty { return s1.count }
/// let cost = s1.first == s2.first ? 0 : 1
/// return min(
/// levenshteinDistance(s1.dropFirst(), s2) + 1,
/// levenshteinDistance(s1, s2.dropFirst()) + 1,
/// levenshteinDistance(s1.dropFirst(), s2.dropFirst()) + cost)
/// }
/// To call `levenshteinDistance(_:_:)` with two strings, use an unbounded
/// range in each string's subscript to convert it to a `Substring`.
/// let word1 = "grizzly"
/// let word2 = "grisly"
/// let distance = levenshteinDistance(word1[...], word2[...])
/// // distance == 2
public enum UnboundedRange_ {
// FIXME: replace this with a computed var named `...` when the language makes
// that possible.
/// Creates an unbounded range expression.
/// The unbounded range operator (`...`) is valid only within a collection's
/// subscript.
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public static postfix func ... (_: UnboundedRange_) -> () {
/// The type of an unbounded range operator.
public typealias UnboundedRange = (UnboundedRange_)->()
extension Collection {
/// Accesses the contiguous subrange of the collection's elements specified
/// by a range expression.
/// The range expression is converted to a concrete subrange relative to this
/// collection. For example, using a `PartialRangeFrom` range expression
/// with an array accesses the subrange from the start of the range
/// expression until the end of the array.
/// let streets = ["Adams", "Bryant", "Channing", "Douglas", "Evarts"]
/// let streetsSlice = streets[2...]
/// print(streetsSlice)
/// // ["Channing", "Douglas", "Evarts"]
/// The accessed slice uses the same indices for the same elements as the
/// original collection uses. This example searches `streetsSlice` for one
/// of the strings in the slice, and then uses that index in the original
/// array.
/// let index = streetsSlice.index(of: "Evarts") // 4
/// print(streets[index!])
/// // "Evarts"
/// Always use the slice's `startIndex` property instead of assuming that its
/// indices start at a particular value. Attempting to access an element by
/// using an index outside the bounds of the slice's indices may result in a
/// runtime error, even if that index is valid for the original collection.
/// print(streetsSlice.startIndex)
/// // 2
/// print(streetsSlice[2])
/// // "Channing"
/// print(streetsSlice[0])
/// // error: Index out of bounds
/// - Parameter bounds: A range of the collection's indices. The bounds of
/// the range must be valid indices of the collection.
/// - Complexity: O(1)
public subscript<R: RangeExpression>(r: R)
-> SubSequence where R.Bound == Index {
return self[r.relative(to: self)]
public subscript(x: UnboundedRange) -> SubSequence {
return self[startIndex...]
extension MutableCollection {
public subscript<R: RangeExpression>(r: R) -> SubSequence
where R.Bound == Index {
get {
return self[r.relative(to: self)]
set {
self[r.relative(to: self)] = newValue
@_inlineable // FIXME(sil-serialize-all)
public subscript(x: UnboundedRange) -> SubSequence {
get {
return self[startIndex...]
set {
self[startIndex...] = newValue