blob: 9cd13a591f2e95b9bdfa2f0196cad9beb1d60e20 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -rf %t && mkdir -p %t
// RUN: %build-irgen-test-overlays
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -assume-parsing-unqualified-ownership-sil -sdk %S/Inputs -I %t -primary-file %s -emit-ir -disable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: CPU=x86_64
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
// CHECK: %swift.refcounted = type
// CHECK: [[HOOZIT:%T17objc_class_export6HoozitC]] = type <{ [[REF:%swift.refcounted]] }>
// CHECK: [[FOO:%T17objc_class_export3FooC]] = type <{ [[REF]], %TSi }>
// CHECK: [[INT:%TSi]] = type <{ i64 }>
// CHECK: [[DOUBLE:%TSd]] = type <{ double }>
// CHECK: [[NSRECT:%TSC6NSRectV]] = type <{ %TSC7NSPointV, %TSC6NSSizeV }>
// CHECK: [[NSPOINT:%TSC7NSPointV]] = type <{ %TSd, %TSd }>
// CHECK: [[NSSIZE:%TSC6NSSizeV]] = type <{ %TSd, %TSd }>
// CHECK: [[OBJC:%objc_object]] = type opaque
// CHECK: @"OBJC_METACLASS_$__TtC17objc_class_export3Foo" = hidden global %objc_class {
// CHECK: %objc_class* @"OBJC_METACLASS_$_SwiftObject",
// CHECK: %objc_class* @"OBJC_METACLASS_$_SwiftObject",
// CHECK: %swift.opaque* @_objc_empty_cache,
// CHECK: %swift.opaque* null,
// CHECK: i64 ptrtoint ({{.*}}* @_METACLASS_DATA__TtC17objc_class_export3Foo to i64)
// CHECK: }
// CHECK: [[FOO_NAME:@.*]] = private unnamed_addr constant [28 x i8] c"_TtC17objc_class_export3Foo\00"
// CHECK: @_METACLASS_DATA__TtC17objc_class_export3Foo = private constant {{.*\*}} } {
// CHECK: i32 129,
// CHECK: i32 40,
// CHECK: i32 40,
// CHECK: i32 0,
// CHECK: i8* null,
// CHECK: i8* getelementptr inbounds ([{{[0-9]+}} x i8], [{{[0-9]+}} x i8]* [[FOO_NAME]], i64 0, i64 0),
// CHECK: @_CLASS_METHODS__TtC17objc_class_export3Foo,
// CHECK: i8* null,
// CHECK: i8* null,
// CHECK: i8* null,
// CHECK: i8* null
// CHECK: }, section "__DATA, __objc_const", align 8
// CHECK: @_DATA__TtC17objc_class_export3Foo = private constant {{.*\*}} } {
// CHECK: i32 128,
// CHECK: i32 16,
// CHECK: i32 24,
// CHECK: i32 0,
// CHECK: i8* null,
// CHECK: i8* getelementptr inbounds ([{{[0-9]+}} x i8], [{{[0-9]+}} x i8]* [[FOO_NAME]], i64 0, i64 0),
// CHECK: { i32, i32, [6 x { i8*, i8*, i8* }] }* @_INSTANCE_METHODS__TtC17objc_class_export3Foo,
// CHECK: i8* null,
// CHECK: @_IVARS__TtC17objc_class_export3Foo,
// CHECK: i8* null,
// CHECK: _PROPERTIES__TtC17objc_class_export3Foo
// CHECK: }, section "__DATA, __objc_const", align 8
// CHECK: @_TMfC17objc_class_export3Foo = internal global <{{.*i64}} }> <{
// CHECK: void ([[FOO]]*)* @_TFC17objc_class_export3FooD,
// CHECK: i8** @_TWVBO,
// CHECK: i64 ptrtoint (%objc_class* @"OBJC_METACLASS_$__TtC17objc_class_export3Foo" to i64),
// CHECK: %objc_class* @"OBJC_CLASS_$_SwiftObject",
// CHECK: %swift.opaque* @_objc_empty_cache,
// CHECK: %swift.opaque* null,
// CHECK: i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({{.*}}* @_DATA__TtC17objc_class_export3Foo to i64), i64 1),
// CHECK: [[FOO]]* (%swift.type*)* @_TZFC17objc_class_export3Foo6createfT_S0_,
// CHECK: void (double, double, double, double, [[FOO]]*)* @_TFC17objc_class_export3Foo10drawInRectfT5dirtyVSC6NSRect_T_
// CHECK: }>, section "__DATA,__objc_data, regular"
// -- TODO: The OBJC_CLASS symbol should reflect the qualified runtime name of
// Foo.
// CHECK: @_TMC17objc_class_export3Foo = hidden alias %swift.type, bitcast (i64* getelementptr inbounds ({{.*}} @_TMfC17objc_class_export3Foo, i32 0, i32 2) to %swift.type*)
// CHECK: @"OBJC_CLASS_$__TtC17objc_class_export3Foo" = alias %swift.type, %swift.type* @_TMC17objc_class_export3Foo
import gizmo
class Hoozit {}
struct BigStructWithNativeObjects {
var x, y, w : Double
var h : Hoozit
@objc class Foo {
var x = 0
class func create() -> Foo {
return Foo()
func drawInRect(dirty dirty: NSRect) {
// CHECK: define internal void @_TToFC17objc_class_export3Foo10drawInRectfT5dirtyVSC6NSRect_T_([[OPAQUE:%.*]]*, i8*, [[NSRECT]]* byval align 8) unnamed_addr {{.*}} {
// CHECK: [[CAST:%[a-zA-Z0-9]+]] = bitcast [[OPAQUE]]* %0 to [[FOO]]*
// CHECK: call swiftcc void @_TFC17objc_class_export3Foo10drawInRectfT5dirtyVSC6NSRect_T_(double {{.*}}, double {{.*}}, double {{.*}}, double {{.*}}, [[FOO]]* swiftself [[CAST]])
// CHECK: }
func bounds() -> NSRect {
return NSRect(origin: NSPoint(x: 0, y: 0),
size: NSSize(width: 0, height: 0))
// CHECK: define internal void @_TToFC17objc_class_export3Foo6boundsfT_VSC6NSRect([[NSRECT]]* noalias nocapture sret, [[OPAQUE4:%.*]]*, i8*) unnamed_addr {{.*}} {
// CHECK: [[CAST:%[a-zA-Z0-9]+]] = bitcast [[OPAQUE4]]* %1 to [[FOO]]*
// CHECK: call swiftcc { double, double, double, double } @_TFC17objc_class_export3Foo6boundsfT_VSC6NSRect([[FOO]]* swiftself [[CAST]])
func convertRectToBacking(r r: NSRect) -> NSRect {
return r
// CHECK: define internal void @_TToFC17objc_class_export3Foo20convertRectToBackingfT1rVSC6NSRect_S1_([[NSRECT]]* noalias nocapture sret, [[OPAQUE5:%.*]]*, i8*, [[NSRECT]]* byval align 8) unnamed_addr {{.*}} {
// CHECK: [[CAST:%[a-zA-Z0-9]+]] = bitcast [[OPAQUE5]]* %1 to [[FOO]]*
// CHECK: call swiftcc { double, double, double, double } @_TFC17objc_class_export3Foo20convertRectToBackingfT1rVSC6NSRect_S1_(double {{.*}}, double {{.*}}, double {{.*}}, double {{.*}}, [[FOO]]* swiftself [[CAST]])
func doStuffToSwiftSlice(f f: [Int]) {
// This function is not representable in Objective-C, so don't emit the objc entry point.
// CHECK-NOT: @_TToFC17objc_class_export3Foo19doStuffToSwiftSlicefS_FT1fGSaSi__T_
func doStuffToBigSwiftStruct(f f: BigStructWithNativeObjects) {
// This function is not representable in Objective-C, so don't emit the objc entry point.
// CHECK-NOT: @_TToFC17objc_class_export3Foo23doStuffToBigSwiftStructfS_FT1fV17objc_class_export27BigStructWithNativeObjects_T_
init() { }