blob: 498e4e7210c221e4461b1f70a37154b823fcd5a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -Xllvm -new-mangling-for-tests %s -emit-ir -g -o - | %FileCheck %s
class C {
func withClosure(_ : () -> ()) -> () {}
func f() {
// CHECK: define{{.*}}_T011capturelist1CC1fyyFyycfU_
// There should not be a local weak variable "self" shadowing the
// implicit self argument.
// let self
// CHECK: call void @llvm.dbg
// let s
// CHECK: call void @llvm.dbg
// var weak self
// CHECK-NOT: call void @llvm.dbg
// CHECK: ret void
withClosure { [weak self] in
guard let s = self else { return }