blob: aceeeb8ece9fb67406cee452a4fe2a9ee7aa33a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -rf %t
// RUN: mkdir %t
// RUN: echo "public struct X {}; public var x = X()" | %target-swift-frontend -module-name import_builtin -parse-stdlib -emit-module -o %t -
// RUN: echo "public func foo() -> Int { return false }" > %t/import_text.swift
// RUN: echo "public func pho$(printf '\xC3\xBB')x() -> Int { return false }" > %t/fran$(printf '\xC3\xA7')ais.swift
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -parse %s -I %t -sdk "" -enable-source-import -module-name main -verify -show-diagnostics-after-fatal
import Builtin // expected-error {{no such module 'Builtin'}}
import import_builtin
extension Int32 {
init(_: import_builtin.X) { }
func indirectBuiltin() {
Int(Int32(import_builtin.x)) // expected-warning{{unused}}
func f0() {
import Swift // expected-error{{declaration is only valid at file scope}}
import func Swift.print
func f1(_ a: Swift.Int) -> Swift.Void { print(a) }
import func Swift.print
// rdar://14418336
#import something_nonexistent // expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{no such module 'something_nonexistent'}}
// Import specific decls
import typealias Swift.Int
import struct Swift.Int
import typealias Swift.ManagedBuffer
import class Swift.ManagedBuffer
import typealias Swift.Bool
import struct Swift.Bool
import protocol Swift.IteratorProtocol
import var import_builtin.x
import func Swift.min
import var x // expected-error {{expected module name}}
import struct Swift.nonexistent // expected-error {{no such decl in module}}
import // expected-error {{expected identifier in import declaration}}
// expected-error @-1 {{keyword 'import' cannot be used as an identifier here}}
// expected-note @-2 {{if this name is unavoidable, use backticks to escape it}}
import where Swift.Int // expected-error {{expected identifier}}
// expected-error @-1 {{keyword 'where' cannot be used as an identifier here}}
// expected-note @-2 {{if this name is unavoidable, use backticks to escape it}}
import 2 // expected-error {{expected identifier}}
import really.nonexistent // expected-error {{no such module 'really.nonexistent'}}
import import_text // no-warning despite function body problems
var _ : Int = foo()
import français
import func français.phoûx
import main // expected-warning {{file 'import.swift' is part of module 'main'; ignoring import}}