blob: db55b9752566b5e42af6ca5b603f9307d6c95625 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// A unique identifier for a class instance or metatype.
/// In Swift, only class instances and metatypes have unique identities. There
/// is no notion of identity for structs, enums, functions, or tuples.
public struct ObjectIdentifier : Hashable {
internal let _value: Builtin.RawPointer
// FIXME: Better hashing algorithm
/// The hash value.
/// **Axiom:** `x == y` implies `x.hashValue == y.hashValue`.
/// - Note: The hash value is not guaranteed to be stable across
/// different invocations of the same program. Do not persist the
/// hash value across program runs.
public var hashValue: Int {
return Int(Builtin.ptrtoint_Word(_value))
/// Construct an instance that uniquely identifies the class instance `x`.
public init(_ x: AnyObject) {
self._value = Builtin.bridgeToRawPointer(x)
/// Construct an instance that uniquely identifies the metatype `x`.
public init(_ x: Any.Type) {
self._value = unsafeBitCast(x, to: Builtin.RawPointer.self)
extension ObjectIdentifier : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// A textual representation of `self`, suitable for debugging.
public var debugDescription: String {
return "ObjectIdentifier(\(_rawPointerToString(_value)))"
extension ObjectIdentifier : Comparable {
public static func < (lhs: ObjectIdentifier, rhs: ObjectIdentifier) -> Bool {
return UInt(bitPattern: lhs) < UInt(bitPattern: rhs)
public static func == (x: ObjectIdentifier, y: ObjectIdentifier) -> Bool {
return Bool(Builtin.cmp_eq_RawPointer(x._value, y._value))
extension UInt {
/// Create a `UInt` that captures the full value of `objectID`.
public init(bitPattern objectID: ObjectIdentifier) {
extension Int {
/// Create an `Int` that captures the full value of `objectID`.
public init(bitPattern objectID: ObjectIdentifier) {
self.init(bitPattern: UInt(bitPattern: objectID))
/// How children of this value should be presented in the IDE.
public enum _MirrorDisposition {
/// As a struct.
case `struct`
/// As a class.
case `class`
/// As an enum.
case `enum`
/// As a tuple.
case tuple
/// As a miscellaneous aggregate with a fixed set of children.
case aggregate
/// As a container that is accessed by index.
case indexContainer
/// As a container that is accessed by key.
case keyContainer
/// As a container that represents membership of its values.
case membershipContainer
/// As a miscellaneous container with a variable number of children.
case container
/// An Optional which can have either zero or one children.
case optional
/// An Objective-C object imported in Swift.
case objCObject
/// The type returned by `_reflect(x)`; supplies an API for runtime
/// reflection on `x`.
public protocol _Mirror {
/// The instance being reflected.
var value: Any { get }
/// Identical to `type(of: value)`.
var valueType: Any.Type { get }
/// A unique identifier for `value` if it is a class instance; `nil`
/// otherwise.
var objectIdentifier: ObjectIdentifier? { get }
/// The count of `value`'s logical children.
var count: Int { get }
/// Get a name and mirror for the `i`th logical child.
subscript(i: Int) -> (String, _Mirror) { get }
/// A string description of `value`.
var summary: String { get }
/// A rich representation of `value` for an IDE, or `nil` if none is supplied.
var quickLookObject: PlaygroundQuickLook? { get }
/// How `value` should be presented in an IDE.
var disposition: _MirrorDisposition { get }
/// An entry point that can be called from C++ code to get the summary string
/// for an arbitrary object. The memory pointed to by "out" is initialized with
/// the summary string.
func _getSummary<T>(_ out: UnsafeMutablePointer<String>, x: T) {
out.initialize(to: String(reflecting: x))
/// Produce a mirror for any value. The runtime produces a mirror that
/// structurally reflects values of any type.
internal func _reflect<T>(_ x: T) -> _Mirror
/// Dump an object's contents using its mirror to the specified output stream.
public func dump<T, TargetStream : TextOutputStream>(
_ value: T,
to target: inout TargetStream,
name: String? = nil,
indent: Int = 0,
maxDepth: Int = .max,
maxItems: Int = .max
) -> T {
var maxItemCounter = maxItems
var visitedItems = [ObjectIdentifier : Int]()
defer { target._unlock() }
to: &target,
name: name,
indent: indent,
maxDepth: maxDepth,
maxItemCounter: &maxItemCounter,
visitedItems: &visitedItems)
return value
/// Dump an object's contents using its mirror to standard output.
public func dump<T>(
_ value: T,
name: String? = nil,
indent: Int = 0,
maxDepth: Int = .max,
maxItems: Int = .max
) -> T {
var stdoutStream = _Stdout()
return dump(
to: &stdoutStream,
name: name,
indent: indent,
maxDepth: maxDepth,
maxItems: maxItems)
/// Dump an object's contents. User code should use dump().
internal func _dump_unlocked<TargetStream : TextOutputStream>(
_ value: Any,
to target: inout TargetStream,
name: String?,
indent: Int,
maxDepth: Int,
maxItemCounter: inout Int,
visitedItems: inout [ObjectIdentifier : Int]
) {
guard maxItemCounter > 0 else { return }
maxItemCounter -= 1
for _ in 0..<indent { target.write(" ") }
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: value)
let count = mirror.children.count
let bullet = count == 0 ? "-"
: maxDepth <= 0 ? "â–¹" : "â–¿"
target.write(" ")
if let nam = name {
target.write(": ")
// This takes the place of the old mirror API's 'summary' property
_dumpPrint_unlocked(value, mirror, &target)
let id: ObjectIdentifier?
if type(of: value) is AnyObject.Type {
// Object is a class (but not an ObjC-bridged struct)
id = ObjectIdentifier(_unsafeDowncastToAnyObject(fromAny: value))
} else if let metatypeInstance = value as? Any.Type {
// Object is a metatype
id = ObjectIdentifier(metatypeInstance)
} else {
id = nil
if let theId = id {
if let previous = visitedItems[theId] {
target.write(" #")
_print_unlocked(previous, &target)
let identifier = visitedItems.count
visitedItems[theId] = identifier
target.write(" #")
_print_unlocked(identifier, &target)
guard maxDepth > 0 else { return }
if let superclassMirror = mirror.superclassMirror {
mirror: superclassMirror,
to: &target,
indent: indent + 2,
maxDepth: maxDepth - 1,
maxItemCounter: &maxItemCounter,
visitedItems: &visitedItems)
var currentIndex = mirror.children.startIndex
for i in 0..<count {
if maxItemCounter <= 0 {
for _ in 0..<(indent+4) {
_print_unlocked(" ", &target)
let remainder = count - i
_print_unlocked(remainder, &target)
if i > 0 { target.write(" more") }
if remainder == 1 {
target.write(" child)\n")
} else {
target.write(" children)\n")
let (name, child) = mirror.children[currentIndex]
mirror.children.formIndex(after: &currentIndex)
to: &target,
name: name,
indent: indent + 2,
maxDepth: maxDepth - 1,
maxItemCounter: &maxItemCounter,
visitedItems: &visitedItems)
/// Dump information about an object's superclass, given a mirror reflecting
/// that superclass.
internal func _dumpSuperclass_unlocked<TargetStream : TextOutputStream>(
mirror: Mirror,
to target: inout TargetStream,
indent: Int,
maxDepth: Int,
maxItemCounter: inout Int,
visitedItems: inout [ObjectIdentifier : Int]
) {
guard maxItemCounter > 0 else { return }
maxItemCounter -= 1
for _ in 0..<indent { target.write(" ") }
let count = mirror.children.count
let bullet = count == 0 ? "-"
: maxDepth <= 0 ? "â–¹" : "â–¿"
target.write(" super: ")
_debugPrint_unlocked(mirror.subjectType, &target)
guard maxDepth > 0 else { return }
if let superclassMirror = mirror.superclassMirror {
mirror: superclassMirror,
to: &target,
indent: indent + 2,
maxDepth: maxDepth - 1,
maxItemCounter: &maxItemCounter,
visitedItems: &visitedItems)
var currentIndex = mirror.children.startIndex
for i in 0..<count {
if maxItemCounter <= 0 {
for _ in 0..<(indent+4) {
target.write(" ")
let remainder = count - i
_print_unlocked(remainder, &target)
if i > 0 { target.write(" more") }
if remainder == 1 {
target.write(" child)\n")
} else {
target.write(" children)\n")
let (name, child) = mirror.children[currentIndex]
mirror.children.formIndex(after: &currentIndex)
to: &target,
name: name,
indent: indent + 2,
maxDepth: maxDepth - 1,
maxItemCounter: &maxItemCounter,
visitedItems: &visitedItems)
// -- Implementation details for the runtime's _Mirror implementation
func _swift_MagicMirrorData_summaryImpl(
_ metadata: Any.Type, _ result: UnsafeMutablePointer<String>
public struct _MagicMirrorData {
let owner: Builtin.NativeObject
let ptr: Builtin.RawPointer
let metadata: Any.Type
var value: Any {
var valueType: Any.Type {
public var objcValue: Any {
public var objcValueType: Any.Type {
var summary: String {
let (_, result) = _withUninitializedString {
_swift_MagicMirrorData_summaryImpl(self.metadata, $0)
return result
public func _loadValue<T>(ofType _: T.Type) -> T {
return Builtin.load(ptr) as T
struct _OpaqueMirror : _Mirror {
let data: _MagicMirrorData
var value: Any { return data.value }
var valueType: Any.Type { return data.valueType }
var objectIdentifier: ObjectIdentifier? { return nil }
var count: Int { return 0 }
subscript(i: Int) -> (String, _Mirror) {
_preconditionFailure("no children")
var summary: String { return data.summary }
var quickLookObject: PlaygroundQuickLook? { return nil }
var disposition: _MirrorDisposition { return .aggregate }
func _getTupleCount(_: _MagicMirrorData) -> Int
// Like the other swift_*Mirror_subscript functions declared here and
// elsewhere, this is implemented in the runtime. The Swift CC would
// normally require the String to be returned directly and the _Mirror
// indirectly. However, Clang isn't currently capable of doing that
// reliably because the size of String exceeds the normal direct-return
// ABI rules on most platforms. Therefore, we make this function generic,
// which has the disadvantage of passing the String type metadata as an
// extra argument, but does force the string to be returned indirectly.
func _getTupleChild<T>(_: Int, _: _MagicMirrorData) -> (T, _Mirror)
internal struct _TupleMirror : _Mirror {
let data: _MagicMirrorData
var value: Any { return data.value }
var valueType: Any.Type { return data.valueType }
var objectIdentifier: ObjectIdentifier? { return nil }
var count: Int {
return _getTupleCount(data)
subscript(i: Int) -> (String, _Mirror) {
return _getTupleChild(i, data)
var summary: String { return "(\(count) elements)" }
var quickLookObject: PlaygroundQuickLook? { return nil }
var disposition: _MirrorDisposition { return .tuple }
func _getStructCount(_: _MagicMirrorData) -> Int
func _getStructChild<T>(_: Int, _: _MagicMirrorData) -> (T, _Mirror)
struct _StructMirror : _Mirror {
let data: _MagicMirrorData
var value: Any { return data.value }
var valueType: Any.Type { return data.valueType }
var objectIdentifier: ObjectIdentifier? { return nil }
var count: Int {
return _getStructCount(data)
subscript(i: Int) -> (String, _Mirror) {
return _getStructChild(i, data)
var summary: String {
return _typeName(valueType)
var quickLookObject: PlaygroundQuickLook? { return nil }
var disposition: _MirrorDisposition { return .`struct` }
func _getEnumCount(_: _MagicMirrorData) -> Int
func _getEnumChild<T>(_: Int, _: _MagicMirrorData) -> (T, _Mirror)
func _swift_EnumMirror_caseName(
_ data: _MagicMirrorData) -> UnsafePointer<CChar>
struct _EnumMirror : _Mirror {
let data: _MagicMirrorData
var value: Any { return data.value }
var valueType: Any.Type { return data.valueType }
var objectIdentifier: ObjectIdentifier? { return nil }
var count: Int {
return _getEnumCount(data)
var caseName: UnsafePointer<CChar> {
return _swift_EnumMirror_caseName(data)
subscript(i: Int) -> (String, _Mirror) {
return _getEnumChild(i, data)
var summary: String {
let maybeCaseName = String(validatingUTF8: self.caseName)
let typeName = _typeName(valueType)
if let caseName = maybeCaseName {
return typeName + "." + caseName
return typeName
var quickLookObject: PlaygroundQuickLook? { return nil }
var disposition: _MirrorDisposition { return .`enum` }
func _getClassCount(_: _MagicMirrorData) -> Int
func _getClassChild<T>(_: Int, _: _MagicMirrorData) -> (T, _Mirror)
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
public func _swift_ClassMirror_quickLookObject(_: _MagicMirrorData) -> AnyObject
internal func _swift_NSObject_isImpl(_ object: AnyObject, kindOf: AnyObject) -> Bool
internal func _is(_ object: AnyObject, kindOf `class`: String) -> Bool {
return _swift_NSObject_isImpl(object, kindOf: `class` as AnyObject)
func _getClassPlaygroundQuickLook(_ object: AnyObject) -> PlaygroundQuickLook? {
if _is(object, kindOf: "NSNumber") {
let number: _NSNumber = unsafeBitCast(object, to: _NSNumber.self)
switch UInt8(number.objCType[0]) {
case UInt8(ascii: "d"):
return .double(number.doubleValue)
case UInt8(ascii: "f"):
return .float(number.floatValue)
case UInt8(ascii: "Q"):
return .uInt(number.unsignedLongLongValue)
return .int(number.longLongValue)
} else if _is(object, kindOf: "NSAttributedString") {
return .attributedString(object)
} else if _is(object, kindOf: "NSImage") ||
_is(object, kindOf: "UIImage") ||
_is(object, kindOf: "NSImageView") ||
_is(object, kindOf: "UIImageView") ||
_is(object, kindOf: "CIImage") ||
_is(object, kindOf: "NSBitmapImageRep") {
return .image(object)
} else if _is(object, kindOf: "NSColor") ||
_is(object, kindOf: "UIColor") {
return .color(object)
} else if _is(object, kindOf: "NSBezierPath") ||
_is(object, kindOf: "UIBezierPath") {
return .bezierPath(object)
} else if _is(object, kindOf: "NSString") {
return .text(_forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(object, String.self))
return .none
struct _ClassMirror : _Mirror {
let data: _MagicMirrorData
var value: Any { return data.value }
var valueType: Any.Type { return data.valueType }
var objectIdentifier: ObjectIdentifier? {
return data._loadValue(ofType: ObjectIdentifier.self)
var count: Int {
return _getClassCount(data)
subscript(i: Int) -> (String, _Mirror) {
return _getClassChild(i, data)
var summary: String {
return _typeName(valueType)
var quickLookObject: PlaygroundQuickLook? {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
let object = _swift_ClassMirror_quickLookObject(data)
return _getClassPlaygroundQuickLook(object)
return nil
var disposition: _MirrorDisposition { return .`class` }
struct _ClassSuperMirror : _Mirror {
let data: _MagicMirrorData
var value: Any { return data.value }
var valueType: Any.Type { return data.valueType }
// Suppress the value identifier for super mirrors.
var objectIdentifier: ObjectIdentifier? {
return nil
var count: Int {
return _getClassCount(data)
subscript(i: Int) -> (String, _Mirror) {
return _getClassChild(i, data)
var summary: String {
return _typeName(data.metadata)
var quickLookObject: PlaygroundQuickLook? { return nil }
var disposition: _MirrorDisposition { return .`class` }
struct _MetatypeMirror : _Mirror {
let data: _MagicMirrorData
var value: Any { return data.value }
var valueType: Any.Type { return data.valueType }
var objectIdentifier: ObjectIdentifier? {
return data._loadValue(ofType: ObjectIdentifier.self)
var count: Int {
return 0
subscript(i: Int) -> (String, _Mirror) {
_preconditionFailure("no children")
var summary: String {
return _typeName(data._loadValue(ofType: Any.Type.self))
var quickLookObject: PlaygroundQuickLook? { return nil }
// Special disposition for types?
var disposition: _MirrorDisposition { return .aggregate }
extension ObjectIdentifier {
@available(*, unavailable, message: "use the 'UInt(_:)' initializer")
public var uintValue: UInt {
extension UInt {
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "init(bitPattern:)")
public init(_ objectID: ObjectIdentifier) {
extension Int {
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "init(bitPattern:)")
public init(_ objectID: ObjectIdentifier) {