blob: 620ae846b076268f6ba1b7f1b4a79bcdb249c5a3 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Print.swift ------------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// Writes the textual representations of `items`, separated by
/// `separator` and terminated by `terminator`, into the standard
/// output.
/// The textual representations are obtained for each `item` via
/// the expression `String(item)`.
/// - Note: To print without a trailing newline, pass `terminator: ""`
/// - SeeAlso: `debugPrint`, `Streamable`, `CustomStringConvertible`,
/// `CustomDebugStringConvertible`
public func print(
_ items: Any...,
separator: String = " ",
terminator: String = "\n"
) {
if let hook = _playgroundPrintHook {
var output = _TeeStream(left: "", right: _Stdout())
items, separator: separator, terminator: terminator, to: &output)
else {
var output = _Stdout()
items, separator: separator, terminator: terminator, to: &output)
/// Writes the textual representations of `items` most suitable for
/// debugging, separated by `separator` and terminated by
/// `terminator`, into the standard output.
/// The textual representations are obtained for each `item` via
/// the expression `String(reflecting: item)`.
/// - Note: To print without a trailing newline, pass `terminator: ""`
/// - SeeAlso: `print`, `Streamable`, `CustomStringConvertible`,
/// `CustomDebugStringConvertible`
public func debugPrint(
_ items: Any...,
separator: String = " ",
terminator: String = "\n") {
if let hook = _playgroundPrintHook {
var output = _TeeStream(left: "", right: _Stdout())
items, separator: separator, terminator: terminator, to: &output)
else {
var output = _Stdout()
items, separator: separator, terminator: terminator, to: &output)
/// Writes the textual representations of `items`, separated by
/// `separator` and terminated by `terminator`, into `output`.
/// The textual representations are obtained for each `item` via
/// the expression `String(item)`.
/// - Note: To print without a trailing newline, pass `terminator: ""`
/// - SeeAlso: `debugPrint`, `Streamable`, `CustomStringConvertible`,
/// `CustomDebugStringConvertible`
public func print<Target : TextOutputStream>(
_ items: Any...,
separator: String = " ",
terminator: String = "\n",
to output: inout Target
) {
_print(items, separator: separator, terminator: terminator, to: &output)
/// Writes the textual representations of `items` most suitable for
/// debugging, separated by `separator` and terminated by
/// `terminator`, into `output`.
/// The textual representations are obtained for each `item` via
/// the expression `String(reflecting: item)`.
/// - Note: To print without a trailing newline, pass `terminator: ""`
/// - SeeAlso: `print`, `Streamable`, `CustomStringConvertible`,
/// `CustomDebugStringConvertible`
public func debugPrint<Target : TextOutputStream>(
_ items: Any...,
separator: String = " ",
terminator: String = "\n",
to output: inout Target
) {
items, separator: separator, terminator: terminator, to: &output)
internal func _print<Target : TextOutputStream>(
_ items: [Any],
separator: String = " ",
terminator: String = "\n",
to output: inout Target
) {
var prefix = ""
defer { output._unlock() }
for item in items {
_print_unlocked(item, &output)
prefix = separator
internal func _debugPrint<Target : TextOutputStream>(
_ items: [Any],
separator: String = " ",
terminator: String = "\n",
to output: inout Target
) {
var prefix = ""
defer { output._unlock() }
for item in items {
_debugPrint_unlocked(item, &output)
prefix = separator
//===--- Migration Aids ---------------------------------------------------===//
@available(*, unavailable, message: "Please use 'terminator: \"\"' instead of 'appendNewline: false': 'print((...), terminator: \"\")'")
public func print<T>(_: T, appendNewline: Bool = true) {}
@available(*, unavailable, message: "Please use 'terminator: \"\"' instead of 'appendNewline: false': 'debugPrint((...), terminator: \"\")'")
public func debugPrint<T>(_: T, appendNewline: Bool = true) {}
//===--- FIXME: Not working due to <rdar://22101775> ----------------------===//
@available(*, unavailable, message: "Please use the 'to' label for the target stream: 'print((...), to: &...)'")
public func print<T>(_: T, _: inout TextOutputStream) {}
@available(*, unavailable, message: "Please use the 'to' label for the target stream: 'debugPrint((...), to: &...))'")
public func debugPrint<T>(_: T, _: inout TextOutputStream) {}
@available(*, unavailable, message: "Please use 'terminator: \"\"' instead of 'appendNewline: false' and use the 'to' label for the target stream: 'print((...), terminator: \"\", to: &...)'")
public func print<T>(_: T, _: inout TextOutputStream, appendNewline: Bool = true) {}
@available(*, unavailable, message: "Please use 'terminator: \"\"' instead of 'appendNewline: false' and use the 'to' label for the target stream: 'debugPrint((...), terminator: \"\", to: &...)'")
public func debugPrint<T>(
_: T, _: inout TextOutputStream, appendNewline: Bool = true
) {}