blob: 3866786abb5329367d7c170af072da0559c7618b [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- NameBinding.cpp - Name Binding -----------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements name binding for Swift.
#include "swift/Subsystems.h"
#include "swift/AST/NameLookup.h"
#include "swift/AST/AST.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsSema.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTWalker.h"
#include "swift/AST/ModuleLoader.h"
#include "swift/ClangImporter/ClangModule.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Module.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TinyPtrVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SaveAndRestore.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <system_error>
using namespace swift;
// NameBinder
using ImportedModule = Module::ImportedModule;
using ImportOptions = SourceFile::ImportOptions;
namespace {
class NameBinder {
SourceFile &SF;
ASTContext &Context;
NameBinder(SourceFile &SF) : SF(SF), Context(SF.getASTContext()) {}
template<typename ...ArgTypes>
InFlightDiagnostic diagnose(ArgTypes &&...Args) {
return Context.Diags.diagnose(std::forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...);
void addImport(
SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<ImportedModule, ImportOptions>> &imports,
ImportDecl *ID);
/// Load a module referenced by an import statement.
/// Returns null if no module can be loaded.
Module *getModule(ArrayRef<std::pair<Identifier,SourceLoc>> ModuleID);
Module *
NameBinder::getModule(ArrayRef<std::pair<Identifier, SourceLoc>> modulePath) {
auto moduleID = modulePath[0];
// The Builtin module cannot be explicitly imported unless we're a .sil file
// or in the REPL.
if ((SF.Kind == SourceFileKind::SIL || SF.Kind == SourceFileKind::REPL) &&
moduleID.first == Context.TheBuiltinModule->getName())
return Context.TheBuiltinModule;
// If the imported module name is the same as the current module,
// skip the Swift module loader and use the Clang module loader instead.
// This allows a Swift module to extend a Clang module of the same name.
// FIXME: We'd like to only use this in SIL mode, but unfortunately we use it
// for our fake overlays as well.
if (moduleID.first == SF.getParentModule()->getName() &&
modulePath.size() == 1) {
if (auto importer = Context.getClangModuleLoader())
return importer->loadModule(moduleID.second, modulePath);
return nullptr;
return Context.getModule(modulePath);
/// Returns true if a decl with the given \p actual kind can legally be
/// imported via the given \p expected kind.
static bool isCompatibleImportKind(ImportKind expected, ImportKind actual) {
if (expected == actual)
return true;
if (expected != ImportKind::Type)
return false;
switch (actual) {
case ImportKind::Module:
llvm_unreachable("module imports do not bring in decls");
case ImportKind::Type:
llvm_unreachable("individual decls cannot have abstract import kind");
case ImportKind::Struct:
case ImportKind::Class:
case ImportKind::Enum:
return true;
case ImportKind::Protocol:
case ImportKind::Var:
case ImportKind::Func:
return false;
static const char *getImportKindString(ImportKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case ImportKind::Module:
llvm_unreachable("module imports do not bring in decls");
case ImportKind::Type:
return "typealias";
case ImportKind::Struct:
return "struct";
case ImportKind::Class:
return "class";
case ImportKind::Enum:
return "enum";
case ImportKind::Protocol:
return "protocol";
case ImportKind::Var:
return "var";
case ImportKind::Func:
return "func";
static bool shouldImportSelfImportClang(const ImportDecl *ID,
const SourceFile &SF) {
// FIXME: We use '@_exported' for fake overlays in testing.
if (ID->isExported())
return true;
if (SF.Kind == SourceFileKind::SIL)
return true;
return false;
void NameBinder::addImport(
SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<ImportedModule, ImportOptions>> &imports,
ImportDecl *ID) {
if (ID->getModulePath().front().first == SF.getParentModule()->getName() &&
ID->getModulePath().size() == 1 && !shouldImportSelfImportClang(ID, SF)) {
// If the imported module name is the same as the current module,
// produce a diagnostic.
StringRef filename = llvm::sys::path::filename(SF.getFilename());
if (filename.empty())
Context.Diags.diagnose(ID, diag::sema_import_current_module,
Context.Diags.diagnose(ID, diag::sema_import_current_module_with_file,
filename, ID->getModulePath().front().first);
Module *M = getModule(ID->getModulePath());
if (!M) {
SmallString<64> modulePathStr;
[&](ImportDecl::AccessPathElement elem) {
modulePathStr += elem.first.str();
[&] { modulePathStr += "."; });
auto diagKind = diag::sema_no_import;
if (SF.Kind == SourceFileKind::REPL || Context.LangOpts.DebuggerSupport)
diagKind = diag::sema_no_import_repl;
diagnose(ID->getLoc(), diagKind, modulePathStr);
if (Context.SearchPathOpts.SDKPath.empty() &&
llvm::Triple(llvm::sys::getProcessTriple()).isMacOSX()) {
diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::sema_no_import_no_sdk);
diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::sema_no_import_no_sdk_xcrun);
Module *topLevelModule;
if (ID->getModulePath().size() == 1) {
topLevelModule = M;
} else {
// If we imported a submodule, import the top-level module as well.
Identifier topLevelName = ID->getModulePath().front().first;
topLevelModule = Context.getLoadedModule(topLevelName);
assert(topLevelModule && "top-level module missing");
auto *testableAttr = ID->getAttrs().getAttribute<TestableAttr>();
if (testableAttr && !topLevelModule->isTestingEnabled() &&
Context.LangOpts.EnableTestableAttrRequiresTestableModule) {
diagnose(ID->getModulePath().front().second, diag::module_not_testable,
ImportOptions options;
if (ID->isExported())
options |= SourceFile::ImportFlags::Exported;
if (testableAttr)
options |= SourceFile::ImportFlags::Testable;
imports.push_back({ { ID->getDeclPath(), M }, options });
if (topLevelModule != M)
imports.push_back({ { ID->getDeclPath(), topLevelModule }, options });
if (ID->getImportKind() != ImportKind::Module) {
// If we're importing a specific decl, validate the import kind.
using namespace namelookup;
auto declPath = ID->getDeclPath();
// FIXME: Doesn't handle scoped testable imports correctly.
assert(declPath.size() == 1 && "can't handle sub-decl imports");
SmallVector<ValueDecl *, 8> decls;
lookupInModule(topLevelModule, declPath, declPath.front().first, decls,
NLKind::QualifiedLookup, ResolutionKind::Overloadable,
/*resolver*/nullptr, &SF);
if (decls.empty()) {
diagnose(ID, diag::no_decl_in_module)
Optional<ImportKind> actualKind = ImportDecl::findBestImportKind(decls);
if (!actualKind.hasValue()) {
// FIXME: print entire module name?
diagnose(ID, diag::ambiguous_decl_in_module,
declPath.front().first, M->getName());
for (auto next : decls)
diagnose(next, diag::found_candidate);
} else if (!isCompatibleImportKind(ID->getImportKind(), *actualKind)) {
diagnose(ID, diag::imported_decl_is_wrong_kind,
if (decls.size() == 1)
diagnose(decls.front(), diag::decl_declared_here,
// performNameBinding
template<typename OP_DECL>
static void insertOperatorDecl(NameBinder &Binder,
SourceFile::OperatorMap<OP_DECL*> &Operators,
OP_DECL *OpDecl) {
auto previousDecl = Operators.find(OpDecl->getName());
if (previousDecl != Operators.end()) {
Binder.diagnose(OpDecl->getLoc(), diag::operator_redeclared);
// FIXME: The second argument indicates whether the given operator is visible
// outside the current file.
Operators[OpDecl->getName()] = { OpDecl, true };
static void insertPrecedenceGroupDecl(NameBinder &binder, SourceFile &SF,
PrecedenceGroupDecl *group) {
auto previousDecl = SF.PrecedenceGroups.find(group->getName());
if (previousDecl != SF.PrecedenceGroups.end()) {
binder.diagnose(group->getLoc(), diag::precedence_group_redeclared);
// FIXME: The second argument indicates whether the given precedence
// group is visible outside the current file.
SF.PrecedenceGroups[group->getName()] = { group, true };
/// performNameBinding - Once parsing is complete, this walks the AST to
/// resolve names and do other top-level validation.
/// At this parsing has been performed, but we still have UnresolvedDeclRefExpr
/// nodes for unresolved value names, and we may have unresolved type names as
/// well. This handles import directives and forward references.
void swift::performNameBinding(SourceFile &SF, unsigned StartElem) {
// Make sure we skip adding the standard library imports if the
// source file is empty.
if (SF.ASTStage == SourceFile::NameBound || SF.Decls.empty()) {
SF.ASTStage = SourceFile::NameBound;
// Reset the name lookup cache so we find new decls.
// FIXME: This is inefficient.
NameBinder Binder(SF);
SmallVector<std::pair<ImportedModule, ImportOptions>, 8> ImportedModules;
// Do a prepass over the declarations to find and load the imported modules
// and map operator decls.
for (auto D : llvm::makeArrayRef(SF.Decls).slice(StartElem)) {
if (ImportDecl *ID = dyn_cast<ImportDecl>(D)) {
Binder.addImport(ImportedModules, ID);
} else if (auto *OD = dyn_cast<PrefixOperatorDecl>(D)) {
insertOperatorDecl(Binder, SF.PrefixOperators, OD);
} else if (auto *OD = dyn_cast<PostfixOperatorDecl>(D)) {
insertOperatorDecl(Binder, SF.PostfixOperators, OD);
} else if (auto *OD = dyn_cast<InfixOperatorDecl>(D)) {
insertOperatorDecl(Binder, SF.InfixOperators, OD);
} else if (auto *PGD = dyn_cast<PrecedenceGroupDecl>(D)) {
insertPrecedenceGroupDecl(Binder, SF, PGD);
// FIXME: This algorithm has quadratic memory usage. (In practice,
// import statements after the first "chunk" should be rare, though.)
// FIXME: Can we make this more efficient?
SF.ASTStage = SourceFile::NameBound;