blob: 1e9081f7832b68e36df4302d69b894bc4c2f485e [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ToolChain.h - Collections of tools for one platform ----*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Driver/Action.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/FileTypes.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
#include "llvm/Option/Option.h"
#include <memory>
namespace swift {
namespace driver {
class CommandOutput;
class Compilation;
class Driver;
class Job;
class OutputInfo;
/// A ToolChain is responsible for turning abstract Actions into concrete,
/// runnable Jobs.
/// The primary purpose of a ToolChain is built around the
/// \c constructInvocation family of methods. This is a set of callbacks
/// following the Visitor pattern for the various JobAction subclasses, which
/// returns an executable name and arguments for the Job to be run. The base
/// ToolChain knows how to perform most operations, but some (like linking)
/// require platform-specific knowledge, provided in subclasses.
class ToolChain {
const Driver &D;
const llvm::Triple Triple;
mutable llvm::StringMap<std::string> ProgramLookupCache;
ToolChain(const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &T) : D(D), Triple(T) {}
/// A special name used to identify the Swift executable itself.
constexpr static const char * const SWIFT_EXECUTABLE_NAME = "swift";
/// Packs together the supplementary information about the job being created.
class JobContext {
Compilation &C;
ArrayRef<const Job *> Inputs;
ArrayRef<const Action *> InputActions;
const CommandOutput &Output;
const OutputInfo &OI;
/// The arguments to the driver. Can also be used to create new strings with
/// the same lifetime.
/// This just caches C.getArgs().
const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args;
JobContext(Compilation &C, ArrayRef<const Job *> Inputs,
ArrayRef<const Action *> InputActions,
const CommandOutput &Output, const OutputInfo &OI);
/// Forwards to Compilation::getInputFiles.
ArrayRef<InputPair> getTopLevelInputFiles() const;
/// Forwards to Compilation::getAllSourcesPath.
const char *getAllSourcesPath() const;
/// Creates a new temporary file for use by a job.
/// The returned string already has its lifetime extended to match other
/// arguments.
const char *getTemporaryFilePath(const llvm::Twine &name,
StringRef suffix = "") const;
/// For frontend, merge-module, and link invocations.
bool shouldUseInputFileList() const;
bool shouldUsePrimaryInputFileListInFrontendInvocation() const;
bool shouldUseMainOutputFileListInFrontendInvocation() const;
bool shouldUseSupplementaryOutputFileMapInFrontendInvocation() const;
/// Reify the existing behavior that SingleCompile compile actions do not
/// filter, but batch-mode and single-file compilations do. Some clients are
/// relying on this (i.e., they pass inputs that don't have ".swift" as an
/// extension.) It would be nice to eliminate this distinction someday.
bool shouldFilterFrontendInputsByType() const;
const char *computeFrontendModeForCompile() const;
void addFrontendInputAndOutputArguments(
llvm::opt::ArgStringList &Arguments,
std::vector<FilelistInfo> &FilelistInfos) const;
void addFrontendCommandLineInputArguments(
bool mayHavePrimaryInputs, bool useFileList, bool usePrimaryFileList,
bool filterByType, llvm::opt::ArgStringList &arguments) const;
void addFrontendSupplementaryOutputArguments(
llvm::opt::ArgStringList &arguments) const;
/// Packs together information chosen by toolchains to create jobs.
struct InvocationInfo {
const char *ExecutableName;
llvm::opt::ArgStringList Arguments;
std::vector<std::pair<const char *, const char *>> ExtraEnvironment;
std::vector<FilelistInfo> FilelistInfos;
// Not all platforms and jobs support the use of response files, so assume
// "false" by default. If the executable specified in the InvocationInfo
// constructor supports response files, this can be overridden and set to
// "true".
bool allowsResponseFiles = false;
InvocationInfo(const char *name, llvm::opt::ArgStringList args = {},
decltype(ExtraEnvironment) extraEnv = {})
: ExecutableName(name), Arguments(std::move(args)),
ExtraEnvironment(std::move(extraEnv)) {}
virtual InvocationInfo
constructInvocation(const CompileJobAction &job,
const JobContext &context) const;
virtual InvocationInfo
constructInvocation(const InterpretJobAction &job,
const JobContext &context) const;
virtual InvocationInfo
constructInvocation(const BackendJobAction &job,
const JobContext &context) const;
virtual InvocationInfo
constructInvocation(const MergeModuleJobAction &job,
const JobContext &context) const;
virtual InvocationInfo
constructInvocation(const ModuleWrapJobAction &job,
const JobContext &context) const;
virtual InvocationInfo
constructInvocation(const REPLJobAction &job,
const JobContext &context) const;
virtual InvocationInfo
constructInvocation(const GenerateDSYMJobAction &job,
const JobContext &context) const;
virtual InvocationInfo
constructInvocation(const VerifyDebugInfoJobAction &job,
const JobContext &context) const;
virtual InvocationInfo
constructInvocation(const GeneratePCHJobAction &job,
const JobContext &context) const;
virtual InvocationInfo
constructInvocation(const AutolinkExtractJobAction &job,
const JobContext &context) const;
virtual InvocationInfo
constructInvocation(const LinkJobAction &job,
const JobContext &context) const;
/// Searches for the given executable in appropriate paths relative to the
/// Swift binary.
/// This method caches its results.
/// \sa findProgramRelativeToSwiftImpl
std::string findProgramRelativeToSwift(StringRef name) const;
/// An override point for platform-specific subclasses to customize how to
/// do relative searches for programs.
/// This method is invoked by findProgramRelativeToSwift().
virtual std::string findProgramRelativeToSwiftImpl(StringRef name) const;
virtual ~ToolChain() = default;
const Driver &getDriver() const { return D; }
const llvm::Triple &getTriple() const { return Triple; }
/// Construct a Job for the action \p JA, taking the given information into
/// account.
/// This method dispatches to the various \c constructInvocation methods,
/// which may be overridden by platform-specific subclasses.
std::unique_ptr<Job> constructJob(const JobAction &JA,
Compilation &C,
SmallVectorImpl<const Job *> &&inputs,
ArrayRef<const Action *> inputActions,
std::unique_ptr<CommandOutput> output,
const OutputInfo &OI) const;
/// Return true iff the input \c Job \p A is an acceptable candidate for
/// batching together into a BatchJob, via a call to \c
/// constructBatchJob. This is true when the \c Job is a built from a \c
/// CompileJobAction in a \c Compilation \p C running in \c
/// OutputInfo::Mode::StandardCompile output mode, with a single \c TY_Swift
/// \c InputAction.
bool jobIsBatchable(const Compilation &C, const Job *A) const;
/// Equivalence relation that holds iff the two input Jobs \p A and \p B are
/// acceptable candidates for combining together into a \c BatchJob, via a
/// call to \c constructBatchJob. This is true when each job independently
/// satisfies \c jobIsBatchable, and the two jobs have identical executables,
/// output types and environments (i.e. they are identical aside from their
/// inputs).
bool jobsAreBatchCombinable(const Compilation &C, const Job *A,
const Job *B) const;
/// Construct a \c BatchJob that subsumes the work of a set of Jobs. Any pair
/// of elements in \p Jobs are assumed to satisfy the equivalence relation \c
/// jobsAreBatchCombinable, i.e. they should all be "the same" job in in all
/// ways other than their choices of inputs. The provided \p NextQuasiPID
/// should be a negative number that persists between calls; this method will
/// decrement it to assign quasi-PIDs to each of the \p Jobs passed.
std::unique_ptr<Job> constructBatchJob(ArrayRef<const Job *> Jobs,
int64_t &NextQuasiPID,
Compilation &C) const;
/// Return the default language type to use for the given extension.
/// If the extension is empty or is otherwise not recognized, return
/// the invalid type \c TY_INVALID.
virtual file_types::ID lookupTypeForExtension(StringRef Ext) const;
/// Check whether a clang library with a given name exists.
/// \param args Invocation arguments.
/// \param sanitizer Sanitizer name.
/// \param shared Whether the library is shared
virtual bool sanitizerRuntimeLibExists(const llvm::opt::ArgList &args,
StringRef sanitizer,
bool shared=true) const;
} // end namespace driver
} // end namespace swift