blob: e68f86a77c28d40c49098307f96eca0263764910 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
@_exported import Foundation // Clang module
import _SwiftFoundationOverlayShims
extension IndexSet.Index {
public static func ==(lhs: IndexSet.Index, rhs: IndexSet.Index) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
public static func <(lhs: IndexSet.Index, rhs: IndexSet.Index) -> Bool {
return lhs.value < rhs.value
public static func <=(lhs: IndexSet.Index, rhs: IndexSet.Index) -> Bool {
return lhs.value <= rhs.value
public static func >(lhs: IndexSet.Index, rhs: IndexSet.Index) -> Bool {
return lhs.value > rhs.value
public static func >=(lhs: IndexSet.Index, rhs: IndexSet.Index) -> Bool {
return lhs.value >= rhs.value
extension IndexSet.RangeView {
public static func ==(lhs: IndexSet.RangeView, rhs: IndexSet.RangeView) -> Bool {
return lhs.startIndex == rhs.startIndex && lhs.endIndex == rhs.endIndex && lhs.indexSet == rhs.indexSet
/// Manages a `Set` of integer values, which are commonly used as an index type in Cocoa API.
/// The range of valid integer values is 0..<INT_MAX-1. Anything outside this range is an error.
public struct IndexSet : ReferenceConvertible, Equatable, BidirectionalCollection, SetAlgebra {
/// An view of the contents of an IndexSet, organized by range.
/// For example, if an IndexSet is composed of:
/// `[1..<5]` and `[7..<10]` and `[13]`
/// then calling `next()` on this view's iterator will produce 3 ranges before returning nil.
public struct RangeView : Equatable, BidirectionalCollection {
public typealias Index = Int
public let startIndex: Index
public let endIndex: Index
fileprivate var indexSet: IndexSet
fileprivate init(indexSet : IndexSet, intersecting range : Range<IndexSet.Element>?) {
if let r = range {
let otherIndexes = IndexSet(integersIn: r)
self.indexSet = indexSet.intersection(otherIndexes)
} else {
self.indexSet = indexSet
self.startIndex = 0
self.endIndex = self.indexSet._rangeCount
public func makeIterator() -> IndexingIterator<RangeView> {
return IndexingIterator(_elements: self)
public subscript(index : Index) -> Range<IndexSet.Element> {
let indexSetRange = indexSet._range(at: index)
return indexSetRange.lowerBound..<indexSetRange.upperBound
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> Slice<RangeView> {
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
public func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
return i + 1
public func index(before i: Index) -> Index {
return i - 1
/// The mechanism for accessing the integers stored in an IndexSet.
public struct Index : CustomStringConvertible, Comparable {
fileprivate var value: IndexSet.Element
fileprivate var extent: Range<IndexSet.Element>
fileprivate var rangeIndex: Int
fileprivate let rangeCount: Int
fileprivate init(value: Int, extent: Range<Int>, rangeIndex: Int, rangeCount: Int) {
self.value = value
self.extent = extent
self.rangeCount = rangeCount
self.rangeIndex = rangeIndex
public var description: String {
return "index \(value) in a range of \(extent) [range #\(rangeIndex + 1)/\(rangeCount)]"
public typealias ReferenceType = NSIndexSet
public typealias Element = Int
fileprivate var _handle: _MutablePairHandle<NSIndexSet, NSMutableIndexSet>
/// Initialize an `IndexSet` with a range of integers.
public init(integersIn range: Range<Element>) {
_handle = _MutablePairHandle(NSIndexSet(indexesIn: _toNSRange(range)), copying: false)
/// Initialize an `IndexSet` with a range of integers.
public init<R: RangeExpression>(integersIn range: R) where R.Bound == Element {
self.init(integersIn: range.relative(to: 0..<Int.max))
/// Initialize an `IndexSet` with a single integer.
public init(integer: Element) {
_handle = _MutablePairHandle(NSIndexSet(index: integer), copying: false)
/// Initialize an empty `IndexSet`.
public init() {
_handle = _MutablePairHandle(NSIndexSet(), copying: false)
public var hashValue: Int {
return { $0.hash }
/// Returns the number of integers in `self`.
public var count: Int {
return { $0.count }
public func makeIterator() -> IndexingIterator<IndexSet> {
return IndexingIterator(_elements: self)
/// Returns a `Range`-based view of the entire contents of `self`.
/// - seealso: rangeView(of:)
public var rangeView: RangeView {
return RangeView(indexSet: self, intersecting: nil)
/// Returns a `Range`-based view of `self`.
/// - parameter range: A subrange of `self` to view.
public func rangeView(of range : Range<Element>) -> RangeView {
return RangeView(indexSet: self, intersecting: range)
/// Returns a `Range`-based view of `self`.
/// - parameter range: A subrange of `self` to view.
public func rangeView<R: RangeExpression>(of range : R) -> RangeView where R.Bound == Element {
return self.rangeView(of: range.relative(to: 0..<Int.max))
private func _indexOfRange(containing integer : Element) -> RangeView.Index? {
let result = {
__NSIndexSetIndexOfRangeContainingIndex($0, integer)
if result == NSNotFound {
return nil
} else {
return Int(result)
private func _range(at index: RangeView.Index) -> Range<Element> {
return {
var location: Int = 0
var length: Int = 0
__NSIndexSetRangeAtIndex($0, index, &location, &length)
return Int(location)..<Int(location)+Int(length)
private var _rangeCount : Int {
return {
public var startIndex: Index {
let rangeCount = _rangeCount
if rangeCount > 0 {
// If this winds up being NSNotFound, that's ok because then endIndex is also NSNotFound, and empty collections have startIndex == endIndex
let extent = _range(at: 0)
return Index(value: extent.lowerBound, extent: extent, rangeIndex: 0, rangeCount: _rangeCount)
} else {
return Index(value: 0, extent: 0..<0, rangeIndex: -1, rangeCount: rangeCount)
public var endIndex: Index {
let rangeCount = _rangeCount
let rangeIndex = rangeCount - 1
let extent: Range<Int>
let value: Int
if rangeCount > 0 {
extent = _range(at: rangeCount - 1)
value = extent.upperBound // "1 past the end" position is the last range, 1 + the end of that range's extent
} else {
extent = 0..<0
value = 0
return Index(value: value, extent: extent, rangeIndex: rangeIndex, rangeCount: rangeCount)
public subscript(index : Index) -> Element {
return index.value
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> Slice<IndexSet> {
return Slice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
// We adopt the default implementation of subscript(range: Range<Index>) from MutableCollection
private func _toOptional(_ x : Int) -> Int? {
if x == NSNotFound { return nil } else { return x }
/// Returns the first integer in `self`, or nil if `self` is empty.
public var first: Element? {
return { _toOptional($0.firstIndex) }
/// Returns the last integer in `self`, or nil if `self` is empty.
public var last: Element? {
return { _toOptional($0.lastIndex) }
/// Returns an integer contained in `self` which is greater than `integer`, or `nil` if a result could not be found.
public func integerGreaterThan(_ integer: Element) -> Element? {
return { _toOptional($0.indexGreaterThanIndex(integer)) }
/// Returns an integer contained in `self` which is less than `integer`, or `nil` if a result could not be found.
public func integerLessThan(_ integer: Element) -> Element? {
return { _toOptional($0.indexLessThanIndex(integer)) }
/// Returns an integer contained in `self` which is greater than or equal to `integer`, or `nil` if a result could not be found.
public func integerGreaterThanOrEqualTo(_ integer: Element) -> Element? {
return { _toOptional($0.indexGreaterThanOrEqual(to: integer)) }
/// Returns an integer contained in `self` which is less than or equal to `integer`, or `nil` if a result could not be found.
public func integerLessThanOrEqualTo(_ integer: Element) -> Element? {
return { _toOptional($0.indexLessThanOrEqual(to: integer)) }
/// Return a `Range<IndexSet.Index>` which can be used to subscript the index set.
/// The resulting range is the range of the intersection of the integers in `range` with the index set. The resulting range will be `isEmpty` if the intersection is empty.
/// - parameter range: The range of integers to include.
public func indexRange(in range: Range<Element>) -> Range<Index> {
guard !range.isEmpty, let first = first, let last = last else {
let i = _index(ofInteger: 0)
return i..<i
if range.lowerBound > last || (range.upperBound - 1) < first {
let i = _index(ofInteger: 0)
return i..<i
if let start = integerGreaterThanOrEqualTo(range.lowerBound), let end = integerLessThanOrEqualTo(range.upperBound - 1) {
let resultFirst = _index(ofInteger: start)
let resultLast = _index(ofInteger: end)
return resultFirst..<index(after: resultLast)
} else {
let i = _index(ofInteger: 0)
return i..<i
/// Return a `Range<IndexSet.Index>` which can be used to subscript the index set.
/// The resulting range is the range of the intersection of the integers in `range` with the index set.
/// - parameter range: The range of integers to include.
public func indexRange<R: RangeExpression>(in range: R) -> Range<Index> where R.Bound == Element {
return self.indexRange(in: range.relative(to: 0..<Int.max))
/// Returns the count of integers in `self` that intersect `range`.
public func count(in range: Range<Element>) -> Int {
return { $0.countOfIndexes(in: _toNSRange(range)) }
/// Returns the count of integers in `self` that intersect `range`.
public func count<R: RangeExpression>(in range: R) -> Int where R.Bound == Element {
return self.count(in: range.relative(to: 0..<Int.max))
/// Returns `true` if `self` contains `integer`.
public func contains(_ integer: Element) -> Bool {
return { $0.contains(integer) }
/// Returns `true` if `self` contains all of the integers in `range`.
public func contains(integersIn range: Range<Element>) -> Bool {
return { $0.contains(in: _toNSRange(range)) }
/// Returns `true` if `self` contains all of the integers in `range`.
public func contains<R: RangeExpression>(integersIn range: R) -> Bool where R.Bound == Element {
return self.contains(integersIn: range.relative(to: 0..<Int.max))
/// Returns `true` if `self` contains all of the integers in `indexSet`.
public func contains(integersIn indexSet: IndexSet) -> Bool {
return { $0.contains(indexSet) }
/// Returns `true` if `self` intersects any of the integers in `range`.
public func intersects(integersIn range: Range<Element>) -> Bool {
return { $0.intersects(in: _toNSRange(range)) }
/// Returns `true` if `self` intersects any of the integers in `range`.
public func intersects<R: RangeExpression>(integersIn range: R) -> Bool where R.Bound == Element {
return self.intersects(integersIn: range.relative(to: 0..<Int.max))
// MARK: -
// Collection
public func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
if i.value + 1 == i.extent.upperBound {
// Move to the next range
if i.rangeIndex + 1 == i.rangeCount {
// We have no more to go; return a 'past the end' index
return Index(value: i.value + 1, extent: i.extent, rangeIndex: i.rangeIndex, rangeCount: i.rangeCount)
} else {
let rangeIndex = i.rangeIndex + 1
let rangeCount = i.rangeCount
let extent = _range(at: rangeIndex)
let value = extent.lowerBound
return Index(value: value, extent: extent, rangeIndex: rangeIndex, rangeCount: rangeCount)
} else {
// Move to the next value in this range
return Index(value: i.value + 1, extent: i.extent, rangeIndex: i.rangeIndex, rangeCount: i.rangeCount)
public func formIndex(after i: inout Index) {
if i.value + 1 == i.extent.upperBound {
// Move to the next range
if i.rangeIndex + 1 == i.rangeCount {
// We have no more to go; return a 'past the end' index
i.value += 1
} else {
i.rangeIndex += 1
i.extent = _range(at: i.rangeIndex)
i.value = i.extent.lowerBound
} else {
// Move to the next value in this range
i.value += 1
public func index(before i: Index) -> Index {
if i.value == i.extent.lowerBound {
// Move to the next range
if i.rangeIndex == 0 {
// We have no more to go
return Index(value: i.value, extent: i.extent, rangeIndex: i.rangeIndex, rangeCount: i.rangeCount)
} else {
let rangeIndex = i.rangeIndex - 1
let rangeCount = i.rangeCount
let extent = _range(at: rangeIndex)
let value = extent.upperBound - 1
return Index(value: value, extent: extent, rangeIndex: rangeIndex, rangeCount: rangeCount)
} else {
// Move to the previous value in this range
return Index(value: i.value - 1, extent: i.extent, rangeIndex: i.rangeIndex, rangeCount: i.rangeCount)
public func formIndex(before i: inout Index) {
if i.value == i.extent.lowerBound {
// Move to the next range
if i.rangeIndex == 0 {
// We have no more to go
} else {
i.rangeIndex -= 1
i.extent = _range(at: i.rangeIndex)
i.value = i.extent.upperBound - 1
} else {
// Move to the previous value in this range
i.value -= 1
private func _index(ofInteger integer: Element) -> Index {
let rangeCount = _rangeCount
let value = integer
if let rangeIndex = _indexOfRange(containing: integer) {
let extent = _range(at: rangeIndex)
let rangeIndex = rangeIndex
return Index(value: value, extent: extent, rangeIndex: rangeIndex, rangeCount: rangeCount)
} else {
let extent = 0..<0
let rangeIndex = 0
return Index(value: value, extent: extent, rangeIndex: rangeIndex, rangeCount: rangeCount)
// MARK: -
// MARK: SetAlgebra
/// Union the `IndexSet` with `other`.
public mutating func formUnion(_ other: IndexSet) {
self = self.union(other)
/// Union the `IndexSet` with `other`.
public func union(_ other: IndexSet) -> IndexSet {
// This algorithm is naïve but it works. We could avoid calling insert in some cases.
var result = IndexSet()
for r in self.rangeView {
result.insert(integersIn: r)
for r in other.rangeView {
result.insert(integersIn: r)
return result
/// Exclusive or the `IndexSet` with `other`.
public func symmetricDifference(_ other: IndexSet) -> IndexSet {
var result = IndexSet()
var boundaryIterator = IndexSetBoundaryIterator(self, other)
var flag = false
var start = 0
while let i = {
if !flag {
// Start a range if one set contains but not the other.
if self.contains(i) != other.contains(i) {
flag = true
start = i
} else {
// End a range if both sets contain or both sets do not contain.
if self.contains(i) == other.contains(i) {
flag = false
result.insert(integersIn: start..<i)
// We never have to worry about having flag set to false after exiting this loop because the last boundary is guaranteed to be past the end of ranges in both index sets
return result
/// Exclusive or the `IndexSet` with `other`.
public mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: IndexSet) {
self = self.symmetricDifference(other)
/// Intersect the `IndexSet` with `other`.
public func intersection(_ other: IndexSet) -> IndexSet {
var result = IndexSet()
var boundaryIterator = IndexSetBoundaryIterator(self, other)
var flag = false
var start = 0
while let i = {
if !flag {
// If both sets contain then start a range.
if self.contains(i) && other.contains(i) {
flag = true
start = i
} else {
// If both sets do not contain then end a range.
if !self.contains(i) || !other.contains(i) {
flag = false
result.insert(integersIn: start..<i)
return result
/// Intersect the `IndexSet` with `other`.
public mutating func formIntersection(_ other: IndexSet) {
self = self.intersection(other)
/// Insert an integer into the `IndexSet`.
public mutating func insert(_ integer: Element) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: Element) {
_applyMutation { $0.add(integer) }
// TODO: figure out how to return the truth here
return (true, integer)
/// Insert an integer into the `IndexSet`.
public mutating func update(with integer: Element) -> Element? {
_applyMutation { $0.add(integer) }
// TODO: figure out how to return the truth here
return integer
/// Remove an integer from the `IndexSet`.
public mutating func remove(_ integer: Element) -> Element? {
// TODO: Add method to NSIndexSet to do this in one call
let result : Element? = contains(integer) ? integer : nil
_applyMutation { $0.remove(integer) }
return result
// MARK: -
/// Remove all values from the `IndexSet`.
public mutating func removeAll() {
_applyMutation { $0.removeAllIndexes() }
/// Insert a range of integers into the `IndexSet`.
public mutating func insert(integersIn range: Range<Element>) {
_applyMutation { $0.add(in: _toNSRange(range)) }
/// Insert a range of integers into the `IndexSet`.
public mutating func insert<R: RangeExpression>(integersIn range: R) where R.Bound == Element {
self.insert(integersIn: range.relative(to: 0..<Int.max))
/// Remove a range of integers from the `IndexSet`.
public mutating func remove(integersIn range: Range<Element>) {
_applyMutation { $0.remove(in: _toNSRange(range)) }
/// Remove a range of integers from the `IndexSet`.
public mutating func remove(integersIn range: ClosedRange<Element>) {
self.remove(integersIn: Range(range))
/// Returns `true` if self contains no values.
public var isEmpty : Bool {
return self.count == 0
/// Returns an IndexSet filtered according to the result of `includeInteger`.
/// - parameter range: A range of integers. For each integer in the range that intersects the integers in the IndexSet, then the `includeInteger` predicate will be invoked.
/// - parameter includeInteger: The predicate which decides if an integer will be included in the result or not.
public func filteredIndexSet(in range : Range<Element>, includeInteger: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> IndexSet {
let r : NSRange = _toNSRange(range)
return try {
var error: Error?
let result = $0.indexes(in: r, options: [], passingTest: { (i, stop) -> Bool in
do {
let include = try includeInteger(i)
return include
} catch let e {
error = e
stop.pointee = true
return false
}) as IndexSet
if let e = error {
throw e
} else {
return result
/// Returns an IndexSet filtered according to the result of `includeInteger`.
/// - parameter range: A range of integers. For each integer in the range that intersects the integers in the IndexSet, then the `includeInteger` predicate will be invoked.
/// - parameter includeInteger: The predicate which decides if an integer will be included in the result or not.
public func filteredIndexSet(in range : ClosedRange<Element>, includeInteger: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> IndexSet {
return try self.filteredIndexSet(in: Range(range), includeInteger: includeInteger)
/// Returns an IndexSet filtered according to the result of `includeInteger`.
/// - parameter includeInteger: The predicate which decides if an integer will be included in the result or not.
public func filteredIndexSet(includeInteger: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> IndexSet {
return try self.filteredIndexSet(in: 0..<NSNotFound-1, includeInteger: includeInteger)
/// For a positive delta, shifts the indexes in [index, INT_MAX] to the right, thereby inserting an "empty space" [index, delta], for a negative delta, shifts the indexes in [index, INT_MAX] to the left, thereby deleting the indexes in the range [index - delta, delta].
public mutating func shift(startingAt integer: Element, by delta: Int) {
_applyMutation { $0.shiftIndexesStarting(at: integer, by: delta) }
// Temporary boxing function, until we can get a native Swift type for NSIndexSet
mutating func _applyMutation<ReturnType>(_ whatToDo : (NSMutableIndexSet) throws -> ReturnType) rethrows -> ReturnType {
// This check is done twice because: <rdar://problem/24939065> Value kept live for too long causing uniqueness check to fail
var unique = true
switch _handle._pointer {
case .Default(_):
case .Mutable(_):
unique = isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_handle)
switch _handle._pointer {
case .Default(let i):
// We need to become mutable; by creating a new box we also become unique
let copy = i.mutableCopy() as! NSMutableIndexSet
// Be sure to set the _handle before calling out; otherwise references to the struct in the closure may be looking at the old _handle
_handle = _MutablePairHandle(copy, copying: false)
let result = try whatToDo(copy)
return result
case .Mutable(let m):
// Only create a new box if we are not uniquely referenced
if !unique {
let copy = m.mutableCopy() as! NSMutableIndexSet
_handle = _MutablePairHandle(copy, copying: false)
let result = try whatToDo(copy)
return result
} else {
return try whatToDo(m)
// MARK: - Bridging Support
fileprivate var reference: NSIndexSet {
return _handle.reference
fileprivate init(reference: NSIndexSet) {
_handle = _MutablePairHandle(reference)
extension IndexSet : CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible, CustomReflectable {
public var description: String {
return "\(count) indexes"
public var debugDescription: String {
return "\(count) indexes"
public var customMirror: Mirror {
var c: [(label: String?, value: Any)] = []
c.append((label: "ranges", value: Array(rangeView)))
return Mirror(self, children: c, displayStyle: Mirror.DisplayStyle.struct)
/// Iterate two index sets on the boundaries of their ranges. This is where all of the interesting stuff happens for exclusive or, intersect, etc.
private struct IndexSetBoundaryIterator : IteratorProtocol {
typealias Element = IndexSet.Element
private var i1: IndexSet.RangeView.Iterator
private var i2: IndexSet.RangeView.Iterator
private var i1Range: Range<Element>?
private var i2Range: Range<Element>?
private var i1UsedLower: Bool
private var i2UsedLower: Bool
fileprivate init(_ is1: IndexSet, _ is2: IndexSet) {
i1 = is1.rangeView.makeIterator()
i2 = is2.rangeView.makeIterator()
i1Range =
i2Range =
// A sort of cheap iterator on [i1Range.lowerBound, i1Range.upperBound]
i1UsedLower = false
i2UsedLower = false
fileprivate mutating func next() -> Element? {
if i1Range == nil && i2Range == nil {
return nil
let nextIn1: Element
if let r = i1Range {
nextIn1 = i1UsedLower ? r.upperBound : r.lowerBound
} else {
nextIn1 = Int.max
let nextIn2: Element
if let r = i2Range {
nextIn2 = i2UsedLower ? r.upperBound : r.lowerBound
} else {
nextIn2 = Int.max
var result: Element
if nextIn1 <= nextIn2 {
// 1 has the next element, or they are the same.
result = nextIn1
if i1UsedLower { i1Range = }
// We need to iterate both the value from is1 and is2 in the == case.
if result == nextIn2 {
if i2UsedLower { i2Range = }
i2UsedLower = !i2UsedLower
i1UsedLower = !i1UsedLower
} else {
// 2 has the next element
result = nextIn2
if i2UsedLower { i2Range = }
i2UsedLower = !i2UsedLower
return result
extension IndexSet {
public static func ==(lhs: IndexSet, rhs: IndexSet) -> Bool {
return { $0.isEqual(to: rhs) }
private func _toNSRange(_ r: Range<IndexSet.Element>) -> NSRange {
return NSRange(location: r.lowerBound, length: r.upperBound - r.lowerBound)
extension IndexSet : _ObjectiveCBridgeable {
public static func _getObjectiveCType() -> Any.Type {
return NSIndexSet.self
public func _bridgeToObjectiveC() -> NSIndexSet {
return reference
public static func _forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(_ x: NSIndexSet, result: inout IndexSet?) {
result = IndexSet(reference: x)
public static func _conditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(_ x: NSIndexSet, result: inout IndexSet?) -> Bool {
result = IndexSet(reference: x)
return true
public static func _unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(_ source: NSIndexSet?) -> IndexSet {
guard let src = source else { return IndexSet() }
return IndexSet(reference: src)
extension NSIndexSet : _HasCustomAnyHashableRepresentation {
// Must be @nonobjc to avoid infinite recursion during bridging.
public func _toCustomAnyHashable() -> AnyHashable? {
return AnyHashable(self as IndexSet)
// MARK: Protocol
// TODO: This protocol should be replaced with a native Swift object like the other Foundation bridged types. However, NSIndexSet does not have an abstract zero-storage base class like NSCharacterSet, NSData, and NSAttributedString. Therefore the same trick of laying it out with Swift ref counting does not work.and
/// Holds either the immutable or mutable version of a Foundation type.
/// In many cases, the immutable type has optimizations which make it preferred when we know we do not need mutation.
private enum _MutablePair<ImmutableType, MutableType> {
case Default(ImmutableType)
case Mutable(MutableType)
/// A class type which acts as a handle (pointer-to-pointer) to a Foundation reference type which has both an immutable and mutable class (e.g., NSData, NSMutableData).
/// a.k.a. Box
private final class _MutablePairHandle<ImmutableType : NSObject, MutableType : NSObject>
where ImmutableType : NSMutableCopying, MutableType : NSMutableCopying {
fileprivate var _pointer: _MutablePair<ImmutableType, MutableType>
/// Initialize with an immutable reference instance.
/// - parameter immutable: The thing to stash.
/// - parameter copying: Should be true unless you just created the instance (or called copy) and want to transfer ownership to this handle.
init(_ immutable: ImmutableType, copying: Bool = true) {
if copying {
self._pointer = _MutablePair.Default(immutable.copy() as! ImmutableType)
} else {
self._pointer = _MutablePair.Default(immutable)
/// Initialize with a mutable reference instance.
/// - parameter mutable: The thing to stash.
/// - parameter copying: Should be true unless you just created the instance (or called copy) and want to transfer ownership to this handle.
init(_ mutable: MutableType, copying: Bool = true) {
if copying {
self._pointer = _MutablePair.Mutable(mutable.mutableCopy() as! MutableType)
} else {
self._pointer = _MutablePair.Mutable(mutable)
/// Apply a closure to the reference type, regardless if it is mutable or immutable.
func map<ReturnType>(_ whatToDo: (ImmutableType) throws -> ReturnType) rethrows -> ReturnType {
switch _pointer {
case .Default(let i):
return try whatToDo(i)
case .Mutable(let m):
// TODO: It should be possible to reflect the constraint that MutableType is a subtype of ImmutableType in the generics for the class, but I haven't figured out how yet. For now, cheat and unsafe bit cast.
return try whatToDo(unsafeDowncast(m, to: ImmutableType.self))
var reference: ImmutableType {
switch _pointer {
case .Default(let i):
return i
case .Mutable(let m):
// TODO: It should be possible to reflect the constraint that MutableType is a subtype of ImmutableType in the generics for the class, but I haven't figured out how yet. For now, cheat and unsafe bit cast.
return unsafeDowncast(m, to: ImmutableType.self)
extension IndexSet : Codable {
private enum CodingKeys : Int, CodingKey {
case indexes
private enum RangeCodingKeys : Int, CodingKey {
case location
case length
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
var indexesContainer = try container.nestedUnkeyedContainer(forKey: .indexes)
while !indexesContainer.isAtEnd {
let rangeContainer = try indexesContainer.nestedContainer(keyedBy: RangeCodingKeys.self)
let startIndex = try rangeContainer.decode(Int.self, forKey: .location)
let count = try rangeContainer.decode(Int.self, forKey: .length)
self.insert(integersIn: startIndex ..< (startIndex + count))
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
var indexesContainer = container.nestedUnkeyedContainer(forKey: .indexes)
for range in self.rangeView {
var rangeContainer = indexesContainer.nestedContainer(keyedBy: RangeCodingKeys.self)
try rangeContainer.encode(range.startIndex, forKey: .location)
try rangeContainer.encode(range.count, forKey: .length)