blob: d47355cd3560b5f2273729ded98f2c8464cc9f91 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ResultPlan.cpp ---------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "ResultPlan.h"
#include "Callee.h"
#include "Initialization.h"
#include "RValue.h"
#include "SILGenFunction.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace Lowering;
// Result Plans
namespace {
/// A result plan for evaluating an indirect result into the address
/// associated with an initialization.
class InPlaceInitializationResultPlan : public ResultPlan {
Initialization *init;
InPlaceInitializationResultPlan(Initialization *init) : init(init) {}
RValue finish(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc, CanType substType,
ArrayRef<ManagedValue> &directResults) override {
return RValue();
gatherIndirectResultAddrs(SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &outList) const override {
/// A result plan for working with a single value and potentially
/// reabstracting it. The value can actually be a tuple if the
/// abstraction is opaque.
class ScalarResultPlan : public ResultPlan {
std::unique_ptr<TemporaryInitialization> temporary;
AbstractionPattern origType;
Initialization *init;
SILFunctionTypeRepresentation rep;
ScalarResultPlan(std::unique_ptr<TemporaryInitialization> &&temporary,
AbstractionPattern origType, Initialization *init,
SILFunctionTypeRepresentation rep)
: temporary(std::move(temporary)), origType(origType), init(init),
rep(rep) {}
RValue finish(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc, CanType substType,
ArrayRef<ManagedValue> &directResults) override {
// Lower the unabstracted result type.
auto &substTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(substType);
// Claim the value:
ManagedValue value;
// If we were created with a temporary, that address was passed as
// an indirect result.
if (temporary) {
// Establish the cleanup.
value = temporary->getManagedAddress();
// If the value isn't address-only, go ahead and load.
if (!substTL.isAddressOnly()) {
auto load = substTL.emitLoad(SGF.B, loc, value.forward(SGF),
value = SGF.emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(load);
// Otherwise, it was returned as a direct result.
} else {
value = directResults.front();
directResults = directResults.slice(1);
// Reabstract the value if the types don't match. This can happen
// due to either substitution reabstractions or bridging.
if (value.getType().hasAbstractionDifference(rep,
substTL.getLoweredType())) {
// Assume that a C-language API doesn't have substitution
// reabstractions. This shouldn't be necessary, but
// emitOrigToSubstValue can get upset.
if (getSILFunctionLanguage(rep) == SILFunctionLanguage::C) {
value = SGF.emitBridgedToNativeValue(loc, value, rep, substType);
} else {
value = SGF.emitOrigToSubstValue(loc, value, origType, substType,
// If that successfully emitted into the initialization, we're done.
if (value.isInContext())
return RValue();
// Otherwise, forcibly emit into the initialization if it exists.
if (init) {
init->copyOrInitValueInto(SGF, loc, value, /*init*/ true);
return RValue();
// Otherwise, we've got the r-value we want.
} else {
return RValue(SGF, loc, substType, value);
gatherIndirectResultAddrs(SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &outList) const override {
if (!temporary)
/// A result plan which calls copyOrInitValueInto on an Initialization
/// using a temporary buffer initialized by a sub-plan.
class InitValueFromTemporaryResultPlan : public ResultPlan {
Initialization *init;
ResultPlanPtr subPlan;
std::unique_ptr<TemporaryInitialization> temporary;
Initialization *init, ResultPlanPtr &&subPlan,
std::unique_ptr<TemporaryInitialization> &&temporary)
: init(init), subPlan(std::move(subPlan)),
temporary(std::move(temporary)) {}
RValue finish(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc, CanType substType,
ArrayRef<ManagedValue> &directResults) override {
RValue subResult = subPlan->finish(SGF, loc, substType, directResults);
assert(subResult.isUsed() && "sub-plan didn't emit into context?");
ManagedValue value = temporary->getManagedAddress();
init->copyOrInitValueInto(SGF, loc, value, /*init*/ true);
return RValue();
gatherIndirectResultAddrs(SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &outList) const override {
/// A result plan which calls copyOrInitValueInto using the result of
/// a sub-plan.
class InitValueFromRValueResultPlan : public ResultPlan {
Initialization *init;
ResultPlanPtr subPlan;
InitValueFromRValueResultPlan(Initialization *init, ResultPlanPtr &&subPlan)
: init(init), subPlan(std::move(subPlan)) {}
RValue finish(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc, CanType substType,
ArrayRef<ManagedValue> &directResults) override {
RValue subResult = subPlan->finish(SGF, loc, substType, directResults);
ManagedValue value = std::move(subResult).getAsSingleValue(SGF, loc);
init->copyOrInitValueInto(SGF, loc, value, /*init*/ true);
return RValue();
gatherIndirectResultAddrs(SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &outList) const override {
/// A result plan which produces a larger RValue from a bunch of
/// components.
class TupleRValueResultPlan : public ResultPlan {
SmallVector<ResultPlanPtr, 4> eltPlans;
TupleRValueResultPlan(ResultPlanBuilder &builder, AbstractionPattern origType,
CanTupleType substType) {
// Create plans for all the elements.
for (auto i : indices(substType->getElementTypes())) {
AbstractionPattern origEltType = origType.getTupleElementType(i);
CanType substEltType = substType.getElementType(i);
eltPlans.push_back(, origEltType, substEltType));
RValue finish(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc, CanType substType,
ArrayRef<ManagedValue> &directResults) override {
RValue tupleRV(substType);
// Finish all the component tuples.
auto substTupleType = cast<TupleType>(substType);
assert(substTupleType.getElementTypes().size() == eltPlans.size());
for (auto i : indices(substTupleType.getElementTypes())) {
RValue eltRV = eltPlans[i]->finish(
SGF, loc, substTupleType.getElementType(i), directResults);
return tupleRV;
gatherIndirectResultAddrs(SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &outList) const override {
for (const auto &eltPlan : eltPlans) {
/// A result plan which evaluates into the sub-components
/// of a splittable tuple initialization.
class TupleInitializationResultPlan : public ResultPlan {
Initialization *tupleInit;
SmallVector<InitializationPtr, 4> eltInitsBuffer;
MutableArrayRef<InitializationPtr> eltInits;
SmallVector<ResultPlanPtr, 4> eltPlans;
TupleInitializationResultPlan(ResultPlanBuilder &builder,
Initialization *tupleInit,
AbstractionPattern origType,
CanTupleType substType)
: tupleInit(tupleInit) {
// Get the sub-initializations.
eltInits = tupleInit->splitIntoTupleElements(builder.SGF, builder.loc,
substType, eltInitsBuffer);
// Create plans for all the sub-initializations.
for (auto i : indices(substType->getElementTypes())) {
AbstractionPattern origEltType = origType.getTupleElementType(i);
CanType substEltType = substType.getElementType(i);
Initialization *eltInit = eltInits[i].get();
eltPlans.push_back(, origEltType, substEltType));
RValue finish(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc, CanType substType,
ArrayRef<ManagedValue> &directResults) override {
auto substTupleType = cast<TupleType>(substType);
assert(substTupleType.getElementTypes().size() == eltPlans.size());
for (auto i : indices(substTupleType.getElementTypes())) {
auto eltType = substTupleType.getElementType(i);
RValue eltRV = eltPlans[i]->finish(SGF, loc, eltType, directResults);
return RValue();
gatherIndirectResultAddrs(SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &outList) const override {
for (const auto &eltPlan : eltPlans) {
} // end anonymous namespace
// Result Plan Builder
/// Build a result plan for the results of an apply.
/// If the initialization is non-null, the result plan will emit into it.
ResultPlanPtr ResultPlanBuilder::buildTopLevelResult(Initialization *init) {
// First check if we do not have a foreign error. If we don't, just call
// build.
auto foreignError = calleeTypeInfo.foreignError;
if (!foreignError) {
return build(init, calleeTypeInfo.origResultType,
// Otherwise, handle the foreign error first.
// The plan needs to be built using the formal result type after foreign-error
// adjustment.
switch (foreignError->getKind()) {
// These conventions make the formal result type ().
case ForeignErrorConvention::ZeroResult:
case ForeignErrorConvention::NonZeroResult:
allResults = {};
// These conventions leave the formal result alone.
case ForeignErrorConvention::ZeroPreservedResult:
case ForeignErrorConvention::NonNilError:
// This convention changes the formal result to the optional object type; we
// need to make our own make SILResultInfo array.
case ForeignErrorConvention::NilResult: {
assert(allResults.size() == 1);
CanType objectType = allResults[0].getType().getAnyOptionalObjectType();
SILResultInfo optResult = allResults[0].getWithType(objectType);
allResults = optResult;
return build(init, calleeTypeInfo.origResultType,
/// Build a result plan for the results of an apply.
/// If the initialization is non-null, the result plan will emit into it.
ResultPlanPtr ResultPlanBuilder::build(Initialization *init,
AbstractionPattern origType,
CanType substType) {
// Destructure original tuples.
if (origType.isTuple()) {
return buildForTuple(init, origType, cast<TupleType>(substType));
// Otherwise, grab the next result.
auto result = allResults.front();
allResults = allResults.slice(1);
SILValue initAddr;
if (init) {
initAddr = init->getAddressForInPlaceInitialization();
// If the result is indirect, and we have an address to emit into, and
// there are no abstraction differences, then just do it.
if (initAddr && SGF.silConv.isSILIndirect(result) &&
calleeTypeInfo.getOverrideRep(), result.getSILStorageType())) {
return ResultPlanPtr(new InPlaceInitializationResultPlan(init));
// Otherwise, we need to:
// - get the value, either directly or indirectly
// - possibly reabstract it
// - store it to the destination
// We could break this down into different ResultPlan implementations,
// but it's easier not to.
// Create a temporary if the result is indirect.
std::unique_ptr<TemporaryInitialization> temporary;
if (SGF.silConv.isSILIndirect(result)) {
auto &resultTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(result.getType());
temporary = SGF.emitTemporary(loc, resultTL);
return ResultPlanPtr(new ScalarResultPlan(
std::move(temporary), origType, init, calleeTypeInfo.getOverrideRep()));
ResultPlanPtr ResultPlanBuilder::buildForTuple(Initialization *init,
AbstractionPattern origType,
CanTupleType substType) {
// If we don't have an initialization for the tuple, just build the
// individual components.
if (!init) {
return ResultPlanPtr(new TupleRValueResultPlan(*this, origType, substType));
// Okay, we have an initialization for the tuple that we need to emit into.
// If we can just split the initialization, do so.
if (init->canSplitIntoTupleElements()) {
return ResultPlanPtr(
new TupleInitializationResultPlan(*this, init, origType, substType));
// Otherwise, we're going to have to call copyOrInitValueInto, which only
// takes a single value.
// If the tuple is address-only, we'll get much better code if we
// emit into a single buffer.
auto &substTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(substType);
if (substTL.isAddressOnly()) {
// Create a temporary.
auto temporary = SGF.emitTemporary(loc, substTL);
// Build a sub-plan to emit into the temporary.
auto subplan = buildForTuple(temporary.get(), origType, substType);
// Make a plan to initialize into that.
return ResultPlanPtr(new InitValueFromTemporaryResultPlan(
init, std::move(subplan), std::move(temporary)));
// Build a sub-plan that doesn't know about the initialization.
auto subplan = buildForTuple(nullptr, origType, substType);
// Make a plan that calls copyOrInitValueInto.
return ResultPlanPtr(
new InitValueFromRValueResultPlan(init, std::move(subplan)));
ResultPlanBuilder::computeResultPlan(SILGenFunction &SGF,
CalleeTypeInfo &calleeTypeInfo,
SILLocation loc, SGFContext evalContext) {
ResultPlanBuilder builder(SGF, loc, calleeTypeInfo);
return builder.buildTopLevelResult(evalContext.getEmitInto());