blob: 70e2245e8ba53424ee4a8f9a81ffdedda32f418c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -rf %t && mkdir -p %t
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -print-module -source-filename %s -module-to-print=SwiftNameTests -function-definitions=false -print-regular-comments -F %S/Inputs/mock-sdk > %t.txt
// RUN: diff -u <(tail +9 %s) %t.txt
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
@_exported import Foundation
class Test : NSObject {
// "Factory methods" that we'd rather have as initializers.
@available(*, unavailable, message="superseded by import of -[NSObject init]")
convenience init()
@available(*, unavailable, message="use object construction 'Test()'")
class func a() -> Self
convenience init(dummyParam: ())
@available(*, unavailable, message="use object construction 'Test(dummyParam:)'")
class func b() -> Self
convenience init(cc x: AnyObject)
@available(*, unavailable, message="use object construction 'Test(cc:)'")
class func c(x: AnyObject) -> Self
convenience init(_ x: AnyObject)
@available(*, unavailable, message="use object construction 'Test(_:)'")
class func d(x: AnyObject) -> Self
convenience init(aa a: AnyObject, _ b: AnyObject, cc c: AnyObject)
@available(*, unavailable, message="use object construction 'Test(aa:_:cc:)'")
class func e(a: AnyObject, e b: AnyObject, e c: AnyObject) -> Self
/*not inherited*/ init(fixedType: ())
@available(*, unavailable, message="use object construction 'Test(fixedType:)'")
class func f() -> Test
// Would-be initializers.
class func zz() -> Self
class func yy(aa x: AnyObject) -> Self
class func xx(x: AnyObject, bb xx: AnyObject) -> Self
class TestError : NSObject {
// Factory methods with NSError.
convenience init(error: ()) throws
@available(*, unavailable, message="use object construction 'TestError(error:)'")
class func err1() throws -> Self
convenience init(aa x: AnyObject?, error: ()) throws
@available(*, unavailable, message="use object construction 'TestError(aa:error:)'")
class func err2(x: AnyObject?) throws -> Self
convenience init(aa x: AnyObject?, error: (), block: () -> Void) throws
@available(*, unavailable, message="use object construction 'TestError(aa:error:block:)'")
class func err3(x: AnyObject?, callback block: () -> Void) throws -> Self
convenience init(error: (), block: () -> Void) throws
@available(*, unavailable, message="use object construction 'TestError(error:block:)'")
class func err4(callback block: () -> Void) throws -> Self
convenience init(aa x: AnyObject?) throws
@available(*, unavailable, message="use object construction 'TestError(aa:)'")
class func err5(x: AnyObject?) throws -> Self
convenience init(aa x: AnyObject?, block: () -> Void) throws
@available(*, unavailable, message="use object construction 'TestError(aa:block:)'")
class func err6(x: AnyObject?, callback block: () -> Void) throws -> Self
convenience init(block: () -> Void) throws
@available(*, unavailable, message="use object construction 'TestError(block:)'")
class func err7(callback block: () -> Void) throws -> Self
// Would-be initializers.
class func ww(x: AnyObject?) throws -> Self
class func w2(x: AnyObject?, error: ()) throws -> Self
class func vv() throws -> Self
class func v2(error error: ()) throws -> Self
class TestSub : Test {
@available(*, unavailable, message="superseded by import of -[NSObject init]")
convenience init()
convenience init(dummyParam: ())
convenience init(cc x: AnyObject)
convenience init(_ x: AnyObject)
convenience init(aa a: AnyObject, _ b: AnyObject, cc c: AnyObject)
class TestErrorSub : TestError {
convenience init(error: ()) throws
convenience init(aa x: AnyObject?, error: ()) throws
convenience init(aa x: AnyObject?, error: (), block: () -> Void) throws
convenience init(error: (), block: () -> Void) throws
convenience init(aa x: AnyObject?) throws
convenience init(aa x: AnyObject?, block: () -> Void) throws
convenience init(block: () -> Void) throws