blob: 1e4747ee7502fc54da6ebc7c4c09db39542e5fc3 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SILFunction.cpp - Defines the SILFunction data structure ---------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/SIL/SILModule.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILFunction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILBasicBlock.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILArgument.h"
#include "swift/SIL/CFG.h"
#include "swift/SIL/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericEnvironment.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/GraphWriter.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace Lowering;
ArrayRef<Requirement> SILSpecializeAttr::getRequirements() const {
return {const_cast<SILSpecializeAttr *>(this)->getRequirementsData(),
SILSpecializeAttr::SILSpecializeAttr(ArrayRef<Requirement> requirements,
bool exported, SpecializationKind kind)
: numRequirements(requirements.size()), kind(kind), exported(exported) {
std::copy(requirements.begin(), requirements.end(), getRequirementsData());
SILSpecializeAttr *SILSpecializeAttr::create(SILModule &M,
ArrayRef<Requirement> requirements,
bool exported,
SpecializationKind kind) {
unsigned size =
sizeof(SILSpecializeAttr) + sizeof(Requirement) * requirements.size();
void *buf = M.allocate(size, alignof(SILSpecializeAttr));
return ::new (buf) SILSpecializeAttr(requirements, exported, kind);
void SILFunction::addSpecializeAttr(SILSpecializeAttr *Attr) {
if (getLoweredFunctionType()->getGenericSignature()) {
Attr->F = this;
SILFunction *SILFunction::create(
SILModule &M, SILLinkage linkage, StringRef name,
CanSILFunctionType loweredType, GenericEnvironment *genericEnv,
Optional<SILLocation> loc, IsBare_t isBareSILFunction,
IsTransparent_t isTrans, IsSerialized_t isSerialized, IsThunk_t isThunk,
SubclassScope classSubclassScope, Inline_t inlineStrategy, EffectsKind E,
SILFunction *insertBefore, const SILDebugScope *debugScope) {
// Get a StringMapEntry for the function. As a sop to error cases,
// allow the name to have an empty string.
llvm::StringMapEntry<SILFunction*> *entry = nullptr;
if (!name.empty()) {
entry = &*M.FunctionTable.insert(std::make_pair(name, nullptr)).first;
PrettyStackTraceSILFunction trace("creating", entry->getValue());
assert(!entry->getValue() && "function already exists");
name = entry->getKey();
auto fn = new (M) SILFunction(M, linkage, name, loweredType, genericEnv, loc,
isBareSILFunction, isTrans, isSerialized,
isThunk, classSubclassScope, inlineStrategy, E,
insertBefore, debugScope);
if (entry) entry->setValue(fn);
return fn;
SILFunction::SILFunction(SILModule &Module, SILLinkage Linkage, StringRef Name,
CanSILFunctionType LoweredType,
GenericEnvironment *genericEnv,
Optional<SILLocation> Loc, IsBare_t isBareSILFunction,
IsTransparent_t isTrans, IsSerialized_t isSerialized,
IsThunk_t isThunk, SubclassScope classSubclassScope,
Inline_t inlineStrategy, EffectsKind E,
SILFunction *InsertBefore,
const SILDebugScope *DebugScope)
: Module(Module), Name(Name), LoweredType(LoweredType),
GenericEnv(genericEnv), SpecializationInfo(nullptr),
DebugScope(DebugScope), Bare(isBareSILFunction),
Transparent(isTrans), Serialized(isSerialized), Thunk(isThunk),
ClassSubclassScope(unsigned(classSubclassScope)), GlobalInitFlag(false),
InlineStrategy(inlineStrategy), Linkage(unsigned(Linkage)),
KeepAsPublic(false), EffectsKindAttr(E) {
if (InsertBefore)
Module.functions.insert(SILModule::iterator(InsertBefore), this);
// Set our BB list to have this function as its parent. This enables us to
// splice efficiently basic blocks in between functions.
BlockList.Parent = this;
SILFunction::~SILFunction() {
// If the function is recursive, a function_ref inst inside of the function
// will give the function a non-zero ref count triggering the assertion. Thus
// we drop all instruction references before we erase.
// We also need to drop all references if instructions are allocated using
// an allocator that may recycle freed memory.
auto &M = getModule();
for (auto &BB : *this) {
for (auto I = BB.begin(), E = BB.end(); I != E;) {
auto Inst = &*I;
// TODO: It is only safe to directly deallocate an
// instruction if this BB is being removed in scope
// of destructing a SILFunction.
assert(RefCount == 0 &&
"Function cannot be deleted while function_ref's still exist");
bool SILFunction::hasForeignBody() const {
if (!hasClangNode()) return false;
return SILDeclRef::isClangGenerated(getClangNode());
void SILFunction::numberValues(llvm::DenseMap<const ValueBase*,
unsigned> &ValueToNumberMap) const {
unsigned idx = 0;
for (auto &BB : *this) {
for (auto I = BB.args_begin(), E = BB.args_end(); I != E; ++I)
ValueToNumberMap[*I] = idx++;
for (auto &I : BB)
ValueToNumberMap[&I] = idx++;
ASTContext &SILFunction::getASTContext() const {
return getModule().getASTContext();
bool SILFunction::shouldOptimize() const {
if (Module.getStage() == SILStage::Raw)
return true;
return !hasSemanticsAttr("optimize.sil.never");
Type SILFunction::mapTypeIntoContext(Type type) const {
return GenericEnvironment::mapTypeIntoContext(
getGenericEnvironment(), type);
SILType SILFunction::mapTypeIntoContext(SILType type) const {
if (auto *genericEnv = getGenericEnvironment())
return genericEnv->mapTypeIntoContext(getModule(), type);
return type;
SILType GenericEnvironment::mapTypeIntoContext(SILModule &M,
SILType type) const {
auto genericSig = getGenericSignature()->getCanonicalSignature();
return type.subst(M,
Type SILFunction::mapTypeOutOfContext(Type type) const {
return GenericEnvironment::mapTypeOutOfContext(
getGenericEnvironment(), type);
bool SILFunction::isNoReturnFunction() const {
return SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(getLoweredFunctionType())
SILBasicBlock *SILFunction::createBasicBlock() {
return new (getModule()) SILBasicBlock(this);
SILBasicBlock *SILFunction::createBasicBlock(SILBasicBlock *AfterBlock) {
return new (getModule()) SILBasicBlock(this, AfterBlock);
// View CFG Implementation
#ifndef NDEBUG
static llvm::cl::opt<unsigned>
MaxColumns("view-cfg-max-columns", llvm::cl::init(80),
llvm::cl::desc("Maximum width of a printed node"));
namespace {
enum class LongLineBehavior { None, Truncate, Wrap };
} // end anonymous namespace
static llvm::cl::opt<LongLineBehavior>
llvm::cl::desc("Behavior when line width is greater than the "
"value provided my -view-cfg-max-columns "
clEnumValN(LongLineBehavior::None, "none", "Print everything"),
clEnumValN(LongLineBehavior::Truncate, "truncate",
"Truncate long lines"),
clEnumValN(LongLineBehavior::Wrap, "wrap", "Wrap long lines")));
static llvm::cl::opt<bool>
llvm::cl::desc("Should use list comments be removed"));
template <typename InstTy, typename CaseValueTy>
inline CaseValueTy getCaseValueForBB(const InstTy *Inst,
const SILBasicBlock *BB) {
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Inst->getNumCases(); i != e; ++i) {
auto P = Inst->getCase(i);
if (P.second != BB)
return P.first;
llvm_unreachable("Error! should never pass in BB that is not a successor");
namespace llvm {
template <>
struct DOTGraphTraits<SILFunction *> : public DefaultDOTGraphTraits {
DOTGraphTraits(bool isSimple = false) : DefaultDOTGraphTraits(isSimple) {}
static std::string getGraphName(SILFunction *F) {
return "CFG for '" + F->getName().str() + "' function";
static std::string getSimpleNodeLabel(SILBasicBlock *Node, SILFunction *F) {
std::string OutStr;
raw_string_ostream OSS(OutStr);
const_cast<SILBasicBlock *>(Node)->printAsOperand(OSS, false);
return OSS.str();
static std::string getCompleteNodeLabel(SILBasicBlock *Node, SILFunction *F) {
std::string Str;
raw_string_ostream OS(Str);
OS << *Node;
std::string OutStr = OS.str();
if (OutStr[0] == '\n')
// Process string output to make it nicer...
unsigned ColNum = 0;
unsigned LastSpace = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != OutStr.length(); ++i) {
if (OutStr[i] == '\n') { // Left justify
OutStr[i] = '\\';
OutStr.insert(OutStr.begin() + i + 1, 'l');
ColNum = 0;
LastSpace = 0;
} else if (RemoveUseListComments && OutStr[i] == '/' &&
i != (OutStr.size() - 1) && OutStr[i + 1] == '/') {
unsigned Idx = OutStr.find('\n', i + 1); // Find end of line
OutStr.erase(OutStr.begin() + i, OutStr.begin() + Idx);
} else if (ColNum == MaxColumns) { // Handle long lines.
if (LLBehavior == LongLineBehavior::Wrap) {
if (!LastSpace)
LastSpace = i;
OutStr.insert(LastSpace, "\\l...");
ColNum = i - LastSpace;
LastSpace = 0;
i += 3; // The loop will advance 'i' again.
} else if (LLBehavior == LongLineBehavior::Truncate) {
unsigned Idx = OutStr.find('\n', i + 1); // Find end of line
OutStr.erase(OutStr.begin() + i, OutStr.begin() + Idx);
// Else keep trying to find a space.
} else
if (OutStr[i] == ' ')
LastSpace = i;
return OutStr;
std::string getNodeLabel(SILBasicBlock *Node, SILFunction *Graph) {
if (isSimple())
return getSimpleNodeLabel(Node, Graph);
return getCompleteNodeLabel(Node, Graph);
static std::string getEdgeSourceLabel(SILBasicBlock *Node,
SILBasicBlock::succblock_iterator I) {
const SILBasicBlock *Succ = *I;
const TermInst *Term = Node->getTerminator();
// Label source of conditional branches with "T" or "F"
if (auto *CBI = dyn_cast<CondBranchInst>(Term))
return (Succ == CBI->getTrueBB()) ? "T" : "F";
// Label source of switch edges with the associated value.
if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<SwitchValueInst>(Term)) {
if (SI->hasDefault() && SI->getDefaultBB() == Succ)
return "def";
std::string Str;
raw_string_ostream OS(Str);
SILValue I = getCaseValueForBB<SwitchValueInst, SILValue>(SI, Succ);
OS << I; // TODO: or should we output the literal value of I?
return OS.str();
if (auto *SEIB = dyn_cast<SwitchEnumInst>(Term)) {
std::string Str;
raw_string_ostream OS(Str);
EnumElementDecl *E =
getCaseValueForBB<SwitchEnumInst, EnumElementDecl *>(SEIB, Succ);
OS << E->getFullName();
return OS.str();
if (auto *SEIB = dyn_cast<SwitchEnumAddrInst>(Term)) {
std::string Str;
raw_string_ostream OS(Str);
EnumElementDecl *E =
getCaseValueForBB<SwitchEnumAddrInst, EnumElementDecl *>(SEIB, Succ);
OS << E->getFullName();
return OS.str();
if (auto *DMBI = dyn_cast<DynamicMethodBranchInst>(Term))
return (Succ == DMBI->getHasMethodBB()) ? "T" : "F";
if (auto *CCBI = dyn_cast<CheckedCastBranchInst>(Term))
return (Succ == CCBI->getSuccessBB()) ? "T" : "F";
if (auto *CCBI = dyn_cast<CheckedCastValueBranchInst>(Term))
return (Succ == CCBI->getSuccessBB()) ? "T" : "F";
if (auto *CCBI = dyn_cast<CheckedCastAddrBranchInst>(Term))
return (Succ == CCBI->getSuccessBB()) ? "T" : "F";
return "";
} // namespace llvm
#ifndef NDEBUG
static llvm::cl::opt<std::string>
TargetFunction("view-cfg-only-for-function", llvm::cl::init(""),
llvm::cl::desc("Only print out the cfg for this function"));
void SILFunction::viewCFG() const {
/// When asserts are disabled, this should be a NoOp.
#ifndef NDEBUG
// If we have a target function, only print that function out.
if (!TargetFunction.empty() && !(getName().str() == TargetFunction))
ViewGraph(const_cast<SILFunction *>(this), "cfg" + getName().str());
bool SILFunction::hasSelfMetadataParam() const {
auto paramTypes = getConventions().getParameterSILTypes();
if (paramTypes.empty())
return false;
auto silTy = *std::prev(paramTypes.end());
if (!silTy.isObject())
return false;
auto selfTy = silTy.getSwiftRValueType();
if (auto metaTy = dyn_cast<MetatypeType>(selfTy)) {
selfTy = metaTy.getInstanceType();
if (auto dynamicSelfTy = dyn_cast<DynamicSelfType>(selfTy))
selfTy = dynamicSelfTy.getSelfType();
return !!selfTy.getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
bool SILFunction::hasName(const char *Name) const {
return getName() == Name;
/// Returns true if this function can be referenced from a fragile function
/// body.
bool SILFunction::hasValidLinkageForFragileRef() const {
// Fragile functions can reference 'static inline' functions imported
// from C.
if (hasForeignBody())
return true;
// If we can inline it, we can reference it.
if (hasValidLinkageForFragileInline())
return true;
// Otherwise, only public functions can be referenced.
return hasPublicVisibility(getLinkage());
/// Helper method which returns true if the linkage of the SILFunction
/// indicates that the objects definition might be required outside the
/// current SILModule.
SILFunction::isPossiblyUsedExternally() const {
return swift::isPossiblyUsedExternally(getLinkage(),
bool SILFunction::isExternallyUsedSymbol() const {
return swift::isPossiblyUsedExternally(getEffectiveSymbolLinkage(),
void SILFunction::convertToDeclaration() {
assert(isDefinition() && "Can only convert definitions to declarations");
SubstitutionList SILFunction::getForwardingSubstitutions() {
if (ForwardingSubs)
return *ForwardingSubs;
auto *env = getGenericEnvironment();
if (!env)
return {};
ForwardingSubs = env->getForwardingSubstitutions();
return *ForwardingSubs;
bool SILFunction::shouldVerifyOwnership() const {
return !hasSemanticsAttr("verify.ownership.sil.never");