blob: 69bb31981c748ba71fbb365e17602645df062cf1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- OptionSet.h - Sets of boolean options ------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the OptionSet class template.
#include "llvm/ADT/None.h"
#include <type_traits>
#include <cstdint>
namespace swift {
using llvm::None;
/// The class template \c OptionSet captures a set of options stored as the
/// bits in an unsigned integral value.
/// Each option corresponds to a particular flag value in the provided
/// enumeration type (\c Flags). The option set provides ways to add options,
/// remove options, intersect sets, etc., providing a thin type-safe layer
/// over the underlying unsigned value.
/// \tparam Flags An enumeration type that provides the individual flags
/// for options. Each enumerator should have a power-of-two value, indicating
/// which bit it is associated with.
/// \tparam StorageType The unsigned integral type to use to store the flags
/// enabled within this option set. This defaults to the unsigned form of the
/// underlying type of the enumeration.
template<typename Flags,
typename StorageType = typename std::make_unsigned<
typename std::underlying_type<Flags>::type
class OptionSet {
StorageType Storage;
/// Create an empty option set.
OptionSet() : Storage() { }
/// Create an empty option set.
OptionSet(llvm::NoneType) : Storage() { }
/// Create an option set with only the given option set.
OptionSet(Flags flag) : Storage(static_cast<StorageType>(flag)) { }
/// Create an option set from raw storage.
explicit OptionSet(StorageType storage) : Storage(storage) { }
/// Check whether an option set is non-empty.
explicit operator bool() const { return Storage != 0; }
/// Explicitly convert an option set to its underlying storage.
explicit operator StorageType() const { return Storage; }
/// Explicitly convert an option set to intptr_t, for use in
/// llvm::PointerIntPair.
/// This member is not present if the underlying type is bigger than
/// a pointer.
template <typename T = std::intptr_t>
explicit operator typename std::enable_if<sizeof(StorageType) <= sizeof(T),
std::intptr_t>::type () const {
return static_cast<intptr_t>(Storage);
/// Retrieve the "raw" representation of this option set.
StorageType toRaw() const { return Storage; }
/// Determine whether this option set contains all of the options in the
/// given set.
bool contains(OptionSet set) const {
return !static_cast<bool>(set - *this);
/// Produce the union of two option sets.
friend OptionSet operator|(OptionSet lhs, OptionSet rhs) {
return OptionSet(lhs.Storage | rhs.Storage);
/// Produce the union of two option sets.
friend OptionSet &operator|=(OptionSet &lhs, OptionSet rhs) {
lhs.Storage |= rhs.Storage;
return lhs;
/// Produce the intersection of two option sets.
friend OptionSet operator&(OptionSet lhs, OptionSet rhs) {
return OptionSet(lhs.Storage & rhs.Storage);
/// Produce the intersection of two option sets.
friend OptionSet &operator&=(OptionSet &lhs, OptionSet rhs) {
lhs.Storage &= rhs.Storage;
return lhs;
/// Produce the difference of two option sets.
friend OptionSet operator-(OptionSet lhs, OptionSet rhs) {
return OptionSet(lhs.Storage & ~rhs.Storage);
/// Produce the intersection of two option sets.
friend OptionSet &operator-=(OptionSet &lhs, OptionSet rhs) {
lhs.Storage &= ~rhs.Storage;
return lhs;
template <typename T>
static auto _checkResultTypeOperatorOr(T t) -> decltype(t | t) { return T(); }
static void _checkResultTypeOperatorOr(...) {}
"operator| should produce an OptionSet");
} // end namespace swift