blob: 66f875e17536776d17b26cd7c94d87fd61c24392 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- CSDiagnostics.h - Constraint Diagnostics -------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file provides necessary abstractions for constraint system diagnostics.
#include "Constraint.h"
#include "ConstraintSystem.h"
#include "OverloadChoice.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticEngine.h"
#include "swift/AST/Expr.h"
#include "swift/AST/Identifier.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceLoc.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include <tuple>
namespace swift {
namespace constraints {
/// Base class for all of the possible diagnostics,
/// provides most basic information such as location of
/// the problem, parent expression and some utility methods.
class FailureDiagnostic {
Expr *E;
ConstraintSystem &CS;
ConstraintLocator *Locator;
/// The original anchor before any simplification.
Expr *RawAnchor;
/// Simplified anchor associated with the given locator.
Expr *Anchor;
/// Indicates whether locator could be simplified
/// down to anchor expression.
bool HasComplexLocator;
FailureDiagnostic(Expr *expr, ConstraintSystem &cs,
ConstraintLocator *locator)
: E(expr), CS(cs), Locator(locator), RawAnchor(locator->getAnchor()) {
std::tie(Anchor, HasComplexLocator) = computeAnchor();
virtual ~FailureDiagnostic();
/// Try to diagnose a problem given affected expression,
/// failure location, types and declarations deduced by
/// constraint system, and other auxiliary information.
/// \param asNote In ambiguity cases it's beneficial to
/// produce diagnostic as a note instead of an error if possible.
/// \returns true If the problem has been successfully diagnosed
/// and diagnostic message emitted, false otherwise.
bool diagnose(bool asNote = false);
/// Try to produce an error diagnostic for the problem at hand.
virtual bool diagnoseAsError() = 0;
/// Instead of producing an error diagnostic, attempt to
/// produce a "note" to complement some other diagnostic
/// e.g. ambiguity error.
virtual bool diagnoseAsNote();
ConstraintSystem &getConstraintSystem() const {
return CS;
Expr *getParentExpr() const { return E; }
Expr *getRawAnchor() const { return RawAnchor; }
Expr *getAnchor() const { return Anchor; }
ConstraintLocator *getLocator() const { return Locator; }
Type getType(Expr *expr) const;
/// Resolve type variables present in the raw type, if any.
Type resolveType(Type rawType, bool reconstituteSugar = false) const {
auto resolvedType = CS.simplifyType(rawType);
return reconstituteSugar
? resolvedType->reconstituteSugar(/*recursive*/ true)
: resolvedType;
template <typename... ArgTypes>
InFlightDiagnostic emitDiagnostic(ArgTypes &&... Args) const;
TypeChecker &getTypeChecker() const { return CS.TC; }
DeclContext *getDC() const { return CS.DC; }
ASTContext &getASTContext() const { return CS.getASTContext(); }
Optional<std::pair<Type, ConversionRestrictionKind>>
getRestrictionForType(Type type) const {
for (auto &restriction : CS.ConstraintRestrictions) {
if (std::get<0>(restriction)->isEqual(type))
return std::pair<Type, ConversionRestrictionKind>(
std::get<1>(restriction), std::get<2>(restriction));
return None;
ValueDecl *getResolvedMemberRef(UnresolvedDotExpr *member) {
auto locator = CS.getConstraintLocator(member, ConstraintLocator::Member);
return CS.findResolvedMemberRef(locator);
getOverloadChoiceIfAvailable(ConstraintLocator *locator) const {
if (auto *overload = getResolvedOverload(locator))
return Optional<SelectedOverload>(
{overload->Choice, overload->OpenedFullType, overload->ImpliedType});
return None;
/// Retrieve overload choice resolved for given locator
/// by the constraint solver.
ResolvedOverloadSetListItem *
getResolvedOverload(ConstraintLocator *locator) const {
auto resolvedOverload = CS.getResolvedOverloadSets();
while (resolvedOverload) {
if (resolvedOverload->Locator == locator)
return resolvedOverload;
resolvedOverload = resolvedOverload->Previous;
return nullptr;
/// \returns true is locator hasn't been simplified down to expression.
bool hasComplexLocator() const { return HasComplexLocator; }
/// \returns A parent expression if sub-expression is contained anywhere
/// in the root expression or `nullptr` otherwise.
Expr *findParentExpr(Expr *subExpr) const;
/// \returns An argument expression if given anchor is a call, member
/// reference or subscript, nullptr otherwise.
Expr *getArgumentExprFor(Expr *anchor) const;
/// Compute anchor expression associated with current diagnostic.
std::pair<Expr *, bool> computeAnchor() const;
/// Base class for all of the diagnostics related to generic requirement
/// failures, provides common information like failed requirement,
/// declaration where such requirement comes from, etc.
class RequirementFailure : public FailureDiagnostic {
using PathEltKind = ConstraintLocator::PathElementKind;
using DiagOnDecl = Diag<DescriptiveDeclKind, DeclName, Type, Type>;
using DiagInReference = Diag<DescriptiveDeclKind, DeclName, Type, Type, Type>;
using DiagAsNote = Diag<Type, Type, Type, Type, StringRef>;
/// If this failure associated with one of the conditional requirements,
/// this field would represent conformance where requirement comes from.
const ProtocolConformance *Conformance = nullptr;
/// The source of the requirement, if available. One exception
/// is failure associated with conditional requirement where
/// underlying conformance is specialized.
const GenericSignature *Signature;
const ValueDecl *AffectedDecl;
/// If possible, find application expression associated
/// with current generic requirement failure, that helps
/// to diagnose failures related to arguments.
const ApplyExpr *Apply = nullptr;
RequirementFailure(ConstraintSystem &cs, Expr *expr, RequirementKind kind,
ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(expr, cs, locator),
Signature(getSignature(locator)), AffectedDecl(getDeclRef()) {
assert(isConditional() || Signature);
auto path = locator->getPath();
auto &last = path.back();
assert(last.isTypeParameterRequirement() ||
assert(static_cast<RequirementKind>(last.getValue2()) == kind);
// It's possible sometimes not to have no base expression.
if (!expr)
if (auto *parentExpr = findParentExpr(getRawAnchor()))
Apply = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(parentExpr);
unsigned getRequirementIndex() const {
auto path = getLocator()->getPath();
auto &requirementLoc = path.back();
assert(requirementLoc.isTypeParameterRequirement() ||
return requirementLoc.getValue();
/// The generic base type where failing requirement comes from.
Type getOwnerType() const;
/// Generic context associated with the failure.
const GenericContext *getGenericContext() const;
/// Generic requirement associated with the failure.
const Requirement &getRequirement() const;
virtual Type getLHS() const = 0;
virtual Type getRHS() const = 0;
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
bool diagnoseAsNote() override;
/// Determine whether this is a conditional requirement failure.
bool isConditional() const { return bool(Conformance); }
/// Check whether this requirement comes from the contextual type
/// that root expression is coerced/converted into.
bool isFromContextualType() const;
/// Retrieve declaration contextual where current
/// requirement has been introduced.
const DeclContext *getRequirementDC() const;
virtual DiagOnDecl getDiagnosticOnDecl() const = 0;
virtual DiagInReference getDiagnosticInRereference() const = 0;
virtual DiagAsNote getDiagnosticAsNote() const = 0;
/// Determine whether it would be possible to diagnose
/// current requirement failure.
bool canDiagnoseFailure() const {
// If this is a conditional requirement failure,
// we have a lot more information compared to
// type requirement case, because we know that
// underlying conformance requirement matched.
if (isConditional())
return true;
auto *anchor = getAnchor();
// In the situations like this:
// ```swift
// enum E<T: P> { case foo(T) }
// let _: E = .foo(...)
// ```
// `E` is going to be opened twice. First, when
// it's used as a contextual type, and when ``
// is found and its function type is opened.
// We still want to record both fixes but should
// avoid diagnosing the same problem multiple times.
if (isa<UnresolvedMemberExpr>(anchor)) {
auto path = getLocator()->getPath();
if (path.front().getKind() != ConstraintLocator::UnresolvedMember)
return false;
// For static/initializer calls there is going to be
// a separate fix, attached to the argument, which is
// much easier to diagnose.
// For operator calls we can't currently produce a good
// diagnostic, so instead let's refer to expression diagnostics.
return !(Apply && (isOperator(Apply) || isa<TypeExpr>(anchor)));
static bool isOperator(const ApplyExpr *apply) {
return isa<PrefixUnaryExpr>(apply) || isa<PostfixUnaryExpr>(apply) ||
/// Retrieve declaration associated with failing generic requirement.
ValueDecl *getDeclRef() const;
/// Retrieve generic signature where this parameter originates from.
GenericSignature *getSignature(ConstraintLocator *locator);
void emitRequirementNote(const Decl *anchor, Type lhs, Type rhs) const;
/// Determine whether given declaration represents a static
/// or instance property/method, excluding operators.
static bool isStaticOrInstanceMember(const ValueDecl *decl);
/// If this is a failure in conditional requirement, retrieve
/// conformance information.
ProtocolConformance *
getConformanceForConditionalReq(ConstraintLocator *locator);
/// Diagnostics for failed conformance checks originating from
/// generic requirements e.g.
/// ```swift
/// struct S {}
/// func foo<T: Hashable>(_ t: T) {}
/// foo(S())
/// ```
class MissingConformanceFailure final : public RequirementFailure {
Type NonConformingType;
ProtocolDecl *Protocol;
MissingConformanceFailure(Expr *expr, ConstraintSystem &cs,
ConstraintLocator *locator,
std::pair<Type, ProtocolDecl *> conformance)
: RequirementFailure(cs, expr, RequirementKind::Conformance, locator),
NonConformingType(conformance.first), Protocol(conformance.second) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
/// The type which was expected, by one of the generic requirements,
/// to conform to associated protocol.
Type getLHS() const override { return NonConformingType; }
/// The protocol generic requirement expected associated type to conform to.
Type getRHS() const override { return Protocol->getDeclaredType(); }
DiagOnDecl getDiagnosticOnDecl() const override {
return diag::type_does_not_conform_decl_owner;
DiagInReference getDiagnosticInRereference() const override {
return diag::type_does_not_conform_in_decl_ref;
DiagAsNote getDiagnosticAsNote() const override {
return diag::candidate_types_conformance_requirement;
/// Diagnose failures related to same-type generic requirements, e.g.
/// ```swift
/// protocol P {
/// associatedtype T
/// }
/// struct S : P {
/// typealias T = String
/// }
/// func foo<U: P>(_ t: [U]) where U.T == Int {}
/// foo([S()])
/// ```
/// `S.T` is not the same type as `Int`, which is required by `foo`.
class SameTypeRequirementFailure final : public RequirementFailure {
Type LHS, RHS;
SameTypeRequirementFailure(Expr *expr, ConstraintSystem &cs, Type lhs,
Type rhs, ConstraintLocator *locator)
: RequirementFailure(cs, expr, RequirementKind::SameType, locator),
LHS(lhs), RHS(rhs) {}
Type getLHS() const override { return LHS; }
Type getRHS() const override { return RHS; }
DiagOnDecl getDiagnosticOnDecl() const override {
return diag::types_not_equal_decl;
DiagInReference getDiagnosticInRereference() const override {
return diag::types_not_equal_in_decl_ref;
DiagAsNote getDiagnosticAsNote() const override {
return diag::candidate_types_equal_requirement;
/// Diagnose failures related to superclass generic requirements, e.g.
/// ```swift
/// class A {
/// }
/// class B {
/// }
/// func foo<T>(_ t: [T]) where T: A {}
/// foo([B()])
/// ```
/// `A` is not the superclass of `B`, which is required by `foo<T>`.
class SuperclassRequirementFailure final : public RequirementFailure {
Type LHS, RHS;
SuperclassRequirementFailure(Expr *expr, ConstraintSystem &cs, Type lhs,
Type rhs, ConstraintLocator *locator)
: RequirementFailure(cs, expr, RequirementKind::Superclass, locator),
LHS(lhs), RHS(rhs) {}
Type getLHS() const override { return LHS; }
Type getRHS() const override { return RHS; }
DiagOnDecl getDiagnosticOnDecl() const override {
return diag::types_not_inherited_decl;
DiagInReference getDiagnosticInRereference() const override {
return diag::types_not_inherited_in_decl_ref;
DiagAsNote getDiagnosticAsNote() const override {
return diag::candidate_types_inheritance_requirement;
/// Diagnose errors associated with missing, extraneous
/// or incorrect labels supplied by arguments, e.g.
/// ```swift
/// func foo(q: String, _ a: Int) {}
/// foo("ultimate quesiton", a: 42)
/// ```
/// Call to `foo` is going to be diagnosed as missing `q:`
/// and having extraneous `a:` labels, with appropriate fix-its added.
class LabelingFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
ArrayRef<Identifier> CorrectLabels;
LabelingFailure(Expr *root, ConstraintSystem &cs, ConstraintLocator *locator,
ArrayRef<Identifier> labels)
: FailureDiagnostic(root, cs, locator), CorrectLabels(labels) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
/// Diagnose errors related to converting function type which
/// isn't explicitly '@escaping' to some other type.
class NoEscapeFuncToTypeConversionFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
Type ConvertTo;
NoEscapeFuncToTypeConversionFailure(Expr *expr, ConstraintSystem &cs,
ConstraintLocator *locator,
Type toType = Type())
: FailureDiagnostic(expr, cs, locator), ConvertTo(toType) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
class MissingForcedDowncastFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
MissingForcedDowncastFailure(Expr *expr, ConstraintSystem &cs,
ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(expr, cs, locator) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
/// Diagnose failures related to passing value of some type
/// to `inout` parameter, without explicitly specifying `&`.
class MissingAddressOfFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
MissingAddressOfFailure(Expr *expr, ConstraintSystem &cs,
ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(expr, cs, locator) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
/// Diagnose failures related attempt to implicitly convert types which
/// do not support such implicit converstion.
/// "as" or "as!" has to be specified explicitly in cases like that.
class MissingExplicitConversionFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
Type ConvertingTo;
MissingExplicitConversionFailure(Expr *expr, ConstraintSystem &cs,
ConstraintLocator *locator, Type toType)
: FailureDiagnostic(expr, cs, locator), ConvertingTo(toType) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
bool exprNeedsParensBeforeAddingAs(Expr *expr) {
auto *DC = getDC();
auto &TC = getTypeChecker();
auto asPG = TC.lookupPrecedenceGroup(
DC, DC->getASTContext().Id_CastingPrecedence, SourceLoc());
if (!asPG)
return true;
return exprNeedsParensInsideFollowingOperator(TC, DC, expr, asPG);
bool exprNeedsParensAfterAddingAs(Expr *expr, Expr *rootExpr) {
auto *DC = getDC();
auto &TC = getTypeChecker();
auto asPG = TC.lookupPrecedenceGroup(
DC, DC->getASTContext().Id_CastingPrecedence, SourceLoc());
if (!asPG)
return true;
return exprNeedsParensOutsideFollowingOperator(TC, DC, expr, rootExpr,
/// Diagnose failures related to attempting member access on optional base
/// type without optional chaining or force-unwrapping it first.
class MemberAccessOnOptionalBaseFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
DeclName Member;
bool ResultTypeIsOptional;
MemberAccessOnOptionalBaseFailure(Expr *expr, ConstraintSystem &cs,
ConstraintLocator *locator,
DeclName memberName, bool resultOptional)
: FailureDiagnostic(expr, cs, locator), Member(memberName),
ResultTypeIsOptional(resultOptional) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
/// Diagnose failures related to use of the unwrapped optional types,
/// which require some type of force-unwrap e.g. "!" or "try!".
class MissingOptionalUnwrapFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
Type BaseType;
Type UnwrappedType;
MissingOptionalUnwrapFailure(Expr *expr, ConstraintSystem &cs, Type baseType,
Type unwrappedType, ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(expr, cs, locator), BaseType(baseType),
UnwrappedType(unwrappedType) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
Type getBaseType() const {
return resolveType(BaseType, /*reconstituteSugar=*/true);
Type getUnwrappedType() const {
return resolveType(UnwrappedType, /*reconstituteSugar=*/true);
/// Suggest a default value via `?? <default value>`
void offerDefaultValueUnwrapFixIt(DeclContext *DC, Expr *expr) const;
/// Suggest a force optional unwrap via `!`
void offerForceUnwrapFixIt(Expr *expr) const;
/// Determine whether given expression is an argument used in the
/// operator invocation, and if so return corresponding parameter.
Optional<AnyFunctionType::Param> getOperatorParameterFor(Expr *expr) const;
/// Diagnose errors associated with rvalues in positions
/// where an lvalue is required, such as inout arguments.
class RValueTreatedAsLValueFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
RValueTreatedAsLValueFailure(ConstraintSystem &cs, ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(nullptr, cs, locator) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
class TrailingClosureAmbiguityFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
ArrayRef<OverloadChoice> Choices;
TrailingClosureAmbiguityFailure(Expr *root, ConstraintSystem &cs,
Expr *anchor,
ArrayRef<OverloadChoice> choices)
: FailureDiagnostic(root, cs, cs.getConstraintLocator(anchor)),
Choices(choices) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override { return false; }
bool diagnoseAsNote() override;
/// Diagnose errors related to assignment expressions e.g.
/// trying to assign something to immutable value, or trying
/// to access mutating member on immutable base.
class AssignmentFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
SourceLoc Loc;
Diag<StringRef> DeclDiagnostic;
Diag<Type> TypeDiagnostic;
AssignmentFailure(Expr *destExpr, ConstraintSystem &cs,
SourceLoc diagnosticLoc);
AssignmentFailure(Expr *destExpr, ConstraintSystem &cs,
SourceLoc diagnosticLoc, Diag<StringRef> declDiag,
Diag<Type> typeDiag)
: FailureDiagnostic(destExpr, cs, cs.getConstraintLocator(destExpr)),
Loc(diagnosticLoc), DeclDiagnostic(declDiag), TypeDiagnostic(typeDiag) {
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
void fixItChangeInoutArgType(const Expr *arg, Type actualType,
Type neededType) const;
/// Given an expression that has a non-lvalue type, dig into it until
/// we find the part of the expression that prevents the entire subexpression
/// from being mutable. For example, in a sequence like "x.v.v = 42" we want
/// to complain about "x" being a let property if "v.v" are both mutable.
/// \returns The base subexpression that looks immutable (or that can't be
/// analyzed any further) along with a decl extracted from it if we could.
std::pair<Expr *, ValueDecl *> resolveImmutableBase(Expr *expr) const;
static Diag<StringRef> findDeclDiagonstic(ASTContext &ctx, Expr *destExpr);
static bool isLoadedLValue(Expr *expr) {
expr = expr->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
if (isa<LoadExpr>(expr))
return true;
if (auto ifExpr = dyn_cast<IfExpr>(expr))
return isLoadedLValue(ifExpr->getThenExpr()) &&
return false;
/// Retrive an member reference associated with given member
/// looking through dynamic member lookup on the way.
ValueDecl *getMemberRef(ConstraintLocator *locator) const;
/// Intended to diagnose any possible contextual failure
/// e.g. argument/parameter, closure result, conversions etc.
class ContextualFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
Type FromType, ToType;
ContextualFailure(Expr *root, ConstraintSystem &cs, Type lhs, Type rhs,
ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(root, cs, locator), FromType(resolve(lhs)),
ToType(resolve(rhs)) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
// If we're trying to convert something of type "() -> T" to T,
// then we probably meant to call the value.
bool diagnoseMissingFunctionCall() const;
/// Try to add a fix-it when converting between a collection and its slice
/// type, such as String <-> Substring or (eventually) Array <-> ArraySlice
static bool trySequenceSubsequenceFixIts(InFlightDiagnostic &diag,
ConstraintSystem &CS, Type fromType,
Type toType, Expr *expr);
Type resolve(Type rawType) {
auto type = resolveType(rawType)->getWithoutSpecifierType();
if (auto *BGT = type->getAs<BoundGenericType>()) {
if (BGT->hasUnresolvedType())
return BGT->getDecl()->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
return type;
/// Try to add a fix-it to convert a stored property into a computed
/// property
void tryComputedPropertyFixIts(Expr *expr) const;
/// Diagnose situations when @autoclosure argument is passed to @autoclosure
/// parameter directly without calling it first.
class AutoClosureForwardingFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
AutoClosureForwardingFailure(ConstraintSystem &cs, ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(nullptr, cs, locator) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
/// Diagnose situations when there was an attempt to unwrap entity
/// of non-optional type e.g.
/// ```swift
/// let i: Int = 0
/// _ = i!
/// struct A { func foo() {} }
/// func foo(_ a: A) {
/// a?.foo()
/// }
/// ```
class NonOptionalUnwrapFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
Type BaseType;
NonOptionalUnwrapFailure(Expr *root, ConstraintSystem &cs, Type baseType,
ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(root, cs, locator), BaseType(baseType) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
class MissingCallFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
MissingCallFailure(Expr *root, ConstraintSystem &cs,
ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(root, cs, locator) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
class SubscriptMisuseFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
SubscriptMisuseFailure(Expr *root, ConstraintSystem &cs,
ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(root, cs, locator) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
bool diagnoseAsNote() override;
/// Diagnose situations when member referenced by name is missing
/// from the associated base type, e.g.
/// ```swift
/// struct S {}
/// func foo(_ s: S) {
/// let _: Int =, 2) // expected type is `(Int, Int) -> Int`
/// }
/// ```
class MissingMemberFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
Type BaseType;
DeclName Name;
MissingMemberFailure(Expr *root, ConstraintSystem &cs, Type baseType,
DeclName memberName, ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(root, cs, locator), BaseType(baseType),
Name(memberName) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
static DeclName findCorrectEnumCaseName(Type Ty,
TypoCorrectionResults &corrections,
DeclName memberName);
/// Diagnose situations when we use an instance member on a type
/// or a type member on an instance
/// ```swift
/// class Bar {}
/// enum Foo {
/// static func f() {
/// g(Bar())
/// }
/// func g(_: Bar) {}
/// }
/// ```
class AllowTypeOrInstanceMemberFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
Type BaseType;
DeclName Name;
AllowTypeOrInstanceMemberFailure(Expr *root, ConstraintSystem &cs, Type baseType,
DeclName memberName, ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(root, cs, locator), BaseType(baseType),
Name(memberName) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
class PartialApplicationFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
enum RefKind : unsigned {
bool CompatibilityWarning;
PartialApplicationFailure(Expr *root, bool warning, ConstraintSystem &cs,
ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(root, cs, locator), CompatibilityWarning(warning) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
class InvalidInitRefFailure : public FailureDiagnostic {
Type BaseType;
const ConstructorDecl *Init;
SourceRange BaseRange;
InvalidInitRefFailure(Expr *root, ConstraintSystem &cs, Type baseTy,
const ConstructorDecl *init, SourceRange baseRange,
ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(root, cs, locator), BaseType(baseTy), Init(init),
BaseRange(baseRange) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override = 0;
/// Diagnose an attempt to construct an object of class type with a metatype
/// value without using 'required' initializer:
/// ```swift
/// class C {
/// init(value: Int) {}
/// }
/// func make<T: C>(type: T.Type) -> T {
/// return T.init(value: 42)
/// }
/// ```
class InvalidDynamicInitOnMetatypeFailure final : public InvalidInitRefFailure {
InvalidDynamicInitOnMetatypeFailure(Expr *root, ConstraintSystem &cs,
Type baseTy, const ConstructorDecl *init,
SourceRange baseRange,
ConstraintLocator *locator)
: InvalidInitRefFailure(root, cs, baseTy, init, baseRange, locator) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
/// Diagnose an attempt to call initializer on protocol metatype:
/// ```swift
/// protocol P {
/// init(value: Int)
/// }
/// func make(type: P.Type) -> P {
/// return type.init(value: 42)
/// }
/// ```
class InitOnProtocolMetatypeFailure final : public InvalidInitRefFailure {
bool IsStaticallyDerived;
InitOnProtocolMetatypeFailure(Expr *root, ConstraintSystem &cs, Type baseTy,
const ConstructorDecl *init,
bool isStaticallyDerived, SourceRange baseRange,
ConstraintLocator *locator)
: InvalidInitRefFailure(root, cs, baseTy, init, baseRange, locator),
IsStaticallyDerived(isStaticallyDerived) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
/// Diagnose an attempt to construct an instance using non-constant
/// metatype base without explictly specifying `init`:
/// ```swift
/// let foo = Int.self
/// foo(0) // should be `foo.init(0)`
/// ```
class ImplicitInitOnNonConstMetatypeFailure final
: public InvalidInitRefFailure {
ImplicitInitOnNonConstMetatypeFailure(Expr *root, ConstraintSystem &cs,
Type baseTy,
const ConstructorDecl *init,
ConstraintLocator *locator)
: InvalidInitRefFailure(root, cs, baseTy, init, SourceRange(), locator) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
class MissingArgumentsFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
using Param = AnyFunctionType::Param;
FunctionType *Fn;
unsigned NumSynthesized;
MissingArgumentsFailure(Expr *root, ConstraintSystem &cs,
FunctionType *funcType,
unsigned numSynthesized,
ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(root, cs, locator), Fn(funcType),
NumSynthesized(numSynthesized) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
/// If missing arguments come from trailing closure,
/// let's produce tailored diagnostics.
bool diagnoseTrailingClosure(ClosureExpr *closure);
class OutOfOrderArgumentFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
using ParamBinding = SmallVector<unsigned, 1>;
unsigned ArgIdx;
unsigned PrevArgIdx;
SmallVector<ParamBinding, 4> Bindings;
OutOfOrderArgumentFailure(Expr *root, ConstraintSystem &cs,
unsigned argIdx,
unsigned prevArgIdx,
ArrayRef<ParamBinding> bindings,
ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(root, cs, locator), ArgIdx(argIdx),
PrevArgIdx(prevArgIdx), Bindings(bindings.begin(), bindings.end()) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
/// Diagnose an attempt to destructure a single tuple closure parameter
/// into a multiple (possibly anonymous) arguments e.g.
/// ```swift
/// let _: ((Int, Int)) -> Void = { $0 + $1 }
/// ```
class ClosureParamDestructuringFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
FunctionType *ContextualType;
ClosureParamDestructuringFailure(Expr *root, ConstraintSystem &cs,
FunctionType *contextualType,
ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(root, cs, locator), ContextualType(contextualType) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
Type getParameterType() const {
const auto &param = ContextualType->getParams().front();
return resolveType(param.getPlainType());
/// Diagnose an attempt to reference inaccessible member e.g.
/// ```swift
/// struct S {
/// var foo: String
/// private init(_ v: String) {
/// = v
/// }
/// }
/// _ = S("ultimate question")
/// ```
class InaccessibleMemberFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
ValueDecl *Member;
InaccessibleMemberFailure(Expr *root, ConstraintSystem &cs, ValueDecl *member,
ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(root, cs, locator), Member(member) {}
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
/// Diagnose an attempt to reference subscript as a keypath component
/// where at least one of the index arguments doesn't conform to Hashable e.g.
/// ```swift
/// protocol P {}
/// struct S {
/// subscript<T: P>(x: Int, _ y: T) -> Bool { return true }
/// }
/// func foo<T: P>(_ x: Int, _ y: T) {
/// _ = \S.[x, y]
/// }
/// ```
class KeyPathSubscriptIndexHashableFailure final : public FailureDiagnostic {
Type NonConformingType;
KeyPathSubscriptIndexHashableFailure(Expr *root, ConstraintSystem &cs,
Type type, ConstraintLocator *locator)
: FailureDiagnostic(root, cs, locator), NonConformingType(type) {
assert(locator->isResultOfKeyPathDynamicMemberLookup() ||
bool diagnoseAsError() override;
} // end namespace constraints
} // end namespace swift