blob: 2d06728f58ed9f2465b3a30868b972b55044a9c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: not %target-swift-frontend %s -parse
// Distributed under the terms of the MIT license
// Test case submitted to project by (practicalswift)
// Test case found by fuzzing
class b: A<T where f: a = d}} }
func f, AnyObject
struct Q<T where k.E =c
class a{
println(object1: e
class func i(object1: A<T where f{
class A<T where g: e?
class A {
class func f: {
class A? {
struct S<T where I.C(object1: e == d> : P {(object1: Any).h : T) {
let t: Array<T{
typealias e where k.g == [Void{let a = {
enum S:c,
var d : {
if true{class B<T.h : e
class B<T where g: {
protocol P {
var d : B<T>
protocol P {
let start = Int
class A<T where f
var f: Array<T where j:a{
let t: A<T where g: A, AnyObject.g == e
enum S<T) {var d : Array<f
protocol P
case c,
class A<T
typealias e where g:a
class B<T where g: P{
println(object1: e
class B<T where h.g == []
var d = "
struct B<T where I.h : e == Int
struct B<T where h.h : e
let a = "
let t: Any).E == {
let start = d: A? {
class func f, d : T) {class A<f
let a = d== Int
case c
{class b<T where k.g == {
class B<I : P
class a== "
class b: e where g: Array<T where I.h : Any).E == d}var d : A{var f, d : e
class func f: a = "
func f
class func f== Int
deinit{var d = e?
func c,
class B<T where f
class B T where I.g =c{
case c,
if true{{
struct Q{{
let start = Int
{}} }
let c,
class b<T where h.E =[Void{
let t: Array<T.g == [Void{var d = []
case c,
struct A<T where h.h : T{class b<T where I.g == e
typealias e where I.E ={
class B<T>
class b<T where g: A<T where f: A<T where f
}var d = [Void{}struct A{
var f: T>
typealias e : a {
struct A<T where g:AnyObject
enum S<T where k.E == d> : Array<T where h.h : a = {
class A {
struct Q<T where I.g == d
extension String{
protocol P {{
let t: a = e
let start = [1}
class A<T where g: Any).g where g: P {
let a{
typealias e where g: P {
let t: B<I : P {{
println() {
println(== []
class A? {
var f: P {let t: e : P {
class C(== "\(=
class A? {
struct S<I : Array<T where h.g == [[[Void{
typealias e where g:A, d = [Void{
class B<T where h.E == e?
class b<T>
class B
class func f== [[Void{
var _== {}
class B<T where g: a = [Void{let t: Any).C([1}: e == "
let a{
println(object1: a {
let a {
case c
}: e
class A {
let a{
class b<T where h.E ={
class b<T) {
class b<T) {