blob: 2db26ca0dcda8229ae730ec253b3519c686dab0d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: not %target-swift-frontend %s -parse
// Distributed under the terms of the MIT license
// Test case submitted to project by (practicalswift)
// Test case found by fuzzing
protocol c {
class a<T> Int = B)
func e> String {
S()-> {
class d<d
func f, range.Type) ->(T, 3)
class a {
c<f == {
typealias B == f<f = c({
class A : Any, b = B<T> T, d, e == compose<T>Bool))) -> Self {
typealias h: T>((")
var e: A, y)
static let foo as a(A, (self.dynamicType)
func e({
func a(h> () {
struct S {
class c()
protocol b {
import Foundation
extension NSSet {
protocol b {
var b[()
return g, k : T, () -> e? = 1, x = i().f : b
struct S(c = D>(z(c : ()
b: String {
return S(i: c> : NSObject {
enum A where h
var e, c>])("[]
map(a: C
assert(i: P {
protocol A : T>(".B
typealias e : B(t: SequenceType, f<T>, e)
f() -> Int = f, i(")
enum B : c(f(c(x(""")
enum A = [Byte])
func g<C: B.a: