blob: dda8468900b51fe6722bae632f8644012153e506 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: not %target-swift-frontend %s -parse
// Distributed under the terms of the MIT license
// Test case submitted to project by (practicalswift)
// Test case found by fuzzing
struct B<T : A> {
func f<g>() -> (g, g -> g) -> g {
d j d.i = {
g) {
h }
protocol f {
class d: f{ class func i {}
struct d<f : e,e where g.h == f.h> {
protocol a {
typeal= D>(e: A.B) {
override func d() -> String {
func b((Any, c))(Any, AnyObject
func g<T where T.E == F>(f: B<T>) {
struct c<S: SequenceType, T where Optional<T> == S.Generator.Element>