blob: 0775a6aa03333755dd71bee173861d7ba71edeea [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: not %target-swift-frontend %s -parse
// Distributed under the terms of the MIT license
// Test case submitted to project by (practicalswift)
// Test case found by fuzzing
class f<p : k, p : k n p.d> : o {
class fclass func i()
(d() as e).j.i()
protocol i : d { func d
a=1 as a=1
func a<g>() -> (g, g -> g) -> g {
var b: ((g, g -> g) -> g)!
return b
func f<g : d {
return !(a)
enum g {
func g
var _ = g
func f<T : BooleanType>(b: T) {
f(true as BooleanType)
struct c<d: SequenceType, b where Optional<b> == d.Generator.Element>
var f = 1
var e: Int -> Int = {
return $0
let d: Int = { c, b in
}(f, e)
classwhere A.B == D>(e: A.B) {
func a() as a).dynamicType.c()
func prefix(with: String) -> <T>(() -> T) -> String {
return { g in "\(with): \(g())" }
struct d<f : e, g: e where g.h == f.h> {
protocol e {
typealias h
protocol a : a {
funcol n {
j q
protocol k : k {
class k<f : l, q : l p f.q == q> {
protocol l {
j q
j o
struct n<r : l>
class c {
func b((Any, c))(a: (Any, AnyObject)) {