blob: e165d93d28a2b350027eac0bf0b88374145f8da4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- CSSimplify.cpp - Constraint Simplification -----------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements simplifications of constraints within the constraint
// system.
#include "ConstraintSystem.h"
#include "swift/Basic/StringExtras.h"
#include "swift/ClangImporter/ClangModule.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace constraints;
MatchCallArgumentListener::~MatchCallArgumentListener() { }
void MatchCallArgumentListener::extraArgument(unsigned argIdx) { }
void MatchCallArgumentListener::missingArgument(unsigned paramIdx) { }
void MatchCallArgumentListener::missingLabel(unsigned paramIdx) {}
void MatchCallArgumentListener::outOfOrderArgument(unsigned argIdx,
unsigned prevArgIdx) {
bool MatchCallArgumentListener::relabelArguments(ArrayRef<Identifier> newNames){
return true;
/// Produce a score (smaller is better) comparing a parameter name and
/// potentially-typo'd argument name.
/// \param paramName The name of the parameter.
/// \param argName The name of the argument.
/// \param maxScore The maximum score permitted by this comparison, or
/// 0 if there is no limit.
/// \returns the score, if it is good enough to even consider this a match.
/// Otherwise, an empty optional.
static Optional<unsigned> scoreParamAndArgNameTypo(StringRef paramName,
StringRef argName,
unsigned maxScore) {
using namespace camel_case;
// Compute the edit distance.
unsigned dist = argName.edit_distance(paramName, /*AllowReplacements=*/true,
// If the edit distance would be too long, we're done.
if (maxScore != 0 && dist > maxScore)
return None;
// The distance can be zero due to the "with" transformation above.
if (dist == 0)
return 1;
// Only allow about one typo for every two properly-typed characters, which
// prevents completely-wacky suggestions in many cases.
if (dist > (argName.size() + 1) / 3)
return None;
return dist;
bool constraints::
areConservativelyCompatibleArgumentLabels(ValueDecl *decl,
unsigned parameterDepth,
ArrayRef<Identifier> labels,
bool hasTrailingClosure) {
// Bail out conservatively if this isn't a function declaration.
auto fn = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(decl);
if (!fn) return true;
assert(parameterDepth < fn->getNumParameterLists());
ParameterList &params = *fn->getParameterList(parameterDepth);
SmallVector<CallArgParam, 8> argInfos;
for (auto argLabel : labels) {
argInfos.back().Label = argLabel;
SmallVector<CallArgParam, 8> paramInfos;
for (auto param : params) {
paramInfos.back().Label = param->getArgumentName();
paramInfos.back().HasDefaultArgument = param->isDefaultArgument();
paramInfos.back().parameterFlags = ParameterTypeFlags::fromParameterType(
param->getType(), param->isVariadic());
MatchCallArgumentListener listener;
SmallVector<ParamBinding, 8> unusedParamBindings;
return !matchCallArguments(argInfos, paramInfos, hasTrailingClosure,
/*allow fixes*/ false,
listener, unusedParamBindings);
/// Determine the default type-matching options to use when decomposing a
/// constraint into smaller constraints.
static ConstraintSystem::TypeMatchOptions getDefaultDecompositionOptions(
ConstraintSystem::TypeMatchOptions flags) {
return flags | ConstraintSystem::TMF_GenerateConstraints;
bool constraints::
matchCallArguments(ArrayRef<CallArgParam> args,
ArrayRef<CallArgParam> params,
bool hasTrailingClosure,
bool allowFixes,
MatchCallArgumentListener &listener,
SmallVectorImpl<ParamBinding> &parameterBindings) {
// Keep track of the parameter we're matching and what argument indices
// got bound to each parameter.
unsigned paramIdx, numParams = params.size();
// Keep track of which arguments we have claimed from the argument tuple.
unsigned nextArgIdx = 0, numArgs = args.size();
SmallVector<bool, 4> claimedArgs(numArgs, false);
SmallVector<Identifier, 4> actualArgNames;
unsigned numClaimedArgs = 0;
// Indicates whether any of the arguments are potentially out-of-order,
// requiring further checking at the end.
bool potentiallyOutOfOrder = false;
// Local function that claims the argument at \c argNumber, returning the
// index of the claimed argument. This is primarily a helper for
// \c claimNextNamed.
auto claim = [&](Identifier expectedName, unsigned argNumber,
bool ignoreNameClash = false) -> unsigned {
// Make sure we can claim this argument.
assert(argNumber != numArgs && "Must have a valid index to claim");
assert(!claimedArgs[argNumber] && "Argument already claimed");
if (!actualArgNames.empty()) {
// We're recording argument names; record this one.
actualArgNames[argNumber] = expectedName;
} else if (args[argNumber].Label != expectedName && !ignoreNameClash) {
// We have an argument name mismatch. Start recording argument names.
// Figure out previous argument names from the parameter bindings.
for (unsigned i = 0; i != numParams; ++i) {
const auto &param = params[i];
bool firstArg = true;
for (auto argIdx : parameterBindings[i]) {
actualArgNames[argIdx] = firstArg ? param.Label : Identifier();
firstArg = false;
// Record this argument name.
actualArgNames[argNumber] = expectedName;
claimedArgs[argNumber] = true;
return argNumber;
// Local function that skips over any claimed arguments.
auto skipClaimedArgs = [&]() {
while (nextArgIdx != numArgs && claimedArgs[nextArgIdx])
// Local function that retrieves the next unclaimed argument with the given
// name (which may be empty). This routine claims the argument.
auto claimNextNamed
= [&](Identifier name, bool ignoreNameMismatch) -> Optional<unsigned> {
// Skip over any claimed arguments.
// If we've claimed all of the arguments, there's nothing more to do.
if (numClaimedArgs == numArgs)
return None;
// When the expected name is empty, we claim the next argument if it has
// no name.
if (name.empty()) {
// Nothing to claim.
if (nextArgIdx == numArgs ||
claimedArgs[nextArgIdx] ||
(args[nextArgIdx].hasLabel() && !ignoreNameMismatch))
return None;
return claim(name, nextArgIdx);
// If the name matches, claim this argument.
if (nextArgIdx != numArgs &&
(ignoreNameMismatch || args[nextArgIdx].Label == name)) {
return claim(name, nextArgIdx);
// The name didn't match. Go hunting for an unclaimed argument whose name
// does match.
Optional<unsigned> claimedWithSameName;
for (unsigned i = nextArgIdx; i != numArgs; ++i) {
// Skip arguments where the name doesn't match.
if (args[i].Label != name)
// Skip claimed arguments.
if (claimedArgs[i]) {
// Note that we have already claimed an argument with the same name.
if (!claimedWithSameName)
claimedWithSameName = i;
// We found a match. If the match wasn't the next one, we have
// potentially out of order arguments.
if (i != nextArgIdx)
potentiallyOutOfOrder = true;
// Claim it.
return claim(name, i);
// If we're not supposed to attempt any fixes, we're done.
if (!allowFixes)
return None;
// Several things could have gone wrong here, and we'll check for each
// of them at some point:
// - The keyword argument might be redundant, in which case we can point
// out the issue.
// - The argument might be unnamed, in which case we try to fix the
// problem by adding the name.
// - The keyword argument might be a typo for an actual argument name, in
// which case we should find the closest match to correct to.
// Redundant keyword arguments.
if (claimedWithSameName) {
// FIXME: We can provide better diagnostics here.
return None;
// Missing a keyword argument name.
if (nextArgIdx != numArgs && !args[nextArgIdx].hasLabel() &&
ignoreNameMismatch) {
// Claim the next argument.
return claim(name, nextArgIdx);
// Typo correction is handled in a later pass.
return None;
// Local function that attempts to bind the given parameter to arguments in
// the list.
bool haveUnfulfilledParams = false;
auto bindNextParameter = [&](bool ignoreNameMismatch) {
const auto &param = params[paramIdx];
// Handle variadic parameters.
if (param.isVariadic()) {
// Claim the next argument with the name of this parameter.
auto claimed = claimNextNamed(param.Label, ignoreNameMismatch);
// If there was no such argument, leave the argument unf
if (!claimed) {
haveUnfulfilledParams = true;
// Record the first argument for the variadic.
// Claim any additional unnamed arguments.
while ((claimed = claimNextNamed(Identifier(), false))) {
// Try to claim an argument for this parameter.
if (auto claimed = claimNextNamed(param.Label, ignoreNameMismatch)) {
// There was no argument to claim. Leave the argument unfulfilled.
haveUnfulfilledParams = true;
// If we have a trailing closure, it maps to the last parameter.
if (hasTrailingClosure && numParams > 0) {
claimedArgs[numArgs-1] = true;
// Mark through the parameters, binding them to their arguments.
for (paramIdx = 0; paramIdx != numParams; ++paramIdx) {
if (parameterBindings[paramIdx].empty())
// If we have any unclaimed arguments, complain about those.
if (numClaimedArgs != numArgs) {
// Find all of the named, unclaimed arguments.
llvm::SmallVector<unsigned, 4> unclaimedNamedArgs;
for (nextArgIdx = 0; skipClaimedArgs(), nextArgIdx != numArgs;
++nextArgIdx) {
if (args[nextArgIdx].hasLabel())
if (!unclaimedNamedArgs.empty()) {
// Find all of the named, unfulfilled parameters.
llvm::SmallVector<unsigned, 4> unfulfilledNamedParams;
bool hasUnfulfilledUnnamedParams = false;
for (paramIdx = 0; paramIdx != numParams; ++paramIdx) {
if (parameterBindings[paramIdx].empty()) {
if (params[paramIdx].hasLabel())
hasUnfulfilledUnnamedParams = true;
if (!unfulfilledNamedParams.empty()) {
// Use typo correction to find the best matches.
// FIXME: There is undoubtedly a good dynamic-programming algorithm
// to find the best assignment here.
for (auto argIdx : unclaimedNamedArgs) {
auto argName = args[argIdx].Label;
// Find the closest matching unfulfilled named parameter.
unsigned bestScore = 0;
unsigned best = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0, n = unfulfilledNamedParams.size(); i != n; ++i) {
unsigned param = unfulfilledNamedParams[i];
auto paramName = params[param].Label;
if (auto score = scoreParamAndArgNameTypo(paramName.str(),
bestScore)) {
if (*score < bestScore || bestScore == 0) {
bestScore = *score;
best = i;
// If we found a parameter to fulfill, do it.
if (bestScore > 0) {
// Bind this parameter to the argument.
nextArgIdx = argIdx;
paramIdx = unfulfilledNamedParams[best];
// Erase this parameter from the list of unfulfilled named
// parameters, so we don't try to fulfill it again.
unfulfilledNamedParams.erase(unfulfilledNamedParams.begin() + best);
if (unfulfilledNamedParams.empty())
// Update haveUnfulfilledParams, because we may have fulfilled some
// parameters above.
haveUnfulfilledParams = hasUnfulfilledUnnamedParams ||
// Find all of the unfulfilled parameters, and match them up
// semi-positionally.
if (numClaimedArgs != numArgs) {
// Restart at the first argument/parameter.
nextArgIdx = 0;
haveUnfulfilledParams = false;
for (paramIdx = 0; paramIdx != numParams; ++paramIdx) {
// Skip fulfilled parameters.
if (!parameterBindings[paramIdx].empty())
// If we still haven't claimed all of the arguments, fail.
if (numClaimedArgs != numArgs) {
nextArgIdx = 0;
return true;
// FIXME: If we had the actual parameters and knew the body names, those
// matches would be best.
potentiallyOutOfOrder = true;
// If we have any unfulfilled parameters, check them now.
if (haveUnfulfilledParams) {
for (paramIdx = 0; paramIdx != numParams; ++paramIdx) {
// If we have a binding for this parameter, we're done.
if (!parameterBindings[paramIdx].empty())
const auto &param = params[paramIdx];
// Variadic parameters can be unfulfilled.
if (param.isVariadic())
// Parameters with defaults can be unfulfilled.
if (param.HasDefaultArgument)
return true;
// If any arguments were provided out-of-order, check whether we have
// violated any of the reordering rules.
if (potentiallyOutOfOrder) {
// Build a mapping from arguments to parameters.
SmallVector<unsigned, 4> argumentBindings(numArgs);
for (paramIdx = 0; paramIdx != numParams; ++paramIdx) {
for (auto argIdx : parameterBindings[paramIdx])
argumentBindings[argIdx] = paramIdx;
// Walk through the arguments, determining if any were bound to parameters
// out-of-order where it is not permitted.
unsigned prevParamIdx = argumentBindings[0];
for (unsigned argIdx = 1; argIdx != numArgs; ++argIdx) {
unsigned paramIdx = argumentBindings[argIdx];
// If this argument binds to the same parameter as the previous one or to
// a later parameter, just update the parameter index.
if (paramIdx >= prevParamIdx) {
prevParamIdx = paramIdx;
unsigned prevArgIdx = parameterBindings[prevParamIdx].front();
// First let's double check if out-of-order argument is nothing
// more than a simple label mismatch, because in situation where
// one argument requires label and another one doesn't, but caller
// doesn't provide either, problem is going to be identified as
// out-of-order argument instead of label mismatch.
auto &parameter = params[prevArgIdx];
if (parameter.hasLabel()) {
auto expectedLabel = parameter.Label;
auto argumentLabel = args[argIdx].Label;
// If there is a label but it's incorrect it can only mean
// situation like this: expected (x, _ y) got (y, _ x).
if (argumentLabel.empty() ||
( != 0 &&
args[prevArgIdx].Label.empty())) {
return true;
listener.outOfOrderArgument(argIdx, prevArgIdx);
return true;
// If no arguments were renamed, the call arguments match up with the
// parameters.
if (actualArgNames.empty())
return false;
// The arguments were relabeled; notify the listener.
return listener.relabelArguments(actualArgNames);
/// Find the callee declaration and uncurry level for a given call
/// locator.
static std::tuple<ValueDecl *, unsigned, ArrayRef<Identifier>, bool>
getCalleeDeclAndArgs(ConstraintSystem &cs,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder callLocator,
SmallVectorImpl<Identifier> &argLabelsScratch) {
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels;
bool hasTrailingClosure = false;
// Break down the call.
SmallVector<LocatorPathElt, 2> path;
auto callExpr = callLocator.getLocatorParts(path);
if (!callExpr)
return std::make_tuple(nullptr, 0, argLabels, hasTrailingClosure);
// Our remaining path can only be 'ApplyArgument' or 'SubscriptIndex'.
if (!path.empty() &&
!(path.size() == 1 &&
(path.back().getKind() == ConstraintLocator::ApplyArgument ||
path.back().getKind() == ConstraintLocator::SubscriptIndex)))
return std::make_tuple(nullptr, 0, argLabels, hasTrailingClosure);
// Dig out the callee.
Expr *calleeExpr;
if (auto call = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(callExpr)) {
calleeExpr = call->getDirectCallee();
argLabels = call->getArgumentLabels();
hasTrailingClosure = call->hasTrailingClosure();
} else if (auto unresolved = dyn_cast<UnresolvedMemberExpr>(callExpr)) {
calleeExpr = callExpr;
argLabels = unresolved->getArgumentLabels();
hasTrailingClosure = unresolved->hasTrailingClosure();
} else if (auto subscript = dyn_cast<SubscriptExpr>(callExpr)) {
calleeExpr = callExpr;
argLabels = subscript->getArgumentLabels();
hasTrailingClosure = subscript->hasTrailingClosure();
} else if (auto dynSubscript = dyn_cast<DynamicSubscriptExpr>(callExpr)) {
calleeExpr = callExpr;
argLabels = dynSubscript->getArgumentLabels();
hasTrailingClosure = dynSubscript->hasTrailingClosure();
} else {
if (auto apply = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(callExpr)) {
argLabels = apply->getArgumentLabels(argLabelsScratch);
} else if (auto objectLiteral = dyn_cast<ObjectLiteralExpr>(callExpr)) {
argLabels = objectLiteral->getArgumentLabels();
hasTrailingClosure = objectLiteral->hasTrailingClosure();
return std::make_tuple(nullptr, 0, argLabels, hasTrailingClosure);
// Determine the target locator.
// FIXME: Check whether the callee is of an expression kind that
// could describe a declaration. This is an optimization.
ConstraintLocator *targetLocator = cs.getConstraintLocator(calleeExpr);
// Find the overload choice corresponding to the callee locator.
// FIXME: This linearly walks the list of resolved overloads, which is
// potentially very expensive.
Optional<OverloadChoice> choice;
for (auto resolved = cs.getResolvedOverloadSets(); resolved;
resolved = resolved->Previous) {
// FIXME: Workaround null locators.
if (!resolved->Locator) continue;
auto resolvedLocator = resolved->Locator;
SmallVector<LocatorPathElt, 4> resolvedPath(
if (!resolvedPath.empty() &&
(resolvedPath.back().getKind() == ConstraintLocator::SubscriptMember ||
resolvedPath.back().getKind() == ConstraintLocator::Member ||
resolvedPath.back().getKind() == ConstraintLocator::UnresolvedMember ||
resolvedPath.back().getKind() ==
ConstraintLocator::ConstructorMember)) {
resolvedLocator = cs.getConstraintLocator(
SourceRange range;
resolvedLocator = simplifyLocator(cs, resolvedLocator, range);
if (resolvedLocator == targetLocator) {
choice = resolved->Choice;
// If we didn't find any matching overloads, we're done.
if (!choice)
return std::make_tuple(nullptr, 0, argLabels, hasTrailingClosure);
// If there's a declaration, return it.
if (choice->isDecl()) {
auto decl = choice->getDecl();
unsigned level = 0;
if (decl->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext()) {
if (auto function = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(decl)) {
// References to instance members on a metatype stay at level 0.
// Everything else is level 1.
if (!(function->isInstanceMember() &&
level = 1;
} else if (isa<SubscriptDecl>(decl)) {
// Subscript level 1 == the indices.
level = 1;
return std::make_tuple(decl, level, argLabels, hasTrailingClosure);
return std::make_tuple(nullptr, 0, argLabels, hasTrailingClosure);
// Match the argument of a call to the parameter.
static ConstraintSystem::SolutionKind
matchCallArguments(ConstraintSystem &cs, ConstraintKind kind,
Type argType, Type paramType,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
// Extract the parameters.
ValueDecl *callee;
unsigned calleeLevel;
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels;
SmallVector<Identifier, 2> argLabelsScratch;
bool hasTrailingClosure = false;
std::tie(callee, calleeLevel, argLabels, hasTrailingClosure) =
getCalleeDeclAndArgs(cs, locator, argLabelsScratch);
auto params = decomposeParamType(paramType, callee, calleeLevel);
// Extract the arguments.
auto args = decomposeArgType(argType, argLabels);
// Match up the call arguments to the parameters.
MatchCallArgumentListener listener;
SmallVector<ParamBinding, 4> parameterBindings;
if (constraints::matchCallArguments(args, params, hasTrailingClosure,
cs.shouldAttemptFixes(), listener,
return ConstraintSystem::SolutionKind::Error;
// In the empty existential parameter case,
// it's sufficient to simply match call arguments.
if (paramType->isAny()) {
// Argument of the existential type can't be inout.
if (argType->is<InOutType>())
return ConstraintSystem::SolutionKind::Error;
return ConstraintSystem::SolutionKind::Solved;
// Check the argument types for each of the parameters.
ConstraintSystem::TypeMatchOptions subflags =
ConstraintKind subKind;
switch (kind) {
case ConstraintKind::ArgumentTupleConversion:
subKind = ConstraintKind::ArgumentConversion;
case ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentTupleConversion:
subKind = ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentConversion;
case ConstraintKind::Conversion:
case ConstraintKind::ExplicitConversion:
case ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentConversion:
case ConstraintKind::ArgumentConversion:
case ConstraintKind::Bind:
case ConstraintKind::BindParam:
case ConstraintKind::BindToPointerType:
case ConstraintKind::Equal:
case ConstraintKind::Subtype:
case ConstraintKind::ApplicableFunction:
case ConstraintKind::BindOverload:
case ConstraintKind::CheckedCast:
case ConstraintKind::ConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::Defaultable:
case ConstraintKind::Disjunction:
case ConstraintKind::DynamicTypeOf:
case ConstraintKind::LiteralConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::OptionalObject:
case ConstraintKind::SelfObjectOfProtocol:
case ConstraintKind::UnresolvedValueMember:
case ConstraintKind::ValueMember:
llvm_unreachable("Not a call argument constraint");
auto haveOneNonUserConversion =
(subKind != ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentConversion);
for (unsigned paramIdx = 0, numParams = parameterBindings.size();
paramIdx != numParams; ++paramIdx){
// Skip unfulfilled parameters. There's nothing to do for them.
if (parameterBindings[paramIdx].empty())
// Determine the parameter type.
const auto &param = params[paramIdx];
auto paramTy = param.Ty;
// Compare each of the bound arguments for this parameter.
for (auto argIdx : parameterBindings[paramIdx]) {
auto loc = locator.withPathElement(LocatorPathElt::
auto argTy = args[argIdx].Ty;
if (!haveOneNonUserConversion) {
subflags |= ConstraintSystem::TMF_ApplyingOperatorParameter;
switch (cs.matchTypes(argTy,paramTy,
subKind, subflags,
loc)) {
case ConstraintSystem::SolutionKind::Error:
return ConstraintSystem::SolutionKind::Error;
case ConstraintSystem::SolutionKind::Solved:
case ConstraintSystem::SolutionKind::Unsolved:
return ConstraintSystem::SolutionKind::Solved;
ConstraintSystem::matchTupleTypes(TupleType *tuple1, TupleType *tuple2,
ConstraintKind kind, TypeMatchOptions flags,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
TypeMatchOptions subflags = getDefaultDecompositionOptions(flags);
// Equality and subtyping have fairly strict requirements on tuple matching,
// requiring element names to either match up or be disjoint.
if (kind < ConstraintKind::Conversion) {
if (tuple1->getNumElements() != tuple2->getNumElements())
return SolutionKind::Error;
for (unsigned i = 0, n = tuple1->getNumElements(); i != n; ++i) {
const auto &elt1 = tuple1->getElement(i);
const auto &elt2 = tuple2->getElement(i);
// If the names don't match, we may have a conflict.
if (elt1.getName() != elt2.getName()) {
// Same-type requirements require exact name matches.
if (kind <= ConstraintKind::Equal)
return SolutionKind::Error;
// For subtyping constraints, just make sure that this name isn't
// used at some other position.
if (elt2.hasName() && tuple1->getNamedElementId(elt2.getName()) != -1)
return SolutionKind::Error;
// Variadic bit must match.
if (elt1.isVararg() != elt2.isVararg())
return SolutionKind::Error;
// Compare the element types.
switch (matchTypes(elt1.getType(), elt2.getType(), kind, subflags,
LocatorPathElt::getTupleElement(i)))) {
case SolutionKind::Error:
return SolutionKind::Error;
case SolutionKind::Solved:
case SolutionKind::Unsolved:
return SolutionKind::Solved;
assert(kind >= ConstraintKind::Conversion);
ConstraintKind subKind;
switch (kind) {
case ConstraintKind::ArgumentTupleConversion:
subKind = ConstraintKind::ArgumentConversion;
case ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentTupleConversion:
subKind = ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentConversion;
case ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentConversion:
case ConstraintKind::ArgumentConversion:
case ConstraintKind::ExplicitConversion:
case ConstraintKind::Conversion:
subKind = ConstraintKind::Conversion;
case ConstraintKind::Bind:
case ConstraintKind::BindParam:
case ConstraintKind::BindToPointerType:
case ConstraintKind::Equal:
case ConstraintKind::Subtype:
case ConstraintKind::ApplicableFunction:
case ConstraintKind::BindOverload:
case ConstraintKind::CheckedCast:
case ConstraintKind::ConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::Defaultable:
case ConstraintKind::Disjunction:
case ConstraintKind::DynamicTypeOf:
case ConstraintKind::LiteralConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::OptionalObject:
case ConstraintKind::SelfObjectOfProtocol:
case ConstraintKind::UnresolvedValueMember:
case ConstraintKind::ValueMember:
llvm_unreachable("Not a conversion");
// Compute the element shuffles for conversions.
SmallVector<int, 16> sources;
SmallVector<unsigned, 4> variadicArguments;
if (computeTupleShuffle(tuple1, tuple2, sources, variadicArguments))
return SolutionKind::Error;
// Check each of the elements.
bool hasVariadic = false;
unsigned variadicIdx = sources.size();
for (unsigned idx2 = 0, n = sources.size(); idx2 != n; ++idx2) {
// Default-initialization always allowed for conversions.
if (sources[idx2] == TupleShuffleExpr::DefaultInitialize) {
// Variadic arguments handled below.
if (sources[idx2] == TupleShuffleExpr::Variadic) {
assert(!hasVariadic && "Multiple variadic parameters");
hasVariadic = true;
variadicIdx = idx2;
assert(sources[idx2] >= 0);
unsigned idx1 = sources[idx2];
// Match up the types.
const auto &elt1 = tuple1->getElement(idx1);
const auto &elt2 = tuple2->getElement(idx2);
switch (matchTypes(elt1.getType(), elt2.getType(), subKind, subflags,
LocatorPathElt::getTupleElement(idx1)))) {
case SolutionKind::Error:
return SolutionKind::Error;
case SolutionKind::Solved:
case SolutionKind::Unsolved:
// If we have variadic arguments to check, do so now.
if (hasVariadic) {
const auto &elt2 = tuple2->getElements()[variadicIdx];
auto eltType2 = elt2.getVarargBaseTy();
for (unsigned idx1 : variadicArguments) {
switch (matchTypes(tuple1->getElementType(idx1), eltType2, subKind,
LocatorPathElt::getTupleElement(idx1)))) {
case SolutionKind::Error:
return SolutionKind::Error;
case SolutionKind::Solved:
case SolutionKind::Unsolved:
return SolutionKind::Solved;
ConstraintSystem::matchScalarToTupleTypes(Type type1, TupleType *tuple2,
ConstraintKind kind, TypeMatchOptions flags,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
int scalarFieldIdx = tuple2->getElementForScalarInit();
assert(scalarFieldIdx >= 0 && "Invalid tuple for scalar-to-tuple");
const auto &elt = tuple2->getElement(scalarFieldIdx);
auto scalarFieldTy = elt.isVararg()? elt.getVarargBaseTy() : elt.getType();
TypeMatchOptions subflags = getDefaultDecompositionOptions(flags);
return matchTypes(type1, scalarFieldTy, kind, subflags,
ConstraintSystem::matchTupleToScalarTypes(TupleType *tuple1, Type type2,
ConstraintKind kind, TypeMatchOptions flags,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
assert(tuple1->getNumElements() == 1 && "Wrong number of elements");
assert(!tuple1->getElement(0).isVararg() && "Should not be variadic");
TypeMatchOptions subflags = getDefaultDecompositionOptions(flags);
return matchTypes(tuple1->getElementType(0),
type2, kind, subflags,
// Returns 'false' (i.e. no error) if it is legal to match functions with the
// corresponding function type representations and the given match kind.
static bool matchFunctionRepresentations(FunctionTypeRepresentation rep1,
FunctionTypeRepresentation rep2,
ConstraintKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case ConstraintKind::Bind:
case ConstraintKind::BindParam:
case ConstraintKind::BindToPointerType:
case ConstraintKind::Equal:
return rep1 != rep2;
case ConstraintKind::Subtype:
case ConstraintKind::Conversion:
case ConstraintKind::ExplicitConversion:
case ConstraintKind::ArgumentConversion:
case ConstraintKind::ArgumentTupleConversion:
case ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentTupleConversion:
case ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentConversion:
case ConstraintKind::ApplicableFunction:
case ConstraintKind::BindOverload:
case ConstraintKind::CheckedCast:
case ConstraintKind::ConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::Defaultable:
case ConstraintKind::Disjunction:
case ConstraintKind::DynamicTypeOf:
case ConstraintKind::LiteralConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::OptionalObject:
case ConstraintKind::SelfObjectOfProtocol:
case ConstraintKind::UnresolvedValueMember:
case ConstraintKind::ValueMember:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled ConstraintKind in switch.");
ConstraintSystem::matchFunctionTypes(FunctionType *func1, FunctionType *func2,
ConstraintKind kind, TypeMatchOptions flags,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
// An @autoclosure function type can be a subtype of a
// non-@autoclosure function type.
if (func1->isAutoClosure() != func2->isAutoClosure() &&
kind < ConstraintKind::Subtype)
return SolutionKind::Error;
// A non-throwing function can be a subtype of a throwing function.
if (func1->throws() != func2->throws()) {
// Cannot drop 'throws'.
if (func1->throws() || (func2->throws() && kind < ConstraintKind::Subtype))
return SolutionKind::Error;
// A non-@noescape function type can be a subtype of a @noescape function
// type.
if (func1->isNoEscape() != func2->isNoEscape() &&
(func1->isNoEscape() || kind < ConstraintKind::Subtype))
return SolutionKind::Error;
if (matchFunctionRepresentations(func1->getExtInfo().getRepresentation(),
kind)) {
return SolutionKind::Error;
// Determine how we match up the input/result types.
ConstraintKind subKind;
switch (kind) {
case ConstraintKind::Bind:
case ConstraintKind::BindParam:
case ConstraintKind::BindToPointerType:
case ConstraintKind::Equal:
subKind = kind;
case ConstraintKind::Subtype:
case ConstraintKind::Conversion:
case ConstraintKind::ExplicitConversion:
case ConstraintKind::ArgumentConversion:
case ConstraintKind::ArgumentTupleConversion:
case ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentTupleConversion:
case ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentConversion:
subKind = ConstraintKind::Subtype;
case ConstraintKind::ApplicableFunction:
case ConstraintKind::BindOverload:
case ConstraintKind::CheckedCast:
case ConstraintKind::ConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::Defaultable:
case ConstraintKind::Disjunction:
case ConstraintKind::DynamicTypeOf:
case ConstraintKind::LiteralConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::OptionalObject:
case ConstraintKind::SelfObjectOfProtocol:
case ConstraintKind::UnresolvedValueMember:
case ConstraintKind::ValueMember:
llvm_unreachable("Not a relational constraint");
TypeMatchOptions subflags = getDefaultDecompositionOptions(flags);
// Input types can be contravariant (or equal).
SolutionKind result = matchTypes(func2->getInput(), func1->getInput(),
subKind, subflags,
if (result == SolutionKind::Error)
return SolutionKind::Error;
// Result type can be covariant (or equal).
return matchTypes(func1->getResult(), func2->getResult(), subKind,
ConstraintSystem::matchSuperclassTypes(Type type1, Type type2,
ConstraintKind kind,
TypeMatchOptions flags,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
TypeMatchOptions subflags = getDefaultDecompositionOptions(flags);
auto classDecl2 = type2->getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
bool done = false;
for (auto super1 = TC.getSuperClassOf(type1);
!done && super1;
super1 = TC.getSuperClassOf(super1)) {
if (super1->getClassOrBoundGenericClass() != classDecl2)
return matchTypes(super1, type2, ConstraintKind::Equal,
subflags, locator);
return SolutionKind::Error;
ConstraintSystem::matchDeepEqualityTypes(Type type1, Type type2,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
TypeMatchOptions subflags = TMF_GenerateConstraints;
// Handle nominal types that are not directly generic.
if (auto nominal1 = type1->getAs<NominalType>()) {
auto nominal2 = type2->castTo<NominalType>();
assert((bool)nominal1->getParent() == (bool)nominal2->getParent() &&
"Mismatched parents of nominal types");
if (!nominal1->getParent())
return SolutionKind::Solved;
// Match up the parents, exactly.
return matchTypes(nominal1->getParent(), nominal2->getParent(),
ConstraintKind::Equal, subflags,
auto bound1 = type1->castTo<BoundGenericType>();
auto bound2 = type2->castTo<BoundGenericType>();
// Match up the parents, exactly, if there are parents.
assert((bool)bound1->getParent() == (bool)bound2->getParent() &&
"Mismatched parents of bound generics");
if (bound1->getParent()) {
switch (matchTypes(bound1->getParent(), bound2->getParent(),
ConstraintKind::Equal, subflags,
case SolutionKind::Error:
return SolutionKind::Error;
case SolutionKind::Solved:
case SolutionKind::Unsolved:
// Match up the generic arguments, exactly.
auto args1 = bound1->getGenericArgs();
auto args2 = bound2->getGenericArgs();
if (args1.size() != args2.size()) {
return SolutionKind::Error;
for (unsigned i = 0, n = args1.size(); i != n; ++i) {
switch (matchTypes(args1[i], args2[i], ConstraintKind::Equal,
LocatorPathElt::getGenericArgument(i)))) {
case SolutionKind::Error:
return SolutionKind::Error;
case SolutionKind::Solved:
case SolutionKind::Unsolved:
return SolutionKind::Solved;
ConstraintSystem::matchExistentialTypes(Type type1, Type type2,
ConstraintKind kind,
TypeMatchOptions flags,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
// FIXME: Fees like a hack.
if (type1->is<InOutType>())
return SolutionKind::Error;
// Conformance to 'Any' always holds.
if (type2->isAny())
return SolutionKind::Solved;
// If the first type is a type variable or member thereof, there's nothing
// we can do now.
if (type1->isTypeVariableOrMember()) {
if (flags.contains(TMF_GenerateConstraints)) {
Constraint::createRestricted(*this, kind,
type1, type2,
return SolutionKind::Solved;
return SolutionKind::Unsolved;
TypeMatchOptions subflags = getDefaultDecompositionOptions(flags);
// Handle existential metatypes.
if (auto meta1 = type1->getAs<MetatypeType>()) {
if (auto meta2 = type2->getAs<ExistentialMetatypeType>()) {
return matchExistentialTypes(meta1->getInstanceType(),
meta2->getInstanceType(), kind, subflags,
if (!type2->isAnyExistentialType())
return SolutionKind::Error;
SmallVector<ProtocolDecl *, 4> protocols;
for (auto proto : protocols) {
switch (simplifyConformsToConstraint(type1, proto, kind, locator,
subflags)) {
case SolutionKind::Solved:
case SolutionKind::Unsolved:
case SolutionKind::Error:
return SolutionKind::Error;
return SolutionKind::Solved;
static bool isStringCompatiblePointerBaseType(TypeChecker &TC,
DeclContext *DC,
Type baseType) {
// Allow strings to be passed to pointer-to-byte or pointer-to-void types.
if (baseType->isEqual(TC.getInt8Type(DC)))
return true;
if (baseType->isEqual(TC.getUInt8Type(DC)))
return true;
if (baseType->isEqual(TC.Context.TheEmptyTupleType))
return true;
return false;
/// Determine whether the given type is a value type to which we can bridge a
/// value of its corresponding class type, such as 'String' bridging from
/// NSString.
static bool allowsBridgingFromObjC(TypeChecker &tc, DeclContext *dc,
Type type) {
ASTContext &ctx = tc.Context;
auto objcType = ctx.getBridgedToObjC(dc, type);
if (!objcType)
return false;
auto objcClass = objcType->getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
if (!objcClass)
return false;
return true;
ConstraintSystem::matchTypes(Type type1, Type type2, ConstraintKind kind,
TypeMatchOptions flags,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
// If we have type variables that have been bound to fixed types, look through
// to the fixed type.
bool isArgumentTupleConversion
= kind == ConstraintKind::ArgumentTupleConversion ||
kind == ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentTupleConversion;
type1 = getFixedTypeRecursive(type1, flags, kind == ConstraintKind::Equal,
auto desugar1 = type1->getDesugaredType();
TypeVariableType *typeVar1 = desugar1->getAs<TypeVariableType>();
type2 = getFixedTypeRecursive(type2, flags, kind == ConstraintKind::Equal,
auto desugar2 = type2->getDesugaredType();
TypeVariableType *typeVar2 = desugar2->getAs<TypeVariableType>();
// If the types are obviously equivalent, we're done.
if (desugar1->isEqual(desugar2))
return SolutionKind::Solved;
// Local function that should be used to produce the return value whenever
// this function was unable to resolve the constraint. It should be used
// within \c matchTypes() as
// return formUnsolvedResult();
// along any unsolved path. No other returns should produce
// SolutionKind::Unsolved or inspect TMF_GenerateConstraints.
auto formUnsolvedResult = [&] {
// If we're supposed to generate constraints (i.e., this is a
// newly-generated constraint), do so now.
if (flags.contains(TMF_GenerateConstraints)) {
// Add a new constraint between these types. We consider the current
// type-matching problem to the "solved" by this addition, because
// this new constraint will be solved at a later point.
// Obviously, this must not happen at the top level, or the
// algorithm would not terminate.
addUnsolvedConstraint(Constraint::create(*this, kind, type1, type2,
return SolutionKind::Solved;
return SolutionKind::Unsolved;
// If either (or both) types are type variables, unify the type variables.
if (typeVar1 || typeVar2) {
switch (kind) {
case ConstraintKind::Bind:
case ConstraintKind::BindToPointerType:
case ConstraintKind::Equal: {
if (typeVar1 && typeVar2) {
auto rep1 = getRepresentative(typeVar1);
auto rep2 = getRepresentative(typeVar2);
if (rep1 == rep2) {
// We already merged these two types, so this constraint is
// trivially solved.
return SolutionKind::Solved;
// If exactly one of the type variables can bind to an lvalue, we
// can't merge these two type variables.
if (rep1->getImpl().canBindToLValue()
!= rep2->getImpl().canBindToLValue())
return formUnsolvedResult();
// Merge the equivalence classes corresponding to these two variables.
mergeEquivalenceClasses(rep1, rep2);
return SolutionKind::Solved;
// Provide a fixed type for the type variable.
bool wantRvalue = kind == ConstraintKind::Equal;
if (typeVar1) {
// Simplify the right-hand type and perform the "occurs" check.
typeVar1 = getRepresentative(typeVar1);
type2 = simplifyType(type2, flags);
if (typeVarOccursInType(typeVar1, type2))
return formUnsolvedResult();
// If we want an rvalue, get the rvalue.
if (wantRvalue)
type2 = type2->getRValueType();
// If the left-hand type variable cannot bind to an lvalue,
// but we still have an lvalue, fail.
if (!typeVar1->getImpl().canBindToLValue() &&
return SolutionKind::Error;
// Okay. Bind below.
// Check whether the type variable must be bound to a materializable
// type.
if (typeVar1->getImpl().mustBeMaterializable()) {
if (!type2->isMaterializable())
return SolutionKind::Error;
// A constraint that binds any pointer to a void pointer is
// ineffective, since any pointer can be converted to a void pointer.
if (kind == ConstraintKind::BindToPointerType && type2->isVoid()) {
// Bind type1 to Void only as a last resort.
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Defaultable, typeVar1, type2,
return SolutionKind::Solved;
assignFixedType(typeVar1, type2);
// For symmetry with overload resolution, penalize conversions to empty
// existentials.
if (type2->isAny())
return SolutionKind::Solved;
// Simplify the left-hand type and perform the "occurs" check.
typeVar2 = getRepresentative(typeVar2);
type1 = simplifyType(type1, flags);
if (typeVarOccursInType(typeVar2, type1))
return formUnsolvedResult();
// If we want an rvalue, get the rvalue.
if (wantRvalue)
type1 = type1->getRValueType();
if (!typeVar2->getImpl().canBindToLValue() &&
type1->isLValueType()) {
return SolutionKind::Error;
// Okay. Bind below.
assignFixedType(typeVar2, type1);
return SolutionKind::Solved;
case ConstraintKind::BindParam: {
if (typeVar2 && !typeVar1) {
// Simplify the left-hand type and perform the "occurs" check.
typeVar2 = getRepresentative(typeVar2);
type1 = simplifyType(type1, flags);
if (typeVarOccursInType(typeVar2, type1))
return formUnsolvedResult();
if (auto *iot = type1->getAs<InOutType>()) {
assignFixedType(typeVar2, LValueType::get(iot->getObjectType()));
} else {
assignFixedType(typeVar2, type1);
return SolutionKind::Solved;
} else if (typeVar1 && !typeVar2) {
// Simplify the right-hand type and perform the "occurs" check.
typeVar1 = getRepresentative(typeVar1);
type2 = simplifyType(type2, flags);
if (typeVarOccursInType(typeVar1, type2))
return formUnsolvedResult();
if (auto *lvt = type2->getAs<LValueType>()) {
assignFixedType(typeVar1, InOutType::get(lvt->getObjectType()));
} else {
assignFixedType(typeVar1, type2);
return SolutionKind::Solved;
} else if (typeVar1 && typeVar2) {
auto rep1 = getRepresentative(typeVar1);
auto rep2 = getRepresentative(typeVar2);
if (rep1 == rep2) {
return SolutionKind::Solved;
return formUnsolvedResult();
case ConstraintKind::ArgumentTupleConversion:
case ConstraintKind::Conversion:
if (typeVar1 && typeVar2) {
auto rep1 = getRepresentative(typeVar1);
auto rep2 = getRepresentative(typeVar2);
if (rep1 == rep2) {
// We already merged these two types, so this constraint is
// trivially solved.
return SolutionKind::Solved;
case ConstraintKind::Subtype:
case ConstraintKind::ExplicitConversion:
case ConstraintKind::ArgumentConversion:
case ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentTupleConversion:
case ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentConversion:
// We couldn't solve this constraint. If only one of the types is a type
// variable, perhaps we can do something with it below.
if (typeVar1 && typeVar2) {
if (typeVar1 == typeVar2) return SolutionKind::Solved;
return formUnsolvedResult();
case ConstraintKind::ApplicableFunction:
case ConstraintKind::BindOverload:
case ConstraintKind::CheckedCast:
case ConstraintKind::ConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::Defaultable:
case ConstraintKind::Disjunction:
case ConstraintKind::DynamicTypeOf:
case ConstraintKind::LiteralConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::OptionalObject:
case ConstraintKind::SelfObjectOfProtocol:
case ConstraintKind::UnresolvedValueMember:
case ConstraintKind::ValueMember:
llvm_unreachable("Not a relational constraint");
bool isTypeVarOrMember1 = desugar1->isTypeVariableOrMember();
bool isTypeVarOrMember2 = desugar2->isTypeVariableOrMember();
llvm::SmallVector<RestrictionOrFix, 4> conversionsOrFixes;
bool concrete = !isTypeVarOrMember1 && !isTypeVarOrMember2;
// If this is an argument conversion, handle it directly. The rules are
// different from normal conversions.
if (kind == ConstraintKind::ArgumentTupleConversion ||
kind == ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentTupleConversion) {
if (!typeVar2) {
return ::matchCallArguments(*this, kind, type1, type2, locator);
return formUnsolvedResult();
// Decompose parallel structure.
TypeMatchOptions subflags =
getDefaultDecompositionOptions(flags) - TMF_ApplyingFix;
if (desugar1->getKind() == desugar2->getKind()) {
switch (desugar1->getKind()) {
#define SUGARED_TYPE(id, parent) case TypeKind::id:
#define TYPE(id, parent)
#include "swift/AST/TypeNodes.def"
llvm_unreachable("Type has not been desugared completely");
#define ARTIFICIAL_TYPE(id, parent) case TypeKind::id:
#define TYPE(id, parent)
#include "swift/AST/TypeNodes.def"
llvm_unreachable("artificial type in constraint");
#define BUILTIN_TYPE(id, parent) case TypeKind::id:
#define TYPE(id, parent)
#include "swift/AST/TypeNodes.def"
case TypeKind::Module:
if (desugar1 == desugar2) {
return SolutionKind::Solved;
return SolutionKind::Error;
case TypeKind::Error:
case TypeKind::Unresolved:
return SolutionKind::Error;
case TypeKind::GenericTypeParam:
llvm_unreachable("unmapped dependent type in type checker");
case TypeKind::DependentMember:
// Nothing we can solve.
return formUnsolvedResult();
case TypeKind::TypeVariable:
case TypeKind::Archetype:
// Nothing to do here; handle type variables and archetypes below.
case TypeKind::Tuple: {
// Try the tuple-to-tuple conversion.
case TypeKind::Enum:
case TypeKind::Struct:
case TypeKind::Class: {
auto nominal1 = cast<NominalType>(desugar1);
auto nominal2 = cast<NominalType>(desugar2);
if (nominal1->getDecl() == nominal2->getDecl()) {
// Check for CF <-> ObjectiveC bridging.
if (desugar1->getKind() == TypeKind::Class &&
kind >= ConstraintKind::Subtype) {
auto class1 = cast<ClassDecl>(nominal1->getDecl());
auto class2 = cast<ClassDecl>(nominal2->getDecl());
// CF -> Objective-C via toll-free bridging.
if (class1->getForeignClassKind() == ClassDecl::ForeignKind::CFType &&
class2->getForeignClassKind() != ClassDecl::ForeignKind::CFType &&
class1->getAttrs().hasAttribute<ObjCBridgedAttr>()) {
// Objective-C -> CF via toll-free bridging.
if (class2->getForeignClassKind() == ClassDecl::ForeignKind::CFType &&
class1->getForeignClassKind() != ClassDecl::ForeignKind::CFType &&
class2->getAttrs().hasAttribute<ObjCBridgedAttr>()) {
case TypeKind::DynamicSelf:
// FIXME: Deep equality? What is the rule between two DynamicSelfs?
case TypeKind::Protocol:
// Nothing to do here; try existential and user-defined conversions below.
case TypeKind::Metatype:
case TypeKind::ExistentialMetatype: {
auto meta1 = cast<AnyMetatypeType>(desugar1);
auto meta2 = cast<AnyMetatypeType>(desugar2);
ConstraintKind subKind = ConstraintKind::Equal;
// A.Type < B.Type if A < B and both A and B are classes.
if (isa<MetatypeType>(desugar1) &&
kind != ConstraintKind::Equal &&
meta1->getInstanceType()->mayHaveSuperclass() &&
subKind = std::min(kind, ConstraintKind::Subtype);
// P.Type < Q.Type if P < Q, both P and Q are protocols, and P.Type
// and Q.Type are both existential metatypes.
else if (isa<ExistentialMetatypeType>(meta1)
&& isa<ExistentialMetatypeType>(meta2))
subKind = std::min(kind, ConstraintKind::Subtype);
return matchTypes(meta1->getInstanceType(), meta2->getInstanceType(),
subKind, subflags,
case TypeKind::Function: {
auto func1 = cast<FunctionType>(desugar1);
auto func2 = cast<FunctionType>(desugar2);
// If the 2nd type is an autoclosure, then we don't actually want to
// treat these as parallel. The first type needs wrapping in a closure
// despite already being a function type.
if (!func1->isAutoClosure() && func2->isAutoClosure())
return matchFunctionTypes(func1, func2, kind, flags, locator);
case TypeKind::GenericFunction:
llvm_unreachable("Polymorphic function type should have been opened");
case TypeKind::ProtocolComposition:
// Existential types handled below.
case TypeKind::LValue:
if (kind == ConstraintKind::BindParam)
return SolutionKind::Error;
return matchTypes(cast<LValueType>(desugar1)->getObjectType(),
ConstraintKind::Equal, subflags,
case TypeKind::InOut:
// If the RHS is an inout type, the LHS must be an @lvalue type.
if (kind == ConstraintKind::BindParam ||
kind >= ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentConversion)
return SolutionKind::Error;
return matchTypes(cast<InOutType>(desugar1)->getObjectType(),
ConstraintKind::Equal, subflags,
case TypeKind::UnboundGeneric:
llvm_unreachable("Unbound generic type should have been opened");
case TypeKind::BoundGenericClass:
case TypeKind::BoundGenericEnum:
case TypeKind::BoundGenericStruct: {
auto bound1 = cast<BoundGenericType>(desugar1);
auto bound2 = cast<BoundGenericType>(desugar2);
if (bound1->getDecl() == bound2->getDecl()) {
if (concrete && kind >= ConstraintKind::Subtype) {
auto tuple1 = type1->getAs<TupleType>();
auto tuple2 = type2->getAs<TupleType>();
// Detect when the source and destination are both permit scalar
// conversions, but the source has a name and the destination does not have
// the same name.
bool tuplesWithMismatchedNames = false;
if (tuple1 && tuple2) {
int scalar1 = tuple1->getElementForScalarInit();
int scalar2 = tuple2->getElementForScalarInit();
if (scalar1 >= 0 && scalar2 >= 0) {
auto name1 = tuple1->getElement(scalar1).getName();
auto name2 = tuple2->getElement(scalar2).getName();
tuplesWithMismatchedNames = !name1.empty() && name1 != name2;
if (tuple2 && !tuplesWithMismatchedNames) {
// A scalar type is a trivial subtype of a one-element, non-variadic tuple
// containing a single element if the scalar type is a subtype of
// the type of that tuple's element.
// A scalar type can be converted to an argument tuple so long as
// there is at most one non-defaulted element.
// For non-argument tuples, we can do the same conversion but not
// to a tuple with varargs.
if ((tuple2->getNumElements() == 1 &&
!tuple2->getElement(0).isVararg()) ||
(kind >= ConstraintKind::Conversion &&
tuple2->getElementForScalarInit() >= 0 &&
(isArgumentTupleConversion ||
!tuple2->getVarArgsBaseType()))) {
// FIXME: Prohibits some user-defined conversions for tuples.
goto commit_to_conversions;
if (tuple1 && !tuplesWithMismatchedNames) {
// A single-element tuple can be a trivial subtype of a scalar.
if (tuple1->getNumElements() == 1 &&
!tuple1->getElement(0).isVararg()) {
// Subclass-to-superclass conversion.
if (type1->mayHaveSuperclass() && type2->mayHaveSuperclass() &&
type2->getClassOrBoundGenericClass() &&
!= type2->getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
// T -> AnyHashable.
if (isAnyHashableType(desugar2)) {
// Don't allow this in operator contexts or we'll end up allowing
// 'T() == U()' for unrelated T and U that just happen to be Hashable.
// We can remove this special case when we implement operator hiding.
if (kind != ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentConversion) {
// Metatype to object conversion.
// Class and protocol metatypes are interoperable with certain Objective-C
// runtime classes, but only when ObjC interop is enabled.
if (TC.getLangOpts().EnableObjCInterop) {
// These conversions are between concrete types that don't need further
// resolution, so we can consider them immediately solved.
auto addSolvedRestrictedConstraint
= [&](ConversionRestrictionKind restriction) -> SolutionKind {
addRestrictedConstraint(ConstraintKind::Subtype, restriction,
type1, type2, locator);
return SolutionKind::Solved;
if (auto meta1 = type1->getAs<MetatypeType>()) {
if (meta1->getInstanceType()->mayHaveSuperclass()
&& type2->isAnyObject()) {
return addSolvedRestrictedConstraint(
// Single @objc protocol value metatypes can be converted to the ObjC
// Protocol class type.
auto isProtocolClassType = [&](Type t) -> bool {
if (auto classDecl = t->getClassOrBoundGenericClass())
if (classDecl->getName() == getASTContext().Id_Protocol
&& classDecl->getModuleContext()->getName()
== getASTContext().Id_ObjectiveC)
return true;
return false;
if (auto protoTy = meta1->getInstanceType()->getAs<ProtocolType>()) {
if (protoTy->getDecl()->isObjC()
&& isProtocolClassType(type2)) {
return addSolvedRestrictedConstraint(
if (auto meta1 = type1->getAs<ExistentialMetatypeType>()) {
// Class-constrained existential metatypes can be converted to AnyObject.
if (meta1->getInstanceType()->isClassExistentialType()
&& type2->isAnyObject()) {
return addSolvedRestrictedConstraint(
// Special implicit nominal conversions.
if (kind >= ConstraintKind::Conversion) {
// Array -> Array.
if (isArrayType(desugar1) && isArrayType(desugar2)) {
// Dictionary -> Dictionary.
} else if (isDictionaryType(desugar1) && isDictionaryType(desugar2)) {
// Set -> Set.
} else if (isSetType(desugar1) && isSetType(desugar2)) {
if (kind == ConstraintKind::BindToPointerType) {
if (desugar2->isEqual(getASTContext().TheEmptyTupleType))
return SolutionKind::Solved;
if (concrete && kind >= ConstraintKind::Conversion) {
// An lvalue of type T1 can be converted to a value of type T2 so long as
// T1 is convertible to T2 (by loading the value). Note that we cannot get
// a value of inout type as an lvalue though.
if (type1->is<LValueType>() && !type2->is<InOutType>())
// An expression can be converted to an auto-closure function type, creating
// an implicit closure.
if (auto function2 = type2->getAs<FunctionType>()) {
if (function2->isAutoClosure())
return matchTypes(type1, function2->getResult(), kind, subflags,
// Explicit bridging from a value type to an Objective-C class type.
if (kind == ConstraintKind::ExplicitConversion) {
if (type1->isPotentiallyBridgedValueType() &&
!= TC.Context.getImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalDecl() &&
!flags.contains(TMF_ApplyingOperatorParameter)) {
auto isBridgeableTargetType = type2->isBridgeableObjectType();
// Allow bridged conversions to CVarArg through NSObject.
if (!isBridgeableTargetType && type2->isExistentialType()) {
if (auto nominalType = type2->getAs<NominalType>())
isBridgeableTargetType = nominalType->getDecl()->getName() ==
// Check whether the source type is bridged to an Objective-C
// class type. This conversion is implicit unless the bridged
// value type is Error; this special rule is a subset of
// SE-0072 that breaks an implicit conversion cycle between
// NSError and Error.
if (isBridgeableTargetType) {
Type bridgedValueType;
if (TC.Context.getBridgedToObjC(DC, type1, &bridgedValueType)) {
if ((kind >= ConstraintKind::ExplicitConversion ||
bridgedValueType->getAnyNominal() !=
// Anything can be explicitly converted to AnyObject using the universal
// bridging conversion.
if (auto protoType2 = type2->getAs<ProtocolType>()) {
if (TC.Context.LangOpts.EnableObjCInterop
&& protoType2->getDecl()
== TC.Context.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::AnyObject)
&& !type1->mayHaveSuperclass()
&& !type1->isClassExistentialType())
// Bridging from an Objective-C class type to a value type.
// Note that specifically require a class or class-constrained archetype
// here, because archetypes cannot be bridged.
if (type1->mayHaveSuperclass() && type2->isPotentiallyBridgedValueType() &&
!= TC.Context.getImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalDecl() &&
allowsBridgingFromObjC(TC, DC, type2)) {
// Pointer arguments can be converted from pointer-compatible types.
if (kind >= ConstraintKind::ArgumentConversion) {
Type unwrappedType2 = type2;
OptionalTypeKind type2OptionalKind;
if (Type unwrapped = type2->getAnyOptionalObjectType(type2OptionalKind))
unwrappedType2 = unwrapped;
PointerTypeKind pointerKind;
if (Type pointeeTy =
unwrappedType2->getAnyPointerElementType(pointerKind)) {
switch (pointerKind) {
case PTK_UnsafeRawPointer:
case PTK_UnsafeMutableRawPointer:
case PTK_UnsafePointer:
case PTK_UnsafeMutablePointer:
// UnsafeMutablePointer can be converted from an inout reference to a
// scalar or array.
if (auto inoutType1 = dyn_cast<InOutType>(desugar1)) {
auto inoutBaseType = inoutType1->getInOutObjectType();
Type simplifiedInoutBaseType =
kind == ConstraintKind::Equal,
// FIXME: If the base is still a type variable, we can't tell
// what to do here. Might have to try \c ArrayToPointer and make it
// more robust.
bool isWrappedArray = isArrayType(simplifiedInoutBaseType);
if (isWrappedArray) {
if (!flags.contains(TMF_ApplyingOperatorParameter) &&
// Operators cannot use these implicit conversions.
(kind == ConstraintKind::ArgumentConversion ||
kind == ConstraintKind::ArgumentTupleConversion)) {
// We can potentially convert from an UnsafeMutablePointer
// of a different type, if we're a void pointer.
Type unwrappedType1 = type1;
OptionalTypeKind type1OptionalKind;
if (Type unwrapped =
type1->getAnyOptionalObjectType(type1OptionalKind)) {
unwrappedType1 = unwrapped;
// Don't handle normal optional-related conversions here.
if (unwrappedType1->isEqual(unwrappedType2))
PointerTypeKind type1PointerKind;
bool type1IsPointer{
bool optionalityMatches =
type1OptionalKind == OTK_None || type2OptionalKind != OTK_None;
if (type1IsPointer && optionalityMatches) {
if (type1PointerKind == PTK_UnsafeMutablePointer) {
// Favor an UnsafeMutablePointer-to-UnsafeMutablePointer
// conversion.
if (type1PointerKind != pointerKind)
// UnsafeMutableRawPointer -> UnsafeRawPointer
else if (type1PointerKind == PTK_UnsafeMutableRawPointer &&
pointerKind == PTK_UnsafeRawPointer) {
if (type1PointerKind != pointerKind)
// UnsafePointer and UnsafeRawPointer can also be converted from an
// array or string value, or a UnsafePointer or
// AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer.
if (pointerKind == PTK_UnsafePointer
|| pointerKind == PTK_UnsafeRawPointer) {
if (isArrayType(type1)) {
// The pointer can be converted from a string, if the element type
// is compatible.
if (type1->isEqual(TC.getStringType(DC))) {
auto baseTy = getFixedTypeRecursive(pointeeTy, false);
if (baseTy->isTypeVariableOrMember() ||
isStringCompatiblePointerBaseType(TC, DC, baseTy))
if (type1IsPointer && optionalityMatches &&
(type1PointerKind == PTK_UnsafePointer ||
type1PointerKind == PTK_AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer)) {
case PTK_AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer:
// PTK_AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer can be converted from an
// inout reference to a scalar.
if (type1->is<InOutType>()) {
if (concrete && kind >= ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentConversion) {
// If the RHS is an inout type, the LHS must be an @lvalue type.
if (auto *iot = type2->getAs<InOutType>()) {
return matchTypes(type1, LValueType::get(iot->getObjectType()),
kind, subflags,
// Conformance of a metatype to an existential metatype is actually
// equivalent to a conformance relationship on the instance types.
// This applies to nested metatype levels, so if A : P then
// A.Type : P.Type.
if (concrete && kind >= ConstraintKind::Subtype &&
type1->is<MetatypeType>() && type2->is<ExistentialMetatypeType>()) {
// Instance type check for the above. We are going to check conformance once
// we hit commit_to_conversions below, but we have to add a token restriction
// to ensure we wrap the metatype value in a metatype erasure.
if (concrete && type2->isExistentialType() &&
kind >= ConstraintKind::Subtype) {
// A value of type T can be converted to type U? if T is convertible to U.
// A value of type T? can be converted to type U? if T is convertible to U.
// The above conversions also apply to implicitly unwrapped optional types,
// except that there is no implicit conversion from T? to T!.
BoundGenericType *boundGenericType2;
if (concrete && kind >= ConstraintKind::Subtype &&
(boundGenericType2 = type2->getAs<BoundGenericType>())) {
auto decl2 = boundGenericType2->getDecl();
if (auto optionalKind2 = decl2->classifyAsOptionalType()) {
assert(boundGenericType2->getGenericArgs().size() == 1);
BoundGenericType *boundGenericType1 = type1->getAs<BoundGenericType>();
if (boundGenericType1) {
auto decl1 = boundGenericType1->getDecl();
if (decl1 == decl2) {
assert(boundGenericType1->getGenericArgs().size() == 1);
} else if (optionalKind2 == OTK_Optional &&
decl1 == TC.Context.getImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalDecl()) {
assert(boundGenericType1->getGenericArgs().size() == 1);
} else if (optionalKind2 == OTK_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional &&
kind >= ConstraintKind::Conversion &&
decl1 == TC.Context.getOptionalDecl()) {
assert(boundGenericType1->getGenericArgs().size() == 1);
// A value of type T! can be (unsafely) forced to U if T
// is convertible to U.
Type objectType1;
if (concrete && kind >= ConstraintKind::Conversion &&
(objectType1 = lookThroughImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalType(type1))) {
// Allow '() -> T' to '() -> ()' and '() -> Never' to '() -> T' for closure
// literals.
if (concrete && kind >= ConstraintKind::Subtype &&
(type1->isUninhabited() || type2->isVoid())) {
SmallVector<LocatorPathElt, 2> parts;
while (!parts.empty()) {
if (parts.back().getKind() == ConstraintLocator::ClosureResult) {
return SolutionKind::Solved;
if (concrete && kind == ConstraintKind::BindParam) {
if (auto *iot = dyn_cast<InOutType>(desugar1)) {
if (auto *lvt = dyn_cast<LValueType>(desugar2)) {
return matchTypes(iot->getObjectType(), lvt->getObjectType(),
ConstraintKind::Bind, subflags,
// When we hit this point, we're committed to the set of potential
// conversions recorded thus far.
// FIXME: One should only jump to this label in the case where we want to
// cut off other potential conversions because we know none of them apply.
// Gradually, those gotos should go away as we can handle more kinds of
// conversions via disjunction constraints.
// If we should attempt fixes, add those to the list. They'll only be visited
// if there are no other possible solutions.
if (shouldAttemptFixes() && !isTypeVarOrMember1 && !isTypeVarOrMember2 &&
!flags.contains(TMF_ApplyingFix) && kind >= ConstraintKind::Conversion) {
Type objectType1 = type1->getRValueObjectType();
// If we have an optional type, try to force-unwrap it.
// FIXME: Should we also try '?'?
if (objectType1->getOptionalObjectType()) {
bool forceUnwrapPossible = true;
if (auto declRefExpr =
dyn_cast_or_null<DeclRefExpr>(locator.trySimplifyToExpr())) {
if (declRefExpr->getDecl()->isImplicit()) {
// The expression that provides the first type is implicit and never
// spelled out in source code, e.g. $match in an expression pattern.
// Thus we cannot force unwrap the first type
forceUnwrapPossible = false;
if (forceUnwrapPossible) {
// If we have a value of type AnyObject that we're trying to convert to
// a class, force a downcast.
// FIXME: Also allow types bridged through Objective-C classes.
if (objectType1->isAnyObject() &&
type2->getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
conversionsOrFixes.push_back(Fix::getForcedDowncast(*this, type2));
// Look through IUO's.
auto type1WithoutIUO = objectType1;
if (auto elt = type1WithoutIUO->getImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalObjectType())
type1WithoutIUO = elt;
// If we could perform a bridging cast, try it.
if (auto bridged =
TC.getDynamicBridgedThroughObjCClass(DC, type1WithoutIUO, type2)) {
// Note: don't perform this recovery for NSNumber;
bool useFix = true;
if (auto classType = bridged->getAs<ClassType>()) {
SmallString<16> scratch;
if (classType->getDecl()->isObjC() &&
classType->getDecl()->getObjCRuntimeName(scratch) == "NSNumber")
useFix = false;
if (useFix)
conversionsOrFixes.push_back(Fix::getForcedDowncast(*this, type2));
// If we're converting an lvalue to an inout type, add the missing '&'.
if (type2->getRValueType()->is<InOutType>() && type1->is<LValueType>()) {
if (conversionsOrFixes.empty()) {
// If one of the types is a type variable or member thereof, we leave this
// unsolved.
if (isTypeVarOrMember1 || isTypeVarOrMember2)
return formUnsolvedResult();
return SolutionKind::Error;
// Where there is more than one potential conversion, create a disjunction
// so that we'll explore all of the options.
if (conversionsOrFixes.size() > 1) {
auto fixedLocator = getConstraintLocator(locator);
SmallVector<Constraint *, 2> constraints;
for (auto potential : conversionsOrFixes) {
auto constraintKind = kind;
if (auto restriction = potential.getRestriction()) {
// Determine the constraint kind. For a deep equality constraint, only
// perform equality.
if (*restriction == ConversionRestrictionKind::DeepEquality)
constraintKind = ConstraintKind::Equal;
Constraint::createRestricted(*this, constraintKind, *restriction,
type1, type2, fixedLocator));
// If the first thing we found is a fix, add a "don't fix" marker.
if (conversionsOrFixes.empty()) {
Constraint::createFixed(*this, constraintKind, FixKind::None,
type1, type2, fixedLocator));
auto fix = *potential.getFix();
Constraint::createFixed(*this, constraintKind, fix, type1, type2,
addDisjunctionConstraint(constraints, fixedLocator);
return SolutionKind::Solved;
// For a single potential conversion, directly recurse, so that we
// don't allocate a new constraint or constraint locator.
// Handle restrictions.
if (auto restriction = conversionsOrFixes[0].getRestriction()) {
if (flags.contains(TMF_UnwrappingOptional)) {
subflags |= TMF_UnwrappingOptional;
return simplifyRestrictedConstraint(*restriction, type1, type2,
kind, subflags, locator);
// Handle fixes.
auto fix = *conversionsOrFixes[0].getFix();
return simplifyFixConstraint(fix, type1, type2, kind, subflags, locator);
Type valueType, FunctionType *fnType, TypeMatchOptions flags,
FunctionRefKind functionRefKind, ConstraintLocator *locator) {
// Desugar the value type.
auto desugarValueType = valueType->getDesugaredType();
Type argType = fnType->getInput();
Type resultType = fnType->getResult();
switch (desugarValueType->getKind()) {
#define SUGARED_TYPE(id, parent) case TypeKind::id:
#define TYPE(id, parent)
#include "swift/AST/TypeNodes.def"
llvm_unreachable("Type has not been desugared completely");
#define ARTIFICIAL_TYPE(id, parent) case TypeKind::id:
#define TYPE(id, parent)
#include "swift/AST/TypeNodes.def"
llvm_unreachable("artificial type in constraint");
case TypeKind::Unresolved:
case TypeKind::Error:
return SolutionKind::Error;
case TypeKind::GenericFunction:
case TypeKind::GenericTypeParam:
llvm_unreachable("unmapped dependent type");
case TypeKind::TypeVariable:
case TypeKind::DependentMember:
return SolutionKind::Unsolved;
case TypeKind::Tuple: {
// Tuple construction is simply tuple conversion.
if (matchTypes(resultType, desugarValueType,
== SolutionKind::Error)
return SolutionKind::Error;
return matchTypes(argType, valueType, ConstraintKind::Conversion,
getDefaultDecompositionOptions(flags), locator);
case TypeKind::Enum:
case TypeKind::Struct:
case TypeKind::Class:
case TypeKind::BoundGenericClass:
case TypeKind::BoundGenericEnum:
case TypeKind::BoundGenericStruct:
case TypeKind::Archetype:
case TypeKind::DynamicSelf:
case TypeKind::ProtocolComposition:
case TypeKind::Protocol:
// Break out to handle the actual construction below.
case TypeKind::UnboundGeneric:
llvm_unreachable("Unbound generic type should have been opened");
#define BUILTIN_TYPE(id, parent) case TypeKind::id:
#define TYPE(id, parent)
#include "swift/AST/TypeNodes.def"
case TypeKind::ExistentialMetatype:
case TypeKind::Metatype:
case TypeKind::Function:
case TypeKind::LValue:
case TypeKind::InOut:
case TypeKind::Module:
return SolutionKind::Error;
NameLookupOptions lookupOptions = defaultConstructorLookupOptions;
if (isa<AbstractFunctionDecl>(DC))
lookupOptions |= NameLookupFlags::KnownPrivate;
auto ctors = TC.lookupConstructors(DC, valueType, lookupOptions);
if (!ctors)
return SolutionKind::Error;
auto &context = getASTContext();
auto name = context.Id_init;
auto applyLocator = getConstraintLocator(locator,
auto fnLocator = getConstraintLocator(locator,
auto tv = createTypeVariable(applyLocator,
// The constructor will have function type T -> T2, for a fresh type
// variable T. T2 is the result type provided via the construction
// constraint itself.
addValueMemberConstraint(MetatypeType::get(valueType, TC.Context), name,
FunctionType::get(tv, resultType), functionRefKind,
// The first type must be convertible to the constructor's argument type.
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::ArgumentTupleConversion, argType, tv,
return SolutionKind::Solved;
ConstraintSystem::SolutionKind ConstraintSystem::simplifyConformsToConstraint(
Type type,
Type protocol,
ConstraintKind kind,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator,
TypeMatchOptions flags) {
if (auto proto = protocol->getAs<ProtocolType>()) {
return simplifyConformsToConstraint(type, proto->getDecl(), kind,
locator, flags);
return matchExistentialTypes(type, protocol, kind, flags, locator);
ConstraintSystem::SolutionKind ConstraintSystem::simplifyConformsToConstraint(
Type type,
ProtocolDecl *protocol,
ConstraintKind kind,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator,
TypeMatchOptions flags) {
// Dig out the fixed type to which this type refers.
type = getFixedTypeRecursive(type, flags, /*wantRValue=*/true);
// If we hit a type variable without a fixed type, we can't
// solve this yet.
if (type->isTypeVariableOrMember()) {
// If we're supposed to generate constraints, do so.
if (flags.contains(TMF_GenerateConstraints)) {
Constraint::create(*this, kind, type, protocol->getDeclaredType(),
DeclName(), FunctionRefKind::Compound,
return SolutionKind::Solved;
return SolutionKind::Unsolved;
// For purposes of argument type matching, existential types don't need to
// conform -- they only need to contain the protocol, so check that
// separately.
switch (kind) {
case ConstraintKind::SelfObjectOfProtocol:
if (TC.containsProtocol(type, protocol, DC,
return SolutionKind::Solved;
case ConstraintKind::ConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::LiteralConformsTo:
// Check whether this type conforms to the protocol.
if (TC.conformsToProtocol(type, protocol, DC,
return SolutionKind::Solved;
llvm_unreachable("bad constraint kind");
if (!shouldAttemptFixes())
return SolutionKind::Error;
// See if there's anything we can do to fix the conformance:
OptionalTypeKind optionalKind;
if (auto optionalObjectType = type->getAnyOptionalObjectType(optionalKind)) {
if (optionalKind == OTK_Optional) {
TypeMatchOptions subflags = getDefaultDecompositionOptions(flags);
// The underlying type of an optional may conform to the protocol if the
// optional doesn't; suggest forcing if that's the case.
auto result = simplifyConformsToConstraint(
optionalObjectType, protocol, kind,
if (result == SolutionKind::Solved) {
if (recordFix(FixKind::ForceOptional, getConstraintLocator(locator))) {
return SolutionKind::Error;
return result;
// There's nothing more we can do; fail.
return SolutionKind::Error;
/// Determine the kind of checked cast to perform from the given type to
/// the given type.
/// This routine does not attempt to check whether the cast can actually
/// succeed; that's the caller's responsibility.
static CheckedCastKind getCheckedCastKind(ConstraintSystem *cs,
Type fromType,
Type toType) {
// Array downcasts are handled specially.
if (cs->isArrayType(fromType) && cs->isArrayType(toType)) {
return CheckedCastKind::ArrayDowncast;
// Dictionary downcasts are handled specially.
if (cs->isDictionaryType(fromType) && cs->isDictionaryType(toType)) {
return CheckedCastKind::DictionaryDowncast;
// Set downcasts are handled specially.
if (cs->isSetType(fromType) && cs->isSetType(toType)) {
return CheckedCastKind::SetDowncast;
// If we can bridge through an Objective-C class, do so.
auto &tc = cs->getTypeChecker();
if (tc.getDynamicBridgedThroughObjCClass(cs->DC, fromType, toType)) {
return CheckedCastKind::BridgeFromObjectiveC;
return CheckedCastKind::ValueCast;
Type fromType, Type toType,
TypeMatchOptions flags,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
TypeMatchOptions subflags = getDefaultDecompositionOptions(flags);
/// Form an unresolved result.
auto formUnsolved = [&] {
if (flags.contains(TMF_GenerateConstraints)) {
Constraint::create(*this, ConstraintKind::CheckedCast, fromType,
toType, DeclName(), FunctionRefKind::Compound,
return SolutionKind::Solved;
return SolutionKind::Unsolved;
do {
// Dig out the fixed type to which this type refers.
fromType = getFixedTypeRecursive(fromType, flags, /*wantRValue=*/true);
// If we hit a type variable without a fixed type, we can't
// solve this yet.
if (fromType->isTypeVariableOrMember())
return formUnsolved();
// Dig out the fixed type to which this type refers.
toType = getFixedTypeRecursive(toType, flags, /*wantRValue=*/true);
// If we hit a type variable without a fixed type, we can't
// solve this yet.
if (toType->isTypeVariableOrMember())
return formUnsolved();
Type origFromType = fromType;
Type origToType = toType;
// Peel off optionals metatypes from the types, because we might cast through
// them.
toType = toType->lookThroughAllAnyOptionalTypes();
fromType = fromType->lookThroughAllAnyOptionalTypes();
// Peel off metatypes, since if we can cast two types, we can cast their
// metatypes.
while (auto toMetatype = toType->getAs<MetatypeType>()) {
auto fromMetatype = fromType->getAs<MetatypeType>();
if (!fromMetatype)
toType = toMetatype->getInstanceType();
fromType = fromMetatype->getInstanceType();
// Peel off a potential layer of existential<->concrete metatype conversion.
if (auto toMetatype = toType->getAs<AnyMetatypeType>()) {
if (auto fromMetatype = fromType->getAs<MetatypeType>()) {
toType = toMetatype->getInstanceType();
fromType = fromMetatype->getInstanceType();
// We've decomposed the types further, so adopt the subflags.
flags = subflags;
// If nothing changed, we're done.
if (fromType.getPointer() == origFromType.getPointer() &&
toType.getPointer() == origToType.getPointer())
} while (true);
auto kind = getCheckedCastKind(this, fromType, toType);
switch (kind) {
case CheckedCastKind::ArrayDowncast: {
auto fromBaseType = getBaseTypeForArrayType(fromType.getPointer());
auto toBaseType = getBaseTypeForArrayType(toType.getPointer());
// FIXME: Deal with from/to base types that haven't been solved
// down to type variables yet.
// Check whether we need to bridge through an Objective-C class.
if (auto classType = TC.getDynamicBridgedThroughObjCClass(DC,
toBaseType)) {
// The class we're bridging through must be a subtype of the type we're
// coming from.
return matchTypes(classType, fromBaseType, ConstraintKind::Subtype,
subflags, locator);
return matchTypes(toBaseType, fromBaseType, ConstraintKind::Subtype,
subflags, locator);
case CheckedCastKind::DictionaryDowncast: {
Type fromKeyType, fromValueType;
std::tie(fromKeyType, fromValueType) = *isDictionaryType(fromType);
Type toKeyType, toValueType;
std::tie(toKeyType, toValueType) = *isDictionaryType(toType);
// FIXME: Deal with from/to base types that haven't been solved
// down to type variables yet.
// Check whether we need to bridge the key through an Objective-C class.
if (auto bridgedKey = TC.getDynamicBridgedThroughObjCClass(DC,
toKeyType)) {
toKeyType = bridgedKey;
// Perform subtype check on the possibly-bridged-through key type.
auto result = matchTypes(toKeyType, fromKeyType, ConstraintKind::Subtype,
subflags, locator);
if (result == SolutionKind::Error)
return result;
// Check whether we need to bridge the value through an Objective-C class.
if (auto bridgedValue = TC.getDynamicBridgedThroughObjCClass(DC,
toValueType)) {
toValueType = bridgedValue;
// Perform subtype check on the possibly-bridged-through value type.
switch (matchTypes(toValueType, fromValueType, ConstraintKind::Subtype,
subflags, locator)) {
case SolutionKind::Solved:
return result;
case SolutionKind::Unsolved:
return SolutionKind::Solved;
case SolutionKind::Error:
return SolutionKind::Error;
case CheckedCastKind::SetDowncast: {
auto fromBaseType = getBaseTypeForSetType(fromType.getPointer());
auto toBaseType = getBaseTypeForSetType(toType.getPointer());
// FIXME: Deal with from/to base types that haven't been solved
// down to type variables yet.
// Check whether we need to bridge through an Objective-C class.
if (auto classType = TC.getDynamicBridgedThroughObjCClass(DC,
toBaseType)) {
// The class we're bridging through must be a subtype of the type we're
// coming from.
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Subtype, classType,
fromBaseType, locator);
return SolutionKind::Solved;
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Subtype, toBaseType,
fromBaseType, locator);
return SolutionKind::Solved;
case CheckedCastKind::ValueCast: {
// If casting among classes, and there are open
// type variables remaining, introduce a subtype constraint to help resolve
// them.
if (fromType->getClassOrBoundGenericClass()
&& toType->getClassOrBoundGenericClass()
&& (fromType->hasTypeVariable() || toType->hasTypeVariable())) {
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Subtype, toType, fromType,
return SolutionKind::Solved;
case CheckedCastKind::BridgeFromObjectiveC: {
// This existential-to-concrete cast might bridge through an Objective-C
// class type.
Type objCClass = TC.getDynamicBridgedThroughObjCClass(DC,
assert(objCClass && "Type must be bridged");
// Otherwise no constraint is necessary; as long as both objCClass and
// fromType are Objective-C types, they can't have any open type variables,
// and conversion between unrelated classes will be diagnosed in
// typeCheckCheckedCast.
return SolutionKind::Solved;
case CheckedCastKind::Coercion:
case CheckedCastKind::Unresolved:
llvm_unreachable("Not a valid result");
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled CheckedCastKind in switch.");
Type first, Type second,
TypeMatchOptions flags,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
// Resolve the optional type.
Type optLValueTy = getFixedTypeRecursive(first, flags, /*wantRValue=*/false);
Type optTy = optLValueTy->getRValueType();
if (optTy.getPointer() != optLValueTy.getPointer())
optTy = getFixedTypeRecursive(optTy, /*wantRValue=*/false);
if (optTy->isTypeVariableOrMember()) {
if (flags.contains(TMF_GenerateConstraints)) {
Constraint::create(*this, ConstraintKind::OptionalObject, optLValueTy,
second, DeclName(), FunctionRefKind::Compound,
return SolutionKind::Solved;
return SolutionKind::Unsolved;
// If the base type is not optional, the constraint fails.
Type objectTy = optTy->getAnyOptionalObjectType();
if (!objectTy)
return SolutionKind::Error;
// The object type is an lvalue if the optional was.
if (optLValueTy->is<LValueType>())
objectTy = LValueType::get(objectTy);
// Equate it to the other type in the constraint.
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Bind, objectTy, second, locator);
return SolutionKind::Solved;
/// Retrieve the argument labels that are provided for a member
/// reference at the given locator.
static Optional<ConstraintSystem::ArgumentLabelState>
getArgumentLabels(ConstraintSystem &cs, ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
SmallVector<LocatorPathElt, 2> parts;
Expr *anchor = locator.getLocatorParts(parts);
if (!anchor)
return None;
while (!parts.empty()) {
if (parts.back().getKind() == ConstraintLocator::Member ||
parts.back().getKind() == ConstraintLocator::SubscriptMember) {
if (parts.back().getKind() == ConstraintLocator::ApplyFunction) {
if (auto applyExpr = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(anchor)) {
anchor = applyExpr->getSemanticFn();
if (parts.back().getKind() == ConstraintLocator::ConstructorMember) {
// FIXME: Workaround for strange anchor on ConstructorMember locators.
if (auto optionalWrapper = dyn_cast<BindOptionalExpr>(anchor))
anchor = optionalWrapper->getSubExpr();
else if (auto forceWrapper = dyn_cast<ForceValueExpr>(anchor))
anchor = forceWrapper->getSubExpr();
if (!parts.empty())
return None;
auto known = cs.ArgumentLabels.find(cs.getConstraintLocator(anchor));
if (known == cs.ArgumentLabels.end())
return None;
return known->second;
/// Given a ValueMember, UnresolvedValueMember, or TypeMember constraint,
/// perform a lookup into the specified base type to find a candidate list.
/// The list returned includes the viable candidates as well as the unviable
/// ones (along with reasons why they aren't viable).
/// If includeInaccessibleMembers is set to true, this burns compile time to
/// try to identify and classify inaccessible members that may be being
/// referenced.
MemberLookupResult ConstraintSystem::
performMemberLookup(ConstraintKind constraintKind, DeclName memberName,
Type baseTy, FunctionRefKind functionRefKind,
ConstraintLocator *memberLocator,
bool includeInaccessibleMembers) {
Type baseObjTy = baseTy->getRValueType();
// Dig out the instance type and figure out what members of the instance type
// we are going to see.
bool isMetatype = false;
bool isModule = false;
bool hasInstanceMembers = false;
bool hasInstanceMethods = false;
bool hasStaticMembers = false;
Type instanceTy = baseObjTy;
if (baseObjTy->is<ModuleType>()) {
hasStaticMembers = true;
isModule = true;
} else if (auto baseObjMeta = baseObjTy->getAs<AnyMetatypeType>()) {
instanceTy = baseObjMeta->getInstanceType();
isMetatype = true;
if (baseObjMeta->is<ExistentialMetatypeType>()) {
// An instance of an existential metatype is a concrete type conforming
// to the existential, say Self. Instance members of the concrete type
// have type Self -> T -> U, but we don't know what Self is at compile
// time so we cannot refer to them. Static methods are fine, on the other
// hand -- we already know that they do not have Self or associated type
// requirements, since otherwise we would not be able to refer to the
// existential metatype in the first place.
hasStaticMembers = true;
} else if (instanceTy->isExistentialType()) {
// A protocol metatype has instance methods with type P -> T -> U, but
// not instance properties or static members -- the metatype value itself
// doesn't give us a witness so there's no static method to bind.
hasInstanceMethods = true;
} else {
// Metatypes of nominal types and archetypes have instance methods and
// static members, but not instance properties.
// FIXME: partial application of properties
hasInstanceMethods = true;
hasStaticMembers = true;
// If we're at the root of an unevaluated context, we can
// reference instance members on the metatype.
if (memberLocator &&
UnevaluatedRootExprs.count(memberLocator->getAnchor())) {
hasInstanceMembers = true;
} else {
// Otherwise, we can access all instance members.
hasInstanceMembers = true;
hasInstanceMethods = true;
bool isExistential = instanceTy->isExistentialType();
if (instanceTy->isTypeVariableOrMember() ||
instanceTy->is<UnresolvedType>()) {
MemberLookupResult result;
result.OverallResult = MemberLookupResult::Unsolved;
return result;
if (instanceTy->isTypeParameter())
return MemberLookupResult();
// Okay, start building up the result list.
MemberLookupResult result;
result.OverallResult = MemberLookupResult::HasResults;
// If the base type is a tuple type, look for the named or indexed member
// of the tuple.
if (auto baseTuple = baseObjTy->getAs<TupleType>()) {
// Tuples don't have compound-name members.
if (!memberName.isSimpleName())
return result; // No result.
StringRef nameStr = memberName.getBaseName().str();
int fieldIdx = -1;
// Resolve a number reference into the tuple type.
unsigned Value = 0;
if (!nameStr.getAsInteger(10, Value) &&
Value < baseTuple->getNumElements()) {
fieldIdx = Value;
} else {
fieldIdx = baseTuple->getNamedElementId(memberName.getBaseName());
if (fieldIdx == -1)
return result; // No result.
// Add an overload set that selects this field.
result.ViableCandidates.push_back(OverloadChoice(baseTy, fieldIdx));
return result;
// If we have a simple name, determine whether there are argument
// labels we can use to restrict the set of lookup results.
Optional<ArgumentLabelState> argumentLabels;
if (memberName.isSimpleName()) {
argumentLabels = getArgumentLabels(*this,
// If we're referencing AnyObject and we have argument labels, put
// the argument labels into the name: we don't want to look for
// anything else, because the cost of the general search is so
// high.
if (baseObjTy->isAnyObject() && argumentLabels) {
memberName = DeclName(TC.Context, memberName.getBaseName(),
/// Determine whether the given declaration has compatible argument
/// labels.
auto hasCompatibleArgumentLabels = [&](ValueDecl *decl) -> bool {
if (!argumentLabels)
return true;
// This is a member lookup, which generally means that the call arguments
// (if we have any) will apply to the second level of parameters, with
// the member lookup binding the first level. But there are cases where
// we can get an unapplied declaration reference back.
unsigned parameterDepth;
if (isModule) {
parameterDepth = 0;
} else if (isMetatype && decl->isInstanceMember()) {
parameterDepth = 0;
} else {
parameterDepth = 1;
return areConservativelyCompatibleArgumentLabels(decl, parameterDepth,
// Handle initializers, they have their own approach to name lookup.
if (memberName.isSimpleName(TC.Context.Id_init)) {
// The constructors are only found on the metatype.
if (!isMetatype)
return result;
NameLookupOptions lookupOptions = defaultConstructorLookupOptions;
if (isa<AbstractFunctionDecl>(DC))
lookupOptions |= NameLookupFlags::KnownPrivate;
// If we're doing a lookup for diagnostics, include inaccessible members,
// the diagnostics machinery will sort it out.
if (includeInaccessibleMembers)
lookupOptions |= NameLookupFlags::IgnoreAccessibility;
// If a constructor is only visible as a witness for a protocol
// requirement, it must be an invalid override. Also, protocol
// extensions cannot yet define designated initializers.
lookupOptions -= NameLookupFlags::PerformConformanceCheck;
LookupResult ctors = TC.lookupConstructors(DC, baseObjTy, lookupOptions);
if (!ctors)
return result; // No result.
TypeBase *favoredType = nullptr;
if (auto anchor = memberLocator->getAnchor()) {
if (auto applyExpr = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(anchor)) {
auto argExpr = applyExpr->getArg();
favoredType = getFavoredType(argExpr);
if (!favoredType) {
favoredType = getFavoredType(argExpr);
// Introduce a new overload set.
bool labelMismatch = false;
for (auto ctor : ctors) {
// If the constructor is invalid, we fail entirely to avoid error cascade.
TC.validateDecl(ctor, true);
if (ctor->isInvalid())
return result.markErrorAlreadyDiagnosed();
// FIXME: Deal with broken recursion
if (!ctor->getInterfaceType())
// If the argument labels for this result are incompatible with
// the call site, skip it.
if (!hasCompatibleArgumentLabels(ctor)) {
labelMismatch = true;
result.addUnviable(ctor, MemberLookupResult::UR_LabelMismatch);
// If our base is an existential type, we can't make use of any
// constructor whose signature involves associated types.
if (isExistential) {
if (auto *proto = ctor->getDeclContext()
->getAsProtocolOrProtocolExtensionContext()) {
if (!proto->isAvailableInExistential(ctor)) {
// If the invocation's argument expression has a favored constraint,
// use that information to determine whether a specific overload for
// the initializer should be favored.
if (favoredType && result.FavoredChoice == ~0U) {
// Only try and favor monomorphic initializers.
if (auto fnTypeWithSelf =
ctor->getInterfaceType()->getAs<FunctionType>()) {
if (auto fnType =
fnTypeWithSelf->getResult()->getAs<FunctionType>()) {
auto argType = fnType->getInput()->getWithoutParens();
argType = ArchetypeBuilder::mapTypeIntoContext(
ctor.Decl->getInnermostDeclContext(), argType);
if (argType->isEqual(favoredType))
result.FavoredChoice = result.ViableCandidates.size();
result.addViable(OverloadChoice(baseTy, ctor, /*isSpecialized=*/false,
// If we rejected some possibilities due to an argument-label
// mismatch and ended up with nothing, try again ignoring the
// labels. This allows us to perform typo correction on the labels.
if (result.ViableCandidates.empty() && labelMismatch &&
shouldAttemptFixes()) {
goto retry_ctors_after_fail;
// FIXME: Should we look for constructors in bridged types?
return result;
// Look for members within the base.
LookupResult &lookup = lookupMember(baseObjTy, memberName);
// The set of directly accessible types, which is only used when
// we're performing dynamic lookup into an existential type.
bool isDynamicLookup = instanceTy->isAnyObject();
// If the instance type is String bridged to NSString, compute
// the type we'll look in for bridging.
Type bridgedClass;
Type bridgedType;
if (instanceTy->getAnyNominal() == TC.Context.getStringDecl()) {
if (Type classType = TC.Context.getBridgedToObjC(DC, instanceTy)) {
bridgedClass = classType;
bridgedType = isMetatype ? MetatypeType::get(classType) : classType;
bool labelMismatch = false;
// Local function that adds the given declaration if it is a
// reasonable choice.
auto addChoice = [&](ValueDecl *cand, bool isBridged,
bool isUnwrappedOptional) {
// Destructors cannot be referenced manually
if (isa<DestructorDecl>(cand)) {
result.addUnviable(cand, MemberLookupResult::UR_DestructorInaccessible);
// If the result is invalid, skip it.
TC.validateDecl(cand, true);
if (cand->isInvalid()) {
// FIXME: Deal with broken recursion
if (!cand->getInterfaceType())
// If the argument labels for this result are incompatible with
// the call site, skip it.
if (!hasCompatibleArgumentLabels(cand)) {
labelMismatch = true;
result.addUnviable(cand, MemberLookupResult::UR_LabelMismatch);
// If our base is an existential type, we can't make use of any
// member whose signature involves associated types.
if (isExistential) {
if (auto *proto = cand->getDeclContext()
->getAsProtocolOrProtocolExtensionContext()) {
if (!proto->isAvailableInExistential(cand)) {
// See if we have an instance method, instance member or static method,
// and check if it can be accessed on our base type.
if (cand->isInstanceMember()) {
if ((isa<FuncDecl>(cand) && !hasInstanceMethods) ||
(!isa<FuncDecl>(cand) && !hasInstanceMembers)) {
result.addUnviable(cand, MemberLookupResult::UR_InstanceMemberOnType);
// If the underlying type of a typealias is fully concrete, it is legal
// to access the type with a protocol metatype base.
} else if (isExistential &&
isa<TypeAliasDecl>(cand) &&
->hasTypeParameter()) {
/* We're OK */
} else {
if (!hasStaticMembers) {
result.addUnviable(cand, MemberLookupResult::UR_TypeMemberOnInstance);
// If we have an rvalue base, make sure that the result isn't 'mutating'
// (only valid on lvalues).
if (!isMetatype &&
!baseTy->is<LValueType>() && cand->isInstanceMember()) {
if (auto *FD = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(cand))
if (FD->isMutating()) {
// Subscripts and computed properties are ok on rvalues so long
// as the getter is nonmutating.
if (auto storage = dyn_cast<AbstractStorageDecl>(cand)) {
if (storage->isGetterMutating()) {
// If the result's type contains delayed members, we need to force them now.
if (auto NT = dyn_cast<NominalType>(cand->getInterfaceType().getPointer())) {
if (auto *NTD = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(NT->getDecl())) {
// If we're looking into an existential type, check whether this
// result was found via dynamic lookup.
if (isDynamicLookup) {
assert(cand->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext() && "Dynamic lookup bug");
// We found this declaration via dynamic lookup, record it as such.
result.addViable(OverloadChoice::getDeclViaDynamic(baseTy, cand,
// If we have a bridged type, we found this declaration via bridging.
if (isBridged) {
result.addViable(OverloadChoice::getDeclViaBridge(bridgedType, cand,
// If we got the choice by unwrapping an optional type, unwrap the base
// type.
Type ovlBaseTy = baseTy;
if (isUnwrappedOptional) {
ovlBaseTy = MetatypeType::get(baseTy->castTo<MetatypeType>()
OverloadChoice::getDeclViaUnwrappedOptional(ovlBaseTy, cand,
} else {
result.addViable(OverloadChoice(ovlBaseTy, cand,
// Add all results from this lookup.
labelMismatch = false;
for (auto result : lookup)
addChoice(result, /*isBridged=*/false, /*isUnwrappedOptional=*/false);
// If the instance type is a bridged to an Objective-C type, perform
// a lookup into that Objective-C type.
if (bridgedType) {
LookupResult &bridgedLookup = lookupMember(bridgedClass, memberName);
Module *foundationModule = nullptr;
for (auto result : bridgedLookup) {
// Ignore results from the Objective-C "Foundation"
// module. Those core APIs are explicitly provided by the
// Foundation module overlay.
auto module = result->getModuleContext();
if (foundationModule) {
if (module == foundationModule)
} else if (ClangModuleUnit::hasClangModule(module) &&
module->getName().str() == "Foundation") {
// Cache the foundation module name so we don't need to look
// for it again.
foundationModule = module;
addChoice(result, /*isBridged=*/true, /*isUnwrappedOptional=*/false);
// If we're looking into a metatype for an unresolved member lookup, look
// through optional types.
// FIXME: The short-circuit here is lame.
if (result.ViableCandidates.empty() && isMetatype &&
constraintKind == ConstraintKind::UnresolvedValueMember) {
if (auto objectType = instanceTy->getAnyOptionalObjectType()) {
LookupResult &optionalLookup = lookupMember(MetatypeType::get(objectType),
for (auto result : optionalLookup)
addChoice(result, /*bridged*/false, /*isUnwrappedOptional=*/true);
// If we rejected some possibilities due to an argument-label
// mismatch and ended up with nothing, try again ignoring the
// labels. This allows us to perform typo correction on the labels.
if (result.ViableCandidates.empty() && labelMismatch && shouldAttemptFixes()){
goto retry_after_fail;
// If we have no viable or unviable candidates, and we're generating,
// diagnostics, rerun the query with inaccessible members included, so we can
// include them in the unviable candidates list.
if (result.ViableCandidates.empty() && result.UnviableCandidates.empty() &&
includeInaccessibleMembers) {
NameLookupOptions lookupOptions = defaultMemberLookupOptions;
// Ignore accessibility so we get candidates that might have been missed
// before.
lookupOptions |= NameLookupFlags::IgnoreAccessibility;
// This is only used for diagnostics, so always use KnownPrivate.
lookupOptions |= NameLookupFlags::KnownPrivate;
auto lookup = TC.lookupMember(DC, baseObjTy->getCanonicalType(),
memberName, lookupOptions);
for (auto cand : lookup) {
// If the result is invalid, skip it.
TC.validateDecl(cand, true);
if (cand->isInvalid()) {
return result;
result.addUnviable(cand, MemberLookupResult::UR_Inaccessible);
return result;
ConstraintSystem::simplifyMemberConstraint(ConstraintKind kind,
Type baseTy, DeclName member,
Type memberTy,
FunctionRefKind functionRefKind,
TypeMatchOptions flags,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locatorB) {
// Resolve the base type, if we can. If we can't resolve the base type,
// then we can't solve this constraint.
// FIXME: simplifyType() call here could be getFixedTypeRecursive?
baseTy = simplifyType(baseTy, flags);
Type baseObjTy = baseTy->getRValueType();
// Try to look through ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T>; the result is
// always an l-value if the input was.
if (auto objTy = lookThroughImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalType(baseObjTy)) {
baseObjTy = objTy;
if (baseTy->is<LValueType>())
baseTy = LValueType::get(objTy);
baseTy = objTy;
auto locator = getConstraintLocator(locatorB);
MemberLookupResult result =
performMemberLookup(kind, member, baseTy, functionRefKind, locator,
switch (result.OverallResult) {
case MemberLookupResult::Unsolved:
// If requested, generate a constraint.
if (flags.contains(TMF_GenerateConstraints)) {
Constraint::create(*this, kind, baseTy, memberTy, member,
functionRefKind, locator));
return SolutionKind::Solved;
return SolutionKind::Unsolved;
case MemberLookupResult::ErrorAlreadyDiagnosed:
return SolutionKind::Error;
case MemberLookupResult::HasResults:
// Keep going!
// If we found viable candidates, then we're done!
if (!result.ViableCandidates.empty()) {
addOverloadSet(memberTy, result.ViableCandidates, locator,
return SolutionKind::Solved;
// If we found some unviable results, then fail, but without recovery.
if (!result.UnviableCandidates.empty())
return SolutionKind::Error;
// If the lookup found no hits at all (either viable or unviable), diagnose it
// as such and try to recover in various ways.
auto instanceTy = baseObjTy;
if (auto MTT = instanceTy->getAs<MetatypeType>())
instanceTy = MTT->getInstanceType();
// Value member lookup has some hacks too.
if (shouldAttemptFixes() && baseObjTy->getOptionalObjectType()) {
// If the base type was an optional, look through it.
// Determine whether or not we want to provide an optional chaining fixit or
// a force unwrap fixit.
bool optionalChain;
if (!getContextualType())
optionalChain = !(Options & ConstraintSystemFlags::PreferForceUnwrapToOptional);
optionalChain = !getContextualType()->getOptionalObjectType().isNull();
auto fixKind = optionalChain ? FixKind::OptionalChaining : FixKind::ForceOptional;
// Note the fix.
if (recordFix(fixKind, locator))
return SolutionKind::Error;
// Look through one level of optional.
member, memberTy, functionRefKind, locator);
return SolutionKind::Solved;
return SolutionKind::Error;
Type first, Type second,
TypeMatchOptions flags,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
first = getFixedTypeRecursive(first, flags, true);
if (first->isTypeVariableOrMember()) {
if (flags.contains(TMF_GenerateConstraints)) {
Constraint::create(*this, ConstraintKind::Defaultable, first, second,
DeclName(), FunctionRefKind::Compound,
return SolutionKind::Solved;
return SolutionKind::Unsolved;
// Otherwise, any type is fine.
return SolutionKind::Solved;
Type type1, Type type2,
TypeMatchOptions flags,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
TypeMatchOptions subflags = getDefaultDecompositionOptions(flags);
// Local function to form an unsolved result.
auto formUnsolved = [&] {
if (flags.contains(TMF_GenerateConstraints)) {
Constraint::create(*this, ConstraintKind::DynamicTypeOf, type1, type2,
DeclName(), FunctionRefKind::Compound,
return SolutionKind::Solved;
return SolutionKind::Unsolved;
// Solve forward.
type2 = getFixedTypeRecursive(type2, flags, /*wantRValue=*/true);
if (!type2->isTypeVariableOrMember()) {
Type dynamicType2;
if (type2->isAnyExistentialType()) {
dynamicType2 = ExistentialMetatypeType::get(type2);
} else {
dynamicType2 = MetatypeType::get(type2);
return matchTypes(type1, dynamicType2, ConstraintKind::Bind, subflags,
// Okay, can't solve forward. See what we can do backwards.
type1 = getFixedTypeRecursive(type1, flags, /*wantRValue=*/true);
if (type1->isTypeVariableOrMember())
return formUnsolved();
// If we have an existential metatype, that's good enough to solve
// the constraint.
if (auto metatype1 = type1->getAs<ExistentialMetatypeType>())
return matchTypes(metatype1->getInstanceType(), type2,
subflags, locator);
// If we have a normal metatype, we can't solve backwards unless we
// know what kind of object it is.
if (auto metatype1 = type1->getAs<MetatypeType>()) {
Type instanceType1 = getFixedTypeRecursive(metatype1->getInstanceType(),
if (instanceType1->isTypeVariableOrMember())
return formUnsolved();
return matchTypes(instanceType1, type2, ConstraintKind::Bind, subflags,
// It's definitely not either kind of metatype, so we can
// report failure right away.
return SolutionKind::Error;
Type type1,
Type type2,
TypeMatchOptions flags,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
// By construction, the left hand side is a type that looks like the
// following: $T1 -> $T2.
// Drill down to the concrete type on the right hand side.
type2 = getFixedTypeRecursive(type2, flags, /*wantRValue=*/true);
auto desugar2 = type2->getDesugaredType();
// Try to look through ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T>: the result is always an
// r-value.
if (auto objTy = lookThroughImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalType(desugar2)) {
type2 = getFixedTypeRecursive(objTy, flags, /*wantRValue=*/true);
desugar2 = type2->getDesugaredType();
TypeMatchOptions subflags = getDefaultDecompositionOptions(flags);
// If the types are obviously equivalent, we're done.
if (type1.getPointer() == desugar2)
return SolutionKind::Solved;
// Local function to form an unsolved result.
auto formUnsolved = [&] {
if (flags.contains(TMF_GenerateConstraints)) {
Constraint::create(*this, ConstraintKind::ApplicableFunction, type1,
type2, DeclName(), FunctionRefKind::Compound,
return SolutionKind::Solved;
return SolutionKind::Unsolved;
// If right-hand side is a type variable, the constraint is unsolved.
if (desugar2->isTypeVariableOrMember())
return formUnsolved();
// Strip the 'ApplyFunction' off the locator.
// FIXME: Perhaps ApplyFunction can go away entirely?
SmallVector<LocatorPathElt, 2> parts;
Expr *anchor = locator.getLocatorParts(parts);
assert(!parts.empty() && "Nonsensical applicable-function locator");
assert(parts.back().getKind() == ConstraintLocator::ApplyFunction);
assert(parts.back().getNewSummaryFlags() == 0);
ConstraintLocatorBuilder outerLocator =
getConstraintLocator(anchor, parts, locator.getSummaryFlags());
// For a function, bind the output and convert the argument to the input.
auto func1 = type1->castTo<FunctionType>();
if (desugar2->getKind() == TypeKind::Function) {
auto func2 = cast<FunctionType>(desugar2);
// If this application is part of an operator, then we allow an implicit
// lvalue to be compatible with inout arguments. This is used by
// assignment operators.
ConstraintKind ArgConv = ConstraintKind::ArgumentTupleConversion;
if (isa<PrefixUnaryExpr>(anchor) || isa<PostfixUnaryExpr>(anchor) ||
ArgConv = ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentTupleConversion;
// The argument type must be convertible to the input type.
if (matchTypes(func1->getInput(), func2->getInput(),
ArgConv, subflags,
== SolutionKind::Error)
return SolutionKind::Error;
// The result types are equivalent.
if (matchTypes(func1->getResult(), func2->getResult(),
== SolutionKind::Error)
return SolutionKind::Error;
// If our type constraints is for a FunctionType, move over the @noescape
// flag.
if (func1->isNoEscape() && !func2->isNoEscape()) {
auto &extraExtInfo = extraFunctionAttrs[func2];
extraExtInfo = extraExtInfo.withNoEscape();
return SolutionKind::Solved;
// For a metatype, perform a construction.
if (auto meta2 = dyn_cast<AnyMetatypeType>(desugar2)) {
auto instance2 = getFixedTypeRecursive(meta2->getInstanceType(), true);
if (instance2->isTypeVariableOrMember())
return formUnsolved();
// Construct the instance from the input arguments.
return simplifyConstructionConstraint(instance2, func1, subflags,
if (!shouldAttemptFixes())
return SolutionKind::Error;
// If we're coming from an optional type, unwrap the optional and try again.
if (auto objectType2 = desugar2->getOptionalObjectType()) {
if (recordFix(FixKind::ForceOptional, getConstraintLocator(locator)))
return SolutionKind::Error;
type2 = objectType2;
desugar2 = type2->getDesugaredType();
goto retry;
return SolutionKind::Error;
Type ConstraintSystem::getBaseTypeForArrayType(TypeBase *type) {
type = type->lookThroughAllAnyOptionalTypes().getPointer();
if (auto bound = type->getAs<BoundGenericStructType>()) {
if (bound->getDecl() == getASTContext().getArrayDecl()) {
return bound->getGenericArgs()[0];
llvm_unreachable("attempted to extract a base type from a non-array type");
Type ConstraintSystem::getBaseTypeForSetType(TypeBase *type) {
type = type->lookThroughAllAnyOptionalTypes().getPointer();
if (auto bound = type->getAs<BoundGenericStructType>()) {
if (bound->getDecl() == getASTContext().getSetDecl()) {
return bound->getGenericArgs()[0];
llvm_unreachable("attempted to extract a base type from a non-set type");
static Type getBaseTypeForPointer(ConstraintSystem &cs, TypeBase *type) {
if (Type unwrapped = type->getAnyOptionalObjectType())
type = unwrapped.getPointer();
auto pointeeTy = type->getAnyPointerElementType();
return pointeeTy;
void ConstraintSystem::addRestrictedConstraint(
ConstraintKind kind,
ConversionRestrictionKind restriction,
Type first, Type second,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
(void)simplifyRestrictedConstraint(restriction, first, second, kind,
TMF_GenerateConstraints, locator);
/// Given that we have a conversion constraint between two types, and
/// that the given constraint-reduction rule applies between them at
/// the top level, apply it and generate any necessary recursive
/// constraints.
ConversionRestrictionKind restriction,
Type type1, Type type2,
ConstraintKind matchKind,
TypeMatchOptions flags,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
// Add to the score based on context.
auto addContextualScore = [&] {
// Okay, we need to perform one or more conversions. If this
// conversion will cause a function conversion, score it as worse.
// This induces conversions to occur within closures instead of
// outside of them wherever possible.
if (locator.isFunctionConversion()) {
// We'll apply user conversions for operator arguments at the application
// site.
if (matchKind == ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentConversion) {
flags |= TMF_ApplyingOperatorParameter;
TypeMatchOptions subflags = getDefaultDecompositionOptions(flags);
switch (restriction) {
// for $< in { <, <c, <oc }:
// T_i $< U_i ===> (T_i...) $< (U_i...)
case ConversionRestrictionKind::TupleToTuple:
return matchTupleTypes(type1->castTo<TupleType>(),
matchKind, subflags, locator);
// T <c U ===> T <c (U)
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ScalarToTuple:
return matchScalarToTupleTypes(type1, type2->castTo<TupleType>(),
matchKind, subflags, locator);
// for $< in { <, <c, <oc }:
// T $< U ===> (T) $< U
case ConversionRestrictionKind::TupleToScalar:
return matchTupleToScalarTypes(type1->castTo<TupleType>(), type2,
matchKind, subflags, locator);
case ConversionRestrictionKind::DeepEquality:
return matchDeepEqualityTypes(type1, type2, locator);
case ConversionRestrictionKind::Superclass:
return matchSuperclassTypes(type1, type2, matchKind, subflags, locator);
case ConversionRestrictionKind::LValueToRValue:
return matchTypes(type1->getRValueType(), type2,
matchKind, subflags, locator);
// for $< in { <, <c, <oc }:
// T $< U, U : P_i ===> T $< protocol<P_i...>
case ConversionRestrictionKind::Existential:
return matchExistentialTypes(type1, type2,
subflags, locator);
// for $< in { <, <c, <oc }:
// for T protocol,
// T : S ===> T.Protocol $< S.Type
// else,
// T : S ===> T.Type $< S.Type
case ConversionRestrictionKind::MetatypeToExistentialMetatype:
return matchExistentialTypes(
// for $< in { <, <c, <oc }:
// T $< U ===> T $< U?
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ValueToOptional: {
assert(matchKind >= ConstraintKind::Subtype);
auto generic2 = type2->castTo<BoundGenericType>();
return matchTypes(type1, generic2->getGenericArgs()[0],
matchKind, (subflags | TMF_UnwrappingOptional), locator);
// for $< in { <, <c, <oc }:
// T $< U ===> T? $< U?
// T $< U ===> T! $< U!
// T $< U ===> T! $< U?
// also:
// T <c U ===> T? <c U!
case ConversionRestrictionKind::OptionalToImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalToOptional:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::OptionalToOptional: {
assert(matchKind >= ConstraintKind::Subtype);
auto generic1 = type1->castTo<BoundGenericType>();
auto generic2 = type2->castTo<BoundGenericType>();
return matchTypes(generic1->getGenericArgs()[0],
matchKind, subflags,
// T <c U ===> T! <c U
// We don't want to allow this after user-defined conversions:
// - it gets really complex for users to understand why there's
// a dereference in their code
// - it would allow nil to be coercible to a non-optional type
// Fortunately, user-defined conversions only allow subtype
// conversions on their results.
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ForceUnchecked: {
assert(matchKind >= ConstraintKind::Conversion);
auto boundGenericType1 = type1->castTo<BoundGenericType>();
== OTK_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional);
assert(boundGenericType1->getGenericArgs().size() == 1);
Type valueType1 = boundGenericType1->getGenericArgs()[0];
return matchTypes(valueType1, type2,
matchKind, subflags,
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ClassMetatypeToAnyObject:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ExistentialMetatypeToAnyObject:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ProtocolMetatypeToProtocolClass: {
// Nothing more to solve.
return SolutionKind::Solved;
// T <p U ===> T[] <a UnsafeMutablePointer<U>
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ArrayToPointer: {
auto obj1 = type1;
// Unwrap an inout type.
if (auto inout1 = obj1->getAs<InOutType>()) {
obj1 = inout1->getObjectType();
obj1 = getFixedTypeRecursive(obj1, false, false);
auto t1 = obj1->getDesugaredType();
auto t2 = type2->getDesugaredType();
auto baseType1 = getBaseTypeForArrayType(t1);
auto baseType2 = getBaseTypeForPointer(*this, t2);
return matchTypes(baseType1, baseType2,
subflags, locator);
// String ===> UnsafePointer<[U]Int8>
case ConversionRestrictionKind::StringToPointer: {
auto baseType2 = getBaseTypeForPointer(*this, type2->getDesugaredType());
// The pointer element type must be void or a byte-sized type.
// TODO: Handle different encodings based on pointer element type, such as
// UTF16 for [U]Int16 or UTF32 for [U]Int32. For now we only interop with
// Int8 pointers using UTF8 encoding.
baseType2 = getFixedTypeRecursive(baseType2, false, false);
// If we haven't resolved the element type, generate constraints.
if (baseType2->isTypeVariableOrMember()) {
if (flags.contains(TMF_GenerateConstraints)) {
auto int8Con = Constraint::create(*this, ConstraintKind::Bind,
baseType2, TC.getInt8Type(DC),
auto uint8Con = Constraint::create(*this, ConstraintKind::Bind,
baseType2, TC.getUInt8Type(DC),
auto voidCon = Constraint::create(*this, ConstraintKind::Bind,
baseType2, TC.Context.TheEmptyTupleType,
Constraint *disjunctionChoices[] = {int8Con, uint8Con, voidCon};
addDisjunctionConstraint(disjunctionChoices, locator);
return SolutionKind::Solved;
return SolutionKind::Unsolved;
if (!isStringCompatiblePointerBaseType(TC, DC, baseType2)) {
return SolutionKind::Error;
return SolutionKind::Solved;
// T <p U ===> inout T <a UnsafeMutablePointer<U>
case ConversionRestrictionKind::InoutToPointer: {
auto t2 = type2->getDesugaredType();
auto baseType1 = type1->getInOutObjectType();
auto baseType2 = getBaseTypeForPointer(*this, t2);
// Set up the disjunction for the array or scalar cases.
return matchTypes(baseType1, baseType2,
subflags, locator);
// T <p U ===> UnsafeMutablePointer<T> <a UnsafeMutablePointer<U>
case ConversionRestrictionKind::PointerToPointer: {
auto t1 = type1->getDesugaredType();
auto t2 = type2->getDesugaredType();
Type baseType1 = getBaseTypeForPointer(*this, t1);
Type baseType2 = getBaseTypeForPointer(*this, t2);
return matchTypes(baseType1, baseType2,
subflags, locator);
// T < U or T is bridged to V where V < U ===> Array<T> <c Array<U>
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ArrayUpcast: {
auto t1 = type1->getDesugaredType();
auto t2 = type2->getDesugaredType();
Type baseType1 = getBaseTypeForArrayType(t1);
Type baseType2 = getBaseTypeForArrayType(t2);
return matchTypes(baseType1,
// K1 < K2 && V1 < V2 || K1 bridges to K2 && V1 bridges to V2 ===>
// Dictionary<K1, V1> <c Dictionary<K2, V2>
case ConversionRestrictionKind::DictionaryUpcast: {
auto t1 = type1->getDesugaredType();
Type key1, value1;
std::tie(key1, value1) = *isDictionaryType(t1);
auto t2 = type2->getDesugaredType();
Type key2, value2;
std::tie(key2, value2) = *isDictionaryType(t2);
auto subMatchKind = matchKind; // TODO: Restrict this?
// The source key and value types must be subtypes of the destination
// key and value types, respectively.
auto result = matchTypes(key1, key2, subMatchKind, subflags,
if (result == SolutionKind::Error)
return result;
switch (matchTypes(value1, value2, subMatchKind, subflags,
ConstraintLocator::PathElement::getGenericArgument(1)))) {
case SolutionKind::Solved:
return result;
case SolutionKind::Unsolved:
return SolutionKind::Unsolved;
case SolutionKind::Error:
return SolutionKind::Error;
// T1 < T2 || T1 bridges to T2 ===> Set<T1> <c Set<T2>
case ConversionRestrictionKind::SetUpcast: {
auto t1 = type1->getDesugaredType();
Type baseType1 = getBaseTypeForSetType(t1);
auto t2 = type2->getDesugaredType();
Type baseType2 = getBaseTypeForSetType(t2);
return matchTypes(baseType1,
// T1 <c T2 && T2 : Hashable ===> T1 <c AnyHashable
case ConversionRestrictionKind::HashableToAnyHashable: {
// We never want to do this if the LHS is already AnyHashable.
if (isAnyHashableType(type1->getRValueType())) {
return SolutionKind::Error;
increaseScore(SK_UserConversion); // FIXME: Use separate score kind?
if (worseThanBestSolution()) {
return SolutionKind::Error;
auto hashableProtocol =
if (!hashableProtocol)
return SolutionKind::Error;
auto constraintLocator = getConstraintLocator(locator);
auto tv = createTypeVariable(constraintLocator, TVO_PrefersSubtypeBinding);
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::ConformsTo, tv,
hashableProtocol->getDeclaredType(), constraintLocator);
return matchTypes(type1, tv, ConstraintKind::Conversion, subflags,
// T bridges to C and C < U ===> T <c U
case ConversionRestrictionKind::BridgeToObjC: {
auto objcClass = TC.Context.getBridgedToObjC(DC, type1);
// If the type doesn't bridge any other way, we can still go straight to
// AnyObject by universal bridging.
if (!objcClass) {
&& "should only happen in Objective-C mode");
objcClass = TC.Context.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::AnyObject)
increaseScore(SK_UserConversion); // FIXME: Use separate score kind?
if (worseThanBestSolution()) {
return SolutionKind::Error;
return matchTypes(objcClass, type2, ConstraintKind::Subtype, subflags,
// U bridges to C and T < C ===> T <c U
case ConversionRestrictionKind::BridgeFromObjC: {
Type bridgedValueType;
auto objcClass = TC.Context.getBridgedToObjC(DC, type2, &bridgedValueType);
assert(objcClass && "type is not bridged to Objective-C?");
increaseScore(SK_UserConversion); // FIXME: Use separate score kind?
if (worseThanBestSolution()) {
return SolutionKind::Error;
// If the bridged value type is generic, the generic arguments
// must either match or be bridged.
// FIXME: This should be an associated type of the protocol.
if (auto bgt1 = type2->getAs<BoundGenericType>()) {
if (bgt1->getDecl() == TC.Context.getArrayDecl()) {
// [AnyObject]
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Bind, bgt1->getGenericArgs()[0],
} else if (bgt1->getDecl() == TC.Context.getDictionaryDecl()) {
// [NSObject : AnyObject]
auto NSObjectType = TC.getNSObjectType(DC);
if (!NSObjectType) {
// Not a bridging case. Should we detect this earlier?
return SolutionKind::Error;
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Bind, bgt1->getGenericArgs()[0],
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Bind, bgt1->getGenericArgs()[1],
} else if (bgt1->getDecl() == TC.Context.getSetDecl()) {
auto NSObjectType = TC.getNSObjectType(DC);
if (!NSObjectType) {
// Not a bridging case. Should we detect this earlier?
return SolutionKind::Error;
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Bind, bgt1->getGenericArgs()[0],
} else {
// Nothing special to do; matchTypes will match generic arguments.
// Make sure we have the bridged value type.
if (matchTypes(type2, bridgedValueType, ConstraintKind::Equal, subflags,
locator) == ConstraintSystem::SolutionKind::Error)
return ConstraintSystem::SolutionKind::Error;
return matchTypes(type1, objcClass, ConstraintKind::Subtype, subflags,
// T' < U and T a toll-free-bridged to T' ===> T' <c U
case ConversionRestrictionKind::CFTollFreeBridgeToObjC: {
increaseScore(SK_UserConversion); // FIXME: Use separate score kind?
if (worseThanBestSolution()) {
return SolutionKind::Error;
auto nativeClass = type1->getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
auto bridgedObjCClass
= nativeClass->getAttrs().getAttribute<ObjCBridgedAttr>()->getObjCClass();
return matchTypes(bridgedObjCClass->getDeclaredInterfaceType(),
type2, ConstraintKind::Subtype, subflags, locator);
// T < U' and U a toll-free-bridged to U' ===> T <c U
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ObjCTollFreeBridgeToCF: {
increaseScore(SK_UserConversion); // FIXME: Use separate score kind?
if (worseThanBestSolution()) {
return SolutionKind::Error;
auto nativeClass = type2->getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
auto bridgedObjCClass
= nativeClass->getAttrs().getAttribute<ObjCBridgedAttr>()->getObjCClass();
return matchTypes(type1,
ConstraintKind::Subtype, subflags, locator);
llvm_unreachable("bad conversion restriction");
ConversionRestrictionKind restriction,
Type type1, Type type2,
ConstraintKind matchKind,
TypeMatchOptions flags,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
switch (simplifyRestrictedConstraintImpl(restriction, type1, type2,
matchKind, flags, locator)) {
case SolutionKind::Solved:
std::make_tuple(type1, type2, restriction));
return SolutionKind::Solved;
case SolutionKind::Unsolved:
return SolutionKind::Unsolved;
case SolutionKind::Error:
return SolutionKind::Error;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled SolutionKind in switch.");
bool ConstraintSystem::recordFix(Fix fix, ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
if (ctx.LangOpts.DebugConstraintSolver) {
auto &log = ctx.TypeCheckerDebug->getStream();
log.indent(solverState ? solverState->depth * 2 + 2 : 0)
<< "(attempting fix ";
fix.print(log, this);
log << " @";
getConstraintLocator(locator)->dump(&ctx.SourceMgr, log);
log << ")\n";
// Record the fix.
if (fix.getKind() != FixKind::None) {
// Increase the score. If this would make the current solution worse than
// the best solution we've seen already, stop now.
if (worseThanBestSolution())
return true;
Fixes.push_back({fix, getConstraintLocator(locator)});
return false;
ConstraintSystem::simplifyFixConstraint(Fix fix, Type type1, Type type2,
ConstraintKind matchKind,
TypeMatchOptions flags,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
if (recordFix(fix, locator))
return SolutionKind::Error;
// Try with the fix.
TypeMatchOptions subflags =
getDefaultDecompositionOptions(flags) | TMF_ApplyingFix;
switch (fix.getKind()) {
case FixKind::None:
return matchTypes(type1, type2, matchKind, subflags, locator);
case FixKind::ForceOptional:
case FixKind::OptionalChaining:
// Assume that '!' was applied to the first type.
return matchTypes(type1->getRValueObjectType()->getOptionalObjectType(),
type2, matchKind, subflags, locator);
case FixKind::ForceDowncast:
// These work whenever they are suggested.
return SolutionKind::Solved;
case FixKind::AddressOf:
// Assume that '&' was applied to the first type, turning an lvalue into
// an inout.
return matchTypes(InOutType::get(type1->getRValueType()), type2,
matchKind, subflags, locator);
case FixKind::CoerceToCheckedCast:
llvm_unreachable("handled elsewhere");
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled FixKind in switch.");
ConstraintSystem::addConstraintImpl(ConstraintKind kind, Type first,
Type second,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator,
bool isFavored) {
assert(first && "Missing first type");
assert(second && "Missing second type");
TypeMatchOptions subflags = TMF_GenerateConstraints;
switch (kind) {
case ConstraintKind::Equal:
case ConstraintKind::Bind:
case ConstraintKind::BindParam:
case ConstraintKind::BindToPointerType:
case ConstraintKind::Subtype:
case ConstraintKind::Conversion:
case ConstraintKind::ExplicitConversion:
case ConstraintKind::ArgumentConversion:
case ConstraintKind::ArgumentTupleConversion:
case ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentTupleConversion:
case ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentConversion:
return matchTypes(first, second, kind, subflags, locator);
case ConstraintKind::ApplicableFunction:
return simplifyApplicableFnConstraint(first, second, subflags, locator);
case ConstraintKind::DynamicTypeOf:
return simplifyDynamicTypeOfConstraint(first, second, subflags, locator);
case ConstraintKind::ConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::LiteralConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::SelfObjectOfProtocol:
return simplifyConformsToConstraint(first, second, kind, locator,
case ConstraintKind::CheckedCast:
return simplifyCheckedCastConstraint(first, second, subflags, locator);
case ConstraintKind::OptionalObject:
return simplifyOptionalObjectConstraint(first, second, subflags, locator);
case ConstraintKind::Defaultable:
return simplifyDefaultableConstraint(first, second, subflags, locator);
case ConstraintKind::ValueMember:
case ConstraintKind::UnresolvedValueMember:
case ConstraintKind::BindOverload:
case ConstraintKind::Disjunction:
llvm_unreachable("Use the correct addConstraint()");
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled ConstraintKind in switch.");
void ConstraintSystem::addConstraint(ConstraintKind kind, Type first,
Type second,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator,
bool isFavored) {
switch (addConstraintImpl(kind, first, second, locator, isFavored)) {
case SolutionKind::Error:
// Add a failing constraint, if needed.
if (shouldAddNewFailingConstraint()) {
auto c = Constraint::create(*this, kind, first, second, DeclName(),
if (isFavored) c->setFavored();
case SolutionKind::Unsolved:
llvm_unreachable("should have generated constraints");
case SolutionKind::Solved:
ConstraintSystem::simplifyConstraint(const Constraint &constraint) {
switch (constraint.getKind()) {
case ConstraintKind::Bind:
case ConstraintKind::Equal:
case ConstraintKind::BindParam:
case ConstraintKind::BindToPointerType:
case ConstraintKind::Subtype:
case ConstraintKind::Conversion:
case ConstraintKind::ExplicitConversion:
case ConstraintKind::ArgumentConversion:
case ConstraintKind::ArgumentTupleConversion:
case ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentTupleConversion:
case ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentConversion: {
// Relational constraints.
auto matchKind = constraint.getKind();
// If there is a fix associated with this constraint, apply it.
if (auto fix = constraint.getFix()) {
return simplifyFixConstraint(*fix, constraint.getFirstType(),
constraint.getSecondType(), matchKind,
None, constraint.getLocator());
// If there is a restriction on this constraint, apply it directly rather
// than going through the general \c matchTypes() machinery.
if (auto restriction = constraint.getRestriction()) {
return simplifyRestrictedConstraint(*restriction,
matchKind, None,
return matchTypes(constraint.getFirstType(), constraint.getSecondType(),
matchKind, None, constraint.getLocator());
case ConstraintKind::ApplicableFunction:
return simplifyApplicableFnConstraint(constraint.getFirstType(),
None, constraint.getLocator());
case ConstraintKind::DynamicTypeOf:
return simplifyDynamicTypeOfConstraint(constraint.getFirstType(),
case ConstraintKind::BindOverload:
resolveOverload(constraint.getLocator(), constraint.getFirstType(),
return SolutionKind::Solved;
case ConstraintKind::ConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::LiteralConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::SelfObjectOfProtocol:
return simplifyConformsToConstraint(
case ConstraintKind::CheckedCast: {
auto result = simplifyCheckedCastConstraint(constraint.getFirstType(),
// NOTE: simplifyCheckedCastConstraint() may return Unsolved, e.g. if the
// subexpression's type is unresolved. Don't record the fix until we
// successfully simplify the constraint.
if (result == SolutionKind::Solved) {
if (auto fix = constraint.getFix()) {
if (recordFix(*fix, constraint.getLocator())) {
return SolutionKind::Error;
return result;
case ConstraintKind::OptionalObject:
return simplifyOptionalObjectConstraint(constraint.getFirstType(),
case ConstraintKind::ValueMember:
case ConstraintKind::UnresolvedValueMember:
return simplifyMemberConstraint(constraint.getKind(),
case ConstraintKind::Defaultable:
return simplifyDefaultableConstraint(constraint.getFirstType(),
case ConstraintKind::Disjunction:
// Disjunction constraints are never solved here.
return SolutionKind::Unsolved;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled ConstraintKind in switch.");