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//===--- GenClass.cpp - Swift IR Generation For 'class' Types -------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements IR generation for class types.
#include "GenClass.h"
#include "swift/ABI/Class.h"
#include "swift/ABI/MetadataValues.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/AttrKind.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/IRGenOptions.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/Pattern.h"
#include "swift/AST/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeMemberVisitor.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "swift/ClangImporter/ClangModule.h"
#include "swift/IRGen/Linking.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILModule.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILType.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILVTableVisitor.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/IR/CallSite.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/GlobalVariable.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "Callee.h"
#include "ClassLayout.h"
#include "ConstantBuilder.h"
#include "Explosion.h"
#include "GenFunc.h"
#include "GenMeta.h"
#include "GenObjC.h"
#include "GenProto.h"
#include "GenType.h"
#include "IRGenDebugInfo.h"
#include "IRGenFunction.h"
#include "IRGenModule.h"
#include "GenHeap.h"
#include "HeapTypeInfo.h"
#include "MemberAccessStrategy.h"
#include "MetadataLayout.h"
#include "MetadataRequest.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace irgen;
namespace {
/// Layout information for class types.
class ClassTypeInfo : public HeapTypeInfo<ClassTypeInfo> {
ClassDecl *TheClass;
// The resilient layout of the class, without making any assumptions
// that violate resilience boundaries. This is used to allocate
// and deallocate instances of the class, and to access fields.
mutable Optional<ClassLayout> ResilientLayout;
// A completely fragile layout, used for metadata emission.
mutable Optional<ClassLayout> FragileLayout;
/// Can we use swift reference-counting, or do we have to use
/// objc_retain/release?
const ReferenceCounting Refcount;
ClassLayout generateLayout(IRGenModule &IGM, SILType classType,
bool forBackwardDeployment) const;
ClassTypeInfo(llvm::PointerType *irType, Size size,
SpareBitVector spareBits, Alignment align,
ClassDecl *theClass, ReferenceCounting refcount)
: HeapTypeInfo(irType, size, std::move(spareBits), align),
TheClass(theClass), Refcount(refcount) {}
ReferenceCounting getReferenceCounting() const {
return Refcount;
ClassDecl *getClass() const { return TheClass; }
const ClassLayout &getClassLayout(IRGenModule &IGM, SILType type,
bool forBackwardDeployment) const;
StructLayout *createLayoutWithTailElems(IRGenModule &IGM,
SILType classType,
ArrayRef<SILType> tailTypes) const;
} // end anonymous namespace
/// Return the lowered type for the class's 'self' type within its context.
static SILType getSelfType(const ClassDecl *base) {
auto loweredTy = base->getDeclaredTypeInContext()->getCanonicalType();
return SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(loweredTy);
/// If the superclass came from another module, we may have dropped
/// stored properties due to the Swift language version availability of
/// their types. In these cases we can't precisely lay out the ivars in
/// the class object at compile time so we need to do runtime layout.
static bool classHasIncompleteLayout(IRGenModule &IGM,
ClassDecl *theClass) {
if (theClass->getParentModule() == IGM.getSwiftModule())
return false;
for (auto field : theClass->getStoredPropertiesAndMissingMemberPlaceholders())
if (isa<MissingMemberDecl>(field))
return true;
return false;
namespace {
class ClassLayoutBuilder : public StructLayoutBuilder {
SmallVector<ElementLayout, 8> Elements;
SmallVector<VarDecl*, 8> AllStoredProperties;
SmallVector<FieldAccess, 8> AllFieldAccesses;
// If we're building a layout with tail-allocated elements, we do
// things slightly differently; all fields from the superclass are
// added before the class fields, and the tail elements themselves
// come after. We don't make a ClassLayout in this case, only a
// StructLayout.
Optional<ArrayRef<SILType>> TailTypes;
// Normally, Swift only emits static metadata for a class if it has no
// generic ancestry and no fields with resilient value types, which
// require dynamic layout.
// However, for interop with Objective-C, where the runtime does not
// know how to invoke arbitrary code to initialize class metadata, we
// ignore resilience and emit a static layout and metadata for classes
// that would otherwise have static metadata, were it not for any
// resilient fields.
// This enables two things:
// - Objective-C can reference the class symbol by calling a static
// method on it, for example +alloc, which requires the InstanceSize
// to be known, except for possibly sliding ivars.
// - Objective-C message sends can call methods defined in categories
// emitted by Swift, which again require the class metadata symbol
// to have a static address.
// Note that we don't do this if the class is generic, has generic
// ancestry, or has a superclass that is itself resilient.
bool CompletelyFragileLayout;
ClassMetadataOptions Options;
ClassLayoutBuilder(IRGenModule &IGM, SILType classType,
ReferenceCounting refcounting,
bool completelyFragileLayout,
Optional<ArrayRef<SILType>> tailTypes = None)
: StructLayoutBuilder(IGM),
CompletelyFragileLayout(completelyFragileLayout) {
// Start by adding a heap header.
switch (refcounting) {
case ReferenceCounting::Native:
// For native classes, place a full object header.
case ReferenceCounting::ObjC:
// For ObjC-inheriting classes, we don't reliably know the size of the
// base class, but NSObject only has an `isa` pointer at most.
case ReferenceCounting::Block:
case ReferenceCounting::Unknown:
case ReferenceCounting::Bridge:
case ReferenceCounting::Error:
llvm_unreachable("not a class refcounting kind");
// Next, add the fields for the given class.
auto theClass = classType.getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
if (theClass->isGenericContext() && !theClass->hasClangNode())
Options |= ClassMetadataFlags::ClassIsGeneric;
addFieldsForClass(theClass, classType, /*superclass=*/false);
if (TailTypes) {
// Add the tail elements.
for (SILType TailTy : *TailTypes) {
const TypeInfo &tailTI = IGM.getTypeInfo(TailTy);
/// Return the element layouts.
ArrayRef<ElementLayout> getElements() const {
return Elements;
ClassLayout getClassLayout(llvm::Type *classTy) const {
auto allStoredProps = IGM.Context.AllocateCopy(AllStoredProperties);
auto allFieldAccesses = IGM.Context.AllocateCopy(AllFieldAccesses);
auto allElements = IGM.Context.AllocateCopy(Elements);
return ClassLayout(*this, Options, classTy,
allStoredProps, allFieldAccesses, allElements);
/// Adds a layout of a tail-allocated element.
void addTailElement(const ElementLayout &Elt) {
if (!addField(Elements.back(), LayoutStrategy::Universal)) {
// For empty tail allocated elements we still add 1 padding byte.
assert(cast<FixedTypeInfo>(Elt.getType()).getFixedStride() == Size(1) &&
"empty elements should have stride 1");
StructFields.push_back(llvm::ArrayType::get(IGM.Int8Ty, 1));
CurSize += Size(1);
/// If 'superclass' is true, we're adding fields for one of our
/// superclasses, which means they become part of the struct
/// layout calculation, but are not actually added to any of
/// the vectors like AllStoredProperties, etc. Also, we don't need
/// to compute FieldAccesses for them.
void addFieldsForClass(ClassDecl *theClass, SILType classType,
bool superclass) {
if (theClass->hasClangNode()) {
Options |= ClassMetadataFlags::ClassHasObjCAncestry;
if (theClass->hasSuperclass()) {
SILType superclassType = classType.getSuperclass();
auto superclassDecl = superclassType.getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
assert(superclassType && superclassDecl);
if (IGM.hasResilientMetadata(superclassDecl, ResilienceExpansion::Maximal))
Options |= ClassMetadataFlags::ClassHasResilientAncestry;
// If the superclass has resilient storage, don't walk its fields.
if (IGM.isResilient(superclassDecl, ResilienceExpansion::Maximal)) {
Options |= ClassMetadataFlags::ClassHasResilientMembers;
// If the superclass is generic, we have to assume that its layout
// depends on its generic parameters. But this only propagates down to
// subclasses whose superclass type depends on the subclass's generic
// context.
if (superclassType.hasArchetype())
Options |= ClassMetadataFlags::ClassHasGenericLayout;
} else {
// Otherwise, we are allowed to have total knowledge of the superclass
// fields, so walk them to compute the layout.
addFieldsForClass(superclassDecl, superclassType, /*superclass=*/true);
if (theClass->isGenericContext())
Options |= ClassMetadataFlags::ClassHasGenericAncestry;
if (classHasIncompleteLayout(IGM, theClass))
Options |= ClassMetadataFlags::ClassHasMissingMembers;
if (IGM.hasResilientMetadata(theClass, ResilienceExpansion::Maximal))
Options |= ClassMetadataFlags::ClassHasResilientAncestry;
if (IGM.isResilient(theClass, ResilienceExpansion::Maximal)) {
Options |= ClassMetadataFlags::ClassHasResilientMembers;
// Collect fields from this class and add them to the layout as a chunk.
addDirectFieldsFromClass(theClass, classType, superclass);
void addDirectFieldsFromClass(ClassDecl *theClass,
SILType classType,
bool superclass) {
for (VarDecl *var : theClass->getStoredProperties()) {
SILType type = classType.getFieldType(var, IGM.getSILModule());
// Lower the field type.
auto *eltType = &IGM.getTypeInfo(type);
if (CompletelyFragileLayout && !eltType->isFixedSize()) {
LoweringModeScope scope(IGM, TypeConverter::Mode::Legacy);
eltType = &IGM.getTypeInfo(type);
if (!eltType->isFixedSize()) {
if (type.hasArchetype())
Options |= ClassMetadataFlags::ClassHasGenericLayout;
Options |= ClassMetadataFlags::ClassHasResilientMembers;
auto element = ElementLayout::getIncomplete(*eltType);
bool isKnownEmpty = !addField(element, LayoutStrategy::Universal);
// The 'Elements' list only contains superclass fields when we're
// building a layout for tail allocation.
if (!superclass || TailTypes)
if (!superclass) {
if (!superclass) {
// If we're calculating the layout of a specialized generic class type,
// we cannot use field offset globals for dependently-typed fields,
// because they will not exist -- we only emit such globals for fields
// which are not dependent in all instantiations.
// So make sure to fall back to the fully unsubstituted 'abstract layout'
// for any fields whose offsets are not completely fixed.
auto *classTI = &IGM.getTypeInfo(classType).as<ClassTypeInfo>();
SILType selfType = getSelfType(theClass);
auto *selfTI = &IGM.getTypeInfo(selfType).as<ClassTypeInfo>();
// Only calculate an abstract layout if its different than the one
// being computed now.
if (classTI != selfTI) {
auto *abstractLayout = &selfTI->getClassLayout(IGM, selfType,
for (unsigned index : indices(AllFieldAccesses)) {
auto &access = AllFieldAccesses[index];
auto *var = AllStoredProperties[index];
if (access == FieldAccess::NonConstantDirect)
access = abstractLayout->getFieldAccessAndElement(var).first;
// If the class has Objective-C ancestry and we're doing runtime layout
// that depends on generic parameters, the Swift runtime will first
// layout the fields relative to the static instance start offset, and
// then ask the Objective-C runtime to slide them.
// However, this means that if some fields have a generic type, their
// alignment will change the instance start offset between generic
// instantiations, and we cannot use field offset global variables at
// all, even for fields that come before any generically-typed fields.
// For example, the alignment of 'x' and 'y' below might depend on 'T':
// class Foo<T> : NSFoobar {
// var x : AKlass = AKlass()
// var y : AKlass = AKlass()
// var t : T?
// }
if (Options.contains(ClassMetadataFlags::ClassHasGenericLayout) &&
Options.contains(ClassMetadataFlags::ClassHasObjCAncestry)) {
for (auto &access : AllFieldAccesses) {
if (access == FieldAccess::NonConstantDirect)
access = FieldAccess::ConstantIndirect;
FieldAccess getFieldAccess(bool isKnownEmpty) {
// If the field known empty, then its access pattern is always
// constant-direct.
if (isKnownEmpty)
return FieldAccess::ConstantDirect;
// If layout so far depends on generic parameters, we have to load the
// offset from the field offset vector in class metadata.
if (Options.contains(ClassMetadataFlags::ClassHasGenericLayout))
return FieldAccess::ConstantIndirect;
// If layout so far doesn't depend on any generic parameters, but it's
// nonetheless not statically known (because either the stored property
// layout of a superclass is resilient, or one of our own members is a
// resilient value type), then we can rely on the existence
// of a global field offset variable which will be initialized by
// either the Objective-C or Swift runtime, depending on the
// class's heritage.
if (Options.contains(ClassMetadataFlags::ClassHasMissingMembers) ||
Options.contains(ClassMetadataFlags::ClassHasResilientMembers) ||
return FieldAccess::NonConstantDirect;
// If the layout so far has a fixed size, the field offset is known
// statically.
return FieldAccess::ConstantDirect;
} // end anonymous namespace
ClassLayout ClassTypeInfo::generateLayout(IRGenModule &IGM, SILType classType,
bool completelyFragileLayout) const {
ClassLayoutBuilder builder(IGM, classType, Refcount, completelyFragileLayout);
auto *classTy =
if (completelyFragileLayout) {
// Create a name for the new llvm type.
SmallString<32> typeName = classTy->getName();
typeName += "_fragile";
// Create the llvm type.
classTy = llvm::StructType::create(IGM.getLLVMContext(), typeName.str());
return builder.getClassLayout(classTy);
StructLayout *
ClassTypeInfo::createLayoutWithTailElems(IRGenModule &IGM,
SILType classType,
ArrayRef<SILType> tailTypes) const {
// Add the elements for the class properties.
ClassLayoutBuilder builder(IGM, classType, Refcount,
// Create a name for the new llvm type.
llvm::StructType *classTy =
SmallString<32> typeName;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(typeName);
os << classTy->getName() << "_tailelems" << IGM.TailElemTypeID++;
// Create the llvm type.
llvm::StructType *ResultTy = llvm::StructType::create(IGM.getLLVMContext(),
// Create the StructLayout, which is transfered to the caller (the caller is
// responsible for deleting it).
return new StructLayout(builder, classType.getClassOrBoundGenericClass(),
ResultTy, builder.getElements());
const ClassLayout &
ClassTypeInfo::getClassLayout(IRGenModule &IGM, SILType classType,
bool forBackwardDeployment) const {
// Perform fragile layout only if Objective-C interop is enabled.
bool completelyFragileLayout = (forBackwardDeployment &&
// Return the cached layout if available.
auto &Layout = completelyFragileLayout ? FragileLayout : ResilientLayout;
if (!Layout) {
auto NewLayout = generateLayout(IGM, classType, completelyFragileLayout);
assert(!Layout && "generateLayout() should not call itself recursively");
Layout = NewLayout;
return *Layout;
/// Cast the base to i8*, apply the given inbounds offset (in bytes,
/// as a size_t), and cast to a pointer to the given type.
llvm::Value *IRGenFunction::emitByteOffsetGEP(llvm::Value *base,
llvm::Value *offset,
llvm::Type *objectType,
const llvm::Twine &name) {
assert(offset->getType() == IGM.SizeTy || offset->getType() == IGM.Int32Ty);
auto addr = Builder.CreateBitCast(base, IGM.Int8PtrTy);
addr = Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(addr, offset);
return Builder.CreateBitCast(addr, objectType->getPointerTo(), name);
/// Cast the base to i8*, apply the given inbounds offset (in bytes,
/// as a size_t), and create an address in the given type.
Address IRGenFunction::emitByteOffsetGEP(llvm::Value *base,
llvm::Value *offset,
const TypeInfo &type,
const llvm::Twine &name) {
auto addr = emitByteOffsetGEP(base, offset, type.getStorageType(), name);
return type.getAddressForPointer(addr);
/// Emit a field l-value by applying the given offset to the given base.
static OwnedAddress emitAddressAtOffset(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType baseType,
llvm::Value *base,
llvm::Value *offset,
VarDecl *field) {
auto &fieldTI =
IGF.getTypeInfo(baseType.getFieldType(field, IGF.getSILModule()));
auto addr = IGF.emitByteOffsetGEP(base, offset, fieldTI,
base->getName() + "." + field->getName().str());
return OwnedAddress(addr, base);
llvm::Constant *
irgen::tryEmitConstantClassFragilePhysicalMemberOffset(IRGenModule &IGM,
SILType baseType,
VarDecl *field) {
auto fieldType = baseType.getFieldType(field, IGM.getSILModule());
// If the field is empty, its address doesn't matter.
auto &fieldTI = IGM.getTypeInfo(fieldType);
if (fieldTI.isKnownEmpty(ResilienceExpansion::Maximal)) {
return llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGM.SizeTy, 0);
auto &baseClassTI = IGM.getTypeInfo(baseType).as<ClassTypeInfo>();
auto &classLayout = baseClassTI.getClassLayout(IGM, baseType,
auto fieldInfo = classLayout.getFieldAccessAndElement(field);
switch (fieldInfo.first) {
case FieldAccess::ConstantDirect: {
auto element = fieldInfo.second;
return llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGM.SizeTy,
case FieldAccess::NonConstantDirect:
case FieldAccess::ConstantIndirect:
return nullptr;
llvm_unreachable("unhandled access");
irgen::getClassFieldAccess(IRGenModule &IGM, SILType baseType, VarDecl *field) {
auto &baseClassTI = IGM.getTypeInfo(baseType).as<ClassTypeInfo>();
auto &classLayout = baseClassTI.getClassLayout(IGM, baseType,
return classLayout.getFieldAccessAndElement(field).first;
irgen::getClassFieldOffset(IRGenModule &IGM, SILType baseType, VarDecl *field) {
auto &baseClassTI = IGM.getTypeInfo(baseType).as<ClassTypeInfo>();
// FIXME: For now we just assume fragile layout here, because this is used as
// part of emitting class metadata.
auto &classLayout = baseClassTI.getClassLayout(IGM, baseType,
auto fieldInfo = classLayout.getFieldAccessAndElement(field);
auto element = fieldInfo.second;
return element.getByteOffset();
StructLayout *
irgen::getClassLayoutWithTailElems(IRGenModule &IGM, SILType classType,
ArrayRef<SILType> tailTypes) {
auto &ClassTI = IGM.getTypeInfo(classType).as<ClassTypeInfo>();
return ClassTI.createLayoutWithTailElems(IGM, classType, tailTypes);
OwnedAddress irgen::projectPhysicalClassMemberAddress(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *base,
SILType baseType,
SILType fieldType,
VarDecl *field) {
// If the field is empty, its address doesn't matter.
auto &fieldTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(fieldType);
if (fieldTI.isKnownEmpty(ResilienceExpansion::Maximal)) {
return OwnedAddress(fieldTI.getUndefAddress(), base);
auto &baseClassTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(baseType).as<ClassTypeInfo>();
ClassDecl *baseClass = baseClassTI.getClass();
auto &classLayout = baseClassTI.getClassLayout(IGF.IGM, baseType,
auto fieldInfo = classLayout.getFieldAccessAndElement(field);
switch (fieldInfo.first) {
case FieldAccess::ConstantDirect: {
Address baseAddr(base, classLayout.getAlignment());
auto element = fieldInfo.second;
Address memberAddr = element.project(IGF, baseAddr, None);
// We may need to bitcast the address if the field is of a generic type.
if (memberAddr.getType()->getElementType() != fieldTI.getStorageType())
memberAddr = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(memberAddr,
return OwnedAddress(memberAddr, base);
case FieldAccess::NonConstantDirect: {
Address offsetA = IGF.IGM.getAddrOfFieldOffset(field, NotForDefinition);
auto offset = IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(offsetA, "offset");
return emitAddressAtOffset(IGF, baseType, base, offset, field);
case FieldAccess::ConstantIndirect: {
auto metadata = emitHeapMetadataRefForHeapObject(IGF, base, baseType);
auto offset = emitClassFieldOffset(IGF, baseClass, field, metadata);
return emitAddressAtOffset(IGF, baseType, base, offset, field);
llvm_unreachable("bad field-access strategy");
irgen::getPhysicalClassMemberAccessStrategy(IRGenModule &IGM,
SILType baseType, VarDecl *field) {
auto &baseClassTI = IGM.getTypeInfo(baseType).as<ClassTypeInfo>();
ClassDecl *baseClass = baseType.getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
auto &classLayout = baseClassTI.getClassLayout(IGM, baseType,
auto fieldInfo = classLayout.getFieldAccessAndElement(field);
switch (fieldInfo.first) {
case FieldAccess::ConstantDirect: {
auto element = fieldInfo.second;
return MemberAccessStrategy::getDirectFixed(element.getByteOffset());
case FieldAccess::NonConstantDirect: {
std::string symbol =
return MemberAccessStrategy::getDirectGlobal(std::move(symbol),
case FieldAccess::ConstantIndirect: {
Size indirectOffset = getClassFieldOffsetOffset(IGM, baseClass, field);
return MemberAccessStrategy::getIndirectFixed(indirectOffset,
llvm_unreachable("bad field-access strategy");
Address irgen::emitTailProjection(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *Base,
SILType ClassType,
SILType TailType) {
const ClassTypeInfo &classTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(ClassType).as<ClassTypeInfo>();
llvm::Value *Offset = nullptr;
auto &layout = classTI.getClassLayout(IGF.IGM, ClassType,
Alignment HeapObjAlign = IGF.IGM.TargetInfo.HeapObjectAlignment;
Alignment Align;
// Get the size of the class instance.
if (layout.isFixedLayout()) {
Size ClassSize = layout.getSize();
Offset = llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGF.IGM.SizeTy, ClassSize.getValue());
Align = HeapObjAlign.alignmentAtOffset(ClassSize);
} else {
llvm::Value *metadata = emitHeapMetadataRefForHeapObject(IGF, Base,
Offset = emitClassResilientInstanceSizeAndAlignMask(IGF,
// Align up to the TailType.
const TypeInfo &TailTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(TailType);
llvm::Value *AlignMask = TailTI.getAlignmentMask(IGF, TailType);
Offset = IGF.Builder.CreateAdd(Offset, AlignMask);
llvm::Value *InvertedMask = IGF.Builder.CreateNot(AlignMask);
Offset = IGF.Builder.CreateAnd(Offset, InvertedMask);
llvm::Value *Addr = IGF.emitByteOffsetGEP(Base, Offset,
TailTI.getStorageType(), "tailaddr");
if (auto *OffsetConst = dyn_cast<llvm::ConstantInt>(Offset)) {
// Try to get an accurate alignment (only possible if the Offset is a
// constant).
Size TotalOffset(OffsetConst->getZExtValue());
Align = HeapObjAlign.alignmentAtOffset(TotalOffset);
return Address(Addr, Align);
/// Try to stack promote a class instance with possible tail allocated arrays.
/// Returns the alloca if successful, or nullptr otherwise.
static llvm::Value *stackPromote(IRGenFunction &IGF,
const ClassLayout &FieldLayout,
int &StackAllocSize,
ArrayRef<std::pair<SILType, llvm::Value *>> TailArrays) {
if (StackAllocSize < 0)
return nullptr;
if (!FieldLayout.isFixedLayout())
return nullptr;
// Calculate the total size needed.
// The first part is the size of the class itself.
Alignment ClassAlign = FieldLayout.getAlignment();
Size TotalSize = FieldLayout.getSize();
// Add size for tail-allocated arrays.
for (const auto &TailArray : TailArrays) {
SILType ElemTy = TailArray.first;
llvm::Value *Count = TailArray.second;
// We can only calculate a constant size if the tail-count is constant.
auto *CI = dyn_cast<llvm::ConstantInt>(Count);
if (!CI)
return nullptr;
const TypeInfo &ElemTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(ElemTy);
if (!ElemTI.isFixedSize())
return nullptr;
const FixedTypeInfo &ElemFTI =<FixedTypeInfo>();
Alignment ElemAlign = ElemFTI.getFixedAlignment();
// This should not happen - just to be save.
if (ElemAlign > ClassAlign)
return nullptr;
TotalSize = TotalSize.roundUpToAlignment(ElemAlign);
TotalSize += ElemFTI.getFixedStride() * CI->getValue().getZExtValue();
if (TotalSize > Size(StackAllocSize))
return nullptr;
StackAllocSize = TotalSize.getValue();
if (TotalSize == FieldLayout.getSize()) {
// No tail-allocated arrays: we can use the llvm class type for alloca.
llvm::Type *ClassTy = FieldLayout.getType();
Address Alloca = IGF.createAlloca(ClassTy, ClassAlign, "reference.raw");
return Alloca.getAddress();
// Use a byte-array as type for alloca.
llvm::Value *SizeVal = llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGF.IGM.Int32Ty,
Address Alloca = IGF.createAlloca(IGF.IGM.Int8Ty, SizeVal, ClassAlign,
return Alloca.getAddress();
std::pair<llvm::Value *, llvm::Value *>
irgen::appendSizeForTailAllocatedArrays(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *size, llvm::Value *alignMask,
TailArraysRef TailArrays) {
for (const auto &TailArray : TailArrays) {
SILType ElemTy = TailArray.first;
llvm::Value *Count = TailArray.second;
const TypeInfo &ElemTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(ElemTy);
// Align up to the tail-allocated array.
llvm::Value *ElemStride = ElemTI.getStride(IGF, ElemTy);
llvm::Value *ElemAlignMask = ElemTI.getAlignmentMask(IGF, ElemTy);
size = IGF.Builder.CreateAdd(size, ElemAlignMask);
llvm::Value *InvertedMask = IGF.Builder.CreateNot(ElemAlignMask);
size = IGF.Builder.CreateAnd(size, InvertedMask);
// Add the size of the tail allocated array.
llvm::Value *AllocSize = IGF.Builder.CreateMul(ElemStride, Count);
size = IGF.Builder.CreateAdd(size, AllocSize);
alignMask = IGF.Builder.CreateOr(alignMask, ElemAlignMask);
return {size, alignMask};
/// Emit an allocation of a class.
llvm::Value *irgen::emitClassAllocation(IRGenFunction &IGF, SILType selfType,
bool objc, int &StackAllocSize,
TailArraysRef TailArrays) {
auto &classTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(selfType).as<ClassTypeInfo>();
auto classType = selfType.getASTType();
// If we need to use Objective-C allocation, do so.
// If the root class isn't known to use the Swift allocator, we need
// to call [self alloc].
if (objc) {
llvm::Value *metadata =
emitClassHeapMetadataRef(IGF, classType, MetadataValueType::ObjCClass,
/*allow uninitialized*/ true);
StackAllocSize = -1;
return emitObjCAllocObjectCall(IGF, metadata, selfType);
llvm::Value *metadata =
emitClassHeapMetadataRef(IGF, classType, MetadataValueType::TypeMetadata,
auto &classLayout = classTI.getClassLayout(IGF.IGM, selfType,
llvm::Value *size, *alignMask;
if (classLayout.isFixedSize()) {
size = IGF.IGM.getSize(classLayout.getSize());
alignMask = IGF.IGM.getSize(classLayout.getAlignMask());
} else {
std::tie(size, alignMask)
= emitClassResilientInstanceSizeAndAlignMask(IGF,
llvm::Type *destType = classLayout.getType()->getPointerTo();
llvm::Value *val = nullptr;
if (llvm::Value *Promoted = stackPromote(IGF, classLayout, StackAllocSize,
TailArrays)) {
val = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(Promoted, IGF.IGM.RefCountedPtrTy);
val = IGF.emitInitStackObjectCall(metadata, val, "");
} else {
// Allocate the object on the heap.
std::tie(size, alignMask)
= appendSizeForTailAllocatedArrays(IGF, size, alignMask, TailArrays);
val = IGF.emitAllocObjectCall(metadata, size, alignMask, "");
StackAllocSize = -1;
return IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(val, destType);
llvm::Value *irgen::emitClassAllocationDynamic(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *metadata,
SILType selfType,
bool objc,
TailArraysRef TailArrays) {
// If we need to use Objective-C allocation, do so.
if (objc) {
return emitObjCAllocObjectCall(IGF, metadata, selfType);
// Otherwise, allocate using Swift's routines.
llvm::Value *size, *alignMask;
std::tie(size, alignMask)
= emitClassResilientInstanceSizeAndAlignMask(IGF,
std::tie(size, alignMask)
= appendSizeForTailAllocatedArrays(IGF, size, alignMask, TailArrays);
llvm::Value *val = IGF.emitAllocObjectCall(metadata, size, alignMask,
auto &classTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(selfType).as<ClassTypeInfo>();
auto &layout = classTI.getClassLayout(IGF.IGM, selfType,
llvm::Type *destType = layout.getType()->getPointerTo();
return IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(val, destType);
/// Get the instance size and alignment mask for the given class
/// instance.
static void getInstanceSizeAndAlignMask(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType selfType,
ClassDecl *selfClass,
llvm::Value *selfValue,
llvm::Value *&size,
llvm::Value *&alignMask) {
// Try to determine the size of the object we're deallocating.
auto &info = IGF.IGM.getTypeInfo(selfType).as<ClassTypeInfo>();
auto &layout = info.getClassLayout(IGF.IGM, selfType,
// If it's fixed, emit the constant size and alignment mask.
if (layout.isFixedLayout()) {
size = IGF.IGM.getSize(layout.getSize());
alignMask = IGF.IGM.getSize(layout.getAlignMask());
// Otherwise, get them from the metadata.
llvm::Value *metadata =
emitHeapMetadataRefForHeapObject(IGF, selfValue, selfType);
std::tie(size, alignMask)
= emitClassResilientInstanceSizeAndAlignMask(IGF, selfClass, metadata);
void irgen::emitClassDeallocation(IRGenFunction &IGF, SILType selfType,
llvm::Value *selfValue) {
auto *theClass = selfType.getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
llvm::Value *size, *alignMask;
getInstanceSizeAndAlignMask(IGF, selfType, theClass, selfValue,
size, alignMask);
selfValue = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(selfValue, IGF.IGM.RefCountedPtrTy);
emitDeallocateClassInstance(IGF, selfValue, size, alignMask);
void irgen::emitPartialClassDeallocation(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType selfType,
llvm::Value *selfValue,
llvm::Value *metadataValue) {
auto *theClass = selfType.getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
assert(theClass->getForeignClassKind() == ClassDecl::ForeignKind::Normal);
llvm::Value *size, *alignMask;
getInstanceSizeAndAlignMask(IGF, selfType, theClass, selfValue,
size, alignMask);
selfValue = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(selfValue, IGF.IGM.RefCountedPtrTy);
emitDeallocatePartialClassInstance(IGF, selfValue, metadataValue,
size, alignMask);
/// emitClassDecl - Emit all the declarations associated with this class type.
void IRGenModule::emitClassDecl(ClassDecl *D) {
PrettyStackTraceDecl prettyStackTrace("emitting class metadata for", D);
SILType selfType = getSelfType(D);
auto &classTI = getTypeInfo(selfType).as<ClassTypeInfo>();
// Use the fragile layout when emitting metadata.
auto &fragileLayout =
classTI.getClassLayout(*this, selfType, /*forBackwardDeployment=*/true);
// The resilient layout tells us what parts of the metadata can be
// updated at runtime by the Objective-C metadata update callback.
auto &resilientLayout =
classTI.getClassLayout(*this, selfType, /*forBackwardDeployment=*/false);
// Emit the class metadata.
emitClassMetadata(*this, D, fragileLayout, resilientLayout);
namespace {
using CategoryNameKey = std::pair<ClassDecl*, ModuleDecl*>;
/// Used to provide unique names to ObjC categories generated by Swift
/// extensions. The first category for a class in a module gets the module's
/// name as its key, e.g., NSObject (MySwiftModule). Another extension of the
/// same class in the same module gets a category name with a number appended,
/// e.g., NSObject (MySwiftModule1).
llvm::DenseMap<CategoryNameKey, unsigned> CategoryCounts;
/// A class for building ObjC class data (in Objective-C terms, class_ro_t),
/// category data (category_t), or protocol data (protocol_t).
class ClassDataBuilder : public ClassMemberVisitor<ClassDataBuilder> {
IRGenModule &IGM;
PointerUnion<ClassDecl *, ProtocolDecl *> TheEntity;
ExtensionDecl *TheExtension;
const ClassLayout *FieldLayout;
ClassDecl *getClass() const {
return TheEntity.get<ClassDecl*>();
ProtocolDecl *getProtocol() const {
return TheEntity.get<ProtocolDecl*>();
bool isBuildingClass() const {
return<ClassDecl*>() && !TheExtension;
bool isBuildingCategory() const {
return<ClassDecl*>() && TheExtension;
bool isBuildingProtocol() const {
bool HasNonTrivialDestructor = false;
bool HasNonTrivialConstructor = false;
class MethodDescriptor {
enum class Kind {
llvm::PointerIntPair<void*, 2, Kind> Data;
::NumLowBitsAvailable >= 2,
"llvm::Function* isn't adequately aligned");
::NumLowBitsAvailable >= 2,
"AbstractFuncDecl* isn't adequately aligned");
MethodDescriptor(Kind kind, void *ptr) : Data(ptr, kind) {}
MethodDescriptor(AbstractFunctionDecl *method)
: Data(method, Kind::Method) {
assert(method && "null method provided");
static MethodDescriptor getIVarInitializer(llvm::Function *fn) {
assert(fn && "null impl provided");
return MethodDescriptor(Kind::IVarInitializer, fn);
static MethodDescriptor getIVarDestroyer(llvm::Function *fn) {
assert(fn && "null impl provided");
return MethodDescriptor(Kind::IVarDestroyer, fn);
Kind getKind() const { return Data.getInt(); }
AbstractFunctionDecl *getMethod() {
assert(getKind() == Kind::Method);
return static_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl*>(Data.getPointer());
llvm::Function *getImpl() {
assert(getKind() != Kind::Method);
return static_cast<llvm::Function*>(Data.getPointer());
llvm::SmallString<16> CategoryName;
SmallVector<VarDecl*, 8> Ivars;
SmallVector<MethodDescriptor, 16> InstanceMethods;
SmallVector<MethodDescriptor, 16> ClassMethods;
SmallVector<MethodDescriptor, 16> OptInstanceMethods;
SmallVector<MethodDescriptor, 16> OptClassMethods;
SmallVector<ProtocolDecl*, 4> Protocols;
SmallVector<VarDecl*, 8> InstanceProperties;
SmallVector<VarDecl*, 8> ClassProperties;
llvm::Constant *Name = nullptr;
SmallVectorImpl<MethodDescriptor> &getMethodList(ValueDecl *decl) {
if (decl->getAttrs().hasAttribute<OptionalAttr>()) {
if (decl->isStatic()) {
return OptClassMethods;
} else {
return OptInstanceMethods;
} else {
if (decl->isStatic()) {
return ClassMethods;
} else {
return InstanceMethods;
ClassDataBuilder(IRGenModule &IGM, ClassDecl *theClass,
const ClassLayout &fieldLayout)
: IGM(IGM), TheEntity(theClass), TheExtension(nullptr),
if (Lowering::usesObjCAllocator(theClass)) {
ClassDataBuilder(IRGenModule &IGM, ClassDecl *theClass,
ExtensionDecl *theExtension)
: IGM(IGM), TheEntity(theClass), TheExtension(theExtension),
for (Decl *member : TheExtension->getMembers())
ClassDataBuilder(IRGenModule &IGM, ProtocolDecl *theProtocol)
: IGM(IGM), TheEntity(theProtocol), TheExtension(nullptr)
llvm::SmallSetVector<ProtocolDecl *, 2> protocols;
// Gather protocol references for all of the directly inherited
// Objective-C protocol conformances.
for (ProtocolDecl *p : theProtocol->getInheritedProtocols()) {
getObjCProtocols(p, protocols);
// Add any restated Objective-C protocol conformances.
for (auto *attr :
->getAttrs().getAttributes<RestatedObjCConformanceAttr>()) {
getObjCProtocols(attr->Proto, protocols);
for (ProtocolDecl *proto : protocols) {
for (Decl *member : theProtocol->getMembers())
/// Gather protocol records for all of the explicitly-specified Objective-C
/// protocol conformances.
void visitConformances(DeclContext *dc) {
llvm::SmallSetVector<ProtocolDecl *, 2> protocols;
for (auto conformance : dc->getLocalConformances(
nullptr)) {
ProtocolDecl *proto = conformance->getProtocol();
getObjCProtocols(proto, protocols);
for (ProtocolDecl *proto : protocols) {
/// Add the protocol to the vector, if it's Objective-C protocol,
/// or search its superprotocols.
void getObjCProtocols(ProtocolDecl *proto,
llvm::SmallSetVector<ProtocolDecl *, 2> &result) {
if (proto->isObjC()) {
} else {
for (ProtocolDecl *inherited : proto->getInheritedProtocols()) {
// Recursively check inherited protocol for objc conformance.
getObjCProtocols(inherited, result);
llvm::Constant *getMetaclassRefOrNull(ClassDecl *theClass) {
if (theClass->isGenericContext() && !theClass->hasClangNode()) {
return llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(IGM.ObjCClassPtrTy);
} else {
return IGM.getAddrOfMetaclassObject(theClass, NotForDefinition);
void buildMetaclassStub() {
assert(FieldLayout && "can't build a metaclass from a category");
// The isa is the metaclass pointer for the root class.
auto rootClass = getRootClassForMetaclass(IGM, TheEntity.get<ClassDecl *>());
auto rootPtr = getMetaclassRefOrNull(rootClass);
// The superclass of the metaclass is the metaclass of the
// superclass. Note that for metaclass stubs, we can always
// ignore parent contexts and generic arguments.
// If this class has no formal superclass, then its actual
// superclass is SwiftObject, i.e. the root class.
llvm::Constant *superPtr;
if (getClass()->hasSuperclass()) {
auto base = getClass()->getSuperclassDecl();
superPtr = getMetaclassRefOrNull(base);
} else {
superPtr = getMetaclassRefOrNull(
auto dataPtr = emitROData(ForMetaClass, DoesNotHaveUpdateCallback);
dataPtr = llvm::ConstantExpr::getPtrToInt(dataPtr, IGM.IntPtrTy);
llvm::Constant *fields[] = {
auto init = llvm::ConstantStruct::get(IGM.ObjCClassStructTy,
auto metaclass =
IGM.getAddrOfMetaclassObject(getClass(), ForDefinition));
void buildCategoryName(SmallVectorImpl<char> &s) {
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(s);
// Find the module the extension is declared in.
ModuleDecl *TheModule = TheExtension->getParentModule();
os << TheModule->getName();
unsigned categoryCount = CategoryCounts[{getClass(), TheModule}]++;
if (categoryCount > 0)
os << categoryCount;
llvm::Constant *emitCategory() {
assert(TheExtension && "can't emit category data for a class");
ConstantInitBuilder builder(IGM);
auto fields = builder.beginStruct();
// struct category_t {
// char const *name;
// const class_t *theClass;
if (getClass()->hasClangNode())
fields.add(IGM.getAddrOfObjCClass(getClass(), NotForDefinition));
else {
auto type = getSelfType(getClass()).getASTType();
llvm::Constant *metadata =
tryEmitConstantHeapMetadataRef(IGM, type, /*allowUninit*/ true);
assert(metadata &&
"extended objc class doesn't have constant metadata?");
// const method_list_t *instanceMethods;
// const method_list_t *classMethods;
// const protocol_list_t *baseProtocols;
// const property_list_t *properties;
// const property_list_t *classProperties;
// uint32_t size;
// FIXME: Clang does this by using non-ad-hoc types for ObjC runtime
// structures.
Size size = 7 * IGM.getPointerSize() + Size(4);
// };
assert(fields.getNextOffsetFromGlobal() == size);
return buildGlobalVariable(fields, "_CATEGORY_");
llvm::Constant *emitProtocol() {
ConstantInitBuilder builder(IGM);
auto fields = builder.beginStruct();
llvm::SmallString<64> nameBuffer;
assert(isBuildingProtocol() && "not emitting a protocol");
// struct protocol_t {
// Class super;
// char const *name;
// const protocol_list_t *baseProtocols;
// const method_list_t *requiredInstanceMethods;
// const method_list_t *requiredClassMethods;
// const method_list_t *optionalInstanceMethods;
// const method_list_t *optionalClassMethods;
// const property_list_t *properties;
// uint32_t size;
// FIXME: Clang does this by using non-ad-hoc types for ObjC runtime
// structures.
Size size = 11 * IGM.getPointerSize() + 2 * Size(4);
// uint32_t flags;
auto flags = ProtocolDescriptorFlags()
// const char ** extendedMethodTypes;
// const char *demangledName;
// const property_list_t *classProperties;
// };
assert(fields.getNextOffsetFromGlobal() == size);
return buildGlobalVariable(fields, "_PROTOCOL_");
void emitRODataFields(ConstantStructBuilder &b,
ForMetaClass_t forMeta,
HasUpdateCallback_t hasUpdater) {
assert(FieldLayout && "can't emit rodata for a category");
// struct _class_ro_t {
// uint32_t flags;
b.addInt32(unsigned(buildFlags(forMeta, hasUpdater)));
// uint32_t instanceStart;
// uint32_t instanceSize;
// The runtime requires that the ivar offsets be initialized to
// a valid layout of the ivars of this class, bounded by these
// two values. If the instanceSize of the superclass equals the
// stored instanceStart of the subclass, the ivar offsets
// will not be changed.
Size instanceStart;
Size instanceSize;
if (forMeta) {
// sizeof(struct class_t)
instanceSize = Size(5 * IGM.getPointerSize().getValue());
// historical nonsense
instanceStart = instanceSize;
} else {
instanceSize = FieldLayout->getSize();
instanceStart = FieldLayout->getInstanceStart();
// uint32_t reserved; // only when building for 64bit targets
if (IGM.getPointerAlignment().getValue() > 4) {
assert(IGM.getPointerAlignment().getValue() == 8);
// const uint8_t *ivarLayout;
// GC/ARC layout. TODO.
// const char *name;
// It is correct to use the same name for both class and metaclass.
// const method_list_t *baseMethods;
b.add(forMeta ? buildClassMethodList() : buildInstanceMethodList());
// const protocol_list_t *baseProtocols;
// Apparently, this list is the same in the class and the metaclass.
// const ivar_list_t *ivars;
if (forMeta) {
} else {
// const uint8_t *weakIvarLayout;
// More GC/ARC layout. TODO.
// const property_list_t *baseProperties;
// If hasUpdater is true, the metadata update callback goes here.
if (hasUpdater) {
// Class _Nullable (*metadataUpdateCallback)(Class _Nonnull cls,
// void * _Nullable arg);
TheEntity.get<ClassDecl *>(),
// };
llvm::Constant *emitROData(ForMetaClass_t forMeta,
HasUpdateCallback_t hasUpdater) {
ConstantInitBuilder builder(IGM);
auto fields = builder.beginStruct();
emitRODataFields(fields, forMeta, hasUpdater);
auto dataSuffix = forMeta ? "_METACLASS_DATA_" : "_DATA_";
return buildGlobalVariable(fields, dataSuffix);
ObjCClassFlags buildFlags(ForMetaClass_t forMeta,
HasUpdateCallback_t hasUpdater) {
ObjCClassFlags flags = ObjCClassFlags::CompiledByARC;
// Mark metaclasses as appropriate.
if (forMeta) {
flags |= ObjCClassFlags::Meta;
// Non-metaclasses need us to record things whether primitive
// construction/destructor is trivial.
} else if (HasNonTrivialDestructor || HasNonTrivialConstructor) {
flags |= ObjCClassFlags::HasCXXStructors;
if (!HasNonTrivialConstructor)
flags |= ObjCClassFlags::HasCXXDestructorOnly;
if (hasUpdater)
flags |= ObjCClassFlags::HasMetadataUpdateCallback;
// FIXME: set ObjCClassFlags::Hidden when appropriate
return flags;
llvm::Constant *buildName() {
if (Name) return Name;
// If the class is generic, we'll instantiate its name at runtime.
if (getClass()->isGenericContext()) {
Name = llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(IGM.Int8PtrTy);
return Name;
llvm::SmallString<64> buffer;
Name = IGM.getAddrOfGlobalString(getClass()->getObjCRuntimeName(buffer));
return Name;
llvm::Constant *null() {
return llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(IGM.Int8PtrTy);
/*** Methods ***********************************************************/
/// Methods need to be collected into the appropriate methods list.
void visitFuncDecl(FuncDecl *method) {
if (!isBuildingProtocol() &&
!requiresObjCMethodDescriptor(method)) return;
// getters and setters funcdecls will be handled by their parent
// var/subscript.
if (isa<AccessorDecl>(method)) return;
// Don't emit getters/setters for @NSManaged methods.
if (method->getAttrs().hasAttribute<NSManagedAttr>()) return;
/// Constructors need to be collected into the appropriate methods list.
void visitConstructorDecl(ConstructorDecl *constructor) {
if (!isBuildingProtocol() &&
!requiresObjCMethodDescriptor(constructor)) return;
/// Determine whether the given destructor has an Objective-C
/// definition.
bool hasObjCDeallocDefinition(DestructorDecl *destructor) {
// If we have the destructor body, we know whether SILGen
// generated a -dealloc body.
if (auto braceStmt = destructor->getBody())
return braceStmt->getNumElements() != 0;
// We don't have a destructor body, so hunt for the SIL function
// for it.
auto dtorRef = SILDeclRef(destructor, SILDeclRef::Kind::Deallocator)
if (auto silFn = IGM.getSILModule().lookUpFunction(dtorRef))
return silFn->isDefinition();
// The Objective-C thunk was never even declared, so it is not defined.
return false;
/// Destructors need to be collected into the instance methods
/// list
void visitDestructorDecl(DestructorDecl *destructor) {
auto classDecl = cast<ClassDecl>(destructor->getDeclContext());
if (Lowering::usesObjCAllocator(classDecl) &&
hasObjCDeallocDefinition(destructor)) {
void visitMissingMemberDecl(MissingMemberDecl *placeholder) {
llvm_unreachable("should not IRGen classes with missing members");
void addIVarInitializer() {
if (auto fn = IGM.getAddrOfIVarInitDestroy(getClass(),
/*destroy*/ false,
/*isForeign=*/ true,
NotForDefinition)) {
HasNonTrivialConstructor = true;
void addIVarDestroyer() {
if (auto fn = IGM.getAddrOfIVarInitDestroy(getClass(),
/*destroy*/ true,
/*isForeign=*/ true,
NotForDefinition)) {
HasNonTrivialDestructor = true;
void buildMethod(ConstantArrayBuilder &descriptors,
MethodDescriptor descriptor) {
switch (descriptor.getKind()) {
case MethodDescriptor::Kind::Method:
return buildMethod(descriptors, descriptor.getMethod());
case MethodDescriptor::Kind::IVarInitializer:
emitObjCIVarInitDestroyDescriptor(IGM, descriptors, getClass(),
descriptor.getImpl(), false);
case MethodDescriptor::Kind::IVarDestroyer:
emitObjCIVarInitDestroyDescriptor(IGM, descriptors, getClass(),
descriptor.getImpl(), true);
llvm_unreachable("bad method descriptor kind");
void buildMethod(ConstantArrayBuilder &descriptors,
AbstractFunctionDecl *method) {
auto accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(method);
if (!accessor)
return emitObjCMethodDescriptor(IGM, descriptors, method);
switch (accessor->getAccessorKind()) {
case AccessorKind::Get:
return emitObjCGetterDescriptor(IGM, descriptors,
case AccessorKind::Set:
return emitObjCSetterDescriptor(IGM, descriptors,
#define ACCESSOR(ID) \
case AccessorKind::ID:
#include "swift/AST/AccessorKinds.def"
llvm_unreachable("shouldn't be trying to build this accessor");
llvm_unreachable("bad accessor kind");
StringRef chooseNamePrefix(StringRef forClass,
StringRef forCategory,
StringRef forProtocol) {
if (isBuildingCategory())
return forCategory;
if (isBuildingClass())
return forClass;
if (isBuildingProtocol())
return forProtocol;
llvm_unreachable("not a class, category, or protocol?!");
llvm::Constant *buildClassMethodList() {
return buildMethodList(ClassMethods,
llvm::Constant *buildInstanceMethodList() {
return buildMethodList(InstanceMethods,
llvm::Constant *buildOptClassMethodList() {
return buildMethodList(OptClassMethods,
llvm::Constant *buildOptInstanceMethodList() {
return buildMethodList(OptInstanceMethods,
llvm::Constant *buildOptExtendedMethodTypes() {
ConstantInitBuilder builder(IGM);
auto array = builder.beginArray();
buildExtMethodTypes(array, InstanceMethods);
buildExtMethodTypes(array, ClassMethods);
buildExtMethodTypes(array, OptInstanceMethods);
buildExtMethodTypes(array, OptClassMethods);
if (array.empty()) {
return null();
return buildGlobalVariable(array, "_PROTOCOL_METHOD_TYPES_");
void buildExtMethodTypes(ConstantArrayBuilder &array,
ArrayRef<MethodDescriptor> methods) {
for (auto descriptor : methods) {
assert(descriptor.getKind() == MethodDescriptor::Kind::Method &&
"cannot emit descriptor for non-method");
auto method = descriptor.getMethod();
array.add(getMethodTypeExtendedEncoding(IGM, method));
/// struct method_list_t {
/// uint32_t entsize; // runtime uses low bits for its own purposes
/// uint32_t count;
/// method_t list[count];
/// };
/// This method does not return a value of a predictable type.
llvm::Constant *buildMethodList(ArrayRef<MethodDescriptor> methods,
StringRef name) {
return buildOptionalList(methods, 3 * IGM.getPointerSize(), name,
[&](ConstantArrayBuilder &descriptors,
MethodDescriptor descriptor) {
buildMethod(descriptors, descriptor);
/*** Protocols *********************************************************/
/// typedef uintptr_t protocol_ref_t; // protocol_t*, but unremapped
llvm::Constant *buildProtocolRef(ProtocolDecl *protocol) {
return IGM.getAddrOfObjCProtocolRecord(protocol, NotForDefinition);
/// struct protocol_list_t {
/// uintptr_t count;
/// protocol_ref_t[count];
/// };
/// This method does not return a value of a predictable type.
llvm::Constant *buildProtocolList() {
return buildOptionalList(Protocols, Size(0),
[&](ConstantArrayBuilder &descriptors,
ProtocolDecl *protocol) {
buildProtocol(descriptors, protocol);
void buildProtocol(ConstantArrayBuilder &array, ProtocolDecl *protocol) {
/*** Ivars *************************************************************/
/// Variables might be stored or computed.
void visitVarDecl(VarDecl *var) {
if (var->hasStorage() && !var->isStatic())
/// Ivars need to be collected in the ivars list, and they also
/// affect flags.
void visitStoredVar(VarDecl *var) {
// FIXME: how to handle ivar extensions in categories?
if (!FieldLayout)
// Build property accessors for the ivar if necessary.
/// struct ivar_t {
/// uintptr_t *offset;
/// const char *name;
/// const char *type;
/// uint32_t alignment; // actually the log2 of the alignment
/// uint32_t size;
/// };
void buildIvar(ConstantArrayBuilder &ivars, VarDecl *ivar) {
assert(FieldLayout && "can't build ivar for category");
auto fields = ivars.beginStruct();
// For now, we never try to emit specialized versions of the
// metadata statically, so compute the field layout using the
// originally-declared type.
auto pair = FieldLayout->getFieldAccessAndElement(ivar);
llvm::Constant *offsetPtr;
switch (pair.first) {
case FieldAccess::ConstantDirect:
case FieldAccess::NonConstantDirect: {
// If the field offset is fixed relative to the start of the superclass,
// reference the global from the ivar metadata so that the Objective-C
// runtime will slide it down.
auto offsetAddr = IGM.getAddrOfFieldOffset(ivar, NotForDefinition);
offsetPtr = cast<llvm::Constant>(offsetAddr.getAddress());
case FieldAccess::ConstantIndirect:
// Otherwise, swift_initClassMetadata() will point the Objective-C
// runtime into the field offset vector of the instantiated metadata.
= llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(IGM.IntPtrTy->getPointerTo());
// TODO: clang puts this in __TEXT,__objc_methname,cstring_literals
// TODO: clang puts this in __TEXT,__objc_methtype,cstring_literals
Size size;
Alignment alignment;
if (auto fixedTI = dyn_cast<FixedTypeInfo>(&pair.second.getType())) {
size = fixedTI->getFixedSize();
alignment = fixedTI->getFixedAlignment();
} else {
size = Size(0);
alignment = Alignment(1);
// If the size is larger than we can represent in 32-bits,
// complain about the unimplementable ivar.
if (uint32_t(size.getValue()) != size.getValue()) {
"ivar size (" + Twine(size.getValue()) +
" bytes) overflows Objective-C ivar layout");
size = Size(0);
/// struct ivar_list_t {
/// uint32_t entsize;
/// uint32_t count;
/// ivar_t list[count];
/// };
/// This method does not return a value of a predictable type.
llvm::Constant *buildIvarList() {
Size eltSize = 3 * IGM.getPointerSize() + Size(8);
return buildOptionalList(Ivars, eltSize, "_IVARS_",
[&](ConstantArrayBuilder &descriptors,
VarDecl *ivar) {
buildIvar(descriptors, ivar);
/*** Properties ********************************************************/
/// Properties need to be collected in the properties list.
void visitProperty(VarDecl *var) {
if (requiresObjCPropertyDescriptor(IGM, var)) {
if (var->isStatic()) {
} else {
// Don't emit descriptors for properties without accessors.
auto getter = var->getGetter();
if (!getter)
// Don't emit getter/setter descriptors for @NSManaged properties.
if (var->getAttrs().hasAttribute<NSManagedAttr>())
auto &methods = getMethodList(var);
if (auto setter = var->getSetter())
/// Build the property attribute string for a property decl.
void buildPropertyAttributes(VarDecl *prop, SmallVectorImpl<char> &out) {
llvm::raw_svector_ostream outs(out);
auto propTy = prop->getValueInterfaceType();
auto propDC = prop->getDeclContext();
// Emit the type encoding for the property.
outs << 'T';
std::string typeEnc;
getObjCEncodingForPropertyType(IGM, prop, typeEnc);
outs << typeEnc;
// Emit other attributes.
// All Swift properties are (nonatomic).
outs << ",N";
// @NSManaged properties are @dynamic.
if (prop->getAttrs().hasAttribute<NSManagedAttr>())
outs << ",D";
auto isObject = propDC->mapTypeIntoContext(propTy)
auto hasObjectEncoding = typeEnc[0] == '@';
// Determine the assignment semantics.
// Get-only properties are (readonly).
if (!prop->isSettable(propDC))
outs << ",R";
// Weak and Unowned properties are (weak).
else if (prop->getAttrs().hasAttribute<ReferenceOwnershipAttr>())
outs << ",W";
// If the property is @NSCopying, or is bridged to a value class, the
// property is (copy).
else if (prop->getAttrs().hasAttribute<NSCopyingAttr>()
|| (hasObjectEncoding && !isObject))
outs << ",C";
// If it's of a managed object type, it is (retain).
else if (isObject)
outs << ",&";
// Otherwise, the property is of a value type, so it is
// the default (assign).
// If the property is an instance property and has storage, and meanwhile
// its type is trivially representable in ObjC, emit the ivar name last.
bool isTriviallyRepresentable =
if (!prop->isStatic() && prop->hasStorage() && isTriviallyRepresentable)
outs << ",V" << prop->getName();
/// struct property_t {
/// const char *name;
/// const char *attributes;
/// };
void buildProperty(ConstantArrayBuilder &properties, VarDecl *prop) {
llvm::SmallString<16> propertyAttributes;
buildPropertyAttributes(prop, propertyAttributes);
auto fields = properties.beginStruct();
/// struct property_list_t {
/// uint32_t entsize;
/// uint32_t count;
/// property_t list[count];
/// };
/// This method does not return a value of a predictable type.
llvm::Constant *buildPropertyList(ForMetaClass_t classOrMeta) {
if (classOrMeta == ForClass) {
return buildPropertyList(InstanceProperties,
// Older OSs' libobjcs can't handle class property data.
if ((IGM.Triple.isMacOSX() && IGM.Triple.isMacOSXVersionLT(10, 11)) ||
(IGM.Triple.isiOS() && IGM.Triple.isOSVersionLT(9))) {
return null();
return buildPropertyList(ClassProperties,
llvm::Constant *buildPropertyList(ArrayRef<VarDecl*> properties,
StringRef namePrefix) {
Size eltSize = 2 * IGM.getPointerSize();
return buildOptionalList(properties, eltSize, namePrefix,
[&](ConstantArrayBuilder &descriptors,
VarDecl *property) {
buildProperty(descriptors, property);
/*** General ***********************************************************/
/// Build a list structure from the given array of objects.
/// If the array is empty, use null. The assumption is that every
/// initializer has the same size.
/// \param optionalEltSize - if non-zero, a size which needs
/// to be placed in the list header
template <class C, class Fn>
llvm::Constant *buildOptionalList(const C &objects,
Size optionalEltSize,
StringRef nameBase,
Fn &&buildElement) {
if (objects.empty())
return null();
ConstantInitBuilder builder(IGM);
auto fields = builder.beginStruct();
llvm::IntegerType *countType;
// In all of the foo_list_t structs, either:
// - there's a 32-bit entry size and a 32-bit count or
// - there's no entry size and a uintptr_t count.
if (!optionalEltSize.isZero()) {
countType = IGM.Int32Ty;
} else {
countType = IGM.IntPtrTy;
auto countPosition = fields.addPlaceholder();
auto array = fields.beginArray();
for (auto &element : objects) {
buildElement(array, element);
// If we didn't actually make anything, declare that we're done.
if (array.empty()) {
return null();
// Otherwise, remember the size of the array and fill the
// placeholder with it.
auto count = array.size();
fields.fillPlaceholderWithInt(countPosition, countType, count);
return buildGlobalVariable(fields, nameBase);
/// Get the name of the class or protocol to mangle into the ObjC symbol
/// name.
StringRef getEntityName(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &buffer) const {
if (auto theClass = TheEntity.dyn_cast<ClassDecl*>()) {
return theClass->getObjCRuntimeName(buffer);
if (auto theProtocol = TheEntity.dyn_cast<ProtocolDecl*>()) {
return theProtocol->getObjCRuntimeName(buffer);
llvm_unreachable("not a class or protocol?!");
/// Build a private global variable as a structure containing the
/// given fields.
template <class B>
llvm::Constant *buildGlobalVariable(B &fields, StringRef nameBase) {
llvm::SmallString<64> nameBuffer;
auto var =
+ getEntityName(nameBuffer)
+ (TheExtension
? Twine("_$_") + CategoryName.str()
: Twine()),
/*constant*/ true,
switch (IGM.TargetInfo.OutputObjectFormat) {
case llvm::Triple::MachO:
var->setSection("__DATA, __objc_const");
case llvm::Triple::COFF:
case llvm::Triple::ELF:
case llvm::Triple::Wasm:
case llvm::Triple::UnknownObjectFormat:
llvm_unreachable("Don't know how to emit private global constants for "
"the selected object format.");
return var;
/// Member types don't get any representation.
/// Maybe this should change for reflection purposes?
void visitTypeDecl(TypeDecl *type) {}
/// Pattern-bindings don't require anything special as long as
/// these initializations are performed in the constructor, not
/// .cxx_construct.
void visitPatternBindingDecl(PatternBindingDecl *binding) {}
/// Subscripts should probably be collected in extended metadata.
void visitSubscriptDecl(SubscriptDecl *subscript) {
if (!requiresObjCSubscriptDescriptor(IGM, subscript)) return;
auto getter = subscript->getGetter();
if (!getter) return;
auto &methods = getMethodList(subscript);
if (auto setter = subscript->getSetter())
} // end anonymous namespace
static llvm::Function *emitObjCMetadataUpdateFunction(IRGenModule &IGM,
ClassDecl *cls) {
llvm::Function *f =
IGM.getAddrOfObjCMetadataUpdateFunction(cls, ForDefinition);
IRGenFunction IGF(IGM, f);
if (IGM.DebugInfo)
IGM.DebugInfo->emitArtificialFunction(IGF, f);
// Our parameters are the metadata pointer, and an argument for
// future use. We just ignore them.
Explosion params = IGF.collectParameters();
(void) params.claimAll();
// Just directly call our metadata accessor. This should actually
// return the same metadata; the Objective-C runtime enforces this.
auto type = cls->getDeclaredType()->getCanonicalType();
auto *metadata = IGF.emitTypeMetadataRef(type,
return f;
/// Emit the private data (RO-data) associated with a class.
llvm::Constant *irgen::emitClassPrivateData(IRGenModule &IGM,
ClassDecl *cls) {
assert(IGM.ObjCInterop && "emitting RO-data outside of interop mode");
PrettyStackTraceDecl stackTraceRAII("emitting ObjC metadata for", cls);
SILType selfType = getSelfType(cls);
auto &classTI = IGM.getTypeInfo(selfType).as<ClassTypeInfo>();
// FIXME: For now, always use the fragile layout when emitting metadata.
auto &fieldLayout = classTI.getClassLayout(IGM, selfType,
ClassDataBuilder builder(IGM, cls, fieldLayout);
// First, build the metaclass object.
HasUpdateCallback_t hasUpdater = DoesNotHaveUpdateCallback;
switch (IGM.getClassMetadataStrategy(cls)) {
case ClassMetadataStrategy::Resilient:
case ClassMetadataStrategy::Singleton:
case ClassMetadataStrategy::Fixed:
case ClassMetadataStrategy::Update:
case ClassMetadataStrategy::FixedOrUpdate:
hasUpdater = HasUpdateCallback;
emitObjCMetadataUpdateFunction(IGM, cls);
// Then build the class RO-data.
return builder.emitROData(ForClass, hasUpdater);
std::pair<Size, Size>
irgen::emitClassPrivateDataFields(IRGenModule &IGM,
ConstantStructBuilder &init,
ClassDecl *cls) {
assert(IGM.ObjCInterop && "emitting RO-data outside of interop mode");
PrettyStackTraceDecl stackTraceRAII("emitting ObjC metadata for", cls);
// This should only be used with generic classes.
SILType selfType = getSelfType(cls);
auto &classTI = IGM.getTypeInfo(selfType).as<ClassTypeInfo>();
// FIXME: For now, always use the fragile layout when emitting metadata.
auto &fieldLayout = classTI.getClassLayout(IGM, selfType,
ClassDataBuilder builder(IGM, cls, fieldLayout);
Size startOfClassRO = init.getNextOffsetFromGlobal();
auto classRO = init.beginStruct();
// Note: an update callback is only ever used with the in-place
// initialization pattern, which precludes generic classes.
Size startOfMetaclassRO = init.getNextOffsetFromGlobal();
auto classRO = init.beginStruct();
builder.emitRODataFields(classRO, ForMetaClass, DoesNotHaveUpdateCallback);
return std::make_pair(startOfClassRO, startOfMetaclassRO);
/// Emit the metadata for an ObjC category.
llvm::Constant *irgen::emitCategoryData(IRGenModule &IGM,
ExtensionDecl *ext) {
assert(IGM.ObjCInterop && "emitting RO-data outside of interop mode");
ClassDecl *cls = ext->getSelfClassDecl();
assert(cls && "generating category metadata for a non-class extension");
PrettyStackTraceDecl stackTraceRAII("emitting ObjC metadata for", ext);
ClassDataBuilder builder(IGM, cls, ext);
return builder.emitCategory();
/// Emit the metadata for an ObjC protocol.
llvm::Constant *irgen::emitObjCProtocolData(IRGenModule &IGM,
ProtocolDecl *proto) {
assert(proto->isObjC() && "not an objc protocol");
PrettyStackTraceDecl stackTraceRAII("emitting ObjC metadata for", proto);
ClassDataBuilder builder(IGM, proto);
return builder.emitProtocol();
const TypeInfo *
TypeConverter::convertClassType(CanType type, ClassDecl *D) {
llvm::StructType *ST = IGM.createNominalType(type);
llvm::PointerType *irType = ST->getPointerTo();
ReferenceCounting refcount = type->getReferenceCounting();
SpareBitVector spareBits;
// Classes known to be implemented in Swift can be assumed not to have tagged
// pointer representations, so we can use spare bits for enum layout with
// them. We can't make that assumption about imported ObjC types.
if (D->hasClangNode() && IGM.TargetInfo.hasObjCTaggedPointers())
spareBits = IGM.getHeapObjectSpareBits();
return new ClassTypeInfo(irType, IGM.getPointerSize(),
D, refcount);
/// Lazily declare a fake-looking class to represent an ObjC runtime base class.
ClassDecl *IRGenModule::getObjCRuntimeBaseClass(Identifier name,
Identifier objcName) {
auto found = SwiftRootClasses.find(name);
if (found != SwiftRootClasses.end())
return found->second;
// Make a really fake-looking class.
auto SwiftRootClass = new (Context) ClassDecl(SourceLoc(), name, SourceLoc(),
/*generics*/ nullptr,
SwiftRootClass->getAttrs().add(ObjCAttr::createNullary(Context, objcName,
SwiftRootClasses.insert({name, SwiftRootClass});
return SwiftRootClass;
/// Lazily declare the ObjC runtime base class for a Swift root class.
ClassDecl *
IRGenModule::getObjCRuntimeBaseForSwiftRootClass(ClassDecl *theClass) {
assert(!theClass->hasSuperclass() && "must pass a root class");
Identifier name;
// If the class declares its own ObjC runtime base, use it.
if (auto baseAttr = theClass->getAttrs()
.getAttribute<SwiftNativeObjCRuntimeBaseAttr>()) {
name = baseAttr->BaseClassName;
} else {
// Otherwise, use the standard SwiftObject class.
name = Context.Id_SwiftObject;
return getObjCRuntimeBaseClass(name, name);
ClassDecl *irgen::getRootClassForMetaclass(IRGenModule &IGM, ClassDecl *C) {
while (auto superclass = C->getSuperclassDecl())
C = superclass;
// If the formal root class is imported from Objective-C, then
// we should use that. For a class that's really implemented in
// Objective-C, this is obviously right. For a class that's
// really implemented in Swift, but that we're importing via an
// Objective-C interface, this would be wrong --- except such a
// class can never be a formal root class, because a Swift class
// without a formal superclass will actually be parented by
// SwiftObject (or maybe eventually something else like it),
// which will be visible in the Objective-C type system.
if (C->hasClangNode()) return C;
// FIXME: If the root class specifies its own runtime ObjC base class,
// assume that that base class ultimately inherits NSObject.
if (C->getAttrs().hasAttribute<SwiftNativeObjCRuntimeBaseAttr>())
return IGM.getObjCRuntimeBaseClass(
return IGM.getObjCRuntimeBaseClass(IGM.Context.Id_SwiftObject,
IRGenModule::getClassMetadataStrategy(const ClassDecl *theClass) {
SILType selfType = getSelfType(theClass);
auto &selfTI = getTypeInfo(selfType).as<ClassTypeInfo>();
auto &resilientLayout = selfTI.getClassLayout(*this, selfType,
if (resilientLayout.doesMetadataRequireRelocation())
return ClassMetadataStrategy::Resilient;
// On Windows, we want to force singleton metadata initialization, since
// fixed class metadata emission requires an absolute global reference to the
// Builtin.NativeObject value witness table in the runtime, which is something
// the PE executable format does not support.
if (IRGen.Opts.LazyInitializeClassMetadata)
return ClassMetadataStrategy::Singleton;
// If we have generic ancestry, we have to use the singleton pattern.
if (resilientLayout.doesMetadataRequireInitialization())
return ClassMetadataStrategy::Singleton;
// If we have resiliently-sized fields, we might be able to use the
// update pattern.
if (resilientLayout.doesMetadataRequireUpdate()) {
// The update pattern only benefits us on platforms with an Objective-C
// runtime, otherwise just use the singleton pattern.
if (!Context.LangOpts.EnableObjCInterop)
return ClassMetadataStrategy::Singleton;
// If the Objective-C runtime is new enough, we can just use the update
// pattern unconditionally.
if (Types.doesPlatformSupportObjCMetadataUpdateCallback())
return ClassMetadataStrategy::Update;
// Otherwise, check if we have legacy type info for backward deployment.
auto &fragileLayout = selfTI.getClassLayout(*this, selfType,
// If we still have resiliently-sized fields even when using the legacy
// type info, fall back to the singleton pattern.
if (fragileLayout.doesMetadataRequireUpdate())
return ClassMetadataStrategy::Singleton;
// We're going to use the legacy type info on older Objective-C runtimes,
// and the update callback on newer runtimes.
return ClassMetadataStrategy::FixedOrUpdate;
return ClassMetadataStrategy::Fixed;
bool irgen::hasKnownSwiftMetadata(IRGenModule &IGM, CanType type) {
// This needs to be kept up-to-date with getIsaEncodingForType.
if (ClassDecl *theClass = type.getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
return hasKnownSwiftMetadata(IGM, theClass);
if (auto archetype = dyn_cast<ArchetypeType>(type)) {
if (auto superclass = archetype->getSuperclass()) {
return hasKnownSwiftMetadata(IGM, superclass->getCanonicalType());
// Class existentials, etc.
return false;
/// Is the given class known to have Swift-compatible metadata?
bool irgen::hasKnownSwiftMetadata(IRGenModule &IGM, ClassDecl *theClass) {
// For now, the fact that a declaration was not implemented in Swift
// is enough to conclusively force us into a slower path.
// Eventually we might have an attribute here or something based on
// the deployment target.
return theClass->hasKnownSwiftImplementation();
std::pair<llvm::Value *, llvm::Value *>
irgen::emitClassResilientInstanceSizeAndAlignMask(IRGenFunction &IGF,
ClassDecl *theClass,
llvm::Value *metadata) {
auto &layout = IGF.IGM.getClassMetadataLayout(theClass);
Address metadataAsBytes(IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(metadata, IGF.IGM.Int8PtrTy),
Address slot = IGF.Builder.CreateConstByteArrayGEP(
slot = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(slot, IGF.IGM.Int32Ty->getPointerTo());
llvm::Value *size = IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(slot);
if (IGF.IGM.SizeTy != IGF.IGM.Int32Ty)
size = IGF.Builder.CreateZExt(size, IGF.IGM.SizeTy);
slot = IGF.Builder.CreateConstByteArrayGEP(
slot = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(slot, IGF.IGM.Int16Ty->getPointerTo());
llvm::Value *alignMask = IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(slot);
alignMask = IGF.Builder.CreateZExt(alignMask, IGF.IGM.SizeTy);
return {size, alignMask};
FunctionPointer irgen::emitVirtualMethodValue(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *metadata,
SILDeclRef method,
CanSILFunctionType methodType) {
Signature signature = IGF.IGM.getSignature(methodType);
auto classDecl = cast<ClassDecl>(method.getDecl()->getDeclContext());
// Find the vtable entry we're interested in.
auto methodInfo =
IGF.IGM.getClassMetadataLayout(classDecl).getMethodInfo(IGF, method);
auto offset = methodInfo.getOffset();
auto slot = IGF.emitAddressAtOffset(metadata, offset,
auto fnPtr = IGF.emitInvariantLoad(slot);
return FunctionPointer(fnPtr, signature);
FunctionPointer irgen::emitVirtualMethodValue(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *base,
SILType baseType,
SILDeclRef method,
CanSILFunctionType methodType,
bool useSuperVTable) {
// Find the metadata.
llvm::Value *metadata;
if (useSuperVTable) {
// For a non-resilient 'super' call, emit a reference to the superclass
// of the static type of the 'self' value.
auto instanceTy = baseType.getASTType()->getMetatypeInstanceType();
auto superTy = instanceTy->getSuperclass();
metadata = emitClassHeapMetadataRef(IGF,
} else {
if (<MetatypeType>()) {
// For a static method call, the 'self' value is already a class metadata.
metadata = base;
} else {
// Otherwise, load the class metadata from the 'self' value's isa pointer.
metadata = emitHeapMetadataRefForHeapObject(IGF, base, baseType,
/*suppress cast*/ true);
return emitVirtualMethodValue(IGF, metadata, method, methodType);