blob: da4efce21f90c935445d1865ab7d927f5a22d01c [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Generics.h - Utilities for transforming generics -------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This contains utilities for transforming generics.
#include "swift/AST/Mangle.h"
#include "swift/AST/SubstitutionMap.h"
#include "swift/SIL/Mangle.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILFunction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/Local.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallBitVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
namespace swift {
/// Tries to specialize an \p Apply of a generic function. It can be a full
/// apply site or a partial apply.
/// Replaced and now dead instructions are returned in \p DeadApplies.
/// New created functions, like the specialized callee and thunks, are returned
/// in \p NewFunctions.
/// This is the top-level entry point for specializing an existing call site.
void trySpecializeApplyOfGeneric(
ApplySite Apply, DeadInstructionSet &DeadApplies,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<SILFunction *> &NewFunctions);
/// Helper class to describe re-abstraction of function parameters done during
/// specialization.
/// Specifically, it contains information which formal parameters and returns
/// are changed from indirect values to direct values.
class ReabstractionInfo {
/// A 1-bit means that this parameter/return value is converted from indirect
/// to direct.
llvm::SmallBitVector Conversions;
/// If set, indirect to direct conversions should be performned by the generic
/// specializer.
bool ConvertIndirectToDirect;
/// The first NumResults bits in Conversions refer to formal indirect
/// out-parameters.
unsigned NumFormalIndirectResults;
/// The function type after applying the substitutions used to call the
/// specialized function.
CanSILFunctionType SubstitutedType;
/// The function type after applying the re-abstractions on the
/// SubstitutedType.
CanSILFunctionType SpecializedType;
/// The generic environment to be used by the specialization.
GenericEnvironment *SpecializedGenericEnv;
/// The generic signature of the specialization.
/// It is nullptr if the specialization is not polymorphic.
GenericSignature *SpecializedGenericSig;
// Set of the substitutions used by the caller's apply instruction before
// any transformations performed by the generic specializer.
// Maps caller's generic parameters to caller's archetypes.
SubstitutionList OriginalParamSubs;
// Set of substitutions to be used by the caller's apply when it calls a
// specialized function.
// Maps caller's generic parameters to caller's archetypes.
// FIXME: How is this different from OriginalParamSubs? Right now both
// are identical.
SubstitutionList CallerParamSubs;
// Replaces archetypes of the original callee with archetypes
// or concrete types, if they were made concrete) of the specialized
// callee.
// Maps original callee's generic parameters to specialized
// callee archetypes.
SubstitutionList ClonerParamSubs;
// Reference to the original generic non-specialized function.
SILFunction *OriginalF;
// The apply site which invokes the generic function.
ApplySite Apply;
// Set if a specialized function has unbound generic parameters.
bool HasUnboundGenericParams;
// Substitutions to be used for creating a new function type
// for the specialized function.
// Maps original callee's generic parameters to specialized callee's
// generic parameters.
// It uses interface types.
SubstitutionMap CallerInterfaceSubs;
// Create a new substituted type with the updated signature.
CanSILFunctionType createSubstitutedType(SILFunction *OrigF,
const SubstitutionMap &SubstMap,
bool HasUnboundGenericParams);
void createSubstitutedAndSpecializedTypes();
bool prepareAndCheck(ApplySite Apply, SILFunction *Callee,
SubstitutionList ParamSubs);
void specializeConcreteAndGenericSubstitutions(ApplySite Apply,
SILFunction *Callee,
SubstitutionList ParamSubs);
void specializeConcreteSubstitutions(ApplySite Apply, SILFunction *Callee,
SubstitutionList ParamSubs);
ReabstractionInfo() {}
/// Constructs the ReabstractionInfo for generic function \p Orig with
/// substitutions \p ParamSubs.
/// If specialization is not possible getSpecializedType() will return an
/// invalid type.
ReabstractionInfo(ApplySite Apply, SILFunction *Callee,
SubstitutionList ParamSubs,
bool ConvertIndirectToDirect = true);
/// Constructs the ReabstractionInfo for generic function \p Orig with
/// additional requirements. Requirements may contain new layout,
/// conformances or same concrete type requirements.
ReabstractionInfo(SILFunction *Orig, ArrayRef<Requirement> Requirements);
/// Returns true if the \p ParamIdx'th (non-result) formal parameter is
/// converted from indirect to direct.
bool isParamConverted(unsigned ParamIdx) const {
return ConvertIndirectToDirect &&
Conversions.test(ParamIdx + NumFormalIndirectResults);
/// Returns true if the \p ResultIdx'th formal result is converted from
/// indirect to direct.
bool isFormalResultConverted(unsigned ResultIdx) const {
assert(ResultIdx < NumFormalIndirectResults);
return ConvertIndirectToDirect && Conversions.test(ResultIdx);
/// Gets the total number of original function arguments.
unsigned getNumArguments() const { return Conversions.size(); }
/// Returns true if the \p ArgIdx'th argument is converted from an
/// indirect
/// result or parameter to a direct result or parameter.
bool isArgConverted(unsigned ArgIdx) const {
return Conversions.test(ArgIdx);
/// Returns true if there are any conversions from indirect to direct values.
bool hasConversions() const { return Conversions.any(); }
/// Remove the arguments of a partial apply, leaving the arguments for the
/// partial apply result function.
void prunePartialApplyArgs(unsigned numPartialApplyArgs) {
assert(numPartialApplyArgs <= SubstitutedType->getNumParameters());
assert(numPartialApplyArgs <= Conversions.size());
Conversions.resize(Conversions.size() - numPartialApplyArgs);
/// Returns the index of the first argument of an apply site, which may be
/// > 0 in case of a partial_apply.
unsigned getIndexOfFirstArg(ApplySite Apply) const {
unsigned numArgs = Apply.getNumArguments();
assert(numArgs == Conversions.size() ||
(numArgs < Conversions.size() && isa<PartialApplyInst>(Apply)));
return Conversions.size() - numArgs;
/// Get the function type after applying the substitutions to the original
/// generic function.
CanSILFunctionType getSubstitutedType() const { return SubstitutedType; }
/// Get the function type after applying the re-abstractions on the
/// substituted type. Returns an invalid type if specialization is not
/// possible.
CanSILFunctionType getSpecializedType() const { return SpecializedType; }
GenericEnvironment *getSpecializedGenericEnvironment() const {
return SpecializedGenericEnv;
SubstitutionList getCallerParamSubstitutions() const {
return CallerParamSubs;
SubstitutionList getClonerParamSubstitutions() const {
return ClonerParamSubs;
SubstitutionList getOriginalParamSubstitutions() const {
return OriginalParamSubs;
/// Create a specialized function type for a specific substituted type \p
/// SubstFTy by applying the re-abstractions.
CanSILFunctionType createSpecializedType(CanSILFunctionType SubstFTy,
SILModule &M) const;
SILFunction *getNonSpecializedFunction() const { return OriginalF; }
/// Map type into a context of the specialized function.
Type mapTypeIntoContext(Type type) const;
/// Map SIL type into a context of the specialized function.
SILType mapTypeIntoContext(SILType type) const;
SILModule &getModule() const { return OriginalF->getModule(); }
/// Returns true if generic specialization is possible.
bool canBeSpecialized() const;
/// Returns true if it is a full generic specialization.
bool isFullSpecialization() const;
/// Returns true if it is a partial generic specialization.
bool isPartialSpecialization() const;
/// Returns true if a given apply can be specialized.
static bool canBeSpecialized(ApplySite Apply, SILFunction *Callee,
SubstitutionList ParamSubs);
/// Helper class for specializing a generic function given a list of
/// substitutions.
class GenericFuncSpecializer {
SILModule &M;
SILFunction *GenericFunc;
SubstitutionList ParamSubs;
IsFragile_t Fragile;
const ReabstractionInfo &ReInfo;
SubstitutionMap ContextSubs;
std::string ClonedName;
GenericFuncSpecializer(SILFunction *GenericFunc,
SubstitutionList ParamSubs,
IsFragile_t Fragile,
const ReabstractionInfo &ReInfo);
/// If we already have this specialization, reuse it.
SILFunction *lookupSpecialization();
/// Return a newly created specialized function.
SILFunction *tryCreateSpecialization();
/// Try to specialize GenericFunc given a list of ParamSubs.
/// Returns either a new or existing specialized function, or nullptr.
SILFunction *trySpecialization() {
if (!ReInfo.getSpecializedType())
return nullptr;
SILFunction *SpecializedF = lookupSpecialization();
if (!SpecializedF)
SpecializedF = tryCreateSpecialization();
return SpecializedF;
StringRef getClonedName() {
return ClonedName;
// =============================================================================
// Prespecialized symbol lookup.
// =============================================================================
/// Checks if a given mangled name could be a name of a whitelisted
/// specialization.
bool isWhitelistedSpecialization(StringRef SpecName);
/// Create a new apply based on an old one, but with a different
/// function being applied.
ApplySite replaceWithSpecializedFunction(ApplySite AI, SILFunction *NewF,
const ReabstractionInfo &ReInfo);
/// Returns a SILFunction for the symbol specified by FunctioName if it is
/// visible to the current SILModule. This is used to link call sites to
/// externally defined specialization and should only be used when the function
/// body is not required for further optimization or inlining (-Onone).
SILFunction *lookupPrespecializedSymbol(SILModule &M, StringRef FunctionName);
} // end namespace swift