blob: db12dc6ddf45d7f7fb595deb18db05f1b337fcf3 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SILInstruction.h - Instructions for SIL code -----------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the high-level SILInstruction class used for SIL code.
#include "swift/AST/Builtins.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/ProtocolConformanceRef.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Compiler.h"
#include "swift/Basic/NullablePtr.h"
#include "swift/SIL/Consumption.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILAllocated.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILFunctionConventions.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILDeclRef.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILLocation.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILSuccessor.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILValue.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ilist.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ilist_node.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TrailingObjects.h"
namespace swift {
class DeclRefExpr;
class FloatLiteralExpr;
class FuncDecl;
class IntegerLiteralExpr;
class SILBasicBlock;
class SILBuilder;
class SILDebugLocation;
class SILDebugScope;
class SILFunction;
class SILGlobalVariable;
class SILOpenedArchetypesState;
class SILType;
class SILArgument;
class Stmt;
class StringLiteralExpr;
class Substitution;
class ValueDecl;
class VarDecl;
class FunctionRefInst;
template <typename ImplClass> class SILClonerWithScopes;
// An enum class for SILInstructions that enables exhaustive switches over
// instructions.
enum class SILInstructionKind : std::underlying_type<ValueKind>::type {
#define INST(Id, Parent, TextualName, MemoryBehavior, ReleasingBehavior) \
Id = static_cast<std::underlying_type<ValueKind>::type>(ValueKind::Id),
#include "SILNodes.def"
/// This is the root class for all instructions that can be used as the contents
/// of a Swift SILBasicBlock.
class SILInstruction : public ValueBase,public llvm::ilist_node<SILInstruction>{
friend llvm::ilist_traits<SILInstruction>;
friend llvm::ilist_traits<SILBasicBlock>;
/// A backreference to the containing basic block. This is maintained by
/// ilist_traits<SILInstruction>.
SILBasicBlock *ParentBB;
/// This instruction's containing lexical scope and source location
/// used for debug info and diagnostics.
SILDebugLocation Location;
SILInstruction() = delete;
void operator=(const SILInstruction &) = delete;
void operator delete(void *Ptr, size_t) SWIFT_DELETE_OPERATOR_DELETED
/// Check any special state of instructions that are not represented in the
/// instructions operands/type.
bool hasIdenticalState(const SILInstruction *RHS) const;
/// Update this instruction's SILDebugScope. This function should
/// never be called directly. Use SILBuilder, SILBuilderWithScope or
/// SILClonerWithScope instead.
void setDebugScope(SILBuilder &B, const SILDebugScope *DS);
SILInstruction(ValueKind Kind, SILDebugLocation DebugLoc,
SILType Ty = SILType())
: ValueBase(Kind, Ty), ParentBB(0), Location(DebugLoc) {}
/// Instructions should be allocated using a dedicated instruction allocation
/// function from the ContextTy.
template <typename ContextTy>
void *operator new(size_t Bytes, const ContextTy &C,
size_t Alignment = alignof(ValueBase)) {
return C.allocateInst(Bytes, Alignment);
enum class MemoryBehavior {
/// The instruction may read memory.
/// \brief The instruction may write to memory.
/// The instruction may read or write memory.
/// \brief The instruction may have side effects not captured
/// solely by its users. Specifically, it can return,
/// release memory, or store. Note, alloc is not considered
/// to have side effects because its result/users represent
/// its effect.
/// Enumeration representing whether the execution of an instruction can
/// result in memory being released.
enum class ReleasingBehavior {
const SILBasicBlock *getParent() const { return ParentBB; }
SILBasicBlock *getParent() { return ParentBB; }
SILFunction *getFunction();
const SILFunction *getFunction() const;
SILModule &getModule() const;
/// This instruction's source location (AST node).
SILLocation getLoc() const;
const SILDebugScope *getDebugScope() const;
SILDebugLocation getDebugLocation() const { return Location; }
/// Sets the debug location.
/// Note: Usually it should not be needed to use this function as the location
/// is already set in when creating an instruction.
void setDebugLocation(SILDebugLocation Loc) { Location = Loc; }
/// removeFromParent - This method unlinks 'self' from the containing basic
/// block, but does not delete it.
void removeFromParent();
/// eraseFromParent - This method unlinks 'self' from the containing basic
/// block and deletes it.
void eraseFromParent();
/// Unlink this instruction from its current basic block and insert it into
/// the basic block that Later lives in, right before Later.
void moveBefore(SILInstruction *Later);
/// Unlink this instruction from its current basic block and insert it into
/// the basic block that Earlier lives in, right after Earlier.
void moveAfter(SILInstruction *Earlier);
/// \brief Drops all uses that belong to this instruction.
void dropAllReferences();
/// \brief Replace all uses of this instruction with Undef.
/// TODO: This should be on ValueBase, but ValueBase currently does not have
/// access to a SILModule. If that ever changes, this method should move to
/// ValueBase.
void replaceAllUsesWithUndef();
/// Return the array of operands for this instruction.
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const;
/// Return the array of type dependent operands for this instruction.
/// Type dependent operands are hidden operands, i.e. not part of the SIL
/// syntax (although they are printed as "type-defs" in comments).
/// Their purpose is to establish a def-use relationship between
/// -) an instruction/argument which defines a type, e.g. open_existential
/// and
/// -) this instruction, which uses the type, but doesn't use the defining
/// instruction as value-operand, e.g. a type in the substitution list.
/// Currently there are two kinds of type dependent operands:
/// 1. for opened archetypes:
/// %o = open_existential_addr %0 : $*P to $*@opened("UUID") P
/// %w = witness_method $@opened("UUID") P, ... // type-defs: %o
/// 2. for the dynamic self argument:
/// sil @foo : $@convention(method) (@thick X.Type) {
/// bb0(%0 : $@thick X.Type):
/// %a = apply %f<@dynamic_self X>() ... // type-defs: %0
/// The type dependent operands are just there to let optimizations know that
/// there is a dependency between the instruction/argument which defines the
/// type and the instruction which uses the type.
ArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() const;
/// Return the array of mutable operands for this instruction.
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands();
/// Return the array of mutable type dependent operands for this instruction.
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands();
unsigned getNumOperands() const { return getAllOperands().size(); }
unsigned getNumTypeDependentOperands() const {
return getTypeDependentOperands().size();
bool isTypeDependentOperand(unsigned i) const {
return i >= getNumOperands() - getNumTypeDependentOperands();
bool isTypeDependentOperand(const Operand &Op) const {
assert(Op.getUser() == this &&
"Operand does not belong to a SILInstruction");
return isTypeDependentOperand(Op.getOperandNumber());
SILValue getOperand(unsigned Num) const {
return getAllOperands()[Num].get();
void setOperand(unsigned Num, SILValue V) { getAllOperands()[Num].set(V); }
void swapOperands(unsigned Num1, unsigned Num2) {
MemoryBehavior getMemoryBehavior() const;
ReleasingBehavior getReleasingBehavior() const;
/// Returns true if the instruction may release any object.
bool mayRelease() const;
/// Returns true if the instruction may release or may read the reference
/// count of any object.
bool mayReleaseOrReadRefCount() const;
/// Can this instruction abort the program in some manner?
bool mayTrap() const;
/// Returns true if the given instruction is completely identical to RHS.
bool isIdenticalTo(const SILInstruction *RHS) const {
return isIdenticalTo(RHS,
[](const SILValue &Op1, const SILValue &Op2) -> bool {
return Op1 == Op2; });
/// Returns true if the given instruction is completely identical to RHS,
/// using \p opEqual to compare operands.
template <typename OpCmp>
bool isIdenticalTo(const SILInstruction *RHS, OpCmp opEqual) const {
// Quick check if both instructions have the same kind, number of operands,
// and types. This should filter out most cases.
if (getKind() != RHS->getKind() ||
getNumOperands() != RHS->getNumOperands() ||
getType() != RHS->getType()) {
return false;
// Check operands.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
if (!opEqual(getOperand(i), RHS->getOperand(i)))
return false;
// Check any special state of instructions that are not represented in the
// instructions operands/type.
return hasIdenticalState(RHS);
/// \brief Returns true if the instruction may have side effects.
/// Instructions that store into memory or change retain counts as well as
/// calls and deallocation instructions are considered to have side effects
/// that are not visible by merely examining their uses.
bool mayHaveSideEffects() const;
/// Returns true if the instruction may write to memory.
bool mayWriteToMemory() const {
MemoryBehavior B = getMemoryBehavior();
return B == MemoryBehavior::MayWrite ||
B == MemoryBehavior::MayReadWrite ||
B == MemoryBehavior::MayHaveSideEffects;
/// Returns true if the instruction may read from memory.
bool mayReadFromMemory() const {
MemoryBehavior B = getMemoryBehavior();
return B == MemoryBehavior::MayRead ||
B == MemoryBehavior::MayReadWrite ||
B == MemoryBehavior::MayHaveSideEffects;
/// Returns true if the instruction may read from or write to memory.
bool mayReadOrWriteMemory() const {
return getMemoryBehavior() != MemoryBehavior::None;
/// Returns true if the result of this instruction is a pointer to stack
/// allocated memory. In this case there must be an adjacent deallocating
/// instruction.
bool isAllocatingStack() const;
/// Returns true if this is the deallocation of a stack allocating instruction.
/// The first operand must be the allocating instruction.
bool isDeallocatingStack() const;
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() >= ValueKind::First_SILInstruction &&
V->getKind() <= ValueKind::Last_SILInstruction;
/// Create a new copy of this instruction, which retains all of the operands
/// and other information of this one. If an insertion point is specified,
/// then the new instruction is inserted before the specified point, otherwise
/// the new instruction is returned without a parent.
SILInstruction *clone(SILInstruction *InsertPt = nullptr);
/// Invoke an Instruction's destructor. This dispatches to the appropriate
/// leaf class destructor for the type of the instruction. This does not
/// deallocate the instruction.
static void destroy(SILInstruction *I);
/// Returns true if the instruction can be duplicated without any special
/// additional handling. It is important to know this information when
/// you perform such optimizations like e.g. jump-threading.
bool isTriviallyDuplicatable() const;
/// Verify that all operands of this instruction have compatible ownership
/// with this instruction.
void verifyOperandOwnership() const;
/// Returns the combined behavior of \p B1 and \p B2.
inline SILInstruction::MemoryBehavior
combineMemoryBehavior(SILInstruction::MemoryBehavior B1,
SILInstruction::MemoryBehavior B2) {
// Basically the combined behavior is the maximum of both operands.
auto Result = std::max(B1, B2);
// With one exception: MayRead, MayWrite -> MayReadWrite.
if (Result == SILInstruction::MemoryBehavior::MayWrite &&
(B1 == SILInstruction::MemoryBehavior::MayRead ||
B2 == SILInstruction::MemoryBehavior::MayRead))
return SILInstruction::MemoryBehavior::MayReadWrite;
return Result;
/// Pretty-print the MemoryBehavior.
llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
SILInstruction::MemoryBehavior B);
/// Pretty-print the ReleasingBehavior.
llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
SILInstruction::ReleasingBehavior B);
/// A template base class for instructions that take a single SILValue operand
/// and has no result or a single value result.
template<ValueKind KIND, typename BASE = SILInstruction, bool HAS_RESULT = true>
class UnaryInstructionBase : public BASE {
// Space for 1 operand.
FixedOperandList<1> Operands;
/// Check HAS_RESULT in enable_if predicates by injecting a dependency on
/// a template argument.
template<typename X>
struct has_result {
enum { value = HAS_RESULT };
UnaryInstructionBase(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand)
: BASE(KIND, DebugLoc), Operands(this, Operand) {}
template <typename X = void>
SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
typename std::enable_if<has_result<X>::value, SILType>::type Ty)
: BASE(KIND, DebugLoc, Ty), Operands(this, Operand) {}
template <typename X = void, typename... A>
SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
typename std::enable_if<has_result<X>::value, SILType>::type Ty,
A &&... args)
: BASE(KIND, DebugLoc, Ty, std::forward<A>(args)...),
Operands(this, Operand) {}
SILValue getOperand() const { return Operands[0].get(); }
void setOperand(SILValue V) { Operands[0].set(V); }
Operand &getOperandRef() { return Operands[0]; }
/// getType() is ok if this is known to only have one type.
template<typename X = void>
typename std::enable_if<has_result<X>::value, SILType>::type
getType() const { return ValueBase::getType(); }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
ArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() const {
return {};
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() {
return {};
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == KIND;
/// A template base class for instructions that take a single regular SILValue
/// operand, a set of type dependent operands and has no result
/// or a single value result. The operands are tail allocated after the
/// instruction. Further trailing data can be allocated as well if
/// TRAILING_TYPES are provided.
template<ValueKind KIND, typename DERIVED,
typename BASE, bool HAS_RESULT,
typename... TRAILING_TYPES>
class UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase :
public BASE,
protected llvm::TrailingObjects<DERIVED, Operand, TRAILING_TYPES...> {
/// Check HAS_RESULT in enable_if predicates by injecting a dependency on
/// a template argument.
template<typename X>
struct has_result {
enum { value = HAS_RESULT };
friend llvm::TrailingObjects<DERIVED, Operand, TRAILING_TYPES...>;
typedef llvm::TrailingObjects<DERIVED, Operand, TRAILING_TYPES...>
using TrailingObjects::totalSizeToAlloc;
// Total number of operands of this instruction.
// It is number of type dependent operands + 1.
unsigned NumOperands;
// Destruct tail allocated objects.
~UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase() {
Operand *Operands = &getAllOperands()[0];
for (unsigned i = 0, end = NumOperands; i < end; ++i) {
size_t numTrailingObjects(
typename TrailingObjects::template OverloadToken<Operand>) const {
return NumOperands;
SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands)
: BASE(KIND, DebugLoc), NumOperands(1 + TypeDependentOperands.size()) {
TrailingOperandsList::InitOperandsList(getAllOperands().begin(), this,
Operand, TypeDependentOperands);
template <typename X = void>
SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
typename std::enable_if<has_result<X>::value, SILType>::type Ty)
: BASE(KIND, DebugLoc, Ty),
NumOperands(1 + TypeDependentOperands.size())
TrailingOperandsList::InitOperandsList(getAllOperands().begin(), this,
Operand, TypeDependentOperands);
template <typename X = void, typename... A>
SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
typename std::enable_if<has_result<X>::value, SILType>::type Ty,
A &&... args)
: BASE(KIND, DebugLoc, Ty, std::forward<A>(args)...),
NumOperands(1 + TypeDependentOperands.size())
TrailingOperandsList::InitOperandsList(getAllOperands().begin(), this,
Operand, TypeDependentOperands);
unsigned getNumTypeDependentOperands() const {
return NumOperands - 1;
SILValue getOperand() const { return getAllOperands()[0].get(); }
void setOperand(SILValue V) { getAllOperands()[0].set(V); }
Operand &getOperandRef() { return getAllOperands()[0]; }
/// getType() is ok if this is known to only have one type.
template<typename X = void>
typename std::enable_if<has_result<X>::value, SILType>::type
getType() const { return ValueBase::getType(); }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const {
return {TrailingObjects::template getTrailingObjects<Operand>(),
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() {
return {TrailingObjects::template getTrailingObjects<Operand>(),
ArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() const {
return getAllOperands().slice(1);
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() {
return getAllOperands().slice(1);
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == KIND;
/// Holds common debug information about local variables and function
/// arguments that are needed by DebugValueInst, DebugValueAddrInst,
/// AllocStackInst, and AllocBoxInst.
struct SILDebugVariable {
SILDebugVariable() : Constant(true), ArgNo(0) {}
SILDebugVariable(bool Constant, unsigned ArgNo)
: Constant(Constant), ArgNo(ArgNo) {}
SILDebugVariable(StringRef Name, bool Constant, unsigned ArgNo)
: Name(Name), Constant(Constant), ArgNo(ArgNo) {}
StringRef Name;
bool Constant;
unsigned ArgNo;
/// A DebugVariable where storage for the strings has been
/// tail-allocated following the parent SILInstruction.
class TailAllocatedDebugVariable {
/// The source function argument position from left to right
/// starting with 1 or 0 if this is a local variable.
unsigned ArgNo : 16;
/// When this is nonzero there is a tail-allocated string storing
/// variable name present. This typically only happens for
/// instructions that were created from parsing SIL assembler.
unsigned NameLength : 15;
bool Constant : 1;
TailAllocatedDebugVariable(SILDebugVariable DbgVar, char *buf);
unsigned getArgNo() const { return ArgNo; }
void setArgNo(unsigned N) { ArgNo = N; }
/// Returns the name of the source variable, if it is stored in the
/// instruction.
StringRef getName(const char *buf) const;
bool isLet() const { return Constant; }
SILDebugVariable get(VarDecl *VD, const char *buf) const {
if (VD)
return {VD->getName().empty() ? "" : VD->getName().str(), VD->isLet(),
return {getName(buf), isLet(), getArgNo()};
// Allocation Instructions
/// Abstract base class for allocation instructions, like alloc_stack, alloc_box
/// and alloc_ref, etc.
class AllocationInst : public SILInstruction {
AllocationInst(ValueKind Kind, SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType Ty)
: SILInstruction(Kind, DebugLoc, Ty) {}
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() >= ValueKind::First_AllocationInst &&
V->getKind() <= ValueKind::Last_AllocationInst;
/// Base class for allocation/deallocation instructions where the allocation
/// can be promoted to the stack.
/// Note that IRGen can still decide to _not_ promote the allocation on the
/// stack.
class StackPromotable {
/// If true, the allocation can be done on the stack (the final decision is
/// in IRGen).
bool OnStack = false;
StackPromotable(bool OnStack) : OnStack(OnStack) { }
bool canAllocOnStack() const { return OnStack; }
void setStackAllocatable() { OnStack = true; }
/// AllocStackInst - This represents the allocation of an unboxed (i.e., no
/// reference count) stack memory. The memory is provided uninitialized.
class AllocStackInst final
: public AllocationInst,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<AllocStackInst, Operand, char> {
friend TrailingObjects;
friend SILBuilder;
unsigned NumOperands;
TailAllocatedDebugVariable VarInfo;
AllocStackInst(SILDebugLocation Loc, SILType elementType,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
SILFunction &F,
SILDebugVariable Var);
static AllocStackInst *create(SILDebugLocation Loc, SILType elementType,
SILFunction &F,
SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes,
SILDebugVariable Var);
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Operand>) const {
return NumOperands;
~AllocStackInst() {
Operand *Operands = getTrailingObjects<Operand>();
for (unsigned i = 0, end = NumOperands; i < end; ++i) {
/// Return the underlying variable declaration associated with this
/// allocation, or null if this is a temporary allocation.
VarDecl *getDecl() const;
/// Return the debug variable information attached to this instruction.
SILDebugVariable getVarInfo() const {
return VarInfo.get(getDecl(), getTrailingObjects<char>());
void setArgNo(unsigned N) { VarInfo.setArgNo(N); }
/// getElementType - Get the type of the allocated memory (as opposed to the
/// type of the instruction itself, which will be an address type).
SILType getElementType() const {
return getType().getObjectType();
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const {
return { getTrailingObjects<Operand>(), NumOperands };
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() {
return { getTrailingObjects<Operand>(), NumOperands };
ArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() const {
return getAllOperands();
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() {
return getAllOperands();
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::AllocStackInst;
/// The base class for AllocRefInst and AllocRefDynamicInst.
class AllocRefInstBase
: public AllocationInst,
public StackPromotable {
AllocRefInstBase(ValueKind Kind,
SILDebugLocation DebugLoc,
SILType ObjectType,
bool objc, bool canBeOnStack,
ArrayRef<SILType> ElementTypes,
ArrayRef<SILValue> AllOperands);
// Number of tail-allocated arrays.
unsigned short NumTailTypes;
bool ObjC;
/// The first NumTailTypes operands are counts for the tail allocated
/// elements, the remaining operands are opened archetype operands.
TailAllocatedOperandList<0> Operands;
SILType *getTypeStorage() {
return reinterpret_cast<SILType*>(Operands.asArray().end());
const SILType *getTypeStorage() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const SILType*>(Operands.asArray().end());
ArrayRef<SILType> getTailAllocatedTypes() const {
return {getTypeStorage(), NumTailTypes};
MutableArrayRef<SILType> getTailAllocatedTypes() {
return {getTypeStorage(), NumTailTypes};
ArrayRef<Operand> getTailAllocatedCounts() const {
return getAllOperands().slice(0, NumTailTypes);
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getTailAllocatedCounts() {
return getAllOperands().slice(0, NumTailTypes);
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const {
return Operands.asArray();
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() {
return Operands.asArray();
/// Whether to use Objective-C's allocation mechanism (+allocWithZone:).
bool isObjC() const { return ObjC; }
/// AllocRefInst - This represents the primitive allocation of an instance
/// of a reference type. Aside from the reference count, the instance is
/// returned uninitialized.
/// Optionally, the allocated instance contains space for one or more tail-
/// allocated arrays.
class AllocRefInst final : public AllocRefInstBase {
friend SILBuilder;
AllocRefInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILFunction &F,
SILType ObjectType,
bool objc, bool canBeOnStack,
ArrayRef<SILType> ElementTypes,
ArrayRef<SILValue> AllOperands)
: AllocRefInstBase(ValueKind::AllocRefInst, DebugLoc, ObjectType, objc,
canBeOnStack, ElementTypes, AllOperands) {
static_assert(sizeof(AllocRefInst) == sizeof(AllocRefInstBase),
"subclass has extra storage");
static AllocRefInst *create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILFunction &F,
SILType ObjectType,
bool objc, bool canBeOnStack,
ArrayRef<SILType> ElementTypes,
ArrayRef<SILValue> ElementCountOperands,
SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
ArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() const {
return getAllOperands().slice(NumTailTypes);
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() {
return getAllOperands().slice(NumTailTypes);
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::AllocRefInst;
/// AllocRefDynamicInst - This represents the primitive allocation of
/// an instance of a reference type whose runtime type is provided by
/// the given metatype value. Aside from the reference count, the
/// instance is returned uninitialized.
/// Optionally, the allocated instance contains space for one or more tail-
/// allocated arrays.
class AllocRefDynamicInst final : public AllocRefInstBase {
friend SILBuilder;
AllocRefDynamicInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc,
SILType ty,
bool objc,
ArrayRef<SILType> ElementTypes,
ArrayRef<SILValue> AllOperands)
: AllocRefInstBase(ValueKind::AllocRefDynamicInst, DebugLoc,
ty, objc, false,
ElementTypes, AllOperands) {
static_assert(sizeof(AllocRefInst) == sizeof(AllocRefInstBase),
"subclass has extra storage");
static AllocRefDynamicInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILFunction &F,
SILValue metatypeOperand, SILType ty, bool objc,
ArrayRef<SILType> ElementTypes,
ArrayRef<SILValue> ElementCountOperands,
SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
SILValue getMetatypeOperand() const {
return getAllOperands()[NumTailTypes].get();
ArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() const {
return getAllOperands().slice(NumTailTypes + 1);
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() {
return getAllOperands().slice(NumTailTypes + 1);
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::AllocRefDynamicInst;
/// AllocValueBufferInst - Allocate memory in a value buffer.
class AllocValueBufferInst final
: public UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase<
true> {
friend SILBuilder;
AllocValueBufferInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType valueType,
SILValue operand,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands);
static AllocValueBufferInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType valueType, SILValue operand,
SILFunction &F, SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
SILType getValueType() const { return getType().getObjectType(); }
/// This represents the allocation of a heap box for a Swift value of some type.
/// The instruction returns two values. The first return value is the object
/// pointer with Builtin.NativeObject type. The second return value
/// is an address pointing to the contained element. The contained
/// element is uninitialized.
class AllocBoxInst final
: public AllocationInst,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<AllocBoxInst, Operand, char> {
friend TrailingObjects;
friend SILBuilder;
unsigned NumOperands;
TailAllocatedDebugVariable VarInfo;
AllocBoxInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, CanSILBoxType BoxType,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands, SILFunction &F,
SILDebugVariable Var);
static AllocBoxInst *create(SILDebugLocation Loc, CanSILBoxType boxType,
SILFunction &F,
SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes,
SILDebugVariable Var);
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Operand>) const {
return NumOperands;
~AllocBoxInst() {
Operand *Operands = getTrailingObjects<Operand>();
for (unsigned i = 0, end = NumOperands; i < end; ++i) {
CanSILBoxType getBoxType() const {
return getType().castTo<SILBoxType>();
/// Return the underlying variable declaration associated with this
/// allocation, or null if this is a temporary allocation.
VarDecl *getDecl() const;
/// Return the debug variable information attached to this instruction.
SILDebugVariable getVarInfo() const {
return VarInfo.get(getDecl(), getTrailingObjects<char>());
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const {
return {getTrailingObjects<Operand>(), NumOperands};
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() {
return {getTrailingObjects<Operand>(), NumOperands};
ArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() const {
return getAllOperands();
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() {
return getAllOperands();
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::AllocBoxInst;
/// This represents the allocation of a heap box for an existential container.
/// The instruction returns two values. The first return value is the owner
/// pointer, which has the existential type. The second return value
/// is an address pointing to the contained element. The contained
/// value is uninitialized.
class AllocExistentialBoxInst final
: public AllocationInst,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<AllocExistentialBoxInst, Operand> {
friend TrailingObjects;
friend SILBuilder;
unsigned NumOperands;
CanType ConcreteType;
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> Conformances;
AllocExistentialBoxInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType ExistentialType,
CanType ConcreteType,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> Conformances,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
SILFunction *Parent);
static AllocExistentialBoxInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType ExistentialType,
CanType ConcreteType, ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> Conformances,
SILFunction *Parent, SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
~AllocExistentialBoxInst() {
Operand *Operands = getTrailingObjects<Operand>();
for (unsigned i = 0, end = NumOperands; i < end; ++i) {
CanType getFormalConcreteType() const { return ConcreteType; }
SILType getExistentialType() const { return getType(); }
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> getConformances() const {
return Conformances;
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const {
return {getTrailingObjects<Operand>(), NumOperands};
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() {
return {getTrailingObjects<Operand>(), NumOperands};
ArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() const {
return getAllOperands();
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() {
return getAllOperands();
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::AllocExistentialBoxInst;
void *allocateApplyInst(SILFunction &F, size_t size, size_t align);
class PartialApplyInst;
/// ApplyInstBase - An abstract class for different kinds of function
/// application.
template <class Impl, class Base,
bool IsFullApply = !std::is_same<Impl, PartialApplyInst>::value>
class ApplyInstBase;
// The partial specialization for non-full applies. Note that the
// partial specialization for full applies inherits from this.
template <class Impl, class Base>
class ApplyInstBase<Impl, Base, false> : public Base {
enum {
/// The type of the callee with our substitutions applied.
SILType SubstCalleeType;
/// The number of tail-allocated substitutions, allocated after the operand
/// list's tail allocation.
unsigned NumSubstitutions: 31;
/// Used for apply_inst instructions: true if the called function has an
/// error result but is not actually throwing.
bool NonThrowing: 1;
/// The number of call arguments as required by the callee.
unsigned NumCallArguments;
/// The fixed operand is the callee; the rest are arguments.
TailAllocatedOperandList<1> Operands;
Substitution *getSubstitutionsStorage() {
return reinterpret_cast<Substitution*>(Operands.asArray().end());
const Substitution *getSubstitutionsStorage() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const Substitution*>(Operands.asArray().end());
template <class... As>
ApplyInstBase(ValueKind kind, SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue callee,
SILType substCalleeType, SubstitutionList substitutions,
ArrayRef<SILValue> args,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
As... baseArgs)
: Base(kind, DebugLoc, baseArgs...), SubstCalleeType(substCalleeType),
NumSubstitutions(substitutions.size()), NonThrowing(false),
Operands(this, args, TypeDependentOperands, callee) {
static_assert(sizeof(Impl) == sizeof(*this),
"subclass has extra storage, cannot use TailAllocatedOperandList");
memcpy(getSubstitutionsStorage(), substitutions.begin(),
sizeof(substitutions[0]) * substitutions.size());
static void *allocate(SILFunction &F,
SubstitutionList substitutions,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
ArrayRef<SILValue> args) {
return allocateApplyInst(
F, sizeof(Impl) + decltype(Operands)::getExtraSize(
args.size() + TypeDependentOperands.size()) +
sizeof(substitutions[0]) * substitutions.size(),
void setNonThrowing(bool isNonThrowing) { NonThrowing = isNonThrowing; }
bool isNonThrowingApply() const { return NonThrowing; }
/// The operand number of the first argument.
static unsigned getArgumentOperandNumber() { return 1; }
SILValue getCallee() const { return Operands[Callee].get(); }
/// Gets the referenced function by looking through partial apply,
/// convert_function, and thin to thick function until we find a function_ref.
/// This is defined out of line to work around incomplete definition
/// issues. It is at the bottom of the file.
SILFunction *getCalleeFunction() const;
/// Gets the referenced function if the callee is a function_ref instruction.
SILFunction *getReferencedFunction() const {
if (auto *FRI = dyn_cast<FunctionRefInst>(getCallee()))
return FRI->getReferencedFunction();
return nullptr;
/// Get the type of the callee without the applied substitutions.
CanSILFunctionType getOrigCalleeType() const {
return getCallee()->getType().template castTo<SILFunctionType>();
SILFunctionConventions getOrigCalleeConv() const {
return SILFunctionConventions(getOrigCalleeType(), this->getModule());
/// Get the type of the callee with the applied substitutions.
CanSILFunctionType getSubstCalleeType() const {
return SubstCalleeType.castTo<SILFunctionType>();
SILType getSubstCalleeSILType() const {
return SubstCalleeType;
SILFunctionConventions getSubstCalleeConv() const {
return SILFunctionConventions(getSubstCalleeType(), this->getModule());
bool isCalleeNoReturn() const {
return getSubstCalleeSILType().isNoReturnFunction();
bool isCalleeThin() const {
auto Rep = getSubstCalleeType()->getRepresentation();
return Rep == FunctionType::Representation::Thin;
/// True if this application has generic substitutions.
bool hasSubstitutions() const { return NumSubstitutions != 0; }
/// The substitutions used to bind the generic arguments of this function.
MutableArrayRef<Substitution> getSubstitutions() {
return {getSubstitutionsStorage(), NumSubstitutions};
SubstitutionList getSubstitutions() const {
return {getSubstitutionsStorage(), NumSubstitutions};
/// The arguments passed to this instruction.
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getArgumentOperands() {
return Operands.getDynamicAsArray().slice(0, getNumCallArguments());
ArrayRef<Operand> getArgumentOperands() const {
return Operands.getDynamicAsArray().slice(0, getNumCallArguments());
/// The arguments passed to this instruction.
OperandValueArrayRef getArguments() const {
return OperandValueArrayRef(
Operands.getDynamicAsArray().slice(0, getNumCallArguments()));
/// Returns the number of arguments for this partial apply.
unsigned getNumArguments() const { return getArguments().size(); }
Operand &getArgumentRef(unsigned i) {
return getArgumentOperands()[i];
/// Return the ith argument passed to this instruction.
SILValue getArgument(unsigned i) const { return getArguments()[i]; }
/// Set the ith argument of this instruction.
void setArgument(unsigned i, SILValue V) {
return getArgumentOperands()[i].set(V);
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
unsigned getNumCallArguments() const {
return NumCallArguments;
ArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() const {
return Operands.getDynamicAsArray().slice(NumCallArguments);
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() {
return Operands.getDynamicAsArray().slice(NumCallArguments);
/// Given the callee operand of an apply or try_apply instruction,
/// does it have the given semantics?
bool doesApplyCalleeHaveSemantics(SILValue callee, StringRef semantics);
/// The partial specialization of ApplyInstBase for full applications.
/// Adds some methods relating to 'self' and to result types that don't
/// make sense for partial applications.
template <class Impl, class Base>
class ApplyInstBase<Impl, Base, true>
: public ApplyInstBase<Impl, Base, false> {
using super = ApplyInstBase<Impl, Base, false>;
template <class... As>
ApplyInstBase(As &&...args)
: ApplyInstBase<Impl, Base, false>(std::forward<As>(args)...) {}
using super::getCallee;
using super::getSubstCalleeType;
using super::getSubstCalleeConv;
using super::hasSubstitutions;
using super::getSubstitutions;
using super::getNumArguments;
using super::getArgument;
using super::getArguments;
using super::getArgumentOperands;
/// The collection of following routines wrap the representation difference in
/// between the self substitution being first, but the self parameter of a
/// function being last.
/// The hope is that this will prevent any future bugs from coming up related
/// to this.
/// Self is always the last parameter, but self substitutions are always
/// first. The reason to add this method is to wrap that dichotomy to reduce
/// errors.
/// FIXME: Could this be standardized? It has and will lead to bugs. IMHO.
SILValue getSelfArgument() const {
assert(hasSelfArgument() && "Must have a self argument");
assert(getNumArguments() && "Should only be called when Callee has "
return getArgument(getNumArguments()-1);
Operand &getSelfArgumentOperand() {
assert(hasSelfArgument() && "Must have a self argument");
assert(getNumArguments() && "Should only be called when Callee has "
return getArgumentOperands()[getNumArguments()-1];
void setSelfArgument(SILValue V) {
assert(hasSelfArgument() && "Must have a self argument");
assert(getNumArguments() && "Should only be called when Callee has "
getArgumentOperands()[getNumArguments() - 1].set(V);
OperandValueArrayRef getArgumentsWithoutSelf() const {
assert(hasSelfArgument() && "Must have a self argument");
assert(getNumArguments() && "Should only be called when Callee has "
"at least a self parameter.");
assert(hasSubstitutions() && "Should only be called when Callee has "
ArrayRef<Operand> ops = this->getArgumentOperands();
ArrayRef<Operand> opsWithoutSelf = ArrayRef<Operand>(&ops[0],
return OperandValueArrayRef(opsWithoutSelf);
SILArgumentConvention getArgumentConvention(unsigned index) const {
return getSubstCalleeConv().getSILArgumentConvention(index);
Optional<SILResultInfo> getSingleResult() const {
auto SubstCallee = getSubstCalleeType();
if (SubstCallee->getNumAllResults() != 1)
return None;
return SubstCallee->getSingleResult();
bool hasIndirectResults() const {
return getSubstCalleeConv().hasIndirectSILResults();
unsigned getNumIndirectResults() const {
return getSubstCalleeConv().getNumIndirectSILResults();
bool hasSelfArgument() const {
return getSubstCalleeType()->hasSelfParam();
bool hasGuaranteedSelfArgument() const {
auto C = getSubstCalleeType()->getSelfParameter().getConvention();
return C == ParameterConvention::Direct_Guaranteed;
OperandValueArrayRef getIndirectSILResults() const {
return getArguments().slice(0, getNumIndirectResults());
OperandValueArrayRef getArgumentsWithoutIndirectResults() const {
return getArguments().slice(getNumIndirectResults());
bool hasSemantics(StringRef semanticsString) const {
return doesApplyCalleeHaveSemantics(getCallee(), semanticsString);
/// ApplyInst - Represents the full application of a function value.
class ApplyInst : public ApplyInstBase<ApplyInst, SILInstruction> {
friend SILBuilder;
ApplyInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Callee,
SILType SubstCalleeType, SILType ReturnType,
SubstitutionList Substitutions,
ArrayRef<SILValue> Args,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
bool isNonThrowing);
static ApplyInst *create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Callee,
SILType SubstCalleeType, SILType ReturnType,
SubstitutionList Substitutions,
ArrayRef<SILValue> Args, bool isNonThrowing,
SILFunction &F,
SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::ApplyInst;
/// Returns true if the called function has an error result but is not actually
/// throwing an error.
bool isNonThrowing() const {
return isNonThrowingApply();
/// PartialApplyInst - Represents the creation of a closure object by partial
/// application of a function value.
class PartialApplyInst
: public ApplyInstBase<PartialApplyInst, SILInstruction> {
friend SILBuilder;
PartialApplyInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Callee,
SILType SubstCalleeType,
SubstitutionList Substitutions,
ArrayRef<SILValue> Args,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
SILType ClosureType);
static PartialApplyInst *create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Callee,
SILType SubstCalleeType,
SubstitutionList Substitutions,
ArrayRef<SILValue> Args, SILType ClosureType,
SILFunction &F,
SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
/// Return the result function type of this partial apply.
CanSILFunctionType getFunctionType() const {
return getType().castTo<SILFunctionType>();
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::PartialApplyInst;
// Literal instructions.
/// Abstract base class for literal instructions.
class LiteralInst : public SILInstruction {
LiteralInst(ValueKind Kind, SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType Ty)
: SILInstruction(Kind, DebugLoc, Ty) {}
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() >= ValueKind::First_LiteralInst &&
V->getKind() <= ValueKind::Last_LiteralInst;
/// FunctionRefInst - Represents a reference to a SIL function.
class FunctionRefInst : public LiteralInst {
friend SILBuilder;
SILFunction *Function;
/// Construct a FunctionRefInst.
/// \param DebugLoc The location of the reference.
/// \param F The function being referenced.
FunctionRefInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILFunction *F);
/// Return the referenced function.
SILFunction *getReferencedFunction() const { return Function; }
void dropReferencedFunction();
CanSILFunctionType getFunctionType() const {
return getType().castTo<SILFunctionType>();
SILFunctionConventions getConventions() const {
return SILFunctionConventions(getFunctionType(), getModule());
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return {}; }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return {}; }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::FunctionRefInst;
/// Represents an invocation of builtin functionality provided by the code
/// generator.
class BuiltinInst : public SILInstruction {
friend SILBuilder;
/// The name of the builtin to invoke.
Identifier Name;
/// The number of tail-allocated substitutions, allocated after the operand
/// list's tail allocation.
unsigned NumSubstitutions;
/// The value arguments to the builtin.
TailAllocatedOperandList<0> Operands;
Substitution *getSubstitutionsStorage() {
return reinterpret_cast<Substitution*>(Operands.asArray().end());
const Substitution *getSubstitutionsStorage() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const Substitution*>(Operands.asArray().end());
BuiltinInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, Identifier Name, SILType ReturnType,
SubstitutionList Substitutions, ArrayRef<SILValue> Args);
static BuiltinInst *create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, Identifier Name,
SILType ReturnType,
SubstitutionList Substitutions,
ArrayRef<SILValue> Args, SILFunction &F);
/// Return the name of the builtin operation.
Identifier getName() const { return Name; }
void setName(Identifier I) { Name = I; }
/// \brief Looks up the llvm intrinsic ID and type for the builtin function.
/// \returns Returns llvm::Intrinsic::not_intrinsic if the function is not an
/// intrinsic. The particular intrinsic functions which correspond to the
/// returned value are defined in llvm/Intrinsics.h.
const IntrinsicInfo &getIntrinsicInfo() const;
/// \brief Looks up the lazily cached identification for the builtin function.
const BuiltinInfo &getBuiltinInfo() const;
/// \brief Looks up the llvm intrinsic ID of this builtin. Returns None if
/// this is not an intrinsic.
llvm::Optional<llvm::Intrinsic::ID> getIntrinsicID() const {
auto I = getIntrinsicInfo();
if (I.ID == llvm::Intrinsic::not_intrinsic)
return None;
return I.ID;
/// \brief Looks up the BuiltinKind of this builtin. Returns None if this is
/// not a builtin.
llvm::Optional<BuiltinValueKind> getBuiltinKind() const {
auto I = getBuiltinInfo();
if (I.ID == BuiltinValueKind::None)
return None;
return I.ID;
/// True if this builtin application has substitutions, which represent type
/// parameters to the builtin.
bool hasSubstitutions() const {
return NumSubstitutions != 0;
/// Return the type parameters to the builtin.
SubstitutionList getSubstitutions() const {
return {getSubstitutionsStorage(), NumSubstitutions};
/// Return the type parameters to the builtin.
MutableArrayRef<Substitution> getSubstitutions() {
return {getSubstitutionsStorage(), NumSubstitutions};
/// The arguments to the builtin.
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const {
return Operands.asArray();
/// The arguments to the builtin.
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() {
return Operands.asArray();
/// The arguments to the builtin.
OperandValueArrayRef getArguments() const {
return Operands.asValueArray();
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::BuiltinInst;
/// Initializes a SIL global variable. Only valid once, before any
/// usages of the global via GlobalAddrInst.
class AllocGlobalInst : public SILInstruction {
friend SILBuilder;
SILGlobalVariable *Global;
AllocGlobalInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILGlobalVariable *Global);
// FIXME: This constructor should be private but is currently used
// in the SILParser.
/// Create a placeholder instruction with an unset global reference.
AllocGlobalInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc);
/// Return the referenced global variable.
SILGlobalVariable *getReferencedGlobal() const { return Global; }
void setReferencedGlobal(SILGlobalVariable *v) { Global = v; }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return {}; }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return {}; }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::AllocGlobalInst;
/// Gives the address of a SIL global variable. Only valid after an
/// AllocGlobalInst.
class GlobalAddrInst : public LiteralInst {
friend SILBuilder;
SILGlobalVariable *Global;
GlobalAddrInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILGlobalVariable *Global);
// FIXME: This constructor should be private but is currently used
// in the SILParser.
/// Create a placeholder instruction with an unset global reference.
GlobalAddrInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType Ty);
/// Return the referenced global variable.
SILGlobalVariable *getReferencedGlobal() const { return Global; }
void setReferencedGlobal(SILGlobalVariable *v) { Global = v; }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return {}; }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return {}; }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::GlobalAddrInst;
/// IntegerLiteralInst - Encapsulates an integer constant, as defined originally
/// by an IntegerLiteralExpr.
class IntegerLiteralInst final : public LiteralInst,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<IntegerLiteralInst, llvm::integerPart> {
friend TrailingObjects;
friend SILBuilder;
unsigned numBits;
IntegerLiteralInst(SILDebugLocation Loc, SILType Ty, const APInt &Value);
static IntegerLiteralInst *create(IntegerLiteralExpr *E,
SILDebugLocation Loc, SILFunction &B);
static IntegerLiteralInst *create(SILDebugLocation Loc, SILType Ty,
intmax_t Value, SILFunction &B);
static IntegerLiteralInst *create(SILDebugLocation Loc, SILType Ty,
const APInt &Value, SILFunction &B);
/// getValue - Return the APInt for the underlying integer literal.
APInt getValue() const;
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return {}; }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return {}; }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::IntegerLiteralInst;
/// FloatLiteralInst - Encapsulates a floating point constant, as defined
/// originally by a FloatLiteralExpr.
class FloatLiteralInst final : public LiteralInst,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<FloatLiteralInst, llvm::integerPart> {
friend TrailingObjects;
friend SILBuilder;
unsigned numBits;
FloatLiteralInst(SILDebugLocation Loc, SILType Ty, const APInt &Bits);
static FloatLiteralInst *create(FloatLiteralExpr *E, SILDebugLocation Loc,
SILFunction &B);
static FloatLiteralInst *create(SILDebugLocation Loc, SILType Ty,
const APFloat &Value, SILFunction &B);
/// \brief Return the APFloat for the underlying FP literal.
APFloat getValue() const;
/// \brief Return the bitcast representation of the FP literal as an APInt.
APInt getBits() const;
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return {}; }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return {}; }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::FloatLiteralInst;
/// StringLiteralInst - Encapsulates a string constant, as defined originally by
/// a StringLiteralExpr. This produces the address of the string data as a
/// Builtin.RawPointer.
class StringLiteralInst final : public LiteralInst,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<StringLiteralInst, char> {
friend TrailingObjects;
friend SILBuilder;
enum class Encoding {
/// UTF-8 encoding of an Objective-C selector.
unsigned Length;
Encoding TheEncoding;
StringLiteralInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, StringRef text,
Encoding encoding, SILType ty);
static StringLiteralInst *create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, StringRef Text,
Encoding encoding, SILFunction &F);
/// getValue - Return the string data for the literal, in UTF-8.
StringRef getValue() const {
return {getTrailingObjects<char>(), Length};
/// getEncoding - Return the desired encoding of the text.
Encoding getEncoding() const { return TheEncoding; }
/// getCodeUnitCount - Return encoding-based length of the string
/// literal in code units.
uint64_t getCodeUnitCount();
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return {}; }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return {}; }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::StringLiteralInst;
// Memory instructions.
/// StringLiteralInst::Encoding hashes to its underlying integer representation.
static inline llvm::hash_code hash_value(StringLiteralInst::Encoding E) {
return llvm::hash_value(size_t(E));
// *NOTE* When serializing, we can only represent up to 4 values here. If more
// qualifiers are added, SIL serialization must be updated.
enum class LoadOwnershipQualifier {
Unqualified, Take, Copy, Trivial
/// LoadInst - Represents a load from a memory location.
class LoadInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::LoadInst>
friend SILBuilder;
LoadOwnershipQualifier OwnershipQualifier;
/// Constructs a LoadInst.
/// \param DebugLoc The location of the expression that caused the load.
/// \param LValue The SILValue representing the lvalue (address) to
/// use for the load.
LoadInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue LValue,
LoadOwnershipQualifier Q = LoadOwnershipQualifier::Unqualified)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, LValue,
OwnershipQualifier(Q) {}
LoadOwnershipQualifier getOwnershipQualifier() const {
return OwnershipQualifier;
// *NOTE* When serializing, we can only represent up to 4 values here. If more
// qualifiers are added, SIL serialization must be updated.
enum class StoreOwnershipQualifier {
Unqualified, Init, Assign, Trivial
/// StoreInst - Represents a store from a memory location.
class StoreInst : public SILInstruction {
friend SILBuilder;
FixedOperandList<2> Operands;
StoreOwnershipQualifier OwnershipQualifier;
StoreInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Src, SILValue Dest,
StoreOwnershipQualifier Qualifier);
enum {
/// the value being stored
/// the lvalue being stored to
SILValue getSrc() const { return Operands[Src].get(); }
SILValue getDest() const { return Operands[Dest].get(); }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::StoreInst;
StoreOwnershipQualifier getOwnershipQualifier() const {
return OwnershipQualifier;
/// Represents a load of a borrowed value. Must be paired with an end_borrow
/// instruction in its use-def list.
class LoadBorrowInst : public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::LoadBorrowInst> {
friend class SILBuilder;
LoadBorrowInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue LValue)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, LValue,
LValue->getType().getObjectType()) {}
/// Represents the begin scope of a borrowed value. Must be paired with an
/// end_borrow instruction in its use-def list.
class BeginBorrowInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::BeginBorrowInst> {
friend class SILBuilder;
BeginBorrowInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue LValue)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, LValue,
LValue->getType().getObjectType()) {}
/// Represents a store of a borrowed value into an address. Returns the borrowed
/// address. Must be paired with an end_borrow in its use-def list.
class StoreBorrowInst : public SILInstruction {
friend class SILBuilder;
enum {
/// The source of the value being borrowed.
/// The destination of the borrowed value.
FixedOperandList<2> Operands;
StoreBorrowInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Src, SILValue Dest);
SILValue getSrc() const { return Operands[Src].get(); }
SILValue getDest() const { return Operands[Dest].get(); }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::StoreBorrowInst;
/// Represents the end of a borrow scope for a value or address from another
/// value or address.
/// The semantics of the instruction here is that the "dest" SILValue can not be
/// used after this instruction and the "src" SILValue must stay alive up to
/// EndBorrowInst.
class EndBorrowInst : public SILInstruction {
friend class SILBuilder;
enum {
/// The borrowed value.
/// The original value that was borrowed from.
FixedOperandList<2> Operands;
EndBorrowInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue BorrowedValue,
SILValue OriginalValue);
SILValue getBorrowedValue() const { return Operands[BorrowedValue].get(); }
SILValue getOriginalValue() const { return Operands[OriginalValue].get(); }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::EndBorrowInst;
/// Represents the end of a borrow scope for an argument. The reason why this is
/// separate from end_borrow is that an argument is not borrowed from a
/// specific SSA value. Instead it is borrowed from potentially many different
/// incoming values.
class EndBorrowArgumentInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::EndBorrowArgumentInst> {
friend class SILBuilder;
EndBorrowArgumentInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILArgument *Arg);
/// AssignInst - Represents an abstract assignment to a memory location, which
/// may either be an initialization or a store sequence. This is only valid in
/// Raw SIL.
class AssignInst : public SILInstruction {
friend SILBuilder;
enum {
/// the value being stored
/// the lvalue being stored to
FixedOperandList<2> Operands;
AssignInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Src, SILValue Dest);
SILValue getSrc() const { return Operands[Src].get(); }
SILValue getDest() const { return Operands[Dest].get(); }
bool isUnownedAssign() const {
return getDest()->getType().getObjectType().is<UnownedStorageType>();
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::AssignInst;
/// Abstract base class for instructions that mark storage as uninitialized.
/// Indicates that a memory location is uninitialized at
/// this point and needs to be initialized by the end of the function and before
/// any escape point for this instruction. This is only valid in Raw SIL.
class MarkUninitializedInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::MarkUninitializedInst> {
friend SILBuilder;
/// This enum captures what the mark_uninitialized instruction is designating.
enum Kind {
/// Var designates the start of a normal variable live range.
/// RootSelf designates "self" in a struct, enum, or root class.
/// DerivedSelf designates "self" in a derived (non-root) class.
/// DerivedSelfOnly designates "self" in a derived (non-root)
/// class whose stored properties have already been initialized.
/// DelegatingSelf designates "self" on a struct, enum, or class
/// in a delegating constructor (one that calls self.init).
Kind ThisKind;
MarkUninitializedInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Address, Kind K)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Address, Address->getType()),
ThisKind(K) {}
Kind getKind() const { return ThisKind; }
bool isVar() const { return ThisKind == Var; }
bool isRootSelf() const {
return ThisKind == RootSelf;
bool isDerivedClassSelf() const {
return ThisKind == DerivedSelf;
bool isDerivedClassSelfOnly() const {
return ThisKind == DerivedSelfOnly;
bool isDelegatingSelf() const {
return ThisKind == DelegatingSelf;
/// MarkUninitializedBehaviorInst - Indicates that a logical property
/// is uninitialized at this point and needs to be initialized by the end of the
/// function and before any escape point for this instruction. Assignments
/// to the property trigger the behavior's `init` or `set` logic based on
/// the logical initialization state of the property.
/// This is only valid in Raw SIL.
class MarkUninitializedBehaviorInst final : public SILInstruction,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<MarkUninitializedBehaviorInst, Substitution>
friend SILBuilder;
friend TrailingObjects;
FixedOperandList<4> Operands;
unsigned NumInitStorageSubstitutions, NumSetterSubstitutions;
enum {
// The initialization function for the storage.
// Address of the behavior storage being initialized.
// The setter function for the behavior property.
// The address or reference to the parent `self` being initialized.
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Substitution>) {
return NumInitStorageSubstitutions + NumSetterSubstitutions;
MarkUninitializedBehaviorInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc,
SILValue InitStorage,
SubstitutionList InitStorageSubs,
SILValue Storage,
SILValue Setter,
SubstitutionList SetterSubs,
SILValue Self,
SILType Ty);
static MarkUninitializedBehaviorInst *create(SILModule &M,
SILDebugLocation DebugLoc,
SILValue InitStorage,
SubstitutionList InitStorageSubs,
SILValue Storage,
SILValue Setter,
SubstitutionList SetterSubs,
SILValue Self,
SILType Ty);
SILValue getInitStorageFunc() const {
return Operands[InitStorageFunc].get();
SubstitutionList getInitStorageSubstitutions() const {
return {getTrailingObjects<Substitution>(), NumInitStorageSubstitutions};
SILValue getStorage() const {
return Operands[Storage].get();
SILValue getSetterFunc() const {
return Operands[SetterFunc].get();
SubstitutionList getSetterSubstitutions() const {
return {getTrailingObjects<Substitution>() + NumInitStorageSubstitutions,
SILValue getSelf() const {
return Operands[Self].get();
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::MarkUninitializedBehaviorInst;
/// MarkFunctionEscape - Represents the escape point of set of variables due to
/// a function definition which uses the variables. This is only valid in Raw
/// SIL.
class MarkFunctionEscapeInst : public SILInstruction {
friend SILBuilder;
TailAllocatedOperandList<0> Operands;
/// Private constructor. Because this is variadic, object creation goes
/// through 'create()'.
MarkFunctionEscapeInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc,
ArrayRef<SILValue> Elements);
/// Construct a MarkFunctionEscapeInst.
static MarkFunctionEscapeInst *create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc,
ArrayRef<SILValue> Elements,
SILFunction &F);
/// The elements referenced by this instruction.
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getElementOperands() {
return Operands.getDynamicAsArray();
/// The elements referenced by this instruction.
OperandValueArrayRef getElements() const {
return Operands.getDynamicValuesAsArray();
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::MarkFunctionEscapeInst;
/// Define the start or update to a symbolic variable value (for loadable
/// types).
class DebugValueInst final
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::DebugValueInst>,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<DebugValueInst, char> {
friend TrailingObjects;
friend SILBuilder;
TailAllocatedDebugVariable VarInfo;
DebugValueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILDebugVariable Var);
static DebugValueInst *create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILModule &M, SILDebugVariable Var);
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<char>) const { return 1; }
/// Return the underlying variable declaration that this denotes,
/// or null if we don't have one.
VarDecl *getDecl() const;
/// Return the debug variable information attached to this instruction.
SILDebugVariable getVarInfo() const {
return VarInfo.get(getDecl(), getTrailingObjects<char>());
/// Define the start or update to a symbolic variable value (for address-only
/// types) .
class DebugValueAddrInst final
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::DebugValueAddrInst>,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<DebugValueAddrInst, char> {
friend TrailingObjects;
friend SILBuilder;
TailAllocatedDebugVariable VarInfo;
DebugValueAddrInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILDebugVariable Var);
static DebugValueAddrInst *create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc,
SILValue Operand, SILModule &M,
SILDebugVariable Var);
/// Return the underlying variable declaration that this denotes,
/// or null if we don't have one.
VarDecl *getDecl() const;
/// Return the debug variable information attached to this instruction.
SILDebugVariable getVarInfo() const {
return VarInfo.get(getDecl(), getTrailingObjects<char>());
/// An abstract class representing a load from some kind of reference storage.
template <ValueKind K>
class LoadReferenceInstBase : public UnaryInstructionBase<K> {
static SILType getResultType(SILType operandTy) {
assert(operandTy.isAddress() && "loading from non-address operand?");
auto refType = cast<ReferenceStorageType>(operandTy.getSwiftRValueType());
return SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(refType.getReferentType());
unsigned IsTake : 1; // FIXME: pack this somewhere
LoadReferenceInstBase(SILDebugLocation loc, SILValue lvalue, IsTake_t isTake)
: UnaryInstructionBase<K>(loc, lvalue, getResultType(lvalue->getType())),
IsTake(unsigned(isTake)) {
IsTake_t isTake() const { return IsTake_t(IsTake); }
/// An abstract class representing a store to some kind of reference storage.
template <ValueKind K>
class StoreReferenceInstBase : public SILInstruction {
enum { Src, Dest };
FixedOperandList<2> Operands;
unsigned IsInitializationOfDest : 1; // FIXME: pack this somewhere
StoreReferenceInstBase(SILDebugLocation loc, SILValue src, SILValue dest,
IsInitialization_t isInit)
: SILInstruction(K, loc), Operands(this, src, dest),
IsInitializationOfDest(unsigned(isInit)) {
SILValue getSrc() const { return Operands[Src].get(); }
SILValue getDest() const { return Operands[Dest].get(); }
IsInitialization_t isInitializationOfDest() const {
return IsInitialization_t(IsInitializationOfDest);
void setIsInitializationOfDest(IsInitialization_t I) {
IsInitializationOfDest = (bool)I;
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == K;
/// Represents a load from a @weak memory location.
class LoadWeakInst
: public LoadReferenceInstBase<ValueKind::LoadWeakInst>
friend SILBuilder;
/// \param loc The location of the expression that caused the load.
/// \param lvalue The SILValue representing the address to
/// use for the load.
LoadWeakInst(SILDebugLocation loc, SILValue lvalue, IsTake_t isTake)
: LoadReferenceInstBase(loc, lvalue, isTake) {}
/// Represents a store to a @weak memory location.
class StoreWeakInst
: public StoreReferenceInstBase<ValueKind::StoreWeakInst>
friend SILBuilder;
StoreWeakInst(SILDebugLocation loc, SILValue src, SILValue dest,
IsInitialization_t isInit)
: StoreReferenceInstBase(loc, src, dest, isInit) {}
/// Represents a load from an @unowned memory location.
/// This is only required for address-only unowned references; for loadable
/// unowned references, it's better to use a load and a strong_retain_unowned.
class LoadUnownedInst
: public LoadReferenceInstBase<ValueKind::LoadUnownedInst>
friend SILBuilder;
/// \param loc The location of the expression that caused the load.
/// \param lvalue The SILValue representing the address to
/// use for the load.
LoadUnownedInst(SILDebugLocation loc, SILValue lvalue, IsTake_t isTake)
: LoadReferenceInstBase(loc, lvalue, isTake) {}
/// Represents a store to an @unowned memory location.
/// This is only required for address-only unowned references; for loadable
/// unowned references, it's better to use a ref_to_unowned and a store.
class StoreUnownedInst
: public StoreReferenceInstBase<ValueKind::StoreUnownedInst>
friend SILBuilder;
StoreUnownedInst(SILDebugLocation loc, SILValue src, SILValue dest,
IsInitialization_t isInit)
: StoreReferenceInstBase(loc, src, dest, isInit) {}
/// CopyAddrInst - Represents a copy from one memory location to another. This
/// is similar to:
/// %1 = load %src
/// store %1 to %dest
/// but a copy instruction must be used for address-only types.
class CopyAddrInst : public SILInstruction {
friend SILBuilder;
enum {
/// The lvalue being loaded from.
/// The lvalue being stored to.
// FIXME: compress storage
/// IsTakeOfSrc - True if ownership will be taken from the value at the source
/// memory location.
unsigned IsTakeOfSrc : 1;
/// IsInitializationOfDest - True if this is the initialization of the
/// uninitialized destination memory location.
unsigned IsInitializationOfDest : 1;
FixedOperandList<2> Operands;
CopyAddrInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Src, SILValue Dest,
IsTake_t isTakeOfSrc, IsInitialization_t isInitializationOfDest);
SILValue getSrc() const { return Operands[Src].get(); }
SILValue getDest() const { return Operands[Dest].get(); }
void setSrc(SILValue V) { Operands[Src].set(V); }
void setDest(SILValue V) { Operands[Dest].set(V); }
IsTake_t isTakeOfSrc() const { return IsTake_t(IsTakeOfSrc); }
IsInitialization_t isInitializationOfDest() const {
return IsInitialization_t(IsInitializationOfDest);
void setIsTakeOfSrc(IsTake_t T) {
IsTakeOfSrc = (bool)T;
void setIsInitializationOfDest(IsInitialization_t I) {
IsInitializationOfDest = (bool)I;
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::CopyAddrInst;
/// BindMemoryInst -
/// "bind_memory %0 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %1 : $Builtin.Word to $T"
/// Binds memory at the raw pointer %0 to type $T with enough capacity
/// to hold $1 values.
class BindMemoryInst final :
public SILInstruction,
protected llvm::TrailingObjects<BindMemoryInst, Operand> {
typedef llvm::TrailingObjects<BindMemoryInst, Operand> TrailingObjects;
friend TrailingObjects;
using TrailingObjects::totalSizeToAlloc;
friend SILBuilder;
enum { BaseOperIdx, IndexOperIdx, NumFixedOpers };
SILType BoundType;
// Fixed operands + opened archetype operands.
unsigned NumOperands;
static BindMemoryInst *create(
SILDebugLocation Loc, SILValue Base, SILValue Index, SILType BoundType,
SILFunction &F, SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
BindMemoryInst(SILDebugLocation Loc, SILValue Base, SILValue Index,
SILType BoundType,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands);
// Destruct tail allocated objects.
~BindMemoryInst() {
Operand *Operands = &getAllOperands()[0];
for (unsigned i = 0, end = NumOperands; i < end; ++i) {
SILValue getBase() const { return getAllOperands()[BaseOperIdx].get(); }
SILValue getIndex() const { return getAllOperands()[IndexOperIdx].get(); }
SILType getBoundType() const { return BoundType ; }
// Implement llvm::TrailingObjects.
size_t numTrailingObjects(
typename TrailingObjects::template OverloadToken<Operand>) const {
return NumOperands;
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const {
return {TrailingObjects::template getTrailingObjects<Operand>(),
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() {
return {TrailingObjects::template getTrailingObjects<Operand>(),
ArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() const {
return getAllOperands().slice(2);
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() {
return getAllOperands().slice(2);
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::BindMemoryInst;
// Conversion instructions.
/// ConversionInst - Abstract class representing instructions that convert
/// values.
class ConversionInst : public SILInstruction {
ConversionInst(ValueKind Kind, SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType Ty)
: SILInstruction(Kind, DebugLoc, Ty) {}
/// All conversion instructions take the converted value, whose reference
/// identity is expected to be preserved through the conversion chain, as their
/// first operand. Some instructions may take additional operands that do not
/// affect the reference identity.
SILValue getConverted() const { return getOperand(0); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() >= ValueKind::First_ConversionInst &&
V->getKind() <= ValueKind::Last_ConversionInst;
/// ConvertFunctionInst - Change the type of a function value without
/// affecting how it will codegen.
class ConvertFunctionInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::ConvertFunctionInst, ConversionInst>
friend SILBuilder;
ConvertFunctionInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty) {}
/// ThinFunctionToPointerInst - Convert a thin function pointer to a
/// Builtin.RawPointer.
class ThinFunctionToPointerInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::ThinFunctionToPointerInst,
friend SILBuilder;
ThinFunctionToPointerInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand,
SILType ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand, ty) {}
/// PointerToThinFunctionInst - Convert a Builtin.RawPointer to a thin
/// function pointer.
class PointerToThinFunctionInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::PointerToThinFunctionInst,
friend SILBuilder;
PointerToThinFunctionInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand,
SILType ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand, ty) {}
/// UpcastInst - Perform a conversion of a class instance to a supertype.
class UpcastInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::UpcastInst, ConversionInst>
friend SILBuilder;
UpcastInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty) {}
/// AddressToPointerInst - Convert a SIL address to a Builtin.RawPointer value.
class AddressToPointerInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::AddressToPointerInst, ConversionInst>
friend SILBuilder;
AddressToPointerInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty) {}
/// PointerToAddressInst - Convert a Builtin.RawPointer value to a SIL address.
class PointerToAddressInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::PointerToAddressInst, ConversionInst>
friend SILBuilder;
bool IsStrict, IsInvariant;
PointerToAddressInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Ty,
bool IsStrict, bool IsInvariant)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty),
IsStrict(IsStrict), IsInvariant(IsInvariant) {}
/// Whether the returned address adheres to strict aliasing.
/// If true, then the type of each memory access dependent on
/// this address must be consistent with the memory's bound type.
bool isStrict() const { return IsStrict; }
/// Whether the returned address is invariant.
/// If true, then loading from an address derived from this pointer always
/// produces the same value.
bool isInvariant() const { return IsInvariant; }
/// Convert a heap object reference to a different type without any runtime
/// checks.
class UncheckedRefCastInst final
: public UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase<
/* HAS_RESULT */ true>
friend SILBuilder;
UncheckedRefCastInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands, SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase(DebugLoc, Operand,
TypeDependentOperands, Ty) {}
static UncheckedRefCastInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Ty,
SILFunction &F, SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
/// Converts a heap object reference to a different type without any runtime
/// checks. This is a variant of UncheckedRefCast that works on address types,
/// thus encapsulates an implicit load and take of the reference followed by a
/// store and initialization of a new reference.
class UncheckedRefCastAddrInst : public SILInstruction {
enum {
/// the value being stored
/// the lvalue being stored to
FixedOperandList<2> Operands;
CanType SourceType;
CanType TargetType;
UncheckedRefCastAddrInst(SILDebugLocation Loc, SILValue src, CanType srcType,
SILValue dest, CanType targetType);
CastConsumptionKind getConsumptionKind() const {
return CastConsumptionKind::TakeAlways;
SILValue getSrc() const { return Operands[Src].get(); }
SILValue getDest() const { return Operands[Dest].get(); }
/// Returns the formal type of the source value.
CanType getSourceType() const { return SourceType; }
/// Returns the formal target type.
CanType getTargetType() const { return TargetType; }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::UncheckedRefCastAddrInst;
class UncheckedAddrCastInst final
: public UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase<
friend SILBuilder;
UncheckedAddrCastInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands, SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase(DebugLoc, Operand,
TypeDependentOperands, Ty) {}
static UncheckedAddrCastInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Ty,
SILFunction &F, SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
/// Convert a value's binary representation to a trivial type of the same size.
class UncheckedTrivialBitCastInst final
: public UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase<
friend SILBuilder;
UncheckedTrivialBitCastInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase(DebugLoc, Operand,
TypeDependentOperands, Ty) {}
static UncheckedTrivialBitCastInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Ty,
SILFunction &F, SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
/// Bitwise copy a value into another value of the same size or smaller.
class UncheckedBitwiseCastInst final
: public UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase<
friend SILBuilder;
UncheckedBitwiseCastInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase(DebugLoc, Operand,
TypeDependentOperands, Ty) {}
static UncheckedBitwiseCastInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Ty,
SILFunction &F, SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
/// Build a Builtin.BridgeObject from a heap object reference by bitwise-or-ing
/// in bits from a word.
class RefToBridgeObjectInst : public ConversionInst {
friend SILBuilder;
FixedOperandList<2> Operands;
RefToBridgeObjectInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue ConvertedValue,
SILValue MaskValue, SILType BridgeObjectTy)
: ConversionInst(ValueKind::RefToBridgeObjectInst, DebugLoc,
Operands(this, ConvertedValue, MaskValue) {}
SILValue getBitsOperand() const { return Operands[1].get(); }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::RefToBridgeObjectInst;
/// Extract the heap object reference from a BridgeObject.
class BridgeObjectToRefInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::BridgeObjectToRefInst,
friend SILBuilder;
BridgeObjectToRefInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty) {}
/// Retrieve the bit pattern of a BridgeObject.
class BridgeObjectToWordInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::BridgeObjectToWordInst,
friend SILBuilder;
BridgeObjectToWordInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty) {}
/// RefToRawPointer - Convert a reference type to a Builtin.RawPointer.
class RefToRawPointerInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::RefToRawPointerInst, ConversionInst>
friend SILBuilder;
RefToRawPointerInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty) {}
/// RawPointerToRefInst - Convert a Builtin.RawPointer to a reference type.
class RawPointerToRefInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::RawPointerToRefInst, ConversionInst>
friend SILBuilder;
RawPointerToRefInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty) {}
/// RefToUnownedInst - Given a value of a reference type,
/// convert it to an unowned reference.
/// This does nothing at runtime; it just changes the formal type.
class RefToUnownedInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::RefToUnownedInst, ConversionInst>
friend SILBuilder;
RefToUnownedInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty) {}
/// UnownedToRefInst - Given a value of an @unowned type,
/// convert it to the underlying reference type.
/// This does nothing at runtime; it just changes the formal type.
class UnownedToRefInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::UnownedToRefInst, ConversionInst>
friend SILBuilder;
UnownedToRefInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty) {}
/// RefToUnmanagedInst - Given a value of a reference type,
/// convert it to an unmanaged reference.
/// This does nothing at runtime; it just changes the formal type.
class RefToUnmanagedInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::RefToUnmanagedInst, ConversionInst>
friend SILBuilder;
RefToUnmanagedInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty) {}
/// UnmanagedToRefInst - Given a value of an unmanaged reference type,
/// convert it to the underlying reference type.
/// This does nothing at runtime; it just changes the formal type.
class UnmanagedToRefInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::UnmanagedToRefInst, ConversionInst>
friend SILBuilder;
UnmanagedToRefInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty) {}
/// ThinToThickFunctionInst - Given a thin function reference, adds a null
/// context to convert the value to a thick function type.
class ThinToThickFunctionInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::ThinToThickFunctionInst,
friend SILBuilder;
ThinToThickFunctionInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty) {}
/// Return the callee of the thin_to_thick_function.
/// This is not technically necessary, but from a symmetry perspective it
/// makes sense to follow the lead of partial_apply which also creates
/// closures.
SILValue getCallee() const { return getOperand(); }
/// Given a thick metatype value, produces an Objective-C metatype
/// value.
class ThickToObjCMetatypeInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::ThickToObjCMetatypeInst,
friend SILBuilder;
ThickToObjCMetatypeInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty) {}
/// Given an Objective-C metatype value, produces a thick metatype
/// value.
class ObjCToThickMetatypeInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::ObjCToThickMetatypeInst,
friend SILBuilder;
ObjCToThickMetatypeInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty) {}
/// Given an Objective-C metatype value, convert it to an AnyObject value.
class ObjCMetatypeToObjectInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::ObjCMetatypeToObjectInst,
friend SILBuilder;
ObjCMetatypeToObjectInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty) {}
/// Given an Objective-C existential metatype value, convert it to an AnyObject
/// value.
class ObjCExistentialMetatypeToObjectInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::ObjCExistentialMetatypeToObjectInst,
friend SILBuilder;
ObjCExistentialMetatypeToObjectInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc,
SILValue Operand, SILType Ty)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty) {}
/// Return the Objective-C Protocol class instance for a protocol.
class ObjCProtocolInst : public SILInstruction
friend SILBuilder;
ProtocolDecl *Proto;
ObjCProtocolInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, ProtocolDecl *Proto, SILType Ty)
: SILInstruction(ValueKind::ObjCProtocolInst, DebugLoc, Ty),
Proto(Proto) {}
ProtocolDecl *getProtocol() const { return Proto; }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return {}; }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return {}; }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::ObjCProtocolInst;
/// Test that an address or reference type is not null.
class IsNonnullInst : public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::IsNonnullInst> {
friend SILBuilder;
IsNonnullInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType BoolTy)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, BoolTy) {}
/// Perform an unconditional checked cast that aborts if the cast fails.
class UnconditionalCheckedCastInst final
: public UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase<
friend SILBuilder;
UnconditionalCheckedCastInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
SILType DestTy)
: UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase(DebugLoc, Operand,
DestTy) {}
static UnconditionalCheckedCastInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType DestTy,
SILFunction &F, SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
/// Returns the formal type of the source value.
CanType getSourceType() const {
// This instruction is only used with types that allow this.
return getOperand()->getType().getSwiftRValueType();
/// Returns the formal target type.
CanType getTargetType() const {
// This instruction is only used with types that allow this.
return getType().getSwiftRValueType();
/// Perform an unconditional checked cast that aborts if the cast fails.
/// The result of the checked cast is left in the destination address.
class UnconditionalCheckedCastAddrInst : public SILInstruction
friend SILBuilder;
enum {
/// the value being stored
/// the lvalue being stored to
FixedOperandList<2> Operands;
CastConsumptionKind ConsumptionKind;
CanType SourceType;
CanType TargetType;
UnconditionalCheckedCastAddrInst(SILDebugLocation Loc,
CastConsumptionKind consumption,
SILValue src, CanType sourceType,
SILValue dest, CanType targetType);
CastConsumptionKind getConsumptionKind() const { return ConsumptionKind; }
SILValue getSrc() const { return Operands[Src].get(); }
SILValue getDest() const { return Operands[Dest].get(); }
/// Returns the formal type of the source value.
CanType getSourceType() const { return SourceType; }
/// Returns the formal target type.
CanType getTargetType() const { return TargetType; }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::UnconditionalCheckedCastAddrInst;
/// Perform an unconditional checked cast that aborts if the cast fails.
/// The result of the checked cast is left in the destination.
class UnconditionalCheckedCastValueInst final
: public UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase<
UnconditionalCheckedCastValueInst, ConversionInst, true> {
friend SILBuilder;
CastConsumptionKind ConsumptionKind;
UnconditionalCheckedCastValueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc,
CastConsumptionKind consumption,
SILValue Operand,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
SILType DestTy)
: UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase(
DebugLoc, Operand, TypeDependentOperands, DestTy),
ConsumptionKind(consumption) {}
static UnconditionalCheckedCastValueInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, CastConsumptionKind consumption,
SILValue Operand, SILType DestTy, SILFunction &F,
SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
CastConsumptionKind getConsumptionKind() const { return ConsumptionKind; }
/// StructInst - Represents a constructed loadable struct.
class StructInst : public SILInstruction {
friend SILBuilder;
TailAllocatedOperandList<0> Operands;
/// Because of the storage requirements of StructInst, object
/// creation goes through 'create()'.
StructInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType Ty,
ArrayRef<SILValue> Elements);
/// Construct a StructInst.
static StructInst *create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType Ty,
ArrayRef<SILValue> Elements, SILFunction &F);
/// The elements referenced by this StructInst.
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getElementOperands() {
return Operands.getDynamicAsArray();
/// The elements referenced by this StructInst.
OperandValueArrayRef getElements() const {
return Operands.getDynamicValuesAsArray();
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
SILValue getFieldValue(const VarDecl *V) const {
return getOperandForField(V)->get();
/// Return the Operand associated with the given VarDecl.
const Operand *getOperandForField(const VarDecl *V) const {
return const_cast<StructInst*>(this)->getOperandForField(V);
Operand *getOperandForField(const VarDecl *V) {
// If V is null or is computed, there is no operand associated with it.
assert(V && V->hasStorage() &&
"getOperandForField only works with stored fields");
StructDecl *S = getStructDecl();
NominalTypeDecl::StoredPropertyRange Range = S->getStoredProperties();
unsigned Index = 0;
for (auto I = Range.begin(), E = Range.end(); I != E; ++I, ++Index)
if (V == *I)
return &getAllOperands()[Index];
// Did not find a matching VarDecl, return nullptr.
return nullptr;
/// Search the operands of this struct for a unique non-trivial field. If we
/// find it, return it. Otherwise return SILValue().
SILValue getUniqueNonTrivialFieldValue() {
SILModule &Mod = getModule();
ArrayRef<Operand> Ops = getAllOperands();
Optional<unsigned> Index;
// For each operand...
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Ops.size(); i != e; ++i) {
// If the operand is not trivial...
if (!Ops[i].get()->getType().isTrivial(Mod)) {
// And we have not found an Index yet, set index to i and continue.
if (!Index.hasValue()) {
Index = i;
// Otherwise, we have two values that are non-trivial. Bail.
return SILValue();
// If we did not find an index, return an empty SILValue.
if (!Index.hasValue())
return SILValue();
// Otherwise, return the value associated with index.
return Ops[Index.getValue()].get();
StructDecl *getStructDecl() const {
auto s = getType().getStructOrBoundGenericStruct();
assert(s && "A struct should always have a StructDecl associated with it");
return s;
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::StructInst;
/// RefCountingInst - An abstract class of instructions which
/// manipulate the reference count of their object operand.
class RefCountingInst : public SILInstruction {
/// The atomicity of a reference counting operation to be used.
enum class Atomicity : bool {
/// Atomic reference counting operations should be used.
/// Non-atomic reference counting operations can be used.
Atomicity atomicity;
RefCountingInst(ValueKind Kind, SILDebugLocation DebugLoc)
: SILInstruction(Kind, DebugLoc), atomicity(Atomicity::Atomic) {}
RefCountingInst(ValueKind Kind, SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType Type)
: SILInstruction(Kind, DebugLoc, Type), atomicity(Atomicity::Atomic) {}
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() >= ValueKind::First_RefCountingInst &&
V->getKind() <= ValueKind::Last_RefCountingInst;
void setAtomicity(Atomicity flag) { atomicity = flag; }
void setNonAtomic() { atomicity = Atomicity::NonAtomic; }
void setAtomic() { atomicity = Atomicity::Atomic; }
Atomicity getAtomicity() const { return atomicity; }
bool isNonAtomic() const { return atomicity == Atomicity::NonAtomic; }
bool isAtomic() const { return atomicity == Atomicity::Atomic; }
/// RetainValueInst - Copies a loadable value.
class RetainValueInst : public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::RetainValueInst,
/*HasValue*/ false> {
friend SILBuilder;
RetainValueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand,
Atomicity atomicity)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand) {
/// ReleaseValueInst - Destroys a loadable value.
class ReleaseValueInst : public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::ReleaseValueInst,
/*HasValue*/ false> {
friend SILBuilder;
ReleaseValueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand,
Atomicity atomicity)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand) {
/// Copies a loadable value in an unmanaged, unbalanced way. Only meant for use
/// in ownership qualified SIL. Please do not use this EVER unless you are
/// implementing a part of the stdlib called Unmanaged.
class UnmanagedRetainValueInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::UnmanagedRetainValueInst,
/*HasValue*/ false> {
friend SILBuilder;
UnmanagedRetainValueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand,
Atomicity atomicity)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand) {
/// Destroys a loadable value in an unmanaged, unbalanced way. Only meant for
/// use in ownership qualified SIL. Please do not use this EVER unless you are
/// implementing a part of the stdlib called Unmanaged.
class UnmanagedReleaseValueInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::UnmanagedReleaseValueInst,
/*HasValue*/ false> {
friend SILBuilder;
UnmanagedReleaseValueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand,
Atomicity atomicity)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand) {
/// Transfers ownership of a loadable value to the current autorelease
/// pool. Unmanaged, so it is ignored from an ownership balancing perspective.
class UnmanagedAutoreleaseValueInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::UnmanagedAutoreleaseValueInst,
/*HasValue*/ false> {
friend SILBuilder;
UnmanagedAutoreleaseValueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand,
Atomicity atomicity)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand) {
/// Transfers ownership of a loadable value to the current autorelease pool.
class AutoreleaseValueInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::AutoreleaseValueInst,
/*HasValue*/ false> {
friend SILBuilder;
AutoreleaseValueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand,
Atomicity atomicity)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand) {
/// SetDeallocatingInst - Sets the operand in deallocating state.
/// This is the same operation what's done by a strong_release immediately
/// before it calls the deallocator of the object.
class SetDeallocatingInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::SetDeallocatingInst,
/*HasValue*/ false> {
friend SILBuilder;
SetDeallocatingInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand,
Atomicity atomicity)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand) {
/// StrongPinInst - Ensure that the operand is retained and pinned, if
/// not by this operation then by some enclosing pin.
/// Transformations must not do anything which reorders pin and unpin
/// operations. (This should generally be straightforward, as pin and
/// unpin may be conservatively assumed to have arbitrary
/// side-effects.)
class StrongPinInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::StrongPinInst, RefCountingInst,
/*HasResult*/ true>
friend SILBuilder;
StrongPinInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand,
Atomicity atomicity);
/// StrongUnpinInst - Given that the operand is the result of a
/// strong_pin instruction, unpin it.
class StrongUnpinInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::StrongUnpinInst, RefCountingInst,
/*HasResult*/ false>
friend SILBuilder;
StrongUnpinInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand,
Atomicity atomicity)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand) {
/// TupleInst - Represents a constructed loadable tuple.
class TupleInst : public SILInstruction {
friend SILBuilder;
TailAllocatedOperandList<0> Operands;
/// Because of the storage requirements of TupleInst, object
/// creation goes through 'create()'.
TupleInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType Ty,
ArrayRef<SILValue> Elements);
/// Construct a TupleInst.
static TupleInst *create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType Ty,
ArrayRef<SILValue> Elements, SILFunction &F);
/// The elements referenced by this TupleInst.
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getElementOperands() {
return Operands.getDynamicAsArray();
/// The elements referenced by this TupleInst.
OperandValueArrayRef getElements() const {
return Operands.getDynamicValuesAsArray();
/// Return the i'th value referenced by this TupleInst.
SILValue getElement(unsigned i) const {
return getElements()[i];
unsigned getElementIndex(Operand *operand) {
assert(operand->getUser() == this);
return operand->getOperandNumber();
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::TupleInst;
TupleType *getTupleType() const {
return getType().getSwiftRValueType()->castTo<TupleType>();
/// Search the operands of this tuple for a unique non-trivial elt. If we find
/// it, return it. Otherwise return SILValue().
SILValue getUniqueNonTrivialElt() {
SILModule &Mod = getModule();
ArrayRef<Operand> Ops = getAllOperands();
Optional<unsigned> Index;
// For each operand...
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Ops.size(); i != e; ++i) {
// If the operand is not trivial...
if (!Ops[i].get()->getType().isTrivial(Mod)) {
// And we have not found an Index yet, set index to i and continue.
if (!Index.hasValue()) {
Index = i;
// Otherwise, we have two values that are non-trivial. Bail.
return SILValue();
// If we did not find an index, return an empty SILValue.
if (!Index.hasValue())
return SILValue();
// Otherwise, return the value associated with index.
return Ops[Index.getValue()].get();
/// Represents a loadable enum constructed from one of its
/// elements.
class EnumInst : public SILInstruction {
friend SILBuilder;
Optional<FixedOperandList<1>> OptionalOperand;
EnumElementDecl *Element;
EnumInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
EnumElementDecl *Element, SILType ResultTy)
: SILInstruction(ValueKind::EnumInst, DebugLoc, ResultTy),
Element(Element) {
if (Operand) {
OptionalOperand.emplace(this, Operand);
EnumElementDecl *getElement() const { return Element; }
bool hasOperand() const { return OptionalOperand.hasValue(); }
SILValue getOperand() const { return OptionalOperand->asValueArray()[0]; }
Operand &getOperandRef() { return OptionalOperand->asArray()[0]; }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const {
return OptionalOperand ? OptionalOperand->asArray() : ArrayRef<Operand>{};
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() {
return OptionalOperand
? OptionalOperand->asArray() : MutableArrayRef<Operand>{};
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::EnumInst;
/// Unsafely project the data for an enum case out of an enum without checking
/// the tag.
class UncheckedEnumDataInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::UncheckedEnumDataInst>
friend SILBuilder;
EnumElementDecl *Element;
UncheckedEnumDataInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
EnumElementDecl *Element, SILType ResultTy)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, ResultTy), Element(Element) {}
EnumElementDecl *getElement() const { return Element; }
EnumDecl *getEnumDecl() const {
auto *E = getOperand()->getType().getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum();
assert(E && "Operand of unchecked_enum_data must be of enum type");
return E;
unsigned getElementNo() const {
unsigned i = 0;
for (EnumElementDecl *E : getEnumDecl()->getAllElements()) {
if (E == Element)
return i;
llvm_unreachable("An unchecked_enum_data's enumdecl should have at least "
"on element, the element that is being extracted");
/// Projects the address of the data for a case inside an uninitialized enum in
/// order to initialize the payload for that case.
class InitEnumDataAddrInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::InitEnumDataAddrInst>
friend SILBuilder;
EnumElementDecl *Element;
InitEnumDataAddrInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
EnumElementDecl *Element, SILType ResultTy)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, ResultTy), Element(Element) {}
EnumElementDecl *getElement() const { return Element; }
/// InjectEnumAddrInst - Tags an enum as containing a case. The data for
/// that case, if any, must have been written into the enum first.
class InjectEnumAddrInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::InjectEnumAddrInst,
/*HAS_RESULT*/ false>
friend SILBuilder;
EnumElementDecl *Element;
InjectEnumAddrInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
EnumElementDecl *Element)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand), Element(Element) {}
EnumElementDecl *getElement() const { return Element; }
/// Invalidate an enum value and take ownership of its payload data
/// without moving it in memory.
class UncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::UncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst>
friend SILBuilder;
EnumElementDecl *Element;
UncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
EnumElementDecl *Element, SILType ResultTy)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, ResultTy), Element(Element) {}
EnumElementDecl *getElement() const { return Element; }
EnumDecl *getEnumDecl() const {
auto *E = getOperand()->getType().getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum();
assert(E && "Operand of unchecked_take_enum_data_addr must be of enum"
" type");
return E;
unsigned getElementNo() const {
unsigned i = 0;
for (EnumElementDecl *E : getEnumDecl()->getAllElements()) {
if (E == Element)
return i;
"An unchecked_enum_data_addr's enumdecl should have at least "
"on element, the element that is being extracted");
// Base class of all select instructions like select_enum, select_value, etc.
// The template parameter represents a type of case values to be compared
// with the operand of a select instruction.
template <class Derived, class T>
class SelectInstBase : public SILInstruction {
unsigned NumCases : 31;
unsigned HasDefault : 1;
/// The first operand is the operand of select_xxx instruction. The rest of
/// the operands are the case values and results of a select instruction.
TailAllocatedOperandList<1> Operands;
SelectInstBase(ValueKind kind, SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType type,
unsigned numCases, bool hasDefault,
ArrayRef<SILValue> operands, SILValue operand)
: SILInstruction(kind, DebugLoc, type), NumCases(numCases),
HasDefault(hasDefault), Operands(this, operands, operand) {}
SILValue getOperand() const { return Operands[0].get(); }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
std::pair<T, SILValue> getCase(unsigned i) {
return static_cast<const Derived *>(this)->getCase(i);
unsigned getNumCases() const { return NumCases; }
bool hasDefault() const { return HasDefault; }
SILValue getDefaultResult() const {
return static_cast<const Derived *>(this)->getDefaultResult();
/// Common base class for the select_enum and select_enum_addr instructions,
/// which select one of a set of possible results based on the case of an enum.
class SelectEnumInstBase
: public SelectInstBase<SelectEnumInstBase, EnumElementDecl *> {
// Tail-allocated after the operands is an array of `NumCases`
// EnumElementDecl* pointers, referencing the case discriminators for each
// operand.
EnumElementDecl **getCaseBuf() {
return reinterpret_cast<EnumElementDecl**>(Operands.asArray().end());
EnumElementDecl * const* getCaseBuf() const {
return reinterpret_cast<EnumElementDecl* const*>(Operands.asArray().end());
ValueKind Kind, SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Enum, SILType Type,
SILValue DefaultValue,
ArrayRef<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILValue>> CaseValues);
template <typename SELECT_ENUM_INST>
createSelectEnum(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Enum, SILType Type,
SILValue DefaultValue,
ArrayRef<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILValue>> CaseValues,
SILFunction &F);
SILValue getEnumOperand() const { return getOperand(); }
std::pair<EnumElementDecl*, SILValue>
getCase(unsigned i) const {
assert(i < NumCases && "case out of bounds");
return std::make_pair(getCaseBuf()[i], Operands[i+1].get());
/// Return the value that will be used as the result for the specified enum
/// case.
SILValue getCaseResult(EnumElementDecl *D) {
for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumCases(); i != e; ++i) {
auto Entry = getCase(i);
if (Entry.first == D) return Entry.second;
// select_enum is required to be fully covered, so return the default if we
// didn't find anything.
return getDefaultResult();
/// \brief If the default refers to exactly one case decl, return it.
NullablePtr<EnumElementDecl> getUniqueCaseForDefault();
SILValue getDefaultResult() const {
assert(HasDefault && "doesn't have a default");
return Operands[NumCases + 1].get();
/// If there is a single case that returns a literal "true" value (an
/// "integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, 1" value), return it.
/// FIXME: This is used to interoperate with passes that reasoned about the
/// old enum_is_tag insn. Ideally those passes would become general enough
/// not to need this.
NullablePtr<EnumElementDecl> getSingleTrueElement() const;
/// Select one of a set of values based on the case of an enum.
class SelectEnumInst : public SelectEnumInstBase {
friend SILBuilder;
friend SelectEnumInstBase;
SelectEnumInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Type,
SILValue DefaultValue,
ArrayRef<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILValue>> CaseValues)
: SelectEnumInstBase(ValueKind::SelectEnumInst, DebugLoc, Operand, Type,
DefaultValue, CaseValues) {}
static SelectEnumInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Type,
SILValue DefaultValue,
ArrayRef<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILValue>> CaseValues,
SILFunction &F);
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::SelectEnumInst;
/// Select one of a set of values based on the case of an enum.
class SelectEnumAddrInst : public SelectEnumInstBase {
friend SILBuilder;
friend SelectEnumInstBase;
SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Type,
SILValue DefaultValue,
ArrayRef<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILValue>> CaseValues)
: SelectEnumInstBase(ValueKind::SelectEnumAddrInst, DebugLoc, Operand,
Type, DefaultValue, CaseValues) {}
static SelectEnumAddrInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Type,
SILValue DefaultValue,
ArrayRef<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILValue>> CaseValues,
SILFunction &F);
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::SelectEnumAddrInst;
/// Select on a value of a builtin integer type.
class SelectValueInst : public SelectInstBase<SelectValueInst, SILValue> {
friend SILBuilder;
SelectValueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Type,
SILValue DefaultResult,
ArrayRef<SILValue> CaseValuesAndResults);
static SelectValueInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType Type,
SILValue DefaultValue,
ArrayRef<std::pair<SILValue, SILValue>> CaseValues, SILFunction &F);
OperandValueArrayRef getCaseBuf() const {
return Operands.getDynamicValuesAsArray();
std::pair<SILValue, SILValue>
getCase(unsigned i) const {
assert(i < NumCases && "case out of bounds");
return {getCaseBuf()[i*2], getCaseBuf()[i*2+1]};
SILValue getDefaultResult() const {
assert(HasDefault && "doesn't have a default");
return getCaseBuf()[NumCases*2];
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::SelectValueInst;
/// MetatypeInst - Represents the production of an instance of a given metatype
/// named statically.
class MetatypeInst final
: public SILInstruction,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<MetatypeInst, Operand> {
friend TrailingObjects;
friend SILBuilder;
unsigned NumOperands;
/// Constructs a MetatypeInst
MetatypeInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType Metatype,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands);
static MetatypeInst *create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType Metatype,
SILFunction *F,
SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
~MetatypeInst() {
Operand *Operands = getTrailingObjects<Operand>();
for (unsigned i = 0, end = NumOperands; i < end; ++i) {
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const {
return { getTrailingObjects<Operand>(), NumOperands };
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() {
return { getTrailingObjects<Operand>(), NumOperands };
ArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() const {
return { getTrailingObjects<Operand>(), NumOperands };
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() {
return { getTrailingObjects<Operand>(), NumOperands };
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::MetatypeInst;
/// Represents loading a dynamic metatype from a value.
class ValueMetatypeInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::ValueMetatypeInst>
friend SILBuilder;
ValueMetatypeInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType Metatype, SILValue Base)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Base, Metatype) {}
/// ExistentialMetatype - Represents loading a dynamic metatype from an
/// existential container.
class ExistentialMetatypeInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::ExistentialMetatypeInst>
friend SILBuilder;
ExistentialMetatypeInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType Metatype,
SILValue Base)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Base, Metatype) {}
/// Extract a numbered element out of a value of tuple type.
class TupleExtractInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::TupleExtractInst>
friend SILBuilder;
unsigned FieldNo;
TupleExtractInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
unsigned FieldNo, SILType ResultTy)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, ResultTy), FieldNo(FieldNo) {}
unsigned getFieldNo() const { return FieldNo; }
TupleType *getTupleType() const {
return getOperand()->getType().getSwiftRValueType()->castTo<TupleType>();
unsigned getNumTupleElts() const {
return getTupleType()->getNumElements();
/// Returns true if this is a trivial result of a tuple that is non-trivial
/// and represents one RCID.
bool isTrivialEltOfOneRCIDTuple() const;
bool isEltOnlyNonTrivialElt() const;
/// Derive the address of a numbered element from the address of a tuple.
class TupleElementAddrInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::TupleElementAddrInst>
friend SILBuilder;
unsigned FieldNo;
TupleElementAddrInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
unsigned FieldNo, SILType ResultTy)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, ResultTy), FieldNo(FieldNo) {}
unsigned getFieldNo() const { return FieldNo; }
TupleType *getTupleType() const {
return getOperand()->getType().getSwiftRValueType()->castTo<TupleType>();
/// Extract a physical, fragile field out of a value of struct type.
class StructExtractInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::StructExtractInst>
friend SILBuilder;
VarDecl *Field;
StructExtractInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
VarDecl *Field, SILType ResultTy)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, ResultTy), Field(Field) {}
VarDecl *getField() const { return Field; }
unsigned getFieldNo() const {
unsigned i = 0;
for (VarDecl *D : getStructDecl()->getStoredProperties()) {
if (Field == D)
return i;
llvm_unreachable("A struct_extract's structdecl has at least 1 field, the "
"field of the struct_extract.");
StructDecl *getStructDecl() const {
auto s = getOperand()->getType().getStructOrBoundGenericStruct();
return s;
/// Returns true if this is a trivial result of a struct that is non-trivial
/// and represents one RCID.
bool isTrivialFieldOfOneRCIDStruct() const;
/// Return true if we are extracting the only non-trivial field of out parent
/// struct. This implies that a ref count operation on the aggregate is
/// equivalent to a ref count operation on this field.
bool isFieldOnlyNonTrivialField() const;
/// Derive the address of a physical field from the address of a struct.
class StructElementAddrInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::StructElementAddrInst>
friend SILBuilder;
VarDecl *Field;
StructElementAddrInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
VarDecl *Field, SILType ResultTy)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, ResultTy), Field(Field) {}
VarDecl *getField() const { return Field; }
unsigned getFieldNo() const {
unsigned i = 0;
for (auto *D : getStructDecl()->getStoredProperties()) {
if (Field == D)
return i;
llvm_unreachable("A struct_element_addr's structdecl has at least 1 field, "
"the field of the struct_element_addr.");
StructDecl *getStructDecl() const {
auto s = getOperand()->getType().getStructOrBoundGenericStruct();
return s;
/// RefElementAddrInst - Derive the address of a named element in a reference
/// type instance.
class RefElementAddrInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::RefElementAddrInst>
friend SILBuilder;
VarDecl *Field;
RefElementAddrInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
VarDecl *Field, SILType ResultTy)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, ResultTy), Field(Field) {}
VarDecl *getField() const { return Field; }
unsigned getFieldNo() const {
unsigned i = 0;
for (auto *D : getClassDecl()->getStoredProperties()) {
if (Field == D)
return i;
llvm_unreachable("A ref_element_addr's classdecl has at least 1 field, the "
"field of the ref_element_addr.");
ClassDecl *getClassDecl() const {
auto s = getOperand()->getType().getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
return s;
/// RefTailAddrInst - Derive the address of the first element of the first
/// tail-allocated array in a reference type instance.
class RefTailAddrInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::RefTailAddrInst>
friend SILBuilder;
RefTailAddrInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType ResultTy)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, ResultTy) {}
ClassDecl *getClassDecl() const {
auto s = getOperand()->getType().getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
return s;
SILType getTailType() const { return getType().getObjectType(); }
/// MethodInst - Abstract base for instructions that implement dynamic
/// method lookup.
class MethodInst : public SILInstruction {
SILDeclRef Member;
bool Volatile;
MethodInst(ValueKind Kind, SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType Ty,
SILDeclRef Member, bool Volatile = false)
: SILInstruction(Kind, DebugLoc, Ty), Member(Member), Volatile(Volatile) {
SILDeclRef getMember() const { return Member; }
/// True if this dynamic dispatch is semantically required.
bool isVolatile() const { return Volatile; }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() >= ValueKind::First_MethodInst &&
V->getKind() <= ValueKind::Last_MethodInst;
/// ClassMethodInst - Given the address of a value of class type and a method
/// constant, extracts the implementation of that method for the dynamic
/// instance type of the class.
class ClassMethodInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::ClassMethodInst, MethodInst>
friend SILBuilder;
ClassMethodInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILDeclRef Member, SILType Ty, bool Volatile = false)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty, Member, Volatile) {}
/// SuperMethodInst - Given the address of a value of class type and a method
/// constant, extracts the implementation of that method for the superclass of
/// the static type of the class.
class SuperMethodInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::SuperMethodInst, MethodInst>
friend SILBuilder;
SuperMethodInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILDeclRef Member, SILType Ty, bool Volatile = false)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, Ty, Member, Volatile) {}
/// WitnessMethodInst - Given a type, a protocol conformance,
/// and a protocol method constant, extracts the implementation of that method
/// for the type.
class WitnessMethodInst final
: public MethodInst,
llvm::TrailingObjects<WitnessMethodInst, Operand> {
friend TrailingObjects;
friend SILBuilder;
CanType LookupType;
ProtocolConformanceRef Conformance;
unsigned NumOperands;
WitnessMethodInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, CanType LookupType,
ProtocolConformanceRef Conformance, SILDeclRef Member,
SILType Ty, ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
bool Volatile = false)
: MethodInst(ValueKind::WitnessMethodInst, DebugLoc, Ty, Member,
LookupType(LookupType), Conformance(Conformance),
NumOperands(TypeDependentOperands.size()) {
TrailingOperandsList::InitOperandsList(getAllOperands().begin(), this,
static WitnessMethodInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, CanType LookupType,
ProtocolConformanceRef Conformance, SILDeclRef Member, SILType Ty,
SILFunction *Parent, SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes,
bool Volatile = false);
~WitnessMethodInst() {
Operand *Operands = getTrailingObjects<Operand>();
for (unsigned i = 0, end = NumOperands; i < end; ++i) {
CanType getLookupType() const { return LookupType; }
ProtocolDecl *getLookupProtocol() const {
return getMember().getDecl()->getDeclContext()
ProtocolConformanceRef getConformance() const { return Conformance; }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const {
return { getTrailingObjects<Operand>(), NumOperands };
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() {
return { getTrailingObjects<Operand>(), NumOperands };
ArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() const {
return { getTrailingObjects<Operand>(), NumOperands };
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getTypeDependentOperands() {
return { getTrailingObjects<Operand>(), NumOperands };
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::WitnessMethodInst;
/// Given the address of a value of AnyObject protocol type and a method
/// constant referring to some Objective-C method, performs dynamic method
/// lookup to extract the implementation of that method. This method lookup
/// can fail at run-time
class DynamicMethodInst final
: public UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase<
friend SILBuilder;
DynamicMethodInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
SILDeclRef Member, SILType Ty, bool Volatile)
: UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase(DebugLoc, Operand,
TypeDependentOperands, Ty, Member, Volatile) {}
static DynamicMethodInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILDeclRef Member, SILType Ty, bool Volatile, SILFunction *F,
SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
/// Access allowed to the opened value by the open_existential_addr instruction.
/// Allowing mutable access to the opened existential requires a boxed
/// existential value's box to be unique.
enum class OpenedExistentialAccess { Immutable, Mutable };
OpenedExistentialAccess getOpenedExistentialAccessFor(AccessKind access);
/// Given the address of an existential, "opens" the
/// existential by returning a pointer to a fresh archetype T, which also
/// captures the (dynamic) conformances.
class OpenExistentialAddrInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::OpenExistentialAddrInst>
friend SILBuilder;
OpenedExistentialAccess ForAccess;
OpenExistentialAddrInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILType SelfTy, OpenedExistentialAccess AccessKind);
OpenedExistentialAccess getAccessKind() const { return ForAccess; }
/// Given an opaque value referring to an existential, "opens" the
/// existential by returning a pointer to a fresh archetype T, which also
/// captures the (dynamic) conformances.
class OpenExistentialOpaqueInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::OpenExistentialOpaqueInst> {
friend SILBuilder;
OpenExistentialOpaqueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILType SelfTy);
/// Given a class existential, "opens" the
/// existential by returning a pointer to a fresh archetype T, which also
/// captures the (dynamic) conformances.
class OpenExistentialRefInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::OpenExistentialRefInst>
friend SILBuilder;
OpenExistentialRefInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILType Ty);
/// Given an existential metatype,
/// "opens" the existential by returning a pointer to a fresh
/// archetype metatype T.Type, which also captures the (dynamic)
/// conformances.
class OpenExistentialMetatypeInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::OpenExistentialMetatypeInst>
friend SILBuilder;
OpenExistentialMetatypeInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand,
SILType ty);
/// Given a boxed existential container,
/// "opens" the existential by returning a pointer to a fresh
/// archetype T, which also captures the (dynamic) conformances.
class OpenExistentialBoxInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::OpenExistentialBoxInst>
friend SILBuilder;
OpenExistentialBoxInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand,
SILType ty);
/// Given an address to an uninitialized buffer of
/// a protocol type, initializes its existential container to contain a concrete
/// value of the given type, and returns the address of the uninitialized
/// concrete value inside the existential container.
class InitExistentialAddrInst final
: public UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase<
friend SILBuilder;
CanType ConcreteType;
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> Conformances;
InitExistentialAddrInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Existential,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
CanType ConcreteType, SILType ConcreteLoweredType,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> Conformances)
: UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase(DebugLoc, Existential,
ConcreteType(ConcreteType), Conformances(Conformances) {}
static InitExistentialAddrInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Existential, CanType ConcreteType,
SILType ConcreteLoweredType,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> Conformances, SILFunction *Parent,
SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> getConformances() const {
return Conformances;
CanType getFormalConcreteType() const {
return ConcreteType;
SILType getLoweredConcreteType() const {
return getType();
/// Given an uninitialized buffer of a protocol type,
/// initializes its existential container to contain a concrete
/// value of the given type, and returns the uninitialized
/// concrete value inside the existential container.
class InitExistentialOpaqueInst final
: public UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase<
ValueKind::InitExistentialOpaqueInst, InitExistentialOpaqueInst,
SILInstruction, true> {
friend SILBuilder;
CanType ConcreteType;
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> Conformances;
InitExistentialOpaqueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType ExistentialType,
CanType FormalConcreteType, SILValue Instance,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> Conformances)
: UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase(
DebugLoc, Instance, TypeDependentOperands, ExistentialType),
ConcreteType(FormalConcreteType), Conformances(Conformances) {}
static InitExistentialOpaqueInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType ExistentialType,
CanType ConcreteType, SILValue Instance,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> Conformances, SILFunction *Parent,
SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
CanType getFormalConcreteType() const { return ConcreteType; }
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> getConformances() const {
return Conformances;
/// InitExistentialRefInst - Given a class instance reference and a set of
/// conformances, creates a class existential value referencing the
/// class instance.
class InitExistentialRefInst final
: public UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase<
friend SILBuilder;
CanType ConcreteType;
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> Conformances;
InitExistentialRefInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType ExistentialType,
CanType FormalConcreteType, SILValue Instance,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> Conformances)
: UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase(DebugLoc, Instance,
ConcreteType(FormalConcreteType), Conformances(Conformances) {}
static InitExistentialRefInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType ExistentialType,
CanType ConcreteType, SILValue Instance,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> Conformances, SILFunction *Parent,
SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
//size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Operand>) const { return NumOperands; }
CanType getFormalConcreteType() const {
return ConcreteType;
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> getConformances() const {
return Conformances;
/// InitExistentialMetatypeInst - Given a metatype reference and a set
/// of conformances, creates an existential metatype value referencing
/// the metatype.
class InitExistentialMetatypeInst final
: public UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase<
friend SILBuilder;
unsigned NumConformances;
InitExistentialMetatypeInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc,
SILType existentialMetatypeType,
SILValue metatype,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> conformances);
static InitExistentialMetatypeInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType existentialMetatypeType,
SILValue metatype, ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> conformances,
SILFunction *parent, SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
/// Return the object type which was erased. That is, if this
/// instruction erases Decoder<T>.Type.Type to Printable.Type.Type,
/// this method returns Decoder<T>.
CanType getFormalErasedObjectType() const {
CanType exType = getType().getSwiftRValueType();
CanType concreteType = getOperand()->getType().getSwiftRValueType();
while (auto exMetatype = dyn_cast<ExistentialMetatypeType>(exType)) {
exType = exMetatype.getInstanceType();
concreteType = cast<MetatypeType>(concreteType).getInstanceType();
return concreteType;
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> getConformances() const;
/// DeinitExistentialAddrInst - Given an address of an existential that has been
/// partially initialized with an InitExistentialAddrInst but whose value buffer
/// has not been initialized, deinitializes the existential and deallocates
/// the value buffer. This should only be used for partially-initialized
/// existentials; a fully-initialized existential can be destroyed with
/// DestroyAddrInst and deallocated with DeallocStackInst.
class DeinitExistentialAddrInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::DeinitExistentialAddrInst,
/*HAS_RESULT*/ false>
friend SILBuilder;
DeinitExistentialAddrInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Existential)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Existential) {}
class DeinitExistentialOpaqueInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::DeinitExistentialOpaqueInst,
SILInstruction, /*HAS_RESULT*/ false> {
friend SILBuilder;
DeinitExistentialOpaqueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Existential)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Existential) {}
/// Projects the capture storage address from a @block_storage address.
class ProjectBlockStorageInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::ProjectBlockStorageInst,
friend SILBuilder;
ProjectBlockStorageInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILType DestTy)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, DestTy) {}
/// Initializes a block header, creating a block that
/// invokes a given thin cdecl function.
class InitBlockStorageHeaderInst : public SILInstruction {
friend SILBuilder;
enum { BlockStorage, InvokeFunction };
unsigned NumSubstitutions;
FixedOperandList<2> Operands;
Substitution *getSubstitutionsStorage() {
return reinterpret_cast<Substitution*>(Operands.asArray().end());
const Substitution *getSubstitutionsStorage() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const Substitution*>(Operands.asArray().end());
InitBlockStorageHeaderInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue BlockStorage,
SILValue InvokeFunction, SILType BlockType,
SubstitutionList Subs)
: SILInstruction(ValueKind::InitBlockStorageHeaderInst, DebugLoc,
Operands(this, BlockStorage, InvokeFunction) {
memcpy(getSubstitutionsStorage(), Subs.begin(),
sizeof(Subs[0]) * Subs.size());
static InitBlockStorageHeaderInst *create(SILFunction &F,
SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue BlockStorage,
SILValue InvokeFunction, SILType BlockType,
SubstitutionList Subs);
/// Get the block storage address to be initialized.
SILValue getBlockStorage() const { return Operands[BlockStorage].get(); }
/// Get the invoke function to form the block around.
SILValue getInvokeFunction() const { return Operands[InvokeFunction].get(); }
SubstitutionList getSubstitutions() const {
return {getSubstitutionsStorage(), NumSubstitutions};
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::InitBlockStorageHeaderInst;
/// StrongRetainInst - Increase the strong reference count of an object.
class StrongRetainInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::StrongRetainInst,
/*HAS_RESULT*/ false>
friend SILBuilder;
StrongRetainInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
Atomicity atomicity)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand) {
/// StrongReleaseInst - Decrease the strong reference count of an object.
/// An object can be destroyed when its strong reference count is
/// zero. It can be deallocated when both its strong reference and
/// weak reference counts reach zero.
class StrongReleaseInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::StrongReleaseInst,
RefCountingInst, /*HAS_RESULT*/ false>
friend SILBuilder;
StrongReleaseInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
Atomicity atomicity)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand) {
/// StrongRetainUnownedInst - Increase the strong reference count of an object
/// and assert that it has not been deallocated.
/// The operand must be an @unowned type.
class StrongRetainUnownedInst :
public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::StrongRetainUnownedInst,
RefCountingInst, /*HAS_RESULT*/ false>
friend SILBuilder;
StrongRetainUnownedInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand,
Atomicity atomicity)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand) {
/// UnownedRetainInst - Increase the unowned reference count of an object.
class UnownedRetainInst :
public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::UnownedRetainInst,
RefCountingInst, /*HAS_RESULT*/ false>
friend SILBuilder;
UnownedRetainInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
Atomicity atomicity)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand) {
/// UnownedReleaseInst - Decrease the unowned reference count of an object.
class UnownedReleaseInst :
public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::UnownedReleaseInst,
RefCountingInst, /*HAS_RESULT*/ false>
friend SILBuilder;
UnownedReleaseInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
Atomicity atomicity)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand) {
/// FixLifetimeInst - An artificial use of a value for the purposes of ARC or
/// RVO optimizations.
class FixLifetimeInst :
public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::FixLifetimeInst,
SILInstruction, /*HAS_RESULT*/ false>
friend SILBuilder;
FixLifetimeInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand) {}
/// EndLifetimeInst - An artificial end lifetime use of a value for the purpose
/// of working around verification problems.
/// Specifically, the signature of destroying deinit takes self at +0 and
/// returns self at +1. This is an issue since a deallocating deinit takes in
/// self at +1. Previously, we could rely on the deallocating bit being set in
/// the object header to allow SILGen to statically balance the +1 from the
/// deallocating deinit. This is because deallocating values used to be
/// immortal. The runtime now asserts if we release a deallocating value,
/// meaning such an approach does not work. This instruction acts as a "fake"
/// lifetime ending use allowing for static verification of deallocating
/// destroyers, without an actual release being emitted (avoiding the runtime
/// assert).
class EndLifetimeInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::EndLifetimeInst, SILInstruction,
/*HAS_RESULT*/ false> {
friend SILBuilder;
EndLifetimeInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand) {}
/// An unsafe conversion in between ownership kinds.
/// This is used today in destructors where due to objective-c legacy
/// constraints, we need to be able to convert a guaranteed paramter to an owned
/// parameter.
class UncheckedOwnershipConversionInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::UncheckedOwnershipConversionInst> {
friend SILBuilder;
ValueOwnershipKind Kind;
UncheckedOwnershipConversionInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand,
ValueOwnershipKind Kind)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand, operand->getType()),
Kind(Kind) {}
ValueOwnershipKind getConversionOwnershipKind() const { return Kind; }
/// MarkDependenceInst - Marks that one value depends on another for
/// validity in a non-obvious way.
class MarkDependenceInst : public SILInstruction {
friend SILBuilder;
enum { Value, Base };
FixedOperandList<2> Operands;
MarkDependenceInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue value, SILValue base)
: SILInstruction(ValueKind::MarkDependenceInst, DebugLoc,
Operands{this, value, base} {}
SILValue getValue() const { return Operands[Value].get(); }
SILValue getBase() const { return Operands[Base].get(); }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::MarkDependenceInst;
/// Promote an Objective-C block that is on the stack to the heap, or simply
/// retain a block that is already on the heap.
class CopyBlockInst :
public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::CopyBlockInst,
SILInstruction, /*HAS_RESULT*/ true>
friend SILBuilder;
CopyBlockInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand, operand->getType()) {}
class CopyValueInst : public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::CopyValueInst> {
friend class SILBuilder;
CopyValueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand, operand->getType()) {}
class CopyUnownedValueInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::CopyUnownedValueInst> {
friend class SILBuilder;
CopyUnownedValueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand,
SILModule &M)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand,
operand->getType().getReferentType(M)) {}
class DestroyValueInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::DestroyValueInst> {
friend class SILBuilder;
DestroyValueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand) {}
/// Given an object reference, return true iff it is non-nil and refers
/// to a native swift object with strong reference count of 1.
class IsUniqueInst : public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::IsUniqueInst>
friend SILBuilder;
IsUniqueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType BoolTy)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, BoolTy) {}
/// Given an object reference, return true iff it is non-nil and either refers
/// to a native swift object with strong reference count of 1 or refers to a
/// pinned object (for simultaneous access to multiple subobjects).
class IsUniqueOrPinnedInst :
public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::IsUniqueOrPinnedInst> {
friend SILBuilder;
IsUniqueOrPinnedInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILType BoolTy)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, BoolTy) {}
// DeallocationInsts
/// DeallocationInst - An abstract parent class for Dealloc{Stack, Box, Ref}.
class DeallocationInst : public SILInstruction {
DeallocationInst(ValueKind Kind, SILDebugLocation DebugLoc)
: SILInstruction(Kind, DebugLoc) {}
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() >= ValueKind::First_DeallocationInst &&
V->getKind() <= ValueKind::Last_DeallocationInst;
/// DeallocStackInst - Deallocate stack memory allocated by alloc_stack.
class DeallocStackInst :
public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::DeallocStackInst, DeallocationInst,
/*HAS_RESULT*/ false> {
friend SILBuilder;
DeallocStackInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand) {}
/// Deallocate memory for a reference type instance from a destructor or
/// failure path of a constructor.
/// This does not destroy the referenced instance; it must be destroyed
/// first.
/// It is undefined behavior if the type of the operand does not match the
/// most derived type of the allocated instance.
class DeallocRefInst :
public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::DeallocRefInst, DeallocationInst,
/*HAS_RESULT*/ false>,
public StackPromotable {
friend SILBuilder;
DeallocRefInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
bool canBeOnStack = false)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand), StackPromotable(canBeOnStack) {
/// Deallocate memory for a reference type instance from a failure path of a
/// constructor.
/// The instance is assumed to have been partially initialized, with the
/// initialized portion being all instance variables in classes that are more
/// derived than the given metatype.
/// The metatype value can either be the static self type (in a designated
/// initializer) or a dynamic self type (in a convenience initializer).
class DeallocPartialRefInst : public DeallocationInst {
friend SILBuilder;
FixedOperandList<2> Operands;
DeallocPartialRefInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILValue Metatype)
: DeallocationInst(ValueKind::DeallocPartialRefInst, DebugLoc),
Operands(this, Operand, Metatype) {}
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
SILValue getInstance() const { return getOperand(0); }
SILValue getMetatype() const { return getOperand(1); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::DeallocPartialRefInst;
/// Deallocate memory allocated for an unsafe value buffer.
class DeallocValueBufferInst :
public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::DeallocValueBufferInst,
DeallocationInst, /*HAS_RESULT*/ true> {
friend SILBuilder;
SILType ValueType;
DeallocValueBufferInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType valueType,
SILValue operand)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand), ValueType(valueType) {}
SILType getValueType() const { return ValueType; }
/// Deallocate memory allocated for a boxed value created by an AllocBoxInst.
/// It is undefined behavior if the type of the boxed type does not match the
/// type the box was allocated for.
/// This does not destroy the boxed value instance; it must either be
/// uninitialized or have been manually destroyed.
class DeallocBoxInst :
public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::DeallocBoxInst, DeallocationInst,
/*HAS_RESULT*/ false>
friend SILBuilder;
DeallocBoxInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue operand)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand) {}
/// Deallocate memory allocated for a boxed existential container created by
/// AllocExistentialBox. It is undefined behavior if the given concrete type
/// does not match the concrete type for which the box was allocated.
/// This does not destroy the boxed value instance; it must either be
/// uninitialized or have been manually destroyed.
class DeallocExistentialBoxInst :
public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::DeallocExistentialBoxInst,
/*HAS_RESULT*/ false>
friend SILBuilder;
CanType ConcreteType;
DeallocExistentialBoxInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, CanType concreteType,
SILValue operand)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand), ConcreteType(concreteType) {}
CanType getConcreteType() const { return ConcreteType; }
/// Destroy the value at a memory location according to
/// its SIL type. This is similar to:
/// %1 = load %operand
/// release_value %1
/// but a destroy instruction can be used for types that cannot be loaded,
/// such as resilient value types.
class DestroyAddrInst : public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::DestroyAddrInst,
/*HAS_RESULT*/ false>
friend SILBuilder;
DestroyAddrInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand) {}
/// Project out the address of the value
/// stored in the given Builtin.UnsafeValueBuffer.
class ProjectValueBufferInst :
public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::ProjectValueBufferInst,
SILInstruction, /*HasResult*/ true> {
friend SILBuilder;
ProjectValueBufferInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType valueType,
SILValue operand)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand, valueType.getAddressType()) {}
SILType getValueType() const { return getType().getObjectType(); }
/// Project out the address of the value in a box.
class ProjectBoxInst :
public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::ProjectBoxInst,
SILInstruction, /*HasResult*/ true> {
friend SILBuilder;
unsigned Index;
ProjectBoxInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc,
SILValue operand,
unsigned fieldIndex,
SILType fieldTy)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand, fieldTy.getAddressType()),
Index(fieldIndex) {}
unsigned getFieldIndex() const { return Index; }
/// Project out the address of the value in an existential box.
class ProjectExistentialBoxInst :
public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::ProjectExistentialBoxInst,
SILInstruction, /*HasResult*/ true> {
friend SILBuilder;
ProjectExistentialBoxInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILType valueType,
SILValue operand)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, operand, valueType.getAddressType()) {}
// Runtime failure
/// Trigger a runtime failure if the given Int1 value is true.
class CondFailInst : public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::CondFailInst,
/*HAS_RESULT*/ false>
friend SILBuilder;
CondFailInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand) {}
// Pointer/address indexing instructions
/// Abstract base class for indexing instructions.
class IndexingInst : public SILInstruction {
enum { Base, Index };
FixedOperandList<2> Operands;
IndexingInst(ValueKind Kind, SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILValue Index)
: SILInstruction(Kind, DebugLoc, Operand->getType()),
Operands{this, Operand, Index} {}
IndexingInst(ValueKind Kind, SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILValue Index, SILType ResultTy)
: SILInstruction(Kind, DebugLoc, ResultTy),
Operands{this, Operand, Index} {}
SILValue getBase() const { return Operands[Base].get(); }
SILValue getIndex() const { return Operands[Index].get(); }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() >= ValueKind::First_IndexingInst
&& V->getKind() <= ValueKind::Last_IndexingInst;
/// IndexAddrInst - "%2 : $*T = index_addr %0 : $*T, %1 : $Builtin.Word"
/// This takes an address and indexes it, striding by the pointed-
/// to type. This is used to index into arrays of uniform elements.
class IndexAddrInst : public IndexingInst {
friend SILBuilder;
enum { Base, Index };
IndexAddrInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILValue Index)
: IndexingInst(ValueKind::IndexAddrInst, DebugLoc, Operand, Index) {}
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::IndexAddrInst;
/// TailAddrInst - like IndexingInst, but aligns-up the resulting address to a
/// tail-allocated element type.
class TailAddrInst : public IndexingInst {
friend SILBuilder;
TailAddrInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILValue Count,
SILType ResultTy)
: IndexingInst(ValueKind::TailAddrInst, DebugLoc, Operand, Count,
ResultTy) {}
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::TailAddrInst;
SILType getTailType() const { return getType().getObjectType(); }
/// IndexRawPointerInst
/// %2 : $Builtin.RawPointer \
/// = index_raw_pointer %0 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %1 : $Builtin.Word
/// This takes an address and indexes it, striding by the pointed-
/// to type. This is used to index into arrays of uniform elements.
class IndexRawPointerInst : public IndexingInst {
friend SILBuilder;
enum { Base, Index };
IndexRawPointerInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILValue Index)
: IndexingInst(ValueKind::IndexRawPointerInst, DebugLoc, Operand, Index) {
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::IndexRawPointerInst;
// Instructions representing terminators
enum class TermKind {
#define TERMINATOR(Id, Parent, TextualName, MemBehavior, MayRelease) Id,
#include "SILNodes.def"
struct ValueKindAsTermKind {
TermKind K;
ValueKindAsTermKind(ValueKind V) {
switch (V) {
#define TERMINATOR(Id, Parent, TextualName, MemBehavior, MayRelease) \
case ValueKind::Id: \
K = TermKind::Id; \
#include "SILNodes.def"
llvm_unreachable("Not a terminator kind?!");
operator TermKind() const { return K; }
/// This class defines a "terminating instruction" for a SILBasicBlock.
class TermInst : public SILInstruction {
TermInst(ValueKind K, SILDebugLocation DebugLoc)
: SILInstruction(K, DebugLoc) {}
using ConstSuccessorListTy = ArrayRef<SILSuccessor>;
using SuccessorListTy = MutableArrayRef<SILSuccessor>;
/// The successor basic blocks of this terminator.
SuccessorListTy getSuccessors();
ConstSuccessorListTy getSuccessors() const {
return const_cast<TermInst*>(this)->getSuccessors();
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() >= ValueKind::First_TermInst &&
V->getKind() <= ValueKind::Last_TermInst;
bool isBranch() const { return !getSuccessors().empty(); }
/// Returns true if this terminator exits the function.
bool isFunctionExiting() const;
TermKind getTermKind() const { return ValueKindAsTermKind(getKind()); }
/// UnreachableInst - Position in the code which would be undefined to reach.
/// These are always implicitly generated, e.g. when falling off the end of a
/// function or after a no-return function call.
class UnreachableInst : public TermInst {
friend SILBuilder;
UnreachableInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc)
: TermInst(ValueKind::UnreachableInst, DebugLoc) {}
SuccessorListTy getSuccessors() {
// No Successors.
return SuccessorListTy();
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return {}; }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return {}; }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::UnreachableInst;
/// ReturnInst - Representation of a ReturnStmt.
class ReturnInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::ReturnInst, TermInst,
/*HAS_RESULT*/ false>
friend SILBuilder;
/// Constructs a ReturnInst representing a return.
/// \param DebugLoc The backing AST location.
/// \param ReturnValue The value to be returned.
ReturnInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue ReturnValue)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, ReturnValue) {}
SuccessorListTy getSuccessors() {
// No Successors.
return SuccessorListTy();
/// ThrowInst - Throw a typed error (which, in our system, is
/// essentially just a funny kind of return).
class ThrowInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<ValueKind::ThrowInst, TermInst,
/*HAS_RESULT*/ false>
friend SILBuilder;
/// Constructs a ThrowInst representing a throw out of the current
/// function.
/// \param DebugLoc The location of the throw.
/// \param errorValue The value to be thrown.
ThrowInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue errorValue)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, errorValue) {}
SuccessorListTy getSuccessors() {
// No successors.
return SuccessorListTy();
/// BranchInst - An unconditional branch.
class BranchInst : public TermInst {
friend SILBuilder;
SILSuccessor DestBB;
// FIXME: probably needs dynamic adjustment
TailAllocatedOperandList<0> Operands;
BranchInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILBasicBlock *DestBB,
ArrayRef<SILValue> Args);
/// Construct a BranchInst that will branch to the specified block.
/// The destination block must take no parameters.
static BranchInst *create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILBasicBlock *DestBB,
SILFunction &F);
/// Construct a BranchInst that will branch to the specified block with
/// the given parameters.
static BranchInst *create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILBasicBlock *DestBB,
ArrayRef<SILValue> Args, SILFunction &F);
/// \brief returns jump target for the branch.
SILBasicBlock *getDestBB() const { return DestBB; }
/// The arguments for the destination BB.
OperandValueArrayRef getArgs() const { return Operands.asValueArray(); }
SuccessorListTy getSuccessors() {
return SuccessorListTy(&DestBB, 1);
unsigned getNumArgs() const { return Operands.size(); }
SILValue getArg(unsigned i) const { return Operands[i].get(); }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::BranchInst;
/// A conditional branch.
class CondBranchInst : public TermInst {
friend SILBuilder;
enum {
/// The operand index of the condition value used for the branch.
enum {
// Map branch targets to block successor indices.
SILSuccessor DestBBs[2];
/// The number of arguments for the True branch.
unsigned NumTrueArgs;
/// The number of arguments for the False branch.
unsigned NumFalseArgs;
/// The first argument is the condition; the rest are BB arguments.
TailAllocatedOperandList<1> Operands;
CondBranchInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Condition,
SILBasicBlock *TrueBB, SILBasicBlock *FalseBB,
ArrayRef<SILValue> Args, unsigned NumTrue, unsigned NumFalse);
/// Construct a CondBranchInst that will branch to TrueBB or FalseBB based on
/// the Condition value. Both blocks must not take any arguments.
static CondBranchInst *create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Condition,
SILBasicBlock *TrueBB, SILBasicBlock *FalseBB,
SILFunction &F);
/// Construct a CondBranchInst that will either branch to TrueBB and pass
/// TrueArgs or branch to FalseBB and pass FalseArgs based on the Condition
/// value.
static CondBranchInst *create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Condition,
SILBasicBlock *TrueBB,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TrueArgs,
SILBasicBlock *FalseBB,
ArrayRef<SILValue> FalseArgs, SILFunction &F);
SILValue getCondition() const { return Operands[ConditionIdx].get(); }
void setCondition(SILValue newCondition) {
SuccessorListTy getSuccessors() {
return DestBBs;
SILBasicBlock *getTrueBB() { return DestBBs[0]; }
const SILBasicBlock *getTrueBB() const { return DestBBs[0]; }
SILBasicBlock *getFalseBB() { return DestBBs[1]; }
const SILBasicBlock *getFalseBB() const { return DestBBs[1]; }
/// Get the arguments to the true BB.
OperandValueArrayRef getTrueArgs() const;
/// Get the arguments to the false BB.
OperandValueArrayRef getFalseArgs() const;
/// Get the operands to the true BB.
ArrayRef<Operand> getTrueOperands() const;
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getTrueOperands();
/// Get the operands to the false BB.
ArrayRef<Operand> getFalseOperands() const;
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getFalseOperands();
bool isConditionOperandIndex(unsigned OpIndex) const {
assert(OpIndex < getNumOperands() &&
"OpIndex must be an index for an actual operand");
return OpIndex == ConditionIdx;
/// Is \p OpIndex an operand associated with the true case?
bool isTrueOperandIndex(unsigned OpIndex) const {
assert(OpIndex < getNumOperands() &&
"OpIndex must be an index for an actual operand");
if (NumTrueArgs == 0)
return false;
auto Operands = getTrueOperands();
return Operands.front().getOperandNumber() <= OpIndex &&
OpIndex <= Operands.back().getOperandNumber();
/// Is \p OpIndex an operand associated with the false case?
bool isFalseOperandIndex(unsigned OpIndex) const {
assert(OpIndex < getNumOperands() &&
"OpIndex must be an index for an actual operand");
if (NumFalseArgs == 0)
return false;
auto Operands = getFalseOperands();
return Operands.front().getOperandNumber() <= OpIndex &&
OpIndex <= Operands.back().getOperandNumber();
/// Returns the argument on the cond_br terminator that will be passed to
/// DestBB in A.
SILValue getArgForDestBB(const SILBasicBlock *DestBB,
const SILArgument *A) const;
/// Returns the argument on the cond_br terminator that will be passed as the
/// \p Index argument to DestBB.
SILValue getArgForDestBB(const SILBasicBlock *DestBB,
unsigned ArgIndex) const;
void swapSuccessors();
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::CondBranchInst;
/// A switch on a value of a builtin type.
class SwitchValueInst : public TermInst {
friend SILBuilder;
unsigned NumCases : 31;
unsigned HasDefault : 1;
TailAllocatedOperandList<1> Operands;
SwitchValueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILBasicBlock *DefaultBB, ArrayRef<SILValue> Cases,
ArrayRef<SILBasicBlock *> BBs);
// Tail-allocated after the SwitchValueInst record are:
// - `NumCases` SILValue values, containing
// the SILValue references for each case
// - `NumCases + HasDefault` SILSuccessor records, referencing the
// destinations for each case, ending with the default destination if
// present.
OperandValueArrayRef getCaseBuf() const {
return Operands.getDynamicValuesAsArray();
SILSuccessor *getSuccessorBuf() {
return reinterpret_cast<SILSuccessor*>(Operands.asArray().end());
const SILSuccessor *getSuccessorBuf() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const SILSuccessor *>(Operands.asArray().end());
static SwitchValueInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILBasicBlock *DefaultBB,
ArrayRef<std::pair<SILValue, SILBasicBlock *>> CaseBBs,
SILFunction &F);
/// Clean up tail-allocated successor records for the switch cases.
SILValue getOperand() const { return Operands[0].get(); }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
SuccessorListTy getSuccessors() {
return MutableArrayRef<SILSuccessor>{getSuccessorBuf(),
static_cast<size_t>(NumCases + HasDefault)};
unsigned getNumCases() const { return NumCases; }
std::pair<SILValue, SILBasicBlock*>
getCase(unsigned i) const {
assert(i < NumCases && "case out of bounds");
return {getCaseBuf()[i], getSuccessorBuf()[i]};
bool hasDefault() const { return HasDefault; }
SILBasicBlock *getDefaultBB() const {
assert(HasDefault && "doesn't have a default");
return getSuccessorBuf()[NumCases];
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::SwitchValueInst;
/// Common implementation for the switch_enum and
/// switch_enum_addr instructions.
class SwitchEnumInstBase : public TermInst {
FixedOperandList<1> Operands;
unsigned NumCases : 31;
unsigned HasDefault : 1;
// Tail-allocated after the SwitchEnumInst record are:
// - an array of `NumCases` EnumElementDecl* pointers, referencing the case
// discriminators
// - `NumCases + HasDefault` SILSuccessor records, referencing the
// destinations for each case, ending with the default destination if
// present.
// FIXME: This should use llvm::TrailingObjects, but it has subclasses
// (which are empty, of course).
EnumElementDecl **getCaseBuf() {
return reinterpret_cast<EnumElementDecl**>(this + 1);
EnumElementDecl * const* getCaseBuf() const {
return reinterpret_cast<EnumElementDecl* const*>(this + 1);
SILSuccessor *getSuccessorBuf() {
return reinterpret_cast<SILSuccessor*>(getCaseBuf() + NumCases);
const SILSuccessor *getSuccessorBuf() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const SILSuccessor*>(getCaseBuf() + NumCases);
ValueKind Kind, SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILBasicBlock *DefaultBB,
ArrayRef<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILBasicBlock *>> CaseBBs);
template <typename SWITCH_ENUM_INST>
static SWITCH_ENUM_INST *createSwitchEnum(
SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILBasicBlock *DefaultBB,
ArrayRef<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILBasicBlock *>> CaseBBs,
SILFunction &F);
/// Clean up tail-allocated successor records for the switch cases.
SILValue getOperand() const { return Operands[0].get(); }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
SuccessorListTy getSuccessors() {
return MutableArrayRef<SILSuccessor>{getSuccessorBuf(),
static_cast<size_t>(NumCases + HasDefault)};
unsigned getNumCases() const { return NumCases; }
std::pair<EnumElementDecl*, SILBasicBlock*>
getCase(unsigned i) const {
assert(i < NumCases && "case out of bounds");
return {getCaseBuf()[i], getSuccessorBuf()[i].getBB()};
/// \brief Return the block that will be branched to on the specified enum
/// case.
SILBasicBlock *getCaseDestination(EnumElementDecl *D) {
for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumCases(); i != e; ++i) {
auto Entry = getCase(i);
if (Entry.first == D) return Entry.second;
// switch_enum is required to be fully covered, so return the default if we
// didn't find anything.
return getDefaultBB();
/// \brief If the default refers to exactly one case decl, return it.
NullablePtr<EnumElementDecl> getUniqueCaseForDefault();
/// \brief If the given block only has one enum element decl matched to it,
/// return it.
NullablePtr<EnumElementDecl> getUniqueCaseForDestination(SILBasicBlock *BB);
bool hasDefault() const { return HasDefault; }
SILBasicBlock *getDefaultBB() const {
assert(HasDefault && "doesn't have a default");
return getSuccessorBuf()[NumCases];
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() >= ValueKind::SwitchEnumInst &&
V->getKind() <= ValueKind::SwitchEnumAddrInst;
/// A switch on a loadable enum's discriminator. The data for each case is
/// passed into the corresponding destination block as an argument.
class SwitchEnumInst : public SwitchEnumInstBase {
friend SILBuilder;
friend SwitchEnumInstBase;
SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILBasicBlock *DefaultBB,
ArrayRef<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILBasicBlock *>> CaseBBs)
: SwitchEnumInstBase(ValueKind::SwitchEnumInst, DebugLoc, Operand,
DefaultBB, CaseBBs) {}
static SwitchEnumInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILBasicBlock *DefaultBB,
ArrayRef<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILBasicBlock *>> CaseBBs,
SILFunction &F);
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::SwitchEnumInst;
/// A switch on an enum's discriminator in memory.
class SwitchEnumAddrInst : public SwitchEnumInstBase {
friend SILBuilder;
friend SwitchEnumInstBase;
SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILBasicBlock *DefaultBB,
ArrayRef<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILBasicBlock *>> CaseBBs)
: SwitchEnumInstBase(ValueKind::SwitchEnumAddrInst, DebugLoc, Operand,
DefaultBB, CaseBBs) {}
static SwitchEnumAddrInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILBasicBlock *DefaultBB,
ArrayRef<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILBasicBlock *>> CaseBBs,
SILFunction &F);
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::SwitchEnumAddrInst;
/// Branch on the existence of an Objective-C method in the dynamic type of
/// an object.
/// If the method exists, branches to the first BB, providing it with the
/// method reference; otherwise, branches to the second BB.
class DynamicMethodBranchInst : public TermInst {
friend SILBuilder;
SILDeclRef Member;
SILSuccessor DestBBs[2];
/// The operand.
FixedOperandList<1> Operands;
DynamicMethodBranchInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
SILDeclRef Member, SILBasicBlock *HasMethodBB,
SILBasicBlock *NoMethodBB);
/// Construct a DynamicMethodBranchInst that will branch to \c HasMethodBB or
/// \c NoMethodBB based on the ability of the object operand to respond to
/// a message with the same selector as the member.
static DynamicMethodBranchInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILDeclRef Member,
SILBasicBlock *HasMethodBB, SILBasicBlock *NoMethodBB, SILFunction &F);
SILValue getOperand() const { return Operands[0].get(); }
SILDeclRef getMember() const { return Member; }
SuccessorListTy getSuccessors() {
return DestBBs;
SILBasicBlock *getHasMethodBB() { return DestBBs[0]; }
const SILBasicBlock *getHasMethodBB() const { return DestBBs[0]; }
SILBasicBlock *getNoMethodBB() { return DestBBs[1]; }
const SILBasicBlock *getNoMethodBB() const { return DestBBs[1]; }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::DynamicMethodBranchInst;
/// Perform a checked cast operation and branch on whether the cast succeeds.
/// The success branch destination block receives the cast result as a BB
/// argument.
class CheckedCastBranchInst final:
public UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase<
false> {
friend SILBuilder;
SILType DestTy;
bool IsExact;
SILSuccessor DestBBs[2];
CheckedCastBranchInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, bool IsExact,
SILValue Operand,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
SILType DestTy,
SILBasicBlock *SuccessBB, SILBasicBlock *FailureBB)
: UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase(DebugLoc, Operand,
DestTy(DestTy), IsExact(IsExact),
DestBBs{{this, SuccessBB}, {this, FailureBB}} {}
static CheckedCastBranchInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, bool IsExact, SILValue Operand,
SILType DestTy, SILBasicBlock *SuccessBB, SILBasicBlock *FailureBB,
SILFunction &F, SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
bool isExact() const { return IsExact; }
SuccessorListTy getSuccessors() {
return DestBBs;
/// Returns the formal type of the source value.
CanType getSourceType() const {
// This instruction is only used with types that allow this.
return getOperand()->getType().getSwiftRValueType();
/// Returns the formal target type.
CanType getTargetType() const {
// This instruction is only used with types that allow this.
return getCastType().getSwiftRValueType();
SILType getCastType() const { return DestTy; }
SILBasicBlock *getSuccessBB() { return DestBBs[0]; }
const SILBasicBlock *getSuccessBB() const { return DestBBs[0]; }
SILBasicBlock *getFailureBB() { return DestBBs[1]; }
const SILBasicBlock *getFailureBB() const { return DestBBs[1]; }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::CheckedCastBranchInst;
/// Perform a checked cast operation and branch on whether the cast succeeds.
/// The success branch destination block receives the cast result as a BB
/// argument.
class CheckedCastValueBranchInst final
: public UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase<
ValueKind::CheckedCastValueBranchInst, CheckedCastValueBranchInst,
TermInst, false> {
friend SILBuilder;
SILType DestTy;
SILSuccessor DestBBs[2];
CheckedCastValueBranchInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
SILType DestTy, SILBasicBlock *SuccessBB,
SILBasicBlock *FailureBB)
: UnaryInstructionWithTypeDependentOperandsBase(DebugLoc, Operand,
DestTy(DestTy), DestBBs{{this, SuccessBB}, {this, FailureBB}} {}
static CheckedCastValueBranchInst *
create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType DestTy,
SILBasicBlock *SuccessBB, SILBasicBlock *FailureBB, SILFunction &F,
SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
SuccessorListTy getSuccessors() { return DestBBs; }
/// Returns the formal type of the source value.
CanType getSourceType() const {
// This instruction is only used with types that allow this.
return getOperand()->getType().getSwiftRValueType();
/// Returns the formal target type.
CanType getTargetType() const {
// This instruction is only used with types that allow this.
return getCastType().getSwiftRValueType();
SILType getCastType() const { return DestTy; }
SILBasicBlock *getSuccessBB() { return DestBBs[0]; }
const SILBasicBlock *getSuccessBB() const { return DestBBs[0]; }
SILBasicBlock *getFailureBB() { return DestBBs[1]; }
const SILBasicBlock *getFailureBB() const { return DestBBs[1]; }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::CheckedCastValueBranchInst;
/// Perform a checked cast operation and branch on whether the cast succeeds.
/// The result of the checked cast is left in the destination address.
class CheckedCastAddrBranchInst : public TermInst {
friend SILBuilder;
CastConsumptionKind ConsumptionKind;
enum {
/// the value being stored
/// the lvalue being stored to
FixedOperandList<2> Operands;
SILSuccessor DestBBs[2];
CanType SourceType;
CanType TargetType;
CheckedCastAddrBranchInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc,
CastConsumptionKind consumptionKind, SILValue src,
CanType srcType, SILValue dest, CanType targetType,
SILBasicBlock *successBB, SILBasicBlock *failureBB)
: TermInst(ValueKind::CheckedCastAddrBranchInst, DebugLoc),
ConsumptionKind(consumptionKind), Operands{this, src, dest},
DestBBs{{this, successBB}, {this, failureBB}}, SourceType(srcType),
TargetType(targetType) {}
CastConsumptionKind getConsumptionKind() const { return ConsumptionKind; }
SILValue getSrc() const { return Operands[Src].get(); }
SILValue getDest() const { return Operands[Dest].get(); }
/// Returns the formal type of the source value.
CanType getSourceType() const { return SourceType; }
/// Returns the formal target type.
CanType getTargetType() const { return TargetType; }
ArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() const { return Operands.asArray(); }
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getAllOperands() { return Operands.asArray(); }
SuccessorListTy getSuccessors() {
return DestBBs;
SILBasicBlock *getSuccessBB() { return DestBBs[0]; }
const SILBasicBlock *getSuccessBB() const { return DestBBs[0]; }
SILBasicBlock *getFailureBB() { return DestBBs[1]; }
const SILBasicBlock *getFailureBB() const { return DestBBs[1]; }
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::CheckedCastAddrBranchInst;
/// A private abstract class to store the destinations of a TryApplyInst.
class TryApplyInstBase : public TermInst {
enum {
// Map branch targets to block successor indices.
SILSuccessor DestBBs[2];
TryApplyInstBase(ValueKind valueKind, SILDebugLocation Loc,
SILBasicBlock *normalBB, SILBasicBlock *errorBB);
SuccessorListTy getSuccessors() {
return DestBBs;
bool isNormalSuccessorRef(SILSuccessor *successor) const {
assert(successor == &DestBBs[0] || successor == &DestBBs[1]);
return successor == &DestBBs[0];
bool isErrorSuccessorRef(SILSuccessor *successor) const {
assert(successor == &DestBBs[0] || successor == &DestBBs[1]);
return successor == &DestBBs[1];
SILBasicBlock *getNormalBB() { return DestBBs[NormalIdx]; }
const SILBasicBlock *getNormalBB() const { return DestBBs[NormalIdx]; }
SILBasicBlock *getErrorBB() { return DestBBs[ErrorIdx]; }
const SILBasicBlock *getErrorBB() const { return DestBBs[ErrorIdx]; }
/// TryApplyInst - Represents the full application of a function that
/// can produce an error.
class TryApplyInst
: public ApplyInstBase<TryApplyInst, TryApplyInstBase> {
friend SILBuilder;
TryApplyInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue callee,
SILType substCalleeType, SubstitutionList substitutions,
ArrayRef<SILValue> args,
ArrayRef<SILValue> TypeDependentOperands,
SILBasicBlock *normalBB, SILBasicBlock *errorBB);
static TryApplyInst *create(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue callee,
SILType substCalleeType,
SubstitutionList substitutions,
ArrayRef<SILValue> args, SILBasicBlock *normalBB,
SILBasicBlock *errorBB, SILFunction &F,
SILOpenedArchetypesState &OpenedArchetypes);
static bool classof(const ValueBase *V) {
return V->getKind() == ValueKind::TryApplyInst;
/// An apply instruction.
class ApplySite {
SILInstruction *Inst;
explicit ApplySite(void *p) : Inst(static_cast<SILInstruction *>(p)) {}
ApplySite() : Inst(nullptr) {}
explicit ApplySite(ValueBase *inst)
: Inst(static_cast<SILInstruction*>(inst)) {
assert(classof(inst) && "not an apply instruction?");
ApplySite(ApplyInst *inst) : Inst(inst) {}
ApplySite(PartialApplyInst *inst) : Inst(inst) {}
ApplySite(TryApplyInst *inst) : Inst(inst) {}
SILModule &getModule() const {
return Inst->getModule();
static ApplySite isa(ValueBase *inst) {
return (classof(inst) ? ApplySite(inst) : ApplySite());
explicit operator bool() const {
return Inst != nullptr;
SILInstruction *getInstruction() const { return Inst; }
SILLocation getLoc() const { return Inst->getLoc(); }
const SILDebugScope *getDebugScope() const { return Inst->getDebugScope(); }
SILFunction *getFunction() const { return Inst->getFunction(); }
SILBasicBlock *getParent() const { return Inst->getParent(); }
switch (Inst->getKind()) { \
case ValueKind::ApplyInst: \
return cast<ApplyInst>(Inst)->OPERATION; \
case ValueKind::PartialApplyInst: \
return cast<PartialApplyInst>(Inst)->OPERATION; \
case ValueKind::TryApplyInst: \
return cast<TryApplyInst>(Inst)->OPERATION; \
default: \
llvm_unreachable("not an apply instruction!"); \
} \
} while (0)
/// Return the callee operand.
SILValue getCallee() const {
/// Gets the referenced function by looking through partial apply,
/// convert_function, and thin to thick function until we find a function_ref.
SILFunction *getCalleeFunction() const {
/// Return the referenced function if the callee is a function_ref
/// instruction.
SILFunction *getReferencedFunction() const {
/// Return the type.
SILType getType() const { return getSubstCalleeConv().getSILResultType(); }
/// Get the type of the callee without the applied substitutions.
CanSILFunctionType getOrigCalleeType() const {
return getCallee()->getType().castTo<SILFunctionType>();
/// Get the conventions of the callee without the applied substitutions.
SILFunctionConventions getOrigCalleeConv() const {
return SILFunctionConventions(getOrigCalleeType(), getModule());
/// Get the type of the callee with the applied substitutions.
CanSILFunctionType getSubstCalleeType() const {
return getSubstCalleeSILType().castTo<SILFunctionType>();
SILType getSubstCalleeSILType() const {
/// Get the conventions of the callee with the applied substitutions.
SILFunctionConventions getSubstCalleeConv() const {
return SILFunctionConventions(getSubstCalleeType(), getModule());
/// Check if this is a call of a never-returning function.
bool isCalleeNoReturn() const {
bool isCalleeThin() const {
switch (getSubstCalleeType()->getRepresentation()) {
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::CFunctionPointer:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thin:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Method:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::ObjCMethod:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::WitnessMethod:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Closure:
return true;
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Block:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thick:
return false;
/// True if this application has generic substitutions.
bool hasSubstitutions() const {
/// The substitutions used to bind the generic arguments of this function.
MutableArrayRef<Substitution> getSubstitutions() const {
/// The arguments passed to this instruction.
MutableArrayRef<Operand> getArgumentOperands() const {
/// The arguments passed to this instruction.
OperandValueArrayRef getArguments() const {
/// The number of call arguments.
unsigned getNumCallArguments() const {
/// The arguments passed to this instruction, without self.
OperandValueArrayRef getArgumentsWithoutSelf() const {
switch (Inst->getKind()) {
case ValueKind::ApplyInst:
return cast<ApplyInst>(Inst)->getArgumentsWithoutSelf();
case ValueKind::TryApplyInst:
return cast<TryApplyInst>(Inst)->getArgumentsWithoutSelf();
llvm_unreachable("not implemented for this instruction!");
/// Returns the number of arguments for this partial apply.
unsigned getNumArguments() const { return getArguments().size(); }
// Get the callee argument index corresponding to the caller's first applied
// argument. Returns 0 for full applies. May return > 0 for partial applies.
unsigned getCalleeArgIndexOfFirstAppliedArg() const {
switch (Inst->getKind()) {
case ValueKind::ApplyInst:
case ValueKind::TryApplyInst:
return 0;
case ValueKind::PartialApplyInst:
return getSubstCalleeConv().getNumSILArguments() - getNumArguments();
llvm_unreachable("not implemented for this instruction!");
Operand &getArgumentRef(unsigned i) const { return getArgumentOperands()[i]; }
/// Return the ith argument passed to this instruction.
SILValue getArgument(unsigned i) const { return getArguments()[i]; }
/// Set the ith argument of this instruction.
void setArgument(unsigned i, SILValue V) const {
/// Return the self argument passed to this instruction.
bool hasSelfArgument() const {
switch (Inst->getKind()) {
case ValueKind::ApplyInst:
return cast<ApplyInst>(Inst)->hasSelfArgument();
case ValueKind::TryApplyInst:
return cast<TryApplyInst>(Inst)->hasSelfArgument();
llvm_unreachable("not implemented for this instruction!");
/// Return the self argument passed to this instruction.
SILValue getSelfArgument() const {
switch (Inst->getKind()) {
case ValueKind::ApplyInst:
return cast<ApplyInst>(Inst)->getSelfArgument();
case ValueKind::TryApplyInst:
return cast<TryApplyInst>(Inst)->getSelfArgument();
llvm_unreachable("not implemented for this instruction!");
/// Return the self operand passed to this instruction.
Operand &getSelfArgumentOperand() {
switch (Inst->getKind()) {
case ValueKind::ApplyInst:
return cast<ApplyInst>(Inst)->getSelfArgumentOperand();
case ValueKind::TryApplyInst:
return cast<TryApplyInst>(Inst)->getSelfArgumentOperand();
llvm_unreachable("not implemented for this instruction!");
SILArgumentConvention getArgumentConvention(unsigned index) const {
return getSubstCalleeConv().getSILArgumentConvention(index);
static ApplySite getFromOpaqueValue(void *p) {
return ApplySite(p);
friend bool operator==(ApplySite lhs, ApplySite rhs) {
return lhs.getInstruction() == rhs.getInstruction();
friend bool operator!=(ApplySite lhs, ApplySite rhs) {
return lhs.getInstruction() != rhs.getInstruction();
static bool classof(const ValueBase *inst) {
return (inst->getKind() == ValueKind::ApplyInst ||
inst->getKind() == ValueKind::PartialApplyInst ||
inst->getKind() == ValueKind::TryApplyInst);
/// A full function application.
class FullApplySite : public ApplySite {
explicit FullApplySite(void *p) : ApplySite(p) {}
FullApplySite() : ApplySite() {}
explicit FullApplySite(ValueBase *inst) : ApplySite(inst) {
assert(classof(inst) && "not an apply instruction?");
FullApplySite(ApplyInst *inst) : ApplySite(inst) {}
FullApplySite(TryApplyInst *inst) : ApplySite(inst) {}
static FullApplySite isa(ValueBase *inst) {
return (classof(inst) ? FullApplySite(inst) : FullApplySite());
bool hasIndirectSILResults() const {
return getSubstCalleeConv().hasIndirectSILResults();
unsigned getNumIndirectSILResults() const {
return getSubstCalleeConv().getNumIndirectSILResults();
OperandValueArrayRef getIndirectSILResults() const {
return getArguments().slice(0, getNumIndirectSILResults());
OperandValueArrayRef getArgumentsWithoutIndirectResults() const {
return getArguments().slice(getNumIndirectSILResults());
static FullApplySite getFromOpaqueValue(void *p) {
return FullApplySite(p);
static bool classof(const ValueBase *inst) {
return (inst->getKind() == ValueKind::ApplyInst ||
inst->getKind() == ValueKind::TryApplyInst);
// This is defined out of line to work around the fact that this depends on
// PartialApplyInst being defined, but PartialApplyInst is a subclass of
// ApplyInstBase, so we can not place ApplyInstBase after it.
template <class Impl, class Base>
SILFunction *ApplyInstBase<Impl, Base, false>::getCalleeFunction() const {
SILValue Callee = getCallee();
while (true) {
if (auto *FRI = dyn_cast<FunctionRefInst>(Callee)) {
return FRI->getReferencedFunction();
if (auto *PAI = dyn_cast<PartialApplyInst>(Callee)) {
Callee = PAI->getCallee();
if (auto *TTTFI = dyn_cast<ThinToThickFunctionInst>(Callee)) {
Callee = TTTFI->getCallee();
if (auto *CFI = dyn_cast<ConvertFunctionInst>(Callee)) {
Callee = CFI->getConverted();
return nullptr;
} // end swift namespace
// ilist_traits for SILInstruction
namespace llvm {
template <>
struct ilist_traits<::swift::SILInstruction> :
public ilist_default_traits<::swift::SILInstruction> {
using SILInstruction = ::swift::SILInstruction;
swift::SILBasicBlock *getContainingBlock();
using instr_iterator = simple_ilist<SILInstruction>::iterator;
static void deleteNode(SILInstruction *V) {
void addNodeToList(SILInstruction *I);
void removeNodeFromList(SILInstruction *I);
void transferNodesFromList(ilist_traits<SILInstruction> &L2,
instr_iterator first, instr_iterator last);
void createNode(const SILInstruction &);
// An ApplySite casts like a SILInstruction*.
template<> struct simplify_type<const ::swift::ApplySite> {
using SimpleType = ::swift::SILInstruction *;
static SimpleType getSimplifiedValue(const ::swift::ApplySite &Val) {
return Val.getInstruction();
template<> struct simplify_type< ::swift::ApplySite>
: public simplify_type<const ::swift::ApplySite> {};
template<> struct simplify_type< ::swift::FullApplySite>
: public simplify_type<const ::swift::ApplySite> {};
template<> struct simplify_type<const ::swift::FullApplySite>
: public simplify_type<const ::swift::ApplySite> {};
template<> struct DenseMapInfo< ::swift::ApplySite> {
static ::swift::ApplySite getEmptyKey() {
return ::swift::ApplySite::getFromOpaqueValue(
llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getEmptyKey());
static ::swift::ApplySite getTombstoneKey() {
return ::swift::ApplySite::getFromOpaqueValue(
llvm::DenseMapInfo<void *>::getTombstoneKey());
static unsigned getHashValue( ::swift::ApplySite AS) {
auto *I = AS.getInstruction();
return DenseMapInfo< ::swift::SILInstruction *>::getHashValue(I);
static bool isEqual( ::swift::ApplySite LHS, ::swift::ApplySite RHS) {
return LHS == RHS;
template<> struct DenseMapInfo< ::swift::FullApplySite> {
static ::swift::FullApplySite getEmptyKey() {
return ::swift::FullApplySite::getFromOpaqueValue(
static ::swift::FullApplySite getTombstoneKey() {
return ::swift::FullApplySite::getFromOpaqueValue(
static unsigned getHashValue( ::swift::FullApplySite AS) {
auto *I = AS.getInstruction();
return DenseMapInfo< ::swift::SILInstruction *>::getHashValue(I);
static bool isEqual( ::swift::FullApplySite LHS, ::swift::FullApplySite RHS) {
return LHS == RHS;
} // end llvm namespace